425 DX News #745 13 August 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org ) Contributors are invited to send their DX information to Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org) The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile I2VGW 3V - The Association Tunisienne des Radioamateurs (ASTRA) sponsors special amateur radio activities for the 9th World Scout Youth Forum amd the 37th World Scout Conference which will be held in Tunisia on 29 August-1 September and 5-9 September respectively (www.scouts2005.org.tn). To celebrate these events, the seven Tunisian Scouts ARC are operating under special callsigns until 31 August as follows: 3V8ST as 3V1WSC from Tunis 3V8CB 3V2WSC Borj Cedria 3V8SQ 3V3WSC Monastir 3V8SF 3V4WSC Safx 3V8SM 3V5WSC Jerba 3V8SJ 3V6WSC Jendouba 3V8SS 3V7WSC Sousse On 2-4 September look for TS9SF to be aired on 10-160 metres SSB, PSK31, SSTV and CW for the World Forum, while TS37WSC will be activated for the World Conference on 5-9 September. QSL cards will not be available for contacts made with 3V#WSC and TS9SF; QSL TS37WSC via the Tunisian QSL bureau. [TNX DL1BDF and DL6ZFG] 9A - Burt, 9A7YY reports he plans to operate as 9A7YY/P from a large number of Croatian islands between 14 and 21 August. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. A6 - A German team from the Bavarian Contest Club will be operating from A61AJ in the Unied Arab Emirates until 17 August, including a Multi-Single participation in the WAE CW Contest. Before and after contest they will concentrate on the WARC bands CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via K2UO (Americas) and DJ2MX (others). [TNX NG3K] CE - COTA (Carabinieri On The Air) member Sergio, IZ6BRN will operate (mainly on 10, 12, 15 and 17 metres SSB) as XQ3/IQ6CC from Chile until December. QSL via IZ8DDG. [TNX IZ6FUQ] CU - Earlier this summer on their visit to San Miguel, Azores, Martti, OH2BH and Pertti, OH2PM met the local gang (Jose/CU2CE, Jacinto/CU2AA, Fernando/CU2BV, Jose/CU2AP and Eduardo/CU2AF) to agree a project for contesting during the coming season. Adding to the group will be Toni, OH2UA, President of Contest Club Finland. The station CU2A is set to be active in this coming weekend's European DX Contest (WAEDC) with still somewhat limited firepower, and will then proceed toward both (SSB & CW) CQWW Contests. A lot of bulky equipment was moved this week from the previous Madeira Island site (CT3BH), and the group is in the process of setting up a superb contesting site with a good shot at the open sea toward the Northern Hemisphere. QSL via the bureau or direct to OH2BH. [TNX OH2BN] DL - Look for DL0HGW to be active (on 10-80 metres all modes) from Ranzow Lighthouse (ARLHS FED-193) on Ruegen Island (EU-057) on 19-21 August. QSL via bureau. [TNX DL2VFR] DL - Look for Gerhard, DH3FAW/p to be active (on 40, 30, 20 and 15 metres CW QRP) from Borkum Island (EU-047) on 19-21 August. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ] DL - A large group of operators will be operate CW, SSB and SSTV as DF0WFB/p from Helgoland Island (EU-127) for the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (ILLW) on 20-21 August. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org] DL - Ewald/DC5MJ, Wolfgang/DH3WO, Falk/DG0UFA and Mathias/DJ2HD will operate as DA2005LH from Staberhuk Lighthouse (ARLHS FED-226) on Fehmarn Island (EU-128) during the ILLW. QSL via DJ2HD. DL - Look for DL0MFK/LH to be active from Usedom Island (EU-129) and the Karnin Lighthouse (ARLHS FED-274) on 20-21 August. QSL via the bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] EA - EA4MD, EA4TD, EA4CZS, EA5AVW, EA5RM and EB5GIN will operate as EA4TD/5 from Santa Pola Lighthouse (ARLHS E-0152) on 14 August. [TNX EA7HBC] EA - Special event call ED3LHT will be aired from Garxal Lighthouse on 20-21 August. All contacts will be confirmed automatically via the bureau; direct cards should be sent to EA3GHZ. [TNX The Daily DX] F - Weather permitting, Alain, F6ENO will be active on 40 metres CW QRP as F8UFT/p from the summit of the Condamine in the French Alps on 15 or 16 August. Activity is scheduled to start around 12 UTC until his power cells run out of power. QSL via F6ICG. [TNX F5NQL] FO - F5INL's assignment in French Polynesia has been cancelled. Fred expected to stay there and operate as FO5INL [425DXN 744] for a couple of years starting in early August. [TNX F5NQL] G - Look for GB0SM to be active (on 160-6 metres CW, SSB and possibly some digital modes) from St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly (EU-011) from 24 September to 1 October. QSL via G0PSE, direct or bureau (e-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent to g0pse@qsl.net). On-line logs will be available at www.qsl.net/gb0sm after the operation. [TNX G0PSE] GJ - The International Police Radio Club (ON4IPA, http://users.pandora.be/on4ipa-on6zv/) will be active as GJ/OO4IPA from Jersey (EU-013) on 5-10 October. Plans are to operate on all the HF bands SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL via ON6ZV. Information on the award available for working GJ/OO4IPA can be found at http://www.qrz.com/callsign/ON4IPA [TNX ON6ZV] HB9 - Look for HE1G to operate from Paquis Lighthouse in Lake Geneva (ARLHS SWI-001) on 20-21 August. QSL via HB9AOF. [TNX HB9AFI] HL - A group of operators from the Gwangju DX Club will be active as 6L0NJ/4 from Wi Island (AS-148) on 13-16 August. The plan to be active on 80-2 metres, and possibly on 160 metres as well, CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL via HL4XM. Logs will be available at http://www.dx.or.kr [TNX DS4DLK] HP - Members of the Panama Canal Amateur Radio Association (PCARA) will operate on all bands SSB, CW and PSK31 as HP2GLT from Gatun Locks Lighthouse (ARLHS PAN-029) on 20-21 August. QSL via HP1IBF. [TNX HP1AC] I - Federico, IZ4FCB reports he will operate as IC8/IZ4FCB from Ischia Island (EU-031, IIA NA-001) until 25 August. I - Gianni, IZ7FLP reports he will operate as IZ7FLP/P from Isola Cuccio (not IOTA, IIA LE-018) on 13 August. QSl via home call, direct or bureau. I - Look for Marco, IZ6ASI/p and Antonio, IK6XOU/p to operate from San Bartolo Lighthouse (WAIL MA-006, ARLHS ITA-106) on 16-18 August. [TNX Info Radio by I1SCL] I - Fabio, IZ7FLQ reports he plans to operate as ID9/IZ7FLQ/p from a few islands in the Eolie group (EU-017) on 20-27 August. I - Michele, IF9ZWA will operate on 15, 20 and 40 metres SSB as IF9ZWA/p from the lighthouse at Punta Libeccio (ARLHS ITA-133, WAIL SI-025) on Marettimo Island EU-054, IIA TP-010) on 20-21 August for the ILLW. [TNX IF9ZWA] I - Look for IQ6SB/LGH to be aired on CW and SSB from the lighthouse of San Benedetto del Tronto (WAIL MA-001, ARLHS ITA-154) during the ILLW. QSL via bureau. [TNX I6HWD] I - Marco, IZ6ASI reports he will operate as IZ6ASI/p from Senigallia Lighthouse (WAIL MA-004, ARLHS ITA-181) on 20-21 August for the ILLW. I - Operators from ARI Trieste will be active on all bands as IQ3TS from Vittoria Lighthouse (WAIL FV-001, ARLHS ITA 174) on 20-21 August for the ILLW. QSL via bureau or direct to Sezione ARI di Trieste, P.O. Box 29, 34100 Trieste - TS, Italy. [TNX IV3LNQ] I - Alfredo, IK7JWX (IR7LH) and others will operate from the the lighthouse (WAIL PU-028, ARLHS ITA-175, WLOTA L-0005) on Isola Traversa (EU-091, IIA BR-001) on 21 August for the ILLW. [TNX IK7JWX] JA - Look for 8J7STAR/7 to be active from Izushima Island (AS-117, JIIA AS-117-New) in Miyagi Prefecture one 17 August. QSL via the JARL bureau. [TNX JI6KVR] KG4 - Bruce, W4OV will operate as KG4OV from Guantanamo Bay on 19-22 August. He expects to be active on all bands SSB and CW. [TNX ARRL DX Bulletin] LU - The Radio Club Mar del Plata (LU2DT) will participate in the ILLW (20-21 August) from the lighthouse at Punta Mogotes (QRLHS ARG-005). They plan to operate SSB, digital modes and SSTV. QSL via bureau or direct to P.O. Box 664, Mar del Plata 7600, Argentina. [TNX LU9DA] LU - The Bahia Blanca DX Group will participate in the ILLW (20-21 August) from four different lighthouses Expect activity as homecall/W from San Jorge (ARLHS ARG-006), and as homecall/D from Recalada (ARG-009), Baliza Chica (ARG-083) and El Rincon (ARG-036). QSL for all via LU7DSY (P.O. Box 709, 8000 Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina). [TNX LU9ESD] LU_ant - Gustavo, LU1ZD from General San Martin base (LU-11 for the Antarctica Award) on Barry Island (AN-016) and Mario, LU1ZI from Teniente Jubany Station (LU-15) on King George Island, South Shetlands (AN-010), are used to showing up on the Antarctic Net controlled by LU4DXU starting at 19 UTC on 14290 kHz during the weekends. QSL via LU4DXU. [TNX IZ8CGS] LX - Marcus, DL1EKC is active on 80-10 metres as LX/DL1EKC/p from Luxembourg until 26 August. He plans to participate in the WAE Contest; after the contest there might be some activity on 6 metres as well. QSL via home call. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] LZ - Gab, HA3JB will operate as LZ/HA3JB from Sveta Anastasiya Island (EU-181) and lighthouse on 21 August. Look for him on or around 14260 kHz SSB and 14020 kHz CW. [TNX IZ8CCW] OD - Pierre-Louis, F5NED will operate as OD5/F5NED from Lebanon on 16-25 August. [TNX LA Gazette du DX] PY - Operators from Labre RN will operate (on 160-10 metres CW, SSB and digital modes) as ZW7LH from Calcanhar Lighthouse (ARLHS BRA-035) from 00.01 UTC on 19 August to 23:59 UTC on the 21st. QSL via PS7AA, direct (P.O Box 251, 59010-970 Natal - RN, Brazil) or bureau. [TNX PS7DX] SM - Lars/SM6WPF, Tomas/SM6XMY, Rolf/SM6IQD and Rick/SM6YOU plan to operate as 7S6LAN from Langholmen Island (EU-043) and lighthouse (ARLHS SWE-444) on 19-21 August. QSL via SM6YOU. Further information at http://sector7.nu/7s6lan [TNX www.rsgbiota.com] SP - Peter, SP5PB will operate on 10-40 metres CW and SSB as SP5PB/1 from Swinoujscie Lighthouse (ARLHS POL-019) on 18-21 August. [TNX Info Radio by I1SCL] SV - Nicos, SV2AYT and George, SV2JJE will be active on 80-6 metres SSB as SX8AYT from Limnos Island (EU-049) on 16-26 August. QSL via SV2AYT. [TNX VA3RJ] UR - A group of operators from Srvastopol will be active as UU9JWM/p from the lighthouse at Kruglaya Bay (ARLHS UKR-072) on 20-21 August for the ILLW. QSL direct to UT5JAJ; e-mial reuqests for bureau cards can be sent to uu9jwm@ua.fm [TNX UU9JWM] VE - Special call VE3CGPS will be aired on 19-25 August to commemorate the Centennial of the establishment of the Canadian Coast Guard Base in the town of Parry Sound. QSL via VE3BXY. [TNX VA3RJ] VK - Look for VK7WS to participate in the ILLW (20-21 August) from the lighthouse at Cape Bruny on Bruny Island (OC-233). QSL to A.G. Gregory, Private Bag 1, Alonnah, Tasmania 7150, Australia. [TNX http://illw.net/2005_list.htm] VP9 - Frank, K3TRM will be from Bermuda (NA-005) as K3TRM/VP9 while on vacation on 20-28 August. He will operate on 80-6 metres SSB, RTTY, and PSK31. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX K3TRM] W - Andrei, EW1AR reports he will operate as NC2N/W4/p from Emerald Isle (NA-112) until 17 August. QSL via W3HNK. CARIBBEAN TOUR ---> Kan, JJ2RCJ will operate as FM/JJ2RCJ from Martinique (NA-107) on 12-18 August (emphasis on the lows bands and digital modes) and as FG/JJ2RCJ from Guadeloupe (NA-102) on 18-21 August (emphasis on the low bands, digital modes and 6 metres). QSL via AB2RF. [TNX NG3K] COMMEMORATING SP3RN ---> Two special stations will be active to commemorate the 64th anniversary of the death of Fr. Maximilian Kolbe, SP3RN, the Polish Franciscan friar who volunteered to die in place of a family father in the Nazi Auschwitz concentration camp. From France, look for TM1SMK to be aired on 12-15 August (QSL via F1JKJ, direct or bureau), while operators from ARI Locride will be active as II8SMK from 6 to 22 UTC on 14 August (QSL via bureau). [TNX F1JKJ and IK8YDP] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile I2VGW 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The latest issue (July 2005),including "Kure-Osity #1: About DXA" (the first of a series of press releases on the forthcoming K7C expedition to Kure), is now available in .pdf format at http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/. Articles and pictures should be sent to Nicola Baldresca, IZ3EBA (iz3eba@libero.it). JW/IN3SAU ---> Mauro, IN3SAU operated from the JW5E radio club in Longyarbyen. QSL via bureau. NCDXF ---> At its Board of Directors meeting on 5 August, the Northern California DX Foundation re-elected the following officers and directors: Len Geraldi/K6ANP (President), Al Burnham/K6RIM (Vice President), Tom McShane/NW6P (Secretary), Bruce Butler/W6OSP (Trasurer), Rusty Epps/W6OAT, Dave Pugatch/KI6WF, Chuck Ternes/N6OJ, Glenn Vinson/W6OTC, Steve Merchant/K6AW, Ken Anderson/K6TA and Tim Totten/N4GN (Directors). Information pertaining to the Northern California DX Foundation is available at http://www.ncdxf.org/ [TNX K6RIM] + SILENT KEY + Erdenebileg "Ebi" Tsedendorj, JT1BJ has become a silent key at 44 years of age. [TNX JT1CD] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile I2VGW LOGS: On-line logs for Gianfranco, I6GFX's 10-13 June activities from a few EU-170 Croatian islands are now available at http://www.gianfrancogervasi.it/search.html [TNX I6GFX] YE7P: The web site for the 1-5 September operation from Karimata Island (OC-NEW) is up and running at http://dxpedition.orari.web.id/karimata/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QSLs received direct or through managers: 3DA0CF, 3DA0KDJ, 4K5D, 4K8F, 4K9W, 4L7O, 5H3HK, 5T0JL, 5T5SN, 5U7B, 5Z4DW, 6V6U, 6Y5RV, 7S5A (EU-177), 7X2LS, 7Z1UG, 9M2/G4ZFE, 9M2AX, 9M2CNC, 9M2FB, 9M6/G3OOK, 9V1CW, 9V9HQ, 9Y4DHL, 9Y4W, A6/ON5NT, A92GE, AP2NK, BV4CT, C91F, C91Z, CE8A (SA-094), CM6BN, CN2R, CP6XE, D2DX, DX0K, EK6LP, EP3PTT, F/IK1TTD (EU-070), FG5FR, FM/DF5WA, HS0/IK4MRH (AS-053), HS0ZEE, J20FH, J48SI (EU-158), J68AS, KG4WW, KH0PR, KH8/N9TK, KH9/AH8H, LU1ZA (AN-008; AA LU-14), P40HQ, PJ2BVU, PJ2T, S9SS, ST2BF, SV2ASP/A, SV5/DJ5RJ, T32KV, TI8CBT, TM5B (EU-148), TO7C, TT8AMO, TT8M, TZ6U, VK9AA, VP2V/DL4WK, VP2V/DL7DF, XF2ZEX (NA-224), XT2JZ, XU7AAT, XU7ABL, YK1BA, YW4C (SA-058), Z22JE, ZF2AH, ZK1EPY, ZP6CW, ZS5NK, ZS6WPX. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: http://www.425dxn.org 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES: http://list.425dxn.org 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000 ***************************************************************************** 425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed in part or full provided that "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit Contributors are invited to send their DX information to Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org) The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays ***************************************************************************** MAILING LIST Please visit the "Mailing List" page at http://www.425dxn.org and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions or contact the Mailing List Administrator Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org) ***************************************************************************** Direttore Responsabile Gabriele Villa, I2VGW Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216 Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti Roma, Italia *****************************************************************************