DX425 bulletin issue nr. 739

425 DX News #739
2 July 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA        
      7Q      - Allan, G0IAS reports that Harry, 7Q7HB  is once again in Malawi  for
          about three  months. He  has a  very heavy  work schedule  and  will
          operate in his spare time. QSL direct only to G0IAS.
C9      - A group of operators from Ukraine  - namely Alex/UT5UY,  Alex/UX0LL,
          Roman/UR0MC, Dim/UT5UGR,  Dim/UT7UJ,  Boris/UT7UT,  Andy/UU4JMG  and
          Andy/OK8ANM (ex UR4LRQ) - will operate on 10-160 metres CW, SSB  and
          digital modes from Mozambique and Swaziland  between 23 July and  10
          August. During  their  stay  in  Mozambique,  they  will  use  their
          personal C9 calls from the mainland  (QSL via home calls, direct  or
          bureau), while C93DX  is expected to  be used  from Chiloane  Island
          (AF-NEW). The  IOTA activity  will  take place  from  28 July  to  1
          August, and will include an entry in the IOTA Contest. The QSL route
          for C93DX is via  UT5UGR (Dimitry Stashuk,  P.O. Box 115,  Kiev-147,
          02147 Ukraine). On 4-7 August they will operate from Swaziland  with
          their personal  3DA0  callsigns  (QSL  via  home  calls,  direct  or
          bureau).     On-line     logs      will     be     available      on
CT      - Jose, CT1EHX  will be  active as  CT7DX on  15-17 July for the  23rd
          International Motorcycle Rally in Faro. QSL via home call, direct or
          bureau. [TNX CT1EHX]
CT      - The IOTA Contest operation from Bugio  Island (EU-040) [425DXN  735]
          has been cancelled, and  the activity will  take place from  Culatra
          Island (EU-145) instead (callsign TBA, QSL via CS1GDX). [TNX CT1END]
DL      - Mathis, DD9HK  will operate  on 10-40  metres  SSB as  DD9HK/p  from
          Neuwerk Island (EU-127)  and lighthouse on  4-6 July.  QSL via  home
          call. [TNX VA3RJ]
DL      - Hans-Peter, DC1HPS  will operate  as DC1HPS/p  from Pellworm  Island
          (EU-042) from 25 July to  7 August, IOTA  Contest included. QSL  via
          home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
DL      - Ric, DL2VFR will operate SSB and CW as DA0GLH from Gellen Lighthouse
          (ARLHS FED-088) on  Hiddensee Island  (EU-057) on  20-21 August.  He
          might also be  active from  Maltzien Lighthouse  (ARLHS FED-150)  on
          Ruegen Island (EU-057). QSL via bureau. [TNX DL2VFR]
DU      - Brian, DU1MS and Panny, DV1VEQ plan to be active (on 20, 17, 15,  12
          and 10 metres CW and SSB)  as DZ1M from  Mindoro Island (OC-244)  on
          2-4 July. QSL via DU1MS. [TNX VA3RJ]
F       - Jean-Marie, F6HAV and Francois, F4APW  will be active  on 40 and  20
          metres SSB and CW as TM5TDF on 8-10 July. They will operate from the
          Grand Ballon  (the highest  summit of  the Vosges  Massive) for  the
          passage      of      this      year's      Tour      de       France
          (http://www.letour.fr/indexus.html). The  cyclists  will  climb  the
          Grand Ballon during the 9th stage, from Gerardmer to Mulhouse, on 10
          July. QSL via F6HAV. [TNX F8REF]
F       - Special station  TM1TSR will  be aired  on 9-22  July for  the  49th
          edition        of        the        Tall        Ships'         Races
          (http://www.sailtraininginternational.org/) QSL via F6KFW.
F       - Operators from the  Radio Club of  Redon (F6KQC) will  be active  as
          TM5DUM from Dumet Island (EU-064) on 16-17 July. They will have  two
          stations on the HF bands (one on CW and one on SSB), plus a  station
          for the VHF bands. QSL via F5SRH. [TNX The Daily DX]
F       - Look for Jurgen, ON5MF and Tim, ON5HC to operate on 10-80 metres  as
          F/ON5MF/P from Batz Island (EU-105) from  29 July to 1 August,  IOTA
          Contest included. QSL via ON5MF, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
G       - Alan, G4NXG  plans  to  operate  as  G4NXG/M  from  Holy/Lindisfarne
          (EU-120) sometime between 17 and 19 UTC on 5 July. Activity will  be
          around 14260 and 7060 kHz. [TNX www.islandchaser.com]
GM      - An operation is planned to  take place from  St. Kilda (EU-059)  for
          about 36  hours  between  11 and  14  July,  depending  on  weather.
          Activity is expected to start around 10 UTC until late afternoon the
          following  day.  Operation  will  be  primarily  SSB,  but  with  CW
          capability particularly during  night time hours  (23-5 UTC).  There
          will be  two stations,  operated by  Peter, GM3OFT/p  (QSL via  home
          call, direct  or bureau)  and Bob,  MM/N5ET/p  (QSL via  home  call,
          direct or  bureau); both  stations will  be  assisted, as  and  when
          required, by Eric/GM3KPU and Andre/GM3VLB. Power will be  restricted
          to nominally 100W, and since neither towers nor beams are allowed on
          the island, they will use  a multi-band inverted-V  dipole and a  5m
          vertical. [TNX GM3VLB]
GM      - Before and after the EU-059 expedition  (see GM above) Peter  GM3OFT
          and Bob N5ET  hope to operate  from a  few other  islands. Look  for
          MM/N5ET/p from  Scalpay (EU-010)  and  Lewis/Harris (EU-010)  on  10
          July, from  Great Bernera  (EU-010) on  the  11th and  from  Ardwall
          (EU-005) on  the  16th  and/or the  17th;  look  for  GM3OFT/p  from
          Murray's (EU-123) on 16 and/or 17 July. [TNX GM3VLB]
HL      - A group of operators from South  Korea will be active as D70YT  from
          Ch'angson Island (AS-081)  from 29 July  to 1  August, IOTA  Contest
          included. QSL via HL5BDD. [TNX The Daily DX]
HL      - Six operators from South Korea will participate in the IOTA  Contest
          (30-31 July) as DT0HF/2 from Taebu Island (AS-105). QSL via  HL2FDW.
          [TNX The Daily DX]
I       - Fabio, IZ7FLQ/P  will operate  from Isola  Grande di  Porto  Cesareo
          (EU-091, IIA LE-002) on 2 July. QSL via home call. [TNX IZ7FLQ]
I       - The Egadi DX Team will operate from Isola Lunga (EU-166, IIA TP-021,
          MIA MI-055) as IT9FXY/p on 2-3 July. They also plan to be active for
          3-4 hours as IT9GNG/p from nearby La Scuola (EU-166, IIA TP-022, MIA
          MI-019). [TNX IT9DAA]
I       - Andrea, IZ0EHO is active as IB0/IZ0EHO on the HF bands and 6  metres
          from the island of Ponza (EU-045)  until 9 July. QSL via home  call.
          [TNX IZ0EHO]
I       - Alfredo/IK7JWX reports a change of plans for the announced 2-3  July
          lighthouse operation [425DXN  738], which  is now  expected to  take
          place from Sant'Andrea  Island (EU-091, IIA  LE-001) and  lighthouse
          (WAIL PU-23,  ARLHS ITA-084,  WLOTA L-075).  The operators  will  be
          IK7JWX as IR7LH/p, plus IZ7FMQ/p and IZ7ATN/p.
I       - Vanni/IK4RUX,  Sergio/IK4JPR  and  Franco/IK4GLV  will  operate   as
          IP1/homecall on 10-40 metres CW and SSB from Tinetto Island (EU-083,
          IIA SP-003) on 2-3 July. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau.  [TNX
JA      - Yuki, JI6KVR reports that several  activities from various  Japanese
          islands are expected to take place in the next coming days:
          1-2 July   JA6QDU/6                       Hime     AS-012
          2-3 July   8N5SAIT/5                      Tsu      AS-076
          3-4 July   8N5SAIT/5                      O-Shima  AS-076
          6-7 July   JN6CJR/8                       Rishiri  AS-147
          7 July     JN4MBO/5, JA5BEX/5, JF0BPT/5   Matsu    AS-076
          7-8 July   JN4MBO/5, JA5BEX/5, JF0BPT/5   Awa      AS-076
          8-9 July   JN4MBO/5, JA5BEX/5, JF0BPT/5   Takami   AS-076
          9-10 July  JN4MBO/5, JA5BEX/5, JF0BPT/5   O-Shima  AS-076
          Information   on    the    JIIA    Award    can    be    found    at
KH9     - The Daily DX reports that Mel,  W3MR might operate as W3MR/KH9  from
          Wake Island  (OC-053)  during  his  current  work  assignment  there
          (length of stay not known). If he finds the time, he will operate on
          20 metres with 100 watts and a dipole. QSL via home call.
OH      - OH6HJE, OH6NJ  and OH6UV  will be  active  as OH6AW/1  from  Kustavi
          Island (EU-096) on 2-5 July. They will operate CW and SSB on the  HF
          bands, with some activity on VHF. [TNX OH6NJ]
OH      - The IARU HF World Championship (9-10  July) is a qualifying run  for
          OH contesters to gain an official  Finnish slot in the WRTC 2006  to
          be held in Brazil  next year. Seven  100-watt stations (OH2W,  OH4W,
          OH5W, OH6W, OH7W, OH8W and OH9W), all with similar antennas, will be
          competing against each other on all bands CW and SSB. If you can log
          all seven stations,  you will qualify  for a professional  WRTC-2002
          video, donated by  James Brooks (9V1YC),  presenting a similar  WRTC
          event organized in Finland three years ago. [TNX N4GN]
OM      - OL200BA and a number other special stations/callsigns will be  aired
          between 1 July and 31 December to commemorate the 200th  anniversary
          of the Napoleonic "Battle of the Three Emperors" that took place  at
          Austerlitz (the modern town of Slavkov u Brna in the Czech Republic)
          on 2 December 1805. An award will be available, details can be found
          at http://www.qrz.cz/Pages/diplom_en.html [TNX OK2ZO]
OZ      - Rene, DL2JRM  will  be active  as  OZ/DL2JRM/P from  Lolland  Island
          (EU-029) from 29 July to 1  August, IOTA Contest included. He  plans
          to  operate  on  80-10  metres  SSB  and  CW,  using  solar  powered
          equipment. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
OZ      - Ric, DL2VFR will be visiting a few islands in the EU-172 IOTA  group
          brtween 28 August and 1 September. He plans to operate CW and SSB as
          OZ/DL2VFR during his evenings. QSL via home call, bureau or  direct.
          [TNX DL2VFR]
PY      - Sergio/PP5JR,    Eric/PY2EMC,    Walter/PP5WG,    Pedro/PP5UA    and
          Fernando/PP5UB will participate in the IARU HF World Championship as
          PP5WRTC (Multi-Single  CW and  SSB) -  the suffix  stands for  World
          Radiosport Team Championship, the amateur  radio olympics that  will
          be held in Florianopolis next year. [TNX PY5EG]
SM      - Special event station SK6SAQ will be aired on 3755, 14035 and  14215
          kHz from 7 to 14 UTC  on 3 July during  the "Alexanderson Day".  QSL
          via SK6DK  or  direct to  Alexander  Grimeton  Veteranradios  Vanner
          Radiostationen, Grimeton 72, S-430 16 Rolfstorp, Sweden. Information
          on Ernst Fredrik Werner Alexanderson (1878-1975), the developer of a
          high-frequency alternator  capable  of  producing  continuous  radio
          waves,   and   the   station   at   Grimeton   can   be   found   at
SM      - Hakan/SM6EQO,     Bjorn/SM6JOC,     Magnus/SM6VFJ,     Lasse/SM6ZBD,
          Loesaus/SM6ZBC and Gundhard/SA6AIF will be active as 7S6TL from  the
          lighthouse on Tistlarna Island (EU-043) on 29-31 July, IOTA  Contest
          included. They will return  to the lighthouse  on 19-21 August,  for
          the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. QSL via SK6GO.  [TNX
SM      - A large  group of  operators will  participate in  the IOTA  Contest
          (30-31 July) as SK2T from Bredskar Island (EU-135). Look for them on
          10-80 metres CW and SSB. QSL via SK2AT. [TNX VA3RJ]
SM      - Ric, DL2VFR will operate mostly CW  as SM6/DL2VFR from Orust  Island
          (EU-043) on 3-12  September. QSL via  home call,  bureau or  direct.
          [TNX DL2VFR]
SP      - The Polish  Amateur  Radio Union  Team  (around  60  operators  from
          different  locations)  will  participate  in   the  IARU  HF   World
          Chanpionship as SN0HQ.  QSL via SP2PI.  Information about the  SN0HQ
          awards van be found at http://www.sn0hq.org/ [TNX SP5UAF]
SU      - Bert, CX3AN reports that  he might be  guest operating from  SU1SK's
          shack between 3 and 5 July. Expect some activity on 20/40 metres SSB
          and CW. QSL via home call.
SV      - Nick, SV3SJ will operate as SY8M  from Proti Island (EU-158)  during
          the IOTA  Contest (30-31  July).  On 1  August  he will  operate  as
          SV3SJ/p and will pay special attention  to North America and  Japan.
          QSl for both calls via IZ8CCW,  direct or bureau.  The web page  for
          the operation is at http://www.mdxc.org/sy8m [TNX IZ8CCW]
SV      - Tony, IK8VRH reports he has  changed his plans  for his August  IOTA
          activity from  Greece [425DXN  737]. Now  he expects  to operate  as
          SV/IK8VRH from the following islands and lighthouses:
          10-12 August     Kavalliani     EU-060
          13-14 Augsut     Dokos          EU-075 (ARLHS GRE-059)
          16-17 August     Elafonisos     EU-113
          19-20 August     Sapientza      EU-158 (ARLHS GRE-116)
          21-28 August     Spetses        EU-075 (ARLHS GRE-063)
TG      - Mario/TG9ADQ, Francisco/TG9ANF, Edgar/TG9AXF  and Sergio/TG9SM  will
          be active as TG4P on 6-7 August (from 18 UTC to 18 UTC) from Pacaya,
          one of the  most active volcanoes  in Guatemala.  They will  operate
          SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and CW on 40, 20,  15, 10 and 6 metres. QSL  direct
          only to TG9ANF. [TNX TG9ANF]
TY      - Luc, F6FVX will be active as  TY/F6FVX from Benin between 13  August
          and 6  September.  He will  operate  on the  HF  bands and  will  be
          speaking French. [TNX F8DQZ]
UA      - Nick, RA1QQ and Alex, RA1QY plan  to operate from  an island in  the
          EU-162 IOTA group  on 10-15 July.  QSL via RA1QQ  (Nick A.  Smerdov,
          P.O. Box 24, Cherepovets 162611, Russia). [TNX RA1QHJ]
VE      - Fred/VE1FA,  Helen/VA1YL,  Howard/VE1DHD,  Bill/VE1MR,  Lynn/VE1ENT,
          Gary/VE1RGB and Rich/VA1CHP will operate (on 80-6 metres CW and SSB)
          as VC9W from  Whitehead Island (NA-014)  from 28 July  to 2  August,
          IOTA Contest included. QSL via VE1FO. [TNX VA3RJ]
VE      - Gord Gibson, VE3RGG reports he will operate on 20 and 40 metres from
          Cabot Head  Lighhouse  (ARLHS CAN-067)  during  the  first  week  of
          August. QSL via home call.
W       - Jeff, KU8E will be active as KU8E/p from St. Simons Island  (NA-058)
          on 5-8 July. He plans to operate as time permits mainly on 20 metres
          CW. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
W       - Tony, K1USC will be active (on 6, 17,  20 and 40 metres SSB and  CW)
          in his spare time as K1USC/6 from Santa Catalina Island (NA-066)  on
          11-16 July. He will be at  the Emerald Bay Boy  Scout Camp with  Boy
          Scout Troop 655, and the scouts  will make some  of the contacts  as
          they work on the requirements of the Radio merit badge. QSL via home
          call, direct  or (for  stations outside  the US  only) bureau.  [TNX
W       - Jon, WB8YJF  will be  active on  80-10 metres  CW, RTTY  and SSB  as
          WB8YJF/4 from Ocracoke Island (NA-067) on  24-31 July, IOTA  Contest
          included. QSL via home call. [TNX WB8YJF]
W       - Ken, AK1Q will operate as AK1Q/p from Louds Island (NA-137) from  30
          July to 1 August, IOTA Contest included. Look for him on 40, 20  and
          15 metres SSB, with some QRS CW. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
YK      - Saad, N5FF will ve active again as YK1BA from Syria between 2 and 16
          July. He hopes to be able to operate at least 3-4 hours a day.  Most
          probably operating  times  will be  between  1-4 UTC  (Americas  and
          Pacific), between 19-22 UTC  and possibly between  11-14 UTC. He  is
          likely to limit his operating to 20 metres (around 14195 SSB,  14045
          CW, 14080 RTTY),  unless the propagation  is better  on other  bands
          (10-80 metres) at  the time. QSL  via home call.  [TNX K1XN and  The
          YV5OHW, YY5EDG and  DL2GG will be  the operators for  the 7-10  July
          YW4C IOTA operation  from Rey Island  (SA-058) [425DXN 737].  Please
          note that,  as  a part  of  the sponsorship  agreement  between  the
          Mediterraneo DX Club and the expedition's organizers, IT9DAA will be
          the new  QSL manager.  Cards can  be sent  to IT9DAA  either  direct
          (Corrado Ruscica, Via Cap. Salemi 41, 96019 Rosolini - SR, Italy) or
          through  the  bureau.  The  web  page  for  the  expedition  is   at
          http://www.mdxc.org/yw4c.asp [TNX IT9DAA]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
10M BEACON --->  Rafa, LU7VCH  reports that  a new  5-watt beacon  is up  and
running on 28191 kHz from Rio Negro, Patagonia. Reports can be sent to either
lu7vch@hotmail.com or rafa@surc.com.ar [TNX IZ5FSA]
A6/G4BXH ---> Ghis, A6/ON5NT reports that David Hardy, G4BXH (aka VP8HJ  from
the Falkland Islands) has received his  guest licence as A6/G4BXH. David  has
been in the UAE for many years.
ANTARCTICA AWARD ---> The  Award Manager (Gianni Marruccella, IZ8CGS) reports
that all of the  certificate  requests  received  before the  Field Check  at
Ham  Radio  in  Friedrichshafen   have  been   processed  and   mailed  along
with the  complimentary   map  of  Antarctica  published  by  the  Australian
Antarctic Division [425DXN 700].  Up-to-date  score tables  are  available at
QSL 5U7B ---> Silvano, I2YSB reports  that he has not  received any log  from
5U7B for four months. Please be patient and do not send second cards.
QSL VIA DL2GAC ---> Bernhard, DL2GAC says that all of the contacts he made in
2003 as P29VMS and H44MS have been confirmed. Direct requests were  processed
and mailed, and remaining QSOs were confirmed via the DARC bureau in December
2003. Those  who  still need  a  card are  invited  to  contact  Bernhard  at
QSL VIA IK3GES ---> Gabriele, IK3GES  would like to remind  DXers that -  for
reasons beyond his control  -  the QSL bureau cannot be used  for any of  the
following calls he is the QSL manager for: FK/IV3FSG, Z38A, Z38B, Z38/IV3FSG,
ZA3/IV3FSG and YJ0ASG. Cards should be sent direct only to IK3GES.
QSL ZA/SP5EAQ ---> Jacek, SP5EAQ says he made around 3000 QSOs (most on  them
on 20 and 17 metres SSB) in 20 hours during his recent stay in Tirana  (22-26
June). He expects to return to Albania in autumn. QSL via home call.
US FCC TEST ---> For those interested  in getting a US amateur radio  license
(any class), a test session will  be held at Darlowko,  Poland on 19  August,
during the 2nd World Wide Young  Contesters meeting. Details can be found  at
http://www.ik1pmr.com/vec/wwyc-2005.php [TNX IK1PMR]
W-HQ-S AWARD ---> The Polish Telegraphy  Club and the Polish Radio  Amateur's
Journal are  sponsoring the  2005 Worked  HQ Stations  award for  working  HQ
stations during the upcoming IARU HF Contest. The basic W-HQ-S is earned  for
10 QSOs  with  HQ  stations representing  all  three  IARU  Regions.  Special
endorsements are  available  for each  10  additional  QSOs/HRDs.  Rules  and
picture of the W-HQ-S Award can be found at http://whqs2005award.prv.pl/ [TNX

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
HAM RADIO 2005:  Pictures of the recent Ham  Radio 2005 (Friedrichshafen)  are
                 available at http://www.ik1pmr.com/vari/Friedrichshafen-2005/ 
                 [TNX IK1PMR]
QSL GALLERIES:   The large collection  of QSL  cards (2300+)  on Les  Nouvelle
                 DX's web  site  has been  updated.  Six  different  galleries
                 include cards for each of the 58 deleted DXCC entities  (500+
                 QSLs), obsolete prefixes  (900 QSLs),  Antarctic bases  (400+
                 QSLs) & TAAF (Terres  Australes and Antarctiques  Francaises,
                 200  QSLs),  pre-1945  countries   (200+  QSLs)  and   French
                 Departments.  Several  cards  are   still  needed  and   your
                 participation     is     welcome      -     please      visit
                 http://LesNouvellesDX.free.fr and send send your comments  to
                 LesNouvellesDX@free.fr [TNX F6AJA]
TOP LISTS:       The latest  Topband, Topmode  and  Toplist listings  are  now
                 available at http://www.425dxn.org/awards/toplist/index.html.
                 Please send your scores, as well  as any request for  further
                 information, to Erminio Pandocchi, I2EOW (i2eow@fastwebnet
QSLs received direct or through managers: 3A0CE, 3G0YM, 4U1UN, 5R8FU,  5W0VB,
5Z4DZ, 6O0X, 7Q7MM, 7Z1SJ, 9G5SP, 9H1ET, 9H1ZA, 9J2KC, 9M6/G3OOK,  9Y4/YL2LY,
9Y4W,  A25/DL7CM,  A25/DM2AYO,  A35VB, A71BX,  A92GE,  C38JM,  CE8A (SA-094),
CO3CJ/1  (NA-093),  CO3VK (NA-056),  CW5R  (SA-039),  D2DX,  D4B,  DH8WR/HC2,
DX0K,  EA9EU,  FG5BG, FO/AC4LN, FR5ZL, FS5UQ, FT5WJ (AF-008), FT5XO (AF-048),
(AN-012; AA K-10), KH0N, KH9/AH8H, KM4RX (NA-054), OC4P (SA-052), OH0B, OJ0J,
P29VVB,  PJ7/ND5S, PY2XB/PY0F, PZ5RA, PZ5XX, R1ANF (AN-010; AA UA-04), S79GG,
SF50A, T20VB, T88AG, TO5A, TT8M, V6A, V73VV, V85SS,  VI5PN  (OC-220), VU4RBI,
XF4IH, XT2JZ,  XX9C,  YE3K  (OC-217),  YJ0VB,  ZA/OH2BH,  ZA/OH2PM,  ZA/WF5T,

                       425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org 
                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org 
                 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:   http://www.425dxn.org/monthly 
                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org) 
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                                 MAILING LIST
                    Please visit the "Mailing List" page at
        and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                   or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                   Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org) 
                            Direttore Responsabile
                            Giovanni Leone, IK8MRA
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 060028
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia