425 DX News #724 19 March 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org ) Contributors are invited to send their DX information to Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org) The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA 3D2 - Brian, N6IZ will operate as 3D2IZ from Namotu Island (OC-121), Fiji from 26 March until 2 April. He plans to be QRV on +/- 1828, 3508, 7008, 10110, 14025, 21025 and 28008 kHz CW, plus 7087, 14245, 21245 and 28345 SSB during the WPX Contest. The trip is focused on surfing and activity will center around the times posted on http://n6iz.com. QSL via N6IZ. CE - Marco, CE6TBN has had to reschedule his CE6TBN/7 activity from Ascension Island (SA-043) [425DXN 723], which is now expected to take place on 20-22 March. He will operate on 40, 20, 17 and 15 meters SSB and CW. QSL via home call (P.O.Box 1234, Temuco, Chile). [TNX CE6TBN] CE_ssh - Yuri, CA8WCI/9 (http://www.qsl.net/ca8wci reports he will operate from 21 to 23 UTC until 21 March to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Chilean Air Force. He is currently stationed at the Antarctic base "Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva" (CE-03 for the Antarctica Award) on King George Island, South Shetlands (AN-010). Contacts made during the celebration (14-21 March) will be confirmed with a special QSL card. QSL via CA8WCI (Yuri De La Barra Echeverria, c/o Radio Club Punta Arenas, P.O. Box 2000, Punta Arenas, Chile). [TNX IZ8CGS] DL - DL5CW/p will operate from Usedom Island (EU-129, O-13 for the German Islands Award) from 29 March to 1 April. [TNX DL2VFR] DL - Look for DF0CB to be active from Helgoland Island (EU-127, N-14 for the German Islands Award) on 15-17 April. [TNX DL2VFR] DU - Jose, DU1BP will operate as DX1PHG on 15-31 March for the third anniversary of the International Pharmacists Ham Group [425DXN 719]. He will be active on 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 and 6 metres SSB. [TNX IK2UVR] DU_spr - Gil/4F2KWT, Ed/4F1OZ and Eddie/DU1EV [425DXN 722] hope to be able to catch a plane for Pagasa, in the Philippine Spratly Islands, on 19 March, otherwise they will have to travel by a ship that should reach the island on the 27th. These are military transports and the team is given a ride only on a space available basis. Look for DX0K to operate on 160-6 metres until the end of March. Eddie reports that "our special project this time though is six meters EME using digital mode WJST". QSL via 4F2KWT (Gilbert Lappay, P.O. Box 89, 2500 San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines). The web page for DX0K can be found at http://www.geocities.com/dx0kkalayaan/ [TNX DU1EV and 4F2KWT] EA - A group of operators from the Union de Radioaficionados Vigo Val Minor will be active as ED1VIG from the lighthouse at Cabo Silleiro on 19-20 March. QSL via bureau. [TNX EA1RX] EY - Thanks to the support given by EY8MM, EY8CQ and other local operators, UA4CC, UA4LU and RX3APM will participate in the Russian DX Contest (19-20 March) as EY0R (QSL via UA4CC; logs will be uploaded to LoTW) from Tajikistan. Before and after the contest (17-21 March) they will operate on all bands as EY8/UA4CC, EY8/UA4LU and EY8/RX3APM (QSL via home calls) [TNX UA4CC] FG - Look for FG/F6HMQ and FG/F6GWV to operate from Guadeloupe (NA-102) from 23 March to 2 April. They will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as TO1T. QSL via F6HMQ. [TNX F6HMQ] FT*W - Jean-Paul, F5BU/FT5WJ [425DXN 721] expect to go QRT from Possession Island, Crozet Islands on 22 or 23 March. [TNX F5NQL] GJ - Frank/DL1WA, Jun/JH4RHF (OE1ZKC) and others will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as GJ2A (M/S) from Jersey. Before and after the contest look for activity by MJ/homecall(s) and MJ0RHF (QSL via OE1ZKC). [TNX OE1ZKC] GU - Ric, M5RIC will operate on 10-160 metres SSB as MU5RIC/p from Guernsey (EU-114) on 24-28 March. He will participate in the CQ WW WPX Contest as MU2Z. [TNX NG3K] I - Walter, IN3XUG will operate (mainly on 20 and 40 metres SSB) as IC8/IN3XUG from Ischia Island (EU-031, IIA NA-001) from 19 March to 2 April. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX IN3XUG] I - Special calls II0SRM (QSL via IZ0BTV), II1SRM (QSL via IZ1EGT), II7SRM (QSL via IZ7AUH), II8SRM (QSL via IZ8EDJ) and IO8SRM (QSL via IK8WEJ) will be aired on 26-27 March, 2-3 April, 9-10 April, 16-17 April and 23-24 April for the Strange Radio team Meeting [425DXN 716]. I - Mediterraneo DX Club members IK8BIZ (Roberto), IZ8DEP (Alfredo) and IK8RRY (Luciano) will operate on 80-6 metres CW, RTTY, PSK and SSB as IB0CW (www.mdxc.org/ib0cw) from Ventotene island (EU-045, IIA LT-011, MIA MI-118) on 2-4 April. QSL via IK8RRY, direct (Luciano Luongo Via Degli Innamorati 143, 80014 Giugliano - NA, Italy) or bureau. [TNX IK8BIZ] I - Stefano Badessi, I0WTD reports that "in conjunction with ENEIDE, an ESA mission co-sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Defence and the Lazio Region will carry ESA astronaut Roberto Vittori for 10 days on the ISS". To celebrate this event, the special call II0ESA will be aired from the club station located at the European Space Agency (http://www.esa.int) premises in Frascati, Rome between 15 April and 15 May. QSL via IZ0FEJ, direct (European Space Agency - ESRIN Club Station, Via Galileo Galilei s.n.c., 00044 Frascati - RM, Italy) or bureau. J6 - Bill, WB5ZAM will operate mainly CW as J6/WB5ZAM from St. Lucia (NA-108) from 20 March through 3 April. QSL via home call. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] J7 - Bob/WB2NVR, Mike/WA2VQW, Bob/N2DVQ and Adam/N2DHH will operate as J75RZ from Dominica (NA-101) on 23-29 March, CQ WPX SSB Contest included. QSL via W2RZS (direct or bureau). Logs will be uploaded to LOTW. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] OH0 - Andrius, LY2TA will be active as OH0/LY2TA (QSL via home call) from the Aland Islands (EU-002) on 25-28 March. He will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as OH0Z (SOAB, QSL via OH5DX). [TNX LY2TA] OX - Retu, OH4MDY reports he has received his own OX call, and will operate as OX3RZ. QSL via home call. Retu - as well as OH4JGE and OH4HJI - will be in Greenland on 23-30 March [425DXN 723]. PJ - OM1KW, OM4KW, OM6NM and OM1ATT will operate as PJ4Y from Bonaire (SA-006), Netherlands Antilles on 22-31 March, CQ WPX SSB Contest included. QSL via OM1KW. [TNX The Daily DX] SP - Look for SO9PT (HA5PT) and SO9XC (HA5X) to operate from the High Tatras in Poland on 23-30 March. They will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest using the club callsign SO9HA. QSL via HA5X. [TNX HA5X] TT - Michael, TT8M and Pierre, TT8AMO expect to remain in Chad [425DXN 723] until around early May. They are active in their spare time mainly during the local evenings: TT8AMO operates CW only, while TT8M will also do SSB and some digital modes later. They did operate on 160 metres, but they have had to take the antenna down because of limited space. Pictures and on-line logs for either TT8M and TT8AMO can be found at http://www.pa7fm.nl/; QSL for both via PA7FM (please note that 1 USD no longer covers postage to extra-European destinations; direct requests without sufficient return postage will be answered via the bureau). [TNX PA7FM] UR_ant - Pavel, UX2HO (EM1HO) expects to leave Akademik Vernadsky Base (UR-01 for the Antarctica Award) on Galindez Island (AN-006), Antarctica by the end of March. QSL via I2PJA. [TNX I2PJA] XE - The XF2ZEX team [425DXN 723] will operate from Sacrificios Island (NA-224) and lighthouse from 30 March to 3 April. They plan to be QRV on 160-2 metres CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via IT9EJW, direct (Alfio Bonanno, P.O. Box 18, 95028 Valverde - CT, Italy) or bureau. [TNX IT9EJW] YB - Sanyi, HA7VK (ex YB0AVK) and Gyuszi, HA2VR (ex YB0AVR) will be active as YB0/homecalls from Jakarta on 20-29 March and between 23 March and 5 April respectively. QSL YB0/HA7VK via HA0HW, QSL YB0/HA2VR via home call. ZD8 - Jim, N6TJ will be active again as ZD8Z from Ascension Island (AF-003) starting on 22 March for ten days, CQ WPX SSB Contest included. QSL via VE3HO. [TNX The Daily DX] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA AA SCORES ---> The new Antarctica Award score tables are now available at http://www.mdxc.org/antarctica/award.asp They include the Certificates of Excellence, Honour Rolls, Basic Awards and Operator Certificates issued so far. [TNX IZ8CGS] CQ DX FIELD AWARD ---> CQ Amateur Radio magazine announces the introduction of a new operating award, the "CQ DX Field Award," recognizing achievements in contacting at least 50 of the world's 324 10x20-degree "grid fields." The new award is based on the Maidenhead Grid Locator system, in which the world is divided into 324 10x20 degree "fields" and each field is broken up into 100 1x2 degree "grid squares" or "locators." Contacts made on or after January 1, 1980 (the year in which the grid system was adopted for amateur radio use) will count toward the new award. Complete details and rules will be posted on the magazine's website (http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com). Billy Williams, N4UF (CQ DX Awards Manager) has compiled a cross-reference guide for converting countries to fields; it is available at http://home.earthlink.net/~bfwillia/gridfieldsx.html. DIA ---> Jens, OZ5MJ reports that the Danish Islands Award has come to an end, apparently because lack of funds prevents him from having new certificates printed. At all events, he says, it is still possible to upgrade awards that have been already issued. DXCC HONOR ROLL ---> The deadline to be shown in the next DXCC Honor Roll list is 31 March 2005. Submissions must be postmarked 31 March 2005 for your submission to count for this listing. The DXCC Honor Roll list will appear in August 2005 QST. There are 335 entities on the DXCC list and you must be within the numerical top 10 DXCC entities to qualify. The current minimum requirement for Honor Roll is 326 current entities. [TNX NC1L] DXCC NEWS ---> The following operations have been approved for DXCC credit: 6O0CW (Somalia), 3-17 February 2005 A52CDX (Bhutan), 24 October - 13 November 2004 T6KBLRM (Afghanistan), current operation TT8M (Chad), current operation effective 14 March 2005 YI9GT (Iraq), 7 May 2004 - 8 February 2005 YI9KT (Iraq), 7 May 2004 - 8 February 2005 HOLYLAND DX CONTEST ---> The Israel Amateur Radio Club (IARC) invites all amateur radio operators and SWLs to participate in the annual Holyland DX Contest, which will take place on 16 April (from 00.00 UTC until 23.59 UTC). Details can be found on the IARC web site (www.iarc.org). [TNX 4Z4KX] KH8SI ---> The KH8SI expedition to Swains Island (OC-200) went QRT at 00.10 UTC on 9 March, after 9460 QSOs in less than three days. "Because of the oppressive heat and humidity, and poor band conditions, and the storm reduced length of the operation", they say, "we concentrated on maximum number of QSOs on the bands that were open, vice trying to give every band/mode to a few. The bands were simply dead during several hours each day, and 10, 12 and 160 were non productive. We primarily worked from 80/75 to 15 meters SSB and CW (with a few other mode QSOs attempted). We recognized the great demand in Europe for IOTA OC200 and attempted to catch every opening to Europe. Following the sun, as usual, we had long runs of North and South America, brief openings to Europe, long runs of the Pacific area, and long runs of JA and Asia". An important aspect of KH8SI was the help they gave to the people living on Swains, as the island had been hit by Typhoon Percy. "The need for food, water and assistance was real. In addition to our radio equipment, food, tents, generators and gasoline; we carried food, water, generators and gasoline for the people living on Swains Island We had meetings with the families of those living on Swains, the Government in Am Samoa, and nearly all of the Pago Pago evening TV news was devoted to coverage of the KH8SI trip. The rescue meant as much to the Government and People of American Samoa as the Tsunami effort did to the people around the Indian Ocean. And once again Amateur Radio was the first communication from the disaster area to the outside world". The "Swains Island DXpedition Story" can be found at http://www.swains-island.org/swains-story.htm PACIFIC NORTHWEST DX CONVENTION ---> The 50th annual Pacific Northwest DX Convention will be held on 5-7 August at the Monarch Hotel in Portland (Oregon). Full information can be found at http://www.wvdxc.org/convention.php QSL AY1ZA ---> Following an agreement with Horacio, LU4DXU, a large batch of outstanding AY1ZA direct cards for European stations has been sent to and received by the Mediterraneo DX Club. These cards are being posted right now and should reach their destinations in a few days' time. Horacio operated as AY1ZA from the "Orcadas del Sur" base (LU-14 for the Antarctica Award) on Laurie Island, South Orkneys in January-February 2004, and the QSL cards have been donated by the MDXC. [TNX LU4DXU & IZ8CCW] QSL MANAGER OFFERED ---> Tina Spano', IZ8DPN is willing to offer her services to stations in need. She can be contacted at iz8dpn@virgilio.it QSL OC-194 ---> "Despite the fact I have been to North Solitary before, I am having a hard time convincing the government departments to allow me to go back", Bill, VK4FW, says. Bill still has the log for his VK4CRR/2 operation from North Solitary Island (from 31 March to 3 April 1994); cards should be sent direct only to Bill Horner, P.O. Box 612, Childers, 4660, Australia. QSL XW2A ---> Hiroo Yonezuka (XW0X, XW2A, XU7AAA, etc) moved from Laos to Bangkok on 1 February. His new address is: Hiroo Yonezuka, Baitong Mansion, Room 811, 354/2 Rama 9 Rd, Bangkapi Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310, Thailand. QSL VIA W9OL ---> Bill, W9OL is the QSL manager for YO3APJ and still has logs and cards for the following operations: 9X5AA 15 Nov 1987 - 19 Dec 1989 A4XYS 13 Sep 1983 - 30 Mar 1984 KB4ATV/4S7 04 Apr 1984 - 08 Apr 1984 KX6PO 10 Jun 1983 - 14 Dec 1983 TYA11 19 Jun 1981 - 21 Jun 1981 W4LZZ/V21 02 Nov 1988 - 24 Dec 1988 V29A 25 Dec 1988 - 29 May 1981 YB1AQC 16 Feb 1988 - 11 Oct 1988 ZD8XX 05 Aug 1989 - 10 Jun 1991 All logs have been uploaded to LoTW. If you do not find your QSO(s), please e-mail Bill (w9ol@billnjudy.com): the logs were handwritten, an error in deciphering may have occurred and he can recheck the paper log. [TNX W9OL] SH/425 STATISTICS ---> Leonardo Lastrucci, IZ5FSA has developed a software which allows to query the 425 DX News Archive maintained on www.ariscandicci.it from the PacketCluster [425DXN 697]. The command is SH/425 , where should be replaced with a callsign, a reference number, etc. The SH/425 DxSpiderCluster Command statistics are now available on the web site above. The software has been included in the DX Spider Cluster version 1.51 (build 58.3) by Dirk Koopman, G1TLH. For further information, please contact IZ5FSA (webmaster@ariscandicci.it). TO7C ---> The TO7C operation from Ile Royale, French Guyana started around 19.15 UTC on 7 March. As of 10 UTC on the 17th, a few hours before going QRT, about 24,500 QSOs had been logged. On-line logs will be posted on the web site (http://to7c.free.fr/homeuk.html) once the operators are back to France, as there was no internet capability on the island. + SILENT KEY + Mac, W3HC reports that Park, BA1CO became a silent key on 9 March. Mac was his QSL manager. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA LOGS: Juan, EA9IE reports he has updated his on-line log, which now contains 225,307 QSOs from 30 July 1979 through 28 February 2005. It can be found at http://dx.qsl.net/cgi-bin/logform.cgi?ea9ie LOGS: On-line logs for V5/SP6IXF and V5/SP7VC are now available at http://www.sp5zcc.waw.pl/dxpeditions/v5/ [TNX SP5UAF] QSL DB: Boye Christensen, OZ7C has updated his QSL DBase (which now contains 368,520 unique records) for Packet Cluster. The package can be downloaded at http://www.ddxg.dk/oz7c A web based search machine can be found at www.ddxg.dk/oz7c [TNX OZ7C, oz7c@qsl.net] ***************************************************************************** =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3W2XK W9XK II5PHG IK2UVR TM3PHG F5RPB 3Z4IARU SP4JWD II7PHG IK2UVR TM6OVN F6KPM 4L8A OZ1HPS IR2M IZ2FDU TO5A F5VHJ 4U1UN HB9BOU IY9MAR IT9MRM TO7C F9IE 5N6EAM IK2IQD J20FH F5PRU TP1CE F5LGF 5N8NDP IK5JAN J41PHG SV1DPP TT8AMO PA7FM 5R8FU SM5DJZ J41V SV1CQN TT8M PA7FM 5R8GT DK8ZD J68XC G0IXC UA0ANW RX3RC 5T5SN IZ1BZV J73CCM SM0CCM UA0AZA RX3RC 5W1VE DL9HCU J79XBI SM0XBI UE0SZB UA0SE 5Z4DZ PC1A J88DR G3TBK UE0SZI RZ0SB 8Q7DV UA9CLB JA6WFM/HI8 JA6VU UE0ZRD UA0ZD 9H3LEO IK1PMR JT1FCZ I1ZB UE3EDC IT9DAA 9H3MR IK1PMR JW0IB SP9EMF UE4HDA RW4HB 9H3RN G4IRN JW1CCA LA1CCA UE9XLS UA9XC 9M6BG VR2BG JW5E LA5NM UK8FF W3HNK 9V1NC W3HNK KH8SI VE3HO V25OP W9OP 9Y4/CX6VM W3HNK KL7DX AC7DX V25WY W4OWY 9Y4/N3BNA KA2AEV KP4SQ KD8IW V31LZ LZ3RZ 9Y4/ZP5AZL ZP5MAL LU1ZS LU4DXU V31NZ NZ9Z 9Y4W W3HNK LW9EOC EA7JX V47KP K2SB AL5A/NH2 JH0MGJ LZ127LO LZ1KZA V85NL JA4ENL C38LJ VE3GEJ LZ800AB LZ1PJ VC3A VE3AT CE9/R1ANF RK1PWA MM0LEO W3LEO VI3GP VK3ER CN2R W7EJ MM0VSG/p GM7WED VK0MT JE1LET CN2US NJ2D NH6/KD1N JR2KDN VK4FW/P VK4FW CO3VK/4 IZ8EBI NH8/KD1N JR2KDN VP5H W0GJ CT7B CT1ILT OH0Z OH5DX VP8DBR G0SWC CV5D CX2ABC ON400S ON5UR VP9BO W4ZGR DU9/N0NM W4DR OO175RM ON6RM VU3BPZ VU3MKE EA6UN EC6TK OY1OF ON5UR VU3CAH I1HJT ED1MAG EA1BT P40A WD9DZV WH8/F6EXV F6EXV ED7CK EA7HBC PA60ZVL PI4ZVL XT2JZ SM5DJZ ED7SCT EA7RCT PJ2T N9AG XV3BV JA9BV EG1SIS EA1EG R1ANN RZ3DJ XV3DYU JA3DYU EM1HO I2PJA RK0AYB RX3RC YB0A W3HNK ES70J ES1WW RM0A RX3RC YB0ECT K3AIR ES70L ES6PZ RW0BB/9 UA4RC YB1AQV N2KFC EX9A DF8WS SN3IARU SP3KT YB1HDF EA5KB FT5WJ F5BU SO1WQ DL1JGO YB5/9V1GO OK1DOT GP0STH G4DIY SQ0NATO SP1PBW YB7M YB9BU GW7X G3SQX ST2BF W3HNK YC0IEM/7 IZ8CCW HC8/N1KO W1ZS T49C K8SIX YI1UNH WA3HUP HF6IARU SP6BOW T6KBLRM DL2JRM YI9B4E WB4E HI3CCP ON4IQ T6X UA3DX YR50KAD YO5BJW HP3XBH W4WX T88CW JD1BLQ YT2M YT1AT HS0ZFS LX1KQ T88ME 7N1RTO YZ35EW YZ1EW II0PHG IK2UVR T88NF JA0FOX ZB2FX G3RFX II1PHG IK2UVR TF3CW LX1NO ZK2HA VE7HA II1TPG IZ1CCE TM1MIL F5TPA ZL1V N3SL II2PHG IK2UVR TM1PHG F5RPB ZL6A ZL2GJ II2R I2RFJ TM2PHG F5RPB ZL6FF ZL3CED II4PHG IK2UVR TM2R F6KKN ZS100RI ZS6CKB _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA D2DX Janne Hatakka, FELM/IELA, P. Bag 2015, Ondangwa, Namibia DJ4JI Klaus Helmbrecht, Schuhhof 4, D-38640 Goslar, Germany EA9IE Juan J. Rosales Fernandez, P.O. Box 410, 51080 Ceuta, Spain F5CWU Flo Moudar, 25 Rue du Castel Salis, 37100 Tours, France F6EXV Paul Granger, 51 Rue Marcel Sembat, 33130 Begles, France F9IE Bernard Chereau, P.O. Box 211, 85330 Noirmoutier en l'Ile, France I2RFJ Ivano Rigoli, Via Spluga 3, 21050 Gorla Maggiore - VA, Italy IK1PMR Andrea Panati, Via Caccia 52, 15033 Casale Monferrato - AL, Italy IZ1CCE Carlo Sobrito, Via I Maggio 9, 10051 Avigliana - TO, Italy IZ8EBI Giuseppe Gerace, P.O. Box 364, 87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy JA0FOX Nobuhiro Fukuzawa, 2498 Nakadaira, Kanae, Iida-city, Nagano 395-0801 Japan JD1BLQ Ryosei Aimiya, 4595 Kamikatagiri, Matsukawa, Shimoina, Nagano 399-3301 Japan JE1LET Masahiko Otokozawa, 985-7 Kuno, Odawara 250-0055, Japan LZ1KZA P.O.Box 36, 4300 Karlovo, Bulgaria RK1PWA Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, 164744 Amderma, Arkhangelskaja, Russia RU3DX Eugene Pletnev, P. O. Box 33, 109240 Moscow, Russia RX3RC Roman A. Novikov, P.O.Box 21, 392000 Tambov, Russia SM5DJZ Jan Hallenberg, Vassunda Andersberg, SE-741 91 Knivsta, Sweden UN7AB Aleksandr Zavodyanyj, 9 MKRN, 29 dom, 37 kv, Aktau, 466200, Kazakhstan VU3MKE Manoj Kumar Dhaka, Trupati Valley No 7, D-Lane, Kewal Vihar, Dehradun, Uttaranchal 24001, India WB4E Hal Weeden, 422 Hiddenbrook Ln, Maryville, TN 37804-3688, USA YB9BU Kadek Kariana SP., P.O. Box 106, Singaraja 81100 Bali, Indonesia ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: http://www.425dxn.org 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES: http://list.425dxn.org 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE: http://www.425dxn.org/monthly ***************************************************************************** 425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed in part or full provided that "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit Contributors are invited to send their DX information to Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org) The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays ***************************************************************************** MAILING LIST Please visit the "Mailing List" page at http://www.425dxn.org and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions or contact the Mailing List Administrator Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org) ***************************************************************************** Direttore Responsabile Giovanni Leone, IK8MRA Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 060028 Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti Roma, Italia *****************************************************************************