DX425 bulletin issue nr. 737

425 DX News #737
18 June 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA        
      EA      - Look for  EA5FL, EA5/DJ7BU  and EA5DFV  to operate  as EA5FL/p  from
          Portitxol Island (EU-093, DIE E-011) on  17-19 June. QSL via  EA5FL.
          [TNX VA3RJ]
EA      - Steve, G0SGB will be active as EA5/G0SGB from either Tabarca  Island
          (EU-093, DIE E-006)  and/or Benidorm Island  (EU-093, DIE E-007)  on
          20-30 June. He  plans to operate  mainly on 20  metres SSB. QSL  via
          home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
ES      - Andres/ES1AN, Arvo/ES1QV,  Harald/ES1LS,  Eimar/ES1LSR,  Toivo/ES2DJ
          and Juri/ES2EZ will operate on 80-10  meter CW and SSB as ES2U  from
          Rammu Island (EU-149) on 27-31 July, IOTA Contest included. QSL  via
          ES1QV (Arvo Saluri, Mustjoe 26, 10617 Tallinn, Estonia). [TNX VA3RJ]
F       - Laurent, F8BBL (CW) and Jean-Marc, F4ECL  (SSB) will operate QRP  as
          TM7CI on 10-80 metres from Cordouan Island (EU-159, DIFM AT-032) and
          lighthouse (LH 271, ARLHS FRA-007, PB  018) on 22-23 July. They  are
          also planning a  similar activity from  Banc d'Arguin (EU-159,  DIFM
          AT-033) in August. QSL via F8BBL, direct or bureau. [TNX F8BBL]
GM      - MM0DFV/p and GM0WRR/p will operate on  10-80 metres CW and SSB  from
          the Mull of Galloway Lighthouse (ARLHS  SCO-144) on 17-18 June.  QSL
          via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX MM0DFV]
GM      - The Orkney Amateur Radio Club (www.eu009.com) will operate on  10-80
          metres SSB and CW with two full power stations as MM0MWW/P from  the
          Isle of Egilsay  (EU-009) on 8-10  July. QSL via  GM0IFM, direct  or
GM      - Iain, MM0TFU will be active on 80-10 metres SSB as MM0TFU/p from the
          Isle of  Arran (EU-123)  from  29 July  to  5 August,  IOTA  Contest
          included. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
GW      - Anthony/MW0JZE,    Rob/MW0RLJ,     Russell/G5XW,     Richard/MW3WSD,
          Oliver/MW3SDO and Tim/M3SDE will operate as GB0SH from Strumble Head
          Lighthouse for  the  International Lighthouse/Lightship  Weekend  on
          20-21      August.      Logs       will      be      posted       on
          http://www.mw0jze.inkinkink.net/. QSL via MW0JZE. [TNX M3SDE]
HB0     - Valya/LZ5AV (YL operator),  Johny/LZ1PJ, Laci/HA0HW, Tomi/HA4DX  and
          Geza/HA4XG will operate as  HB0/homecall from Malbun,  Liechtenstein
          on 19-26 June. They plan to have  two stations active on all the  HF
          bands (CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31)  and one station  for 6 metres.  QSl
          via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX HA0HW]
HI      - Franco, HB9OAB will operate on 10-40  metres as HI7/HB9OAB from  the
          Dominican Republic (NA-096) from 25  June to 15  July. QSL via  home
          call. [TNX HB9OAB]
I       - Special station  IO8JR is  active until  30  July to  celebrate  the
          election of  pope  Benedict XVI.  QSL  via IZ8AJQ,  direct  (Erminio
          Cioffi Squitieri, P.O. Box 11, 84036 Sala Consilina - SA, Italy)  or
          bureau. [TNX IZ8AJQ]
I       - Look for Marco, IZ6ASI/p and Antonio,  IK6XOU/p to operate SSB  from
          San Bartolo Lighthouse (WAIL MA-006, ARLHS  ITA-106) on 16-18  June.
          [TNX IZ6ASI]
I       - ARI Vinci will activate special station II5LDV on all bands SSB  and
          CW on 17-19  June from Leonardo  da Vinci's birthplace.  All of  the
          QSOs will be confirmed automatically via bureau. [TNX IK5AFJ]
JA      - 7L3ATQ/8 will operate from Teuri Island (AS-147, JIIA AS-117-008) on
          18-21 June. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA      - JM4MDV/4  plans  to  be  active  from   Uma  Island  (AS-117,   JIIA
          AS-117-???), Yamaguchi prefecture on 19 June. QSL home call,  direct
          or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA      - Look for JA0HNA/0,  JE0OMG/0, JH0OLD/0  to operate  from Awa  Island
          (AS-117, JIIA AS-117-062), Niigata prefecture on 8-11 July. QSL  via
          home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA      - Look for JA1KJW/8, JJ1JGI/8, JK1EBA/8 and  7N4AGB/8 to operate  from
          Rebun Island  (AS-147,  JIIA AS-147-006)  on  15-18  July  and  from
          Rishiri Island (AS-147, JIIA AS-147-007) on 18-21 July. QSL via home
          calls, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
KH0     - Nao (JK1FNL/NA8O), Jim (7K4QOK/KG8RP)  and Takky (JE1KUC/N1KU)  will
          operate from Saipan, Nothern Mariana Islands (OC-086) on 8-11  July.
          Activity will be on 40-6 metres CW,  SSB and RTTY. QSL via their  JA
          home calls, direct or through the JARL bureau. [TNX JK1FNL]
KL      - Hillar, N6HR  and others  will participate  in the  IOTA Contest  as
          KL7/N7YX from St.  Paul, Pribilof Islands  (NA-028). [TNX The  Daily
KP2     - Bob, W9UI and his wife Traudel,  WD6CTL will be  at Windwood on  the
          island of St  Croix, Virgin Islands  (NA-106) from 23  June until  8
          July. They will be on the lookout for 6m sporadic E contacts;  other
          times, they will be on HF (when not diving). QSL both operations via
          W9UI, bureau or direct. [TNX W9UI]
LA      - Giovanni, IZ2DPX reports  he plans  to operate  as LA/IZ2DPX/P  from
          Norway on 11-17 July. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
OE      - The Austrian Amateur Radio Society (OVSV) will take part in the IARU
          HF World Championship (9-10 July) as OE50A. QSL via bureau or direct
          to OVSV-HQ, Eisvogelgasse 4/1, 1050 Wien, Austria. OVSV sponsors the
          W-OE-XHQ Award for  working OE1XHQ-OE9XHQ  or OE50A  on 6  different
          Bands/Modes, as well as the OE50-Award for working Austrian  amateur
          radio  stations  with  the  special  OE50   prefix  in  2005.   Full
          information   (in    German    language)    can    be    found    at
          http://www.oevsv.at/oev/oev_dip/oev_dip.shtml [TNX OE8KDK]
OZ      - Mark/DL1XAQ, Andy/DG3XA, Olaf/DL4HG, Andy/DL7AT, Thorsten/DG7TG  and
          Ralph/DL3LED will operate  on 10-80 metres  SSB and  CW as  OZ/DF0TX
          from Romo Island (EU-125) on 29-31 July, IOTA Contest included. [TNX
PA      - Special callsign PA2000N (PA "two thousand" N) will be aired on 8-23
          July (including a M/M entry in the IARU Contest) to commemorate  the
          2000th anniversary of the city  of Nijmegen. QSL  via the Dutch  QSL
          Bureau or direct to PA0KHS (Henk  van Hensbergen, Smaragdstraat  53,
          NL-6534 WN, Nijmegen, The Netherlands). [TNX PA0KHS]
SU      - Gab, HA3JB will  be active again  as SU8BHI from  Egypt from 1  July
          through 31 December.  He plans  to operate  on all  bands CW,  RTTY,
          SSTV, PSK and some SSB, and  during many of the major contests.  QSL
          direct only to  HA3JB (Kutasi Gabor,  P.O. Box  243, H-8601  Siofok,
          Hungary). Logs will  be available  at http://www.qsl.net/ha3jb  [TNX
SV      - Antonio, IK8VRH plans to visit and operate (on 14, 17 and 15  metres
          SSB, CW and RTTY) from a number of Greek islands and lighthouses  as
          12-14 August   J48RH/P   Spetses      EU-075    GRE-063
          16-18 August   J48RH/P   Dokos        EU-075    GRE-058
          20-22 August   J48RH/P   Kythira      EU-113    GRE-120    or
                                   Elafonisos   EU-113    -------
          24-26 August  J43RH/P    Sapientza    EU-158    GRE-116    or
                                   Schiza       EU-158    -------
          QSL via home call. [TNX IK8VRH]
SV      - Theodoros/SV1GRM, Sotirios/SV1HER, Cliff/SV1JG and Markos/SV1MF will
          operate as SX8L  from Apolytares Lighthouse  (ARLHS GRE-040) on  the
          island of Antikythira  (EU-113) on 20-22  August. All  QSOs will  be
          confirmed automatically via the bureau; direct cards should be  sent
          to  SV1HER  (Sotirios  Vanikiotis,  Korai  31,  GR-12137   Peristeri
          (Athens), Greece). [TNX SV1HER]
TA      - Goran, YZ1SG will  be active in  his spare time  with 100 watts  and
          verticals as TA4/YZ1SG from Bodrum on  19-29 June. He also plans  to
          operate as TA0/YZ1SG from Karaada (AS-098)  during that time  frame.
          QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX YZ1SG]
TA      - Look for Metin, TA1ED/0 and Nuri,  TA3BN/0 to operate SSB and CW  on
          the HF bands and 2 metres from Giresun Island (AS-154) on 1-4  July.
          QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX TA1ED]
TF      - G6UW/TF will  be  the callsign  used  by  the  Cambridge  University
          Wireless Society team  for the IOTA  Contest operation from  Heimaey
          (EU-071) [425DXN 728]. QSL via M0BLF. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
TI      - A large  froup  of  operators  from  Costa  Rica  and  the  US  will
          participate in the IARU HF World  Championship (9-10 July) as  TI0HQ
          with 3-4 stations on air on 10-160m SSB and CW. QSL via TI0RC.  [TNX
UA      - Andre (RA0CS/P), Slava (UA0AOZ/0) and  Vlad (UA0ACG/0) will  operate
          CW, SSB and BPSK31 from Toki  Island (RRA-14-05) on 24-26 June.  QSL
          via home calls. [TNX UA0AOZ]
UA2     - Amateur radio operators from Kalinigrad are allowed to use a special
          prefix (R750)  from  20 June  to  20 July  to  celebrate  the  750th
          anniversary of Kaliningrad-Konigsberg. The UA2 Contest Club station,
          RK2FWA  (aka   RW2F),  will   sign   R750KG.  QSL   via   operators'
          instructions. Bureau cards  should be sent  to the  UA2 QSL  Bureau,
          ROSTO Technical School, ul. Ozernaya 31, Kaliningrad, 236029 Russia.
          The rules for  either the "Kaliningrad  - Koenigsberg  750" and  the
          "Kaliningrad    Districts"     awards     can    be     found     at
          http://www.qrz.ru/awards/detail/948.html and
          http://www.qrz.ru/awards/detail/37.html    respectively     (English
          version included). [TNX UA2FM]
UR      - Slava/US7IGF, Roman/UR7IJQ,  Alexandr/UR7IKV  and  Roman/UY7IQ  will
          operate on 40-15 metres  SSB and CW  from Squrovs'kyi Island  (SD-10
          for Ukrainian Islands Award) on 25-26 June. QSL via home calls. [TNX
VE      - Igor, VA3YDX  has  been  authorized to  use  special  call  VB3M  to
          commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Great Lakes Commission.  The
          authority is valid  from 1 July  through the 31st.  QSL via  VA3YDX,
          direct or bureau. [TNX VA3YDX]
VE      - Linda, VE9GLF and Len, VE9MY  plan to operate  as time permits  from
          several "new" Canadian islands next month:
          1-2 July    one island in Nova Scotia (NS)
          6-9 July    several islands in  Newfoundland (NF),  with IOTA  being
                      NA-027 as far as they know now
          22 July     1-2 islands in NS (maybe IOTA NA-081)
          23 July     one island in NS (IOTA NA-081)
          They will operate  mobile or portable  with 100 watts.  QSL to  home
          calls, direct or bureau. [TNX VE9MY]
W       - Ed, WA3WSJ will operate QRP from  the Outer Banks of North  Carolina
          during a family  vacation from 26  June to 2  July. He  plans to  be
          active from Hatteras Island (NA-067,  USI NC-005S), Ocracoke  Island
          (NA-067, USI NC-001S) and a  few lighthouses in  that area. QSL  via
          home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
W       - Tad, WF4W will be active as WF4W/4 from Jekyll Island (NA-058)  from
          28 October through 2 November, including a Single Operator entry  in
          the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. Outside the contest he will operate mostly
          CW on 80-10 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX WF4W]
YA      - Johnny Johansen,  LA5IIA is  currently  active from  Afghanistan  as
          T68G. He will be working there as a telecom officer for UNICEF until
          March 2007 and he is able to  operate on the amateur radio bands  in
          between a tight working and traveling  schedule emphasizing CW,  the
          WARC and low bands (he  plans to do  special efforts towards  North,
          Central and South America on 160-30m  during the winter season)  and
          some digimodes. "Be  aware that  power cut  offs, unstable  voltage,
          heavy thunderstorms and incredible man made noise makes it difficult
          to  keep  up  a   regular  and  steady   activity",  he  says.   "As
          circumstances out of my reach allow, I will do my best to stay QRV".
          QSL  via   LA4YW.   The  web   page   for  this   activity   is   at
YV      - ARV Caracas and Grupo DX Caracas will operate as YW4C from an island
          in the SA-058 group on 7-10  July, to celebrate the Venezuelan  Navy
          Day. They  plan to  operate on  the HF  bands (SSB,  CW and  digital
          modes) as  well as  on 6  metres and  the VHF  bands. QSL  via  W4SO
          (maildrop). [TNX YV5EED]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
QSL VIA CT1ERK  ---> Antonio  is the  QSL manager  for CQ7ERK,  CQ7P (CQ  WPX
1994), CR8ERK, CS6S (CQ WW 1997) and CT7O (CQ WPX 1998). His new address  is:
Antonio Rocha Graca,  R. Prof. Vitorino  Nemesio 42,  4410-399 Arcozelo  VNG,
Portugal. [TNX CT1ERK]
QSL VIA LA8WF ---> Jon Dahl, LA8WF -  who operated as JW8WF from Svalbard  on
6-8 June - would like  to remind DXers  that 1 USD  no longer covers  postage
from Norway to either Europe or  the rest of the  world. Direct card  without
sufficient return postage will be replied to via the bureau.
QSL YE3K  --->  Antonio, IZ8CCW  reports  that all  of  the  direct  requests
received so far (see http://www.mdxc.org/iz8ccw/ye3k.htm) have been processed
and mailed. Remaining QSOs have been confirmed automatically via the  bureau.
Kadek, YB9UB (who manages the requests for Asian stations) expects to receive
the cards from the printer in a few days' time. [TNX IZ8CCW]
THE IONOSFERA PROJECT ---> "Ionosfera"  is a project  for DXers developed  by
AMSAT-Italia within the  European Space  Agency's (ESA)  activities on  Space
Weather, a study of the various interactions between the sun (mainly) and the
terrestrial   environment    influencing   space-borne    and    ground-based
technological systems and/or activities.
In particular, "Ionosfera" aims at supporting  DX by correlating DX  activity
with Space Weather indexes, providing current propagation conditions for  the
various HF  bands,  providing  and  converting  localisation  data  (locator,
lat/long, etc), calculating Great Circle paths, predicting MUF/FOT.
The     website     for     the     project      can     be     found      at
http://esa-spaceweather.net/sda/ionosfera/index2.htm: please review it,  send
any comment/suggestion  to  the AMSAT-Italia  project  team  and  participate
actively in the project by sending your log files of HF DX QSOs covering  the
period 1 September 2003 - 30 April 2005. Should you need further information,
please contact Florio, IW2NMB (iw2nmb@amsat.org).
UAE --->  Ghis,  A6/ON5NT (9000  QSOs  so far)  reports  that about  ten  new
A61-one-letter-suffix callsigns/licenses have been  issued recently to  local
operators. Ghis will be QRV from Dubai until the end of June, and then  again
during August and September. The QSL cards  will be ready on his return  home
in July, and all the requests  received so far will  be processed during  his
VU2RBI AT FRIEDRICHSHAFEN ---> The German DX Foundation will honour  Bharathi
Prasad,  VU2RBI  and  the  NIAR  VU4  DXpedition  team  with  an  "Award   of
Appreciation" at Hamradio Friedrichshafen. The ceremony will take place on 25
June at 4 p.m. (Hall A2, Room 2)  and will be attended by representatives  of
the Indian Embassy and the Indian Ministry of Communication & IT. After that,
Bharathi will  give  a  lecture about  the  DXpedition.  Bharathi  and  other
radioamateurs from  India, who  operated from  the  Andaman and  the  Nicobar
Islands during the tsunami disaster,  will be at  the NIAR/GDXF booth  during
Hamradio 2005. A special VU4 QSL  Service will be available  on 24 June  (3-4
p.m.) and on the 25th (1-3 p.m.).
The GDXF Hamradio programme will also include presentations by Bob Schmieder,
KK6EK (the planned K7C DXpedition to  Kure) and Andrea Panati, IK1PMR  (6O0CW
DXpedition to Somalia). [TNX DL4KQ]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
PHOTO GALLERY:  A 2005  Dayton Hamvention  Photo Gallery  is now  up with  157
                photos at http://hamgallery.com/dayton2005/ [TNX K8CX]
QSLs received direct or through managers:  1A0KM, 3B9FR, 3D2VB, 3G0YP,  4K8F,
4M5F, 5R8FU, 5W0VB,  5Z4DZ, 6O0X, 8P2K,  8Q7QQ, 9J2HK,  9K2HN, 9L1AB,  9N7DX,
9Y4SF, A22/JA4ATV, A25/DM2AYO, A35VB, AH3D, CE8A (SA-094), CO3VK/4  (NA-056),
CW5R (SA-039),  CX6VM,  CX7OV,  D88S (AN-010; AA HL-01),  DX0K, EA9IE, EP2FM,
(AF-048), FW/AC4LN, H40VB, HK0/W4WX, HZ1EX, JT1CO, JT1Y,  KC4/KD4VMM (AN-012;
AA K-10),  KG4WW,  KH7X,  KH8SI  (OC-200),  LX/PA6Z,  MJ/K8PT,  NP3CW,  OH0B,
OJ0J, OX3RZ, P29KPH,  P29VVB, PZ5XX,  R1ANF (AN-010; AA UA-04), S9BB,  ST2BF,
SV5/DJ7RJ,  T20VB, T30VB, T6KBLRM, T88VV,  T9/9A3GZ, TA3J/4, TT8M, TX9, TZ9A,
WP2Z,  XU7ADI,  XW1IC,  YE3K (OC-217),  YJ0AKA, YJ0VB,  Z21GC, ZA/K9YL, ZA1A,

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                 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:   http://www.425dxn.org/monthly 
                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org) 
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
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                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia