DX425 bulletin issue nr. 742

425 DX News #742
23 July 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile I2VGW        
      3DA     - The following calls will be used by the Ukrainian team during  their
          4-7 August side trip to Swaziland [425DXN 739]:
          3DA0GR  QSL via UT5UGR             3DA0UJ  QSL via UT7UJ
          3DA0LL  QSL via UX0LL              3DA0UT  QSL via UT7UT
          3DA0MC  QSL via UR0MC              3DA0UY  QSL via UT5UY
5X      - Hisato, JA1DOT will be active as 5X1W from Lake Victoria, Uganda  on
          3-12 August. He plans to operate  CW, SSB and RTTY on 10-160  metres
          with 100 watts and vertical antennas.  QSl via home call, direct  or
          through the JARL bureau. [TNX JA1DOT]
9A      - Neno/9A7N, Luka/9A7Z and  Tom/9A2AA will try  land and operate  from
          Jabuka Island (EU-016, IOCA CI-032) on 23 July in the morning.  [TNX
9A      - Sanyi/HA7JJS, Zsolt/HA6PS and Laci/HA6NL will  operate mainly CW  on
          the HF bands  as 9A/HA7JJS, 9A/HA6PS  and 9A6NL  from Pasman  Island
          (EU-170, CI-085) from 26  July to 1  August, IOTA Contest  included.
          QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX HA0HW]
9V      - After  the  successful  2003  event,  the  Singapore  Amateur  Radio
          Transmitting Society (www.sarts.org.sg) will organize another  local
          field day to be held on 26-29 August on St. John's Island  (AS-019).
          A fairly large group of local operators will be active as S61FD with
          2-3 stations  on  40-15 metres  all  modes. If  time  and  available
          hardware permits they will also try 80 and maybe 160 metres. QSL via
          PA0KHS,  direct  (Henk  van  Hensbergen,  Smaragdstraat  53,  6534WN
          Nijmegen, The Netherlands) or bureau. [TNX 9V1CW]
C9      - The following  personal calls  will be  used by  the Ukrainian  team
          during their 23 July - 10 August operations from Mozambique  [425DXN
          C91CW   QSL via UT5UGR             C91UJ   QSL via UT7UJ
          C91LL   QSL via UX0LL              C91UT   QSL via UT7UT
          C91MC   QSL via UR0MC              C91UY   QSL via UT5UY
          C91NM   QSL via OK8ANM
          Please note  that while  on Chiloane  Island (AF-NEW)  they will  be
          using C93DY (QSL  via UT5UGR)  instead of  the previously  announced
          call.    The    web    site    for    the    expedition    is     at
CU      - Joao, CU3AA will operate from Sao Miguel Island (EU-003), Azores for
          four days (26-29  July) and  from four  lighthouses (ARLHS  AZO-004,
          AZO-008, AZO-012 and AZO-017). Expect activity from 10 UTC to 17 UTC
          each day. [TNX F5NQL]
DL      - DL1BFE, DF3GL  and DL3BJ  will operate  as DA0LH  [425DXN 741]  from
          Hoheweg Lighthouse (FED-108) on 21-24 July. [TNX F5NQL]
EA8     - Wojtek, SP5MXZ (http://sp5xsd.za.pl/sp5mxz/ea8/)  is active (on  20,
          15 and 17  metres CW and  SSB) as EA8/SP5MXZ  from Tenerife,  Canary
          Islands (AF-004) through  2 August, IOTA  Contest included. QSL  via
          SP5MXZ, direct or bureau. [TNX SP5XSD]
EA8     - Two QRP  stations  will be  active  on 15,  17  and 20  metres  from
          Lanzarote Island  (DIE S-007),  Canary Islands  (AF-004) during  the
          weekend. Look for  EA8ZS/p (CW) on  Friday and  Saturday night,  and
          EA8CAC/p (SSB) on Saturday night. [TNX EA8CAC]
EI      - Dave, EI3IO will  operate as EJ0GI  and EJ3IO  from Inisheer  Island
          (EU-006) on 28-31 July, IOTA Contest included. [TNX The Daily DX]
ES      - Look for  Jaak, ES1FB/1  and Oleg,  ES1RA/1  to operate  from  Aegna
          Island (EU-149) on 23-24 July.  QSL via home  calls. [TNX The  Daily
FO      - Jim, I4FGG will be cruising around French Polynesia between 25  July
          and 20 August. He plans to stop and operate mainly CW on 40, 20  and
          15 metres  from  Moorea (OC-046),  Huahine  (OC-067) and  Bora  Bora
          (OC-067) using 100 watts, a  ground plane and  dipoles. He plans  to
          participate in  the IOTA  Contest for  12  hours, most  likely  from
          Moorea. QSL via home call. [TNX I4FGG]
G       - The Bolsover ARS and  the Chesterfield &  District Scout Radio  Club
          will be active (on all bands from 80m to 70cm SSB, PSK and RTTY)  as
          GB5PIC  from  the  Peak  International  Camp  in  Chatsworth   Park,
          Derbyshire from 30 July to 5  August. QSL via G6SVH or RSGB  Bureau.
          Further information  will  be available  at  http://gb5pic.port5.com
          [TNX G6OKU]
GM      - Thirteen operators from  the Cockenzie  and Port  Seton ARC  (namely
          Cambell/MM0DXC, Bob/GM4UYZ, John/MM0JXI, Brian/M0RNR, Inness/GM4VJV,
          Landles/GM4XZZ,     Iain/MM1CPP,     Norman/GM4IUS,     Alan/2M0DXC,
          Willie/MM0WZZ,  Gareth/M3INO,  Jim/GM7LUN  and  Gordon/MM3HJZ)  will
          participate in  the IOTA  Contest as  GM2T from  the Isle  of  Tiree
          (EU-008). QSL either via the RSGB  bureau or direct to GM4UYZ.  [TNX
HL      - Six members of the Hanam ARC (namely 6K2BPT, 6K2BUV, DS1AXW, DS2PSI,
          DS2QDY and  HL2DDZ)  will  operate  as  D70IS  from  Taeijak  Island
          (AS-090) on 29-31  July. They plan  to be active  on 40,  20 and  15
          metres SSB and CW. QSL via  HL1OYF or through the KARL bureau.  [TNX
HS      - E20HHK, E21IZC, HS0GBI, HS1CKC and HS6NDK  will operate as  E20HHK/P
          from Si Chang Island (AS-107) from 30 July to 1 August, IOTA Contest
          included. QSL via E21EIC. [TNX The Daily DX]
I       - The Eastern Contest  Team (ARI Gorizia)  will operate  as IU3G  from
          Sant'Andrea Island (EU-130, IIA  UD-003) from 27  July to 3  August,
          IOTA Contest  included. QSL  via bureau  or  direct to  IV3WMS  [TNX
I       - Peter, IW3RUA  will  be active  as  IE9/IW3RUA  from  Ustica  Island
          (EU-051, IIA PA-001) on 17-22 August.  He will operate SSB and  WSJT
          RND  on  6  metres,  VHF  and  UHF.  All  QSOs  will  be   confirmed
          automatically via the bureau; direct cards should be sent to  Pietro
          Florio, P.O.Box 18, 33028 Tolmezzo - UD, Italy. [TNX IW3RUA]
I       - The SRT reports  that a group  of  operators  namely I7YKN (Nuccio),
          IZ7AUH (Frank),  IZ7DOK (Mraco),  IZ7FLP  (Gianni),  IZ7FLT Fulvio),
          IZ7FMQ (Max), IK8LIU (John),  IK8WEJ (Franco), IK8YTG (Enzo), IW8EQS
          (Luigi), IZ8CKW (Mimmo), IZ8EDJ (Oreste), IZ8EQF (Francesco), IZ8EZP
          (Mario),  IZ8GGF (salvatore) and IZ8FAV (Giorgio)  will  participate
          in the IOTA Contest as IR8C/7  from Sant'Andrea Island  (EU-091, IIA
          LE 001).
I       - Amedeo, IZ0FXW will operate as IB0MDC from Ponza Island (EU-045, IIA
          LT-001) on 14-21 August. He might  also operate from the islands  of
          Palmarola (EU-045, IIA LT-008) and Ventotene   (EU-045, IIA  LT-011)
          during that time frame. QSL via home call. [TNX IZ0FXW]
IS0     - Danio/I5OYY,     Paolo/I5UKS,     Sauro/IK5EKB,      Giovanni/I5JHW,
          Gabriele/IK5ZTW, Raimondo/IS0BTH, Gianni/IS0IGV, Roberto/IS0JMA plus
          Pietro (IM0-1459/CA) will  participate in the  IOTA Contest as  IM0X
          from Maddalena Island (EU-041). QSL  via IK5EKB (bureau  preferred).
          [TNX IK5EKB]
IS0     - Sal, IK2MKE  will  operate as  IM0/IK2MKE  from San  Macario  island
          (EU-165) from 24  July to 9  August. QSL  via home  call, direct  or
IS0     - Gaetano, IZ8GCB reports he will operate  CW only on  80, 40, 20,  15
          and 10 metres as IS0/IZ8GCB from Sardinia (EU-024) on 18-29  August.
          QSL via bureau to home call.
JA      - Look for  JA6JCL/6 to  operate from  Shimaura Island  (AS-012,  JIIA
          AS-012-045) on 22-23 July. QSl via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX
KC4_ant - PA0JMV reports that Ernie, KC4/W1MRQ will remain at McMurdo  Station
          (K-09 for the Antarctica Award) on Ross Island (AN-011),  Antarctica
          until November. He is particularly fond of 144 MHz EME, please visit
          http://home.planet.nl/~pa0jmv for further information. QSL via  K1CA
          (Laurent J. Blouin, 52 Warner Hill Rd, Derry NH 03038, USA).
OH      - OH6HJE, OH6UV and OH6NJ will operate CW and SSB on the HF bands  and
          6 metres as  OH6AW from Bergo  Island (EU-101) on  22-24 July.  [TNX
OH0     - Juha, OH9MM reports he will participate in the IOTA Contest as  OH0Z
          from the Aland Islands (EU-002). QSL via OH5DX.
OZ      - Thomas, DH8SAM will be active (on  40, 30 and 20  metres CW and  SSB
          during his  morning and  evening hours)  as OZ/DH8SAM  from  Falster
          Island (EU-029) from 30 July to 12 August. QSL via home call, direct
          or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
PA      - Luc, ON4IA and several other Belgian  operators will participate  in
          the IOTA  Contest -  probably as  PB2T/P  - from  Goeree  Overflakee
          (EU-146). Before the  contest they will  be using PA/homecall.  [TNX
          ON4IA and www.islandchaser.com]
PA      - Will/PE1OPM, Manfred/PE1OXV and Jeroen/NL-12339 will participate  in
          the IOTA Contest  as PE1OPM/p from  Schouweduivenland (EU-146).  QSL
          via NL-12339, direct or bureau. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
R1M     - A group of operators from Russia  and Finland (namely OH5NE,  OH5WR,
          OH5WS, OH0RJ, RV1AC, RU1AS, RA2FW, RN2FA,  RV2FW and UA2FM) will  be
          active on all bands as R1MVC and R1MVW from Malyj Vysotskij (EU-117)
          from 28 July to 1 August, IOTA Contest included. QSL direct to DK4VW
          (maildrop); bureau cards should be sent to the UA2 QSL Bureau (ROSTO
          Technical School, ul.Ozernaya 31, Kaliningrad, 236029 Russia).  [TNX
SM      - SM3JGG, SM3EVR, SM3GSK, SM3XGV, SM3TLG and SM3CXS will operate  from
          Grimskar Island (EU-176) from 28 July until 15 UTC on the 31st. They
          will participate in the IOTA Contest  as SA3W (QSL via SM3EVR).  QSL
          for contacts made outside the contest via home calls. [TNX SM3CXS]
SM      - Eric, SM1TDE reports he will participate in the IOTA Contest as SA1A
          from Gotland Island (EU-020). QSL via home call.
SM      - Goran, SM4DHF reports  he will participate  in the  IOTA Contest  as
          SM4F/0 from  Singo Island  (EU-084). QSL  via home  call, direct  or
SP      - Special event station SP0WWYC will be aired during the second  World
          Wide Young  Contesters'  (www.wwyc.net)  meeting  will  be  held  in
          Darlowo, Poland on 18-22 August. QSL  via SP1KNM. Activities  during
          the meeting  will include  the  participation in  the  International
          Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend as 3Z1LH (QSL via SP1KNM) from  Darlowo
          Lighthouse (ARLHS POL-003). Full information on  the meeting can  be
          found at www.radioam.net/~sp8kaf/spwwyc/meeting/ [TNX 9A6XX]
SV      - Feco, HA8KW reports that, according to the licence issued to him, he
          will have  to  operate as  SV8HA8KW  (not SV8/HA8KW/p  as  expected)
          during his  forthcoming  activity from  Zakynthos  (EU-052)  [425DXN
          731]. He confirms that during  the IOTA Contest  he will operate  as
SV9     - George, SV1QN will  be active from  Gavdos Island  (EU-187) from  26
          July to 7 August. He will  operate SSB in  the IOTA Contest,  before
          and after the  contest he will  operate also  RTTY and  on the  WARC
          bands. QSL via home call. [TNX SV1QN]
UR      - Slava/US7IGF, Roman/UR7IJQ, Alexandr/UR7IKV and Roman/UY7IQ will  be
          active on 40-15  metres SSB and  CWfrom Velykyi Schurovs'kyi  Island
          (not IOTA, SD-12 for the Ukrainian Islands Award) on 22-23 July. QSL
          via home calls. [TNX US7IGF]
UR      - Patrick,  F6IRF  will   join  the  Ukrainian   operators  who   will
          participate in the IOTA  Contest as EM5F  from EU-182 [425DXN  741].
          Look for UT/F6IRF/P (QSL via home  call) to operate RTTY before  and
          after the contest. [TNX UR5FAV]
UR      - Stan/UT5PW, Serge/UT1PO, Jack/UT4PZ, Ivan/UT1PF, Valentin/UR5PG  and
          Serge/UR3PA plan to active as UR4PWC/P from Malyi Voljanskyi  Island
          (not IOTA, VoL-02 for  the Ukrainian Islands  Award) on 23-31  July.
          QSL  via  UT5PW  (S.J.Gunko,  P.O.  Box  6,  Novovolynsk-5,   45405,
          Ukraine). [TNX UT4PZ]
UR      - A large group of operators from  Ukraine and Moldova (namely  UR0GK,
          UR3GO, UR5GHK,  UT7GX, US0ZZ,  UT4ZG,  UT5ZC, ER1DA,  ER3DW,  ER3GS,
          UT/ER3DX, UT/ER3ZZ  and  ER5DX)  will  operate  on  80-6  metres  as
          homecall/p from the Kalanchakskiye Islands  (EU-179) on 27-31  July.
          QSL via home  calls. They will  participate in the  IOTA Contest  as
          UW0G (QSL via US0ZZ). [TNX ER3DX]
VE      - Once again John, VE1JS will be  active during the IOTA Contest  from
          Brier Island (NA-127, CIsA NS-011). Operation will be low power  SSB
          only using a  low height dipole.  QSL via VE1JS,  direct or  bureau.
          [TNX VE1JS]
VU      - Basappa/VU2NXM, Micky/VU2IZO  and  a few  newly  licenced  operators
          Mumbai will  operate  (weather  permitting)  from  Elephanta  Island
          (AS-169) between 27 and 31 July. They will be active during the IOTA
          Contest, but the main reason for  this trip is  the training of  the
          new operators. [TNX VU2NXM and www.islandchaser.com]
W       - Manfred, VA3RMF will operate as VA3RMF/W1  from Mount Desert  Island
          (NA-055) from  29 July  to 1  August,  IOTA Contest  included.  [TNX
YB      - A multi-operator team will participate in the IOTA Contest as YE1ZAT
          (the club station of ORARI Bekasi) from Java (OC-021). [TNX YC1WAE]
YB      - Kardi, YB1TC  reports he  will lead  a  team of  operators  (YB0DPO,
          YB0ECT, YB0A,  YBOJS, YBOKLI,  YB2MTA,  YB5QZ, YB5NOF  and  possibly
          others) to Karimata Island (OC-NEW) on  1-5 September. They plan  to
          operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 10-40 metres (80 and 160 metres
          are being taken into consideration); requested call is YE7P. Further
          details are expected in due course  (web site under construction  at
          Kardi, who in July 2004 took part in the YE1P operation from Peucang
          (OC-237, http://www.peucang.org/), is seeking contributions to  help
          defray the costs  of this DXpedition.  If you are  willing to  help,
          please contact him at yb1tc@iwwn.com; donors from Japan are  invited
          to contact Shu, JN6RZM (jn6rzm@nifty.com).
YU      - Special stations YT310SKY (CW), YZ610SKY  (SSB) and 4O310SKY  (RTTY)
          will be aired to celebrate the 10th anniversary of SKY Contest  Club
          between 20 July and 31 December. QSL via YT6A. [TNX YZ1EW]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
ANTARCTICA  AWARD  --->  The  current  Antarctica  Award  scores,   including
applications received  in  late June  at  Friedrichshafen, are  available  at
www.mdxc.org/antarctica/award.asp (latest update 16 July 2005).  The first 5
places are   W9DC (89 different Antarctic Bases credited),  K6DT (83),  I2YDX
(73), OM3JW (60), I1SNW (54).
G6XN ---> G6XN was the callsign of the late Les Moxon, the well-known antenna
designer and experimenter who was posthumously inducted in May 2005 into  the
CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame.  It has been re-issued,  by permission of  his
family, to the  Wey Valley Amateur  Radio Group (www.weyvalleyarg.org.uk),  a
brand new radio club launched in  May 2005 and  based in Guildford,  England.
HF-DX CONVENTION  ---> The  third International  HF-DX &  Contest  Convention
organized by ARI Catania (http://www.arict.it) will be held at the  President
Park Hotel  (Acicastello)  on 17-18  September.  Speakers  will  include  Len
Geraldi, K6ANP (Northern California DX  Foundation, President); Wayne  Mills,
N7NG  (ARRL  Membership  Services  Manager);  Hrane  Milosevic, YT1AD;  Mauro
Pregliasco, I1JQJ;  Mario Ambrosi, I2MQP  and  others. Please  contact  Santo
Coppola, IT9ICS (santocoppola@tin.it). [TNX IT9ICS]
IOTA CONTEST LOGGER ---> Paul O'Kane,  EI5DI advises that  SDI (SD for  IOTA)
has been updated for 2005. SDI  is a custom logger for  the IOTA contest.  It
runs on any Windows PC and is freeware from www.ei5di.com.
IR7LH/P ---> Alfredo  sends a resume  of his latest  activities from  Italian
islands and lighthouses:
May  20     WAIL PU-026                 June 25-26  WAIL PU-041
May  28-29       PU-021                 June 25-26       PU-029
June 2-4         PU-030                 July 16     IIA  BR-003 and BR-002
June 4-5         PU-022                 July 17     IIA  BR-014
June 24          PU-022
IR7LH/P was operated by IK7JWX (SSB, RTTY and PSK31) and I7PXV (CW). QSL  via
QSL 1A0KM ---> Sergio, IK0FTA reports  that all of  the contacts made  during
the 2004 operation have been confirmed. Outstanding QSOs have been  confirmed
automatically via the  bureau. This  applies only  to the  2004 activity,  as
1A0KM usually  does not  make use  of the  bureau. Direct  requests, for  any
activity since 1994, can be sent to:  Sergio Roca, P.O. Box 7132, 00162  Roma
Nomentano - RM, Italy. Please note that 1 USD does not cover postage expenses
for destinations outside Europe.
QSL VIA F6EXV ---> Paul, F6EXV  asks to refrain  from sending further  direct
requests for WH8/F6EXV and WH6/F6EXV, as  he is QSLling all of the  remaining
QSOs via the bureau.
TT8M & TT8AMO ---> Pierre, HB9AMO/TT8AMO went  QRT on 19 June (10607 QSOs  on
160-10m in three months), and is  currently in Niger, but  he is unlikely  to
apply for a  5U licence.  Michael PA5M/TT8M  will go  QRT on  1 August  after
almost 5 months (around 7000 QSOs so far,  on 80-6m), but do not expect  much
activity during the coming week. His  last operating day is  likely to be  30
July. PA7FM reports that the backlog for both stations was cleared two  weeks
ago and direct  request are  being answered  within a  week after  reception.
Direct requests without sufficient return postage (1 USD/1 IRC for Europe  or
2 USD/1 IRC for outside Europe) or without SAE will be processed through  the
bureau. On-line logs, pictures and audio  files for TT8M's 6m operations  can
be found at www.pa7fm.nl [TNX PA7FM]
YEMEN AMATEUR  RADIO --->  The following  was received  a few  days ago  from
Vladimir Bykov, UA4WHX:
    Hello everybody!
    Having spent 10 days in Yemen and  met a number of people responsible  for
    issuing licences and spectrum management of  Yemen Telecom as well as  two
    deputy ministers  of  the Ministry  of  Tecommunications  and  Information
    Technology, I can probably say this:
    1. Not a single amateur radio license has been ever issued in yemen in the
    past 20 years, for those interested  in the authenticy of  the fact I  can
    prorbably provide a written statement of the Ministry confirming the fact.
    2. Amateur radio has never been legalized in Yemen. Period. No legal base,
    no exceptions  so  far.  But  the  Ministry  is  sincerely  interested  in
    promoting the hobby. They know about it and  do plan to pass the laws  for
    it as soon as possible.
    3. When King Hussein of Jordan  was here he requested  a license which  he
    did not get....
    4. The Ministy has tried to  authorize amateur radio  activity in Yemen  a
    few times but the attemps always  got stuck at  the Ministry of  Intrerior
    offices being higher or lower.
    5. What may  help: write  lettes (when  you have  time) to  both of  those
    ministries, explaining
    A. why it is good
    B. why it is no danger to security
    C. send a bit of printed material.
    Then it won't be too long before Yemen goes down to 10 least wanted.
    Vladimir M. Bykov
    UA4WHX etc
    In Sana'a, Yemen
+ SILENT KEY  + The DX  and IOTA community  mourns the loss  of another  good
friend, Eugene "Buck" Ruperto, W3KH, who passed away suddendly on 11 July  at
73 years of age. Your editors met Buck and  his wife Jane, N3ERM a few  years
ago at the IOTA Conventions, and  we have the most pleasant recollections  of
their friendship. [TNX JI6KVR]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
3G1M:      The web page for the 13-15  August operation from Isla Santa  Maria
           (SA-069) [425DXN 741] can be found at www.mdxc.org/3g1m
AT0RI:     The story of  the AT0RI operation  from Pamban  Island (AS-173)  in
           August  2004   can   be  found   on   the  ARRL's   web   site   at
DXWATCH:   www.dxwatch.com is a webcluster with an extensive range of  filters
           plus a  customized dxcluster  spot delivering  service.  Registered
           users can create custom  filter sets and  receive them via  e-mail,
           ICQ, SMS, etc.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3DA0CF      K5LBU       ED1LCB      EA1IT       PP5WRTC     PP5VB
3DA0JR      ZS6JR       ED1MVS      EA1LT       R11FLY      RZ3DXG
3DA0KDJ     W5KDJ       ED7CK       EA7HBC      R3K         RN3DK
3V3B        YT1AD       ED7SFF      EA7URF      S79JAG      OE3JAG
3W3A        JA6UHG      ED7VCC      EA7CFU      S9SS        N4JR
4K5D        K2PF        ED9DVC      EA9BV       SI9AM       SM3CVM
4L4KK       RN4ACI      EK6LP       IK2DUW      SN0GG       SP9PTG
4L6VV       UA6EZ       EM0ITU      UT3UZ       SN1HF       SP1DTG
4S7RO       DJ9ZB       EW6AC       DL8KAC      SU8BHI      HA3JB
5N4BFD      DJ9FH       FK8GX       W3HNK       T68G        LA4YW
5N8NDP      IK5JAN      FM5FJ       KU9C        T6KBLRM     DL2JRM
5R8GZ       G3SWH       FM5WE       K3PD        TM0BZH      F6DXE
5T0JL       ON8RA       GB5HQ       G3TXF       TM1MAN      F8CSD
5T5BAB      pirate      HC1HC       NE8Z        TM1TF       F6KUF
5Z4DZ       PA1AW       HF0POL      SP3WVL      TM1TSR      F6KFW
6W4RK       F5NPS       HP1AC       EA5KB       TM5DUM      F5SRH
7S5A        SM4DDS      HZ1AN       DJ9ZB       TM5TDF      F6HAV
7Z1UG       DO1HEN      HZ1NH       EA7FTR      TM5VEL      F6KED
8S5X        SM5JHZ      IF9/IT9ECQ  IT9FXY      TM7VM       F5UJZ
9A10KC      9A7K        IU7SCT      IK7BPV      TM8RIM      F0EHB
9J2CA       G3SWH       J48LI       SV3GKE      TM9ES       F5GTW
9K9HQ       9K2CQ       J79PAK      HB9CUA      UA0AZ       W3HNK
9V1CW       PA0KHS      KG8RP/KH0   7K4QOK      UA8TWW      UA0SE
9V9HQ       N5ID        KL7FAA      AC7DX       UE0ZLH      UA0ZC
A25/G3SEM   G3SEM       LA6Q        LA9VDA      UE1AAA/1    UA1ANA
A6/RV6LNA   UA6MF       LI5G        LA5G        UE1ABC/1    RK1AM
A61R        EA7FTR      LN5G        LA5G        UE1NEW      RN1NU
C6ATT       W2IRK       LY90E       LY2FN       UE3EDA/1    RZ3EC
CB1S        CE1VLY      MM0MWW      GM0IFM      UE4ADC      RZ4AXC
CN2R        W7EJ        N1KU/KH0    JE1KUC      UN3M        EA7FTR
CO8DM       KU9C        NA8O/AH0    JK1FNL      V44KJ       WB2TSL
CO8LY       EA7ADH      NJ2BB       KB2BRR      VB3M        VA3YDX
CP6XE       IK6SNR      OL0BA       OK2BVG      XQ6ET       W8UVZ
CS9SRA      CS3MAD      OL200BA     OK2SW       XU7TZG      ON4AJV
CT7DX       CT1EHX      OL5AU       OK2LW       YI9XJ       LY2XJ
CU3N        CU3CY       OM16PB      OM8CA       YK1BA       N5FF
CU6NS       EA5KB       OO175B      ON4UN       YL25HF      YL1ZS
CU8/IZ5CML  IZ5CML      OX3KV       OZ8A        YN4SU       TI4SU
DQ50IPA     DK5JA       OZ/PC2T     PA1TT       YU9YM       OK1YM
DR50BUND    DL1WH       OZ7VEA      DL7VEA      YW4C        IT9DAA
EA6URB/P    EA6ZX       PA2000N     PA0KHS      Z22JE       K3PD
EA9EU       EA9AZ       PJ2MI       W2CQ        ZP8VAO      EA7JX

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
9A7K       Kresimir Juratovic, P.O. Box 88, HR-48001 Koprivnica, Croatia
9M2MT      Azman Shah Ismail, 157 Lorong Masjid Baung Bayam, Kota Bharu 15200,
           Kelatan, Malaysia
F0EHB      Jean-Pol Bazin, 13 Rue Mabillon, F-08000 Charleville Mezieres,
HA3JB      Kutasi Gabor, P.O. Box 243, H-8601 Siofok, Hungary
K1USC      Anthony C. Ruiz, 9755 Liberty Ct, Alta Loma, CA 91737, USA
LA6FJA     Stein Roar Brobakken, Gronvold, NO-2830 Raufoss, Norway
OE3JAG     Karl Jungwirth, Adalbert Stifter Strasse 25, 2232 Deutsch Wagram,
ON4AJV     P.O. Box 1, 8400 Oostende 2, Belgium
ON8RA      Jean J. Lewuillon, Avenue E. Verhaeren 110/1, B-1030 Bruxelles
           3,BR, Belgium
RN1NU      Victor V. Sinyavin, P.O. Box 209, Petrozavodsk 185026, Russia
SV2ASP/A   Monk Apollo, Docheiariou Monastery, 63087, Dafni - Mount Athos,
TA3J       Berkin Aydogmus, P.O. Box 987, 35214 Izmir, Turkey
US7IGF     Slava Shevchenko, P.O. Box 591, Slavyansk-12, Donetsk obl. 84112,
UT3UZ      Alex Arbuzov, P.O. Box 7, Kiev-232, 02232, Ukraine
VA3YDX     Igor Slakva, 105 La Rose Avenue #803, Etobicoke, Ontario M9P 1A9,
XE3ARV     Armando Robertos Virniez, av. Santiago Pacheco 745, Felipe Carrillo
           Puerto, Quintana Roo 77200, Mexico
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