DX425 bulletin issue nr. 748

425 DX News #748
03 September 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile I2VGW        
      9H      - A large  group of  Dutch   amateurs will  be going  to Qawra,  Malta
          (EU-023) for  their 18th  holiday/DXpedition. They  will operate  on
          80-6 metres (possibily also on  160m) CW, SSB  and digital modes  as
          9H0VRZ between 10 September and 2 October. QSL via PB9ZR (Ruben v.d.
          Zwet,  Barentszstraat  1,  2161  TJ  Lisse,  The  Netherlands).  The
          operators will be PA0BEA (9H3IE),  PA0CKV (9H3XQ), PA0MIR  (9H3MIR),
          PA0XYL (9H3XYL),  PA1XA  (9H3AAG), PA3GUU  (9H3YT),  PB9ZR  (9H3ZR),
          PE1NGF (9H3X), PE1OFJ (9H3YM), PE2HSB (9H3HS) and PG9W (9H3ON).  QSL
          for the individual 9H3s via home calls.
BY      - David, BA4DW reports he will operate  as BA4DW/7 from Nan'ao  Island
          (AS-129) on 8-13 September. QSL  direct via home  call (David Y.  J.
          Zhou, P.O. Box 040-088, Shanghai, 200040, China).
F       - Special event call TM8CDX will be  aired until 10 September for  the
          27th Convention of  the Clipperton DX  Club, which will  be held  on
          10-11 September  at Provins  (http://cdxc.convention.free.fr/).  QSL
          via F5CQ, direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
F       - Special call TM0JPL (Jumelage Pompignac Lerin)  will be aired on 3-4
          September  to  celebrate  the twinning  of the  towns  of  Pompignac
          (France)  and  Lerin (Spain).   The  web site for  the  event  is at
           http://lerin.pompignac.monweb.net/jumelageLERIN.htm  QSL via F5TBX,
           direct or bureau. [TNX F6ABN and F8BBL]
GM      - Andre, GM3VLB  reports  that, weather  permitting,  he will  try  to
          operate from three Scottish islands  - namely Inchkenneth  (EU-008),
          Eorsa (EU-008) and Shona  (EU-005) - between  now and 10  September.
          Andre's web site is at http://www.gm3vlb.com/
I       - Alessio, IZ0CKJ and  Simon, IZ7ATN  will operate  on 15,  20 and  40
          metres SSB as IB0/IZ0CKJ and  IB0/IZ7ATN  from a  few islands in the
          Ponziano  Archipelago  (EU-045)  on  2-4 September:  Palmarola  (IIA
          LT-008), I Piatti (IIA LT-009),Scoglio Forcina (IIA LT-022), Scoglio
          Fucile  (IIA LT-023),  Scoglio  Pallante  (IIA LT-025), Scoglio  San
          Silverio (IIA LT-026). QSLs via  IZ0CKJ. [TNX IZ0CKJ]
JA      - Look for  JA5BEX/5  and  JN4MBO/5  to  operate  from  Kikasa  Island
          (JIIA-076-NEW), Kagawa  Prefecture on  3-4 September.  QSl via  home
          calls. [TNX JI6KVR]
KL      - Bill, K4XS will be active in  his spare time as AL0/K4XS from  Saint
          Paul Island (NA-028) on 7-15  September. He plans  to operate on  20
          and 40 metres  mainly CW  from around  00.00 UTC  thourgh 07.00  UTC
          (additional operating time is possible during  the weekend of  10-11
          September). Bill will be QRV for Europe on their sunrise. QSL direct
          to K4XS. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
LA      - Trond, LA9VDA reports that the 15-18  September LA6Q operation  from
          Svenner Island (EU-061) [425DXN 747] has  been cancelled owing to  a
          number of problems. However LA5UF, LA6YEA, LA8AJA and LA9VDA himself
          will operate (on 17-80 metres CW, SSB and some RTTY) from Helligvaer
          Island (EU-062) on 19-26 October. QSL  via LA9VDA, direct or  bureau
          (e-mail   requests    for   bureau    cards   can    be   sent    to
          la9vda2003@yahoo.no). The webpage for the operation can be found  at
          http://home.online.no/~andreask/expeditions/eu62/index.html  and  it
          will will be updated with log search, photos etc.
OZ      - Klaus, DJ4JI will operate on 80,  40 and 20  metres SSB as  OZ/DJ4JI
          from Bornholm Island (EU-030, DIA BO-001) on 5-10 September. QSL via
          home call, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
TA      - Charlie, GI4FUE reports  will operate as  TA4/GI4FUE from  Marmaris,
          Turkey until 13 September. Charlie hopes to be QRV on 20 metres from
          8 UTC to 13 UTC most  days, 17m and 15m are  a possibility. He  also
          plans to be active during the All Asia DX SSB, IARU Region 1 and WAE
          DX contests. Operation will be mostly CW with some RTTY and SSB  for
          the contests.
UA_ant  - Alexey "Alan" Kuz'menko, UA1PAC (R1ANC) reports  he will be  leaving
          Vostok station (UA-10 for the Antarctica  Award) in the second  half
          of December. This is  Alan's second mission  to Vostok; three  years
          ago he participated in the 47th  RAE (Russian Antarctic  Expedition)
          and logged about 17,400 QSOs  as either R1ANC  (QSL via DL5EBE)  and
          R1ANC/p (QSL via UA1PAC). This year  conditions are very bad and  he
          has made  only 1011  QSOs so  far, on  40-15  metres mainly  CW.  He
          operates with  100  watts into  a  home-made  multi-bander  vertical
          antenna. Between  late  December and  early  January Alan  plans  to
          operate as R1ANP from Progress Station (AA UA-03); he will also  try
          to be active from nearby stations Zhongshan of China (AA BY-NEW) and
          Low of Australia (AA VK-NEW). [TNX R1ANC & IZ8CGS]
V5      - V51KC and V51MW will operate as V55O on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres
          during the IARU Region 1 Field Day on 3-4 September. QSL via  DJ7SX.
          [TNX IZ8EDJ]
VE      - Bruce, KD6WW and Mike, K9AJ [425DXN 747] operated from Blaze  Island
          (NA-175) on 1 September,  and have been  active from Chantry  Island
          (NA-NEW) since the  2nd. Reports  indicate that  they should  remain
          there for the weekend, and stop again on NA-175 for a couple of days
          on their way back. They cannot be more specific, as their activities
          depends on weather and  local conditions. At  all events, they  will
          leave the area on 7 September. QSL via home calls.
VE      - Len, VE9MY  and  Linda,  VE9GLF will  be  on  Prince  Edward  Island
          (NA-029) on 1-3 September  and they expect  to activate several  new
          Canadian Islands as well as some  lighthouses. Operating times  will
          probably be after  18 UTC on  or around the  IOTA frequencies.  They
          will be portable with 100 watts and a vertical 15-20 metres. QSL via
          home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX VE9MY]
VE      - Industry Canada has authorized the use of special call sign prefixes
          to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Terry Fox's Marathon of  Hope
          across Canada  (http://www.terryfoxrun.org/).  The prefixes  are  as
          follows and will be in effect from 1 through 30 September: VE =  XM,
          VA = XL, VO = XN and VY = XO. [TNX VA3RJ]
VK0_ant - Finn,  VK4LL (aka OZ2QK) reports that that there will be two amateur
          radio operators at Davis Station  (VK-03 for  the Antarctica Award),
          located on  Ingrid Christensen Coast,  Antarctica  (AN-016)  between
          November 2005 and February 2006,  and one  operator until the end of
          next   year.    Further   information    will    be   avalaible   at
          http://www.mdxc.org/antarctica/activity/2005.htm [TNX VK4LL& IZ8CGS]
W       - The Pearl  River  DX Association  will  operate SSB  only  as  W2WTC
          through September to commemorate the fourth anniverary of 9/11.  QSL
          via K2HJB. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
W       - The Metropolitan 222  Amateur Radio Society  (K2MET) will sponsor  a
          September 11th memorial station on Governors  Island (NA-026) on  10
          September. Operations  will  take place  between  15-20 UTC  on  +/-
          21340, 14250 and 7250 kHz. QSL via W2SN. [TNX NA2M]
W       - The Citrus Belt  ARC presents the  6th annual  Route 66  On The  Air
          special event, celebrating  the 79th  anniversary of  US Highway  66
          (the "Mother Road"). Amateur radio clubs  using 1x1 callsigns  (from
          W6A through W6Q) will operate  from 15 cities  along the highway  on
          10-18    September.    Full    information    is    available     on
YU      - Special call signs  YU15ARDF and 4N15ARDF  will be  used during  the
          15th IARU  Region 1  ARDF Championship  (and, after  that, until  31
          December) that will take place at Tara-Zlatibor, Serbia & Montenegro
          on 3-8 September. QSL both calls  via YU1SRS. The  web site for  the
          event is at http://www.2005ardf.org/index.php

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
CIS DX CONTEST ---> The Scottish-Russian  ARS (srars@srars.org) sponsors  the
CIS DX Contest, which will be held on 40 and 20 metres SSB, CW and RTTY  from
10 UTC to 22 UTC on 22 October. The objective of the contest is to  establish
as many contacts  as possible  between radio  amateurs around  the world  and
radio  amateurs  in   the  Commonwealth  of   Independent  States   (Armenia,
Azerbaijan,  Belarus,  Georgia,  Kazakhstan,  Kyrgyzstan.  Moldova,   Russia,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine  and Uzbekistan). Full  information can  be
found at http://www.srars.org/cisdxc.htm [TNX MM0DFV]
DXTELNET ---> DXTelnet  users please  note that  the new  e-mail address  for
Fabrizio, IK4VYX is dxtelnet@gmail.com. DX Telnet is a software package  that
performs multiple  connections  to  Internet/RF  DX  clusters  and  automatic
refresh on OH22AQ's DXSUMMIT web page, with powerful DX-spot filters, alerts,
spot voice spell, external  log link capability,  online search features  and
much more.
EU SPRINT CONTESTS ---> The two Autumn events will  be held on 20, 40 and  80
metres only from 15.00 UTC until 18.59 UTC on 1 October (Autumn SSB,  managed
by I2UIY) and  8 October (Autumn  CW, managed by  OK2FD). Full details  (free
software included) can be found at http://www.eusprint.com/
IR7LH/P --->  Alfredo, IK7JWX  sends a  resume of  his activities  as  either
IK7JWX/p and IR7LH/p from Italian lighthouses:
16-17 April    PU-024 (ITA 270)
23-25 April    PU-025 (ITA 271)
20 and 22 May  PU-026 (ITA 264)
28 May         PU-021 (ITA 237)
2-5 June       PU-030 (ITA 188), PU-021 (ITA 237), PU-022 (ITA 238)
24-26 June     PU-022 (ITA 238), PU-041 (ITA 266), PU-029 (ITA 187)
20-21 August   PU-024 (ITA 270), PU-025 (ITA 271), PU-021 (ITA 237)
The operators  were IK7JWX  (SSB, RTTY  and PSK31)  and I7PXV  (CW). QSL  via
KB5GL & KATRINA ---> He  is just one  of the many  thousands people who  have
been struck by Hurricane Katrina and  its aftermath. However,  since he is  a
good friend of  your Editors',  let us  share with  you the  deep sorrow  and
anguish we  felt when  Cezar, VE3LYC  gave us  first hand  information  about
Silvano Amenta, KB5GL.
He is safe and sound in Texas, and his family members are all OK. However, he
only managed to save a few personal belongings, as they had to flee the rapid
advancing hurricane. Silvano  estimates that 90-95%  of everything that  they
had (house, furniture, many old family things dear to them, radio  equipment)
is lost. His house in Metairie is now virtually entirely under water. He took
the portable TS-570 with him, but in the haste he forgot the vertical, so  he
is unable to go on the air.  According to Cezar, Silvano is understandbly  in
great distress: "He tries to pick  up the pieces, but has  little to hang  on
to. It is now  that he needs  his friends' moral  support more than  anything
If anybody wants  to speak with  Silvano directly,  his phone  number at  the
hotel is  +1-713-960-8100  (room 2031).  Otherwise,  they  can  e-mail  Cezar
QSL R0K ---> Alternative QSL routes  for R0K (AS-174) and R0K/p (AS-038),  as
well as for  RZ3EC/0 and RV3MA/0,  are via  K8SIX (USA),  VE6VK (Canada)  and
HA1AG (Europe). Feel free to send a small donation to  either K8SIX or  VE6VK
with your SASE. This will be transferred to Eugene, RZ3EC via a safe method.
QSL TT8BZ ---> Gabriele, IK3GES is  the new QSL manager  for Dino, TT8BZ  and
the qrz.com address is no longer valid.  Dino operates in his spare time  and
is now equipped for digital mode  activity. QSL via IK3GES direct or  bureau.
QSL TT8M & TT8AMO ---> Dennis,  PA7FM reports that there several people  were
denied credit for DXCC, as there was an  'out of date' problem with the  TT8M
and TT8AMO  cards. However,  everything has  been sorted  out and  the  final
operational  dates  for  TT8M  and  TT8AMO  are  the  31  July  and  19  June
respectively. Those who got these cards rejected for DXCC should contact  the
DXCC Desk (dxcc@arrl.org).  QSL requests for  both stations  are still  being
processed as sson as possible; direct cards with insufficient return  postage
or without SAE will be sent via the bureau.
QSL VC3L ---> As repeatedly reported in  the past [425DXN 703, 706 and  710],
the QSL route for VC3L's  operations between late  October and late  November
2004 is via VE3AT.  Gary Westhouse, VE3NIT  says that the  VE3 QSL Bureau  is
receiving cards addressed "via VE3FXX" for  QSOs made last year. Please  note
that VE3FXX was  the QSL manager  for contacts made  with VC3L  back in  2002
[425DXN 596].
QSL VK0DX ---> Finn,  VK4LL reports that  as of 30  August, all direct  cards
received so far  for his VK0DX  activity from  Davis Station  (VK-03 for  the
Antarctica Award) have  been sent out.  If you do  not receive  your card  by
October, please e-mail  Finn (vk0dx@hotmail.com). Also  please note that  the
P.O. Box used for VK0DX is going to be closed and that Finn is unable to  use
the QSL  bureau. [TNX VK4LL & IZ8CGS]
STATION FOR RENT ---> Would you like  to go and operate from Suriname?  Ramon
Kaersenhout, PZ5RA reports he is  offering his station  for rent. Details  on
equipment, antennas, etc can be found at http://www.dxholiday.com/sa/pz.htm
SV/IK8VRH ---> Tony, IK8VRH reports he  made around  2200 QSOs (60% RTTY, 40%
SSB) during his recent trip to Greece.  He operated from the islands of Skiza
(EU-158), Kythira (EU-113), Dokos (EU-075)  and Styra (EU-060).  QSL via home
call. E-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent to ik8vrh@virgilio.it

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
LOGS:       Logs and pictures of the 3-12  August 5X1B and 5X1W operation  can
            be found at http://www.NDXA.jp/pedi/5x1w-2005/
LOGS:       On-line logs and QSL pictures of the 3-13 August activities by
            Stefano, TK/IK5PWQ from Corsica (EU-014) and Lavezzi (EU-164)
            are  now  available   at  www.qsl.net/ik5pwq/logs/logs.html   [TNX
LOGS:       On-line logs for  R0K (Shalaurova Island,  AS-174, 9860 QSOs)  and
            R0K/p (Bolshoy Routan Island, AS-038, 6560 QSOs) ar now  available
            at www.r0k.ru
TOP LISTS:  The latest Topband, Topmode and Toplist listings are now available
            at  http://www.425dxn.org/awards/toplist/index.html.  Please  send
            your scores, as well  as any request  for further information,  to
            Erminio Pandocchi, I2EOW (i2eow@fastwebnet.it)

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3W9HRN      DL1HRN      EN60FA      UT2FA       R270A       UA9TO
3Z85BW      SP5PPK      EO60G       UR3GM       R270E       RA9SC
4L/UA1AMM   UA1FA       EO60I       UR6IM       RK0LXD/p    IK2DUW  (a)
4O3ZZ       K1ZZ        EO60IS      US7IGF      RK0LXD/P    UA0LQJ  (b)
4O6ZD       KA1ZD       EO60MF      UR0MM       RK3DZJ/1    RA3DEJ
4X0AI       4Z4DX       EO60QWW     UY5ZZ       RU3HD/ANT   RZ3DJ
4X4BL       WA2KNC      ER5GB       W3HNK       RW3XX/P     RW3XZ
5H9KR       KF9TC       ER5WU       W3HNK       S61FD       PA0KHS
5R8GT/P     DK8ZD       ER60V       ER1DA       SN25SOL     SP2AYC
5R8HS       IZ4AKV      ET3TK       OK1CU       SN6RRZ      SP6CZ
6L0NJ/4     HL4XM       EX2X        EA5KB       SO1ZT       DK7ZT
7Q7CE       IN3VZE      FG/JJ2RCJ   AB2RF       SP0DIG      SP5CJQ
7S6LH       SK6QW       FK/JA2BDR   JA2BDR      SP25S       SP9KRT
9A10KC      9A7K        FK/JA2EWE   JA2EWE      ST0RM       T93Y
9A1V/P      9A4RV       FK/JA2KRE   JA2KRE      SY9DPI      SV1DPI
9N7JO       LA7JO       FM/JJ2RCJ   AB2RF       T80A        OH2BN
9R2CV       I2YDX       GB2LBN      GM4UYZ      T88BH       OH2BN
9R2DX       I2YDX       GB5FI       GW0ANA      T88CL       JA8CCL
9V1BH       UA0AGI      GD0EMG/P    M0BEW       T88GG       OH2BN
9V40DE      9V1DE       GT4IOM      GD4WBY      T98GHA      LA4GHA
9V40UV      9V1UV       HC1AJQ      EA7FTR      TA0/IZ0CKJ/P IZ0CKJ
A41KJ       N5FTR       HF21KST     SP2ESH      TA0/IZ7ATN/P IZ0CKJ
A43JS       A47RS       HF61PW      SP5KCR      TC0SV       TA2DS
A61C        W4JS        HK1BYM      EA5KB       TF1IRA      TF3GB
A61Q        EA7FTR      HK1JKL      EA5KB       TF3XEN      KT6YL
A71BX       EA7FTR      HK3AXY      W2GR        TI0SP       EA7FTR
BV4FH       BV4YB       HP2GLT      HP1IBF      TI4CF       W3HNK
CN8SG       EA7FTR      HQ1OC       EA7FTR      TM7VM       F5UJZ
CO2IZ       EA1EAU      HS0/OZ1HET  OZ1ACB      TM8CDX      F5CQ
CO2WL       EA3ESZ      HS0ZCW      K4VUD       UA0HA       RX3RC
CO6DW       EA5KB       HS8KAY      E21EIC      UA0HAL      RX3RC
CO6WD       W0SA        HZ1EX       SM0BYD      UE0AWZ      RZ0AM
CP4BT       EA5KB       II0SRD      IQ0VT       UE1NLO      RN1NA
CP6XE       IK6SNR      IR1DCI      IK1QFM      UE3DGQ      RK3DYB  (c)
CU1AAD      EA5KB       IY6GM       IZ6CRK      UE3DGQ      RV3DUT  (d)
CU2A        OH2BH       J20VB       UA4WHX      UE3YGA/P    RV3YR
CU6NS       EA5KB       J45R        DK9NCX      UE6UCI      UA6LP
CX6VM       W3HNK       K4C         KP4DL       UM8AR       UK8AR
DQ50IPA     DK5JA       K8E         N8MR        UP60A       DL8KAC
DR30RADIO   DH8BM       K9AJ/VY0    K9AJ        US4IXQ      WB7QXU
DR50BUND    DL1WH       KD6WW/VY0   KD6WW       V25QD       K4QD
DU9/N0NM    W4DR        KG4OV       W4OV        V31WN       N7DF
EA2BXV/HI7  EA2RY       KL7J        N3SL        V63NB       JA1JCF
EA2RC/EA1   EA7HBC      LU8XW       WD9EWK      VE1WOW/P    K1WO
EA2RY/HI7   EA2RY       MD4K        G3NKC       VK2IA       DL8YR
EA8AK       W3HNK       MS0UKC/P    M0DXR       VK6DHI      VK4AAR
ED1JRA      EA1AUM      OH0/IZ0FKE  IZ0FMA      VP8DIZ      G7KMZ
ED1SMP      EA2BT       OH0/SM0IHR  SM0IHR      VP8LGT      VP8ON
ED2LVA      EC2AHS      OH0/SM0NJO  SM0NJO      VQ9JF       KB5NJF
ED5URE      EA5ADM      OH0/SM5AJV  SM5AJV      VY2ZM       K1ZM
ED6MDB      EA6ZX       OH0/SM5DJZ  SM5DJZ      W2T         N2OO
ED6TDP      EA6SB       OH0JWL      DL5FF       XQ3/IQ6CC   IZ8DDG
ED8LGP      EA8RCP      OL0BA       OK2BVG      YB1BAD      ON4RU
ED8LHT      EA8AKN      ON100EBL    ON7RK       YB1HDF      EA5KB
EF7ABV      EC7ABV      ON4OSLN     ON4OS       YC8TAF      EA5KB
EF8NAL      EC8AUA      OO5TRUDO    ON4TRC      YI1HXH      IK2IQD
EF8OAL      EC8AUA      OR0OST      ON6HC       YI9IZE      KF4IZE
EI4TLH      EI8EM       OZ0MF/LH    DH1LAO      YI9LZ       LZ1ZF
EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      P29VR       W7LFA       YV5SSB      EA5KB
EK6YL       SP9ERV      P40C        AJ9C        YV5TX       EA5KB
EM350AB     UY5AB       P40GY       K9GY        Z22JE       K3PD
EM350AK     US0AK       P40QX       KE9I        ZA1E        I2MQP
EM350AR     UY5AR       PA/IZ0FKE   IZ0FMA      ZB2FX       G3RFX
EM60GX      UT7GX       PA6URK      PA3GNE      ZL5KX       ZL4KX
EM60IG      UR7IA       PH6SAIL     PA4T        ZS1RBI      ZS1DUP
EN60EKR     UT4EK       R1000K      RA4PO       ZW7LH       PS7AA
(a) others             (c) bureau
(b) Russia             (d) direct

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
6K2CEW  Lee Ho Myong, P.O. Box 39, PyongTaek 450-600, Korea
AB2RF   Kan Yokota, 11 Hyatt Ave, Harrison, NY 10528, USA
CX1TA   P.O. Box 29, 27000 Rocha, Uruguay
DH8BM   Michael Burgmaier, Heudorfer Str. 9, 88521 Ertingen, Germany
DL2AZ   Gerhard Frock, Falkenhainer Weg 5A, 34626 Neukirchen, Germany
DS2GOO  Sang-Kwen Han, P.O. Box 39, PyongTaek 450-600, Korea
ET3AA   P.O. Box 60258, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia  [opdx]
IN3VZE  Ely Camin, Corso 3 novembre 136/2, 38100 Trento - TN, Italy
IZ4AKV  Dino Ragazzini, Via Portomaggiore 12, 44020 San Vito - FE, Italy
IZ8DDG  Orlando Balisciano, Villa Bisignano, 5 Traversa 21, 80147 Napoli -
         NA, Italy
JA2BDR  Kazuo Yoshikawa, 4249-4 Shimoebi, Yokkaich, 510-1203 Japan
JA2EWE  Junich Matsunaga, 9 Shinmachi, Niiya, Jimokuji, 490-1105 Japan
JA2KRE  Kenji Ito, 1457 Yui, Tado, 511-0101 Japan
OH2BN   Jarmo Jaakola, Kiiletie 5 C 30, Helsinki FIN-00710, Finland
PA0KHS  Henk van Hensbergen, Smaragdstraat 53, 6534WN Nijmegen, The
RX3RC   Roman A. Novikov, P.O. Box 21, 392000 Tambov, Russia
UR0MM   Serge Nesterov,  Parkhomenko 77-17, Krasny Luch, 94503 Ukraine
UR7IA   Leonid V. Aniskin, P.O.Box 1901 Gorlovka-46, Donetsk reg. 84646,
US1MM   Vlad Kryzhanovsky, P.O.Box 18, Lisichansk-20, 93120 Ukraine
UY5ZZ   Vladimir  Latyshenko, P.O. Box 4850, Zaporozhye, 69118, Ukraine
UY5ZZ   Vladimir Latyshenko, P.O. Box 4850, Zaporozhye, 69118, Ukraine
VK4YN   Oceania Amateur Radio DX Group Inc., P.O. Box 612, Childers, QLD
         4660, Australia
VP8ON   Donald Betts, P.O. Box 809, Stanley, Falkland Islands, FIQQ-1ZZ,
         South Atlantic
ZL2HE   Arthur.E. Law, P.O. Box 368, Dannevirke 5491, New Zealand
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                         in part or full provided that
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                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
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                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia