DX425 bulletin issue nr. 734

425 DX News #734
28 May 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA        
      9M8     - The 3-5 June DXpedition to Jagoi Gunung, a Dayak village in  Sarawak
          (9M8) [425DXN 731],  has been postponed  until 31 August.  Operators
          are still being sought to join  the team, interested parties  should
          contact Sengchai Chan, 9M8SC (chansc44@yahoo.com). [TNX VK4AAR]
F       - The Castres DX Gang will operate CW (F5SIE and F5XX), SSB (F5BLP and
          F5RVI), RTTY and  PSK (F5AUB and  F4CLO) on 160-10  metres from  the
          island of Fort Brescou (EU-148) on 26-30 May. QSL via F5XX. [TNX  La
          Gazette du DX]
F       - Gianpaolo, IK1TTD will  operate on the  HF bands  SSB as  F/IK1TTD/P
          from Porquerolles Island (EU-070) on 28-30  May. QSL via home  call.
          [TNX IK1QBT]
F       - Special station TM6JUN will be active  on 2-8 June from Utah  Beach,
          Normany to  commemorate  the 61st  anniversary  of  D-Day.  QSL  via
          operators' instructions. [TNX F6AHZ and F8REF]]
F       - Special event station TM6ACO will be activated on all bands SSB  and
          CW on 5-19  June for the  24 Hours  of Le  Mans. QSL  via bureau  to
          F6KFI. Further information at http://asso.proxiland.fr/aras72/ [TNX
F       - Special event call TM7HAM will be aired on 5-20 June for the Hameuro
          Meeting, to be held at Longlaville on 12 June. Special calls  LX7HAM
          and ON6HAM will be aired from Luxembourg and Belgiun during the same
          period.   QSL    for   all    via    F6KWP,   direct    or    bureau
          (http://f6kwp.free.fr). [TNX F6AHZ and F8REF]
F       - A group of  perators from the  Provins ARC will  participate in  the
          IOTA  Contest  from  Bernard's  (F9IE)  QTH  on  Noirmoutier  Island
          (EU-064). They will use a special TM0xx callsign TBA. QSL via F4AJQ,
          direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
G       - Chris, G1VDP reports  he will operate  from Trevose Head  Lighthouse
          (ENG-157) on 31  May. Look  for him  on +/-  7070 and  14265 kHz.  A
          special QSL will be sent for all contacts.
GM      - MM0DFV, GM0WRR, MM3IEB,  GM4TOQ and  GM0EZP will  operate as  MS0DGR
          from Eilean Buidhe n the Burnt  Islands (EU-005) on 28-30 May.  They
          will have two stations active on CW, SSB and digital modes. Pictures
          and further information will  be posted on  the Scottish HAM  Portal
          (http://www.scotham.net/). QSL  via the  RSGB  bureau or  direct  to
          MM0DFV. [TNX MM0DFV]
HL      - Look for HL1OYF/4, HL1SRJ/4, HL1IUV/4, HL2EJT/4, HL1VAU/4, DS1KOQ/4,
          DS1NMA/4, DS3MLG/4, DS4NMJ  and DS4NYE  to operate  from the  Ch'uja
          Islands (AS-084) starting around 4 UTC  on 3 June  through 4 UTC  on
          the 5th. QSL via HL1OYF (Kim Dug-nam, P.O. Box 54, Dong-jak,  Seoul,
          156-600, Korea). [TNX The Daily DX]
I       - Look for IQ7FG/IL7 to be active  San Nicola Island (IIA FG-002,  MIA
          MI-091) in the Tremiti group (EU-050) on 6 metres during the Gargano
          50Mhz Contest on 29 May. Expect activity on the HF bands outside the
          contest QSL via IQ7FG. [TNX Info Radio by I1SCL]
I       - Nino/IT9FCC and Maurizio/IT9HLN  will operate  on 20  and 40  metres
          from the lighthouses at Capo Faro  (WAIL SI-035, ARLHS ITA-020)  and
          Punta Lingua (WAIL  SI-040, ARLHS ITA-250),  both located on  Salina
          Island (EU-017), from 29 May to 4 June. [TNX IT9YSW]
I       - Special station II1TPG (the official amateur radio  station for  the
          IX Paralympic  Winter  Games) will be activated again on 2 June  for
          the Paralympic  Day 2005  (http://www.paralympicday.it/gb_home.html)
          and on 3-5 June. QSL via IZ1CCE, direct or bureau. [TNX IZ1CCE]
IS0     - Vittorio/IK4CIE, Lorenzo/IK4XQM and Mirco/IZ4GJJ  will be active  as
          IS0/homecall from Sardinia (EU-024) on 2-7 June. Weather permitting,
          they might  go  and operate  as  IM0/homecall from  Tavolara  Island
          (EU-165, IIA SS-068) during their stay. [TNX IK4CIE]
LX      - A group of operators from PI9SRS  (Scouting Radio Spijkenisse)  will
          operate from  Wiltz, Luxemburg  on 4-5  June. They  will be  signing
          LX/PI9SRS on SSB (3775, 7085, 14250, 18140, 21250, 24940, 28300  and
          144300 kHz) and CW  (1815, 3540, 7020,  10120, 14020, 18070,  21040,
          24900, 28040  and 144050  kHz). Also  APRS on  144.800 MHz  will  be
          activated. [TNX PD0LDC]
OH      - The Oulu University Radio Club will participate in the IARU Region 1
          Field Day (CW) on 4-5 June as OH8T/P from Hailuoto Island  (EU-184).
          QSL via bureau. [TNX OH8MXL]
PY      - ZW8A and  ZW8DX  are the  calls  to be  used  during the  26-29  May
          operation  from  Canarias  Island  (SA-072)  [425DXN  733].   Expect
          activity on 10-80 metres CW, SSB  and RTTY. QSL ZW8A direct only  to
          PS8HF, QSL ZW8DX direct only to PS8DX. [TNX PT7WA]
SP      - Special event station SNOLED will be active on all bands CW, SSB and
          FM on 2-5 June for the IX  Youth Meeting at Lednica. QSL via  SP3POH
          (bureau) or SP3OL (direct). [TNX SP3OL]
SV      - Mike/SV1RK, Stavros/SV3CJU and Kostas/SV1AER will be active as J48SI
          from Sapientza Island (EU-158) and lighthouse (GRE-116) on 3-5 June.
          They plan to concentrate on 40, 20, 17 and 15 metres. [TNX SV1RK]
SV9     - ON4AUB, ON4AAC and  ON6HE will operate  CW, SSB and  RTTY on the  HF
          bands from Crete Island (EU-015) on 3-10 June. [TNX ON6HE]
T8      - Yasu, JA6BJV and Toshio, JA3IFT will  be active from Palau  (OC-009)
          on 3-6 June. They will operate on all bands as T88AG (CW) and  T88AH
          (SSB) respectively. QSL  T88AH via JA3IFT,  (direct Toshio  Nishina,
          224-1, Jyuri, Ritto, Shiga 520-3039, Japan) or bureau; QSL T88AG via
          JA6BJV, direct (Noriyasu Noguchi, 3-7-4 Midorigaoka, Arao,  Kumamoto
          864-0033, Japan) or  bureau (logs will  be uploaded  to LOTW).  [TNX
TI      - Tono, EA9CP/1 will be  active  (on  10, 15 and  20 metres SSB)  from
          Costa Rica from  29 May  to 5  June. QSL  via home  call, direct  or
          bureau. [TNX EA5KY]
UA      - UA0BA, RU0BB, UA0BFN, UA0BIV, UA0BJB, RW0BG and UA0BHC will  operate
          from Mount Medvezh'ya  on 3-5 June.  Look for them  to be active  on
          10-40 metres as  homecall/p before the  IARU Region 1  Field Day  in
          which they will participate as RK0BWW/p (QSL via RW0BG). [TNX RW0BG]
V2      - LY2CY and LY2TA will operate  as LY2CY/V25 and  V25TA (QSL via  home
          calls) from  the  V26B  QTH  on Antigua  until  31  May.  They  will
          participate in the CQ WPX CW  Contest as V25O (QSL via LY2TA).  [TNX
XT      - John, SM5DJZ will be active again as XT2JZ Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
          from 28 May until 4 June, including some activity during the CQ  WPX
          CW Contest. This time there might  be some RTTY as  well as 80m,  in
          addition to the ordinary CW operation on 40-10 metres. QSL via  home
          call, direct or bureau (e-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent
          to sm5djz@ssa.se). [TNX SM5DJZ]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CQ WW  WPX  CW CONTEST  --->  The following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (28-29 May):
7Q       - Bill, KC4D as 7Q7WW from Malawi. QSL via home call.
8P       - Tom, W2SC as 8P7A (SOAB) from Barbados. QSL via NN1N.
9G       - Don, G3XTT as 9G5FD from Ghana. QSL via home call.
C6       - K6CT, K9VV and C6RUM as C6AKU (Multi-2) from Bahamas. QSL via K9VV.
CO       - Juan Carlos, CO8TW as SOSB  (20m) Low Power.  QSL via IZ8CCW.  Logs
           will be available at http://www.qsl.net/co8tw/
CT       - Con, DF4SA as CS5A (SOAB High Power) from Portugal. QSL via  CS1GDX
           (Grupo Portugues DX,  P.O. Box 1156,  2736-996 Agualva,  Portugal).
           All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau.
CT       - Filipe, CT1ILT as CT7B. QSL direct to home call.
D4       - Al,4L5A as D4B (SOAB, QSL via  K1BV) and Val, RD3AF as D44AC  (SOSB
           20m, QSL to Carlos Pulu, P.O. Box 398, Mindelo, Cape Verde).
EA8      - YL2KL, YL1ZF, YL2LY and ES1AJ as EA8AH (Multi-2). QSL via YL2KL.
EX       - RV3BA as EX9A (SOAB) from Kyrgyzstan. QSL via DF8WS.
F        - Jean-Paul/F6FYA, Flo/F5CWU, Terry/F5MOO, Marc/F6EMT and  Rafik/F5CQ
           as TM4Q from Berthenay (department 37). QSL via F6FYA.
HB0      - DJ2YE and DK3KD as HB0/HB9AON (Multi-2) from Liechtenstein.
I        - Andrea, IK1PMR as IU1R. QSL via home call.
LA & SM  - Rosel, DL3KWR and Hardy, DL3KWF as LG5LG and SJ9WL respectively
           from the  Morokulien  station on  the  border  between  Norway  and
           Sweden. QSLs via SM5DJZ.
LX       - DL4SDW as LX7I (SOAB) from Luxembourg. QSL via LX2AJ.
P4       - John, W2GD as P40W (SOAB) from Aruba. QSL via N2MM.
P4       - John, KK9A as P40A (SOSB 20 metres) from Aruba. QSL via WD9DZV.
SM       - SM0WKA, SM5KCO,  DF6JC, SM0DRD  and SM3JLA  as SJ0X  (Multi-Single)
           from Sweden. QSL via SM6JSM.
V2       - LY2CY and LY2TA as V25O from Antigua. QSL via LY2TA.
V3       - Ralph, K9ZO as V31RA from Belize. QSL via home call.
VP5      - Rick, N5VI as  VQ5EA from  the Turks  and Caicos  Islands. QSL  via
W        - Dave, N2NL as NK4AA from Key West. QSL via home call.
YI       - Korey, YI9VCQ as a SOAB LP entry from Iraq. QSL via N3ST.
ZL       - ZL1AZE, ZL2AGY, ZL2BSJ  and ZL1CT as  ZL6QH (Multi-Multi) from  New
           Zealand. QSL via ZL2AOH.
ZL       - Chris, ZL1CT as ZL1V (SOAB HP) from new Zealand. QSL via N3SL.
ZL       - ZL3CW, ZL1GO, ZL1AIH  and ZL1AMO  as ZM1A  (Multi-Single). QSL  via
Do not forget to give a  look to the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/wpxc2005.html - good contest to you

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
ANTARCTICA AWARD AT  FRIEDRICHSHAFEN  ---> After Visalia 2005, the Antarctica
Award will be at Ham Radio 2005 [425DXN 732], the most  important meeting for
amateur radio enthusiasts in Europe. Ric, DL2VFR & Emir, 9A6AA have organized
an  Antarctica Award  Field Check  on Saturday, 25 June, starting at 15 local
time at  the  9A Radio Club - HRS (Croatian Amateur Radio Association) booth.
More information can be found at http://www.mdxc.org/antarctica/ [TNX IZ8CGS]
AS-066 ---> Please note that Petrova Island does not qualify for IOTA,  while
Bel'tsov Island will count OK. These  islands will be activated [425DXN  733]
by UE0LPI and UE0LBI respectively between 17 and 21 June. [TNX K3KMA]
AWARDS DISCONTINUED ---> BFRA Award Manager Ivo Tanev, LZ4BU reports that the
Bulgarian Federation  of  Radio  Amateurs  has  decided  to  discontinue  the
"W-100-LZ" and  "5 Band  LZ" awards.  The rules  for  the other  four  awards
sponsored by BFRA ("W-28-Z", "Black Sea", "Republic of Bulgaria" and "Sofia")
can be found at http://www.qsl.net/lz4bu/
CQ IDX AWARD ---> After the CQ DX Field Award [425DXN 724] and the new CQ  DX
Marathon [425DXN 729], CQ Amateur Radio has announced the introduction of the
"iDX Award," the third and final  piece of its  three-part "Waking Up  DXing"
program designed to encourage more DXing activity among ham radio  operators.
The CQ  iDX Award  recognizes confirmed  contacts with  25 to  100  different
countries ("entities") made using remote bases or repeaters linked with Voice
over Internet Protocol  (VoIP) networks,  such as  IRLP or  Echolink, and  is
aimed at developing a DXing "mindset" among newer hams. Contacts for the  new
award may be made beginning January 1, 2006. More information can be found at
NOT THE MANAGER  ---> Bill, W9OL  is receiving  bureau cards  for ZA/Z35M,  a
station for which he is not the QSL manager. Please note that cards should be
sent to Z35M (Vladimir Kovaceski, P.O. Box 10, 6330 Struga, Macedonia).
QSL 9J2CA  --->  With  immediate  effect  Phil  Whitchurch,  G3SWH  has  been
appointed the QSL manager for James,  9J2CA. Requests can be sent direct  (US
dollars are  preferred to  IRCs, mint  stamps and  other currencies  are  not
welcome) or via the RSGB bureau (e-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent
to phil@g3swh.demon.co.uk). [TNX G3SWH]
QSL VIA IT9GSF ---> Cards for all of  Fabio's activities from 1981 to date  -
including IG9A, IG9GSF, IG9/IT9GSF, IO9GSF, IR9T (CQ WW and CQ WPX  contets),
IT9A and IU9A - can be sent direct to IT9GSF (Fabio Grisafi, Via Ferrari Orsi
85, 90123 Palermo - PA, Italy) or via the bureau to KB1LNF. [TNX IT9GSF]
+ SILENT  KEY +  Bill, VK4FW  has been  informed that  Norman Jockane,  C21NJ
became a Silent Key last year.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
LOGS:    Online logs for J45MR, J45LEO (RTTY in Volta Contest), SV5/IK1PMR and
         SV5/K2LEO are  available at  www.ik1pmr.com/logs/. Please  note  that
         Claudia's callsign is K2LEO (not India Kilo 2LEO). [TNX IK1PMR]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2LB       GM3VLB      ED6CSC      EA6ZX       RW0BB/9     UA4RC
3W2TXR      JA2TXR      ED7CK       EA7HBC      S01MZ       EA1BT
3W9HRN      DL1HRN      ED7FPR      EA7BNL      S21SHQ      S21AM
3Z0EE       SP1EG       ED8MPJ      EA8BYG      S9SS        N4JR
3Z8VD       SP8MI       EF8CID      EC8AUA      SG3ZZR      SM3CXS
4J60K       4K4K        EM50UKY     UT5UKY      SJ5SAS      SM5DJZ
4J60WMF     4J7WMF      EM60FT      UT0FT       SJ9WL       SM5DJZ
4K5D        K2PF        EM60IG      UR7IA       SM5/F8UFT/P F6ICG
4KP7Z       UA3FDX      EM60II      UT2II       SN9KZ       SP9PLK
4L1MA       ON4RU       EN50KIEV    UT4UZA      SP25ZJA     SP3ZJA
4L4KK       RN4ACI      EN50UN      UX7UN       ST2BF       W3HNK
4L6VV       UA6EZ       EO50KIEV    UT4UWC      SU9BN       EA7FTR
4L8A        OZ1HPS      EO50UA      UY2UA       SV0XAN/5    IK2WZD
4N35GM      4N1GM       EO60CC      UT7CWW      SV0XAO      DJ5JH
4U1UN       HB9BOU      EO60LC      UT2LY       T94B        DL5MHB
5B/KI0BP    UA6MF       EO60UWC     UT4UWC      T94OM       K2PF
5N6EAM      IK2IQD      EO60Z       UT4ZG       TA3DD       K3PD
5R8FU       SM5DJZ      EY60V       DJ1MM       TM0L        F5OIU
5X1RI       RX3RC       EY8AW       DJ1MM       TM380       F5GNY
5Z4DZ       PA1AW       EY8BW       DJ1MM       TM3A        F6KKH
6G1KK       W5UE        EY8MM       K1BV        TM5B        F5XX
6W8CK       DH7WW       GI1W        UT5SI       TM5KD       F5KKD
7Q7RS       IW9BBX      GM7CXM/C6A  EA5ON       TM5MVM      F6KGI
7Q7WW       KC4D        HB0/HB9AON  DJ2YE       TT8AMO      PA7FM
7X5JF       DJ8QP       HP3XBH      W4WX        TT8M        PA7FM
7Z1SJ       EA7FTR      HS0ZEA      OE2REL      TT8PK       F4EGS
8S0ITU      SK0CC       HV0A        IK0FVC      TU2OJ       F5IPW
8S6KOS      SM6YOU      II7PAX      IQ7MU       UA0AZ       W3HNK
9A0CI       DE0MST      IQ0MA       I0NZK       UE4HDA      RW4HB
9G5FD       G3XTT       IR0IDP      IS0UWX      UE6LLL      RK6MP
9G5OO       DL4WK       IU7SCT      IK7BPV      UM9M        UK8AR
9G5ZS       ZS6EGB      J39AH       WA4WTG      UN7QX       W7BO
9H3BC       DF6MS       KH0/KH2K    JA1RJU      UP60EW      UN6URO
A35YL       VK3DYL      LA/SA4V     SM4IED      V25TA       LY2TA
AP2RQ       AP5HQ       LG5LG       SM5DJZ      V31JP       KA9WON
AT0D        EA7FTR      LI6Q        LA9VDA      V31RA       K9ZO
AX3ITU      VK3WI       NK4AA       N2NL        V31ZR       K4ZGB
C37JPE      C37URA      OD5UE       IZ8CCW      V44KJ       WB2TSL
C6AWF       G3SWH       OD5UT       K3IRV       V8NOW       SP9FUU
C91EP       SM0EPU      OE50XRC     OE3EPW      VC6X        VE6BF
CF6XDX      VE6LB       OL1OOS      OK1MIQ      VE7KVL      VA7DP
CN2MI       F6EMI       OZ1RDP      DL9BCP      VQ5L        LA9HW
CN8IG       EA7FTR      P29KPH      N5FTR       VU3RIC      DJ5IW
CN8NK       EA5XX       P40W        N2MM        XR80IARU    CE3AA
CN8SG       EA7FTR      PB6F        PE5DX       XU7ABQ      DK6ST
CO8LY       EA7ADH      PT7ZXU      CT1AHU      XU7ACE      ES1FB
CQ0GDX      CS1GDX      PY2XB/PY0F  PY2XB       XU7AIJ      DK8ZD
CQ1M        CT1ITZ      PZ5XX       EA4BQ       XU7TZG      ON4AJV
CQ4GDX      CS1GDX      RI1CIS      RZ1AW       YI1HXH      IK2IQD
CS2CSR      CT1BXT      RK6YYA      RX3RC       YI1OM       IK2DUW
CS4GDX      CS1GDX      RP1ADB      RZ1AXL      YI9HU       K3ASK
CT3AS       DJ8FW       RP3AAN      RA3AN       YI9MM       KC4XX
CU1A        CU3URA      RP3ABB      RA3BB       YJ0YL       VK3DYL
CX2AQ       EA5KB       RP3AIW      RZ3AXG      YL740T      YL2GQT
CX6AAZ      EA5RD       RP3EKH      UA3EDQ      YN4SU       TI4SU
DK0ALC      DL2UH       RP3ERP      RK3EWB      YT635A      YT6A
DL0NBR      DL1WH       RP3FFM      RU3FM       YZ35CW      YZ1EW
DS2GOO/P    DS2GOO      RP3MGB      RK3MWI      Z34M        DJ0LZ
DS5BSX/P    DS5BSX      RP3QUR      UA3QG       ZA1E        I2MQP
EA9JS/EA7   EA7DA       RP3YGA      RV3YR       ZD8A        N6CW
ED2LSM      EA2CIQ      RP3ZAA      RN3ZZ       ZF2AM       K6AM
ED3CDC      EA3EJK      RP4HRS      RW4HB       ZF2BI       K4BI
ED4MAD/EA1  EA4RCU      RP4NKF      RW4NW       ZF2NE       W5ASP
ED5RCV      EA5ADD      RP4P        RA4PO       ZP6VLA      EA5KB

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
CS1GDX   P.O.Box 1156, 2736-996 Agualva, Portugal
CT1BXT   Fernando R.S. Ferreira, R. 25 de Abril - Fontainhas, 2005-297
         Santarem, Portugal
DL7VOX   Helmut Radach, Riesaer Str. 93, D-12627 Berlin, Germany
F5JNE    Francois Robert, 4 rue d'Orbandelle, F-89000 Auxerre, France
GM3VLB   Andre Saunders, 6 Douglas Crescent, Kelso, Roxburghshire TD5 8BB,
         Scotland, UK
I0NZK    Umberto Picano, Via Montello 22, 03043 Cassino - FR, Italy
JA4GXS   Kenji Sasaki, 2-15 Ishikannon-cyo, Yamaguchi-city, 753-0038, Japan
PZ5RA    Ramon Kaersenhout, P.O. Box 4048, Paramaribo, Suriname
RW6HS    Vasilij M. Kasyanenko, Stavropolskiy kr., 357300, g. Novopavlovsk,
         P.O. Box 0, Russia
RX3RC    Roman A. Novikov, P.O. Box 21, 392000 Tambov, Russia
SM4IED   Mats Erik Sundin, Lade 806, S-792 94 Mora, Sweden
UA3OE    Evgenij L. Morozov, 394086, g. Voronezh, Ul. Yu-Moravskaya D. 66 KV.
         19, Russia
UN2O     Leo V.Velikanov, P.O. Box 1, Atyrau 060002, Kazakhstan

                       425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org 
                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org 
                 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:   http://www.425dxn.org/monthly 
                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org) 
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                                 MAILING LIST
                    Please visit the "Mailing List" page at
        and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                   or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                   Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org) 
                            Direttore Responsabile
                            Giovanni Leone, IK8MRA
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 060028
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia
