DX425 bulletin issue nr. 744

425 DX News #744
06 August 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile I2VGW        
      3A      - Chris, F8ASY reports he will operate on 6-160 metres SSB  (possibily
          with some CW and RTTY) as 3A/F8ASY from Monaco on 15-20 August.  QSL
          via 3A2MD.
3D2     - Gerhard, DL2AZ will be active holiday style as 3D2FG from the island
          of Nanuya in the fairly rare Yasawa Group (OC-156) on 22-30  August.
          QSL via DL2AZ, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
5R      - Dino, IZ4AKV reports he will  operate (mainly on  20 metres SSB)  as
          5R8HS from  Nosy Be  (AF-057), Madagascar  between 25  August and  8
          September. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
5X      - Yuki, JJ1CBY  (5X1B) has  joined Hisa,  JA1DOT (5X1W)  for the  3-12
          August operation from Uganda. They have  two stations and plans  are
          to operate on 10-160 metres CW,  SSB and RTTY.  QSL via home  calls.
          [TNX JE1LFX]
C6      - Foster, W1CGT will  operate as  W1CGT/C6A from  South Andros  Island
          (NA-001), Bahamas  on 13-19  August. QSL  via home  call, direct  or
          bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
CE      - The 3G1M  operation from  Santa  Maria Island  (SA-069),  originally
          scheduled to  take place  on 13-15  August  [425DXN 741],  has  been
          postponed until 8-10 October. [TNX XQ1IDM]
ES      - Look for ES1FB/8 and ES1RA/8 to  operate from Kihnu Island  (EU-178)
          on 5-7 August. QSL via home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
FO      - Starting on 8 August, Fred/F5INL will be at Papeete (OC-046), French
          Polynesia for a 2-year assignment and  will operate as FO5INL.  [TNX
FY      - The Cayenne  ARC will  be  active as  FY5KAC  on 13-15  August  from
          Sinnamary, French Guiana. Two stations will be active on SSB and CW.
          QSL direct or via the REF bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
GM      - Dennis, M0LSB had  to cut short  his Scottish  islands tour  [425DXN
          738] on 29 July due to a family bereavement. He operated as MM0LSB/p
          from the islands of  Skye, Scalpay, Harris,  Lewis and Benbecula  in
          the Outer Hebrides (EU-010). [TNX GM3VLB]
HA      - Special event  station  HG8SDS (http://www.qsl.net/hg8sds) will  be
          activated  again  on  15-21  August  by   Veszto  Radio  Club   from
          Veszto-Magor during the "Sarret Days". QSL via HA8PH. [TNX HA8IC]
I       - Piero, I1ASU and Antonio, I1ZB will operate SSB and CW on 20 and  40
          metres as  I1ASU/P from  Cape Vado  Lighthouse (WAIL  LI-004,  ARLHS
          ITA-017) on 7 August. QSL via bureau. [TNX IK1AWV and I1ASU]
I       - Look for IU1L  to be aired  again from La  Lanterna (ARLHS  ITA-177,
          WAIL LI-005) during this year's International Lighthouse & Lightship
          Weekend on 20-21  August. QSL via  bureau or direct  to ARI  Genova,
          P.O. Box 1117, 16121 Genova - GE, Italy. [TNX IZ1BZS]
JA      - Tack, JE6RXJ  has  cancelled his  3-7  August activity  from  Miyako
          Island (AS-079) [425DXN  741] owing  to a  typhoon approaching  that
          area. [TNX JI6KVR]
P5      - David  Borenstein,  KA2HTV   [425DXN  743]   has  received   written
          permission from the North Korean government to operate as  P5/KA2HTV
          during his stay in Pyongyang. He will arrive on 9 August and  depart
          on the  23rd: radio  operating is  not the  primary reason  for  his
          visit, but he hopes to be able to  operate 1-2 hours a day and  will
          stay an additional three days devoted  entirely to radio  operation.
          For security  reasons, he  will only  operate SSB  and primarily  20
          metres. QSL via KK5DO.
          The ARRL  has  reviewed  Dr.  Borenstein's  plan  and  if  and  when
          P5/KA2HTV occurs, it will likely count. Operation from P5 is at  the
          pleasure of the host country so  the DX community should keep  their
          collective fingers crossed that all goes well and they do not change
          their minds.  David notes  that while  his  operating time  will  be
          limited, the  success of  this operation  will  lead to  further  P5
          operations in the  near future. Much  of the  equipment being  taken
          will remain  there, pre-positioned  for subsequent  operations.  The
          Lone Star DX Association is the sponsoring DX organization for  this
          operation. [TNX NA5U]
SP      - SO5MR is the callsign issued to  Andrea, IK1PMR. He participated  in
          the IOTA Contest as SO5MR/1 from  Wolin Island (EU-132); Andrea  and
          Claudia, SP/K2LEO  will remain  there and  operate on  10-40  metres
          until 10 August. QSLs via IK1PMR.
SU      - The   SU8IOTA   operation,   originally   expected   from    Jazirat
          Disuqi/Nelson Island  in  April  [425DXN  721  and  730],  has  been
          rescheduled to  take place  from the  Matruh Region  group  (AF-NEW)
          between 31 July  and 9  August. Activity  started on  3 August  from
          Norus Island; the operators (SU1HM, SU1SK, SU2TA and SU1SA) say they
          expect to be QRV from 4 to 9 UTC and  again from 14 to 17 UTC  (they
          cannot stay overnight on the island). QSL direct only to SU1SK (Said
          Kamel, P.O. Box 190, New Ramsis Center, Cairo 11794, Egypt). QSLling
          policy at http://www.qrz.com/su8iota [TNX SU1SK]
SV      - Marco, IZ3GNG is going to operate  on 20 and  40 metres from  Greece
          and Crete as follows:
          9-11 August    SV8/IZ3GNG/p   Paros Island (EU 067)
          12-14 August   SV8/IZ3GNG/p   Santorini Island (EU-067)
          15-18 August   SV9/IZ3GNG/p   Crete (EU-015)
          QSL via bureau. [TNX IZ3GNG]
SV5     - Peri, HB9IQB  will be  active  (mainly on  the  WARC bands,  CW  and
          PSK-31) as SV5/HB9IQB from Rhodes (EU-001) on 10-23 August. QSL  via
          home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
UR      - Vlad/UY0UY, Nick/UX7UN and  Vlad/UT5UKY will be  active as  UT4UZA/P
          from the islands  of Sosnovy (not  IOTA, DN-153)  and Peschana  Cosa
          (not IOTA, DN-154) on 6-7 August. QSL via UX7UN. [TNX UT5UKY]
VE      - Bud, VE7SMP (ex VC7K) will be active as VE7SMP/p from Barnard Island
          in the Estevan Group (NA-181, CISA BC-175) on 11-16 August. He plans
          to operate (with 500 watts and beam) mainly on 20 metres SSB between
          16 and 4 UTC. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX VE7SMP]
W       - Phil, AD5X will be active as AD5X/p from Mustang Island (NA-092, USI
          TX-011S) on 13-16 August. He will  operate mainly on  40, 30 and  20
          metres CW, with some SSB on 17 metres. QSL via home call, direct  of
          bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
YB      - The YE7P operation  from Karimata  Island (OC-NEW)  [425DXN 742]  is
          confirmed to take place on  1-5 September. Please  take note of  the
          new QSLling/donations arrangements: for Europe via IZ8CCW, for Japan
          via JN6RZM, for North and South America via K8SIX, others via YB1TC.
          [TNX YB1TC]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
6 METRES  IN  HUNGARY --->  These  are the  65  stations  authorized  by  the
Hungarian National Communications Authority to operate on 50 MHz from 1 to 30
August [425DXN 743]:
HA0DU      HA2VR      HA5KDQ     HA5WH      HA7TM
HA0HO      HA3MQ      HA5KHC     HA5XXA     HA7UG
HA0HW      HA3MY      HA5LN      HA5XYZ     HA7VC
HA0LC      HA3UU      HA5LV      HA6KNB     HA8BE
HA1AG/p    HA4DX      HA5MA      HA6NL      HA8BI
HA1FV      HA4XG      HA5MS      HA6NN      HA8BS
HA1RS      HA4YF      HA5OV      HA6OI      HA8IB
HA1UF/p    HA5AK      HA5PT      HA6ZB      HA8MV
HA1WD      HA5CBA     HA5RSB     HA7CR      HA9OZD
HA1XY      HA5DI      HA5TMK     HA7EG      HG1Z
HA1YA      HA5HK      HA5UK      HA7MB      HG2ECZ
HA2RD      HA5HRK     HA5VW      HA7P       HG7NS
HA2SX      HA5JI      HA5VZ/7    HA7PB      HG7WFM
This experiment is aimed to study whether  amateur radio usage of the 50  MHz
band  on  a  secondary  basis  causes   interference  in  the  reception   of
broadcasting stations. The  frequency range permitted  for the experiment  is
50.0500 - 50.5000  MHz, and the  licence is  valid for  all operating  modes,
including FM  and  digital modes.  Maximum  effective  radiated  power  (ERP)
however is limited to 5 Watts. During the experiment, a beacon is planned  to
be operational on 50.050 MHz by HA5AK. [TNX HA5HRK]
ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS ---> The  following is an  abstract of a  special
bulletin and other information published by The Daily DX.
Government  officials   who  -   along  with   Bharathi,  VU2RBI   and   NIAR
representatives -  attended  Hamevention  2005  (Dayton)  and  Hamradio  2005
(Friedrichshafen) have made favorable proposals to the Government of India to
further promote  amateur  radio  activity  in  that  country,  which  include
permission to foreign amateurs to operate from VU4 and VU7.
Now the officials  wish to know  from NIAR as  to how many  amateurs will  be
seriously attending a Hamfest, if it is organized in these Islands also  with
a special permission granted to them to operate their amateur radio  stations
during Hamfest and also thereafter.
NIAR has proposed to conduct  a 3-day Hamfest  in Portblair, Andaman  Islands
between 25 December 2005 and 10 January 2006.
NIAR asks amateurs interested in  attending the Hamfest  to e-mail Prof.  Ram
Kapse, Lieutenant  Governor, Andaman  & Nicobar  Islands, Port  Blair,  India
(lg@and.nic.in, ramkapse@and.nic.in),  copy  to NIAR  (vu2nro@gmail.com)  for
follow up and further action.
NIAR says that "all requests to  operate from the  Andamans and Nicobar  that
are sent to the Lieutenant Governor  of A&N should  very clearly express  the
wish to operate from A&N  as an important  motive to visit  A&N for the  Port
Blair hamfest. A permit to operate from there as a foreign will depend on the
number of requests the Lieutenant Governor receives".
DXCC NEWS ---> T6EE (Afghanistan, from  19 September to 16 October 2004)  has
been approved for DXCC credit.
INTERVIEWS ---> A  series  of  interviews  (in Spanish language)  with  DXers
conducted   by   the   North   Patagonia   DX   Group   can   be   found   at
http://www.npdxg.com.ar/esp.html (click  on  "Institucional"  and  then  on
"Entrevistas"). The list so far includes Carlos Ribas Meneclier (LU2NI), Raul
Roji (CX7BY),  Jorge  Krienke  (LU5VV),  Juan  Fedelich (LU3HY)  and  Corrado
Ruscica  (IT9DAA);  next  week  Juan  Pablo Merce (LU4DX) will be added. [TNX
ITALY DROPS CW ---> Do not  be surprised if  you hear IW  prefixes on the  HF
bands very soon! Italy has implemented  CEPT Recommendation T/R 61-02 and  no
longer requires amateur radio applicants to  pass a Morse code test in  order
to have access to the  HF bands. Current IW licencees, previously allowed  to
operate only on V-U-SHF and 6  metres, will gain access to  HF with their  IW
callsign (but they may apply for a callsign change, if they wish to do so).
These are the Italian region allocations for IW callsigns:
Piemonte                       IW1AA-IW1OZZ
Valle d'Aosta                  IW1AA-IW1OZZ
Liguria                        IW1PA-IW1ZZZ
Lombardia                      IW2AA-IW2ZZZ
Veneto                         IW3EA-IW3PZZ
Trentino Alto Adige            IW3AA-IW3DZZ
Friuli Venezia Giulia          IW3QA-IW3ZZZ
Emilia Romagna                 IW4AA-IW4ZZZ
Toscana                        IW5AA-IW5ZZZ
Marche                         IW6AA-IW6LZZ
Abruzzo                        IW6MA-IW6ZZZ
Puglia                         IW7AA-IW7XZZ
Basilicata (Matera province)   IW7YA-IW7ZZZ
Basilicata (Potenza province)  IW8ZA-IW8ZZZ
Campania                       IW8AA-IW8OZZ
Calabria                       IW8PA-IW8WZZ
Molise                         IW8XA-IW8YZZ
Sicilia                        IW9AA-IW9ZZZ
Sardegna                       IW0UA-IW0ZZZ
Lazio                          IW0AA-IW0PZZ
Umbria                         IW0QA-IW0TZZ
An overview of  countries that have  dropped the CW  test requirement can  be
found at http://home.planet.nl/~pa3ebt/IARU-R1/25_5.htm
QSL CY9A ---> John,  K4BAI is the  new QSL manager  for the July-August  2003
CY9A operation from St. Paul Island, originally handled by the late Vance  Le
Pierre (N5VL). Those who still need  a card can send  their requests to  John
Laney, P.O. Box 421, Columbus, GA  31902-0421, USA. Inquiries may be sent  to
k4bai@worldnet.att.net [TNX The Daily DX]
QSL CY9SS --->  "We have many  QSL requests coming  in for  our recent  CY9SS
DXpedition", Robby, VY2SS says. "Most of these contain a US$ 2.00 or more  or
IRCs and  we thank  everyone who  provided support  for our  operation.  Many
however contain US$ 1.00 or less which is not sufficient postage from  Canada
to locations outside of  North America. It  has not been  decided what to  do
with these QSL requests. Cards are being ordered now and QSLs should be going
out soon".
QSL IQ3AZ ---> ARI Grado participated in the IOTA Contest as IQ3AZ from Grado
Island (EU-130, IIA GO-001). QSL via IV3WMI.
QSL   LA1IOTA   --->   This   call   was   used   by   the   LA   IOTA   Club
(http://home.online.no/~s-roabr/LA_IOTA_Club.htm)  before  and  during   this
year's IOTA Contest. They operated  from Yksnoy Island  (EU-079). All of  the
QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. For further  information
please e-mail la1iota@gmail.com [TNX LA6FJA]
QSL OH0Z ---> Effective 1 August  2005, Laurent/W0MM is  the QSL manager  for
OH0Z. QSL direct or bureau; logs will be uploaded to LoTW later in the  year.
QSL V73GJ ---> Jeff, V73GJ/KA1GJ is  leaving the Marshall Islands after  four
years. QSL requests should be sent to his new address: Jeffrey Parker, 19 Old
Forge Lane, Sudbury, MA 01776, USA. [TNX The Daily DX]
QSL ZA/SP5EAQ ---> The QSL cards for Jacek's activity in June will be  mailed
in early September. He says he will return to Albania in October and then  in
late  November.  Those  who  want  to  QSL  direct,  the  address  is:  Jacek
Marczewski, Podlesna 8, Jazgarzewszczyzna, 05-501 Piaseczno 4, Poland.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
LOGS:       On-line logs and many pictures  of the recent 3V8SM operation from
            Djerba (AF-083) can be found at http://www.cidxs.com [TNX EA4TD]
LOGS:       On-line  logs   for   C93DY  (AF-098)   are   now   available   at
LOGS:       On-line  logs  for   HA80IARU  [425DXN  720]   are  available   at
            http://w3.enternet.hu/mttosz [TNX HA1DAE]
TOP LISTS:  The latest Topband, Topmode and Toplist listings are now available
            at  http://www.425dxn.org/awards/toplist/index.html. Please  send
            your scores, as well  as any request  for further information,  to
            Erminio Pandocchi, I2EOW (i2eow@fastwebnet.it)

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2HY/R     JA0SC       DR7A        DK5WL       OO175B      ON4UN
3V8SM       EC4DX       DR9N        DK7JQ       OO4LJA      ON4LJA
4K5D        K2PF        DT0HF/2     HL2FDW      OO7UZ       ON7UZ
4L1FP       LZ1OT       DU9/N0NM    W4DR        OX3LX       OZ1PIF
4N35GM      4N1GM       E20HHK/p    E21EIC      OZ7VEA      DL7VEA
4O310SKY    YT6A        ED1FDS      EC1DMY      P3J         5B4AHJ
4S7RO       DJ9ZB       ED1ND       EA1ND       PA2000N     PA0KHS
4U1UN       HB9BOU      ED1URS      EA1URS      PC6IOTA     PG7V
5D6MC       EA7FTR      ED2LDC      EA2ATO      PE1OPM/p    NL-12339
5H9KR       KF9TC       ED7CK       EA7HBC      R11FLY      RZ3DXG
5N8NDP      IK5JAN      EJ0GI       EI3IO       R1ANN       RZ3DJ
5T5BAB      pirate      EJ3IO       EI3IO       R1ASP       RA1AD
5U7B        I2YSB       EJ9HQ       EI9HQ       R1FJL       RK1PWA
6W8CK       DH7WW       EJ9JN       EI9JN       R1MVC       DK4VW
7J4ADE/6    HL5AP       EM5F        UX0FF       R1MVW       DK4VW
7Q7HB       G0IAS       EN8ZIB      UR5FEO      RS9O        UA9OBA
7S6SJ       SK6SJ       EP4HR       I2MQP       RU9QRP/3    RV3GM
7S6TL       SK6GO       ES2U        ES1QV       RZ1OA/p     RZ1OA
7Z1SJ       EA7FTR      ET3TK       OK1CU       RZ4HZW      RX4HJ
9A5DJ/p     OK1DJG      EX7MW       UN8GC       S79JAG      OE3JAG
9A6NL       HA6NL       EY8MM       K1BV        SA1A        SM1TDE
9A7B        9A4W        FM5WE       K3PD        SA3W        SM3EVR
9A9Z/p      9A1ADE      FO0/WB2REM  WB2REM      SF50A       W3HNK
9G5OO       DL4WK       FP/K9OT     K9OT        SI9AM       SM3CVM
9K2GS       EA5KB       FP/KB9LIE   KB9LIE      SK2T        SK2AT
9K2K        EA5KB       FW5ZL       FR5ZL       SM4F/0      SM4DHF
9M2CNC      G4ZFE       G3RCV/p     G4DFI       SY8M        IZ8CCW
9M6/G3OOK   M5AAV       G6UW/TF     M0BLF       T68G        LA4YW
A41NN       A47RS       GB5FI       GW0ANA      TI2VW       EA7FTR
A61Q        EA7FTR      GB5MOB      MD0IOM      TI8CBT      EA7FTR
A61R        EA7FTR      GB5PIC      G6SVH       TM0EME      ON4ADN
A92GQ       N9NU        GD0EMG      M0BEW       TM1B        F5TLN
BA5TT/5     BA5TT       GM2T        GM4UYZ      TM4Z        F4DXW
BV50CRA/9   BV2KI       GM2Z        MM0DFV      TM5VIN      F9KH
BV9G        BV2KI       GM5C        GM0SEI      TM6FMY      F4AGR
C4EU        5B4AGC      GN0ADX/p    GM0ADX      TM7C        F4AJQ
C91CW       UT5UGR      GW8K        GW0ANA      TM7CI       F8BBL
C91MC       UR0MC       GX3WRS/p    M3ZYZ       TO0R        FR1GZ
C91NM       OK8ANM      HA200CVM    HA0NAR      TP1CE       F5LGF
C91UT       UT7UT       HB0/PA6TUE  PI4TUE      UA1OLM/p    RZ1OA
C91UY       UT5UY       HF0POL      SP3WVL      UE1RDA      UA1RJ
C93DY       UT5UGR      HF61PW      SP5KCR      UE2FVW      DK4VW
CO2WL       EA3ESZ      HI3/KB2MS   KB2MS       UE4WDA/4    RU4WA
CO6DW       EA5KB       HP1AC       EA5KB       UN3M        EA7FTR
CO7EH       AD4C        IL3U        AA4NN (a)   UR4MZA/p    UX3MR
CO8TW       IZ8CCW      IL3U        IK2SND (b)  UR4PWC/p    UT5PW
CQ2I        CT1ILT      IM0X        IK5EKB      UT5ZC/p     US0ZZ
CU1CB       EA5KB       IR7T        IK7JWX      UW0G        US0ZZ
CU4/CT3FN   HB9CRV      IR8C/7      IZ8EDJ      V8FMP       NZ7X
CU4M        CT1GFK      IU3G        IV3WMS      VB3M        VA3YDX
CU4T        CT1GFK      J48KW       HA8KW       VC9W        VE1RGB
CU6NS       EA5KB       J49A        SV9ANK      VK3OK       K2QBV
CU6YB       EA5KB       K3L         WA3VJB      VK8AN       VK4AAR
CY0AA       K8LEE       K5M         W6WF        VP2E        N5AU
D70IS       HL1OYF      K5MI        N1DL        VP5/K4SV    K4YL
D70LW/2     HL1OYF      K5Z         K4ZGB       VU3DJQ      EA7FTR
D70MA/3     HL3EQG      K8S         K8IKW       VY2TT       K6LA
D70YT/5     HL5BDD      KL7/WF9A    LZ4AX       W9IND       W9IH
DD0D        DK5AN       LR4D        LU4AA       XQ6ET       W8UVZ
DM1A        DL1IAO      M8C         G4DFI       YB0ECT      K3AIR
DM5T        DH0GHU      MD4K        G3NKC       YB3ZMI      IZ8CCW
DM7A        DJ1YFK      MM0CPS/p    GM4UYZ      YB5AQB      OK1DOT
DP9I        DK7JQ       MM0ECG      DL1ECG      YI9LZ       LZ1ZF
DP9N        DL9NDS      MM0LON      DF1LON      YI9VCQ      N3ST
DQ50IPA     DK5JA       MM0Q        MM0BQI      YI9YTG      WB9YTG
DQ9M        DL5NAM      MM3M        G4FAL       YM0T        TA2RC
DR0W        DJ5MW       NU4SC       K3IXD       YT310SKY    YT6A
DR1A        DL6FBL      OH0R        OH2TA       YU35ZZ      YU1ZZ
DR2N        DL6NCY      OH6AW       OH6AD       YV5SSB      EA5KB
DR2X        DJ8OG       OL0BA       OK2BVG      YV5TX       EA5KB
DR50BUND    DL1WH       OL200BA     OK2SW       YZ35EW      YZ1EW
DR5A        DL1ECG      OL5AU       OK2LW       YZ610SKY    YT6A
DR6X        DF6JC       OL7AB       OK2BGW      ZK1ARN      ZL2ARN
(a) bureau     (b) direct

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
5B4AHJ    Alan Jubb, P.O. Box 61430, 8134 Kato Pafos, Cyprus
DB5YB     Juergen Gellert, Ravensberger Strasse 13, 32584 Loehne, Germany
DL1ECG    George Muehlenbruch, Abteiweg 9, D-41468, Neuss, Germany
EA3EKS    Hector Guasch, P.O. Box 855 , 43080 Tarragona, Spain
EC4DX     Javier Prados, C/Las Flores 9 - 1 A, 28340 Valdemoro - Madrid, Spain
ES1QV     Arvo Saluri, Mustjoe 26, 10617 Tallinn, Estonia
FR1GZ     Yvon Kong Kaye, P.O. Box 14, Riv Pluies, 97438 Sainte Marie, La
          Reunion, France
G4DFI     Ol Cross, 28 Garden Ave, Bexleyheath, Kent DA7 4LF, England, UK
G4FAL     Nick Totterdell, 35 Meadow Bank av. , Sheffield, South Yorkshire S7
          1PB, UK
GM4UYZ    Bob Glasgow, 7 Castle Terrace, Port Seton, East Lothian, EH32 0EE,
HA8KW     Provics Ferenc, P.O. Box 620, Szeged-1, H-6701, Hungary
HB9BOU    Herbert Aeby, Rte du Moulin 1, CH 1782 Belfaux, Switzerland
HB9CUA    Pierre-Aime Kubler, Rue de Fontaine Andre 20, Neuchatel, Switzerland
IF9ZWA    Michele Rotolo, Via Cavasino, 91010 Marettimo - TP, Italy
IK7JWX    Alfredo De Misi, P.O. Box 218, 73100 Lecce - LE, Italy
IT9VVM    Vittorio Polizzi, Via Filippo Guccio 60, 94015 Piazza Armerina - EN,
IZ8CCW    Antonio Cannataro, P.O. Box 360, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy
JA0SC     Yoshiike Hirotada, 722-1 Shiba Matsushiro-cyo, Nagano, 381-1214
JA1DOT    Hisato Kobayashi, 2-7-19 Mejirodai, Hachioji, 193-0833 Japan
JA4GXS    Kenji Sasaki, 2-15 Ishikannon-cyo, Yamaguchi-city, 753-0038 Japan
K4XS      Wilbert E. Kollenbaum, 2930 Meadowood Dr, New Port Richey, FL 34655,
K8LEE     Wayne Mckenzie, 24815 Joy Lynn Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025, USA
M0BLF     Dominic Smith, Harrowstones, Harrowbeer Lane, Yelverton, Devon, PL20
          6EA, UK
MD0IOM    Mike Perry, 1 Cronk Grianagh, Strang, Douglas, Isle of Man, UK
MM0BQI    Jim Martin, 3 Lismore Avenue, Edinburgh, EH8 7DW, Scotland
MM0DFV    Jurij Phunkner, P.O. Box 7469, Glasgow G42 0YD, Scotland, UK
MM0TFU    Iain Macalister, 33 King Street, Crosshill, Maybole KA19 7RE,
          Scotland, UK
NL-12339  Jeroen Reijerkerk, P.O. Box 42, 4724 ZG Wouw, The Netherlands
ON5MF     Jurgen Geldhof, Kasteelhostraat 8, 8890 Moorslede, Belgium
OZ1PIF    Peter Frenning, Ternevej 23, DK-4130 Viby Sj., Denmark
OZ8MW     EDR Silkeborg, Postboks 137, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark
PG7V      JanJaap Vosselman, Zandhuisweg 76, 8077 TB  Hulshorst, The
RX4HJ     Yuri I. Shigorev, P.O. 1505, Tolyatti, Samara region 445026, Russia
RZ1OA     Vlad Sadakov, P.O. Box 48, Arkhangelsk, 163040, Russia
SK2AT     Fura Umea Radioamatorer, Aktrisgrand 31, SE-903 64 Umea, Sweden
SK6GO     Goteborg Radioklubb, C/o Intertech Box 10038, 400 70 Goteborg,
SM4DHF    Goran Ostman, Wallenstrales Vag 54, SE-692 36 Kumla, Sweden
T6X       Andy Fedorov, Attemsgasse 7, D-03, Vienna A-1220, Austria
TA2MW     Mustafa Yaman, P.O. Box 99, 41001 Izmit, Turkey
TA2RC     Ozer Oksuz, P.O. Box 257, 41002 Izmit-Kocaeli, Turkey
UN8GC     Mikhail Chirkov, 205 Dzhambula str., apt. 53, 480009 Almaty,
US0ZZ     Oleg I. Koshevoy, Sadovaya str. 17 B, Mirnoe Nikolaevskaya obl.
          57273, Ukraine
UT5PW     S.J. Gunko, P.O. Box 6, Novovolynsk-5, 45405, Ukraine
UT5UGR    Dimitry Stashuk, P.O. Box 115, Kiev-147, 02147 Ukraine
UX0FF     Nikolay Lavreka, P.O. Box 320, Izmail, 68609, Ukraine
VE1JS     John Scott, General Delivery, Sandy Cove, NS, B0V 1E0 Canada
VE2QRA    Guy Bouchard, 1108 rue Dollard, Val-Belair, Quebec G3K 1W6, Canada
VQ9LA     Larry Arneson, PSC 466 Box 24 (DG-21 Annex 30), FPO AP 96595-0024,
W4YO      Edmun B Richmond, 11 Ocean Marsh Lane, Harbor Island, SC 29920-5002,
WA5DTK    Barry Brewer, 603 Broken Bow Dr, Round Rock, TX 78681, USA
WB8YJF    Jon Severt, 5586 Babbitt Rd., New Albany, OH 43054, USA
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