DX425 bulletin issue nr. 780

425 DX News #780
15 April 2006 
    A.R.I. Dx BulletinEdited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile I2VGW        
      6W & J5  - Peter, HA3AUI has prolonged his stay  in Africa and will be  active
           as either 6W/HA3AUI from Senegal and  J5UAP from and  Guinea-Bissau
           until 10 June. QSL direct to home call. [TNX NG3K]
8Q       - Francis, F6DPD will  be active  as 8Q7FB  from Kuramathi,  Maldives
           (AS-013) on 18-24 April. He will  operate mainly on  40, 20 and  17
           metres SSB and PSK with 1000 watts and a vertical antenna. QSL  via
           bureau to home call. [TNX F5NQL]
DL       - DJ9MD, DK8MIL, DK7JAN, DK9BTX and DO9BS will operate on all  bands,
           160 and 2 metres included, as DF0TM from Neuwerk Island (EU-127) on
           21-24 April. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
EI       - Look for EI60LRC to be aired on  10-80 metres until the end of  the
           year to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Limerick Radio  Club.
           QSL via EI8EM. [TNX EI8EM]
F        - Antoine, F5RAB  will be  active from  Ouessant Island  (EU-065)  on
           22-25 April and from Brehat Island (EU-074) on 26-28 April. He will
           operate CW  and  SSB on  the  HF bands  with  100  watts  and  wire
           antennas. QSL via bureau. [TNX F5RAB]
GM       - Four  operators  from  the  Scottish-Russian  ARS  (namely  MM0DFV,
           GM0WRR, GM4TOQ and MM0GDL) will operate as MS0DGR from Holy  Island
           (EU-123) on 18-20 April. QSL to SRARS, P.O. Box 7469, Glasgow,  G42
           0YD, Scotland, UK [TNX MM0DFV]
H4       - Bernhard,  DL2GAC  is  currently  active  as  H44MS  from  Honiara,
           Guadalcanal (OC-047)  in the  Solomon Islands  until 27  April.  He
           operates on 10-80 metres SSB barefoot, as his amplifier died a  few
           days ago. QSL via DL2GAC, direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K]
HB0      - Gerry, IZ1DSH and Giovanni, IK1WEG will  be active as  HB0/homecall
           from Liechtenstein on 22-25  April. They will  operate CW, SSB  and
           RTTY on 80, 40, 20, 17 and 15 metres. QSL via home calls, direct or
           bureau. [TNX NG3K]
I        - Simone, IK5RUN plans to operate from several Italian islands during
           the forthcoming weekends. Expect activity as IA5/IK5RUN/P on 40 and
           possibily on 20 and 80  metres from Isola  del Giglio (EU-028,  IIA
           GR-002), Isola di Giannutri (EU-028, IIA GR-001), Isola Argentarola
           (not IOTA, IIA GR-003), Formica Grande (EU-028, IIA GR-005),  Isola
           Rossa (not  IOTA,  IIA GR-015)  and  Formica Piccola  (EU-028,  IIA
           GR-014). QSL via home call. [TNX IK5RUN]
JA       - Look for JN1VXT/1  to operate (on  40-10 metres  CW, plus  6 and  2
           metres SSB and CW)  from Kozu Island  (AS-008, JIIA AS-008-004)  on
           15-16 April. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA       - Look for JN4MBO/5 and JA5BEX/5 to operate from Toyo Island (AS-076,
           JIIA AS-076-New)  from 16  April. QSL  via  home calls,  direct  or
           bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
LX       - Theo/PA1TO, Paul/PA2CW, Martin/PA2W and Con/PE1OOM will operate  as
           LX/homecall from Wiltz, Luxembourg on 23-29 April. They plan to  be
           active on all the HF bands  with special attention to 160m and  the
           WARC bands. QSL via home calls. [TNX PA1TO]
OZ       - Look for Ela, OZ/DL1TM and Tor, OZ/DJ4MG to operate on 160, 80, 40,
           20, 15 and  2 metres  SSB (and  PSK31 on  20m) from  Vendsyssel-Thy
           (EU-171) from  16 April  until  4 May.  QSL  via home  calls.  [TNX
PA       - Martin, VE3MR will operate again as  PA9MR from Schouwen  Duiveland
           (EU-146) from 15 April to 5 May. QSL via home call. [TNX The  Daily
TA       - Karl, WA2KBZ  plans to  operate as  TA0/WA2KBZ from  Buyukada  (not
           IOTA) in the Sea of Marmara from 20 April to 1 May. Expect activity
           on 20, 40 and 80 metres mostly CW. QSL via home call. [TNX ARRL  DX
UR       - Slava/US7IGF, Roman/UR7IJQ,  Alexandr/UR7IKV and  Roman/UY7IQ  will
           operate (on  40-17 metres  SSB and  CW) from  Slovy'ans'kyi  Island
           (SD-09 for for the Ukrainian  Islands Award) on  22 April. QSL  via
           home calls. [TNX US7IGF]
W        - The Low Country  Contest Club will  be active as  NU4SC from  Folly
           Island (NA-110) on 22-23 April. QSL via K3IXD, direct bureau.  [TNX
           OPDX Bulletin]
YB       - YE6N is the special call issued for the 20-27 April operation  from
           Nias Island (OC-161) [425DXN 769]. Please note a couple of changes:
           the    web    site    has    been    updated    and    moved     to
           http://www.toba-dx-group.net/nias/; the new QSL route is via  YB9BU
           (Kadek Kariana SP, P.O. Box 106, Singaraja 81100, Bali,  Indonesia:
           do not send green stamps, he  says, but new IRCs preferably  issued
           in the country the envelope comes from). [TNX YB1BOD/6]
YK       - Saad, N5FF will  be active as  YK1BA from Damascus,  Syria from  17
           April trough 5 May. He plans  to operate at least  3-4 hours a  day
           (between 01-04  UTC, 19-22  UTC and  possibly 11-14  UTC) on  10-80
           metres CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via N5FF. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
ANDAMAN ISLANDS 2006 ---> This is the latest list of callsigns that have been
issued to foreign amateurs for use during the Hamfest at Port Blair,  Andaman
VU3FRK (DL4KQ)                  VU3RYF (DL9MS)
VU3GMM (XU7ACC)                 VU3RYG (SP3CYY)
VU3JLW (AA4NN)                  VU3RYH (WA6UVF)
VU3KIE (OH2KI)                  VU3RYI (JR3MVF)
VU3NZB (DJ8NK)                  VU3RYJ (W0GJ)
VU3NZC (SP3DOI)                 VU3RYM (DL5OAB)
VU3OHA (W3UR)                   VU3RYN (N6TQS)
VU3OHB (OH2BH)                  VU3RYP (VK8FR)
VU3PLM (IZ1GLO/K2LEO)           VU3SIB (F4EGD)
VU3RIC (DJ5IW)                  VU3SIC (F5CWU)
VU3RVC (DK5WL)                  VU3SID (DJ7ZG)
VU3RWN (SP3GEM)                 VU3SIE (DK1BT)
VU3RWO (K3LP)                   VU3SIF (DL3GA)
VU3RYB (DL7DF)                  VU3TLY (IK1PMR)
The following Indian operators have been granted permission to operate:
VU2BL     VU2GHX     VU2MTS     VU2VPR
VU2BMB    VU2GL      VU2MY      VU2WDP
VU2DH     VU2JVA     VU2NNA     VU3MUV
VU2FI     VU2LIC     VU2RBI     VU3RNU
VU2FSX    VU2LU      VU2UWZ     VU3RSB
All of  the  callsigns above  will  have to  be  prefixed with  VU4AN/  (e.g.
VU4AN/VU3TLY). According to the information posted  by Jose Jacob, VU2JOS  on
http://www.qrz.com/vu4an, operations will run from 18.30  UTC on 17 April  to
18.30 UTC on the 25th.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
DXCC NEWS ---> Further supporting documentation  has been received for  TT8PK
(Chad). Operations are accredited for DXCC  for the periods from 15 March  to
27 May 2004 and from 27 December 2005 to 3 October 2006.
INTERNATIONAL MARCONI DAY ---> Organized by  the Cornish Radio Amateur  Club,
G4CRC/GB4IMD (http://www.cornishradioamateurclub.org.uk),  the  International
Marconi Day (IMD) is a 24-hour amateur radio event held annually to celebrate
the birth of Guglielmo Marconi (25 April 1874).  It is not a contest, but  an
opportunity for  amateurs around  the world  to make  contacts with  historic
Marconi  sites  using  HF   communications  techniques.  Details,   including
information  on  the   relevant  Award  Certificates   and  the  listing   of
participating station in this year's event (to  be held on 22 April), can  be
found at http://www.gb4imd.org.uk/
NOT THE  MANAGER --->  Rob Snieder,  PA2R (ex  PA5ET/PA3ERC) is  not the  QSL
manager for VP2E, 8Q7WP (2004) and J79WP  (2006). The QSL route for all  VP2E
contacts dated 1 January 1998 to the present is via N5AU (direct). Cards  for
contacts made with 8Q7WP in 2004 should be routed via JA1WPX; the QSL manager
for the recent J79WP activity is DL5JMN.
OPERATING PRACTICE ---> Mark Demeuleneere, ON4WW is the author of  "Operating
Practice", an informative and useful article that makes suitable and fruitful
reading  for   novices  and   old  timers   alike.  It   can  be   found   at
QSL LIECHTENSTEIN 2006 ---> The QSL cards for the January 2006 DXpedition  to
Liechtenstein (http://www.t93y.com/hb0) have been  received from the  printer
and all direct QSL requests for HB0/T93M, HB0/T93Y, HB0/T94DX, HB0/T94JJ  and
HB0/T96Q have been processed and mailed by DJ2MX and T93Y. [TNX T93Y.]
QSL UE1RDA --->  Yuri, UA1RJ reports  that hes has  been replaced by  Sergey,
RW1QN as QSL manager for UE1RDA.
QSL VIA HS0ZCW ---> Charles Harpole, K4VUD/HS0ZCW is going to attend the  Ham
Fest at Port Blair  and operate as  VU4AN/VU3CHE. Effective immediately,  all
QSLs for  the following  calls: 9N1UD,  9N7UD, A52UD,  AC4TT, HS0ZCW,  K4VUD,
V26V, VU3CHE, VU4AN/VU3CHE and XW1UD should go to this new permanent address:
Charles Harpole (Phosit), 95/1 Moo  1, Thambon, Ban  Kok, Amper Meung,  Samut
Sakhon 74000, Thailand.No  stamps of any  kind nor  IRCs should  be sent,  US
currency is all right. [TNX K4VUD/HS0ZCW]
QSL VIA RW1AI  ---> Mikhail, RW1AI  reports his  new address  is as  follows:
Mikhail N. Fokin, P.O. Box 13, St. Petersburg 193312, Russia. He has logs and
QSL cards for R1AND (1999), R1ANP (2000), R1ANT (2005), R1ANJ (2006), as well
as ZS1/RW1AI, ZL3/RW1AI, KC4/RW1AI and RW1AI/ant.  All logs for 4K1, 4K4  and
4K0 operations before  1991 ae closed.  QSL for KC4/N2TA  go direct only  via
QSL VIA UA1PAC---> Alan, UA1PAC returned from the Antarctic expedition on  11
February and in the near future he will continue processing direct and bureau
request for the April-May 2000 and April 2001 UA1PAC/p and UA1PAO/p operation
from Vaygach Island (EU-086) and RK1PWA/p  operation from Storozhevoy  Island
(EU-086). The cards for ZS1/UA1PAC and UA1PAC/mm are being printed.  UA1PAC's
new address  is:  Aleksej V.  Kuz'menko,  P.O.Box  599,  Arkhangelsk,  163000
Russia, but there's no need to send duplicates. [TNX UA1PAC]
XR4PI ---> Bad  weather, strong winds  and rough seas  caused Zoli/HA1AG  and
Marco/CE6TBN to cancel  their 8-9 April  XR4PI operation  from Pupuya  Island
(SA-NEW) [425DXN 779].
+ SILENT KEY + B. Dambii, JT1AG has passed away at 85 years of age.  Licenced
in February  1960,  he was  the  first individually  licenced  amateur  radio
station in Mongolia. [TNX JT1CD]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
LOGS:        On line  logs  for  all of  Radio  Club  Vologda's  operations  -
             including R1PQ (EU-035), RF1P  (EU-102), RI1POD (EU-102),  RI1POM
             (EU-086), UE1QAA/1  (EU-102), UE1RCV/1  (EU-188),  etc -  can  be
             found at http://www.rcv.ru/?i=logs [TNX UA1QV]
VU4AN/:      Andrea,  IK1PMR   (VU4AN/VU3TLY)  has   prepared  a   propagation
             prediction table  for the  Andaman Islands;  it can  be found  at

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8/IW1GIO  IW1GIO      EY8DQ       DJ1MM       R45CG       RK4CYW
3DA0VB      UA4WHX      FM5WD       W3HNK       R45G        RK3DZB
3W2TXR      JA2TXR      FO5RH       F2HE        R4G         RZ4CWW
3Z10ZHL     SP6ZDA      FR/TU5KG    F4EFI       RI1NU       RN1NU
4K9W        DL6KVA      FS/K9EL     K9EL        RK1G        RZ3LC
4L1FP       LZ1OT       GB0MPA      GW0ANA      RK1NWU/P    RN1NU
4L1GMC      LZ1OT       GB2WFS      G4DQF       S01R        EA5RM
4L1MA       ON4RU       GX2UG/m     G0PFH       SA2006EM    SM6YOU
4L1UN       RW6HS       H44MS       DL2GAC      SF0L        SM0LQB
4S7VK       DJ9ZB       HA50MHZ     HA5X        SI0E        SM0EPO
5H3EE       DL4SM       HG2006S     HA1CW       SP0TPAX     SP7DQR
5N6EAM      IK2IQD      HK3JCL      DK8LRF      SX7ML       SV7CUD
5N8NDP      IK5JAN      HP1DCP      EA5KB       SY05AIA     SV2FWV
5R8GZ       G3SWH       HR9/EA1APV  EA1APV      T30CXX      W0CXX
5X1GS       WB2YQH      HS0ZFS      LZ1KQ       T88AP       WB6OJB
5Z4DZ       PA1AW       HZ1MD       PA2V        TA3J/0      TA3YJ
5Z4KI       YO9AFH      HZ1NH       EA7FTR      TF3ZA       KT6YL
6O0M        PA7FM       IQ8SO       IZ8GNH      TF8GX       KT6YL
7Z1SJ       EA7FTR      J5UAF       IV3DHD      TM4BFL      F4DCG
8N6HIGO     JG6TXW      J5UAP       HA3AUI      TR8CA       F6CBC
8P2K        KU9C        J5UCW       IK2ILH      TT8LN       F5TLN
8Q7BO       M0BOX       J5UDX       IK2ILH      U4MIR       RN3DK
8S4S        SM6YOU      J70SWD      SM0CCM      UA1ONY      RZ3EC
9A650C      9A7K        J73CCM      SM0CCM      UA1PBN/1    RK1PWA
9G1YK       PA3ERA      J79XBI      SM7XBI      UE3QRP/3    UA3LMR
9G5OO       DL4WK       JD1BMB      DJ0FX       UE3YAR/P    RV3YR
9H3UV       G3MXZ       JD1BMC      DL2DX       UE4HDA      RW4HB
9J2SZ       SP8DIP      JV800BV     JT1BV       UN5J        W3HNK
9K2MU       WA4JTK      JW0HZ       SQ5TA       UN7AB       DL8KAC
A6/OD5TX    W4JS        LZ13ARDF    LZ1KZA      UN7QX       W7BO
AT0AI       VU2SWS      LZ80R       LZ1BJ       UN8GF       IZ8CCW
BV50CRA     BV2KI       MM0MWW      GM0IFM      UO45YG      RX3RC
C56JHF      SM0JHF      MW0UTD/P    M0UTD       UP2006YG    UN7BF
C6ARA/MM    N1RA        OA4/DL5YWM  DL5YWM      UQ45YG      UN7BF
CN2BC       DL7BC       OO5S        ON5SY       V31JP       KA9WON
CN8YZ       EA7FTR      OP5T        ON5UM       V44KAI      K2SB
CP6XE       IK6SNR      OQ5M        ON5ZO       VK0AG       VK3BER
D2DX        OH2BAD      OQ7M        ON7EM       VP8CMH/MM   GM0HCQ
DA0DSC      DK1RF       OR0B        ON6AK       VP8DJB      F5PFP
DA0FIFA     DL9ZEA      OR2M        ON4IA       VP8SGK      GM0HCQ
DL2JRM/BY8SK DL2JRM     OR4B        ON5JV       W0NB/BY1PK  W0NB
DP4K        DK3DM       OR7A        ON7CK       XU7TZG      ON4AJV
DR100NAU    DL1RG       OT4A        ON4AEK      YB0ECT      K3AIR
DU1/KI4KJP  WY4N        OY4TN       ON5UR       YB0IR       W4JS
DW9HGF      EA7FTR      P29BW       N5FTR       YB1GJS      N5FTR
DZ50HBC     DU1HBC      P29SS       N5FTR       YB9YKI      YB9BU
EG7MSS      EA7URM      P29VR       W7LFA       YI9RTG      WH7USA
EI90GPO     EI8JR       PA/ON4OSA   ON4AWT      YS1ECB      EA7BO
EK6LP       IK2DUW      PJ4/W9NJY   WD9DZV      YZ6150AMD   YZ6AMD
EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      PZ5DK       PA0DKA      ZK1HCU      DL9HCU
EL2PM       EI5IF       R3K         RN3DK       ZP8AE       EA7FTR

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
4S7AB    Kamal Edirisinghe, Walaliyadda, Ellakkala 11116, Sri Lanka
EA1APV   Marcos Suarez, Capitan Almeida 25 4 B, 33009 Oviedo, Spain
EA5RM    Antonio Gonzalez, P.O. Box 930, 03200 Elche, Spain
EP3AG    Ali Ghanbari, P.O.Box 564, 16765 Tehran, Iran
EP4SP    Shahryar Pasyar, P.O. Box 71365/1664, Shiraz, Iran
F5PFP    Mehdi Escoffier, 23 rue du Colombier, F-38540 Heyrieux, France
FG5FR    C. Frantz Selbonne, Villa Le Ferrick Rocade de Paul, 97129 Lamentin,
         Guadeloupe - France
GM0HCQ   Mike Gloistein, 27 Stormont Way, Scone, Perthshire PH2 6SP, Scotland,
GM0IFM   Colin Blunn, Tiree, Rendall, Orkney, KW17 2PB, United Kingdom
RW1QN    Sergey A. Popov, P.O. Box 14, 162606, Cherepovets, Russia
SV2FWV   Takis Perrotis, 3 Metamorfoseos Str., 15234 Halandri, Greece
TA3YJ    Nilay Mine Aydogmus, P.O. Box 876, 35214 Izmir, Turkey
VU2SWS   Sarla Narayana Sharma, 7 Gaurav Apts Behind Ashok, Nagar Nahur Mulund
         (W), Bombay 400080, India
W3HNK    Joseph Arcure Jr, 115 Buck Run Road, Lincoln University, PA 19352,
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                 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000
                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org)
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
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                                 Roma, Italia