DX425 bulletin issue nr. 785

425 DX News #785
20 May 2006 
    A.R.I. Dx BulletinEdited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile I2VGW        
      4W      - Michael, PA5M is  currently in Timor  Leste and  awaiting the  final
          approval of his licence. The callsign is unknown yet, but will  most
          likely be known  on 22  May. His  QSL manager  (PA7FM) reports  that
          Michael will be there "only  for a few  weeks". Updates and  further
          details will be posted at http://www.4w.pa7fm [TNX PA7FM]
5B      - Look for Harvey, ON5SY and Danny, ON4ON to operate holiday style  on
          40-10 metres SSB and CW as 5B/OO5S and 5B/OQ1C from Cyprus on  22-30
          May. QSL via ON4ON, direct or bureau. [TNX ON4ON]
9M6     - The Borneo Amateur Radio Club (9M6BRC)  will operate on 40, 20,  15,
          10 and 6 metres SSB as  9M4SAB starting on 21  May to celebrate  and
          promote Pesta  Kaamatan, the  Harvest  Festival that  is  celebrated
          every year throughout the  State of Sabah.  Expect around the  clock
          activity on 29-31 May. QSL via 9M6BRC.
C6      - Duncan, EA5ON reports he will be  active again from Freeport,  Grand
          Bahama (NA-080) on 25-29 May. QSL via EA7JX.
C6      - Eric, K9GY will operate  as C6AYM from  Nassau (NA-001), Bahamas  on
          25-29 May, CQ WW WPX CW  Contest included. QSL  via K9GY, direct  or
          bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
CU      - Marq/CT1BWW, Juan Carlos/EA2RC and John/EA3GHZ  will be active  from
          the Azores in  July. They  will operate  as CU7X  from Faial  Island
          (EU-175) on 10-16 July, CU6X from Pico Island (EU-175) on 17-21 July
          and CU5X from S. Jorge Island (EU-175) on 21-25 July. They will have
          two stations active on 160-6 metres  SSB, CW and digital modes.  QSL
          via EA3GHZ, direct or bureau. Detailed  information can be found  at
          http://www.geocities.com/carlesrapita [TNX CT1BWW]
F       - A group  of  operators from  F5KDK  (Radio Club  EME  Phoceen)  will
          operate SSB  and CW  as TM7NM  from Noirmoutier  Island (EU-064)  on
          25-28 May. They plan to have three stations for the HF bands and one
          station for VHF. QSL via F1IKA. [TNX F8REF]
F       - Bernard, F5XX and others plan to operate from Fort Brescou  (EU-148)
          on 25-29 May. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
F       - The Radio Club de Sarlat (F5KEM)  will use special event call  TM3JB
          from 29 May  to 5 June  for the 100th  anniversary of  the birth  of
          Josephine Baker (http://www.cmgworldwide.com/stars/baker/home.html).
          QSL via F5MMF. [TNX F8REF]
GM      - Jim, MM0BQI will be active as MM0BQI/P from Tanera Mor in the Summer
          Isles (EU-092) on 20-29 May. He plans to operate SSB, CW and RTTY on
          80-10 metres. Time permitting there will also be an entry in the  CQ
          WW WPX CW Contest using  the Summer Isles  Radio Club contest  call,
          MM0Q. QSL via MM0BQI, direct or bureau. [TNX MM0BQI]
I       - A twinning on  the air  between two  commemorative stations,  IY4FGM
          (for Guglielmo Marconi) and II2V (for Alessandro Volta, the inventor
          of the  voltaic  pile, a  forerunner  of the  electric  battery)  is
          scheduled to  take place  on 20  and 21  May.  QSL II2V  via  IK2LNJ
          (bureau or  direct),  QSL IY4FGM  via  IK4UPU  (bureau  or  direct);
          special QSL card for contacting the two stations via IK2AQZ  (bureau
          or direct). [TNX IK2AQZ]
I       - Domenico/IW9GTD,    Tore/IW9FRA,    Girolamo/IT9GNG,    Rino/IT9FXY,
          Enzo/IT9ECQ and Michele/IT9LCG will operate as IF9FI from  Favignana
          Island (EU-054, IIA TP-011) on 25-28 May. Sea conditions permitting,
          they will also operate  from Preveto (EU-054,  IIA TP-007). QSL  via
          IT9FXY, direct or bureau. [TNX IT9FXY]
I       - Alessandro, IW7EGK and Giovanni, IW7DOL will be active on 40 and  20
          metres SSB  from Torre  Sant'Andrea  lighthouse (WAIL  PU-06,  ARLHS
          ITA-170) lighthouse on 29 May. [TNX IW7EGK]
JA      - Look for JM1VQJ/1, JO1IRO/1 and JF1IZM/1 to be active from To Island
          (AS-008, JIIA AS-008-013) on 2-5 June. QSL via home calls, direct or
          bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
J5      - Tibi, HA7TM has been active as J5UTM from Guinea-Bissau since 15 May
          and will remain there at least  until the 25th.  QSL via home  call.
          [TNX HA0HW]
PJ4     - Glen, K0JGH will be on Bonaire (SA-006)  from 31 May to 8 June  with
          his wife Pam, N0ICF. He will  operate SSB, CW and  RTTY on a  casual
          schedule. QSL via home call. [TNX K0JGH]
S7      - Sal, IZ8CLM will be active as  S79RS from Mahe (AF-024),  Seychelles
          from 23 May to 5 June. He plans to operate SSB and RTTY in his spare
          time, after  14 UTC.  QSL  via home  call,  direct or  bureau.  [TNX
SM      - Bernd, DL8AAV will operate as SD1B from Gotland Island (EU-020) from
          24 May to 5 June. QSL via DL8AAV. [TNX The Daily DX]
SP      - Special event station HF1BXVI  will be aired  by Scout Club  "Zorza"
          until 1 June to celebrate the  first visit of  Pope Benedict XVI  to
          Poland. QSL via SP6ZPZ. [TNX SQ6IU]
SV      - Laci/HA0HW (J48HW and SV8/HA0HW),  Tomi/HA4DX (J48DX and  SV8/HA4DX)
          and Ivan/LZ1PJ (J48PJ and SV8/LZ1PJ) will operate CW, SSB, RTTY  and
          PSK31 from Thassos Island (EU-174) from  27 May to  5 June. QSL  via
          home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX HA0HW]
SV      - SV1HER, SV1GRM,  SW1GZL will  operate as  SY8V from  Kythira  Island
          (EU-113) and Moudari/Spathi Lighthouse (WLOTA L-1703, ARLHS GRE-120,
          WLH SV-084) on 26-28  May and from  Antikythira Island (EU-113)  and
          Apolytares Lighthouse (WLOTA L-0298, ARLHS  GRE-040, WLH SV-011)  on
          2-3 June. QSL for both the operations via SV1HER. [TNX SV1HER]
SV      - A group of  eight (namely  SV2BRT, SV2CLL,  SV2EWS, SV2FPU,  SV2GNQ,
          SV2HNZ, SV2HPP and SV2HPY) will be  active as J48WT from  Samothraki
          Island (EU-174) on  22-27 June. QSL  via SV2HPP,  direct or  bureau.
          [TNX SV2FPU]
UA      - UA1CIO, RN1CW, RN1CX, UA1CBW and UA1CCL  will operate as  homecall/p
          on all bands CW and SSB from Polosari Island (not IOTA, RR-01-13) on
          2-4 June. QSL via home calls (bureau). [TNX RN1CW]
V2      - Nobby, G0VJG reports he will be active as V25V from the V26B contest
          station on Antigua  (NA-100) from 23  June to  8 July.  He plans  to
          operate SSB, digital modes and some CW on the HF bands and  possibly
          on 6 metres. QSL via G4DFI. [TNX I0YQV]
W       - Giovanni, IZ2DPX  reports  he will  be  touring the  US  West  Coast
          between 27 May and 8 June and will operate from California,  Arizona
          and Utah.
YB      - The YE6P operation  from Simeulue  Island (OC-270)  [425DXN 781]  is
          confirmed to take place from 24 to 29 May. Expect activity to  start
          around or even  before 12  UTC on  the 24th.  The web  site for  the
          operation is at http://www.orari.web.id [TNX YB1TC]
YO      - Jean-Michel, F6AJA, Editor of Les Nouvelles  DX, reports he will  be
          once again active in  his spare time  as YO/F6AJA from  the QTH   of
          YO8FZ in Suceava, Romania on 22-28 May. QSL via F6AJA.
YO      - Laurent, F4DZG  will  operate SSB  on  20 metres  as  YO/F4DZG  from
          Brasov, Romania between 26 May and 12 June. At the end of his family
          visit he will leave the equipment at David's, YO6FNF. QSL via F4DZG,
          direct or bureau. [TNX F5UJK]
ZC4     - Griff, G0OAB plans to operate as ZC4DG from one of the UK  Sovereign
          Bases on Cyprus from 27 to 31 May. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily
ZF      - Jim, W4JO (ZF2JO) and his 13-year-old  son Mike, K4MBO (ZF2MO)  will
          operate from the Cayman Islands (NA-016) from 26 May to 2 June.  QSL
          ZF2MO via K4MBO, QSL ZF2JO via W4YCH. [TNX The Daily DX]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
9L1MS ---> Massimo, IZ0EGB/IW0FQZ (9L1MS) went QRT from Sierra Leone in April
and is moving to England.  For any matter  regarding QSLling, please  contact
Alessandro, IZ0EGA (IZ0EGA@libero.it).
ANTARCTICA AWARD ---> The latest edition  of the Antarctica Award  Directory,
including the new reference  number issued to 3Y0X  (MN-08), is available for
download at www.mdxc.org/antarctica/download.asp [YNX IZ8CGS]
DX MEETING --->  The third  International DX  Meeting organized  by the  west
Ligurian ARI Radio Clubs, will take place in Imperia (north west Italy) on  1
July. Further information at http://www.arimperia.net [TNX IK1QBT]
DXCC NEWS ---> YI9LZ (current operation from Iraq, effective 8 May 2005)  has
been approved for DXCC credit.
NOT THE MANAGER ---> VK3BER says he is not the QSL manager for Graham,  VK0AG
(Davis Base, Antarctica),  who is reported  not to have  established any  QSL
route so far. [TNX The Daily DX]
PB6REM ---> PB6REM  will be active  on 24  May (or  on the  30th, if  weather
conditions are  bad)  from  the North  Sea  platform  Noordwijk  (former  REM
platform, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/REM_island), which is going to  be
dismantled. QSL via PA7DA. [TNX K1XN & The Golist]
QSL R1MVW & R1MVC ---> Ulrich, DK4VW has received some 2000 envelopes for the
November 2005  operation  from Malyj  Vysotskij.  The letters  are  sent  via
private channels to Kaliningrad, and the  QSL cards are mailed from UA2.  The
blank cards arrived from the printer  in mid-March and  it takes about  three
weeks for a letter to be delivered: so, Ulrich  says, QRX a while and do  not
send duplicates. "If  you get nothing  by mid-June,  e-mail me  and a  second
letter will be sent to you". [TNX I8SAT]
QSL VIA DL3APO  ---> Peter, DL3APO  has received the  QSL cards for  FO/DL5XU
(OC-027, Marquesas),  FO/DL1AWI (OC-114,  Australes) and  FO/DL9AWI  (OC-114,
Australes) and has started  processing the direct  requests received so  far.
On-line     logs     and     QSL     status      can     be     found      at
http://www.df3cb.com/logsearch/cgcg/logsearch.php [TNX DL3APO]
WRTC 2006  ---> The  WRTC2006 Steering  Committee  reports that  the  Telecom
National Governmental Authority has approved the  allocation of special  call
signs to  be used  by the  teams during  the WRTC  2006  in July.  The  calls
approved are from PW5A to PW5Z and from  PT5A to PT5Z. The process to  assign
the stations will be  a lottery on  the Friday prior  the contest, while  the
calls will be  given to the  teams at the  station before  the contest.  [TNX

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
LOGS:    On-line logs for 3W3M (2002, QSL  via F6BUM), TJ3MC/P (2004, QSL  via
         F6BUM)  and   TZ3M   (2006,  QSL   via   F6CXJ)  are   available   at
         http://www.f6bum.net [TNX F6BUM]
LOGS:    On-line logs  for  the recent  LU1DMG  operation from  Martin  Garcia
         (SA-055) are  available at  http://www.qsl.net/f5nod/sa055/index.html
         [TNX F5NOD]
QSLs received  direct  or through  managers:  3A0CE, 3B8/OM2TW,  3B9FR,  3Y0X
(AN-004; AA MN-08), 4L2M,  4L8A,  4S7AB, 4X1FQ,  5B4AHL, 5H1C (AF-032), 5J1W,
5R8GZ, 5U7JB, 5X1RI, 5Z1A, 5Z4DZ, 6W6JX,  8P5A, 8Q7DV, 8R1EA, 8R1ZUM,  9H3MR,
9H3V, 9J2BO, 9M6/G3OOK, 9Y4/KE9I, A61Q, A92ZE, AP2IA, AT0AI (AS-169),  C33DR,
CM6RCR, CO2WL/1 (NA-093),  CP4BT, CP8XA,  CT8T, CU2A,  CX1SI, CX5AO,  DS5USH,
JV800BV, JW9VDA, JY4NE, K6VVA/6 (NA-178), K7C (OC-020), KG4SB, LY1CM,  LY2KN,
(AN-010; AA LU-22),  R1ANN (AN-016; AA UA-08), R1MVW,  RI0L,  S79GRE,  SU9HP,
TZ9A,  UA9FAR,  UA9OS, V31BH,  V31JP, V51AS,  V73RY,  VP2MWM,  VP2MWP, VQ9JC,
VQ9LA, VU3BPZ (AN-016; AA VU-02), WP2Z, XU7ABN, YA0Y, YB8TAF (OC-146), YK1BA,
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                 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000
                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org)
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                                 MAILING LIST
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        and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                   or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                   Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org)
                            Direttore Responsabile
                             Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia