DX425 bulletin issue nr. 731

425 DX News #731
07 May 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA        
      3V       - Jeno/HA5FA (mostly CW), Miklos/HA5VZ (mostly SSB) and Miklos  HA5GO
           (mostly BPSK with some CW and  SSB) will operate as 3V8SM from  the
           club stationon Djerba  Island (AF-083) on  5-10 May.  QSL for  this
           operation only via HA5FA, direct or bureau. [TNX HA0HW]
3V       - Giovanni, I5JHW will enter the  ARI DX Contest  (7-8 May) as  3V8BB
           (SSB only) from the  club station in  Bir-el-Bey, Tunisia. QSL  for
           this activity via I5JHW, direct (Giovanni Bini, Via Garibaldi 38/B,
           51031 Agliana - PT, Italy) or bureau. [TNX I5JHW]
3V       - Canary Islands DX  Society's members  Dunia/EC8ADU, Javi/EC4DX  and
           Edu/EC8AUA, plus other  local operators,  will be  active as  3V8SM
           from the club station on Djerba  Island (AF-083) in July. On  26-29
           July they will concentrate on the  WARC bands SSB, PSK31 and  RTTY,
           while on the 30-31st they will operate SSB during the IOTA Contest.
           The team will in be in contact with Oscar, EA4TD, who will  publish
           updates on http://www.ea4td.com [TNX EC8AUA and EA4TD]
7Q       - Bill, KC4D will be in Malawi  for about four  weeks starting on  13
           May. He will operate as 7Q7WW in his spare time, mostly during  his
           evenings on 40  and 80 metres  and possibly  160m. He  plans to  be
           active during the CQ WPX CW  Contest. QSL via KC4D. [TNX The  Daily
9M8      - Operators are being sought to join a DXpedition to Jagoi Gunung,  a
           Dayak village in Sarawak (9M8) located at 1,000 metres a.s.l. It is
           proposed to operate  from 3 to  5 June 2005  and Australian and  DX
           operators are being encouraged to join  the group. A call sign  has
           been requested (TBA, QSL direct to  VK4AAR) and interested  parties
           should contact Sengchai Chan,  9M8SC (chansc44@yahoo.com) for  more
           details. [TNX VK4AAR]
CE       - Ricardo, CE3HDI is currently stationed on Mocha Island (SA-061) and
           will be active (mainly  on 20 amd  40 metres, SSB  and CW) as  CE5R
           until 20 May. QSL via  home call (Ricardo  Velasquez, P.O. Box  15,
           International Airport, Santiago, Chile). [TNX CE3HDI]
DL       - Helmut, DL7VOX will operate (on 80-10 metres mainly CW) as DL7VOX/p
           from Usedom Island (EU-129, O-013 for the German Islands Award)  on
           16-25 May. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX DL7VOX]
DL       - Gerold, DH6GD will operate (on 10-80  metres SSB, CW and PSK31)  as
           DH6GD/p from Fehmarn  Island (EU-128) from  25 July  to 10  August,
           IOTA Contest included. QSL via bureau to home call. [TNX DL2VFR]
DL       - DL2SWW, DH7NO, DH1LA, DG1RUG, DF9TM, DL2VFR and DL2RTK will operate
           as DL0KWH/p from Usedom Island (EU-129) on 28-31 July, IOTA Contest
           included. QSL via bureau. [TNX DL2VFR]
EA8      - Juan, EA8CAC  will  be  active (on  15-80  metres  mostly  SSB)  as
           EA8CAC/p from El Hierro Island (AF-004)  on 17-23 May. He plans  to
           operate from six lighthouses located on  the island; daily  updates
           will be posted on http://www.grupodxgc.com/; real time position  at
           http://www.canaprs.net/locate.php?stn=EA8CAC-9 [TNX EA8CAC]
EA8      - EA8GL, EA8BYG, EA8AAG, EA8AMY, EB8CTK and  EC8ADU, plus some  local
           operators, will  be  active as  ED8MPJ  from  Fuerteventura  Island
           (AF-004, DIE S-06) on 23-29 May. QSL via EA8BYG. [TNX EC8ADU]
ER       - Special event  station  ER60V will  be  active until  15  May  from
           Moldova to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of World War
           II. QSL via  ER1DA (Valery Metaxa,  P.O. Box 3000,  Chisinau, MD  -
           2071, Moldova). [TNX ER1DA]
F        - Special call TM5KD will be aired on all bands and modes from 27 May
           to 11 June to celebrate the  40th anniversary of the Radio Club  de
           Sevran (F5KKD). QSL via F5KKD. [TNX F5SLD]
GD       - The Scarlett Point Radio Group will operate special station  GB5MOB
           from The Old  Nunnery, Isle  of Man  (EU-116) on  30-31 July,  IOTA
           Contest included. This activity is part of the celebrations for the
           Isle of Man's 175th Maritime Anniversary Year. QSL via MD0IOM.  For
           further information  on this  event, including  real time  Internet
           video and audio  streaming of  all stations  and operators,  please
           visit www.scarlettpoint.com [TNX MD0IOM]
GM       - The amateur radio aspects of the  14-21 June Rockall adventure  are
           covered  at   http://www.rockallisland.co.uk/.   David/MM0ALM   and
           James/MM0CWJ (plus other 7 people) will  attempt a landing from  an
           inflatable dingy onto this  lonely outcrop. This  will be far  from
           easy even  with  favorable conditions,  due  to  the  ever  present
           Atlantic swell  and the  steep near  vertical nature  of the  rock.
           Weather permitting,  David and  James  will overnight  on  Rockall.
           Owing to the limited  space available, they  will use vertical  and
           wire antennas, and  power will be  from a small  generator/battery.
           While on the island they will  operate as MS0IRC/p. QSL via  G0HXN.
           Please visit www.therockalltimes.co.uk/rockall-ho/what-we-need.html
           for information on how to  donate to the  Rockall Ho! 2005  charity
           appeal and to help offsetting the costs of the operation.
GU       - Look for Johannes,  DF5AU to operate  SSB and CW  on 160-10  metres
           (WARC bands  excluded) as  MU/homecall  from Guernsey  (EU-114)  on
           14-15 May. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX DF5AU]
I        - Pippo/IT9PPG,    Pino/IT9WDC,    Giuseppe/IT9RZU,    Gianni/IT9ORA,
           Raffaello/IT9ATF and Renato/IT9NPR will participate  in the ARI  DX
           Contest (7-8  May) as  IF9A from  Favignana Island  (EU-054).  [TNX
I        - I8JOQ and IZ8EDG  will operate  from Scoglio  Vervece (EU-031,  IIA
           NA-010) on 8 May. [TNX I8JOQ]
I        - Special station II1TPG (the official amateur radio station for  the
           IX Paralympic  Winter  Games,  http://www.ii1tpg.it/eng/index.html)
           will be activated  again on 14-15  May. QSL via  IZ1CCE, direct  or
           bureau. [TNX IZ1CCE]
I        - Club station IQ0MA will be  active starting around  16 May for  the
           Ham Meeting that will take place at Cassino on the 21-22nd. QSL via
           I0NZK (Umberto Picano, Via Montello 22, 03043 Cassino - FR, Italy).
           [TNX Info Radio by I1SCL]
I        - Special station II8RM will be activated by ARI Salerno on 2-5  June
           for the  50th annual  Regatta of  the Ancient  Maritime  Republics,
           which this  year will  take place  off Amalfi.  QSL via  operator's
           instructions. [TNX IK8WCQ]
IS0      - Massimo, IZ0EJQ  reports he  will operate  as IM0/IZ0EJQ  from  San
           Pietro Island (EU-165 ) during the ARI DX Contest (7-8 May).
JA       - Look  for  JN2TZB/2  to  operate  from  Oki  Island  (AS-117,  JIIA
           AS-117-006), Aichi prefecture on 8 May.  QSL via home call,  direct
           or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
JA       - Look for  JR2RKK/6  to operate  from  Izena  Island  (AS-017,  JIIA
           AS-017-016) on 28-29 May. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX
JA       - Look for JI1PLF/1,  JA1UNS/1, 7N1GMK/1  and 7L4PVR/1  to be  active
           from Hachijo Island  (AS-043, JIIA AS-043-003)  on 27-30 May.  They
           plan to operate  on 160-6 metres  SSB, CW and  PSK31. QSL via  home
           calls, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
LA       - LA6IMA, LA3LJ, LA8PV, LA2FKA, LA9SN, LB2DF and LA6LDA will  operate
           (on 160-10 metres CW, SSB and digital modes) as LA9M/p from  Sandoy
           Island (EU-056) on 13-16 May. QSL via LA9M. [TNX VA3RJ]
LA       - Look for  Ric,  DL2VFR  to operate  mostly  CW  as  LA/DL2VFR  from
           Hellesoy Island (EU-055)  from 28  May to  3 June,  and from  Otroy
           Island (EU-056) on  4-11 June. QSL  via bureau to  home call.  [TNX
LA & SM  - Rosel, DL3KWR and Hardy, DL3KWF will  be active as LG5LG and  SJ9WL
           respectively from  the Morokulien  station  on the  border  between
           Norway and Sweden  from 23  May to  1 June,  CQ WW  WPX CW  Contest
           included. Outside the contest they plan to operate mostly CW during
           their evenings. QSLs via SM5DJZ. [TNX DL3KWF]
OZ       - A group of German Scouts will be  active on 2-80 metres CW and  SSB
           as OZ1RDP from a camp site  on Romo Island  (EU-125) on 13-16  May.
           QSL via DL9BCP. [TNX The Daily DX]
PA       - Special call PH60L will be aired from 20 May to 6 June to celebrate
           the 60th anniversary of liberation. On 21-22 May activity will take
           place from "The Bunker" (near the village of Valkenswaard), used by
           the Germans  as a  sophisticated listening  post that  tapped  into
           Allied transatlantic telephone conversations. [TNX PB0P]
SM       - Look for Bernd,  DL8AAV to operate  SSB as  SM7/DL8AAV/p from  Aspo
           Island (EU-138) on 11-24 June.  QSL via bureau  to home call.  [TNX
SV       - Hellmut, DF7XE will be active on 10-80 metres SSB, RTTY, PSK31  and
           CW as SV8/DF7XE/p from Thasos Island (EU-174) on 12-24 May. QSL via
           home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
SV       - Feco, HA8KW will operate (mainly CW  with some SSB) as  SV8/HA8KW/P
           from Zakynthos Island (EU-052) from  24 July to  1 August. He  will
           participate in  the IOTA  Contest as  J48KW (12-hour  Low Power  CW
           only). QSL via  home call, direct  (Provics Ferenc,  P.O. Box  620,
           Szeged-1, H-6701, Hungary) or bureau. [TNX HA8KW]
SV5      - Ermanno, IK2WZD will  be active  again from  Lipsi Island  (EU-001)
           from 10 May  to October. He  plans to  operate as  SV0XAN/5 on  all
           bands and modes. QSL via home call. [TNX IZ2ABN]
UR       - Special call EO60JS will be aired  on all bands  until 15 May  from
           Ukraine to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of World War
           II. QSL direct to KD5RBU, e-mail  requests for bureau cards can  be
           sent to uu9cw@mail.ru [TNX UT5JDS]
UR       - Special call EM60QWW  will be used  on all  bands until  15 May  to
           commemorate the 60th  anniversary of the  end of World  War II.  On
           13-15 May the  call will be  aired from the  island of Khortica  in
           river Dniepr during  the 15th convention  of the Ukrainian  Contest
           Club. QSL via  UY5ZZ, direct (Vladimir  Latyshenko, P.O. Box  4850,
           Zaporozhye, 69118, Ukraine) or bureau. [TNX UY5ZZ]
UR       - Special event  station  EO60W will  be  active until  15  May  from
           Ukraine to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of World War
           II. QSL via UT7WZ, direct (Miroslav Lupiy, P.O. Box 94, Lviv 79000,
           Ukraine) or bureau.  The rules for  the "Victory-60"  Award can  be
           found  at  www.islands.org.ua/index_e.php?topic=eng&page=vic   [TNX
VE       - Linda, VE9GLF and  Len, VE9MY will  operate from  a "new"  Canadian
           island in NA-081  (VE1) for the  IOTA contest. They  will have  100
           watts, a vertical for 15-20 metres and a dipole for 40 metres.  QSL
           via home calls. [TNX VE9MY]
VK       - Sixteen operators from Amateur Radio Victoria will activate special
           event callsign AX3ITU on 17  May to mark  the 140th anniversary  of
           the International Telecommunications Union.  QSL via VK3WI,  direct
           or bureau. [TNX VK3EW]
W        - Ed, W4YO (palaver@islc.net), the only permanent resident amateur on
           Harbor Island (NA-110), reports he will participate in this  year's
           IOTA Contest. He is also available  for skeds on 10-40 metres,  SSB
           and CW.
W        - Dave, AH6HY will be active as  AH6HY/W3 from Smith Island  (NA-140)
           on 16-18 September and as AH6HY/W4 from Tangier Island (NA-083)  on
           19-21 September. He will operate SSB only on 10-20 metres. QSL  via
           home call. [TNX AH6HY and www.islandchaser.com]
XU       - Look for Yuki,  JH1NBN be active  as XU7ADJ from  Cambodia on  8-13
           May. This will  be a  business trip,  and Yuki  expects to  operate
           mostly during his evening hours. QSL via JH1NBN. [TNX The Daily DX]
YI       - Korey, YI9VCQ/KA5VCQ  plans to  participate in  the  CQ WW  WPX  CW
           Contest as a SOAB LP entry.  He also say that  they "are trying  to
           organize a  club effort  under the  auspices of  the Iraqi  Amateur
           Radio Society in Baghdad.  The contest may  include both Iraqi  and
           American radio operators. Details will be  finalized and posted  on
           the        Hamurabi        Hams        group        page         at
           http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/hamurabihams". QSL YI9VCQ via  N3ST.
           [TNX NG3K]
YO       - Jean-Michel, F6AJA, Editor of Les Nouvelles DX, reports he will  be
           once again active  in his spare  time as YO/F6AJA  from the QTH  of
           YO8FZ in Suceava, Romania on 16-21 May. QSL via F6AJA.
IOTA TOUR ---> Patrick, F5MQW will be touring northern Europe between 15  May
and 20 June. He plans to operate CW and SSB as either xx/F5MQW (QSL via  home
call, direct or bureau) and xx/F8UFT/p (club call of the Union Francaise  des
Telegraphistes: QSL via F6ICG, direct or bureau) from a few IOTAs in  Germany
(EU-128), Sweden (EU-084, EU-037, EU-138) and  Denmark (to be decided).  [TNX

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
60TH ANNIVERSARY AWARDS  ---> Right now,  there are 7  different awards  from
England, Russia and Ukraine available for  contacting special event  stations
commemorating the 60th anniversary of the  end of World War  II. Most of  the
activity centers  around  5-15 May.  Complete  details of  these  awards  are
available      on      Ted      Melinosky's      (K1BV)      website       at
http://www.dxawards.com/REALSHORT.htm  [TNX K1BV]
AWA ---> The Arctic World Award, sponsored by ARI Cassino, is issued for QSOs
made with amateur radio stations located north of 60 degrees North  latitude.
For information please visit http://www.arcticworldaward.net/il%20diploma.htm
      or e-mail the Award Manager, Nuccio Meoli (I7YKN, nucciomeoli@libero.it).
BI4Q ---> A group of Chinese  operators was active as  BI4Q from Cheniu  Shan
Island (AS-135) starting on 2 May. QSL via BA4RD.
EXPEDITIONER FOR PEACE ---> ARI Sala Consilina sponsors an award in memory of
the late Pope  John Paul II,  "DXpeditioner for  Peace". It  is available  to
either licenced amateurs and SWLs for contacts made/heard with amateur  radio
stations located in the 120+  countries visited by  Karol Wojtyla during  his
pontificate.  For  further   information  please   contact  Erminio,   IZ8AJQ
(iz8ajq@amsat.org). [TNX IZ7AUH]
II0ESA ---> A  free of  charge certificate  is available  to either  licenced
amateurs and  SWLs for  contacts made/heard  with  the II0ESA  special  event
station    [425DXN    724].     Full    details    can     be    found     at
http://www.qsl.net/i0wtd/ii0esa.html  [TNX IK0ZCW]
QSL VIA  VK4AAR --->  Alan's mailing  address changed  at  the end  of  March
[425DXN 725], but many people are still sending their QSL requests to the old
address. "The post office will not redirect my mail forever", he says, so you
must use the following address: Alan Roocroft, 376 Old Toowoomba Road, Placid
Hills 4343, Australia.
T77CD ---> Tony,  T77C operates  only CW  and SSB,  but he  is receiving  QSL
requests for  RTTY QSOs.  Please  note that  currently  the only  San  Marino
station operating RTTY  (including contests) is  John, T77CD  (QSL direct  to
I0MWI: Stefano Cipriani, Via Taranto 60, 00055 Ladispoli- RN, Italy). On-line
logs for T77CD  can be found  at www.qsl.net/i0mwi/  (a  list of direct  cards
received and waiting to be processed is also available). [TNX I0MWI]
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
DX SPOTS:     Rod Elliott, VE3UW has collected the DX spots from the OH2AQ Web
              Cluster since January 1997. The collection  - from January  1997
              up to April 2005 - is  available at  www.425dxn.org/dxspots/, as
              well the software (DXINFO v2.0) which will enable you to  handle
              the files (instructions at the URL above).
F6BUM:        Jack's web pages (http://www.f6bum.net)  are now available  also
              in English language. Give a look  to the QSL gallery and to  his
              several expeditions around the world.
MIA:          Rules and full  details about the  Mediterranean Islands  Award,
              sponsored  by  the  Meditarraneo  DX  Club,  can  be  found   at
SOUND CLIPS:  "My DX  sound  clips  for 2004  are  now  complete",  Tom,  K8CX
              reports.  There  are  154  streaming  Real  Audio  DX  clips  at
              http://hamgallery.com/dx2004/ ;  they   covers  all   the   major
              DXpeditions, rare and semi-rare DX.
QSLs received direct or through managers: 3D2RR, 3D2XA, 4U1UN, 5B4AGN, 5R8FL,
5R8GZ, 5T0CW,  5Z4RL, 6F1IHF  (NA-183), 6O0CW,  7Q7LA, 7X2LR,  7X2LS,  8P9NX,
8Q7DV,  9G5OO,   9H3LEO,  9J2BO,   9J80IARU,  9M2/PA0RRS   (AS-015),   9M2AX,
9M6/PA0RRS,  9M6/PA0RRS/2  (AS-015),  9M6/PA0RRS/8,  9V4/CX6VM,   A22/JA4ATV,
FS/K9EL, FT5XO (AF-048), HP3XUG, HS72B, HV0A, J41V, JT1CO, JT1DA,  KB2FB/DU7,
LO7H, NH8/KD1N, P29KPH, P29ZAD, P49MR, PJ5NA, PZ5RA, R1ANF (AN-016; AA UA-04)
RI0L,  RW2F,  S21BI (AS-140), S9A, S9BB,  S9SS,  ST2BF, SU9BN,  SU9NC,  SZ5Z,
T30NN, T77C,  TI8CBT, TO4E, TR8DF,  TR8FC, TT8DX,  TX9,  V31JZ/P,  V5/SP6IXF,
V51LK,  V73KJ, V73NS, V8ASV,  VK0MT,  VK9XD,  VP2MLA,  VP5VAC,  VP9V,  VR2MY,
VR2PX,  VU2HFR (AS-153),  VU4NRO,  VU4RBI,  XF3T  (NA-200),  YB0DPO,  YI9WRV,

                       425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org 
                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org 
                 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:   http://www.425dxn.org/monthly 
                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org) 
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                                 MAILING LIST
                    Please visit the "Mailing List" page at
        and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                   or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                   Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org) 
                            Direttore Responsabile
                            Giovanni Leone, IK8MRA
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 060028
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia