DX425 bulletin issue nr. 738

425 DX News #738
25 June 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA        
      BY      - Jack,  WB8FSV  reports  he  will  operate  in  his  spare  time   as
          WB8FSV/BA4IT and WB8FSV/BD4JV during his stay in China, from 28 June
          to 27 July. From 28 July to 1 August he will be in Hong Kong and  he
          plans to operate a little from  VR2XMT's station using the  callsign
          VR2/WB8FSV. QSLs via home call.
CU      - Enrico, IZ5CML will operate from the  Azores during his holidays  in
          July. He will be active as CU2/IZ5CML from the island of Sao  Miguel
          (EU-003) on 10-16 July and as CU8/IZ5CML from Flores Island (EU-089)
          on 16-21 July. He plans to operate CW on 10-40 metres, and possibily
          on 6 metres SSB as well. QSL  via home call, direct or bureau.  [TNX
DL      - Andy, DL7AT will  be active on  20 and 40  metres from Foehr  Island
          (EU-042) on 3-9 July. QSL via home call. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
G       - GB5HQ will again be active as a nationwide multi-mode multi-location
          operation during the  2005 IARU World  HF Championship (9-10  July).
          There is an award programme for working them  on 3, 6, 9 and all  12
          band-mode slots. QSL via G3TXF (e-mail requests for bureau cards can
          be sent  to QSL@G3TXF.com).  The new  web  site is  currently  under
          construction at www.gb5hq.com [TNX G4BUO]
GM      - Dennis, M0LSB expects to visit and operate as MM0LSB/P from  various
          Hebridean islands  between 29  July and  22 August.  His first  stop
          should be Skye  in the Inner  Hebrides (EU-008)  from 29  June to  4
          July, followed by  several islands in  the Outer Hebrides  (EU-010).
          [TNX GM3VLB]
HB0     - Eilert, SM4FZW and Mats, SM4EPR will be active as HB0/homecall  from
          Liechtenstein on 27 June. QSL via home calls. [TNX SM4EPR]
I       - Nicola, IZ3EBA  reports he  will  operate on  20  and 40  metres  as
          IZ3EBA/p from Le Vignole (EU-131,  IIA VE-017) on  25 June. QSL  via
I       - Alfredo, IK7JWX as IR7LH/p and others will operate from a couple  of
          lighthouses (WAIL PU-029 and PU-041, ARLHS ITA-187 and ITA-266 )  on
          Sant'Andrea Island (not IOTA, IIA BR-005) on 2-3 July. QSL via  home
          call. The  new  website for  the  Italian Lighthouses  award  is  at
          http://www.wail.it/ [TNX IK7JWX]
IS0     - Piero, I1ASU plans to operate on 20 and 40 metres SSB as IM0/I1ASU/p
          from Maddalena Island  (EU-041) on 25-26  June. [TNX  Info Radio  by
PZ      - Bob, N3CXM and Carroll, KG4EHW will be in Suriname from 30 June  for
          18 days, and will be active as PZ5JR and PZ5CM in their spare  time.
          QSLs via K3BYV. [TNX The Daily DX]
SP      - Special event station SN125LO will  be active on  CW, PSK, RTTY  and
          SSB  from  Sanok,  Poland  on  1-20  July  to  celebrate  the  125th
          anniversary of High School No. 1. QSL via SP8PAB, direct or  bureau.
          [TNX SP9JPA]
SV5     - Kurt, KB9XCL  will operate  QRP  on SSB,  CW  and digital  modes  as
          SV5/HB9XCL/p from Kos Island (EU-001)  from 27 June  to 2 July.  QSL
          via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
UA2     - The RU-QRP Club (www.qrp.ru) will operate CW on all the HF bands  as
          UE3QRP/2 from Kaliningrad on 1-8 July. QSL via RU2FM. [TNX RU2FM]
VE      - Ron, VE7RLE will  operate as VA7C  on 1-31 July  to commemorate  the
          Centennial of the  City of Salmon  Arm. QSL via  VE7RLE (Ron  Essex,
          3691 -  65th Avenue  N.W., Salmon  Arm, BC  V1E 3A5,  Canada).  [TNX
VE      - Mike, K9AJ  and Bruce,  KD6WW plan  to attempt  to activate  Nunavut
          (Kitimeot Region)  West (NA-NEW)  and West  Central (NA-175)  groups
          between 1  and 7  September. The  exact dates  for each  group  will
          depend on weather and solar conditions. [TNX KD6WW]
W       - The Marco Island  Radio Club will  be signing  N4M on  1-10 July  to
          celebrate the founding of modern Marco Island (NA-052, USI FL-025S).
          Look for activity on 14260, 18128 and 21260 kHz. QSL via N1DL  (Karl
          L. Geng, 695 Embassy Ct, Marco Island, FL 34145, USA). [TNX VA3RJ]
W       - Paul, N3LTT will be active on  3-8 July from Key Largo (NA-062,  USI
          FL-049S) and possibly other islands in the Florida Keys. He plans to
          operate on  20 metres  SSB mainly  in his  early mornings  and  late
          evenings. QSL direct to N3LTT. [TNX VA3RJ]
ZK1_sc  - Tommy, VK2IR reports he will  operate on 6-40  metres SSB as  ZK1IIR
          from Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands the Cook Islands on 3-14
          July. QSL via W3HNK. [TNX The Daily DX]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
ANTARCTICA: The  latest issue  of The  Antarctic Sun  (21 June  2005) is  now
available at http://www.mdxc.org/antarctica/antarcticsun.asp - give a look to
the memories of 30 years ago, when amateur radio was the only way for workers
at the South Pole  to communicate with  people back home  (see page 21).  The
Antarctica Award will be at Ham  Radio 2005 (Friedrichshafen). Ric, DL2VFR  &
Emir, 9A6AA have organized an  Antarctica Award  Field Check  on Saturday, 25
June, starting at  15 local  time at   the   9A  Radio Club  - HRS  (Croatian
Amateur Radio Association). [TNX IZ8CCW]
IRC/GS CHART  ---> This a listing of information obtained from amateur  radio
operators Hams in foreign countries  explaining the amount  of IRCs or  Green
Stamps they need to return a QSL request. It is maintained by Bill Heinzinger
(W9OL) at  http://www.qsl.net/w9ol/ in  either .htm  and .xls  formats.  Bill
invites hams outside the US to check the information, "as it seems to  change
much quicker than I get updates". [TNX W9OL]
NOT THE MANAGER  ---> Following  an agreement  with Horacio,  LU4DXU a  large
batch of outstanding  AY1ZA (South Orkneys  2004) direct  cards for  European
stations were sent  to and duly  distributed by the  Mediterraneo DX Club  in
March 2005.  However,  the MDXC  is  not the  actual  QSL  manager  for  this
operation, so please refrain from sending your cards to them. [TNX IZ8CCW]
QSL 5X1GS ---> After several failed  attempts due to e-mailing problems,  Bob
Nadolny, WB2YQH has finally received the logs from Graham, 5X1GS for  October
2004 through 2005.  All QSL  requests have  been answered  for those  waiting
cards. Graham has been inactive for a while. His tower had to rebuilt after a
bad storm and he he is just getting around to remounting the beams. Also, his
mother is very  ill in the  UK and he  has been travelling  back home  often.
Graham expects to be active again in about three weeks. [TNX WB2YQH]
QSL 9J2CA --->  Phil Whitchurch, G3SWH  reports he  has now  received all  of
James' historic logs and the QSL cards from the printers.
QSL MANAGER OFFERED ---> Walt Robinson,  WB3CDX offers his services as a  QSL
manager for any DX, IOTA or  DXpedition station. "I provide all QSL  printing
and cards to stations I manage  at no charge", he  says. Electronic logs  are
preferred, but paper logs are OK. Want can be contacted at avgisus@yahoo.com
QSL VIA DL5AWI ---> Gerd, DL5AWI  was the QSL manager  for FO0AWI and  FO0XUU
(Austral and Marquesas Islands, January-February 1999).  He says that all  of
the direct requests were processed and  mailed back in 1999,  and all of  the
remaining QSOs were confirmed  automatically via the  bureau. Those who  have
not received their card(s) are invited to contact Gerd at DL5AWI@t-online.de
QSL VIA  WD9EWK  --->  Patrick  is  the  QSL  manager  for  several  stations
(http://www.wd9ewk.net/) and he is moving from  Glendale to Phoenix. His  new
mailing address  is:  Patrick Stoddard,  4031  E. Aster  Drive,  Phoenix,  AZ
85032-7417, USA.
ROCKALL ---> MS0IRC/P,  operated by David/MM0ALM  and Jim/MM0CWJ, was  active
from Rockall for  about three hours  on 16 June.  Andre, GM3VLB reports  that
"they made  a  total  of  262 QSOs  in  enough  countris/continents  for  the
operation to meet IOTA qualification requirements", and that MM0CWJ "is  very
determined  to  return,  now  that  he   knows  the  situation".  The   first
photographs, including a couple of pictures  of the amateur radio  operators,
are    now    available    on    The    Rockall    Times    web    site    at
RTTY & PSK31 CONTEST ---> The Ukrainian DX Digi Contest will be held from  12
UTC on  25 June  through 12  UTC on  the 26th.  Full rules  can be  found  at
http://www.qsl.net/ur5fav/udrpc/  [TNX UX0FF]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
S9SS:      Dan, S50U  reports that  on-line logs  and other  information  for
           Charles,  S9SS  are  now  available   on   his  new  web  site  at

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3DA0GNR     N4GNR       GB0SGI      M0ANM       SV0XAN/5    IK2WZD
3W9HRN      DL1HRN      GB2ECR      G0IYZ       SV8/IK0REH/p IK0REH
4K8F        UA9AB       GB8OSJ      G4DFI       T68G        LA4YW
4K9W        DL6KVA      GS2UG       G0PFH       T6KBLRM     DL2JRM
4L6VG       UA6EZ       HF111TG     SP9PTG      T88YA       JA3EZJ
4S7VK       DJ9ZB       HF750WK     SP2XF       TA0/YZ1SG   YZ1SG
4X17MG      4Z4TL       HK6KKK      EA5KB       TF3SYL      TF3VS
4Z17MG      4Z4TL       HR1FJC      EA7FTR      TM0GP       F5KCH
5T5BAB      pirate      HR2/KC4CD   N4AA        TM1CF       F4DJG
5W0HR       AI5P        HV0A        IK0FVC      TM1RHC      F1BOW
6W8CK       DH7WW       HZ1EX       SM0BYD      TM3RHC      F6KVD
7Q7PF       LA7PF       II1CR       IZ2GMU      TM5AST      F8DSF
7X5JF       DJ8QP       II5LDV      I5NZR       TM5BBC      F2UW
8P9AM       VE3DZ       II7CE       IK7CNK      TM5GLM      F5GLM
9A/VE3ZIK   DL3PS       IO8JR       IZ8AJQ      TM5LOC      F5DMD
9G1YK       PA3ERA      IR8DX       IK8VRH      TM5RAC      F5KTR
9G5HF       PA2JFD      J68AS       N9AG        TM6VTT      F5MMF
9J2BO       G3TEV       J68ID       W8QID       TR8FC       F8BUZ
9M2CNC      G4ZFE       JW1CCA      LA1CCA      TT8PK       F4EGS
9Q0AR       SM5BFJ      JW8WF       LA8WF       UA1ONY      RZ3EC
9V1YC       N5ID        K1HP/KH2    JE2EHP      UE0ISL      RW0IZ
A51AJ       DJ2MX       KH0N        JA6CNL      UE0LBI      IK2DUW
A6/ON5NT    ON5NT       KH6YY       K2PF        UE0LPI      IK2DUW
A61Q        EA7FTR      KP2AA       K7JA        UE1NLO      RN1NA
AH0BB       JR1VUF      LA6Q        LA9VDA      UE1RDA      UA1RJ
BU2/JJ1TBB  JL1ANP      MS0IRC/p    G0HXN       UE3GFF      RU3GN
BV50CRA     BV2KI       OH0Z        OH5DX       UE3QRP      RV3GM
C6AIE       WZ8D        ON100EBL    ON7RK       UE3WSS/6    RW3WWW
C6ALP       W8QT        OO175B      ON4UN       UE4HZS      RX4HJ
CN8NK       EA5XX       OO175RM     ON6RM       UK8AJ       RW6HS
CO3CJ       IZ8EBI      OO31AF      ON4LDS      UN7QX       W7BO
CO8LY       EA7ADH      PY7ZER      DL9EBA      UN8GF       IZ8CCW
CP6XE       IK6SNR      R750CC      UA2FCC      V31IV       W6JKV
CQ5FD       CT1RVM      R750CZ      UA2CZ       V51KC       IZ8EDJ
CS0RCL/P    EA7AH       R750FF      UA2FF       VA7YVET     VA7DP
CS7MA       CT1BXE      R750FM      RA2FM       VE9DX       K2NJ
CT3/VE7RKK  XE1KK       R750KG      DK4VW       VO1VIMY     VO1BZM
CU6YB       EA5KB       RC4Q        UA4RC       VQ9ZZ       N1ZZZ
CY9SS       VY2SS       RK0LWP/0    RU0LM       W7M         W7ECA
D950HE      DS2GOO      RW6AWW/p    RW6CW       WH0C        JA6AGA
DR50BUND    DL1WH       S9SS        N4JR        YB0ECT      K3AIR
DT57IWC     HL0UHQ      SM7/DL8AAV  DL8AAV      YI1HXH      IK2IQD
EA7DBO/P    EA7JX       SN0GB       SP3ZJA      YI9LZ       LZ1ZF
ED3MED      EA3RCG      SN0KURP     SP2IU       YI9VCQ      N3ST
ED4MAD      EA4RCU      SN0PTG      SP9PKZ      YZ35EW      YZ1EW
ED7AAF      EA7BQC      SN100BB     SP4GFG      Z38DX       YU1FW
ET3TK       OK1CU       ST2BF       W3HNK       ZA/SP5EAQ   SP5EAQ
EY8BW       DJ1MM       ST2VB       UA4WHX      ZD8I        G4LTI
F5KAI/P     F8DKG       SU9FL       WD9DZV      ZK1RCR      K5RCR

                           *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                           *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                            Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                          Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
9M2FB      Ian Buffham, 8A Bekay Court, Lorong Enau (off Jalan Ampang), 55000
            Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A22/JA4ATV Take Maga, Private Bag 00369, Gaborone, Botswana
CT1ERK     Antonio Rocha Graca, R. Prof. Vitorino Nemesio 42, 4410-399
            Arcozelo VNG, Portugal
G0HXN      David Mann, Turls Cottage, The Butts, Colyton, Devon, EX24 6NU,
G4LTI      Mike Coverdale, 1a Halton Chase, Westhead, Ormskirk, Lancashire
            L40 6JR, England, UK
HB9XCL     Kurt Hess, Grabneweg 4, CH-3423 Ersigen, Switzerland
IK0REH     Daniele Casini, P.O. Box 31, 06010 Citerna - PG, Italy
LA4YW      Liv Johansen, Kolstadtunet 4C, 7098 Saupstad, Norway
PA0TAU     Tom Alberts, Petrus Muntinghepad 4, Termunten 9947PK, The
RZ1OA      Vlad Sadakov, P.O. Box 48, Arkhangelsk, 163040, Russia
SM0BYD     Hans Lof, Sturevagen 48A, SE-192 68 Sollentuna, Sweden
TF3VS      Vilhjalmur Sigurjonsson, Digranesvegi 18a, IS-200 Kopavogur,
UA1QEI     Serge V. Gurov, P.O. Box 7, Cherepovets 162606, Russia
US7IGF     Slava Shevchenko, P.O. Box 591, Slavyansk-12, Donetsk obl. 84112,
VY2SS      Robert Robertson, RR#3, Oleary, PEI, Canada C0B 1V0
W7ECA      P.O. Box 1763, Great Falls, MT 59403-1763, USA
XU7ABN     Claude Laget, P.O. Box 1373 GPO, Phnom Penh 99999, Cambodia

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                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org 
                 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:   http://www.425dxn.org/monthly 
                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org) 
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                                 MAILING LIST
                    Please visit the "Mailing List" page at
        and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                   or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                   Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org) 
                            Direttore Responsabile
                            Giovanni Leone, IK8MRA
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 060028
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia