DX425 bulletin issue nr. 782

425 DX News #782
29 April 2006 
    A.R.I. Dx BulletinEdited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile I2VGW        
      5W      - Dave, AH6HY will be active from  Samoa (OC-097) from  29 April to  4
          May. Requested call is 5W0HY and he will operate SSB only during his
          local evening hours. QSL via home  call, direct or bureau. [TNX  The
          Daily DX]
BY      - Nine operators from the Jiangsu DX Club (namely BA4RC, BA4TB, BA4RS,
          BD4RJC, BG4RQP, BG4WYV, BG4REB, BG4RDK and BD5RV) will be active  as
          BY4RSA/4 from  Tianheng Island  (AS-150) on  1-5 May.  They plan  to
          operate on 160-10 metres SSB and CW, plus VHF/UHF and satellite. QSL
          via BA4TB. [TNX BD5RV]
BY      - A group  of  operators from  the  TianJin DX  Club  (BA3CE,  BG3AIG,
          BG3APX, BG3AEK, BD7KLO and possibly others)  will be active as  BI3H
          from Puti Island (claimed to  count for AS-134)  on 4-7 May.  Expect
          activity on 40,  20, 15  and 10  metres SSB,  CW and  RTTY. QSL  via
          BA4EG. [TNX BA3CE]
DL      - Look for DL0RU/LH and DJ8DS/LH to operate from Juist Island (EU-047,
          N-03 for the German Islands Award)  and the Memmertfeuer  lighthouse
          (GLHA #69,  ARLHS FED-121,  WLH DL-012)  on 29-30  April. [TNX  OPDX
FP      - Juergen, DJ2VO will be active from Miquelon Island (NA-032) on  5-20
          May. He will operate only CW  on 80-10 metres with  100 watts and  a
          vertical antenna. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
FS      - Ron, SM7DKF will operate (on 30, 20, 18, 15, 12, 10 and 6 metres SSB
          and PSK31) as FS/SM7DKF from St. Martin (NA-105) on 6-10 May, and as
          FJ/SM7DKF from St. Barthelemy (NA-146) on 10-20 May. QSL via  SM7DKF
          (see his  QSLling  policy at  http://www.sm7dkf.se).  Logs  will  be
          uploaded to LOTW. [TNX www.rsgbiota.com]
GM      - Andre, GM3VLB  and  Alex, GM0DHZ  will  be active  from  Inchmarnock
          Island (EU-123) from 28 April to 2 May. They plan to operate CW  and
          SSB on 10-80 metres. QSL via home calls, direct only. [TNX GM3VLB]
GM      - Joachim, DH5JBR will be visiting and  operate from several  Scottish
          islands starting  on  30  April. He  will  begin  on  Great  Cumbrae
          (EU-123), followed  by many  other islands  in the  EU-123,  EU-008,
          EU-005 and EU-010 IOTA groups. Joachim intends to operate  primarily
          on 20 metres (+/- 14260 kHz). [TNX GM3VLB]
HL      - Kim/HL1OYF,  Han/HL1VAU,   Ryu/DS4NYE,   Park/HL3AMO,   Park/DS3GLW,
          Park/HL3VAP, Kim/HL2FDW,  Seong/DS1OFE,  Jeong/HL2DBP,  Park/HL1EJT,
          Cho/DS3MLG,  Jeon/DS1EVQ,  Yang/DS4CDA  and  possibly  others   will
          operate as homecall/5  from Koje Island  (AS-081) on  4-7 May.  They
          plan to have at least two  stations active on  160-6 metres CW,  SSB
          and digital modes.  QSL via home  calls. More information,  pictures
          and log search will be available at  http://www.kdxa.org/2006/as081/
          (under construction). [TNX HL1VAU]
I       - IQ3PN will be aired for the 41st National Fair of Amateur Radio that
          will be held at Pordenone on 29  April-1 May along with the 1st  ARI
          Consensus Conference. QSL via bureau.
I       - Andrea, IK3MZS and Ampelio, IK3JBP will operate on 20 and 40  metres
          from Chioggia Lighthouse (WAIL VE-002) on 29 April. [TNX IK3MZS]
I       - Alex/IW1FGZ,  Carlo/IZ1GCZ,   Sergio/IW1FSQ,   Veronica/IK1KFF   and
          Giorgio/IZ1DXS will participate in the ARI International DX  Contest
          (6-7 May) as II1W. QSL via IW1FGZ.
I       - Isido/1XOI,     Piera/IK1AIF,     Mario/IW1PZC,      Alberto/IW1PRT,
          Mauro/IW2KVT, Emanuele/IW2NOD  and  Giuseppe/I2AZ  will  be  QRV  as
          IG9/homecall from  Lampedusa Island  (AF-019, IIA  AG-001) on  13-19
          May. They plan  to be active  on SSB, CW  and digital  modes on  all
          bands from 160 metres to 12 cm, and to operate from two  lighthouses
          (WAIL SI-020 & ARLHS ITA-025, and WAIL SI-021 & ARLHS ITA-123).  QSL
          for all via IW2NOD, direct or bureau. Requests for skeds can be sent
          to I2AZ (alfazebra1@virgilio.it) not later than 11 May. [TNX I2AZ]
LZ      - Special station LZ06KM will be active  on 1-31 May to celebrate  St.
          Kiril and Methodius' Day. QSL via  LZ1PJ, direct (Ivan Ivanov,  P.O.
          Box 15, BG-1324   Sofia, Bulgaria)  or bureau  (e-mail requests  for
          bureau cards  can be sent to lz1pj@qsl.net). [TNX LZ1PJ]
OE      - The annual Austrian Emergency Communications  Training test will  be
          run during the All Austria Contest  (AOEC) on 1 May between 5-8  UTC
          and 14-17  UTC. Diplomatic  (prefix OEC),  Red Cross  (OEH),  Police
          (OEP) Customs  (OEN),  Military  (OEY)  and  Disaster  Relief  (OEK)
          operators are licenced to work OE  radioamateurs (also on 30  metres
          SSB) in order to get trained  for possible interaction QSOs in  case
          of an  emergency/disaster. Thomas,  OE6TFF  will operate  under  the
          callsign of  the customs  office at  Graz Airport  (OEN6124).  Other
          Government stations expected  to participate in  the emergency  test
          include OEY611,  OEY621,  OEY622, OEY651,  OEY671,  OEY681,  OEK310,
          OEK3101, OEK3102. These stations are not allowed to contact amateurs
          outside Austria, but  but SWL  reports can  be sent  via the  OE-QSL
          bureau. More  information  on this  annual  event can  be  found  at
          http://people.freenet.de/troesne/AOEC_Interservice.html [TNX DL8AAM]
OE      - Paolo, IV3UHL reports he will participate  in the ARI  International
          DX Contest (6-7 May) as OE8/IV3UHL (single operator CW).
SP      - Special event  station  SP0TPFK  will  be  active  on  1-31  May  to
          celebrate the 80th  anniversary of  the Lviv  Shortwave Club  (LKK).
          TPFK was the callsign of the club station. QSL via SP2FAP (Sylwester
          Jarkiewicz,  Suchacz-Zamek,  ul.  Wielmozy  5b,  82-340   Tolkmicko,
          Poland). [TNX SP2FAP]
SP      - Wojtek, SP8MI will operate as SN80LKK  on 1-31 May to celebrate  the
          80th anniversary of the  Lviv Shortwave Club  (LKK). QSL via  SP8MI,
          direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
TA      - TB0DX is  the callsign  used by  the  OK DX  Foundation's  operators
          during their island activity from Turkey [425DXN 777].  Pavel/TA2ZAF
          (OK1MU),  Karel/OK1DG,  Slavek/OK1TN,  Ondra/OK1CDJ,   Vasek/OK1DAA,
          Zdenek/OK1FIA and  Mirek/OK2VZE  will remain  on  Kosrelik  (AS-123)
          until 1 May, and will operate CW and SSB with two stations. QSL  via
          OK2GZ, direct  or bureau.  The  web page  for  the operation  is  at
          http://www.okdxf.cz/ankety/iota_ta/iota_ta_en.php [TNX OM3JW]
UA      - Igor, RA3QSY and  Alex, RK3QA will  be active as  UE3OFF/6 from  the
          Natural Reserve  of  Bogdinsko-Baskunchakski on  6-9  May.  QSL  via
          RA3QSY, direct (Igor Makeev, P.O. Box  2, Voronezh, 394010,  Russia)
          or  bureau  (E-mail  requests  for  bureau  cards  can  be  sent  to
          ra3qsy@mail.ru). [TNX RA3QSY]
UR      - Special station EO61G will be active on 4-14 May to commemorate  the
          61th anniversary of the end of  World War II. QSL via UR3GM,  direct
          or  bureau  (e-mail  requests  for  bureau  cards  can  be  sent  to
          ur3gm@tlc.kherson.ua). [TNX UR3GM]
VK9_lh  - Merv, N6NO will celebrate his 70th birthady and 55 years of  amateur
          radio operating as VK9LNO from  Lord Howe (OC-004)  on 5-13 May.  He
          will be active on 10-80 metres  mostly CW. QSL  via home call.  [TNX
W       - Jim/WB9PZB, Carol/WB9PZA and Jerry/WB9ONU  will operate as  WB9PZB/4
          from Santa Rosa Island (NA-142) from 30 April to 4 May. They  expect
          to operate on +/- 3865 and  7265 kHz between 14-16  UTC and 2-3  UTC
          daily, and +/-  14265 kHz  between 17-19  UTC as  time permits.  QSL
          direct via WB9PZB.
ZA      - Pino, I8YGZ will be active from Albania on 1-15 May. He plans to  be
          operate SSB and CW  on 160-10 metres,  plus 6 and  2 metres, and  to
          operate from  three  lighthouses  located  near  Vlora,  Durres  and
          Saranda. QSL direct to home call  (Pino Zamboli, Via Trieste  30/54,
          84015 Nocera Superiore - SA, Italy). [TNX I8YGZ]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
AVES 2006 --->  The YX0LIX/YX0A operation  from Aves Island  was expected  to
come to an end by Friday 28 April, earlier than originally planned. Logs will
be available at http://www.yv0.info/ once the  team gets back to Caracas,  as
they were unable to upload the logs  during the operation. There was no  RTTY
activity, because the late Jose, YV5LIX was the one who was going to  operate
on that  mode and  the rest  of the  team was  not experienced  enough.  [TNX
6O0M ---> Michael, PA5M left Somalia on 23  April and has moved to Kenya.  He
made some 2500 QSOs on 80-10  metres SSB, CW, RTTY  and PSK31. Michael  works
for the UN World Food Programme  and at this stage it is  unknown if he  will
return to Somalia. QSL via PA7FM (please do keep in mind that 1 US$ no longer
covers postage for extra-European destinations). [TNX PA7FM]
DXCC FIELD CHECK ---> DXCC Branch  Manager Bill Moore,  NC1L will attend  the
Amateur Radio Fair at Pordenone (29 April-1 May).
QSL VU4AN/VU2MYH  --->  Giovanni, I5JHW  reports  he operated  under  Mohan's
callsign during the  recent activity from  the Andaman  Islands. Please  note
that the QSL route for contacts made between 18 and 25 April is via I5JHW.
US LICENCE ---> An ARRL/VEC test session will be held at 13.30 local time  on
29 April during the Amateur Radio  Fair at Pordenone. Further details can  be
found at http://www.ik1pmr.com/vec/
YE6N ---> John Van Putten,  WD8MGQ is collecting  donations from US  amateurs
the YE6N (OC-261) group. John will  wait until 17 May, then  he will send  to
the QSL manager (YB9BU) whatever money he has received through Western Union.
Send a SASE return envelope, QSO data and your donation; when Kadek sends the
cards back to  John, he will  then put them  into the  individual SASEs.  For
further information, please contact John at wd8mgq@adelphia.net
+ SILENT  KEY +  Geo Longden,  G3ZQS passed  away on  25 April.  In 1987  Geo
founded FISTS (http://www.fists.co.uk/), the International Morse Preservation
Society that boasts a membership in the thousands world-wide.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
LOGS:    On-line logs for C56JJ (as well as for 9A/PA4JJ and SV9/PA9JJ) can be
         found at http://www.pa4jj.nl; a request form for bureau cards is also
         available. [TNX PA4JJ]
LOGS:    On-line  logs  for  VU4AN/VU3PLM   (operated  by  K2LEO/IZ1GLO)   and
         VU4AN/VU3TLY   (operated   by   IK1PMR)   are   now   available    at
         http://www.ik1pmr.com/logs/;  more  information  and  pictures   will
         follow. [IK1PMR]
LOGS:    On-line logs  for  VU4AN/VU3SID and  VU4AN/VU3SIG  can  be  found  at
         www.qsl.net/dl7afs [TNX DL2FAG]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B9/ON4LAC    ON4LAC    HC1HC         NE8Z      VU4AN/VU3CHE  HS0ZCW
3W3A          JA6UHG    HC2SL         EA5KB     VU4AN/VU3FRK  F5CWU
4L0ABC        K3PD      HC3/KD6WW     KD6WW     VU4AN/VU3JLW  F5CWU
4O3T          YT6A      HZ1AN         DJ9ZB     VU4AN/VU3KIE  OH2BN
5H3AA         K6EID     HZ1NH         EA7FTR    VU4AN/VU3NZB  DJ8NK
5R8FL         G3SWH     IB0/IY0TC     I0KHP     VU4AN/VU3NZC  DL7DF
5T6BT         EA4URE    IO8VAT        IZ8AJQ    VU4AN/VU3OHA  OH2BN
5Z4/IZ1GDB    IZ1GDB    IY0GA         IS0JMA    VU4AN/VU3OHB  OH2BN
5Z4ZK         W4ZYT     IY0TC         I0KHP     VU4AN/VU3PLM  F5CWU
7Q7BP         G3MRC     IY1MR         IK1FSD    VU4AN/VU3RIC  DJ5IW
7Z1UG         DG1XG     IY4FGM        IK4UPU    VU4AN/VU3RSB  F5CWU
8Q7FB         F6DPD     IY4W          I4LEC     VU4AN/VU3RWN  DL7DF
9G1RU         HB9DQH    J5DOT         JA1DOT    VU4AN/VU3RWO  F5CWU
9H3MN         DF8AN     J5TRJ         JA1DOT    VU4AN/VU3RWP  OE1ZKC
9M2CNC        G4ZFE     JT1Y          I0SNY     VU4AN/VU3RYB  DL7DF
9M6/G3OOK     M5AAV     JT5Y          I0SNY     VU4AN/VU3RYC  DK5WL
9V1CW         PA0KHS    JW7QIA        LA7QIA    VU4AN/VU3RYE  DL9GFB
A61Q          EA7FTR    KH6RZ         W6YM      VU4AN/VU3RYF  DL9MS
A71EM         EA7FTR    MS0DGR        MM0DFV    VU4AN/VU3RYG  DL7DF
CN8SG         EA7FTR    NU4SC         K3IXD     VU4AN/VU3RYH  WA6UVF
CO6WD         W0SA      OA4/DL5SE     DL5WM     VU4AN/VU3RYI  JR3MVF
DR06SOCCER    DH2ES     OC5I          DL5WM     VU4AN/VU3RYJ  W0GJ
EG0VPB        EA1FE     OL74CAV       OK1UU     VU4AN/VU3RYM  F5CWU
EG#DIR        EA4URE    OP0P          ON6DP     VU4AN/VU3RYN  F5CWU
EK3GM         IK2QPR    OQ7M          ON7EM     VU4AN/VU3RYP  VK8FR
EK9AA         W6QKB     OQ7Q          ON7RN     VU4AN/VU3SIB  F5CWU
EM20FA        UT2FA     OX3XR         OZ3PZ     VU4AN/VU3SIC  F5CWU
EM20FEL       UR5FEL    R20CH         RA3YA     VU4AN/VU3SID  DL7AFS
EM20U         UT3UZ     R20CH         RA3YA     VU4AN/VU3SIE  DL7DF
EN20CNPP      UY2RO     RK3UWK/3      UA3UME    VU4AN/VU3SIG  DL7AFS
EN20CU        UR4CU     ST0RM         T93Y      VU4AN/VU3TLY  F5CWU
EN20F         UR5FEO    TB0DX         OK2GZ     YB8SI         YB9BU
EN20FY        UX0FY     TI4CF         W3HNK     YE6N          YB9BU
EN20UU        UX4UU     TM1OOB        F8CKS     YJ0AWG        DL2AWG
EO2OFT        UT0FT     UE3XAA        UA3XGM    YK1BA         N5FF
EV20R         EW8RR     UE3YAK        UA3YAP    YM125ATA      TA3YJ
GB4MDI        GW0ANA    UE3YPL        RA3YD     YV1FM         IW7EGQ
GB4MHS        G4FON     UN5A          DL8KAC    YX0A          KU9C
GB8OQE        GW0ANA    VP8DIZ        G7KMZ     YX0LIX        KU9C
HB0/IK1WEG    IK1WEG    VQ9JK         G4FJK     Z36A          DJ0LZ

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
DK5WL    Heinz-Josef Pick, Friedrichsheck 16, D-55442 Stromberg, Germany
DL2AWG   Guenter Gassler, Eichertstr. 8, 07589 Muenchenbernsdorf, Germany
DL7AFS   Baerbel Linge, Eichwaldstr. 86, Kassel, D-34123 Germany
DL7DF    Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, D-12621 Berlin, Germany
F5CWU    Flo Moudar, 25 Rue du Castel Salis, 37100 Tours, France
G4FJK    Tim Hugill, Swandhams House, Sampford Peverell, Tiverton, Devon EX16
         7ED, UK
HS0ZCW   Charles Harpole (Phosit), 95/1 Moo 1, Thambon, Ban Kok, Amper Meung,
         Samut Sakhon 74000 Thailand
IS0JMA   Roberto Alaimo, P.O. Box 41 Centro, 07026 Olbia - OT, Italy
JA1DOT   Hisato Kobayashi, 2-7-19 Mejirodai, Hachioji-city, Tokyo 193-0833,
KU9C     Steven M. Wheatley, P.O. Box 31, Morristown, NJ 07963-0031, USA
OK2GZ    Jaroslav Kelar, Generala Svobody 1200, Unicov 783 91, Czech Republic
PA7FM    Dennis Robbemond, Loggerhof 11, 3181 NS Rozenburg, The Netherlands
RA3YA    Vlado Zhukov, Fokina str. 104 A kv 6, Bryansk 241000, Russia
RW1AI    Mikhail N. Fokin, P.O. Box 13, St. Petersburg 193312, Russia
SX2P     P.O. Box 26, 59100 Veria, Greece
TA3YJ    Nilay Mine Aydogmus, P.O. Box 876, 35214 Izmir, Turkey
UA1PAC   Aleksej V. Kuz'menko, P.O.Box 599, Arkhangelsk, 163000 Russia
US7IGF   Slava Shevchenko, p.o.box-591, Slavyansk-12, Donetsk obl. 84112,
UT3UZ    Alex Arbuzov, P.O. Box 7, Kiev-232, 02232, Ukraine
W0GJ     Glenn R. Johnson, 207 Bear Creek Lane NW, Bemidji, MN 56601, USA
YB9BU  Kadek Kariana SP, P.O. Box 106, Singaraja 81100, Bali, Indonesia
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                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org)
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
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