425 DX News #762 10 December 2005 A.R.I. Dx BulletinEdited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org ) Contributors are invited to send their DX information to Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org) The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile I2VGW 4S - Joel, F5PAC/4S7PAG started his activity from Barberyn Island (AS-171) on 9 December. Look for him on 40, 20, 17 and 15 metres SSB until around 10 UTC on 11 December. QSL via home call. [TNX HB9EAA] 5Z - Alex, 5Z4DZ (PA3DZN) will operate again as 5Z1A on 12 December to celebrate Jamhuri Day, commemorating the declaration of independence of Kenya on 12 December 1963. QSL via PA1AW. Details can be found at www.pa1aw.nl/5z1a [TNX PA1AW] 6W - Dani, EA4ATI is working in Dakar, Senegal until June-July. He has received the licence (6W/EA4ATI) and will also operate as 6W1EA during the ARRL 10m Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] 6W - HA7TM will be going to Le Caola, Senegal on 15 December. He plans to operate (CW and SSB, possibily with some RTTY) as 6W/HA7TM for one week from the QTH of 6W7RV. QSL via home call, direct or through the bureau. Logs will be available at http://ha7tm.uw.hu/ after the trip. [TNX HA0HW] CE0_jf - A multi-national team of operators will be active as CE0Z from Robinson Crusoe Island, Juan Fernandez (SA-005) on 20-28 January. They will have 3-4 stations on the air around the clock on all bands (30 metres included, by special authorization) and modes. Team members include operators from the Radio Club Manquehue (namely CE3GL, XQ3SA, CE3GRG, CE3VII, CE3BYL, CE3GFN, CE5RH and CE3BFZ) and four operators of the upcoming Peter I DXpedition (K4SV, F2JD, N2WB and N6OX). There will be three QSL routes: via CE3BSQ (for Central and South America), F6AJA (for Europe and Africa) and N2OO (for North America, Japan and others). Logs will be uploaded to LOTW and a web site TBA is under construction. [TNX K4SV] F - The Association des Radioamateurs de Loire-Atlantique will operate as TM1JV on 15-31 December to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of Jules Verne, the celebrated pioneer of the science-fiction genre. QSL via F4CEI. [TNX F8REF] FT*Y - FT5YH is likely to be the callsign Jean-Paul, F5BU will be using Dumont d'Urville Base [425DXN 759] from mid December through the end of February 2006. QSL via home call. [TNX F5NQL] I - Look for special calls IO1NOR, IO1SHO, IO1SKE, IO1SNO and IO1SPE to be aired from 10 December through 9 January. These activities are part of the approach march to the XX Olympic Winter Games that will take place in Torino in February 2006. All of the contacts will confirmed automatically via the bureau, direct cads should be sent to I1JQJ. Full information on the Torino 2006 Award can be found at http://www.ari-r1.it/torino2006 OZ - Jakob, OZ7AEI plans to operate on 20 and 40 metres SSB as OZ7AEI/p from five Danish lighthouses (DEN-024, DEN-087, DEN-197, DEN-198 and DEN-199) on 11 December starting around 8 UTC. [TNX OZ7AEI] PY - A group of operators from the Japy DX Group (PY2ENO, PY2HN, PY2MTM, PY2NI, PY2OC, PY2ZX and possibily others) will be active as homecall/PY2 from a mountain location near Salesopolis (GG76aj) on 16-18 December. They plan to operate on 6 metres (as well as on 2m, 70cm and possibly 23cm). E-mail py2zx@mandic.us or py2oc@yahoo.com.br for skeds. [TNX PY2ZX] R1A_ant - Dmitry, RZ3DJ reports that Vlady, RU3HD will remain at Novolazarevskaya (UA-08 for the Antarctica Award, IOTA AN-016), Antarctica until around April 2006. Vlady operates as either R1ANN and RU3HD/ANT on all bands, mainly CW with some SSB, in its spare time. More than 19,000 QSOs have been logged so far. QSL via RZ3DJ (Dmitry Tsyplakov, P.O. Box 5/3, Pushkino - 5, 141205, Russia). R1A_ant - Plans have changed and Mike Fokin, R1ANT (RW1AI) will not participate in the Mirny-Vostok-Mirny traverse [425DXN 760]. Mike will be leaving Mirny on 8 January. [TNX DL5EBE] TR8 - Roland, F8EN will be active again as TR8CR from Libreville, Gabon between 12 December and 12 January. Look for activity during his mornings on 40, 20 and 10 metres CW and 20 metres SSB; suggested frequencies are 7005, 14005 and 14170. [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX] W - Dick, K2ZR will be operating as K2ZR/4 from Key West (NA-062) between 15 December and 15 May. [TNX The Daily DX] YB - YB8HZ, YB8FS, YB8BRI, YB8HGM and YC8AJB will be active (on 80, 40, 20 and 15 metres SSB and CW) as YB8ZC from Kodingareng Keke Island (OC-236) on 16-18 December. QSL via YB8HZ. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile I2VGW FT5XO ---> James, 9V1YC reports that the "FT5XO Kerguelen" DVD (54 minutes) is finished; purchase information can be found at http://www.dxvideos.com/ft5xovideo.htm NA-178 ---> Rick Hilding, K6VVA has been working on activation of the Farallon Islands (NA-178) for a year and a half, and now he says there is a possibility of being QRV sometime in January or early February 2006. "A 'Cooperative Work Agreement' where significant contribution is made to the FWS operations on South East Farallon Island is the only way NA-178 can be activated", he says. Rick (na178@k6vva.com) and the other operators involved in this effort "need serious sponsors to make this happen", and would like to have "an idea of what support may be forthcoming from the IOTA Community". Updates will be posted on http://www.k6vva.com/iota/na178/index.html; for background information on Rick's effort, please visit www.president.com PIRATE ---> 7X2PD requesting QSL via F8IXZ is a pirate, save your time and money on this one. Jean-Marc, F8IXZ can confirm only contacts made with 6W1/F8IXZ, 6W4/F8IXZ, TM0GAY and F8IXZ/D44AC. [TNX F5NQL] QSL 9J2BO ---> Mike, G3TEV is not in actual possession of 9J2BO's logs. Mike can only confirm cards during his daily skeds with 9J2BO, and due to poor propagation, he is finding it difficult to deal with large quantities of QSL cards sent via the bureau. "Obviously I will endeavour to deal with any cards that I do receive from the bureau", he says, but for the time being Mike asks stations "to only send cards direct or by e-mail until further notice". QSL UK8OAH ---> Paolo, IK2QPR reports he is the new QSL manager for UK8OAH (Uzbekistan), who operates mainly on 80 and 160 metres. QSL to Paolo Fava, Via Bertani 8, 46100 Mantova - MN, Italy. QSL VIA UA4WHX ---> Vladimir Bukov, UA4WHX (currently 5H3VMB on Zanzibar Island, Tanzania) reports that all direct requests received for his past operation in the Pacific have been answered, while bureau requests are being processed and answered right now. If you think that something may have gone wrong with your direct card, please e-mail Vlad (ua4whx@udm.ru) or his manager (ua4whxaa@udm.ru). Vlad's Africa operations will be QSLed when the trip is over. _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile I2VGW 3G1M: The web page for the 3G1M operation from Santa Maria Island (SA-069, October 2005) can be found at http://www.mdxc.org/3g1m/; on-line logs are at http://www.mdxc.org/logsearch1.asp; direct QSL received are listed at http://www.qsl.net/ce6tbn/Incoming.htm [TNX XQ1IDM] IH9P: A slide show for the recent CQ WW DX CW M/2 effort (claimed score 25,589,948) by the Tikirriki Contest Club can be found at http://radioamatori.altervista.org/video/ih9p2005.wmv SU8BHI: Gabor, HA3JB expects on-line logs for his SU8BHI activity from Egypt to be soon on-line at www.qsl.net/ha3jb _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile I2VGW =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3A/K4ZLE W8QID EK6TA DJ0MCZ SN1I SP1NQF 3A/N0FW W8QID EK6YL SP9ERV SN75JMR SP2JMR 3A/N9NS W8QID EW6GF DL8KAC SP0TPAX SP7DQR 3B8/OM3PC OM3PC EY8CQ DJ1MM SP80QSL SP7DQR 3DA0NW K9NW EY8MM K1BV ST0RM T93Y 3V5A YT1AD FG5FC F6DZU SU8BHI HA3JB 3Z5IARU SP5MXA FP/K8DD K8NA SV0XAI/9 LA4XFA 3Z9IARU SP9PRO FR1AN N5FTR SV8/G4EDG G4ELZ 4G73HBC DU1HBC FS/K9EL K9EL T68G LA4YW 4K7Z UA3FDX FY/F5IRO F5KIN T88AA UA3DX 4KR60S 4J5A G6PZ M5AAV T88AB UA3DX 4N0NS YU7BPQ GB5RSR M0DJC T88IB UA3DX 4O3AA K2PF GJ2A GJ3DVC (a) T88ME 7N1RTO 4S7PAG F5PAC GJ2A K2WR (b) T88VF WA6UVF 4U1WB KK4HD HC8N W5UE T88YL JR3MVF 4U60UN HB9BOU HF75PZK SP3IQ T9/VE3ZIK DL3PS 4W3ZZ W4DR HG8N HA8VK TI4CF W3HNK 4X0G W3GG HI9/DJ2ST KU9C TI5N W3HNK 5B/AJ2O RA3AUU HI9CF DL4NCF TI5X N0KE 5H1CM DL7CM HI9L KU9C TI8CBT EA7FTR 5H3EE DL4SM HK0FD DK8FD TJ1AM IZ2EER 5H3VMB UA4WHX HP1/OA4WW EA4BQ TL8CG IK1APO 5J1W NN1N HS0T HS6NDK TM0TLT F5KLJ 5N6EAM IK2IQD HS0ZAR K3ZO TM2Y F6BEE 5N8NDP IK5JAN HS0ZCW K4VUD TM3TLT F8KGL 5R8ET KG6D HS0ZDJ W2YR TM4Q F6FYA 5R8FL G3SWH HS0ZEG KB4FB TM4THO F4EPU 5R8GZ G3SWH HZ1IK DK7YY TM5OBA F6KAT 5R8NL PG0A IG9A IT9GSF TM5VT F6KJX 5U7B I2YSB IH9P KR7X TM6X F5VHY 5U7JB ON5NT II0AMZS IK5VLO TM7VM F5UJZ 5W0OJ DL4RDJ II1TPG IZ1CCE TM8T F6BDM 5Z1A PA1AW IR9CP IT9NCO TM9TLT F6KUC 5Z4LS/P G3RTW IS0N OK1MG TR8CA F6CBC 6W1RW F6BEE IS0U IN3QBR TX0P F6AUS 6W1SA F4BIT IU9LAC IW9HLM TY5ZR IK2IQD 6Y0A WA4WTG J41V SV1CQN TZ5A G3SXW 6Y3R OH3RB J43F SM4DHF TZ6CW K7WP 6Y7A KN5H J45A LY1DF TZ6LF KY7M 7X0RY OK1DYW J45KLN SM0CMH TZ6MF KC7V 7Z1UG DO1HEN J79CW DL5CW TZ6NG NE9Z 8J1RL bureau J79DYL DL5DYL TZ6NS AA7A 8P5A NN1N JW1CCA LA1CCA TZ6RN G4IRN 8Q7DV UA9CLB JX9NOA LA9NOA TZ6VT K5VT 9G5A DL4WK K2KW/6Y5 WA4WTG TZ6WP G4BWP 9G5GJ N6ZZ KH0PR JJ8DEN UA3R RN3RQ 9G5OO DL4WK KH2/JA3EGZ JA3EGZ UN5A DL8KAC 9H3LEO IK1PMR KH2/JA3PPH JA3EGZ UN5J W3HNK 9H3MR IK1PMR KP2/K3CT K3CT UN7AB DL8KAC 9H9JR DJ0QJ KP2/K3MD K3MD UN9GC LZ1YE 9J2CA G3SWH KP2/K3TEJ K3TEJ UO0AIK DL8KAC 9K2MU WA4JTK KP3Z WC4E UU7J UU0JM 9M6/G3OOK M5AAV LN8W LA9VDA UV5U UX1UA 9Y4AA VE3HO LR2F LU2FA V26K AA3B A35RK W7TSQ LR50U EA5NI V31CT N6OJ A35TT DL4RDJ LX7I LX2AJ V31TM DL1HCM A52CDX F9DK LY7Z LY2TA V73VE JF1OCQ A61B/ND A61M LZ0TERA LZ2LE VC3O VE3AT A61C/ND A61M M8C G4DFI VK0AVT W5VTS A61M/ND A61M MJ0AWR K2WR VK2GC KU9C A61Q/ND EA7FTR MW5A G3TXF VK8NSB VK6NE A71EM EA7FTR N6BT/6Y5 WA4WTG VK9AA DL8YR A92BND A92GR NP4A W3HNK VP2E N5AU AH2K JE8KKX OC4O OA4O VP5D N0VD AH2R JH7QXJ OD5UR LZ1YE VP5W W7TSQ AM3GI EA4URE OE2G DK5AD VP8LGT VP8ON AT0JCB VU2DSI OE2S OE2GEN VP9/K1XM KQ1F AY8A LU8ADX OH0E OH2MM VP9I KQ1F BN0F JL1ANP OH0Z W0MM VQ9OW KA9JOW BV0J BW0IR OH1F OH1AF VR2JN JN4ASA C6AQQ ND3F OJ0B OH2BH VY0WE pirate C6AUR UR5DEM OJ0J OH0RJ VY2ZM K1ZM C6AWS W6SJ OL200BA OK2SW W1P KM1CC CE0/LA6IKA LA6IKA OL3EB OK2SW W2W W3HEM CN2PD EA7FTR OM7M OM3PA WP2Z KU9C CN2R W7EJ OO4LJA ON4LJA WP3C W3HNK CN2WW EA7FTR OO6AA ON6AA XU7TZG ON4AJV CO3LF IZ8EBI OO6DK ON6DK YA/IZ1CCK IZ1BWB CO6LPB EA7FTR OO7CL ON7CL YB1JZS OK1DOT CO6WD W0SA P40A WD9DZV YE5M IZ8CCW (c) CO8LY EA7ADH P40TA WM6A YE5M YB9BU (d) CO8TW IZ8CCW P40W N2MM YI1OM IK2DUW CT3AS DJ8FW P41CW OH1VR YI9LZ LZ1ZF CT6A CT1ILT PA2000N PA0KHS YN2N TI2OHL CT9A OH6RX PJ2T N9AG YS1ECB EA7BO CU2A OH2BH PJ5NA K1NA YT1W YU1OJ CX7TT K5WW PQ7Q PY7VI YT7A YU7GMN D44TD CT1EKF PX8C PY8AZT YW4D EA7JX DP0GVN DD1TG PY2VA I8LWL Z22JE K3PD DP4T DJ4PT PZ5C PA7FM Z24S W3HNK E21IZC EA5KB PZ5C/P PA7FM ZB2X OH2KI EA8/OH4NL OH2BYS PZ5PA PA7FM ZD8A N6CW EA8PP EA8AHB PZ5WP PA7FM ZD8R N6ND ED1VCN EA1EG R1MVC DK4VW ZD8Z VE3HO ED8CSC EC8AUA RT9W RZ9WWH ZF2AM K6AM EK3GM DK6CW RW2F DK4VW ZL9/W5VTS W5VTS EK6LP IK2DUW S9SS N4JR ZP0R W3HNK (a) others (c) others (b) USA (d) Asia _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile I2VGW DD1TG Torsten Grasse, Schumannstr. 2, D - 30177 Hannover, Germany DL1HCM Mike Peters, Am Landgraben 24, 23556 Luebeck, Germany F5PAC Joel Sutterlin, 1 Rue du Rossberg, F-68310 Wittelsheim, France JA3EGZ Yoshikazu Mega, P.O. Box 6, Himeji, 670-8691 Japan JE1JKL Satoshi Nakamura, 1-27-2, Kamiya, Ushiku, Ibaraki, 300-1216 Japan OK1DOT Petr Gustab, P.O. Box 52, Cesky Brod 282 01, Czech Republic PA0KHS Henk van Hensbergen, Smaragdstraat 53, NL-6534 WN, Nijmegen, The Netherlands PA1AW Alex van Hengel, Bovenkruier 18, 2995CA Heerjansdam, The Netherlands PA7FM Dennis Robbemond, Loggerhof 11, 3181 NS Rozenburg, The Netherlands W5VTS John R.Gilliland, 777 West Wonderview Ave, Estes Park, CO 80517, USA W8QID Kirk E. Swallow, 3137 Compton Road, Cincinnati, OH 45251-2645, USA ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: http://www.425dxn.org 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES: http://list.425dxn.org 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000 ***************************************************************************** 425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed in part or full provided that "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit Contributors are invited to send their DX information to Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org) The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays ***************************************************************************** MAILING LIST Please visit the "Mailing List" page at http://www.425dxn.org and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions or contact the Mailing List Administrator Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org) ***************************************************************************** Direttore Responsabile Gabriele Villa, I2VGW Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216 Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti Roma, Italia *****************************************************************************