DX425 bulletin issue nr. 741

425 DX News #741
16 July 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile I2VGW        
      3A       - Patrice, F5RBB reports he will operate on 10-40 metres as  3A/F5RBB
           from Monaco from 29 August to 4 September.
3D2_rot  - Hiro, JA0SC will operate  as 3D2YH/R from  Rotuma (OC-060) from  27
           July to 3 August. He  will be active  on 20, 15  and 10 metres  and
           will use the digital modes, including SSTV. QSL via home call. [TNX
4X       - Dov, 4Z4DX reports  he will  operate from  Jaffa Lighthouse  (ARLHS
           ISR-005) on 20-21 August. QSL via home call.
9A       - Look for 9A7B to participate in  the IOTA Contest from Brac  Island
           (EU-016, CI-010). QSL via 9A4W. [TNX 9A2AA]
A2       - Paul, G3SEM will be in Gaberone, Botswana for the next two or three
           weeks on  a duty  assignment. He  has  erected a  simple  multiband
           dipole and hopes to be QRV as often as possible during his off duty
           time. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX G4SOZ]
A9       - A92FF, A92GR, A92GQ (9K2AI), A92GN and  others will participate  in
           the IOTA Contest as A92C from Bahrain (AS-002). QSL route TBA. [TNX
CE       - Members of the Atacama Desert Dx Group will be active as 3G1M  from
           Santa Maria Island (SA-069) on 13-15  August. They plan to  operate
           on 10-40 metres plus 6m, SSB, CW, RTTY and BPSK31. QSL via  XQ1IDM.
           [TNX XQ1IDM]
DL       - DL1BFE, DF3GL  and DL3BJ  will operate  as DA0LH  from  Robbenplate
           Lighthouse (FED-198) on 21-24 July. QSL via bureau. [TNX DL2VFR]
DL       - Three operators will participate in the IOTA Contest as DF2TG  from
           Goermitz Island (EU-129, O-15 for the  German Islands Award).  [TNX
EA       - Tono, EA9CP  and  Fernando, EA1BT  will  participate  in  the  IOTA
           Contest as either EA9CP/EA1 or EA1BT/p from the lighthouse at Punta
           del Caballo (ARLHS  SPA-196) on Arosa  Island (EU-080, DIE  O-007).
           [TNX EA4AAA]
F        - Special station  TM0BZH  will  be active  on  16-24  July  for  the
           Festival de Cornouaille, one  of the largest  festivals of art  and
           popular traditions in Europe to be held in Quimper, Brittany.  [TNX
F        - The new dates fro the TM7CI operation from Cordouan Island (EU-159)
           [425DXN 737] are 23-24 July, from 12 UTC to 12 UTC. Laurent,  F8BBL
           (CW) and Jean-Marc, F4ECL (SSB) will  operate QRP on 80-10  metres.
           QSL via F8BBL, direct or bureau. [TNX F8BBL]
F        - TM7C will be the  callsign used during  the IOTA Contest  operation
           from Noirmoutier Island (EU-064) [425DXN  734]. The operators  will
           be   Frank/F4AJQ,   Pascal/F5JSD,   John/F5VHQ,   Serge/F6AML   and
           Bernard/F9IE. QSL via F4AJQ, bureau or direct. [TNX F5VHQ]
F        - Jean-Claude, F6HDH plans  to be active  (on 20 and  40 metres,  and
           possibily on 15 and 17 metres as well) as F6HDH/p from Les Heaux de
           Brehat lighthouse  (WLOTA  031, ARLHS  FRA-021)  between  1  and  5
           August. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
F        - Jean-Claude, F6HDH and Francis,  F6HKS plan to  operate from a  few
           lighthouses on Ouessant (EU-065, DIFM AT-01) and other  surrounding
           islands on 9 and 10 August. They will from 5 to 12 UTC, on 40,  30,
           20, 17 and 15 metres CW  (F6HKS/p) and SSB (F6HDH/p). QSL via  home
           calls, direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
FO       - Jim, WB2REM will operate casual style  on 10, 15, 20 and 40  metres
           as FO/WB2REM from Bora Bora and Vahine  (OC-067), French  Polynesia
           from 23 July to 4 August. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
G        - M1KTA/p will be  the call  used by  Dominic during  his 29-31  July
           activity from the Scilly Isles (EU-011) [425DXN 733]. QSL via  home
GI       - Five members  of the  Kilmarnock and  Loudoun ARC  (namely  GM3OZB,
           GM3YEH, GM4OSS, MM0BIM and MM0BRG) will be active as GN0ADX/p  from
           Rathlin Island  (EU-122) from  29 July  to 1  August, IOTA  Contest
           included. QSL via GM0ADX. [TNX www.rsgbiota.com]
GM       - Mark, MM0MMK will operate on all  bands SSB as MM0MMK/p form  Tiree
           Island (EU-008) from 16  July to 1  August, IOTA Contest  included.
           QSl via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
GM       - Look for MM0DFV/m to be  on a mobile  marathon through several  WAB
           squares in  Scotland Scotland  on 16-17  July. He  will operate  on
           40-15 metres CW and SSB. John, GM0WRR  (john.scott393@ntlworld.com)
           will inform people of the various stops through the DX Summit.  QSL
           via  MM0DFV,  direct  or  bureau.  Pictures   will  be  posted   on
           http://www.scotham.net [TNX MM0DFV]
I        - Nino, I2IAU  reports he  will be  active as  ID9/I2IAU from  Lipari
           Island (EU-017, IIA ME-001) from 15 July to 15 September.
I        - Stefano, IV3LZQ and Paolo,  IV3PUT will operate  on 6-40 metres  CW
           and SSB  as IV3LZQ/p  from Anfora  Island (EU-130,  IIA GO-026)  on
           16-17 July. QSL via IV3LZQ.
I        - Simon, IZ7ATN will operate SSB on 20 and 40 metres as IZ7ATN/p from
           la Chianca (not IOTA, IIA FG-011)  on 17 July.  He might be  active
           from Scoglio Paradiso (not IOTA,  IIA FG-013) on  18 July. QSL  via
           home call, direct or bureau. [TNX IZ7ATN]
I        - Vittorio, IT9VVM (it9vvm@gmail.com) reports he  will be active  (on
           40-10 metres SSB and CW,  plus 6 metres)  from Contrada Solazzo  in
           the rare province of Enna starting on 18 July until 11 August.
I        - Bodo, DL3OCH will be active on 601-10 metres CW as IV3/DL3OCH  from
           Grado Island (EU-130, IIA GO-001)  from 28 July  to 1 August,  IOTA
           contest included. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
IS0      - Look for  Massimo, IZ0EJQ  to participate  in the  IOTA Contest  as
           IM0/IZ0EJQ from San  Pietro Island  (EU-165, IIA  CA-013). He  will
           operate on 10-40 metres SSB. [TNX IZ0EJQ]
JA       - Look for  JM4MDV/4  and JE4EXD/4  to  operate  from  Heigun  Island
           (AS-117, JIIA new),  Yamaguchi Prefecture  on 17-18  July. QSL  via
           home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA       - Look for Tack, JE1RXJ/6 to operate  on 40-6 metres CW and SSB  from
           Miyako Island (AS-079, JIIA AS-079-005), Okinawa Prefecture on  3-7
           August. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA       - Look  for  JF0BPT/7  to  be  active  from  O-shima  (AS-117,   JIIA
           AS-117-005), Aichi Prefecture on 15-16 August  and from Eno  Island
           (AS-117, JIIA AS-117-053), Miyagi Prefecture  on 16-17 August.  QSL
           via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
LY       - Special event station  LY90E will  be activated  by Lenio  Marobin,
           PY3DF and other members of the International League of  Esperantist
           Radioamateurs (ILERA) on 23-30 July during the 90th Esperanto World
           Conference to be held in Vilnius,  Lithuania. Look for them on  +/-
           7066, 14266, 21266 and 28766 kHz. QSL via LY2FN, direct or  bureau.
           [TNX PY3DF]
S7       - Karl,  OE3JAG  will  be  active  as  S79JAG  from  Mahe   (AF-024),
           Seychelles from 22 July to  7 August. He  plans to operate  holiday
           style on 20, 17, 15, 12  and 10 metres CW, SSB,  RTTY and PSK.  QSL
           via   home   call.   Further   information   can   be   found    at
           http://www.oe3jag.com/. [TNX VA3RJ]
SP       - Zick, SP3BJK/1 and Przemek,  SQ3RX/1 will operate  CW and SSB  from
           Wolin Island  (EU-132)  from 22  July  to 2  August,  IOTA  Contest
           included. QSL via home calls. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
SP       - Andrea, IK1PMR and Claudia, K2LEO will  operate mainly CW and  RTTY
           as SP/IK1PMR and  SP/K2LEO from  Wolin Island  (EU-132) between  26
           July and 2 August, including an entry in the IOTA Contest. Pictures
           and logs will  be posted on  www.ik1pmr.com; QSL  via IK1PMR.  [TNX
SV5      - Stefano, IV3IPS will be active as SV5/IV3IPS/p from Rhodes (EU-001)
           on 13-20 August. He plans to operate SSB and RTTY on 80, 40, 20, 15
           and 10 metres. QSL via bureau to home call. [TNX IV3IPS]
SV9      - Claude, HB9CRX will be active as SV9/F8UFT/p from Crete (EU-015) on
           17-31 July. He will operate CW only on 40-10 metres. QSL via F6ICG,
           direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
SV9      - The Radio Amateur  Society of Crete  will participate  in the  IOTA
           Contest as J49A  from Imeri Gramvousa  (EU-187). Look  for them  on
           either SSB and CW. QSL via SV9ANK. [TNX SV9ANJ]
TA       - Look for Berkin, TA3J/4 to operate  SSB on 80, 40,  20, 17, 15,  12
           and 10 metres from Antalya Bababurnu Lighthouse (ARLHS TUR-065)  on
           23 July. The activity will be in memory of Bahri Kacan, TA2BK,  who
           became a silent key on 23 July 2001. QSL via bureau or direct.
TK       - Stefano, IK5XCT  reports he  will  be active  on  the HF  bands  as
           TK/IK5XCT from Corsica (EU-014) from 23 July to 6 August. He  might
           go and operate also from IOTA  group EU-164. QSL  via home call  (a
           form   for   bureau   card   requests   will   be   available    at
UA       - Eugene/RZ3EC, Igor/UA3EDQ and Mike/UA3EKG plan to operate as either
           UE3EDA/1 (QSL via  RZ3EC) and  UE1NEW (QSL  via RN1NU)  from a  few
           islands (not IOTA) located in  Lake Ladoga on  17-25 July. QSL  via
           RZ3EC. [TNX RRA/WRC Bulletin]
UA       - RV6YZ, RA6AR, RV9FQ, RA9FTM, UA9FBV will operate as RK6YYA/... from
           a large number of Russian districts between 20 July and 15  August.
           QSL via RX3RC (all of the contacts will be confirmed  automatically
           via the bureau). The web site  for the Russian Districts Award  can
           be found at http://rdaward.org [TNX RX3RC]
UA       - The RZ4HZW  team (RA4HVX,  RN4HBU, RX4HJ,  RW4HTG and  RK4HM)  will
           operate from several island is the  White Sea (IOTA groups  EU-162,
           EU-147 and  EU-153) between  21 July  and 2  August. They  plan  to
           participate in  the IOTA  Contest from  the Sredniye  Ludy  Islands
           (EU-162). QSL via RX4HJ. [TNX RRA / WRC Bulletin]
UA       - Andrei, UA3SGV reports he will operate as UA3SGV/1 from the  Khibin
           Mountains (the largest mountain range in the Kolski Peninsula) from
           26 July to 9 August.
UA       - Roman/RV3MA, Alex/RW3DTP, Sergey/RW6HJV, Eugene/RZ3EC, Valery/RZ6AU
           and Leonid/UA6CW plan to  operate from the  Chukchi Sea Coast  West
           group (R0K, AS-NEW) between 10 and 17 August. Activity is  expected
           to take place from either Shalaurova  Island or another  qualifying
           island (still to be identified) in  that group. Later on, the  team
           should operate from Bol'shoy & Malyj  Rautan Islands (AS-038).  QSL
           via RZ3EC. Further  details will  be available  on www.r0k.ru  [TNX
           RRA/WRC Bulletin]
UR       - UX0FF,  UR5FAV  and  UR5FGW  will  be  active  as  homecall/p  from
           Ankudinov Island (EU-182) from 28  July to 1  August. QSL via  home
           calls, direct or bureau. They will participate in the IOTA  Contest
           as EM5F (QSL via UX0FF). [TNX UX0FF]
V2       - Larry, W1LR  (V25LR)  and Bill,  W4WX  (V25WX)  will  operate  from
           Antigua on 15-24 August. Look for them primarily on PSK-31 and RTTY
           on 10, 12, 15,  17 and 20  metres. QSL direct  only to home  calls.
           [TNX W4WX]
V4       - Larry, KJ4UY reports will be active again on 160-6 metres as  V47UY
           from St. Kitts  and Nevis (NA-104)  between 19 and  26 August.  QSL
           direct to KJ4UY.
VE       - Igor, VA3YDX reports he will be active as VB3M from several Ontario
           islands and  lighthouses  on  22-24  July.  Look  for  him  on  +/-
           3795/3815, 7060/7260, 14260 and 21260 kHz.  QSL via VA3YDX,  direct
           or bureau.  Details  about  his  trip can  be  found  on  the  CISA
           (Canadian        Islands         Award)         website         at
W        - Look for  W3L  to  be active  from  Ocracoke  Island  (NA-067)  and
           lighthouse  (ARLHS  USA-561)  on  17-21  July.  QSL  via  operators
           instructions. [TNX VA3RJ]
W        - Special station  W1V will  be active  on 18  and 19  July from  the
           Victory Junction  Gang  Camp (North  Carolina)  for  children  with
           chronic or life-threatening illnesses. Look for activity on 10, 17,
           20, 40 and 80 metres, from 13.45 to 16.30 UTC and again from  19.00
           to       21.30       UTC.       Further       information        at
           http://w3lzx.home.comcast.net/vjgcw1v.html [TNX F8REF]
W        - Tom, K4ZGB plans to operate on 10-40 metres as K5Z from Petit  Bois
           Island (NA-082) from 23  July to 2  August, IOTA Contest  included.
           QSL via K4ZGB. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
W        - Steve, W3HF will be active as  W3HF/4 from Bogue Banks (NA-112)  on
           7-13 August. He will operate QRP on 40-15 metres; primary mode will
           be PSK, with some SSB  (Steve requests that  stations who want  SSB
           operation contact him before the trip melachri@speakeasy.net).  QSL
           via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
YL       - Kresimir, 9A7K plans to operate on all the HF bands as YL/9A7K from
           Riga and Talsi, Latvia on 13-19 July. QSL via home call. [TNX 9A7K]
ZK1_sc   - Gordon, ZL2ARN will operate casual style on all bands and modes  as
           ZK1ARN from Aitutaki (OC-083), South Cook Islands from 27 July to 3
           August. QSL via home call. [TNX www.rsgbiota.com]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
425DXN AUDIO VERSION ---> We are  working on an audio  version of 425 DX News
for poor-sighted or  blind amateurs,  which  will be used  also for  Echolink
tests. The  latest two  issues  (#738, #739 and #739)  can be downloaded from
Comments and suggestions can be sent to Paolo Pero, I1HJP (i1hjp@arinizza.it)
425DXN CALENDAR --->  Thanks to Leonardo  Lastrucci, IZ5FSA, the  interactive
version of the 425 DX News Calendar is now  up and running on the website  of
ARI Scandicci. Go to
AA SOFTWARE ---> Gabriele Antonelli (I5-1990) is the author of the Antarctica
Award    software,     which     is    downloadable     for     free     from
http://www.mdxc.org/antarctica/download.asp.    The  professionally  made  AA
software is  a log program  for contacts  made  with  Antarctic stations:  it
interacts with the AA Directory (it gives also the  DXCC Entiny and the  IOTA
Reference Number for each base) and makes the participation in the Antarctica
Award easier. [TNX I5-1990]
K7C ---> The K7C DXpedition  to Kure Atoll  [425DXN 722] will  make use of  a
number of "Relay Stations". They will be similar to "Pilot" stations in  that
they will generate information  to be passed  to the team  on Kure, and  also
disseminate information from the team. But unlike a normal pilot station, the
Relay Stations will capture  audio clips, spots,  and other information,  and
forward it to the central server site for inclusion in the DXA web interface.
DXers will  be  able to  use  their  browsers to  watch  the  status  of  the
DXpedition, updated every minute or so.
Additonal details about how the Relay stations will operate, as well as about
DXA and  any other  aspect of  the Kure  Atoll Expedition,  can be  found  at
NEW AWARD ---> ARI Sala Consilina sponsors  an award - "I Padri della  Radio"
(The Fathers of the Radio) -  to celebrate twenty scientists who  contributed
to the invention and the development of radio transmissions. For  information
please contact the award manager Erminio Cioffi, IZ8AJQ (iz8ajq@amsat.org)
NEW ZEALAND & IRCS ---> Ken Holdom, ZL4HU reports that New Zealand Post  will
no longer  accept  the old  style  IRCs. "Please  note  that  for  the  ZL8RI
Dxpedition in 1996, the ZL9CI Dxpedition  in 1999 and the ZL7C Dxpedition  to
the  Chatham  Islands  in  2002,  the  above  information  becomes  effective
immediately", Ken  says. "All  cards receieved  which have  been   postmarked
after 13 July will be replied via the bureau  if the old style IRCs are  sent
with direct QSL  card requests. The  same applies  for cards  sent to  ZL2HU,
ZL4HU and ZK1KH".
NOT THE MANAGER ---> Please note that Peter, G0IUH is not the QSL manager for
VK2IAY/4 [425DXN 712]. The correct QSL route is via Steve, G0UIH -  apologies
for the typo.
SPACE SHUTTLE DISCOVERY ---> Six of  the seven crew  members of NASA's  Space
Shuttle Return to  Flight mission (STS-114)  hold an  amateur radio  licence:
Mission Commander Eileen  Collins (KD5EDS), Pilot  James Kelly (KC5ZSW),  and
Mission Specialists Wendy Lawrence (KC5KII), Charles Camarda (KC5ZSY), Soichi
Noguchi (KD5TVP)  and  Andrew Thomas  (KD5CHF/VK5MIR).  The launch  of  Space
Shuttle  Discovery  will  take  place  no  earlier  than  17  July.  Detailed
information on  amateur  satellite PCSAT2,  which  will be  attached  to  the
exterior of the International Space Station during this mission, can be found
at web.usna.navy.mil/~bruninga/pcsat2.html
TORINO 2006  --->  The  ARI  (Associazione  Radioamatori  Italiani)  Regional
Council of Piemonte (I1) and Valle d'Aosta (IX1)  is pleased to introduce the
Torino 2006 Award  celebrating the  "XX Olympic Winter Games"  that will take
place in  Torino, Italy  in  February  2006.   Full  details can  be found at
VE6/VA6 INCOMING QSL  BUREAU ---> The  VE6/VA6 Incoming  Bureau for  Alberta,
Canada is being moved to Calgary, where it will be operated by a small  group
of active local amateurs led by  Rich, VE6AX. Effective immediately, the  new
mailing address for this  incoming bureau is:  Rich Roadhouse, 372  Cedarpark
Dr.  SW,   Calgary,  Alberta,   Canada  T2W   2J4.   Their  website   is   at
http://www.telusplanet.net/public/telwest/QSLBuro.html (also  reacheable  via
http://www.qsl.net/ve6lb). [TNX VE6AX]
+ SILENT KEY + Alfonso "Alfo" Villavicensio, HC5AI became a Silent Key on  13
July at 78 years of age. He had been an active CW operator for 65 years. [TNX
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW
3V8SM:           The new website  for the 3V8SM  operation from Djerba  Island
                 (AF-083) [425DXN 731]  can be  found at  http://www.cidxs.com
                 [TNX EC8AUA]
HAM RADIO 2005:  Pictures of the recent Ham  Radio 2005 (Friedrichshafen)  are
                 available at http://www.dl6zfg.de/rr-bild/HAMRadio2005/
I0JXX:           "My main interest is  in designing and  building antennas for
                 radio amateur use and  related components",  Sandro Marziali,
                 I0JXX says. His web site (http://www.i0jxx.it/) "is dedicated
                 to all radio amateurs  that like  to build  good aerials  and
                 other  ham  accessories.   Here you can  find  all  technical
                 specifications  and  some  pictures of them",  and  Sandro is
                 willing  to provide  the components to those  who want to put
                 his projects into practice.
LOTW:            Robert Chalmas, HB9BZA  maintains a  list of  Logbook Of  The
                 World users (currently 3108, latest update  13 July 2005)  on
                 his  web  site   at  http://rchalmas.users.ch/lotw.txt   [TNX
YW4C:            Pictures of  the  7-10  July  operation  from  Isla  del  Rey
                 (SA-058) can be found on either  http://www.mdxc.org/yw4c.asp
                 and http://www.hfdx.org/menu/frames_en.html
QSLs received direct or through managers: 3A0CE, 3D2PX, 3DA0NN, 4K9W, 4KR60S,
4L1DA, 4L1MA, 4L1UN,  4L8A, 4U1ITU,  5H3HK, 5T/F5VHH,  5T5AFF, 5U7JB,  5Z4DZ,
8P6GU, 8Q7BR, 9G5FD,  9G5OO, 9G5SP,  9K2RA, 9K2YM,  9M6/G3OOK, 9Q0AR,  9V1WW,
9Y4/OM3TZZ, A25/DL7CM,  A45XR, A61Q,  A92GR,  AL2P, AN6IB,  AT0D,  BX3/DJ3KR,
C6AKA, C91NN, CE6TBN/p  (SA-061), CE8A  (SA-094), CM6BN,  CN8SG, CT8T,  CU2M,
HI3CCP, HZ1AN,  HZ1EX,  HZ1IK,  J20FH,  J49Z,  J88DR,  JW1CCA,  KG4WW,  KH0N,
KH9/AH8H, OC4P (SA-052), OH0B, OJ0J, OT4A,  P43E, S79GG, S9SS, SP3EPK,  ST2T,
TU5JD,  TZ9A,  UN7QX,  V26B,  V26K,  V85SS,  VI5PN  (OC-220),  VP9/K1XM,  W4D
(NA-213), XF2ZEX (NA-224), XT2DX, XT2JZ, XU7ADI, XX9C, YE3K (OC-217), YI1HXH,
                 425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000
                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org)
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                                 MAILING LIST
                    Please visit the "Mailing List" page at
        and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                   or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                   Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org)
                            Direttore Responsabile
                             Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia