DX425 bulletin issue nr. 749

425 DX News #749
09 September 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile I2VGW        
      3A       - Slavek, SP2JMB  plans to  operate SSB  and CW  on the  HF bands  as
           3A/SP2JMB from  Monaco  on 15-30  September.  QSL via  SP2PI.  [TNX
7P       - Jun, JH4RHF/OE1ZKC will operate (on 160-10 metres SSB, CW and RTTY,
           plus SSTV on request) from Lesotho from 24 September to 2  October.
           Requested call is 7P8RH. QSL via OE1ZKC. [TNX JH4RHF and The  Daily
9M6      - Steve Telenius-Lowe, G4JVG, is now living  in Sabah, East  Malaysia
           (OC-088), and has  received a five-year  licence with the  callsign
           9M6DXX. Steve is not very active yet  as he is staying in a  rented
           apartment while having a house built. However, he may  occasionally
           get  on  the  air  from  club   stations  as  9M6DXX  or  on   IOTA
           mini-DXpeditions from  Sabah's Coastal  Islands group  (OC-133)  as
           9M6DXX/p. QSL to Steve Telenius-Lowe, WDT 527, 88905 Kota Kinabalu,
           Sabah, Malaysia (there is no active QSL bureau in East Malaysia  so
           direct QSLing is necessary). [TNX 9M6DXX]
C2       - Roger, G3SXW and Nigel, G3TXF  plan to operate  (CW only) as  C21SX
           and C21XF from Nauru (OC-031) from  about 8 UTC on 20 September  to
           about 19 UTC  on the 25th.  Look for  C21SX on  the traditional  HF
           bands (3503, 7003, 14023, 21023 and 28023 kHz), while C21XF will be
           on the WARC  bands (10103, 10113,  10123, 18073,  18083, 24893  and
           24903  kHz).  QSL  via  home  calls,  direct  or  bureau.   Further
           information, including propagation  forecasts and e-mail  addresses
           for    bureau     card     requests,    can     be     found     at
DL       - Special station DQ44FK will be active for the 44th congress of  the
           Federation    Internationale     des    Radioamateurs     Cheminots
           (International   Association    of    Railway    Radio    Amateurs,
           http://www.firac.de) to be held on 15-19 September at Rantum  (Sylt
           Island, EU-042). [TNX F8REF]
EA6      - Juan, EA6SB will operate on 160-10  metres SSB, SSTV and PBSK31  as
           ED6IHP  from  Isla  del  Rey  o  del  Hospital  (EU-004)  on  17-18
           September. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
F        - Special station TM5MEM  will be aired  on 12-26  September for  the
           European Heritage Days (the annual celebration of the architectural
           and cultural wealth  of over forty  European nations, promoted  and
           co-ordinated by the Council of Europe). On 17 and 18 September  the
           station will be active (CW only) from the Edmond Michelet Museum at
           Brive la Gaillarde. QSL via F6KLO, direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
F        - The Radio club F6KAT will operate as TM5OBA from 26 November to  10
           December to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the French Air  Force
           Base 128 at  Metz-Frescaty. They will  run two stations  on the  HF
           bands (one for SSB and CW  and one for the  digital modes) and  one
           VHF station. QSL via F6KAT, direct or bureau. [TNX F6AJA]
FP       - AC8W, K8AQM, K8DD, K8GL, K8MM and W8IQ will operate as  FP/homecall
           from St Pierre  & Miquelon (NA-032)  on 22-28  November. They  will
           participate in the  CQ WW DX  CW Contest  as FP/K8DD  (M/M or  M/2,
           depending on conditions and antennas). They plan to operate PSK-31,
           RTTY and  on  the WARC  bands  outside the  contest.  QSL  FP/AC8W,
           FP/K8DD and  FP/K8GL  via  K8NA  (direct);  QSL  FP/K8MM  via  K8MM
           (direct); QSL  FP/K8AQM  and FP/W8IQ  via  home  calls  (direct  or
           bureau).  There  is  a  possibility  of  adding  one  or  two  more
           operators;   please   contact   K8DD   (k8dd@k8dd.com)   or    K8GL
           (Greg.Surma@wnem.com) for details. [TNX K8DD]
FR & FH  - Serge, F6AML  will  be on  Reunion  Island  (AF-016,  DIFO  FR-001)
           between 27 September and 23 October. On 10-14 October he will  make
           a side trip to Mayotte (AF-027,  DIFO FH-001). He plans to  operate
           as FR/homecall and FH/homecall on 40-10 metres CW and SSB. QSL  via
           home call, direct or bureau. [TNX  F5NQL and F6AJA & Les  Nouvelles
GM       - Steve/G0MTD, Malcolm/2E0MAX,  Brian/G0OMB, Norman/M0CRM,  Joe/M0DHV
           and Malcolm/M0XAT  will operate  (on 80-10  metres mainly  SSB)  as
           MS0WRC/p from the Isle of Mull (EU-008) on 11-17 September. QSL via
           G0MTD. [TNX VA3RJ]
GU       - Dave/G1OCN, Russell/G5XW, Tim/M3SDE and  Ant/MW0JZE will be  active
           as GU1OCN, GU5XW,  MU3SDE and MU0JZE  from the  island of  Alderney
           (EU-114), the most northerly island of  the Channel Islands  group,
           on 12-19 October. They plan to  operate on all HF bands, 6  metres,
           VHF APRS, VHF/UHF  SSB, hopefully with  some satellite activity  as
           well. QSL MU3SDE via M3SDE, others via G5XW. [TNX G1OCN]
HB0      - Marcel, ON6UQ reports he will operate CW, SSB, RTTY and SSTV on all
           HF bands as  HB0/ON6UQ from Liechtenstein  on 17-24 September.  QSL
           via home call. [TNX ON6UQ]
HB9      - Special call HB80IARU will be aired on 11-18 September for the IARU
           Region 1  General  Conference, which  will  take  place  in  Davos,
           Switzerland. [TNX HB9GR]
I        - Andrea, IZ0EHO reports he will operate on the HF bands and 6 metres
           SSB and  digital  modes as  ID9/IZ0EHO  from  Lipari  (EU-017,  IIA
           ME-001) until 18 September. QSL via home call.
I        - Weather permitting,  Nicola, IZ3EBA  will be  active on  20 and  40
           metres as IZ3EBA/p from Mazzorbo Island (EU-131, IIA VE-009) on  10
           September. QSL via bureau. [TNX IZ3EBA]
I        - ARI Saronno will  operate SSB, CW,  RTTY and PSK  as II2R on  18-25
           September to commemorate the Blessed Luigi Maria Monti (1825-1900),
           a consecrated layman who dedicated himself to the care of the  sick
           and orphaned children, for whom  he opened a  home in Saronno.  QSL
           via bureau to I2RFJ. [TNX I2RFJ]
J3       - Wojciech, SP9PT  and  Marek, SP9BQJ  will  be active  from  Grenada
           (NA-024) from  26 October  to 8  November. They  are likely  to  be
           signing J3/SP9PT  and  J3/SP9BQJ (licences  to  be  collected  upon
           arrival). Activity will be on 40-6  metres (also 80 and 160  metres
           depending on local  conditions) CW, SSB,  RTTY and  PSK31. QSL  via
           home calls. [TNX SP5EWY]
KH7K    -  The K7C team  of operators includes  Robert Schmieder/KK6EK,  Garry
           Shapiro/NI6T,  Alan  Maenchen/AD6E,   Alan  Eshleman/K6SRZ,   Franz
           Langer/DJ9ZB,  John   Kennon/N7CQQ,   Gerd   Richter/DJ5IW,   Arnie
           Shatz/N6HC,   Ward    Silver/N0AX,   Ann    Santos/WA1S,    Charlie
           Spetenagel/W6KK and Steve Wright/VE7CT. They will leave by boat  on
           15 September for an estimated 9-day voyage to Kure Atoll  (OC-020).
           Activity from  Kure  is expected  to  be from  24  September  to  6
           October. Plans are to have four  complete radio stations active  on
           160-6 metres  CW,  SSB  and  RTTY;  the  antennas  will  be  mostly
           verticals or  vertical  arrays.  Look  for  K7C  on  the  following
           suggested frequencies:
                 CW        SSB      RTTY
           160m  1.8265     --       --
           80m   3.522     3.795     --
           40m   7.022     7.095   7.035
           30m   10.106     --     10.135
           20m   14.022   14.195   14.085
           17m   18.072   18.145   18.105
           15m   21.022   21.295   21.085
           12m   24.892   24.945     --
           10m   28.022   28.475   28.085
           6m    50.106   50.106     --
           The QSL manager for  the Kexpedition is  Tom, N4XP. However,  cards
           should be sent to K7C Kure DXpedition 2005, c/o K4TSJ, P.O. Box  1,
           Watkinsville, GA 30677, USA. The web site for the DXpedition is  at
KH9      - Dan, W0CN will  operate as KH9/W0CN  from Wake  Island (OC-053)  on
           18-30 September to commemorate the 60th  anniversary of the end  of
           World War II. He will be active  on 10-160 metres SSB and CW.  Some
           equipment has already been shipped and has arrived on Wake. Updates
           will will posted  to www.qrz.com/w0cn.  QSL via  K9JS (Jonathan  L.
           Schulz, 813 West Washington, Harvard, IL 60033, USA). [TNX W0CN]
OH0      - Hadi, DJ2PJ will  be active as  OH0JWH from  Eckero, Aland  Islands
           (EU-002) from 25 September to 7 October. He plans to operate on all
           bands (6 metres excluded) CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK, MFSK, SSTV and  Hell,
           and to focus on 160-30 metres. QSL via home call, direct or  bureau
           (e-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent to  oh0jwh@dj2pj.de).
           Hadi's web site is at www.dj2pj.de [TNX DJ2PJ]
PY       - R. Lima, PY1NEZ will operate (on 40, 20, 15, and 10 metres SSB)  as
           PY1NEZ/6 from Corumbau Lighthouse (ARLHS BRA-130) between 20 and 30
           September.  He  also  plans  to  operate  from  other   lighthouses
           (BRA-003, BRA-012, BRA-084, BRA-088 and  BRA-119) during that  time
           frame. QSL via PY1NEZ, direct or bureau. [TNX PY1NEZ]
PY0_spp  - Joca, PS7JN is  once more active  from St. Peter  & St. Paul  Rocks
           (SA-014) and will operate as PY0S/PS7JN until 22 September. He will
           concentrate on digital modes for the  first part of the  operation,
           later he will work SSB and  CW. QSL via home  call. [TNX PS7JN]
S9       - Charles,  S9SS  reports   he  has   obtained  conditional   written
           permission to operate in the 7.1  to 7.2 MHz range, which means  he
           will be more active working North America on 40 metres SSB than  in
           the past. [TNX NJ1Q]
SM       - The  Amateur  Radio  Club  of  Royal  Institute  of  Technology  in
           Stockholm celebrates their  50th anniversary this  year. They  will
           participate in  the Scandinavian  Activity Contest  (SSB) on  24-25
           September using the callsign SA50L. QSL via SK0BU. [TNX SK0BU]
ST       - Dane, S57CQ has  returned to Sudan  since 5  September for  another
           year, and will operate again  as ST2T (about  14,000 QSOs so  far).
           QSL via S57DX. [TNX S57DX]
SU       - Ezzat/SU1ER  (President  of  the  Egypt  Amateur  Radio  Assembly),
           Mohammed/SU1KM (EARA  Vice-President),  Karim/SU1KA,  Carlo/IK6CAC,
           Antonio/IZ8CCW, Leopoldo/I8LWL  and Tony/IK8VRH  are the  operators
           for the SU8GFT IOTA  expedition to Giftun  Island (AF-NEW) that  is
           scheduled to take place during the  last week of September  [425DXN
           746]. The pilot station will be Corrado, IT9DAA  (it9daa@mdxc.org).
           QSL via  IZ8CCW.  This operation  is  funded mainly  by  the  MDXC,
           further contributions will be gratefully  accepted through the  QSL
           manager.   The    web    site   for    the    operation    is    at
           http://www.mdxc.org/su8gft/ [TNX IZ8CCW]
SV       - Laci, HA0HW will be  active as J48HW  and SV8/HA0HW/p from  Thassos
           Island (EU-174) on  11-18 September. He  will use monoband  dipoles
           and ground planes and will operate on 80-10 metres CW, SSB,  BPSK31
           and RTTY. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX HA0HW]
SV       - Geza, HA4XG will be active as  J43XG from Rio, near Patras on  1-15
           October. He will operate mainly  CW, with some  SSB and FSK441,  on
           40-10 metres with ground planes and dipoles, and on 2 metres with a
           8-element yagi.  Expect  activity  during  his  evening  and  early
           morning hours. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNA HA0HW]
T8       - Tony, KQ2I will  be operating CW  only in his  spare time as  T88AT
           from Palau until 12 September. He  is active on 15-80 metres,  with
           an emphasis on 30 metres and the low bands. QSL via home call. [TNX
           The Daily DX]
TF       - Rich, N0HJZ  will  be active  as  TF/N0HJZ from  Iceland  on  26-30
           October, including a  SOAB High Power  entry in  the CQ  WW DX  SSB
           Contest. He  will  have large  rhombic  antennas  (one  pointed  to
           Europe, one pointed to the US  and one pointed  to Japan) and  full
           power. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX N0HJZ]
V5       - Klaus, DJ4SO  will operate  as V51/DJ4SO  from Namibia  between  18
           September and 12 October. He plans to be active 6 metres. [TNX  The
           Daily DX]
VE       - Look for Tom, W4YOK/VY2 to  operate on 40-6  metres CW from  Prince
           Edward Island (NA-029) on 15-21 September. QSL via W4YOK. [TNX  QRZ
VE       - Bob, VA3QV and  Martin, VA3SIE  will operate  QRP SSB  and CW  from
           Maple Island (not  IOTA), Ottawa on  25 September.  Details on  the
           opeation can be found at http://www.sunim.plus.com/maple/index.html
           [TNX VA3SIE]
VK       - Dirk, PA9KW (VK5AUQ)  will be in  Australia from 16  October to  14
           November. On 28-30 October Dirk and  Ben, VK5ZMM will operate  from
           Kangaroo Island (OC-139),  including activity during  the CQ WW  DX
           SSB  Contest.  QSLs   direct  to  PA9KW.   His  web   site  is   at
           http://www.pa9kw.tk [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
W        - Bodo, DL3OCH  will  operate CW  only  as W4/DL3OCH  from  Key  West
           (NA-062) between 30 September  and 4 November.  He might be  active
           from other IOTAs as well. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
YB       - Kardi, YB1TC  reports that  the YE7P  IOTA DXpedition  to  Karimata
           Island (OC-NEW) [425DXN  747] will take  place on 16-20  September.
           The  operators  (YB5QZ,  YB0DPO,  YB0ECT,  YB0KLI,  YB0JS,  YB0MCR,
           YD0LLY, YB1TX, YC1XDS and YB2MTA)  expect to be  active 24 hours  a
           day mainly on 15-40 metres with two or three stations on the air at
           the same time (see the web site below for announced frequencies and
           operating   modes).   On-line   logs    will   be   available    at
           http://dxpedition.orari.web.id/karimata/ during the operation.  QSL
           via  YB1TC  or  K8SIX  (North  America),  JN6RZM  (Japan),   IZ8CCW
           (Europe). Those who need a QSL in time for the IOTA Annual  Listing
           deadline are invited to send their request to YB1TC (Soekardi, P.O.
           Box 151 BSD, Serpong 15330,  Indonesia) and to  send an e-email  to
ZB2      - The United Radio DX team (Thierry/ON5MRT, Max/ON5UR and  Wim/ON6NP)
           will operate SSB  and digital  modes as  ZB2/ON5UR, ZB2/ON5MRT  and
           ZB2/ON6NP from Gibraltar from 27 October  to 3 November,  including
           activity during the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. QSL via ON5UR, direct  or
           bureau.     Further     information     can     be     found     at
           http://www.on5ur.be/UR.htm [TNX ON5UR]
ZD8      - Mike, G4LTI reports that Ian's (ZD8I) stay on Ascension Island  has
           been extended until  June 2008. QSL  via G4LTI,  direct or  bureau.
           Ian's website is at http://www.zd8i.net

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
3Y0X ---> The 2006 Peter I  DXpedition has been  awarded a major  sponsorship
grant by  the Northern  California DX  Foundation, Inc.  (NCDXF). It  exceeds
their contribution  for last  year's postponed  effort  and makes  NCDXF  the
DXpedition's largest financial contributor. DXpedition is funded  principally
by its members, but 30% of the total cost must come from the DX community and
additional assistance is still  being sought For  further information on  the
DXpedition,  and   how   to  contribute   to   its  success,   please   visit
425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The latest issue (August 2005) is now available  in
.pdf format at http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/.  Articles and pictures  should
be sent to Nicola Baldresca, IZ3EBA (iz3eba@libero.it).
DX MAGAZINE MOST  WANTED SURVEY  ---> The  DX Magazine's  annual Most  Wanted
Survey is  being  conducted  now  through 15  October.  The  survey  form  is
available at  http://www.dxpub.com/dx_survey2005.html; the  complete  results
will be  published in  the Jan/Feb  2006 issue  of The  DX Magazine,  with  a
breakdown by mode in the Mar/Apr  2006 issue. The Top 100  will be posted  to
the web site in mid-January 2006. [TNX N4AA]
DXCC NEWS ---> The ARRL DXCC  Desk has approved the following operations  for
DXCC credit: KH9/AH8H (Wake Island), for  operations in 2003 and 2004;  TT8BZ
(Chad), 31 March - 23 August 2005; 5X1B (Uganda), 3-12 August, 2005.
KURE ATOLL ---> While waiting to work K7C, read about and give a look to  the
QSL cards of the various previous operations from Kure. They can be found  on
http://www.cordell.org/htdocs/KURE/KURE_pages/KURE_Prev_DXped.html  and   and
http://LesNouvellesDX.free.fr (follow  the  "Galerie de  QSL"  and  "Les  dix
contrees DXCC les plus recherchees" links).
QSL R0K ---> Alternative QSL routes  for R0K (AS-174) and R0K/p (AS-038),  as
well as for RZ3EC/0 and RV3MA/0, are via K8SIX (USA), VE6VK (Canada),  JA1QXY
(Japan) and HA1AG (Europe). [TNX RZ3EC]
QSL V55O/P --->  Oreste, IZ8EDJ reports  that there has  been some  confusion
about the  correct  QSL route  for  V55O/p (IARU  Region  1  Field  Day,  3-4
September), which is neither via  DJ7SX (as reported  by IZ8EDJ himself)  nor
via the  Namibian Amateur  Radio League.  Jack Anderson  (V51KC, one  of  the
operators) states that "it was decided by all  of us that the QSL's will  all
go to IZ8EDJ and nobody else". Oreste says that the cards can be sent to  him
direct or via the bureau.
QSL VK6DHI  ---> Alan,  VK4AAR reports  that all  valid requests  for  VK6DHI
(OC-206) cards received so far will be cleared and in the mail between 9  and
11 September.
QSL VIA DL5ME ---> Mario is back from his trip to Hasslo Island (EU-138)  and
says that direct cards should be sent to  his new address: P.O.Box 35 11  27,
39034 Magdeburg, Germany.
QSL VIA  W5UE --->  As a  result of  Hurricane  Katrina, Randy's  (W5UE)  was
flooded with 4  feet of water.  Most of the  blank QSLs for  the stations  he
manages (HC8N, HC8L, PZ5A, K5R, W4D and 6G1KK) have been ruined. Randy  plans
to continue as manager for these  stations: "I will appreciage your  patience
in the coming months", he says, "as new cards  will need to be ordered and  I
will     be      establishing     a      new     QTH".      Please      check
www.datasync.com/~w5ue/qsl-w5ue.html to get  his latest status.  [TNX K1XN  &
The Golist]
+ SILENT KEY  + Angelo, I2ACC  reporta that Agostino  Favarelli, Tino,  I2ZZZ
passed away on 29 August. Tino was a long time DXer, a keen CW enthusiast and
DXCC Honor Roll #1.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
DX SPOTS:        Rod Elliott, VE3UW has collected the DX spots from the  OH2AQ
                 Web Cluster since January 1997. The collection - from January
                 1997   up    to   August    2005    -   is    available    at
                 http://www.425dxn.org/dxspots/, as well the software  (DXINFO
                 v2.0) which will enable you to handle the files (instructions
                 at the URL above).
LOGS:            On-line logs for 4X0AI (AS-100, 27-28 August) can be found at
MIA:             The latest update  of the MIA  (Mediterranean Islands  Award)
                 Directory        can         be         found         at
                 http://www.mdxc.org/mia/miadownload.htm [TNX IT9DAA]
QSL DB:          Boye Christensen, OZ7C has updated his  QSL DBase (which  now
                 contains 375,491  unique  records) for  Packet  Cluster.  The
                 package can be  downloaded at  http://www.ddxg.dk/oz7c A  web
                 based search machine  can be found  at www.ddxg.dk/oz7c  [TNX
                 OZ7C, oz7c@qsl.net]
SWL ON THE WEB:  The Mediterraneo DX Club has been supporting IOTA since 1997.
                 The IOTA Programme was established back  in 1964 by the  late
                 Geoff Watts, BRS-3129, the only SWL  ever inducted in the  CQ
                 DX Hall of  Fame. For this  reason, the MDXC  is now glad  to
                 open  a  web  site  (www.mdxc.org/swl)  and  a  mailing  list
                 (mdxcswl-subscribe@mdxc.org) for SWLs around the world.  [TNX
QSLs received direct or through managers: 3D2RR, 3G0YM, 3G0YP, 4L6VV,  4S7AB,
5H9KR, 5T0CW,  5V7BR,  7V2SI  (AF-097),  8Q7BR,  8Q7QQ,  9G5ZS, 9J2CA, 9L1MS,
9V0A (AN-016,  AA MN-01),  9Y4DLH,   A35YL,  A45WD, A45XR,  A92GR,  FG/F5MNW,
FK/IK6CAC,  FM5DN, FP/N6RA, FT5XO (AF-048), FW5ZL, HF0POL (AN-010, AA SP-01),
HP1AC, J3/HB9CGA, J79PAK, KA0GGI/m  (NA-034), KH8SI, MD4K, MS0IRC/p (EU-189),
MU0FAL,  N1JN (NA-217),  OC3I (SA-074),  OC4P (SA-052),  OY1CT,  OY9JD, OY9R,
TU2OJ, UK/JI2MED,  UK8OAR, V44KJ,  V5/SP7VC, V73GE,  V73UX, VK0DX (AN-016, AA
W0GLG/HR3 (NA-160), W8MV/KH4,  WB9CIF/J6  (NA-108), XF1K  (NA-164  & NA-165),
XF2ZEX (NA-224),  XF4IH, YB7M (OC-268), YE3K (OC-217), YJ0YL,  YN4SU, YV4DYJ,
                 425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000
                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org)
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                                 MAILING LIST
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