425 DX News #777 25 March 2006 A.R.I. Dx BulletinEdited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org ) Contributors are invited to send their DX information to Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org) The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile I2VGW 3D2 - Brian, N6IZ will be active (on 10-80 metres SSB, CW and digital modes) as 3D2IZ from Namotu Island (OC-121), Fiji from 25 March through 1 April. QSL via home call. The trip is focused on surfing, and operating times will center around the times and frequencies posted at http://www.brianboschma.com/fiji/Fiji2006_operation.htm [TNX N6IZ] 5A - A large team of operators from Germany (DF2SS, DF6QV, DJ2VO, DJ7EO, DJ7IK, DJ8NK, DJ9CB, DK1BT, DK1II, DK7YY, DL1BDF, DL3KDV, DL5EBE and DL9USA), Switzerland (HB9AHL and HB9DTE), Italy (IT9ESZ), The Netherlands (PA0R) and USA (K3LP) will be active on all bands and modes as 5A7A from Libya on 14-28 November, CQ WW DX CW Contest included. QSL via DL9USA, direct or bureau. Further information, including how to contribute to the expedition, is available at http://5a7a.gmxhome.de/ [TNX DJ7IK] 6W - Didier, F6ELE will operate as 6W2/F6ELE from Carabane Island (AF-078) for a few days between 9 and 18 June. QSL via home call. [TNX F6ELE] 8P - Richard, G3RWL will operate (CW and data using 100w and wire antennas) as 8P6DR from Barbados (NA-021) from 28 March to 5 April. QSL via G3RWL, direct or bureau (e-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent to g3rwl@amsat.org). [TNX G3RWL] 8Q - Simon, M0BOX will be active again as 8Q7BO from Kuredu Island, Maldives (AS-013) on 7-20 April. He plans to operate on 40-10 metres SSB and to concentrate on PSK31 and RTTY, plus SSTV if requested. QSL via home call [TNX M0BOX] 9A - Frans, ON6KN reports he will operate as 9A/ON6KN from Losinj (EU-136) on 21-26 May. EA9 - John, G4IRN and Roger, G3SXW expected to operate as ZB2/G4IRN and ZB2/G3SXW from Gibraltar on 23-27 March. However, they have had problems with the antennas, and on 25 March they will go and operate as EA9/G4IRN and EA9/G3SXW from Ceuta until the 27th. QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX] FS - John, K9EL reports will operate as FS/K9EL from Saint Martin (NA-105) on 3-11 April. He will be using 100 watts and vertical antennas for 10 through 80 metres. QSL via home call. GM - An operation from the Isle of Rockall (EU-189) is being planned to take place for 5-6 days between 16 and 28 June. Operators so far include Jacek/SP5DRH, James/MM0CWJ, Witold/SP5LCC and Terje/LA3OHA, but others are being sought. Please e-mail dxpedition2000@dxpedition.org if interested in joining the team. Further information is expected to be available in due course at http://www.dxpedition.org/ GW - North Wakefield ARC members Charles/M0OXO, Nigel/M0NJW, Chris/M1TRC, Steve/2E0JTI and Barry/2E0JRZ will operate as GB4CI from Caldey Island (EU-124) and lighthouse (WAL-004) on 24-31 July. They will participate in the IOTA Contest as GW5X. QSL for both callsigns via M3ZYZ, direct or bureau. [TNX M0OXO] LZ - Special event call LZ80R will be aired through the end of the year to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the first amateur radio club in Bulgaria. QSL via bureau to LZ1BJ. [TNX LZ1BJ] OA - Daniel, DL5YWM will be in Peru on 7-30 April and will operate CW and SSB as OA4/DL5YWM from Lima in his spare time. He will have 160 and 80 metres, but he is a bit pessimistic because the QRM level in the city is very high. QSL via home call. On 17 April he will be joined by Daniel, DL5SE, who will operate moslty CW as OA4/DL5SE until the 30th. On 22-26 April (+/- 1 day, depending on weather and sea conditions) the two Daniels along with Marcial (OA4DM) and Jorge (OA4BHY) will be active as OC5I from Isla Chincha del Centro (SA-073). They plan to operate CW and SSB on 10-160 metres. QSL OC5I via DL5WM. [TNX DL5YWM] OK - Special station OL74CAV will be active on 23 April to celebrate the 74th anniversary of the Ceskomoravsti Amateri Vysilaci (Czech-Moravian Transmitting Amateurs, www.c-a-v.com). QSL via OK1UU. [TNX OK1UU] PY0_fni - Orlando, PT2OP (PY2TJ) will operate holiday style as ZV0F from Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) from 30 March to 4 April. He expects to be active on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres SSB mainly during his nights. QSL via PT2OP, direct (preferably) or bureau. [TNX PY2HS] TA - Six members of the OK DX Foundation (namely OK1MU, OK1TN, OK1FIA, OK1DG, OK1CDJ and OK2VZE) plan to be active from at least one Turkish island for about four days between 24 April and 5 May. They will operate CW and SBB on 40, 30, 20, 17 and 15 metres with two stations with amplifiers. QSL via OK2GZ, direct or bureau. They have prepared a survey for IOTA enthusiasts to let them know which of the following IOTA groups are needed: AS-098, AS-099, AS-115, AS-123, AS-154, AS-159 and EU-186. Please visit http://www.okdxf.cz/ankety/iota_ta/iota_ta_en.php and cast your vote. TA - Berkin, TA3J will operate as TA3J/0 from Sican Island (AS-115) when weather permits between 1 and 22 April. Expect activity on all bands and modes. QSL via TA3YJ, direct (SAE plus 1 IRC. no green stamps please) or bureau. [TNX TA3J] UA - Special call R45G will be aired from the radio club station (RK3DZB) at the Cosmonauts Traning Center on Zvyozdny Gorodok on 10-16 April to commemorate the 45th anniversary of Yuri A. Gagarin's first human flight in space (12 April 1961). Activity will be on SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK31, MFSK16 and SSTV on the HF bands. QSL direct only via RW6HS (Vasil M. Kasyanenko, P.O. Box 0, Novopavlovsk, Stavropolsky kr., 357300, Russia). [TNX RW6HS] VE - The Surrey Amateur Radio Club (VE7SAR/VE2) will be operating SSB from La Madeleine Islands (NA-038) during IOTA Contest (29-30 July). Look for Heinz, VA7AQ to start operating on the 24th. [TNX VA7AQ] W - Sponsored by the Central Oregon DX Club (http://www.codxc.com/), the first running of the "7th Call Area QSO Party" (7QP) will be held from 13 UTC on 6 May until 7 UTC on the 7th. The rover team of I2UIY, K2RD and W6OAT will be operating as K7SB/m from the following rare Counties in the rare State of Nevada: Carson City, Churchill, Douglas, Esmeralda, Humboldt, Lander, Lyon, Mineral, Nye, Pershing, Storey and Washoe. The proposed itinerary is shown at http://www.i2uiy.it/k7sb.html [TNX I2UIY] YB - Kardi, YB1TC reporta the a group of operators from call areas 0, 1 and 4 of Indonesia (callsigns not provided) will hold a "Low Band Krakatau QSO Party" from Krakatau Island (OC-262) on 9-10 April to celebrate the 38th anniversary of ORARI. Look for them to be active using their home calls as follows (QRG +/- 5 kHz): 9 April: 1.825 MHz 17.15-19.00 UTC CW 19.15-23.00 UTC SSB 1.850 MHz 12.15-17.00 UTC SSB 3.805 MHz 23.15-02.99 UTC SSB 3.805 MHz 02.15-05.00 UTC CW 7.085 MHz 07.15-09.00 UTC SSB 7.085 MHz 09.15-11.00 UTC CW 10 April: 1.825 MHz 15.15-19.00 UTC CW 1.850 MHz 19.15-23.00 UTC SSB QSL to P.O. Box 1000 JKS, Jakarta 12010, Indonesia. The event sponsored by the Indonesian Amteur Radio Old Timer (www.arot.org). YB - The YE6P expedition to Simeulue Island (OC-270), originally expected to take place on 10-16 April, has been postoponed for a month or two, but it has not been cancelled. "Kardi (YB1TC) and his group still plan on putting it on", Al (K8SIX) reports, "as the last operation never made it into NA or SA and apparently some of northern EU". [TNX K8SIX and www.islandchaser.com] YU - Raffaele, IV3NVB and Roberto, IV3SRD will be active probably as YU8/IV3NVB e YU8/IV3SRD from Kossovo until 3 August. QSL via home calls (bureau). [TNX IV3EHH] YU - Charlie, 4N7CC reports that a few special callsigns will be aired from Senta (Vojvodina, Serbia & Montenegro) until 31 December to celebrate the 500th anniversary of that city: 4N7CC will use 4N500CC, 4N7ZZ will use 4N500ZZ, YU7BW will use YU500BW, YU7CM will use YU500CM, YU7JDE will use YU500JDE, YZ7A (contest call) will use YZ500A. YV0 - Operators from the Association of Radioamateurs of Venezuela (ARV) and the Grupo DX Caracas will be active as YX0A from Aves Island (NA-020) in April. The team plans to leave on the 17th and to be QRV on the 19th. They expect to be operating through two weekends. Further information is likely to be posted on http://www.yv0.info/ [TNX The Daily DX] CARIBBEAN TRIP ---> Lars, SM0CCM (J73CCM) and Seth, SM7XBI (J79XBI), will be QRV from Dominica (NA-101) from 29 March to 12 April and again on 19-28 April. Expect activity on all bands SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31. On 12-19 April they will operate from Grenada, probably as J3/homecall. QSL via home calls, preferably through the bureau. [TNX NG3K] CQ WW WPX SSB CONTEST ---> The following stations have announced their participation in this year's event (25-26 March): 4J - Mir, UA3FDX and Pavel, RA3AUM as 4J0DX from Azerbaijan. QSL via UA3FDX. 6W - Jacques, F6BEE as 6W1RW (SOAB) from Senegal. QSL via home call. 9A - Zik, VE3ZIK as 9A/VE3ZIK from Croatia. QSL via DL3PS, direct or bureau. 9K - Seven operators as 9K2HN (Multi-Single) from Kuwait. QSL direct or bureau. 9M6 - Pete, SM5GMZ and Steve, 9M6DXX as 9M6DXX (Multi-Single) from East Malaysia. QSL direct only to 9M6DXX (Steve Telenius-Lowe, WDT 527, 88905 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia). AP - Ijaz, AP2IA and Dane, S57CQ as AP2IA (Multi-Single) from Pakistan. QSL via AP2IA, direct or bureau. BV - A large gropu of operators as BP0P (Multi-Multi) from Taiwan. QSL via BV2KI. CN - Jim, W7EJ as CN2R (80 metres, QSL via W7EJ) and Brad, K7ZSD as CN2SD (20 metres, QSL via K7ZSD) from Morocco. CT3 - A large group of Madeira Team members (www.madeirateam.com) plus DK7YY as CQ9K from Madeira. FM - Roberto, IV3IYH as TO3W from Martinique. QSL via IK2ILH. GM - Leo, W3LEO as MM0LEO from Scotland. QSL via home call. HC8 - N5KO, K6AW, LU6ETB, LU2FA and LU4FPZ as HC8N (Multi-Two) from the Galapagos Islands. QSL via W5UE. I - IK6JNH, IK6RYU and IK6VXO as IR6T. QSL via IK6VXO. IS0 - Mauro, IN3QBR as IS0/K7QB on 80 metres from Sardinia. QSL via IN3QBR. J6 - The Southwest Ohio DX Association as J6DX from St. Lucia. QSL via N9AG. J7 - WA2VQW, WB2NVR, N2DVQ and N2DHH as J75RZ from Dominica. QSL via W2RZS, direct or bureau. JW - Francois, F8DVD as JW/F8DVD (SOSB 20 metres HP) from Spitsbergen, Svalbard. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. KH6 - KH6ND, KH6TO, KH6YY, KH7U, AH6OZ and AH6NF as KH7X (Multi-Single) from Hawaii. QSL via K2PF. OH0 - OH9MM as OH0Z (SOAB) from the Aland Islands. QSL via W0MM. P4 - W6LD as P40L (SOAB) from Aruba. QSL via K5WW. SP - Kris, SP6DVP as 3Z6V on 20 metres. QSl via home call. SV5 - SV5AZP, SV5DDP, SV5DKL, SV5FRB and SV5FRD as SX5P from the Dodecanese. QSL via SV5FRD. SV9 - Dimitris/SV9COL, John/SV9FBG, John/SV9FBK and George/SV9GPV as SY9A from Crete. TA - The Balkan Contest Club as TC3A from Karacabey, Turkey. QSL via LZ1KZA. TG - TG9ADQ, TG9SM, TG9ATG, TG9AXF, TG9ANF and EA1APV as TG7M from the Maya Biosphere in northern Guatemala. QSL via EA1APV. [TNX NG3K] V3 - K3RV and W3NO as V31RV (Multi-Single) from Belize. QSL via W3NO. VE - Yuri, VE3DZ as VC3T. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. YB - Pri, YB0ECT and several other operators as YB0ZCB/1 (Multi-Single) from Anyer Beach in Banten Province of Indonesia (OC-021). They also plan to operate RTTY and PSK31 on 17 metres. QSL via YB0YAD. ZD8 - Jim, N6TJ as ZD8Z (SOAB) from Ascension Island. QSL via VE3HO. Don't forget to give a look to the Announced Operations for this year's event maintained by Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/wpxs2006.html _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile I2VGW BELGIUM: VANITY CALLS ---> Franki, ON5ZO (UBA HF Manager) reports that amateur radio operators from Belgium can now apply for a secondary 2x1 vanity callsign with all possible ITU prefixes allocated to that country (but OT5x and OR5x are still reserved for club stations). The primary focus of these new calls is contesting, but they can also be used for everyday DXing. Koen, ON4CCP says his vanity call is OT1A, which was used back in contests back in 2001. Please note that the new QSL route is via ON4CCP (no longer via ON7LR). CQ DX MARATHON ---> Last run in 1948, the new CQ DX Marathon is a year-long DX hunt, with participants competing to see who can work the greatest number of countries ("entities") and CQ zones over the course of a full year, then starting again at zero at the beginning of the next year. This year's Marathon began at 00.00 UTC on 1 January 1 and will end at 23.59 UTC on 31 December. A new dedicated web site has been established at www.dxmarathon.com [TNX K9EL] HAMFEST (VU4) INDIA 2006 AWARDS ---> A number of awards will be available for contacting the various operators who will be active for the Hamfest to be held at Port Blair, Andaman Islands in April. The basic award will be issued to any station who works at least four different VU4 stations (callsigns). Contacts can be made on any band/mode starting from 18.30 UTC on 17 April until the DXpeditions are over. Full information is available at http://www.niar.org/hamfest/awards.html The list of amateur radio operators who will attend the Hamfest so far includes: 4Z4DX, A7/VU3MUV, AA4NN, CE2GLR, DF2IC, DJ0VF, DJ6TF, DJ7ZG, DJ8NK, DK1BT, DK5WL, DL1QW, DL3GA, DL4KQ, DL5OAB, DL7AFS, DL7DF, DL8LE, DL9GFB, DL9MS, F4EGD, F5CWU, G3LQP, I5JHW, IK1PMR, IZ1GLO/K2LEO, JR3MVF, K0IR, K3LP, K4VUD, K6JAJ, K6WX, K8LEE, KD8CGN, KF4IMJ, M1AEV, N2LM, N3OSH, N4GN, N6TQS, N7NG, N8TT, OE1ZKC/JH4RHF, OH2BBM, OH2BE, OH2BH, OH2KI, OH8HBG, ON5GA, PB2T, PY2DM, SP3CYY, SP3DOI, SP3GEM, SP5XVY, SP9EVP, VK2JNA, VK8FR, VK9NS, VU2AJW, VU2BL, VU2BOO, VU2BVB, VU2CBU, VU2CLM, VU2CMN, VU2CSV, VU2DBP, VU2DET, VU2DH, VU2DSV, VU2DVO, VU2FI, VU2FSX, VU2GHX, VU2GL, VU2JJS, VU2JMA, VU2JOS, VU2JVA, VU2LFA, VU2LIC, VU2LK, VU2LKB, VU2LU, VU2MY, VU2MYH, VU2MYL, VU2NIS, VU2NNA, VU2NTR, VU2OCY, VU2PKV, VU2RBI, VU2RIM, VU2RO, VU2SAX, VU2SBJ, VU2SDU, VU2SH, VU2SIE, VU2TRW, VU2UWZ, VU2VPR, VU2WDP, VU2ZBZ, VU3ADI, VU3DAC, VU3DSM, VU3DVS, VU3ELR, VU3HDP, VU3ICC, VU3LGX, VU3LMS, VU3MCK, VU3MMP, VU3NOJ, VU3PAK, VU3RSB, VU3SQB, W0GJ, W2NDP, W3UR, W8AEF, W8GEX, W9IXX, WA6UVF, WA9QJH, WE7K, XU7ACC, YB0US (http://www.niar.org/hamfest/participants.html). HUNGARY: 6 & 40 METRES ---> Effective 29 March amateur radio operators in Hungary can start using the 50-52 MHz band on a secondary, non-interference basis. All stations holding a CEPT-equivalent licence are automatically granted access: the power limit is 10W ERP and mobile operations on 6 metres are not allowed. Hungarian amateurs have also gained access to the 7100-7200 kHz segment on 40 metres. [TNX HA5X] NOT THE MANAGER ---> Oreste, IZ8EDJ is receiving cards for V59SWK, but he is not the QSL manager for that station. Oreste says he currently handles only V51KC, V55O, YI3SRA and IR8C. QRP MAS ---> The QRP Contest Community (http://www.qrpcc.de/) invites to take part in the 7th QRP Minimal Art Session (qrp-mas) that will take place on 25 May from 19 to 23 UTC on 80 metres CW. Contacts shall be made with homebrew rigs as simple as possible and constructed of as few components as possible. Further information can be found on QRPCC's website or from Hartmut Weber, DJ7ST (dj7st@darc.de). [TNX DJ7ST] QSL 9M6AAC ---> DJ8XW and DL2QT recently operated from 9M6AAC at Hillview Gardens in East Malaysia. The permanent QSL manager for all operations from 9M6AAC over the past 10 years is N2OO. The QSL route announced by DJ8XW and DL2QT ("via DL2QT") is incorrect, but they will answer whatever cards do go via that route if they have already been sent there. [TNX N2OO] QSL VIA YB1BOD/6 ---> Donny reports that his correct address is: Donny Sirait, P.O. Box 1206, Medan 20001, Indonesia. Donny is the QSL manager for the recent operation from Simeulue Island (OC-270). Stations from Europe only can send their request to IZ8CCW. SINGAPORE: 40 & 80 METRES ---> David, 9V1RH would like to remind readers of 425 DX News that "since September 2005 9V1 amateurs may use the band 7.0 to 7.2 MHz. So if the QRM below 7.1 MHz is too heavy, calling CQ Contest listening 7,110 may get an easy contact. For 9M2, 9M6, 9M8, 9V1 and YB/YC the 75/80 metre band runs from 3,500 to 3,900 kHz, so it is possible to work split with us above the DX window". W5DXCC ---> The Lone Star DX Association in conjunction with Ham-Com 2006 will host this year's W5DXCC, to be held on 9-10 June in Plano, TX. The main event will be a dinner at the Southfork Hotel on Friday evening (this year's featured speaker and programme at the dinner event will be Bob Allphin, K4UEE and the 3Y0X DXpedition to Peter I Island), but there will be additional DX events on Friday and Saturday at the convention center. To order tickets or read about additional DX programme information, please visit http://www.hamcom.org [TNX WW5L] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile I2VGW LOGS: The guys in Benin (TY5MR, TY5LEO, TY4TW and TY5WP) have found an Internet Cafe and were able to send their logs and a few pictures to Dennis, PA7FM, whi in his turn has made them available on his web site (http://www.pa7fm.nl). The DXpedition is now fully operational on 160-10 metres. During this weekends' WPX Contest look for TY5WP on 80 metres. Next week they will focus on the low bands. [TNX PA7FM] LOTW & WAS: The ARRL's Logbook of the World (LoTW) now supports the Worked All States (WAS) award. Once registered and logged in, users may set up a WAS account on the Logbook Awards page, configuring the account to automatically select QSLs to use or selecting them manually via Your QSOs. OC-270: A photo gallery of the 8-15 March operation from Simeulue Island can be found at http://www.toba-dx-group.org/simeulue/foto.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSLs received direct or through managers: 3G1M (SA-069), 3XY7C, 4A7L, 4K7Z, 4L8A, 4O3ANT, 4S7NE, 5D6MC, 5H1CM (AF-032), 5T0JL, 5U5Z, 5V7FA, 5Z4ES, 6O0JT, 6O0N, 6V6U, 6Y2Z, 7X0RY, 7X4AN, 8R1EA, 9G1YR, 9J2BO, 9M2CNC, 9N7JO, 9Y4/DL7DF, A22/JA4ATV, A52CDX, A71EM, AT0EI (AS-169), C6ANM, CE0/LA6IKA, CE6M (SA-061), CM6CAC, CN2DX, CN8SG, CU7/G3TXF, D2DX, DU7/G4DUM (OC-129), DX0K, ED1ND (EU-080), EP4HR, ES1FB/8 (EU-178), EU1AZ, EX2X, EY8CQ, FG5BG, FH/G3TXF, FS5UQ, HA7TM/HI9, HC4/NP3D, HC8N, HI3NR, HP1XVH, HV5PUL, IO2ANT, IR1ANT, IR8ANT, J20LA, J37K, J79RV, J88DR, J8DX, JD1BFA, JW5E, JW9VDA, K3LP/KP5, K7C, KC4CD/HR2, KG4WW, KH6ND/KH5, KH7U/KH5, KL7J, LU1ZB (AN-012; AA LU-05), LU1ZR (AN-013; AA LU-12), LU1ZS (AN-010; AA LU-17), MU0EXN, MW5A, N3KS/KP5, OD5NH, P40W, P49MR, P49Y, PJ7/ND5S, PS2T, PZ5C/p, PZ5WP, R1ANB (AN-016; AA UA-07), R1ANF (AN-016; AA UA-04), R1ANN (AN-016; AA UA-08), R1ANZ (AN-016; AA UA-07), R1MVC, R1MVW, RA0FW/p (AS-025), RI1NU (EU-147), RN1NU/1 (EU-162), S9SS, ST/ZS5ADU, SU8GFTN (AF-101), SU9BN, SY8S, T24DX, T32Z, T40C, T80A, T98U, TA0/YZ1SG, TI1C, TI8CBT, TL8DPA, TM8TAF, TR8CR, TT8AMO, TT8M, TT8PK, TX5M, TZ5A, UA2FX, UP60P, V25G, V26AAV, V26VR, V31YN/p, V44/W1USN, V5/SP6IXF, V51/DJ4SO, V7/K7ZZ, VO2AC, VP2MQQ, VP2MW, VP2V/N2IEN, VP5JM, VP5W, VP9/W6PH, VP9I, VY2NT (NA-029), WH6R, WP3C, WP3R, XZ7C, YN4SU,YO2LDC, Z22JE, Z36W, Z37M, ZA3/IZ0CKJ, ZB2/PA3EWP, ZB2CI, ZB2EO, ZB2FX, ZD7BG, ZD8A, ZP0R, ZP3CTW, ZX5J. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: http://www.425dxn.org 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES: http://list.425dxn.org 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000 ***************************************************************************** 425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed in part or full provided that "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit Contributors are invited to send their DX information to Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org) The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays ***************************************************************************** MAILING LIST Please visit the "Mailing List" page at http://www.425dxn.org and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions or contact the Mailing List Administrator Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org) ***************************************************************************** Direttore Responsabile Gabriele Villa, I2VGW Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216 Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti Roma, Italia *****************************************************************************