DX425 bulletin issue nr. 733

425 DX News #733
21 May 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA        
      3D2     - Andre, GM3VLB will be  active once again  as 3D2LB from  Beachcomber
          Island (OC-121), Fiji from 25 May to 2 June. This will be a  holiday
          style operation; Andre will operate CW  and SSB on 10-80 metres  and
          will also give 160m CW a try.  QSL direct only via home call  (Andre
          Saunders,  6  Douglas  Crescent,   Kelso,  Roxburghshire  TD5   8BB,
          Scotland, UK). [TNX GM3VLB]
C3      - Special event station C37JPE (Jocs dels Petits Estats d'Europa) will
          be active from Andorra from 23 May to  5 June for the XI edition  of
          the     Games     of     the     Small     States     of      Europe
          (http://www.andorra2005.ad/en/). QSL via bureau. [TNX La Gazette  du
C6      - Duncan, EA5ON  will be  active as  GM7CXM/C6A from  Freeport,  Grand
          Bahama (NA-080) on 26-30 May. This is a business trip, but he  hopes
          to be fairly active on 80-10  metres, mostly on SSB. QSL via  EA5ON,
          direct or bureau. [TNX EA5KY]
CT      - Several Portuguese  stations  are expected  to  participate  in  the
          European Castles Day (22 May, http://perso.club-internet.fr/f6fna/).
          The Portuguese DX Group will be active as CS1GDX, CS4GDX, CQ0GDX and
          CQ4GDX from four  different castles (QSL  for all  via CS1GDX),  the
          Radioamador Clube Loule  will operate as  CS0RCL/p (QSL via  CS0RCL)
          and the  Associacao Radioamadores  Ribatejo will  operate as  CS2CSR
          (QSL via CT1BXT). [TNX CT1END]
CT      - Marq/CT1BWW, Antonio/CT1DGK  and Victor/CT1AUO  will participate  in
          the Rede dos Emissores  Portugueses' Field Day  (26 May) as  CT1REP.
          QSL via bureau. [TNX CT1BWW]
EA8     - Edu/EC8AUA, Dunia/EC8ADU  and several  other members  of the  Canary
          Islands DX Society will participate in the International  Lighthouse
          & Lightship Weekend (20-21 August) as EF8OAL (the Old Lighthouse  at
          Punta de  Arinaga)  and  EF8NAL (the  New  Lighthouse  at  Punta  de
          Arinaga)  from  Gran  Canaria  (AF-004).  QSL  via  EC8AUA.  Further
          information will be available at www.cidxs.com [TNX EC8ADU]
F       - F5JOT, F5LGQ, F6AUS  and F6CKH will  operate CW  and SSB  on the  HF
          bands as homecall/p from Sein Island (EU-068, DIFM AT-007) on  20-22
          May. QSL via home calls. [TNX F8DQZ]
G       - Mick, G3LIK reports  he will be  running special  event call  GB2FOS
          from 6 June  to 3 July  for the International  Festival of the  Sea,
          which       will        take       place        in        Portsmouth
G       - A group of  operators from  the Cray  Valley Radio  Society will  be
          active from St.  Mary's, Scilly  Isles (EU-011)  from 25  July to  1
          August. Look for  M3CVN, G0VJG, G4BUO,  G7GLW, 2E0ATY  and G0FDZ  to
          operate as homecall/p on 10-80 metres, plus 2m, 6m and 10GHz  before
          the IOTA Contest,  in which they  will participate as  M8C (QSL  via
          G4DFI). [TNX www.rsgbiota.org].
G       - Dominic, M1KTA will  operate on  all bands  SSB as  G2XV/P from  the
          Scilly Isles (EU-011) on 29-31 July. He will participate in the IOTA
          included, and will attempt to operate slow CW during the event.  QSL
          via home call. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
GM      - A group of operators from the  Sheffield Amateur Radio Club will  be
          active from  the Isle  of  Arran (EU-123)  on  29-31 July  and  will
          participate in  the  IOTA Contest  as  MM3M. Further  informaton  at
HB0     - Marcel, ON6UQ and  Roger, ON7TQ will  operate as HB0/homecalls  from
          Liechtenstein on 17-24  September. They will  operate SSB, CW,  RTTY
          and SSTV on as many bands as they  can, with an emphasis on the  low
          bands. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. Pictures of last year's
          operation can be found at http://users.pandora.be/ON6UQ [TNX ON6UQ]
HL      - A group of  eleven operators (namely  HL2EJT/4, HL1OJQ/4,  HL1OYF/4,
          HL1SRJ/4, HL1VAU/4, DS1KOQ/4, DS1NMA/4, DS3MLG/4, DS4NMJ, DS4NYE and
          the President of the Korea Amateur  Radio League, HL2AGG/4) will  be
          active from Chu'ja Island (AS-084) on 3-5 June. QSL via HL1OYF.  The
          web page for the operation is at http://www.iotaclub.net/as084 [TNX
HR      - HR2PAC and several other  operators will be  active on 10-40  metres
          SSB as HQ9P from the Bahia  Islands (NA-057) on  19-22 May. QSL  via
          HR2PAC, direct or bureau. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
JA      - Look for  JA4GXS/4  to be  active  from Otsu  Island  (AS-117,  JIIA
          AS-117-110), Yamaguchi prefecture on 21-22 May.  QSL via home  call,
          direct (Kenji Sasaki, 2-15 Ishikannon-cyo, Yamaguchi-city, 753-0038,
          Japan) or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA      - Look for  JN2TZB/2  to be  active  from Kaji  Island  (AS-117,  JIIA
          AS-117-003), Aichi prefecture on 22 May.  QSL via home call,  direct
          or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
LA      - SM4YWO, SM4YXA, SM4KMN, SM4YWZ, SM4HAK and  SM4IED  will operate  on
          10-80 metres as LA/SA4V from Averoy  (EU-036) on 27-29 May. QSL  via
          SM4IED. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
OH      - Juha/OH6OS, Pasi/OH6UM  and  Toni/OH6TN will  be  active  (on  10-80
          metres CW and SSB) as OH6M from Molpe Island (EU-101) on 10-12 June.
          QSL via bureau. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
PY      - PS8DX, PS8ET, PS8HF,  PS8NF, PS8RJ and  PS8TV will  operate as  ZW8T
          from Canarias  island (SA-072)  on 26-29  May. QSL  direct only  via
          PS8HF. [TNX PT7WA]
SP      - Special event station SN0PTG will be  active from 29 May to 12  June
          to celebrate the  120th anniversary  of the  Sokol Polish  Gymnatics
          Society  (Polskie  Towarzystwo  Gimnastyczne)  in  Krakow.  QSL  via
          SP9PKZ, bureau or direct. [TNX SP9GKM]
TF      - Special call TF3SYL will  be aired from Reykjavik, Iceland on  10-20
          June for  the  SYLRA (Scandinavian  Young  Ladies   Radio  Amateurs)
          meeting  that will take place  on the 12-15th. QSL via bureau.  [TNX
TI      - Tono, EA9CP plans to operate as TI2/EA9CP from Costa Rica between 29
          May and 6 June.  Expect activity on  20 (+/- 14250  kHz), 15 and  10
          metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX EA5KY]
UA      - RA1ALK, RA1ALA, UA1AEL and RX1AW will be active as RI1CIS from Sukho
          Island (RR-19-12, not IOTA) on 20-23 May. QSL via RX1AW. [TNX RZ3EM]
UA      - Dmitry/UA0LQJ, Yuri/UA0LG, Alex/UA0LDY, Anatoly/RA0LHK, Igor/RA0LGG,
          Svetlana/RA0LHE, Kristina/UA0LHH  and  Nick/UA0NM  will  operate  as
          UE0LPI from Petrova Island (AS-066; RRC RR 16-08) and as UE0LBI from
          Beltsova Island on 17-21 June. QSL via IK2DUW. [TNX IK2DUW]
UR      - Special stations EO50UA (UY2UA),  EN50UN (UX7UN), EM50UKY  (UT5UKY),
          EN50KIEV (UT4UZA) and EO50KIEV (UT4UWC) will be active until 23  May
          for the 50th edition of the Eurovision Song Contest in Kiev. QSL via
          home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX UT5UKY]
VE      - Special event station VE3SCX will be  active from the original  site
          of Camp X at Intrepid Park,  Whitby (Ontario) on 28 May (14-21  UTC)
          and again on the 29th (14-19 UTC). Full information on Camp X can be
          found at http://www.campxhistoricalsociety.ca/ [TNX VA3RJ]
VE      - The Penticton  BC ARC  will be  operating  a special  event  station
          VE7KVL from the Kettle Valley Railroad on 28-29 May. Operation  will
          be on 20 metres around 14190 kHz, starting at about 16 UTC each day.
          QSL via VA7DP. [TNX VA7DP]
VK      - Wally/VK6YS, Dan/VK8AN, Nigel/VK6KDH and possibly a fourth  operator
          will operate as  VK6DHI from Dirk  Hartog Island  (OC-206) on  20-23
          August. QSL direct only to VK4AAR (Alan Roocroft, 376 Old  Toowoomba
          Road, Placid  Hills  4343, Australia);  bureau  cards  will  not  be
          answered. [TNX VK8AN]
VP2E    - Four members  of the  Florida DXpedition  Group -  namely  Bill/W4WX
          (VP2EWX), David/ WA4ET (VP2EDP), Cory/ N1WON (VP2ECM), and Clarence/
          W9AAZ (VP2EAZ) - will be in Anguilla from 25 October to 1  November.
          Each will operate  a different band  during the CQ  WW SSB  Contest,
          while before and after the contest they will operate on all modes on
          6-160 metres. QSL direct to home calls. [TNX W4WX]
W       - Dave, N2NL will  operate as NK4AA  from Key West  (NA-062) on  24-31
          May, CQ WPX CW Contest included. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
W       - The South Texas DX and Contest Club (W5RTA, http://stdxcc.org/) will
          be active from the Mustang Island (NA-092) State Park on 28-31 July.
          The operators will  be K5OLE, KS5V,KC5YKX,  W5DK W5QZT AC5YK,  KB5WT
          and N5VYS. They will be the guests of the Texas Department of  Parks
          and Wildlife and will participate  in the IOTA  Contest as K5M  (SSB
          and CW). QSL via W6WF. Outside the contest look for W5RTA to operate
          SSB, CW, and RTTY on 80-10 metres, WARC bands included. [TNX K5OLE]
XY      - Nick,  UT4UT  says  that  his  XY4U  operation  from  Thebyu  Island
          (AS-167), originally planned on  20-22 May [425DXN  732], has to  be
          postponed. Updates will be posted on www.qrz.com under XY4U.

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
CW VS. SMS 5-0 ---> On 14 April "in Sydney, Australia, the Powerhouse  Museum
staged a contest that pitted the oldest type of electronic text messages with
the newest-Morse Code vs. instant messaging. Winning the race was 93-year-old
telegraph operator Gordon Hill, who learned Morse Code in 1927 and worked for
the Australian Post Office. He easily  beat Brittany Devlin, his  13-year-old
rival, who used a mobile phone  and text messaging shorthand. Mr Hill,  whose
messages were transcribed by another telegraph veteran, Jack Gibson, 82, then
repeated the  feat against  three other  children and  teenagers with  mobile
phones" (source: http://www.kb6nu.com/). Read the full story and give a  look
to   the   photo   on   the   Sydney    Morning   Herald's   web   site    at
A  similar   contest   took  place   during   Jay   Leno's   "Tonight   Show"
(http://www.nbc.com/The_Tonight_Show_with_Jay_Leno/index.shtml)  on  13  May.
The CW operators were Chip Margelli, K7JA and Ken Miller, K6CTW; the clip can
be     seen      at     http://www.ku3o.net/,     http://www.kkn.net/~n6tv/,
http://home.qth.com/ and http://www.tarc.org/index.php?load=leno
DXCC NEWS ---> The current T68G  operation from Afghanistan, effective  April
2005, has been approved for DXCC credit. [TNX NC1L]
EU PSK DX CONTEST ---> The  Scottish-Russian ARS  invites  the radio amateurs
all over  the world  to participate in the  European PSK DX Contest  which is
held on 21-22 May.  The objective  of  the  contest is  to establish  as many
contacts  as possible  between  radio amateurs  around the  world  and  radio
amateurs  in   Europe  using  the  BPSK31   mode.   Detailed  rules   are  at
http://www.eudx.scotham.net [TNX MM0DFV]
F5LPY/TU8 ---> Bernard Jung, F5LPY says  he was active as F5LPY/TU8 in  2004,
from 22 UTC on 18 February until 8 UTC on 30 May. He has been back home since
1 June 2004,  and he  has nothing  to share  with the  recent "F5LPY/TU8"  (a
pirate, please refrain from submitting QSL requests). [TNX F5NQL]
IOTA AT  FRIEDRICHSHAFEN --->  There will  be an  IOTA gathering  at the  VfB
Station Restaurant  (formerly "Beim  Bene"),  Thueringerstrasse 2  on  Friday
evening (24 June). There will also be an IOTA Forum at the Messe on  Saturday
25th, from 1400-1530.
KP1-5 PROJECT --->  The KP1-5 Project  (www.kp1-5.com) [425DXN  729 and  720]
consists of  a  group of  Amateur  Radio operators  who  are  advocating  the
reopening of  Navassa (KP1,  NA-098) and  Desecheo (KP5,  NA-095) to  Amateur
Radio operations. Both islands, wildlife refuges managed by the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (FWS), have been  closed to Amateur  Radio and other  lawful
use for ten years. The KP1-5  Project is attempting  to change the  situation
through legislation in Congress, H.R. 1183,  and federal court review of  the
FWS's denial of applications for permits for Amateur Radio use of the Navassa
and Desecheo refuges.
*  KP1-5 Project at Dayton (20-21 May)
   Members of the KP1-5 Project team will be at the Dayton Hamvention on 20-21
   May at Booth 194. Amateur Radio operators will be able to send a message to
   their Congressman from  Booth 194 in  support of H.R.  1183. The team  will
   present  an  update  on  the  legislative   and  legal  front  during   the
   Hamvention's DX Forum on the 21st.
*  Conference Call (23 May)
   The KP1-5 Project will conduct  a conference call  for Amateur Radio  media
   and others on 23 May at 9.00 p.m. eastern time via telephone and  Echolink.
   To participate in this conference call,  please contact Brad Farrell,  K4RT
   at 202-623-5713 or farrell@clm.com for instructions.
*  Congressional Subcommittee Hearing (26 May)
   Renowned DXer Bob Allphin, K4UEE and  court appeal plaintiff Brad  Farrell,
   K4RT have  been  invited  to  testify  before  the  House  Subcommittee  on
   Fisheries, Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans on 26 May in Washington,  D.C.
   The Subcommittee invited Mr. Allphin and Mr. Farrell to testify to hear the
   Amateur Radio perspective  on the issue  of access to  the nation's  island
   wildlife refuges. The Subcommittee hearing will be open to the public. [TNX
NOT THE MANAGER --->  Andrew, GI0NWG reports  he is not  the QSL manager  for
GI1W. The correct QSL route is via UT5SI.
QSL 9K2CQ --->  Phil, G3SWH reports  he is  receiving QSL  requests for  this
station, but he is not the  QSL manager. According  to qrz.com, direct  cards
should be sent to: Mohamed Al Kanderi, P.O. Box 2835, Mishref 40179, Kuwait.
QSL VIA N1WON ---> Vance, N5VL has been a  SK since 25 January 2005. The  new
QSL manager  for  W4A (August  1999,  International  Lighthouse  &  Lightship
Weekend from Amelia  Island) and J6J  (October 1999,  CQ WW  SSB Contest)  is
N1WON, direct only. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
VATICAN CITY ---> A recent issue of Amateur Radio Newsline featured a  report
stating that  "ham radio  may be  disappearing from  the Vatican"  as  HV1CN,
HV5PUL and HV3SJ are "all inactive"; as for the station located at the  North
American College, rumours were that  "it was going  to be dismantled  because
there were problems".
A few days ago, in a joint  press release Luciano Blasi, I0JBL and  Francesco
Valsecchi, IK0FVC (chief operator at HV4NAC and HV0A) stated that it "is true
that some stations have been closed due either of restructurings or OM's SK";
however "since 1992,  we manage  and maintain  the station  installed in  the
Pontifical North American College (HV4NAC and HV0A), continuously on the air,
logging at least  70.000 QSOs, all  bands, all mode".  The latest  operations
from HV0A took place in April  to celebrate the  election of pope  Benedictus

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
EACQDX:  This   is    a   newly    born    portal   in    Spanish    language:
         http://eacqdx.dyndns.org/ . Devoted  to  DX  information  and  amateur
         radio in general, it is really worth a visit.
IF9ZWA:  Pictures of IF9ZWA's  recent operations  from the  Egadi Islands  are
         available at www.mdxc.org/if9zwa_p 
QSLs received  direct  or through  managers:  3D2NA,  3D2RE  (OC-016),  3D2RR
(OC-060), 3DA0TM, 3G0YM,  3G0YP, 3V8BB,  4S7KM, 4S7VK,  4U1UN, 4X4WN,  4Z5PT,
5T5CW, 6F1IHF (NA-183), 6W6/K3IPK, 7P8DA, 8Q7DV, 8R1EA, 8R1RPN, 9G5GA, 9G5OO,
9G5ZZ,  9K2HN,  9K2MU,  9M6/PA0RRS/8,  9V1UV, A61A,  A61Q,  AY1ZA (AA LU-14),
BX3/DJ3KR, C56M, CE6TBN/p (SA-061),CE8A (SA-094),  CN2KM, CN2R, CT9L,  CX6VM,
JW0HZ, JY9QJ,  KP2/K3CT, KP4WW,  LA9VDA/p (EU-056),  MJ0AWR,  OA4DHW,  OC4WW,
OE4A, OJ0J,  P40A, P40TA,  PJ2/AE9B, PZ5RA,  RZ0ZWA/p (AS-095),  S58N,  S79QK
(AF-033), S9A, S9BB, ST2BF, SU8BHI, SU9BN, SV0XAI/9, T88MC, TG7/OH3JF,  TI5N,
TX9, UA0FZ,  UK/JI2MED,  UK9AA, V31AY,  V31NL,  V51AS,  V73JY,  V8NOW,  VP2E,
YW6C, Z2/PA3CPG, ZD7BG, ZD8Z, ZL1CT (OC-203), ZL1V, ZP0R, ZW5B, ZX8M.

                       425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org 
                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org 
                 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:   http://www.425dxn.org/monthly 
                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org) 
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                                 MAILING LIST
                    Please visit the "Mailing List" page at
        and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                   or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                   Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org) 
                            Direttore Responsabile
                            Giovanni Leone, IK8MRA
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 060028
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia