DX425 bulletin issue nr. 760

425 DX News #760
26 November 2005 
    A.R.I. Dx BulletinEdited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile I2VGW        
      3B8     - IW1GIO will operate on on  15, 17, 20  and 40 metres  SSB and CW  as
          3B8/IW1GIO from Mauritius Island until 28 November. [TNX IZ1ETD]
4U_un   - 4U60UN, the special  call celebrating  the 60th  anniversary of  the
          United Nations  [425DXN 759],  is expected  to be  aired from  4U1UN
          every weekend from now through the end of the year. QSL via  HB9BOU.
          [TNX The Daily DX]
6Y      - Tom, N6BT and Kenny, K2KW will be active (mainly on 160 metres) from
          Jamaica from 26 November and 5 December, including an entry as  6Y0A
          (Multi-Single) in  the ARRL  160M CW  Contest (2-4  December).  [TNX
CE0     - Svein, LA6IKA expects  to operate (on  6-40 metres  mainly CW,  with
          some SSB  and  digital modes)  as  CE0Z/LA6IKA from  Juan  Fernandez
          (SA-005) from 25 November  through 1 December.  On 6-13 December  he
          will be active from Easter Island (SA-001). [TNX The Daily DX]
DL_ant  - Thorsten, DD1TG will be working at  Neumayer Station (DL-03 for  the
          Antarctica Award, IOTA AN-016) during the  Antarctic summer and  has
          plans to operate as DP0GVN. QSL via home call. [TNX DL5EBE]
FS      - John, K9EL will operate on 10-80  metres as FS/K9EL from St.  Martin
          (NA-105) from  30 November  through 7  December.  This is  a  family
          vacation, so his  operating activities will  be balanced with  beach
          time. QSL via home call. [TNX K9EL]
G       - The Central Lancashire ARC  will operate as  GB5RSR from the  Ribble
          Steam Railway  in  Preston, Lancashire  from  26 November  until  18
          December as part of its Christmas celebrations. QSL via M0DJC.  [TNX
HB9     - Special event call HE1TELE  will be aired  by USKA-Valais (HB9Y)  on
          1-31 December in conncetion  with the 19th  Telethon event. QSL  via
          bureau. [TNX F8REF]
HI      - Fabio, IZ4AFW reports he will be  working in the Dominican  Republic
          for some time. He plans to operate mainly as IZ4AFW/HI9 in his spare
          time. QSL via home call, direct  (Fabio Mantovani, Via Trilussa  11,
          40132 Bologna - BO, Italy) or bureau. Logs will be uploaded to  LOTW
          when he is back home.
HP      - Olli, OH0XX will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as HP1/OA4WW
          from the QTH of Gunter, HP1XX on Contadora Island (NA-072). QSL  via
          EA4BQ. [TNX The Daily DX]
I       - Tony/IT9NCO, Nunzio/IT9DTU, Paolo/IT9DCE and Sal/IT9ZJE will operate
          (on 10-80  metres  CW,  SSB,  PSK31 and  SSTV)  as  IR9CP  from  the
          lighthouse at  Capo  Peloro (WAIL  SI-001,  ARLHS  ITA-031)  on  2-4
          December. QSL via IT9NCO, direct or bureau. [TNX IT9NCO]
KH2     - Look for KH2/JQ2IQW, KH2/JA1OBY, KH2/JH1FUD, KH2/JF1TAB,  KH2/JL1LOW
          and KH2/JK1DRM to operate (mainly  on 30 metres  and the low  bands)
          from Guam (OC-026) until 26 November. QSL via home calls, direct  or
          bureau. [TNX JA1OZK]
OJ0     - The Finnish team on Market Reef [425DXN 759] will participate in the
          CQ WW DX CW as follows: OJ0J is going to be operated by OH2PM on 80m
          and OJ0B by OH2BO on 160m; Martti, OH2BH will be giving out the  OJ0
          multiplier as OJ0B on 10-40 metres (watch 14075, 21075 and 28075 kHz
          in particular). The group is considering extending their stay on the
          reef and a decision will be  made on Monday. First hand reports  and
          pictures  by  OH2BH  are  being  published  on  a  daily  basis   on
OZ      - Jakob, OZ7AEI plans to operate on  20 and 40 metres SSB as  OZ7AEI/p
          from    two    Danish    lighthouses    (Grisetaaodde/DEN-075    and
          Toftum/DEN-076) on 28 November  and another two  (Langerodde/DEN-078
          and Glyngoere/DEN-077) on the 30th. [TNX OZ7AEI]
P4      - Kay, K6KO  and Ken,  K6TA will  operate SSB,  CW and  RTTY (with  an
          emphasis on the  low and WARC  bands) as P40K  and P40TA from  Aruba
          (SA-036) on 1-21 December. QSL for both via WM6A. [TNX The Daily DX]
SP      - On 6 December  1925 Tadeusz Heftman  (TPAX) made  the first  amateur
          radio contact between Poland and a station outside the country (N0PM
          in the Netherlands). A few months later, in April 1926, TPAX  worked
          an American amateur  (U1AAO) and  made the  first ever  DX QSO  from
          Poland. The SP DX Club will operate special event station SP0TPAX in
          December 2005 and  April 2006  to commemorate  those events.  Expect
          activity on all bands and modes.  QSL via SP7DQR, direct or  bureau.
          If you have aby information  on N0PM or  U1AAO, please contact  Tom,
          SP5UAF (tomek@sp5zcc.waw.pl). [TNX SP5UAF]
SP      - Special call SP80QSL will be aired from 1 December to mid-January to
          celebrate the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the first QSL
          bureau in Poland. QSL via SP7DQR, direct or bureau. [TNX SP5UAF]
T30     - OH6DX, OH1AWW,  OH6KN and  OH1RX are  returning to  the Pacific  for
          their fourth trip  in a row.  This time they  will operate as  T30DX
          from Tarawa  (OC-017), West  Kiribati on  5-22 January.  Their  main
          focus will be on 160-30 metres  and on QSOs with  Europe and the  US
          East Coast. Plans are to operate  with two or  three stations on  CW
          (1822, 3503, 7003, 10108, 14008, 18068, 21008, 24898, 28008 kHz) and
          SSB (1845, 3790, 7050, 14190, 18145, 21295, 24945, 28495 kHz),  with
          some RTTY as well.  QSL via OH6DX,  direct (Ari Hyvonen,  Viklonkuja
          4F18, FI-78880 Kuvansi,  Finland) or bureau.  The web  site for  the
          operation is under construction at www.ohpacificdx.com [TNX OH6KN]
UA_ant  - Mike Fokin, R1ANT (RW1AI) will participate in the Mirny-Vostok-Mirny
          traverse starting in late November. The  supply convoy will stop  at
          Komsomolskaya (UA-13 for the Antarctica Award), Pionierskaya (UA-12)
          and Vostok-1 (UA-11) stations, and Mike plans to operate from  these
          three rare Antarctic bases. Expect him  to sign R1ANT/m (during  the
          traverse), R1ANT/P  (from Pionierskaya  and Vostok-1),  R1ANK  (from
          Komsomolskaya) and RW1AI/ANT (from Vostok, UA-10). [TNX DL5EBE]
VU      - VU2DSI will operate as AT0JCB on 30 November to celebrate the  birth
          of the Indian Physicist Shri Jagadish Chandra Bose. Expect acitivity
          on 28510, 28490,  21310, 21270, 14250,  14200, 7090,  7035 and  3780
          Khz. [TNX VU2DSI]
W       - N6KZ, N6FH, W6VX, KJ6Y, N6IC, WB9AWX and W8DX will operate on  10-80
          metres CW  and  SSB  from Santa  Catalina  Island  (NA-066)  on  2-5
          December. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
YB      - Adhi, YC3MM and others (possibly YB5BO,  YC5JAU and YD5NGQ) plan  to
          operate (with two stations on 15,  17 and 20 metres SSB and  digital
          modes) from Siberut Island (OC-215) on 6-9 December. Requested  call
          is YE5M.  QSL via  YB9BU (Asia  - please  use new  IRCs, not  "green
          stamps") and IZ8CCW (rest of  the world). Inquiries  can be sent  to
          yc3mm@mdxc.org [TNX IZ8CCW]
YS      - Roberto, I2JIN will operate  (on all bands  mostly CW) as  YS3/I2JIN
          from El Salvador on 10-30 December. [TNX I2FUG]
CQ WW  DX  CW  CONTEST  ---> The  following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (26-27 November):
ZONE   CALL          CATEGORY     DXCC                 QSL VIA
05     FP/K8DD       M/M or M/2   St Pierre & Miquelon K8NA
05     VP9I                       Bermuda              KQ1F
07     HK0/DK8FD                  San Andres           DK8FD
07     HP1/OA4WW                  Panama               EA4BQ
07     V31TM         SOAB         Belize               DL1HCM
08     6Y3R          SOAB         Jamaica              OH3RB
08     6Y5/KN5H      M/2          Jamaica              KN5H
08     8P5A          SOAB HP      Barbados             NN1N
08     C6AQQ                      Bahamas              ND3F
08     C6AUR         SOAB LP      Bahamas              UR5DEM
08     C6AWS         SOAB LP      Bahamas              W6SJ
08     CO6LPB        SOSB 160m    Cuba                 EA7FTR
08     CO8LY         SOAB LP      Cuba                 EA7ADH
08     CO8TW         SOSB 20m LP  Cuba                 IZ8CCW
08     FS/K7ZUM      SOAB HP      St. Martin           K7ZUM
08     HI3/SP9XCN    SOAB LP      Dominican Republic   SP9XCN
08     HI3A                       Dominican Republic   AD4Z
08     HI9T          SOSB or SOAB Dominican Republic   KU9C
08     J79CW                      Dominica             DL5CW
08     KP2/K3MD      SOAB HP      US Virgin Islands    K3MD
08     KP3Z          SOAB         Puerto Rico          WC4E
08     PJ5NA         SOAB         St. Eustatius        K1NA
08     V26K          SOAB LP      Antigua              AA3B
08     VP2E          M/S          Anguilla             N5AU
08     VP5W                       Turks & Caicos       W7TSQ
08     WP2Z          M/2          US Virgin Islands    KU9C
08     WP3C          SOSB LP 40m  Puerto Rico          W3HNK
09     5J1W          M/S          Colombia             NN1N
09     9Y4AA         SOAB         Trinidad & Tobago    VE3HO
09     P40A          SOAB         Aruba                WD9DZV
09     P40L          M/S          Aruba                K5WW
09     P40W          SOAB HP      Aruba                N2MM
09     PJ2T          M/?          Netherlands Antilles N9AG
09     PZ5C                       Suriname             PA7FM
09     YW4D          SOAB         Venezuela            EA7JX
10     HC8N          M/M          Galapagos            W5UE
10     OC4O          M/S          Peru                 OA4O
11     ZP0R          SO           Paraguay             W3HNK
13     CX5BW         M/2          Uruguay
13     LR2F          M/S          Argentina            LU2FA
14     CS1GDX        SOAB LP      Portugal             CS1GDX
14     CS5BWW                     Portugal             CT1BWW
14     CT6A          SOAB LP      Portugal             CT1ILT
14     CU2A          SOAB HP      Azores               OH2BH
14     EA6DD         SOSB 20m LP  Balearic Is          EA6DD
14     EA6IB         M/2          Balearic Is          EA6IB
14     G6PZ          M/S          England              M5AAV
14     GD6IA         SOAB         Isle of Man          direct
14     GJ2A          SOAB HP      Jersey               K2WR
14     GM0B          M/S          Scotland             GM0EGI
14     LN8W          M/S          Norway               LA9VDA
14     LX7I          M/2          Luxembourg           LX2AJ
14     MJ0ASP        SOAB         Jersey               F5SHQ
14     MW5A          SOAB         Wales                G3TXF
14     PA2000N       M/M          The Netherlands      PA0KHS
14     TM2Y          M/S          France               F6BEE
14     TM7VM                      France               F5UJZ
14     ZB2X          SOAB or SOSB Gibraltar            OH2KI
15     9A1P          M/S          Croatia              9A1UN
15     9H3MR                      Malta                IK1PMR
15     II3G                       Italy                IV3RJT
15     OE2G                       Austria
15     OE2S          M/2          Austria              OE2GEN
15     OH0E          SOAB         Aland Islands        OH2MM
15     OH0M          SOSB 15m     Aland Islands        OH1MM
15     OH0Z          SOSB 160m    Aland Islands        W0MM
15     OJ0B                       Market Reef          OH2BH
15     OJ0J                       Market Reef          OH0RJ
15     OM7M          M/S          Slovak Republic      OM3PA
15     SN1I          M/2          Poland               SP1NQF
15  IS0/K7QB or IS0U SOSB 160m    Sardinia             IN3QBR
15  IS0/OL5Y or IS0N SOSB 80m     Sardinia             OK1MG
16     R1MVC         M/M          Malyj Vysotskij      DK4VW
16     R3R           M/S          European Russia      bureau
16     T9/VE3ZIK     SOSB 40m     Bosnia-Herzegovina   DL3PS
16     UA3R          M/S          European Russia      RN3RQ
17     EY8MM         SOSB 40m     Tajikistan           K1BV
20     4X0G          M/S          Israel               W3GG
20     J43F          SOSB         Greece               SM4DHF
20     J45A     SOSB 160m or 80m  Dodecanese           LY1DF
21     4K7Z          M/S          Azerbaijan           UA3FDX
21     4L8A          SOSB 40m HP  Georgia              4L8A
21     YI9LZ         SOSB 15m     Iraq                 LZ1ZF
22     8Q7DV         M/?          Maldives             UA9CLB
22     A52CDX                     Bhutan               F9DK
24     VR2JN         SOAB         Hong Kong            JH4JNG
24     VR2JN/P                    Hong Kong            JN4ASA
26     E21IZC        SOAB LP      Thailand             EA5KB
26     HS0AR         M/S          Thailand             E21YDP
26     HS0ZAR        SOAB LP      Thailand             K3ZO
26     HS0ZCW        SOSB 20m LP  Thailand             K4VUD
27     AH2R          M/S          Guam                 JH7QXJ
27     KH2/JA3EGZ    SOAB         Guam                 JA3EGZ
27     T88AA         M/S or M/2   Palau                UA3DX
28     4W3ZZ                      Timor Leste          W4DR
28     9M2RPN        M/2          West Malaysia        direct
28     9M6NA         SOSB 20m     East Malaysi         JE1JKL
28     YB0ECT        SOSB 10m LP  Indonesia            K3AIR
28     YE1ZAT        M/S          Indonesia
29     VK9AA         SOAB         Cocos-Keeling        DL8YR
33     7X0RY         M/S          Algeria              OK1DYW
33     CN2PD         SOSB 20m LP  Morocco              EA7FTR
33     CN2R          SOSB 80m     Morocco              W7EJ
33     CT3EN         SOAB HP      Madeira Island
33     CT9A          SOAB LP      Madeira              OH6RX
33     EA8/OH4NL     SOSB 40m     Canary Islands       OH2BYS
33     EA8EW         SOAB HP      Canary Islands       bureau
33     EA8ZS         M/S          Canary Islands
33     IG9A          SOSB 160m    (African) Italy      IT9GSF
33     IH9P          M/2          (African) Italy      KR7X
34     ST0RM         SOAB LP      Sudan                T93Y
34     SU8BHI                     Egypt                HA3JB
35     6W1RW         SOAB HP      Senegal              F6BEE
35     9G5GJ         SOAB         Ghana                N6ZZ
35     D44TD     SOSB 15 or 20m   Cape Verde           CT1EKF
35     TZ5A          M/M          Mali                 G3SXW
36     ZD8A          SOAB         Ascension Island
37     5Z1A          SOSB 20m     Kenya                PA1AW
37     5Z4LS         SO LP        Kenya                G3RWF
38     3DA0NW        SOAB HP      Swaziland            K9NW
39     3B8/OM3PC     M/2          Mauritius Island     OM3PC
39     TX0P          SOAB LP      Mayotte              F6AUS
40     TF4M          M/2          Iceland
Do not forget to give a  look to the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqc2005.html - good contest to  you

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
AA SCORES --->  The new Antarctica  Award score tables  are now available  at
http://www.mdxc.org/antarctica/award.asp They  include  the  Certificates  of
Excellence, Honour  Rolls, Basic  Awards and   Operator  Certificates  issued
through 23 November 2005. [TNX IZ8CGS]
NOT THE MANAGER ---> Phil Whitchurch, G3SWH reports he is receiving QSL cards
for Z21CA, but he is not and has never been the QSL manager for this station.
NOT THE MANAGER ---> Franco  Armenghi, I4LCK reports  he is receiving  bureau
cards for C8A (November 2004) and TY5ZR  (September 2004), but he is not  and
has never been the QSL manager for these stations.
QSL VIA  EA5KB  ---> Pepe,  EA5KB  reports he  is  the QSL  manager  for  the
following stations:
3W5KVR       CO2FU         CV1T          HJ6PRO            LU3OE       XE1FSK
4C2M         CO2GL         CV1Z (SA-030) HK1BYM            LU3PA       XE1FT
4M5DX        CO2GP         CV5Y          HK1FGE            LU3VD       XE1YYD
4M5F         CO2HA         CW0Z (SA-030) HK1JKL            LU3XX       XE1ZVO
4M5G         CO2NB         CW1OO         HK1NK             LU4DX       XE2AFR
4M5M         CO2QX (SK)    CW4A          HK1RRL            LU4WG       XE2JSP
4M5R         CO2SX         CX1CCC        HK1AA             LU5DT       XE2KB
4M5RY        CO2UG         CX1JJ         HK3AIJ            LU5MDV      XE3ARV
6J1YYD       CO2VQ         CX1JK         HK3SVP            LU6DAT      XV3C
7X3WDK       CO3JR         CX1UA         HK3TU             LU6FL       YB1HDF
9G1OH        CO3ME         CX1UI         HK3WPC            LU6GB       YC1DYY
9K2GS        CO5FR         CX2AM         HK6DOS            LU6HDV      YC1HDF
9K2K         CO5HL         CX2AQ         HK6ISX            LU6MA       YC7TO
9K2PL        CO6BR         CX2PI         HK6KKK            LU7FJ       YC8TAF
AY1ECZ       CO6DW         CX2SA         HK6PIJ            LU7FOJ      YC9NBR
AY1QS        CO6FU         CX2TG         HK6PRO            LU7FU       YE1T
AY4DX        CO6HF         CX2UI         HK8HIX (SK)       LU7VCH      YF1T
AY5DT        CO6TH         CX3ACS (SK)   HK8JEH            LU7YA       YV1EKZ
AY9RBI       CO6TY         CX3ET         HK8RQS            LU7YS       YV4AB
CA2FNZ       CO6YY         CX3UG         HK8RQS/P (SA-081) LU9HWM      YV4DDK
CE1HBI       CO8CH         CX3UO         HP1AC             LU9RBI      YV4DYJ
CE1YI        CO8CY         CX3VB         HP1BYS            LW1HCG      YV5DSL
CE2DMZ       CO8EJ         CX4NF         HP1DCP            LW1HDJ      YV5GRV
CE2GLR       CO8OT         CX4UY         HP1JRA            LW2DFH      YV5KAJ
CE2LZR       CO8OY         CX5AO         HR1RC             LW5DQ       YV5KXE
CE2SQE       CO8PN         CX5UR         L44DX             LW5DR       YV5LMM
CE2WWF       CO8XI         CX6AAK        L55DR             OA6CY       YV5LNH
CE4SES       CP4AY         CX7OV         L6H               PT8ZCB      YV5SSB
CE5CSV       CP4BT         E21IZC        LR7F              TA9J        YV5TX
CM3CF        CP4IC         EX2X          LU1DAF            TG9AMD      YV6AZC
CM6CAC       CT1CHT        FO5EM         LU1DK             TG9AAK      YW5A
CM6QN        CU1CB         HC2GT         LU1ECZ            TI3M        YW5CQ
CM6YD        CU1AAD        HC2SL         LU1HI             TI3TLS      YW5RY
CM8WAL       CU2IE         HC3AP         LU1HK             TZ6BAX      YY1CIR
CO2AJ        CU5AM         HC5CR         LU1QS             UK8AKK      YY4GRB
CO2AV        CU5AOA        HC5NCR        LU2DAL            UN0F        YY4GRB
CO2CL        CU6NS         HI8CNT        LU2HC             UN3F        YY5ADM
CO2CR        CU6YB         HJ0KPG        LU2HI             UN7DA       YY6JAG
CO2DC        CV0OEA        HJ1UUU        LU2HNP            UN7JJ       ZP3CTW
CO2FC        CV0Z (SA-030) HJ3DRO        LU3DFJ            UQ1D        ZP6GBA
CO2FN        CV1F (SA-057) HJ3ISB        LU3HV             XE1CK       ZP6VLA
Direct requests  without return  postage or  enough  return postage  will  be
replied to through the bureau system. Please note that 1 USD no longer covers
postage from Spain to destinations outside Europe, while 1 IRC does.
QSL VIA IK2DUW ---> Antonello reports that he has processed and mailed all of
the direct requests received so far for UE0LPI, UE0LBI and RK0LXD/p.
QSL VIA IK5PWQ ---> Stefano reports that  all of the direct requests for  his
TK/IK5PWQ/P (EU-164) and TK/IK5PWQ (EU-014) actities have been processed  and
mailed. The remaining QSOs  will be confirmed  automatically via the  bureau.
On-line logs are at www.qsl.net/ik5pwq/logs/logs.html

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
A52CDX:    Daily reports and  updates (in  French language)  from the  current
           operation      from      Bhutan      can      be      found      at
           http://www.uft.net/articles.php?lng=fr&pg=519 [TNX F5NQL]
LOGS:      Log    search     for     R1MVW     is     now     available     at
LOTW:      The (unofficial but extremely useful) list of Logbook Of The  World
           users    maintained     by     Robert    Chalmas,     HB9BZA     at
           http://rchalmas.users.ch/lotw has  reached  10,000  calls  (on  21
           November there were  10,024 calls). A  listing by  DXCC Entity  has
           been added and the website has  been redesigned. Any LoTW user  can
           help Robert making  this list even  bigger by  sending him  his/her
           list of LoTW credits (instructions on the site). [TNX HB9BZA]
OC-084:    A photo gallery of T32S and T32SNW (Fanning Island) can be found on
           the Mediterraneo DX Club's website at http://www.mdxc.org/t32/
P29NI:     On-line logs, pictures  and a resume  of the  recent operations  by
           Derek, G3KHZ/P29NI from  Normanby Island (OC-116)  are availabe  on
           http://www.425dxn.org/dxped/p29ni/. Derek  logged  2265  CW   QSOs
           between 22 October and 1 November. [TNX IZ1CRR]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8/OM2TW   OM2TW       H79W/YN4    K9AJ        R1ANC       DL5EBE
3B8/OM3PC   OM3PC       HC8N        W5UE        R1ANF       RK1PWA
3B8/OM5RW   OM5RW       HE1G        HB9AOF      R1ANN       RZ3DJ
3DA0NW      K9NW        HF100ZK     SP2PZH      R1ANT       RW1AI
3W3A        JA6UHG      HI3TEJ      ON4IQ       R1MVW       DK4VW (a)
3Z5IARU     SP5MXA      HK0FD       DK8FD       R1MVW  UA2 bureau
3Z9IARU     SP9PRO      HK1AR       K7ZD        S79WU       F6HWU
4L0ABC      K3PD        HR2/KC4CD   N4AA        S9SS        N4JR
4L1UN       RW6HS       HS0T        HS6NDK      SA60A       SK3BG
4O3AA       K2PF        HS0ZAR      K3ZO        SN60ZSE     SP3ZHC
4U60UN      HB9BOU      HS0ZGH      G4UZN       ST/ZS5ADU   ZS5ADU
5H1CM       DL7CM       HV0A        IK0FVC      ST0RM       T93Y
5J1W        NN1N        HZ1IK       DK7YY       SU8BHI      HA3JB
5K20A       HK3SGP      HZ1ZH       EA7FTR      T88AB       UA3DX
5R8GZ       G3SWH       II0AMZS     IK5VLO      T88LY       JJ2VLY
5R8NL       PG0A        II1TPG      IZ1CCE      T88YU       JQ2GYU
5R8NL       PG0A        IO1FRE      bureau      TJ1AM       IZ2EER
5T0JL       ON8RA       IO1FRE      I1JQJ   (a) TL8DPA      IV3OWC
5T5SN       IZ1BZV      IO1FSK      bureau      TM1NDL      F8CSD
5X1GS       WB2YQH      IO1FSK      I1JQJ   (a) TP1CE       F5LGF
6W1RW       F6BEE       IO1HOC      bureau      TU0PAX      TU2CI
6W1SA       F4BIT       IO1HOC      I1JQJ   (a) TX0P        F6AUS
7Q7HB       G0IAS       IO1JUM      bureau      TY5ZR       IK2IQD
7Q7RS       IW9BBX      IO1JUM      I1JQJ   (a) TZ6CW       K7WP
8P2K        KU9C        IO1LUG      bureau      TZ6JA       JA3EMU
8Q7AU       HB9OAU      IO1LUG      I1JQJ   (a) TZ6LF       KY7M
9G5GJ       N6ZZ        J37LR       VE3EBN      TZ6MF       KC7V
9H3LEO      IK1PMR      J41V        SV1CQN      TZ6NG       N7NG
9H3MR       IK1PMR      J79AG       DL9USA      TZ6NS       AA7A
9K2MU       WA4JTK      J79CW       DL5CW       TZ6RN       G4IRN
9M2TO       JA0DMV      J88DR       G3TBK       UA0AZ       W3HNK
9M6/G3OOK   M5AAV       JW1CCA      LA1CCA      UE0JZG      RA0JX
9Q1TB       F5LTB       JW5E        LA5NM       UE6YYW      UA6YW
9Y4AA       VE3HO       JW5NM       LA5NM       UK8FF       W3HNK
A22/JA4ATV  JA4ATV      KH0AC       K7ZA        V31TM       DL1HCM
A52CDX      F9DK        KH2/JA3EGZ  JA3EGZ      V47/AB2RF   AB2RF
A61AX       SP9MRO      KH2/JA3PPH  JA3EGZ      V63JQ       JA1KJW
BU2/JJ1TBB  JL1ANP      KH2/K3UY    UA3DX       V63JY       JA1JQY
BW80NDH     BV2KI       KH2/KB7YHV  UA3DX       V63VE       JF1OCQ
BY4BZB      DL4NN       KH2/NP2KY   UA3DX       V6A         JA7AO
C6AWS       W6SJ        KH2VL/KH0   JM1LJS      V6B         JA7AO
CN2WW       EA7FTR      KP2/K3CT    K3CT        V73JY       JA1JQY
CN2WW       EA7FTR      KP2/K3TEJ   K3TEJ       V73KJ       JA1KJW
CO6WD       W0SA        KP2/W2UDT   W2UDT       V73RY       N5LE
CS7HGL      CT2HGL      LU1ZD       LU4DXU      V73VE       JF1OCQ
DJ2ST/HI9   KU9C        LU1ZI       LU4DXU      VK0AVT      W5VTS
DL5XX/HI9   KU9C        LY60BY      LY3BY       VK2GC       KU9C
DR60HES     DL1EL       LY60FW      LY1FW       VK9AA       DL8YR
DU1IST      JP1IOF      LY60UN      LY2BG       VK9CG       W0YG
DU9/IV3IYH  IK2ILH      LZ0TERA     LZ2LE       VP2E        N5AU
DX0TIC      JM1PXG      LZ9R        LZ3YY       VP2MNI      K3PD
ED8CSC      EC8AUA      MJ0AWR      K2WR        VP9/KD1N    JR2KDN
EF7CIH      EA7FTR      MM0XAU      DJ6AU       VQ9JC       ND9M
EM5U        UT2UB       OA4/DL5YWM  DL5YWM      XQ6ET       W8UVZ
EV6Z        DL8KAC      OA4/W0TT    W0TT        XU7ADJ      JH1NBN
FH/F6AUS    F6AUS       OH0B        OH2BH       YI9LZ       LZ1ZF
FK8GJ       F6CXJ       OH0PM       OH2PM       YZ35AA      YZ1AA
FM5DN       KU9C        OJ0B        OH2BH       Z22GC       K3PD
FP/AC8W     K8NA        OL3EB       OK2SW       Z22GX       K3PD
FP/K8AQM    K8AQM       OY3QN       OZ1ACB      Z24S        W3HNK
FP/K8DD     K8NA        P40W        N2MM        ZD8A        N6CW
FP/K8GL     K8NA        PJ2/K8ND    K8ND        ZD8R        N6ND
FP/K8MM     K8MM        PJ5NA       K1NA        ZF2AM       K6AM
FP/W8IQ     W8IQ        PZ5PA       PA7FM       ZK1BHL      VK2BHL
FP5XW       W9XW        PZ5WP       PA7FM       ZS6CCY      OK1DOT
(a)  direct

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
BA4DW    David Y. J. Zhou, P.O. Box 040-088, Shanghai, 200040, China
DK4VW    Ulrich Mueller, Kreutzacker 13, D-35041 Marburg, Germany
DL7CM    Hans-Rainer Uebel, Hartmannsdorfer Chaussee 3, 15528 Spreenhagen,
HB9BOU   Herbert Aeby, Rte du Moulin 1, CH 1782 Belfaux, Switzerland
HS6NDK   Sonthaya Phanthanyakij, P.O. Box 20, Lumlukka, Pathum Thani, 12150,
IK5VLO   Paolo Ceccarelli, Via del Piano 10A, I-51020 Piano Ontani - PT, Italy
JA3EGZ   Yoshikazu Mega, P.O. Box 6, Himeji, 670-8691 Japan
JQ2GYU   Yutaka Sakurai, P.O.Box 1, Suyama, Susono city, Shizuoka, 410-1299,
LU9DA    Ricardo Suarez, Almafuerte 4123, 7600 Mar del Plata, Argentina
OK1DOT   Petr Gustab, P.O. Box 52, Cesky Brod, 282 01 Czech Republic
OM2TW    Richard Gasparik, Cepenska 3081/119, 92601 Sered, Slovak Republic
OM3PC    Rudy Karaba, Gogolova 1882, 95501 Topolcany, Slovak Republic
OM5AW    Jozef Cizmarik, Jarmocna 3, 94901 Nitra, Slovak Republic
OM5RW    Miro Bebjak, C.d. 173, 95843 Krasno, Slovak Republic
PA7FM    Dennis Robbemond, Loggerhof 11, 3181 NS Rozenburg, The Netherlands
W1P      Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club KM1CC, Cape Cod National Seashore, 99
         Marconi Site Road, Wellfleet, MA 02667, USA
W5VTS    John Richard Gilliland, 777 West Wonderview Ave, Estes Park, CO
         80517, USA
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