DX425 bulletin issue nr. 750

425 DX News #750
17 September 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile I2VGW        
      4X      - The  4X7AZ  operation  from   Akhziv  Island  (AS-100),   originally
          scheduled to take place from 30 September to 1 October [425DXN 747],
          has been cancelled because  the team has  been denied permission  to
          stay overnight. [TNX 4X1VF]
EA6     - Kurt, HB9XCL will operate SSB and digital modes as EA6/HB9XCL/p from
          the  island  of  Formentera,  Balearic  Islands  (EU-004)  on  18-23
          Septmber. QSL via  home call,  preferably through  the bureau.  [TNX
HC      - Rick, NE8Z reports he will operate  mainly CW on  the WARC bands  as
          HC1MD from Tumbaco, Ecuador on 19-26 September. QSL via K8LJG.
HK      - Pedro, HK3JJH plans to operate (mostly SSB on 20 metres) as HK3JJH/2
          from an island in the SA-082 IOTA group for 36 hours between 19  and
          24 September. QSL via home call. [TNX IT9DAA]
I       - Special call II9ETN  will be aired  until 18 September  for the  III
          International HF  DX &  Contest Convention  to  be held  in  Catania
          (www.arict.it/convention/convention.htm). QSL   via  IT9VCE.   [TNX
JA      - Look  for  7L3ATQ/1  to  operate  from   To  Island  (AS-008,   JIIA
          AS-008-013) on 17-19 September. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
          [TNX JI6KVR]
KH7K    - The K7C  Kure DXpedition  [425DXN 749]  departed Honolulu  at  18:13
          local time  on  15  September  (04.13  UTC  on  16  September).  For
          information about the team's whereabouts and schedule, stay tuned to
          the K7C Web site's DXA application  in the "Messages" section.  They
          will also attempt  to be QRV  from the  Machias, most  likely on  20
          metres, as K7C/MM. The K7C Expedition  is proud to name as  Honorary
          Expedition Leader,  Kimo Chun,  KH7U,  "without whose  tireless  and
          exhaustive support the expedition would  simply not been  possible".
          They also wish  to dedicate  the expedition  to the  memory of  Hugh
          "Cass" Cassidy, WA6AUD, "whose visionary wisdom in the West Coast DX
          Bulletin opened the door to much  of DXing culture that we take  for
          granted today". [TNX KH7U and N0AX]
OH0     - Hadi, DJ2PJ (OH0JWH) will be signing  OH0P during his activity  from
          the Aland Islands  (25 September-7  October) [425DXN  749]. QSL  via
S7      - Russian Robinson Club  members Sergey/RA3NAN (S79NAN),  Eugene/RZ3EC
          (S79EC) and Andy/RZ3EM (S79RRC) will operate  from the rare  Aldabra
          (AF-025) and Farquhar  (AF-035) islands  in the  Seychelles in  late
          September-early October. The tentative dates  are from 30  September
          to 2 October  for S79RRC/A (Aldabra)  and 5-7  October for  S79RRC/F
          (Farquhar). QSL S79RRC and S79EC via  RZ3EC, QSL S79NAN via  RA3NAN.
          Further       information        can       be        found        at
          http://www.qso.ru/s79rrc/eng/news.php [TNX RZ3EM]
SU      - Raimondo, IZ8BQE  has joined  the team  - already  including  SU1ER,
          SU1KM,  SU1KA, IK6CAC, IZ8CCW, I8LWL and IK8VRH - that will  operate
          from Giftun Island in late September  [425DXN 749]. The callsign  to
          be used  from this  IOTA new  one will  be  SU8GFTN (not  SU8GFT  as
          previously announced), while when  they are not  on the island,  the
          will use different callsigns (for instance, SU/IZ8CCW). QSL  SU8GFTN
          via IZ8CCW, others via operator's instructions. The web site for the
          operation can be found at http://www.mdxc.org/su8gftn/.
SV      - Manfred, DK9CG will  be active from  Greece as SV7/DK9CG,  SV4/DK9CG
          and SV8/DK9CG (from Thassos Island, EU-174) from 17 September to  19
          October. He plans to operate on 10-80 metres SSB, CW, RTTY and  PSK.
          QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX DK9CG]
UR      - Look for  Vlad,  UR0IQ/p  to  operate  from  the  Lebyazh'i  Islands
          (EU-180) during the weekend. QSL via via UX2IQ.
VE      - Special call VA1ISAR will be  aired from 23  September to 2  October
          for the  ISAR  competition  that  will be  held  in  Halifax  on  30
          September and 1 October. ISAR is an annual event between Coast Guard
          auxiliary teams  from the  United  States and  Canada  demonstrating
          various skills in  the field of  search and rescue.  QSL via  VE1AI.
          [TNX VA3RJ]
W       - Look for Martin, KN5G/p to be active until 9 October from  Galveston
          Island (NA-143) and South Deer Island  (not IOTA). It will be a  QRP
          operation with primary  activity on 20  metres SSB and  CW. QSL  via
          home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
W       - Rudy/KF4OM, Larry/KG4LCF  and others  plan to  operate as  K4P  from
          Pigeon Key (NA-062) on 17-18 September. QSL via KG4LCF. [TNX VA3RJ]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
QSL IV3OWC ---> Claudio has been  informed that quite a  few cards are  being
returned to sender with "Silent Key" stamped on them. Claudio is alive and in
good health, but please note that since he  has no access to the QSL  bureau,
cards for IV3OWC, ST2CF (2003) and  9E1C (Ethiopia 1999-2000) should be  sent
direct only to  Claudio Fabbro, Via  Casale Coloset  3, 33030  Moruzzo -  UD,
QSL FT5ZH ---> The FT5ZH (November-December  1998) logs will  be closed on  1
January 2006. Those who still need  a card should  send their request  direct
only to F6KDF: Radio Club de la  Gendarmerie, 292 Route de Genas, 69677  Bron
Cedex, France. [TNX F6KDF]
QSL VIA YB9BU ---> Kadek would like to remind once more that when  requesting
a direct card from him, IRCs are far better than green stamps, as the  latter
might get "lost".
+ SILENT  KEY +  The DX  community mourns  the passing  of Hugh  A.  Cassidy,
WA6AUD, who left us on 9 September at 88 years of age. Quoting Jarmo Jaakola,
OH2BN, The Daily  DX remembers  Cass as  "a truly  towering figure  in DX,  a
source of great inspiration, a literary  genius who had the unique talent  to
express in words some of our innermost feelings, who was capable of  touching
the human  soul with  his pen,  with a  message that  transcended  geographic
boundaries, language barriers". Give a look to a few issues of The West Coast
DX Bulletin, of which Cass was the editor for eleven years, and read a few of
his    delightful     DX     Stories    on     K2CD's     web     site     at

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
LOGS:              A log search is  now available for  T88BH, T88GG and  T80A.
                   Just send an e-mail to  and include up  to
                   ten call signs in the subject line of your message.  Please
                   visit http://www.n4gn.com/logsearches/ for further details.
                   [TNX N4GN]
NA-175 & NA-227:   The first pictures of the recent operations by Bruce, KD6WW
                   and Mike, K9AJ from these two IOTA groups can be viewed  on
S9SS:              Logs have  been uploaded to LOTW and contain 49,997 QSOs up
                   to date. [TNX S50U]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3Z48FJ      SP2YNC      ED1SDC      EA1AUM      PY0S/PS7JN  PS7JN
4G73DJ      DU8DJ       EK6YL       SP9ERV      PY2OMS      W3HC
4K5D        K2PF        EM60F       UR5FEO      R1ANN       RZ3DJ
4KR60S      4J5A        EM60II      UT2II       R625KB      RA3PW
4L0G        DL7BY       EM60N       UT4NW       S01MZ       EA1BT
4M5R        EA5KB       EO60QF      UT7QF       SA60A       SK3BG
4N15ARDF    YU1SRS      ET3TK       OK1CU       SN100OB     SP9PGB
4U1UN       HB9BOU      FK8GJ       F6CXJ       ST0RM       T93Y
4U1WB       KK4HD       GD4WXM/P    GW4WXM      SV0IE       DL2YAG
5N7RSB      WB6QCS      GN0STH      G4DIY       SV0XAO      DJ5JH
5T0JL       ON8RA       GT4WXM/P    GW4WXM      T88AT       KQ2I
5T5BAB      pirate      GU4YWY/M    G4YWY       T88IS       JP1IOF
7Q7CE       IN3VZE      HB80IARU    HB9DOT      T88SI       JF1IST
7X0RY       OK1DYW      HC1HC       NE8Z        TI8CBT      EA7FTR
7Z1UG       DO1HEN      HF675TA     SP9PTA      TM0CSP      F1EDG
9G5OO       DL4WK       HR1RQF      EA7FTR      TM0JPL      F5TBX
9G5ZS       ZS6EGB      HR7XX       pirate      TM5MEM      F6KLO
9H0VRZ      PB9ZR       J48HW       HA0HW       TM8CDX      F5CQ
9H3MIR      PA0MIR      J59OFM      IZ3BIY      UE3NRI/P    RA3NN
9H3X        PE1NGF      K6P         KM6HB       V55O/P      IZ8EDJ
9H3YM       PE1OFJ      KE4ZXW      W4RTZ       VP9I        K1EU  (a)
9M2/GM4YXI  N3SL        L40E/D      LU3DKV      VP9I        K1JN  (b)
9M6A        N2OO        LA3SRK/P    SM5SIC      VP9I        KQ1F  (c)
9M6AAC      N2OO        LW2DFH      EA5KB       VP9I        N1HRA (d)
9V1CW       PA0KHS      MM0XAU      DJ6AU       XL3NJ       VA3NJ
BA4DW/7     BA4DW       MS0WRC/p    G0MTD       XM3AT       VE3AT
CU5AOA      EA5KB       OH1AV/p     OH1BOI      XU7TZG      ON4AJV
CX2AQ       EA5KB       OH2DZ/p     UA1ANA      YB5AQB      OK1DOT
DA0L        DL1BFE      OK8FCS      DL4FCS      YC0IEM/9    IZ8CCW
DC2005WJT   DJ6SI       OL9AU       OK2WED      YI1HRP      pirate
DQ0Q        DL5AXX      PA9MR       VE3MR       YR50KAD     YO5KAD
DR5L        DK3QZ       PI60ETL     PI4ETL      YU15ARDF    YU1SRS
DR9Z        DL7UZO      PI60HSG     PA4PS       ZF2FZ       W7FZ
E20HHK/4    E21EIC      PS113QB     PS7AA       ZG2FX       G3RFX
(a)  CQWW SSB 2002      (c)  CQWW CW 2003
(b)  CQWW SSB 2003      (d)  CQ WPX 2005

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
5Z4ES  Enrico Li Perni, P.O. Box 39256-00623, Nairobi, Kenya
9M6DXX Steve Telenius-Lowe, WDT 527, 88905 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
BA4DW  David Y. J. Zhou, P.O. Box 040-088, Shanghai, 200040, China
DJ6SI  Baldur Drobnica, Zedernweg 6, 50127 Bergheim, Germany
DL5ME  P.O. Box 35 11 27, 39034 Magdeburg, Germany
F5CQ   Rafik Djandji, Les Revergis, F-35360 La Chapelle du Lou, France
F5TBX  Jean-Paul Otin, 4 Lotissement Terre Blanche, F 33370 Pompignac, France
K4XS   Wilbert E. Kollenbaum, 2930 Meadowood Dr, New Port Richey, FL 34655,
KG4WW  Bill Walker, USNH, Box 4, APO AE 09589, USA
KM6HB  Mark McMullin. P.O. Box 27271, Santa Ana, California 92799, USA
OH1BOI Jari Talkara, Lylykatu 16, 24280 Salo, Finland
ON6UQ  Marcel Sterkens,Moerenweg 6, B-2310 Rijkevorsel, Belgium
PB9ZR  Ruben v.d. Zwet, Barentszstraat 1, 2161 TJ Lisse, The Netherlands
PS7JN  Joca Neto, P.O. Box 251, 59010-970 Natal-RN, Brazil
DL2YAG Juergen Eisinga, Koenigsberger Str. 21, 46238 Bottrop, Germany
T93Y   Boris Knezovic, P.O. Box 59, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
VQ9LA  Larry Arneson, PSC 466 Box 24 (DG-21 Annex 30), FPO AP 96595-0024, USA
WA4PGM Kyle Chavis, P.O. Box 127, Farmville, VA 23901, USA
XU7ABN Claude Laget, P.O. Box 1373 GPO, Phnom Penh 99999, Cambodia
                 425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000
                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org)
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                                 MAILING LIST
                    Please visit the "Mailing List" page at
        and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                   or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                   Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org)
                            Direttore Responsabile
                             Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia