DX425 bulletin issue nr. 759

425 DX News #759
19 November 2005 
    A.R.I. Dx BulletinEdited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile I2VGW        
      3DA        - Mike, K9NW  will  operate  as  3DA0NW  from  Swaziland  on  20-29
             November, including a SOAB High Power  entry in the  CQ WW DX  CW
             Contest. QSL via home call. [TNX K9NW]
3Y         - A few new members have joined  the 3Y0X team, which now  includes
             20 operators, There is still room  for two more operators and  as
             many as four "other" travelers who may want to go along, set foot
             on the  island,  help with  the  camp set-up,  enjoy  the  travel
             experience, but  not  actually be  part  of the  operating  team.
             Please contact  Bob,  K4UEE (mallphin@aol.com)  if  you  have  an
             interest in either opportunity.
             A container with 11 tons of equipment and personal gear has  been
             packed and is now on its way to Chile. The team will assemble  in
             Punta Arenas  on 29  January and  shortly afterward,  fly to  the
             Chilean Naval Base on King George Island, South Shetland Islands.
             They will board  their vessel there  and sail to  Peter I,  where
             they hope to arrive around 6 February.
             3Y0X (QSL via N2OO) is expected to be on the air for 12-14  days:
             the weather will dictate the actual schedule, but a quick  strike
             plan will enable two stations on the air quickly even if  weather
             conditions  prevent  the  entire  camp  from  being   constructed
             immediately. Ultimately, plans are to have  nine stations on  the
             air and a  complement of 23  antennas (this  doesn't include  the
             recent decision to make a real effort on 6m, 2m and 70cm EME).
             The  DXpedition  is  funded  principally  by  its  members,   but
             additional  assistance  is  still   being  sought.  For   further
             information on  the  DXpedition, and  how  to contribute  to  its
             success, please visit www.peterone.com [TNX K0IR and K4UEE]
4S         - The activity from Barberyn Island (AS-171) [425DXN 753] has  been
             rescheduled to take place on 2-4  December. Joel, 4S7PAG  (F5PAC)
             will go there with Mario, 4S7BRG  (HB9BRM), and activity will  be
             on 40-10 metres SSB. The web page  for this trip can be found  at
             www.qsl.net/f5pac/4s7/ [TNX HB9EAA]
4U_un      - The United Nations HQ might  be on the  during the weekend  using
             4U60UN, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the United  Nations.
             QSL via HB9BOU. [TNX The Daily DX]
4U_un      - Seppo, OH1VR plans to operate from  4U1UN, the United Nations  HQ
             station in New York, on 27 November for about 7-8 hours  starting
             around 15 UTC. QSL via HB9BOU. [TNX The Daily DX]
4W         - Jon Rudy, DU9/N0NM will operate CW only as 4W3ZZ from Timor Leste
             on 24-28  November, including  activity during  the CQ  WW DX  CW
             Contest. The emphasis  of the  operation will  be on  160 and  80
             metres. QSL direct via W4DR. [TNX QRZ-DX]
4X         - 4Z4BS, 4Z4KX,  4Z5LA,  4Z5FI, 4Z1UF  and  4X1VF will  operate  as
             4X411A from the Dead Sea, the lowest exposed point on the Earth's
             surface. The Dead Sea is  411 metres deep  at its deepest  point,
             hence the special  call issued to  this operation. Activity  will
             take place on 23-24 December, with  two stations on 80-10  metres
             CW and SSB, from Holyland squares M25BS and M26BS. QSL via 4Z4BS.
             [TNX 4X1VF]
5Z         - Nick, G3RWF has  been reissued  his old  call of  5Z4LS after  35
             years and will operate from Kenya from 24 November to 1 December,
             CQ WW DX CW Contest included. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
6O         - Alfeo/I1HJT,    Silvano/I2YSB,    Carlo/IK1AOD,     Carlo/IK1HJS,
             Marcello/IK2DIA, Adriano/IK2GNW and possibily a seventh  operator
             will be  active from  Somalia for  two weeks  starting around  20
             January. They  will  operate as  6O0N  (im memory  of  Adam  Nuur
             Maxamed Islam, 425DXN 726)  with three stations  on all bands  (6
             metres included) SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via I2YSB, direct (Silvano
             Borsa, Vle  Capettini 1,  27036 Mortara  - MI,  Italy) or  bureau
             (e-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent to  6o0n@i2ysb.com,
             a form is available on the website). The pilot for the  operation
             will be  Gianni,  IS0VSG  (is0vsg@tin.it).  Further  information,
             updates,    pictures    and    logs    will    be    posted    to
             http://www.i2ysb.com/6o0n/ [TNX I2YSB]
9M2        - Saty, JE1JKL will participate in the CQ WW CW DX Contest as 9M6NA
             from Labuan Island  (OC-133), East Malaysia.  It will  be a  SOSB
             effort on 20  metres. QSL via  JE1JKL, direct  or bureau  (e-mail
             requests for bureau  cards can be  sent to 9m6na@jsfc.org).  [TNX
C6         - Randy, W6SJ  will be  active as  C6AWS from  Grand Bahama  Island
             (NA-080) on 22-28 November, including a  SOAB Low Power entry  in
             the CQ WW  DX CW Contest.  QSL via W6SJ,  direct or bureau.  [TNX
             OPDX Bulletin]
C6         - Yuri, UR5DEM will be active on  10-80 metres CW and SSB as  C6AUR
             from Bimini (NA-048), Bahamas on 24-27 November, including a SOAB
             Low Power entry in the CQ  WW DX CW Contest.  QSL via home  call.
             [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
C6         - Brian, ND3F will be active as C6AQQ from Nassau (NA-001), Bahamas
             on 25-29 November,  CQ WW DX  CW Contest included.  QSL via  home
             call. [TNX The Daily DX]
CN         - Patrick, F6IRF will be  active as CN2PD  from Morocco between  23
             and 28 November, including an entry (SOSB 20 metres) in the CQ WW
             DX CW Contest. QSL via  EA7FTR (please note  that CN2PD has  been
             reissued, in 2003 it was used by G3LDO). [TNX F5NLQ]
CU         - A one-year building  effort is  completed and  CU2A, operated  by
             Toni (OH2UA),  will  hit  the airwaves  from  this  new  -  still
             tentative - site  in the CQ  WW DX CW  Contest on  the SOAB  High
             Power category.  Signing CU2/OH2UA  from 21  November, Toni  will
             appreciate  observation   reports   through   the   new   website
             (www.cu2a.com), which also features a log search as well as  some
             pictures and audio files  from the CQWW  SSB operation. QSL  CU2A
             via OH2BH. [TNX OH2BN]
D4         - Luca, IZ1AVB will operate  CW only as  D44/IZ1AVB from Sao  Tiago
             (AF-005), Cape Verde until 21 November. QSL via home call, direct
             or bureau. [TNX Info-Radio by I1SCL]
DU         - Roberto, IV3IYH  is active  as  DU9/IV3IYH from  Camiguin  Island
             (OC-235) for the weekend. QSL via IK2ILH.
F          - A few  special stations  will be  activated for  the 19th  annual
             Telethon, the fund-raising event organized by the French Muscular
             Dystrophy Association  that  will take  place  on  2-3  December.
             Expect activity from  TM8T (23  November -  11 December),  TM4THO
             (1-15 December), TM3TLT (2-3 December) and TM6TLT (3-4 December).
             [TNX F8REF]
FT*Y       - Jean-Paul, F5BU (ex FT5WJ from Crozet) is going to Antarctica  in
             a few weeks' time. He  will stay at  Dumont d'Urville Base  (F-01
             for the  Antarctica Award) on  Petrel  Island (AN-017)  from  mid
             December through the end of February 2006; he hopes to be operate
             in his spare time on 20  metres SSB with a  callsign of the  FT5Y
             series. QSL via F5BU. [TNX F8DVD]
HI         - Frank, DL1JFI  will  operate  (on  80-10  metres  mainly  CW)  as
             HI7/DL1JFI from Punta Cana, Dominican  Republic (NA-096) from  23
             November to 7 December. QSL via home call. [TNX www.rsbgiota.org]
I          - Davide/IW9GUR, Angelo/IW9HLM,  Riccardo/IT9CVO  and  Alfio/IT9EJW
             will operate as IU9LAC from Lachea Island (EU-165, IIA CT-002) on
             3-4 December. QSL via IW9HLM, direct or bureau.
JA         - Look for  JA5BEX/5  and  JN4MBO/5  to  be  active  from  Naoshima
             (AS-076, JIIA AS-076-New)  on 3-5 December.  QSL via home  calls,
             direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
J7         - Andy/DL5CW, Marina/DL5DYL and  Andi/DL9USA will  operate CW,  SSB
             and RTTY on the HF bands as J79CW, J79DYL and J79AG from Dominica
             (NA-101) from 18  November to  5 December,  CQ WW  DX CW  Contest
             included. QSL via operator's instructions. [TNX DL5CW]
JD1_oga    - Toru, JI5USJ and  Makoto, JI5RPT plan  to operate  as JD1BLX  and
             JD1BLY  from  Chichijima  Island  (AS-031),  Ogasawara  on  19-28
             February. Activity will  be on 160-10  metres CW,  SSB, RTTY  and
             PSK31 (with  an emphasis  on the  low  bands CW),  and  satellite
             (VO-52, FO-29).  QSL  via home  calls,  bureau  or  direct.  [TNX
OA         - Daniel, DL5YWM and Eric,  W0TT will operate  from the Radio  Club
             Peruano in  Lima on  20-28 November.  Calls will  most likely  be
             OA4/DL5YWM and OA4/W0TT.  QSL via home  calls. Additionally  they
             plan to operate as OA4O or OC4O in  the CQ WW DX CW contest  (QSL
             via OA4O). [TNX W0TT]
OH0        - Martti, OH2BH (OH0B) and Ville, OH2MM (OH0MM) will be active this
             coming weekend from the Aland Islands making preparations for the
             Market Reef outing and the CQWW CW contest. QSL via home calls.
OJ0        - OH0RJ, OH2BH, OH2BO and OH2PM hope to operate CW and SSB as  OJ0B
             (QSL via  OH2BH)  and  OJ0J (QSL  via  OH0RJ)  from  Market  Reef
             (EU-053) for one  week (CQ WW  DX CW Contest  included), with  an
             emphasis on the low bands.  Operating frequencies are  harmonized
             with the R1MVW group and are as follows:
             CW:   1812.5 and 1834.5, 3512 and 3544, 7012 and 7034, 10112,
                   14034, 18082, 21034, 24894, 28034 kHz
             SSB:  1855, 3798, 7080, 14190, 18140, 21290, 24940, 28490 kHz
             They team will attempt a boat  landing onto the islet from 22  to
             24 November; if they do  not succeed by  the 24th, the  operation
             will not take place this season. [TNX OH2BH]
PJ2        - The Caribbean Contesting Consortium will operate as PJ2T from the
             Signal Point station on Curacao (SA-006)  during the CQ WW DX  CW
             Contest. QSL via N9AG. Before and  after the contest, between  17
             and 29 November, look  for K8ND, N1ZZ,  N5OT, N8BJQ, S50R,  W4PA,
             W8WTS, W9EFL, W0NB and WA4PGM to be signing PJ2/homecall (QSL via
             home calls). [TNX K8ND]
PY         - Cris, PY7GK plans to operate (on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres SSB and
             CW) as ZY6GK  from Itaparica Island  (SA-023) on 27-30  December.
             QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX PY7RP]
SU         - Gab, HA3JB will  be in  Egypt again  on 22-29  November and  will
             operate as SU8BHI on 10-80 metres CW, SSB, SSTV, PSK and RTTY. He
             plans to participate in the CQ  WW DX CW Contest. QSL via  HA3JB,
             direct or bureau. [TNX HA0HW]
T9         - Zik, VE3ZIK reports he will operate  as T9/VE3ZIK from Bosnia  on
             26-29 November, including a low power single band entry (probably
             on 40 metres) in the CQ WW  DX CW Contest. QSL via DL3PS,  direct
             or bureau.
TL         - Claudio, IV3OWC  is now  due to  be  active from  Central  Africa
             [425DXN 753] on 19-27 November. He will collect his licence  upon
             arrival and plans are to operate during his spare  time on  10-40
             metres SSB. QSL direct to home call.
TZ         - The VooDoo Contest  Group will  participate in  the CQ  WW DX  CW
             Contest as TZ5A (Multi-Multi) from Mali. QSL via G3SXW.  Starting
             on  22  November,  expect  activity  on  6-160  metres  with  the
             following calls: TZ6NS (AA7A), TZ5A (G3SXW), TZ6WP (G4BWP), TZ6RN
             (G4IRN), TZ6VT (K5VT), TZ6CW (K7WP), TZ6MF (KC7V), TZ6LF  (KY7M),
             TZ6NG (N7NG). The tenth member of the team is G3PJT.
UA         - UA1ZAO, RW1ZQ, UA1ZZ, UA1ZAR and RZ6APF will operate as UE1ZLH on
             10, 15,  20  and  40  metres  SSB  from  Mishukov  (ERU-106)  and
             Drovyanoy  (ERU-089)  lighthouses  on  26-27  November.  QSL  via
             RZ6APF. [TNX RZ6APF]
V3         - Mike, DL1HCM  will  be  active as  V31TM  from  Belize  on  23-29
             November, including a  SOAB entry  in the  CQ WW  DX CW  Contest.
             Outside the contest, he plans to  operate CW and  PSK on the  low
             and WARC bands. QSL via home call, preferably through the bureau.
             Further information,  on-line  logs included,  can  be  found  at
             www.dl1hcm.com [TNX DL1HCM]
VK0 & ZL9  - Richard, W5VTS is on a two  week tour with a group of  scientists
             and expects to operate (most likely on 20 and 40 metres CW)  from
             either Macquarie  Island (AN-005)  and Campbell  Island  (OC-037)
             Richard should be on Macquarie around 21 UTC on 23 November,  and
             will be  active  as  VK0AVT for  24-30  hours  as  time  permits.
             Sporadic activity as W5VTS/ZL9 from  Campbell Island is  expected
             to start around 18 UTC on  26 November for  around 24 hours.  QSL
             via home call (John Richard Gilliland,  777 West Wonderview  Ave,
             Estes Park, CO 80517, USA). [TNX The Daily DX]
VP5        - Look for Kelly,  N0VD to operate  as VP5/N0VD  on 3-10  December,
             including an entry as VP5D  in the ARRL  10M Contest. Before  and
             after the contest  expect an  emphasis on  the low  bands and  on
             various digital modes on  all bands. QSL  both VP5D and  VP5/N0VD
             direct, via the bureau or LoTW. [TNX N0VD]
VR         - Look for Yoshi, VR2JN to participate  in the CQ WW DX CW  Contest
             as a SOAB entry from Hong  Kong Island (AS-006). QSL via  JH4JNG.
             [TNX VR2JN]
XU         - Yuki, JH1NBN plans to be active  as XU7ADJ from Cambodia  between
             21 and  30 November.  He will  operate mostly  on 17,  20 and  40
             metres SSB, RTTY and PSK in his spare time. [TNX The Daily DX]
ZA         - Jacek, SP5EAQ  reports he  will be  visiting Albania  between  20
             November and  16  December, and  he  plans to  operate  again  as
             ZA/SP5EAQ (SSB). QSL via home call.
PACIFIC TRIP  --->  Roman/RZ3AA (NP2KY),  Andy/UA3AB  (KB7YHV),  Harry/RA3AUU
(K3UY), Andy/UA0ANW and Leo/RA0AM will operate as KH2/NP2KY and KH2/K3UY from
Guam on 21-24 November, and as T88IB (SSB) and T88AB (CW) from Palau on 25-30
November. They will  participate in the  CQ WW DX  CW Contest as  T88AA as  a
Multi-Single or a Multi-Two entry. QSL via UA3DX. [TNX The Daily DX]
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
DX0TIC  --->  Gil/4F2KWT   and  Jun/4F3BA  became   active  as  DX0TIC   from
Cagayancillo (OC-207) in the UTC morning of 13 November and were expected  to
go back to Manila five days later. QSL via JM1PXG.
EUCW 160M  CONTEST --->  The Union  Francaise  des Telegraphistes  (UFT,  the
French EUCW society) sponsors the  5th European CW  160 Meter Contest,  which
will be held  on 7 January  (20.00-23.00 UTC) and  on 8 January  (04.00-07.00
UTC). Rules can  be found at  http://www.uft.net, where it  also possible  to
download the software written by Alain, F6ENO. [TNX F5NQL]
GB200T ---> GB200T made 13,700 QSOs in 108 hours of operating between 17  and
24 October. The GB200T/Trafalgar Awards available for having worked this  and
other special event stations celebrating the 200th anniversary of the  Battle
of Trafalgar are  now available.  Full details,  including an  image of  each
Award, are at www.gb200t.com [TNX M3RCV]
H79W/YN4 ---> Mike, K9AJ and Bruce, KD6WW became active as H79W/YN4 from  the
Caribbean Sea Coast  North group (NA-228)  on 16 November  and planned to  be
operational until 15 UTC on 18 November. QSL via K9AJ.
LZ DX CONTEST ---> The LZ  DX Contest, organized by the Bulgarian  Federation
of Radio Amateurs, will take place on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres CW and SSB
from 12  UTC on  19 November  through 12  UTC on  the  20th. Full  rules  are
available at http://www.qsl.net/lz1fw/contest/index.html [TNX LZ1ZF]
PUCCINI  AWARD  --->  The  8th  International  "Giacomo  Puccini"  Award  and
competition, organized by the Italian YL Radio Club (www.arrl.it/ylrci)  with
the     participation     of     the     Puccini     Festival      Foundation
(www.puccinifestival.it), is open to licenced amateurs  and SWLs and will  be
held on 1-10 December. Proceeds beyond out-of-pocket expenses will be donated
to Sister Romana, J5UAQ and her mission at Ingore, Guinea Bissau. For further
information please contact Emanuela Trevisan, IZ2ELV (iz2elv@yahoo.it).
QSL V73NS ---> Neil, WD8CRT/V73NS will be going QRT from the Marshall Islands
on 21 November, after three years and 22,400+ CW QSOs. QSL via WD8CRT through
the bureau (expect one year delay  and no direct  requests, Neil says).  Neil
will operate CW QRP from Iraq starting around 1 January 2006.
QSL VIA CT1GFK ---> Toze, CT1GFK reports that all of the direct requests  for
CU4T and CU4M  received so far  have been processed  and mailed. Please  note
that he is not the QSL manager for CU4/HB9EBV.
+ SILENT KEY  + Baatar Sambuu,  JT1BG passed  away on  14 November.  Licenced
since 1977 and  one of the  most active stations  from Mongolia,  he was  the
first amateur in his country to earn 5BDXCC, 5BWAZ and DXCC Honor Roll. Along
with his daugher Oyuna (JT1CC) and son Jargal (JT1CT) he also heldthe  family
callsign JT1M. Also, we have been informed that Jean Liesse, ON4LE has been a
Silet Key since 10 November. [TNX JT1CD and ON7ZZ]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
A52CDX:  The web page for the 18  November - 3 December operation from  Bhutan
         [425DXN 751] is at http://www.f5lmj.net/Bhoutan2005/a5-05en.htm. QSL
         via F9DK.
LOGS:    On-line logs for  Jean-Michel's recent  activity as  YO/F6AJA can  be
         found at http://LesNouvellesDX.free.fr [TNX F6AJA]
R1MVW:   The  web  site  for  the  current  R1MVW/R1MVC  expedition  to  Malyj
         Vysotskij Island [425DXN 757] is at http://www.r1mvw.ra6lbs.ru/.
QSLs received  direct  or through  managers:  3B8CF, 3B9FR,  4L0CR,  5N45EAM,
8Q7DV, 8S7T (EU-138), 9R2DX (AF-100), 9Y4NJ,A52JO, BA4DW/7 (AS-129),  BD5HAG,
BG7KLO, C21DL,  C21SX, C21XF,  C4EU, C6AKA,  CM6CAC, CU4T  (EU-175),  CU5AOA,
HB0/HA0HW,  HC1HC,HC1MD,  HL0O/5,  HP1XX,HZ1AN,  HZ1NH,  J3A,  J79BK,  JW8WF,
KD6WW/VY0 (NA-175 and NA-227), KH6HH,KH9/W0CN, LA0CX, NA8O/AH0, OH0Z,  OO3CP,
P29ZAD, PJ2GT,R0K (AS-174), R0K/p (AS-038), R750KE, R750KG, RV3MA/0 (AS-174),
RZ3EC/0  (AS-174),  S01MZ,  SK6M,  SU8IOTA  (AF-099),  T97C,  TK/HA0HW,  TM4Z
(EU-065), TR8CX, UA9CK,  UK/JI2MED, UK8OM, V31MD,  V44/EW1AR, V44/NC2N,  VC9W
(OC-269), YT1BB, ZC4LI, ZD7FT.
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                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000
                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org)
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
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        and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                   or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                   Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org)
                            Direttore Responsabile
                             Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia