DX425 bulletin issue nr. 775

425 DX News #775
11 March 2006 
    A.R.I. Dx BulletinEdited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile I2VGW        
      5T       - Fernando, EA1BT  plans to  be active  on all  bands as  5T6BT  from
           Mauritania on 7-16 April. QSL via EA4URE. [TNX EC8AUA]
5Z       - Riccardo, IZ1GDB reports he will  operate mainly on  20, 15 and  17
           metres SSB as 5Z4/IZ1GDB from Kenya from 20 April to 1 May. QSL via
           home call, direct or bureau.
7Q       - Les, 7Q7LA is again operating from Malawi. He will stay there for a
           minimum of two months, and he and Harry, 7Q7HB expect to be able to
           fill many band/mode slots. QSL direct only via G0IAS. [TNX G0IAS]
6Y       - Tomas, LY1DF will operate  (on 15-40 metres  CW only) as  6Y5/LY1DF
           from Jamaica (NA-097) on 12-18 March. QSL via bureau to LY1DF. [TNX
9A       - 9A35Y will be aired  on all bands  and modes until  the end of  the
           year to  celebrate the  35th anniversary  of radio  club "Jan  Hus"
           (9A1CCY). QSL via 9A5CY. [TNX 9A5CY]
9A       - Once again    Zik,  VE3ZIK  (http://www.qslnet.de/ve3zik)  will  be
           active as  9A/VE3ZIK from  Bilice, Croatia between  17 March and  5
           April. He will  participate in the  Russian DX  and CQ  WW WPX  SSB
           contests, before and after them he will operate mostly on the  WARC
           bands and wait   for any FM  opening on 29600  kHz. QSL via  DL3PS,
           direct or through the DARC bureau. [TNX VE3ZIK]
9M6      - Pete, SM5GMZ [425DXN 761] will be in Cambodia (XU7ADI) for  another
           week before returning  to Thailand (HS0ZFI).  Starting 21 March  he
           will be active  as 9M6/SM5GMZ from  East Malaysia for  a couple  of
           weeks. He  will operate  on all  bands and  modes, with  a  special
           emphasis on 160 and 80 metres. [TNX SM5GMZ]
9Q       - Luc, ON7KEC will  be working in  the Democratic  Republic of  Congo
           from early April until the end of July. He plans to operate on  the
           amateur radio bands as 9Q/ON7KEC  in his spare  time. QSL via  home
           call. [TNX ON8JP]
CN       - Jim, W7EJ will operate as CN2R from Morocco on 16-29 March. He will
           participate    in    the    CQ    WW    WPX    SSB    Contest    as
           Single-Operator/Single-Band  (80  metres),  before  and  after  the
           contest expect activity on the WARC bands and 6 metres EME. QSL via
           W7EJ. [TNX NG3K]
EA6      - 9A3AXX, 9A3RE, 9A6XX  and 9A8MM will  operate as EA6/homecall  from
           Ibiza, Balearic Islands on 17-20 March.  The main reason for  their
           trip is the participation in the Russiand DX Contest as  EA6/9A8MM.
           QSL via home calls. [TNX 9A6XX]
EY       - Look for EY8/UA4CC and EY8/UR0MC to  operate CW, SSB and RTTY  from
           Dushanbe, Tajikistan on 14-21 March. They  will concentrate on  the
           low and WARC bands. QSL via  home calls. On  18-19 March they  will
           participate in  the Russian  DX Contest  as  EY0R (QSL  via  UA4CC,
           direct or bureau)  with EY8MM,  EY8CQ, EY8BA  and possibly  others.
           [TNX UA4CC]
FG       - Jean-Pierre, F5CVI will  be active  as FG/F5CVI  from Sainte  Rose,
           Guadeloupe (NA-102) on  20-27 March. He  plans to  operate SSB  and
           RTTY on 10-40  metres (plus 80  and 160 metres  depending on  local
           conditions). QSL  via  home call.  His  log will  be  available  at
           http://www.ham-radioamateur.org/ [TNX F5CVI]
FM       - Guy, F5MNW will be active as FM/F5MNW from Martinique (NA-107) from
           25 March to  8 April.  He will  operate CW  on all  bands. QSL  via
           homecall, direct or bureau. [TNX F5MNW]
HH       - Jan K4QD (HH4/K4QD)  and Bill  W4WX (HH4/W4WX)  will be  at the  NW
           Haiti Christian Mission (http://www.nwhcm.org/) on 20-31 March  and
           plan to be active on 80-10 metres all modes. QSL HH4/W4WX via  W4WX
           (direct), QSL HH4/K4QD via K4QD (direct or bureau). [TNX K4QD]
HB9      - Heinz/HB9BOS, Ruedi/HB9CQL and Nick/HB9DDZ will operate as  HB20DIG
           from 8 March to 7 June to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the DIG
           Section  of  Switzerland.  All  of  the  QSOs  will  be   confirmed
           automatically via the bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
I        - Owing reasons  beyond  the  operators'  control,  the  10-12  March
           operation from Ustica Island [425DXN 773] has been postponed for  a
           few weeks [TNX IW9HLM]
I        - Alessandro, IW7EGK (40 metres SSB) and Giovanni, IW7DOL (20  metres
           SSB) will be active from the lighthouse at Torre San Giovanni (WAIL
           PU-003, ARLHS ITA-171) on 12 March. [TNX IW7EGK]
I        - IK2DUW, IK2GPQ, IK2WFE, IK8UHA and IW2OAZ will operate on 160,  80,
           40, 20,  15, 6  and 2  metres as  IB0/IQ2LB from  Ventotene  Island
           (EU-045, IIA LT-001) on 22-24 April. QSL via bureau. [TNX IW2OAZ]
J6       - Jack, K9JE  reports  he will  be  active as  J68AR  from  St  Lucia
           (NA-108) on 16-30 March. QSL  via home call.  Jack and others  will
           participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest.
J6       - Oleh, UR5BCP reports  he will operate  on 160-6 metres  CW and  SSB
           from St. Lucia (NA-108) from 30 March to 5 April. QSL via KD7WPJ.
JD1_oga  - Hide, JM1LJS  (http://radio-dream.com/jd1blk/e/)  will  operate  as
           either  JD1BLK  and  JM1LJS/JD1   from  Chichijima  and   Hahajima,
           Ogasawara (AS-031) from 30 April to  6 May. QSL via JM1LJS,  direct
           or bureau.
P2       - Joe,  I2YDX  (P29YDX)  and  Roberto,  IK2WXZ  (P29WXZ)  will   join
           Bernhard, DL2GAC (P29VMS) on a three-island operation from 15 to 22
           March. They will start from the  Femi Island (OC-101), followed  by
           activities from  the Tanga  Islands (OC-102)  and the  Lihir  Group
           (OC-069). Plans  are to  remain  2-3 days  on  each island  and  to
           operate on 40-10 metres SSB and CW. QSL via home calls. [TNX I2YDX]
P2       - Johan, PA3EXX reports  he will operate  (on 10, 15,  20, 30 and  40
           metres CW and SSB) as P29VV from the Witu Islands (OC-181) on 16-19
           June. He also plans to be  active from New  Britain (OC-008) for  a
           few days  before  and after  the  operation  from  OC-181.  Further
           information     is     expected     to     be     published      on
PA       - Kees/PA3EEQ and Age/PA0XAW will operate on 80, 40, 20 and 2  metres
           CW, SSB and FM from  a couple of  Dutch lighthouses (ARLHS  NET-005
           and NET-077)  on 18  March.  On the  25th  they will  operate  from
           NET-024 on Texel  Island (EU-038). QSL  direct or  via the  bureau.
           Information  on  the  Dutch  Lighthouses  Award  can  be  found  at
           http://www.dutchlighthouseaward.nl [TNX PA0XAW]
S0       - Ten    operators  (namely  Roberto/EA2RY,  Pedro/EA5BJ,  Fer/EA5FX,
           Javi/EA5KM, Francisco/EA5RD,  Toni/EA5RM, Julio/EA5XX,  Javi/EC4DX,
           Fabrizio/IN3ZNR and  Dimitri/UY7CW) will  be  active as  S01R  from
           Western Sahara on 11-16 April. They will have four stations  active
           on 10-160 metres CW, SSB,  PSK31 and RTTY.  QSL via EA5RM  (Antonio
           Gonzalez, P.O. Box 930, 03200  Elche, Spain). Further  information,
           on-line logs and pictures at http://www.s01r.com; the pilot will be
           be EA4TD (oscar@ea4td.com). [TNX EA5RM]
T8       - Hide, JM1LJS will operate holiday style on all bands (mostly on  15
           metres SSB and CW) as T80W from Palau (OC-009) on 17-20 March.  QSL
           direct   to    home   call.    Logs    wiil   be    available    at
TA       - Eric, SM1TDE  will  operate mainly  CW  as TA4/SM1TDE  from  Kemer,
           Turkey on  9-16  April. He  will  also try  to  go and  operate  as
           TA0/SA1A from a couple of IOTA groups (AS-099 and AS-115). QSL  via
           bureau to homecall. [TNX SM1TDE]
TF       - Amateur radio operators from Iceland are allowed to use the special
           prefix TF60  through the  end of  the year  to celebrate  the  60th
           anniversary of  the Icelandic  Radio Amateurs  (http://www.ira.is),
           their IARU national society. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
TZ       - Txema, EA5BWR  and  Luis, EA5KY  have  been involved  in  a  "radio
           solidarity" project  in  Diougunte, Mali  since  6 March  and  will
           remain in that country through the 19th. They have applied for TZ#R
           and TZ#URE and plans are to operate CW, SSB and possibily some RTTY
           in their spare time until 17 March. QSL via EA4URE. [TNX EA2RY]
UA       - RA9XV, RA9XY, UA9XBL and UA9XC  will be active  on 80-10 metres  CW
           and SSB as RI1PXC from Kolguev Island (EU-085) on 14-20 March.  QSL
           via UA9XC. During the  Russian DX Contest  (18-19 March) they  will
           operate as RI1PI. QSL both calls via UA9XC, direct or bureau.  [TNX
UA       - RA1QQ, RA1PAW, UA1PBU, UA1QV will be active as either UE1RCV/1  and
           homecall/1 or /p  from Sengeyskiy Island  (EU-188) on 14-20  March.
           During the Russian  DX Contest they  will operate  as UA1QV/1.  QSL
           UE1RCV/1 via UA1RJ, others via home call. [TNX IZ8CCW]
V2       - Bob, W4OWY  (V25WY) and  Mark, W9OP  (V25OP)  will be  active  from
           Antigua (NA-100) on 13-19 March. They will operate SSB, CW and RTTY
           on 6-160 metres, with an emphasis  on the low  bands. QSL via  home
           calls, direct or bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
VU4      - Frank, DL4KQ (VU3FRK)  reports that amateur  radio operations  from
           the  Andaman   Islands  during   and   after  the   Hamfest   event
           (http://www.niar.org/hamfest_vu4/intro.html) will  take  place  for
           eight days (18-25 April). Callsigns, QSL routes, and other  details
           are  expected   to   be   announced   in   due   course.   Bookmark
           http://www.dx-pedition.de/andaman2006/index.html for updates.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
10M BEACON ---> SR4TEN is the  first Polish beacon on  10 metres. Located  at
the office of the MK QTC  Magazine in Suchacz (JO94RG),  it was activated  at
10.15 UTC on 6 March and operates with 3 watts on 28.203 MHz. If you copy the
beacon, please e-mail your report to qtc@post.pl [TNX SP2FAP]
425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The  latest issue (February 2006) is now  available
at http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/.  Articles and  pictures should  be sent to
Nicola Baldresca, IZ3EBA (iz3eba@ari.it).
DXCC NEWS ---> YI/OM2DX from Iraq  (operation commencing on 9 June 2003)  has
been approved for DXCC credit.
HOLYLAND DX CONTEST  ---> The Israel  Amateur Radio Club  (IARC) invites  all
amateur radio operators  and SWLs to  participate in the  annual Holyland  DX
Contest, which will take place on 15 April (from 00.00 UTC until 23.59  UTC).
Details can be found on the  IARC web site (www.iarc.org). This year's  event
is dedicated to the memory of  the late Michail  Kommisarchik 4X4CD, who  was
the manager and a team leader at the club station 4Z4SZ. [TNX 4Z4KX]
NOT THE MANAGER ---> Anna  Mischi, IS0LLJ is  receiving QSL cards  confirming
contacts made with IM0A in July 2004. Please note that the correct QSL  route
for that operation is via IS0BMU, while Anna is the QSL manager only for  the
activity that took place on 10-13 October 1997.
NOT THE MANAGER ---> Tim Dickerson, N9NU reports that, owing to his  business
commitments, he will no longer be able to manage YB0GJS/YB1GJS, 9K9A,  9K2AI,
A92GQ, UA9CKN and RU3GF with immediate  effect. However, he is still the  QSL
manager for KH6XT: "I chose to  keep Dennis", he says, "as  I have known  him
for a long time and was  the first station I managed".  Tim will forward  the
cards he has on hand to the new managers as they are found.
QSL 6O0N ---> Silvano, I2YSB reports that all of the direct requests received
so far have  been processed and  mailed. Those  who have  requested a  direct
card, will not receive a second  (dupe) card via the  bureau; those who  have
requested       bureau        cards        through        the        Internet
(http://www.i2ysb.com/6o0n/log_qsl/qsllog.php) need neither to e-mail Silvano
nor to send their own bureau cards. [TNX I2YSB]
QSL VIA IV3OWC --->  Claudio reports that  all of the  requests for his  past
operations (9E1C, ST2CF, TL8DPA, etc) have been processed an mailed.
SIMEULUE ISLAND ---> The Toba DX Group team started their operation from this
IOTA new one on  8 March as  planned [425DXN 773].  The Mediterraneo DX  Club
sponsors the  expedition and  has arranged  for QSL  cards for  Europe to  be
managed by  IZ8CCW (direct  or bureau).  All others  should go  via  YB1BOD/6
(Donny Sirait, P.O. Box 1206, Medan 20233, Indonesia).

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
LOGS:   On-line logs for the recent operations  by Wulf/DL1AWI, Mat/DL5XU  and
        Erik/DL9AWI from the  Marquesas and Austral  Islands are available  at
        http://www.radioklub.de/cgcg [TNX DL3APO]
QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B8CF, 3B9FR, 3V8SM (AF-083), 4A7L,
4J6ZZ, 4J9RI, 4K6DI, 4L1QX, 4L2M, 4L4KK,  4U60UN, 5R8GZ, 5T0JL, 5X1RI,  6O0N,
6W1RW, 6Y3R, 6Y7A, 7X0RY,  7Z1SJ, 8Q7EA, 8R1K,  9G5OO, 9J2CA, 9K2KS,  9K2USA,
9M6BG, 9V1YC,  A52CDX,  A61AR, A61AS,  A61R,  AB2RF/6Y5, BA7QT,  C6AKQ,  CE6M
K3LP/KP5, K7C, KL7DX,  KP4SQ, LU1ZR  (AN-013), LY2ZZ,  MD4K, N3KS/KP5,  OL8M,
OX3DB, P40E,  PJ7/ND5S,  PZ5C/P (SA-092),  PZ5WP,  R1ANB (AN-016;  AA UA-07),
R1ANF (AN-016; AA UA-04), R1ANN (AN-016; AA UA-08), R1ANZ (AN-016; AA UA-07),
S21AR, S9SS, ST0RM, SV8/G4ELZ/P (EU-113), SV9FBG,  T6X, T88BH, T88GG,  TF0GX,
TI0SP,  TI5N,  TI8/KG6UH,  TI8CBT,  TR8CA,  V26G,  V26K,  V31YN/P   (NA-180),
V44/EW1AR, V85SS,  V8PMB, VK9LA,  VK9NS,  VP2E, VP5/N0VD,  VP5/WJ2O,  VP5RED,
                 425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000
                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org)
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                                 MAILING LIST
                    Please visit the "Mailing List" page at
        and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                   or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                   Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org)
                            Direttore Responsabile
                             Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia