DX425 bulletin issue nr. 725

425 DX News #725
26 March 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA        
        *** WWW.425DXN.ORG HAS REACHED THE ***
***      1,500,000 VISIT MARK      ***
***    MANY THANKS  TO YOU ALL!    ***

4U1UN   - On  their   way  to   Dayton,  Mustapha/DL1BDF,   Karl-Heinz/DL1BAH,
          Manfred/DK1BT and Stefan/DG2BDB  will stop  in New  York City.  They
          plan to operate from the  4U1UN ARC at  the United Nations  sometime
          between 12 to 15 May. According to Mustapha, the QSL route for  this
          operation only  will  be via  DL1BDF,  preferably through  the  DARC
          bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
7X      - Fredy, DE0MST reports  that Ivan,  OM3CGN and  other operators  from
          Algeria plan to be active from Sandja Island (AF-NEW) on 1-5 May.
8R      - Olli, EA4BQ/OH0XX  will be  active as  8R1RPN from  Guyana until  29
          March, including an entry in the CQ WPX SSB Contest as 8R1K. QSL  to
          Olli Rissanen, Calle  Ciguela 331, 28729  Venturada, Madrid,  Spain.
          [TNX EA4BQ]
9A      - Special call 9A0IARU will be aired on 15-17 April from Murter Island
          (EU-170) in  connection  with the  Central  European IARU  Region  1
          meeting. QSL via 9A6AA. [TNX 9A6AA]
BV      - A group of operators from Taipei will be active as BP0A from Peng Hu
          Island (AS-103) on 24-28 March, CQ WPX SSB Contest included. QSL via
          BV2KI, direct or bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
C6      - G4WFQ will be active as C6AWF from Abaco (NA-080), Bahamas on  15-29
          April. He will operate on 80-10 metres mostly CW and RTTY, with some
          SSB.   QSL    via    G3SWH.    Logs    will    be    available    at
          www.g4wfq.btinternet.co.uk.  [TNX G4WFQ]
CP      - Rene, DF9GR will  be active as  CP6/DF9GR from  southern Bolivia  on
          1-15 April. He plans to operate on 80-10 metres mainly CW, RTTY  and
          PSK. QSL via DF9GR. [TNX DXNL]
DL      - Seven German  operators  (namely  DL1APR,  DL1APW,  DL1NUF,  DL5AOJ,
          DL7NFK, DL9NDS and DM3BJ) will be active from Ummanz Island (EU-057,
          O-06 for the German Islands Award) on 2-8 May. They will operate  on
          all bands CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via home calls. [TNX DL5AOJ]
DU_spr  - The DX0K operators (Gil/4F2KWT, Ed/4F1OZ  and Eddie/DU1EV) were  not
          able to get a ride to  Pagasa, Spratly Islands, on 20 March  [425DXN
          724]. Their next chance is on the 30th, but Ed has had to leave  the
          team. [TNX DU1EV]
EA8     - The Canary Islands DX Society will be active as EF8CID (on 15 metres
          only) on 27-30 May to celebrate  the Canary Islands Day. All of  the
          QSOs will be  confirmed automatically via  bureau. Direct cards  via
          EC8AUA. [TNX EC8AUA]
FT*X    - The Microlite  Penguins DXpedition  12-operator team  (namely  AG9A,
          and 9V1YC) became active as FT5XO from Port Jeanne D'Arc,  Kerguelen
          on 20 March and will remain operational through 1 April. In order to
          maximize band openings they have the ability to run up to 7 stations
          at once. Operations  will take  place on  160-6 metres  CW, SSB  and
          RTTY. There will also be operation on PSK-31 and EME. There will  be
          no websites, pilots, or on-line logs: "we feel that a DX QSO made by
          the hard work  of knowing propagation,  listening, skillful  calling
          and paying attention to the DX station's pattern is more  meaningful
          and fun", they say. "We have purposefully advanced minimal publicity
          about our DXpedition in the spirit  of putting the operator  instead
          of the technology  back into the  forefront of the  DX chase".  This
          DXpedition is funded  by the twelve  team members  and an  exclusive
          grant from the Northern California DX Foundation, there are no other
          organizational or commercial sponsors. QSL via VE3XN. [TNX K5TR]
FY      - Members of the FY5KAC ARS will  be active from  Fort Ceperou in  the
          Cayenne area on 26-28 March. They plan to operate SSB, CW and may be
          PSK on the HF bands. QSL via the REF Bureau or direct to Association
          Radio Club  Guyane,  P.O. Box  9271,  97392  Cayenne  cedex,  French
          Guiana, France. [TNX F5NQL]
G       - Several operators from  the Havering &  District Amateur Radio  Club
          (G4HRC) will be taking part in the National Mills on-the-air weekend
          (7-8 May) and operate SSB and CW from four different Essex mills  as
          GB2UW,  GB0MW,  GB2ARW  and  GB5SW.  The  Havering  &  District  ARC
          (http://www.haveringradioclub.co.uk/) sponsors  the  Essex  Windmill
          Award for working the windmills run by the club. [TNX G3VOF]
GM      - Jim, MM0BQI, will be active (on  80-10 metres CW, SSB, and RTTY)  as
          MM0BQI/p from  Tanera Mor,  Summer Isles  (EU-092) on  2-9 April.  A
          second operation will take place on 29-31 July for the IOTA Contest,
          when Jim will operate as MM0Q  on 10, 15, 20, 40  and 80 metres  SSB
          and CW. QSLs via home call (Jim Martin, 3 Lismore Avenue, Edinburgh,
          EH8 7DW, Scotland). [TNX VA3RJ]
GM      - Andre, GM3VLB reports he will operate from the Isle of May  (EU-123)
          between 2 and 9 April. QSL direct only via home call.
GM      - Nine people, including two amateur radio operators, will participate
          in the "Rockall Ho! 2005" expedition [425DXN 719] to Rockall Island,
          the last unnumbered  IOTA group in  Europe. The  adventure will  run
          from 11 to 24  June: they expext  to arrive in  the area of  Rockall
          around the  14th and  to remain  there until  the 21st.  Dave  Wood,
          MM0ALM and Seamus "Jim" Cameron, MM0CWJ will rely on a member of the
          SAS to get them onto the rock  from an inflatable. They hope to  put
          up a small tent on a tiny ledge  a few meters square and to  operate
          primarily SSB as MS0IRC/p. QSL via G0HXN. Jim also hopes to  operate
          50MHz, including during the sea  voyage, signing MM0CWJ/MM.  Details
          on     "Rockall     Ho!      2005"     can      be     found      at
          http://www.therockalltimes.co.uk/rockall-ho/ (do  not disregard  the
          charity appeal). [TNX GM3VLB]
HB0     - Gherardo/IZ1DSH, Giovanni/IK1WEG and Riccardo/IZ1GDB will be  active
          as HB0/homecall  from Liechtenstien  on 22-25  April. They  plan  to
          operate on 10-80 metres CW and  SSB. QSL via  home calls, direct  or
          bureau. [TNX IZ1DSH]
HI      - Antonio, IW2OAZ reports that he will  operate (on 20 metres CW  plus
          SSB on VHF e UHF) from  Santo Domingo and Bayahibe (HI8),  Dominican
          Republic from 3 April to 5 May. QSL direct to IK2DUW or via bureau.
I       - Nicola, IZ3EBA and Enrico, IZ3EAY will be active as homecall/p  from
          Lido Island (EU-131,  IIA VE-032, MIA  MI-052) on 9  April. QSL  via
          home calls. [TNX IZ8CCW]
I       - IQ8MD is new call for  the Mediterraneo DX  Club (formerly known  as
          IR8M). QSL via IZ8BGY. [TNX IZ8CCW]
LU      - Tito, LU7EE  will celebrate  his  60th birthday  on  25 April  by  a
          60-hour activity as L73E. He will start at 00 UTC on 23 April  until
          12 UTC  on the  25th. Look  for him  on 1815,  3515, 7015,  10110.5,
          14015, 18085, 21015, 24915 and 28015 kHz CW, with some SSB on  3550,
          7050, 14150 and 28910 kHz. QSL to GACW, P.O. Box 9, Wilde, B1875ZAA,
          Argentina. [TNX LU6EF]
OZ      - Special event station  OZ5HCA will be  activated for  the last  time
          from Odense, Fyn Island  (EU-172) on 1-30  April to commemorate  the
          200th anniversary of the birth of  Hans Christian Andersen. QSL  via
          OZ3FYN. A special  Hans Christian  Andersen award  is available  for
          working OZ5HCA on  three different bands;  details can  be found  at
          http://www.oz3fyn.dk/diplom-hcaGB.html  [TNX OZ1LQH]
OZ      - OZ2TF, OZ7KDJ and  OZ9V will be active (on 10-80 metres CW and  SSB)
          as OZ8MW/P from Anholt Island (EU-088, NK-001 for the Danish Islands
          Award) from 28 July to 4  August, IOTA Contest included. QSL  direct
          or via the bureau. [TNX OZ9V]
PA      - Look for PA/LX9EG/M to be active from Ameland Island (EU-038,  WLOTA
          L-1059) on 27 March and from Texel Island (EU-038, WLOTA L-0043)  on
          the 28th. Information  on the World  Lighthouse On  The Air  (WLOTA)
          programme can be found at http://www.wlota.com   QSL via LX1NO.  
         [TNX  LX1NO]
PY      - Look for ZW6FSM to be aired  on 20, 40 and 80  metres from Fort  Sao
          Marcos (DFB BA-05) on 17-18  April (CW) and  20-21 April (SSB).  QSL
          via PY6KW, direct or bureau. [TNX PS7AB]
SV      - Aegean  DX  Group  members  Lefteris/SV0JW,  Alexandros/SV8CYR   and
          Vassilis/SV8CYV will be  active as J48A  from Cape Papas  Lighthouse
          (ARLHS GRE-103)  on  Ikaria Island  (EU-049)  on 24-28  March.  [TNX
UR      - Nick, UU4JO reports will operate as UU4JO/P from Ilinskij Lighthouse
          from 1  April to  5 May.   On  5-15  May and  from  27 August  to  4
          September he will be signing EO60JF/P. QSL via UU4JO.
VE      - Steve, VE2TKH will operate as VO2ZT  from Labrador City (Zone 2)  on
          25-30 March. Further  information, QSLling policy  included, can  be
          found at http://www.qsl.net/ve2tkh/2005.htm  [TNX VE2TKH]
W       - The Anaheim Police ARC (W6APD) will operate (on 7250, 14253,  18150,
          21350, 24950 and 28450 kHz) as K6O on  1-15 April (from 18 UTC to  2
          UTC each day) to commemorate the  60th anniversary of the Battle  of
          Okinawa in WWII. QSL via KM6HB (P.O. Box 27271, Santa Ana, CA 92799,
          USA). [TNX KM6HB]
W       - Rotary International  is a  worldwide organization  of business  and
          professional  persons.  They  are  united  to  provide  humanitarian
          service and encourage high ethical standards in all vocations  which
          helps build goodwill and peace in the world. To celebrate a  century
          of service, Rotary  and thousands  of Rotarians  from 166  countries
          will assemble  in  Chicago, Illinois  in  June. To  commemorate  the
          event, Rotarians of Amateur Radio (ROAR) will operate special  event
          station W9R  on 18-22  June.  QSL to  ROAR-W9R,  P. O.  Box  797832,
          Dallas, TX  75379-7832, USA.  Additional  information on  times  and
          frequencies can be found at http://www.ifroar.org/  [TNX W8AUV]
YB      - The YE3K team [425DXN 719, http://www.mdxc.org/ye3k/] have  received
          their licence and will operate from  Kangean Island (OC-217 )  until
          28 March,  CQ WPX  SSB Contest  included. QSL  via YB9BU  (Asia)  or
          IZ8CCW (rest of the world). [TNX IZ8CCW]
YL      - YL380FW and YL380XF are the calls that Sergei, YL3FW and YL1XF  club
          station operators are using  until 27 March  to celebrate the  380th
          anniversary  of  the  city  of  Liepaja.   QSL  via  YL3FW   (Sergei
          V.Gorchinsky, P.O. Box 120, Liepaja LV-3405, Latvia). [TNX YL3FW]
XX9     - Hiro, JA0SC will  operate (on 20,  15 and 10  metres SSTV and  RTTY)
          from Macau on 7-11 April. He will collect his licence upon  arrival.
          QSL direct to home call. [TNX JA0SC]
ZF      - Paul, K4UJ will be active as ZF2UJ from Grand Cayman (NA-016) on 1-9
          April. Activity will be primarily on 80 and 40 metres CW, 20, 17, 12
          and 10 metres CW and SSB. QSL via home call. [TNX K4UJ]
ZS      - Dennis, ZS4BS (SARL HF Manager) reports that "with the change to the
          South African Radio Regulations in February 2005 all the  restricted
          licencess now have access to the  HF bands". Expect to hear ZR  call
          signs during the WPX Contest this weekend. [TNX F5NQL]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
          CQ  WPX  SSB  CONTEST  --->  The  following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (26-27 March):
3V   - YT1AD, S56A,  4N1EA,  4N1NM and  others  as  TS8A  (Multi-Single)  from
       Tunisia. QSL via YT1AD.
6Y   - Kyle, WA4PGM as 6Y6Y from Jamaica. QSL direct to home call.
8Q   - UN9LW, UA9CLB, UN4L, UA9CDV and UA9CDC as 8Q7DV from the Maldives.
CN   - Jim, W7EJ as CN2R (SOAB HP) from Morocco. QSL via W7EJ.
CN   - DL7BC as CN2BC (SOAB) from Morocco. QSL via bureau to DL7BC.
CT   - Filipe, CT1ILT as CT7B. QSL direct to home call.
D4   - 4L5A as D4B from Cabo Verde. QSL via K1BV.
EA9  - Juan, EA9IE as AN9IE (SOAB) from Ceuta. QSL via home call.
F    - Alan/F5VJK, Franck/F8ADY,  Michael/G7TWC and  Bob/G6PWS as  TM8D  (from
       French Departement 87, Haute-Vienne). QSL via F8ADY.
FG   - F6HMQ and F6GWV as TO1T from Guadeloupe. QSL via F6HMQ
GJ   - Frank/DL1WA, Jun/JH4RHF (OE1ZKC) and others as GJ2A from Jersey.
GM   - Leo, W3LEO as MM0LEO from Scotland. QSL via home call.
GU   - Rich, M5RIC as MU2Z (SOAB HP) from Guernsey.
I    - IK8HCG, IZ8DFO, IZ8FBU and IZ8GCB as IG9R (Multi-Single) from Lampedusa
       Island. QSL via IK8HCG.
J7   - WB2NVR, WA2VQW, N2DVQ and N2DHH as J75RZ from Dominica. QSL via W2RZS.
JT   - The JTDXA Contest Team as JU1DX (Multi-Single). QSL via JT1BV.
OH0  - Andy, LY2TA as OH0Z (SOAB) from the Aland Islands. QSL via OH5DX.
OX   - Retu, OH4MDY as OX3RZ from Greenland  (single band to be decided).  QSL
       via home call.
P4   - KK9A as P40A (SOAB) from Aruba. QSL via WD9DZV.
PJ   - OM1KW, OM4KW, OM6NM  and OM1ATT  as PJ4Y  (Multi-Single) from  Bonaire,
       Netherlands Antilles. QSL via OM1KW.
PJ   - Helmut, DF7ZS and Wolfgang, DK9VZ as PJ2T (Multi-Single)
       from Signal Point, Curacao. QSL via N9AG.
SM   - John, SM7CRW as SF50A [425DXN 712]  from Oland Island, Sweden. QSL  via
SP   - HA5PT and HA5X as SO9HA from Poland. QSL via HA5X.
V2   - Jurgis, LY2CY from  the V26B contest  station on  Antigua, possibly  as
       V25O (SOAB). QSL via LY2TA.
VP9  - W1HPH, WE1H, KO1H and N1HRA as VP9I (Multi-Two) from
       bermuda. QSL via N1HRA.
YI   - Korey, YI9VCQ as a SOAB LP entry from Al Taji, Iraq. QSL via N3ST.
ZB   - Ronald, PA3EWP  and Tom,  GM4FDM from  Gibraltar  (ZB2). QSL  via  home
ZD8  - Jim, N6TJ as ZD8Z from Ascension Island (AF-003). QSL via VE3HO.
ZK2  - Murray, VE7HA as ZK2HA from Niue (OC-040).
ZL   - VK7GN, ZL1AZE and ZL1CT as ZL1V (Multi-Multi). QSL via N3SL.
ZP   - ZP5AZL as ZP0R from Paraguay. QSL via W3HNK.
Do not forget to give a  look to the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/wpxs2005.html 
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
      BEACONS ---> The new I8EMG/B beacons are running from Cozzo Cervello (JM89bj,
Cosenza), at 1400m a.s.l.  and operate on  the following frequencies:  28185,
50056 (to be  activated), 144482,  432442, 1296900,  2320900, 5760900  (under
construction), 10368900, 24048900.  Reception reports can  be sent to  Franco
Guglielmelli, I8EMG (francescoguglielmelli@virgilio.it). Further  information
is available at www.mdxc.org/i8emg-b  [TNX I8EMG]
CLIPPERTON ---> Vincent, F5MJV  (FO5RN) is currently  aboard the French  Navy
ship "Prairial", which  stopped at Clipperton  Island for a  few hours on  24
March. Vincent  operated as  FO0/F8UFT on  14045 CW,  using batteries  and  a
dipole. QSL via F5NQL,  direct or bureau.  Direct requests should  sufficient
return postage (1 IRC preferred, otherwise  USD 1 for  Europe and Africa  and
USD 2 for elsewhere). [TNX F5NQL]
DIA ---> Finn Emsby, OZ4EL reports that  the Danish Island Award will go  on,
as it has been taken over  by the Danish DX Group. The  new Award Manager  is
OZ1ACB (Allis Andersen, Kagsaavej 34, DK 2730 Herlev, Denmark). For  complete
details please  visit http://www.ddxg.dk/awards/island.htm   or contacct  Finn
FT5WJ ---> Jean-Paul, F5BU/FT5WJ reports that  owing to a last minute  change
in the timetable, he had to leave Crozet on  23 March instead of the 25th  as
previously scheduled. The last QSOs were  logged on 21 March. Jean-Paul  made
2114 QSOs with 1913 different stations in  his spare time during his stay  on
the island. [TNX F5NQL]
KENYA ---> The Kenyan licensing authority CCK has granted Kenyan amateurs the
use  of  either  160  and  30  metres  (810-1850  kHz  and  10100-10150   kHz
respectively), and Alex, 5Z4DZ (PA3DZN) has  been already worked on 30m.  QSL
via PA1AW, direct (Alex van Hengel,  Bovenkruier 18, 2995CA Heerjansdam,  The
Netherlands) or bureau. On-line log can  be found at www.pa1aw.nl/5z4dz  [TNX
PA1AW and G0OIL]
OPERATORS NEEDED  ---> The  Oceania Amateur  Radio DX  Group is  planning  an
expedition to Nauru (C2) before Christmas.  "We will predominately be CW  and
RTTY with some  SSB", Bill Horner  (VK4FW) says,  and more  CW operators  are
being  sought  for.  If  interested  in  taking  part,  please  contact  Bill
QSL LW7EGO ---> Claudio, VE2DWA (LU7DW) reports that Alvaro, LW7EGO became  a
SK a few days ago. All of his logs "are  lost for ever", he says, except  for
the QSOs made during four contests  (namely ARRL 10 Meter  1997, ARRL DX  SSB
1997, CQ  WW SSB  1997 and  IARU  2000), which  Claudio  himself is  able  to
confirm. Requests should be sent to VE2DWA (Claudio Fernandez, 200 rue North,
Apart 14, Gatineau, QC J9H 6Y9, Canada).
QSL VIA PA0RRS ---> Richard is back home after his trip to 9M6 (cards already
available), 9M8 and  9M2 (cards expected  to be avaiable  in 2-3 weeks).  The
correct address for direct QSLling is: Richard Smeets, Schoorveken 100,  5121
NM Rijen, The Netherlands.
QSL VIA SM1TDE ---> Eric is the QSL manager (direct and bureau) for YI9ZF and
HN0Z, as well as for his own operations from Lebanon (SM1TDE/4U in  1993-94),
Iceland  (TF/SM1TDE  in  2002),  Svalbard   (JW/SM1TDE  in  2003),   Tanzania
(5H3/SM1TDE in 2004) and Peru (SM1TDE/OA4 in 2005). He has recently moved  to
a new  home  (always  on  Gotland  Island), and  his  new  address  is:  Eric
Wennstrom, Tofta Licksarve 1:24, SE-62198 Visby, Sweden. [TNX SM1TDE]
QSL VIA VK4AAR ---> Effective 1 April, the new address for Alan, VK4AAR  will
be: Alan Roocroft, 376 Old Toowoomba Road, Placid Hills 4343, Australia. Alan
is the QSL  Manager for the  following stations: 9V0A,  9V1DX, C21RH,  KH2VM,
P29RH, V63PD, VI0ANARE,  VK0MM (Macquarie), VK6AN  (OC-266), VK6BM  (OC-234),
VK6BSI (OC-243), VK6LI (OC-071), VK8AN/6 (OC-154), VK8AN/8 (OC-229),  VK8AV/3
(OC-136), VK8DP, VK8MI (OC-173), VU3RSB and VP2V/W3HQ.
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

      LOGS:     Juan, EA9IE  reports  he has  updated  his on-line  log,  which  now
          contains 225,307 QSOs from 30 July 1979 through 28 February 2005. It
          can be found at http://dx.qsl.net/cgi-bin/logform.cgi?ea9ie 
LOGS:     On-line logs  for  V5/SP6IXF  and  V5/SP7VC  are  now  available  at
          http://www.sp5zcc.waw.pl/dxpeditions/v5/  [TNX SP5UAF]
QSL DB:   Boye Christensen, OZ7C has updated his QSL DBase (which now contains
          368,520 unique  records)  for Packet  Cluster.  The package  can  be
          downloaded at http://www.ddxg.dk/oz7c  A web based search machine can
          be found at www.ddxg.dk/oz7c [TNX  OZ7C, oz7c@qsl.net]
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
LOGS:   The   KH8SI    (Swains   Island)    log    is   now    available    at
LOGS:   On-line logs  for TO7C  (25,247 QSOs:  12392/CW, 9442/SSB,  2247/RTTY,
        1033/PSK31,  81/PSK63,   42/SSTV,   10/FM)  are   now   available   at
        http://to7c.free.fr/  [TNX F5NQL]
QSLs received  direct or  through managers:  3A2MD, 3B8/OE1ZKC,  3B8CF,  3C0V
(AF-039), 3D2EE, 3D2FI (OC-121), 3D2KW, 3D2OG, 3D2XA, 3DA0TM, 3W22S,  3XD02/P
(AF-051), 4J85YGA,  4K9W,  5R8FU, 5Z4DZ,  6O0X,  7S2E, 7X4AN,  8R1EA,  9G5OO,
9N7BCC, A22/JA4ATV, A35DH, A35RK, A45WG,  A61AV/p (AS-124), A61Q/p  (AS-021),
A71BX, A71MA, AH2R,  AT0RI (AS-173),  C56JHF, C6AGN  (NA-080), C6AKQ,  C6ALK,
C6AVV, C91Z, CE0ZIS,  CP6CW, CX2AQ,  D44AC, DU9/N0NM,  EP4HR, ER4DX,  ES1924M
J28XX, J79USA,  JT1CO, JW1CCA,  K5MI (NA-052),  KL7DX, LY2KN,  LY2ZZ,  OA4SS,
OD5/DF7TH, OL0ANT, OM7M, OY1CT, OZ9Y, P40X, PJ7/AA4V,  R1ANF (AN-010; UA-08),
R1FJL  (EU-019),  R3ARC/1 (EU-147), SU9FL, SV2ASP/A, T77CD, T96Q, T98U, TF4M,
TG9KZ,   TI5/N0KE,  TO0FAR (AF-016), TR8CA,   TX9, U K/JI2MED,  UK8LA, V31LZ,
V31MD, V47Z,  V73GE, VK4WWI/p (NA-267),  VP2MDY,  VP2MLA,  VP5/K7BTW,  VP8KF,

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