DX425 bulletin issue nr. 802

425 DX News #802
16 September 2006 
A.R.I. Dx Bulletin
Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH
Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org) 
The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile I2VGW        
9A       - A group of operators  from radio clubs  "Karlovac" and "Duga  Resa"
           will be active as 9A1C from Zut (EU-170) and possibily other nearby
           islands on 15-17 September. Look for  activity on 40 and 20  metres
           SSB. [TNX VA3RJ]
9A       - Once again Zik,  VE3ZIK (http://www.qslnet.de/ve3zik) will  operate
           as 9A/VE3ZIK from Bilice, Croatia from  15 September to 1  October.
           He might also go and operate  as 9A/VE3ZIK/p from an island in  the
           EU-170 IOTA group. QSL via DL3PS, direct or through the DARC bureau
           (e-mail requests for bureau cards can  be sent to  zik@tiscali.de).
           [TNX VE3ZIK]
9A       - Livio/9A3KS and Tom/9A2AA plan to operate  from various islands  in
           the EU-110 IOTA group starting on 19 September. QSL via home calls.
           [TNX 9A2AA]
C9       - Marq, CT1BWW will be signing C91BWW from Maputo, Mozambique on  3-7
           October (not 24 September, 425DXN #801).  His C98BWW activity  from
           Bazaruto (AF-072) is confirmed to take  place on 7-14 October.  QSL
           via home call.
GW & VK  - The Wales to Wahroonga special event stations will be operating  on
           22 September, celebrating the first radio  message from Britain  to
           Australia, sent by Marconi in Carnarvon  (Wales) to Ernest Fisk  in
           Wahroonga (NSW) on 22 September 1918.  From Australia, VK2WAH  will
           be active on 80-10 metres, while  GB2VK will be operating from  the
           original Marconi Transatlantic Station in Carnarvon. [TNX VK2YJS]
I        - ARI Torino and the Wave Master Team will operate as IU1WFC  between
           15 September  and 15  October for  the World  Fencing  Championship
           (http://www.escrime-torino2006.com/). QSL  via  IZ1GCZ,  direct  or
           bureau. [TNX IW1FGZ]
I        - Special station  IU9MK will  be active  on 17  September from  near
           Palermo, Sicily celebrating  the "Kolbe Day  2006". Fr.  Maximilian
           Kolbe, SP3RN, was a Polish Franciscan friar who volunteered to  die
           in place of  a family father  in the  Nazi Auschwitz  concentration
           camp. [TNX Info-Radio by I1SCL]
I        - Several COTA (Carabinieri On  The Air, http://www.cota.cc) members
           will operate special station II7CC for the XVII national meeting of
           the Associazione Nazionale Carabinieri to be held in Bari on  22-24
           September. QSL via IZ8DDG, direct or bureau.
JA       - Look for  JA4NVY/4 to  be active  from  Naga Island  (AS-117,  JIIA
           AS-117-022), Hiroshima Prefecture on 17-18 September. QSL via  home
           call, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JW       - Karl, LA8DW and Nils, LA8XU will be active as JW8DW and JW8XU  from
           Longyearbyen (EU-026),  Svalbard from  25 September  to 1  October.
           They will  operate SSB,  CW,  RTTY and  PSK31  from the  JW5E  club
           station. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau.
PA       - Special station PA400RVR is active until 16 September to  celebrate
           the 400th  anniversary of  the birth  of  Rembrandt van  Rijn,  the
           famous painter. QSL via PD0NTB. [TNX F5NQL]
PA       - Special callsign  PC6NHW  will  be  aired  on  16-24  September  to
           commemorate the "New Dutch Waterline"  defence system built  nearby
           Utrecht during  the XIX  century. QSL  via bureau  to PA3CNX.  [TNX
SM       - Anders/SM3XGV, Classe/SM3GSK, Jorgen/SM3CXS and Staffan/SM3JGG will
           operate CW  and SSB  as SG3U  from  Grimskar Island  (EU-176)  from
           around 16 UTC on 22 September until around 11 UTC on the 24th.  QSL
           via SM3CXS (bureau preferred). [TNX SM3CXS]
SV       - A  group   of  operators   from   the  SV   DX-Group   (John/SV1GE,
           George/SV1RP,    Stelios/SV1AAU,    Chris/SV2DGH,     Takis/SV2FWV,
           Daniel/SV1JCZ, John/SV0XAD and Paul/DH9VA) will be active as  SY8GE
           from Kythera Island (EU-113) from 23  September through 1  October.
           They plan to operate on all bands SSB, CW, RTTY and BPSK31. QSL via
           SV2DGH. Further information, on-line log included, can be found  at
           http://www.sv2dgh.com/sy8ge [TNX SV2DGH]
SV5      - Drew, GM3YOR will be  operate holiday style  CW only as  SV5/GM3YOR
           from Chalki, Dodecanese  (EU-001) from 21  September to 4  October.
           [TNX GM3YOR]
VE       - Steve, VE2TKH will be  in Iqaluit, Baffin  Island (NA-047, Zone  2)
           until June  2007 for  a nine-month  contract as  a French  language
           assistant. He currently active on 20 metres as VY0ICE and will  try
           to operate on as many other bands as possible (6 to 80 metres). QSL
           direct to VE2AWR (Serge Langlois, 1291  Du Comte, Charlesbourg,  QC
           G2L 1B8, Canada).
W        - Leroy, N7EIE will operate as N7EIE/m  from Whidbey Island  (NA-065)
           on 17 September. He  says he will  be on the  island "from 16.00  Z
           until I run the pile-up  on 14.045+/- CW  in the Washington  Salmon
           Run Contest. I  will also try  21.045 CW and  14.275 USB". QSL  via
           bureau. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
W        - Eric/N8YC,  Lynn/WD8JAW,  Phil/KG8AP,  Brian/K4BRI,  Dennis/KB8ROA,
           Pete/KC8BZM, Gerry/KD8ASL and Bob/WB8JHT will operate as K8SCH from
           Deer Isle (NA-055) on 25-29 September. Look for activity on 80, 40,
           20, 15 and  10 metres  SSB depending  on band  conditions. QSL  via
           K8SCH. [TNX www.rgsbiota.org]
W        - A large group of operators from the Tennessee Valley DX Association
           will be active as W4PL from Emerald Isle (NA-112) from 27 September
           to 6 October. They plan to operate CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK-31 on 6-80
           metres. QSL via K4KWK, direct or bureau. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
XW       - Eugene, RU3DX is active as XW8KPL/RU3DX  from Vientiane, Laos until
           19 September. [TNX XW3DT]
YU6      - Martti, OH2BH is back to Montenegro  and will be active as 4O3B  on
           various bands (Scandinavian Activity  Contest included) through  18
           September. QSL via OH2BH. [TNX OH2BN]
ANTARCTIC TOUR ---> Mike Gloistein, GM0HCQ (VP8CMH) left again for Antarctica
onboard the  RRS "James  Clark Ross"  on 4  September, bound  for  Montevideo
(Uruguay). Mike hopes to be able  to operate from  South Georgia (VP8SGK)  in
October and possibly from Rothera Base VP8ROT (G-07 for the Antarctica Award)
on Adelaide Island  (AN-001)  in December.  Check  http://www.gm0hcq.com/ for
regualr  updates  and  daily pictures. QSL via GM0HCQ, direct or bureau.
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
MRASZ QSL BUREAU ---> The new address for the Hungarian QSL Bureau is:  MRASZ
QSL Bureau, P.O. Box 144, H-1476  Budapest, Hungary. For further  information
please   contact    the   officer    in    charge,   Alex    Gyorfi,    HA7UW
(mrasz-qsl.bureau@freemail.hu). [TNX HA1AG]
QSL C31LJ  --->  Nenad, VE3EXY  is  the new  QSL  manager  for  Peter,  C31LJ
(including his  other prefixes).  The previous  QSL manager  (Peter's  father
Geoffrey Jennings, VE3GEJ) passed away on 30 April 2006. [TNX VA3RJ]
QSL T98T ---> All cards  can be sent  through the T9  QSL bureau, as  Robert,
T98U is taking care of them (e-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent  to
t98u@teol.net). Direct cards for QSOs made  with T98T from Canada and the  US
should be sent to Zeljko's address in New Jersey (Zeljko Repic, P.O. Box 703,
Garfield, NJ 07026, USA). Direct cards for all other QSOs can be sent to T98U
(Robert Babec, Plitvicka 7, 78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia-Herzegovina). [TNX T98U]
XF4DL ---> The DXpedition  to Isla Socorro,  Revillagigedo [425DXN 801]  will
emphasize PSK63 during digital mode  operations. "We know  that PSK63 is  for
sure not  one  of the  very  popular modes  and  very uncommon  for  a  major
DXpedition  like  ours",  Juergen,  DL8LE   says.  However,  "its   excellent
properties" should allow "many more  digital mode QSOs  than possible in  old
standard   RTTY".    Please    visit    the    Digital    Modes    page    at
http://www.xf4dl.xedx.org for full information.
ZL9BSJ/P ---> Bert, ZL2BSJ did  operate from Campbell  Island (OC-037) on  10
September.He "works for New Zealand's weather service", The Daily DX reports,
"and sails in the Campbell Island area once or  twice a year. If he is  lucky
and has some spare time  he operates from  the wharf for  a few hours  before
heading back out  to sea". A  similar activity took  place back  in 2002  (12
September). Last week's operation was cut  short by the weather and Bert  was
able to log 133 QSOs. QSL via ZL2BSJ.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
IK3GES:     On-line  logs   and  pictures   of  Gabriele's   IOTA   activities
            (1991-2006)  can  be  found  at  http://www.ik3ges.it/. Gabriele
            reports he has  processed and mailed  all of  the direct  requests
            received so far (this applies also to the stations he his the  QSL
            manager for). All of the outstading QSOs made by him and  IZ3HER/p
            will be confirmed automatically via the bureau in late October.
VU7:        The official website  for the January  2007 Hamfest-DXpedition  to
            the  Lakshadweeps  [425DXN   801]  is  now   up  and  running   at

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3Z0MSPO     SP7PKI      EF8RHG      EC8ABQ      SU9GD       DJ2AVB
3Z0SITG     SP9PRO      EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      SV5/PA3GCV  PA3GCV
3Z40PZF     SP9PTA      EL2AR       EL2BA       T88DB       JH1UUT
4A7L        WA3HUP      FM5WD       W3HNK       TA0/DJ8QP   DJ8QP
4L0G        K3PD        FT5XP/mm    F4EFI       TA4/KH0DQ   JF1SQC
4O5A        YU7AV       GB1H        MM3LQK      TA9F        KA4UFT
4U1WB       KK4HD       GB5BIG      GI2BX       TM2C        F6KUF
4X0T        4Z5FI       HA100RADIO  HA5KHC      TM2P        F5IRC
4X4IRS      4X6ZK       HC1MD       K8LJG       TM7BV       F6KVD
5H3RK       W3/VK4VB    HF40PSL     SP5PSL      TM8CDX      F5CQ
5N9SJA      N0OY        HZ1AN       DJ9ZB       TU2/F5LDY   F1CGN
5R8FU       SM5DJZ      IF9/IN3XUG  IN3XUG      TX5NK       DJ8NK
5R8GT/P     DK8ZD       II8MM       IZ8FBS      TX5T        DL2RUM
5U7B        I2YSB       IQ5LV/P     I5NZR       UE0YDA/P    RA0WA
5U7MA       VK8ZMA      J48LEK      SV2BWC      UE6WAA      RA6AU
5W0YY       7K3BKY      J49FD/p     SV9KIF      UP0L        DL8KAC
5W1SA       JH7OHF      JT800OK     OK1XC       UU7J        UU0JM
5Z4DZ       PA1AW       K3GV/VY2    K3GV        V5/DF3GY    DF3GY
5Z4ES       K3PD        K6P         KM6HB       V5/HB9QQ    HB9QQ
7O1X        pirate      KH6BB       K1ER        VE#/F5AHO   F5AHO
7P8DJ       DL7JAN      LU8XW       WD9EWK      VE#/F5PAC   F5PAC
7P8JF       DL7JAN      LX/ON6RJ    ON6RJ       VE6QCWA     VE6AFO
7P8WO       DL7JAN      LX/OO7A     ON4PVH      VK7AAH/5    AA8LL
9H0VRZ      PB9ZR       LX/OP7A     ON4BAG      VK7AED/5    K8LIZ
9H3QH       PH2M        LX/OQ0A     ON6UM       VQ9JC       ND9M
9H3X        PE1NGF      LZ13ARDF    LZ1KZA      VQ9JK       G4FJK
9H3YM       PE1OFJ      MD0ECG      DL1ECG      VY0ICE      VE2AWR
9H3YN       PA3CUZ      MD0LON      DF1LON      VY2/F5AHO   F5AHO
9H3ZR       PB9ZR       MM0XAU      DJ6AU       VY2/F5PAC   F5PAC
9H9PA       PH2M        MU0ARC      G3LP        W2WTC       K2HJB
9J2VB       UA4WHX      OH0PM       OH2PM       XE1L        WA3HUP
9V1YC       N5ID        OJ0LA       LA9VDA      XV3DHY      JA1DHY
A45WD       YO9HP       OJ0RJ       OH0RJ       XV3EKK      JA1EKK
A61AB       IZ8CLM      ON12FORTS   ON5VL       XW1A        E21EIC
A7/M0ECE    W5IQS       ON4DAMIAN   ON4CP  (a)  YB0ECT      K3AIR
A71EM       EA7FTR      ON4DAMIAN   ON4LN  (b)  YB8TAF      EA5KB
B7M         BG7LHY      ON4USA      ON4GDV      YE9BALI     YB9BU
BP100S      BX4AN       ON900BN/P   ON6NB       YI9KT       SP8HKT
BY1PK/IK1YDB IK1YDB     OZ/NX1S     DL4OK       YI9RKB      SP1RKB
C4M         W3HNK       PA400RVR    PD0NTB      YR1A        YO3JR
D2DX        OH2BAD      PJ2F        LY4F        YZ6AMD      EA7FTR
DP0EPO      DF8KN       PJ4LS       PA0JLS      ZA1E        I2MQP
E51KH       ZL4HU       R860T       UA3PM       ZB2FX       G3RFX
EA5/OO4F/p  ON4LO       RA9LI/9     UA9LP       ZG2FK       G3RFX
ED#SDC      EA1AUM      S50FIRAC    S59DZL      ZL2MAT      K3PD
EE1SDC      EA1AUM      S79RC       IK0PRP      ZP8AE       EA7FTR
EF1SDC      EA1AUM      SN0MME      SP3KUJ      ZW5B        W3HC
EF3IB       EC3AKY      SN100SZ     SP9PGB      ZX2B        PY2MNL
EF8OTR      EA8AUW      SN63TDP     SP4ZHT      ZX5J        AI4U
(a)  bureau    (b)  direct

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
8P9NX    Peter Cross, 90 Greenpoint, St. Philip, Barbados
CE7AOY   Ismael Pizarro, P.O. Box 139, Puerto Aysen, Chile
DL7JAN   Jan Foerderer, Alte Poststr. 34, 69254 Malsch, Germany
EL2BA    H. Walcott Benjamin, 285 St. Marks Place, Apt. 4D, Staten Island, NY
         10301, USA
F1CGN    Fabrice Plet, 58 Avenue Rene Lebail, 91210 Draveil, France
F5AHO    Jean-Pierre Kaeuffeur, 15 bis chemin des Bucherons, 68400 Riedisheim,
F5PAC    Joel Sutterlin, 1 rue du Rossberg, 68310 Wittelsheim, France
KM6HB    Mark McMullen, P.O.Box 27271, Santa Ana, CA 92799, USA
LA9VDA   Trond Johannessen, Helgedalen 13, N-1528 Moss, Norway
LZ1KZA   P.O. Box 36, Karlovo, 4300 Bulgaria
OH2BAD   Miika Heikinheimo, Kiviojantie 10 C, 04430 Jarvenpaa, Finland
OK1XC    Josef Miksatko, Drachov 79, 39201 Sobeslav, Czech Republic
PB9ZR    Ruben van der Zwet, Barentszstraat 1, 2161 TJ Lisse, The Netherlands
PD0NTB   J.C. Van Lit Ouwerkerk, Willem de Zwijgerlaan 6, 2316GB Leiden, The
PH2M     Frank de Wilde, Zuidegge 4, 2391 DA Hazerswoude-Dorp, The Netherlands
V31AN    FISTS QSL Bureau, 1020 Long Island Drive, Moneta, VA 24121, USA
V31EA    FISTS QSL Bureau, 1020 Long Island Drive, Moneta, VA 24121, USA
V31MR    FISTS QSL Bureau, 1020 Long Island Drive, Moneta, VA 24121, USA
V31UU    FISTS QSL Bureau, 1020 Long Island Drive, Moneta, VA 24121, USA
VE3EXY   Nenad Stevanovic, P.O. Box 65046, Nepean, ON K2G 5Y3, Canada
VQ9LA    Larry Arneson, PSC 466 Box 24 (DG-21 Annex 30), FPO AP 96595-0024,
W3HNK    Joseph Arcure Jr, 115 Buck Run Road, Lincoln University, PA 19352,USA
W5IQS    Evan Roberts, P.O. Box 8288, Horseshoe Bay, Texas 78657, USA
ZL4HU    Ken A Holdom, P O Box 7, Clyde, Central Otago, New Zealand

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                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000
                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org)
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                                 MAILING LIST
                    Please visit the "Mailing List" page at
        and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                   or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                   Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org)
                            Direttore Responsabile
                             Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia