DX425 bulletin issue nr. 721

425 DX News #721
    February 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA        
        8R      - Craig, AH8DX will participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (5-6 March)
          as 8R1/AH8DX from Guyana. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
C5      - Noel, M0NBY will operate (on 20, 15 and possibily 40 metres SSB)  as
          as C56/M0NBY from The Gambia from  25 February to  3 March. QSL  via
          home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
CO      - Jose Gamboa, CO3VK (http://www.qsl.net/iz8ebi/co3vkINFO.htm) will be
          active as CO3VK/4  from La Juventud  (NA-056) on  17-20 March.  Jose
          will   be   working   with   the   "Charangas   de   Bejucal"   show
          (http://www.angerona.cult.cu/) team  and  plans to  operate  in  his
          spare time on 20 and 40  metres SSB. QSL via  IZ8EBI. Jose might  be
          joined by other 2-3 operators, who will be signing homecall/4.  [TNX
CY0     - Joe/W8GEX, Wayne/K8LEE and Phil/W9IXX plan to  be active from  Sable
          Island (NA-063) from  26 July to  1 August,  IOTA Contest  included.
          They expect  to  operate on  6-160  metres CW,  SSB,  PSK  and  RTTY
          (callsign not mentioned). QSL and donations to help offset the  cost
          will be handled by K8LEE. [TNX WZ8D]
DL      - Look for DK7LX  to be active  (mainly CW on  30, 40  and 80  metres,
          perhaps also  on 20  metres) from  Pellworm Island  (EU-042) from  6
          until 10 March at least. [TNX DK7LX].
F       - Laurent, F5AEG and another operator will be active (on 10-80  metres
          SSB, RTTY and PSK31) as  TM3OBI from Brehat  Island (EU-074) on  4-8
          May. QSL via F5AEG. [TNX La Gazette du DX]
FG      - Flo, F5CWU  will operate  (on 160-6  metres  CW, SSB,  RTTY/PSK)  as
          FG/F5CWU from Guadeloupe (NA-102) on 2-10 March, ARRL DX SSB Contest
          included. [TNX La Gazette du DX]
FG      - Look for Pierre,  F6FXS to operate  holiday style  as FG/F6FXS  from
          Guadeloupe (NA-102, DIFO FG-001) on  4-22 March. This  will be a  CW
          only activity on 40-10 metres. QSL via home call, direct or  bureau.
          [TNX F5NQL]
FS      - Look for FS/KT8X to operate holiday  style from St. Martin  (NA-105)
          on 4-11 March. He will put  an emphasis on the  WARC bands and  will
          participate in the  ARRL DX SSB  Contest (5-6 March).  Logs will  be
          uploaded to LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
FT*W    - Jean-Paul, F5BU made  his first QSO  as FT5WJ on  20 February on  20
          metres. He hopes to be able to spend at least one hour a day on  the
          bands, especially on 20 metres (+/- 14278 kHz). He is using a ground
          plane with elements for  40, 20, 15  and 10 metres.  Do not ask  for
          skeds. QSL FT5WJ via F5BU. Jean-Paul and Nicolas, F4EGX (FT1WK) will
          be on Possession Island, Crozet Islands until around 20 March.  [TNX
FY      - The TO7C team on Salut Island (SA-020) [425DXN 702] will pay special
          attention to 6 metres. There will be a beacon on 50096 kHz 24  hours
          a day; when you hear it, try calling  them on 50200 kHz, CW or  SSB.
          The expedition is scheduled to  take place on  10-17 March. QSL  via
          F9IE, direct  or  bureau. The  web  site for  the  operation  is  at
          http://to7c.free.fr/ [TNX F5NQL]
G       - Russell, G5XW plans to operate (on the HF bands and if possible on 6
          metres) from the Isle of Wight  (EU-120) on 4-8  April. He hopes  to
          activate some of the lighthouses on  the island (ENG-120, 143,  172,
          180, 181, 293 and 295). [TNX G5XW]
I       - Tony, IK8VRH plans to  operate as IR8DX/p  from Scoglio Villa  Vazia
          (not IOTA, IIA NA-029) on 26 February.
I       - Achille/IZ8CKS, Salvatore/IK8NTN and Andrea/IK8GDA will be active on
          6-40 metres SSB as IC8/homecall from  the island of Vivara  (EU-031,
          IIA NA-005) on 12-13 March.  QSl via home  calls, direct or  bureau.
          [TNX IZ8GCH]
JT      - Nicola, I0SNY reports he will  be active as  JT1Y [425DXN 718]  from
          Ulaanbaatar between  20 April  and 8  May. On  25-26 April  he  will
          operate as JT2Y from Choybalsan. Khosbayar, JT1CD and Nekiit,  JT2AN
          will assist him during the activity. QSL via I0SNY.
JW      - Francois, F8DVD will return to  Longyearbyen (EU-026), Svalbard  for
          the tenth time on 4-10 April, and will operate on all bands,  mainly
          SSB, as JW/F8DVD  from the local  club station. QSL  via home  call,
          direct (Francois  Bergez, 6  rue de  la Liberte,  F -  71000  Macon,
          France) or through the bureau.
KH6     - Yoshi, JE2EHP will be active (on 80-6 metres SSB and CW) as K1HP/KH6
          from Oahu (OC-019), Hawaii on 25-28 March. QSL via bureau to JE2EHP.
          [TNX JE2EHP]
KH8     - The American Samoa  Amateur Radio Association  has announced that  a
          team of nine operators (namely JA1BK, K1ER/KH6, JH1JGX/AH7C, JR2KDN,
          F6EXV, N9TK, W0MY, KB6NAN and  W9IXX) will be  active as KH8SI  from
          Swains Island (OC-200), American  Samoa on 2-6  March. They plan  to
          operate on 160-10  metres CW, SSB  and RTTY, with  four complete  HF
          stations with amplifiers  and yagis. At  least one  station will  be
          active during  the ARRL  DX SSB  Contest. Planned  frequencies  are:
          1822.5, 3505, 7005,  10107, 14025,  18073, 21025,  24895, 28025  and
          50110 kHz (CW); 3795,  7080, 14195, 18140,  21295, 24930, 28495  and
          50110 kHz (SSB); 14088 kHz (RTTY). The pilot stations will be AH8LG,
          WA2MOE, JE2EHP and KH6BZF. QSL via VE3HO (Garth Allistair  Hamilton,
          P.O. Box 1156, Fonthill, ON L0S 1E0, Canada). [TNX K1HP]
LZ      - Special event station LZ800AB (LZ Eight Zero Zero AB) will be active
          on all bands and modes between  1 March and 30 April to  commemorate
          the 800th anniversary of the Battle of Adrianople. QSL via bureau to
          LZ1PJ or direct to the Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs,  P.O.
          Box 830, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria. [TNX LZ1BJ]
OZ      - Klaus, DJ4JI will  be active (on  80, 40 and  20 metres  SSB) as  as
          OZ/DJ4JI from Bornholm Island (EU-030) on  5-10 March. QSL via  home
          call, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
P4      - KK9A will participate in the either the ARRL DX SSB (5-6 March)  and
          the CQ  WW  WPX  SSB  (26-27 March)  contests  as  P40A  from  Aruba
          (SA-036). QSL via WD9DZV. [TNX NG3K]
PJ4     - Peter, PA3CNX will operate on 80-6  metres SSB and CW as  PJ4/PA3CNX
          from Bonaire (SA-006), Netherlands Antilles until 14 March. QSL  via
          home call, direct or bureau. [TNX PA3CNX]
SP      - The radio club of Ziebice (SP6KYU)  will operate as SP140JL on  1-31
          March to commemorate the  140th anniversary of  the birth of  Joseph
          Langer (1865-1918).  QSL via  SP6KYU, direct  to SQ6FHP  (Zb.  Jurek
          Kopacz, ul.Zamkowa 26, 57-220 Ziebice, Poland). [TNX SQ6FHP]
SU      - Hossam/SU1HM,  Said/SU1SK,  Tarek/SU2TA  and  Sayed/SU1SA  plan   to
          operate as SU8IOTA from  Jazirat Disuqi (aka  Nelson Island) in  the
          Nile Delta and  Sinai Region Group  (AF-NEW) from 23  April until  1
          May. This  will be  the first  ever IOTA  activity from  Egypt.  QSL
          direct only via SU1SK (Said Kamel, P.O. Box 190, New Ramsis  Center,
          Cairo 11794,  Egypt). QSLling  policy at  http://www.qrz.com/su8iota
          [TNX SU1SK]
SV5     - Willi, DJ7RJ will  be active  from Kos  Island, Dodecanese  (EU-001)
          from 27 February to 20 March. He plans to operate on the low  bands,
          160 metres included. QSL via home call. [TNX AA1M]
V3      - W9GMP, NZ9Z and W8JWN will be active (on all bands and modes with an
          emphasis on PSK  and RTTY) as  V31GR, V31NZ  and V31TR  respectively
          from Belize on  2-10 March. QSL  via home calls,  direct or  bureau.
          They will participate in the ARRL  DX SSB Contest as V31TR (QSL  via
          W9DXA). [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
W       - Glenn/K2FF, Randy/W5UE and Bill/K5YG will operate CW and SSB as  N2G
          from  the  rare  Greene  County,   Mississippi  on  26-27   February
          throughout the Mississippi  QSO Party (it  starts at 15  UTC on  the
          26th and ends at 3 UTC on the 27th). QSL via K2FF. [TNX K1XN and The
CQ WW  160M SSB  CONTEST --->  The following  stations have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (26-27 February):
C6    - Bill, NE1B (C6AWB) and Tom, C6ANM  from the Bahamas. QSL for both  via
CN    - Jim, W7EJ as CN2R (SOHP) from Morocco. QSL via W7EJ.
D4    - 4L5A as D4B from Cabo Verde. QSL via K1BV.
GD    - G4XUM as MD4K from the Isle of Man. QSL via G3NKC.
P4    - John, W2GD as P40W (SOHP) from Aruba. QSL via N2MM.
V5    - Janusz, V5/SP6IXF and  Przemek, V5/SP7VC  from Namibia.  QSL via  home
XE    - XE2ED, XE2K  and XE2CQ  as 6I2CQ  from  the Rumorosa  Mountains  (Baja
        California), Mexico. QSL via XE2CQ.
YI    - Korey, KA5VCQ as YI9VCQ from Iraq. QSL via N3ST.
Do not forget to give a  look to the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cq160s2005.html 
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
      DXCC NEWS ---> VU4RBI and VU4NRO (from 30 November through 31 December  2004)
have been approved for DXCC credit.
EUROPEAN CASTLES DAY ---> The  fourth  edition  of  the  European Castles Day
[425DXN 720] will take place on 22 May between 6 and 16 UTC. Several stations
are expected to operate  from fortresses  and  castles in   France,  Belgium,
Italy, Spain  and Portugal.  Information  on castles award  programmes can be
found on http://f6fna.club.fr/dfcfa2.html  [TNX F6FNA]
IOTA BASH  --->  On 11-12  March  there  will be  a  get  together  for  IOTA
enthusiasts  at  Mike's  (AD5A)  QTH  near  Boerne,  Texas.  There  will   be
presentations from recent IOTA expeditions  (NA-164, NA-165, OC-155,  NA-044)
with talks on technical topics as well as a presentation on the current state
of the IOTA programmw and a look at future developments. Please contact  Mike
(ad5a@arrl.net)  for detailed information or visit www.islandradio.org 
KH8SI  --->   The   web  site   for   the  2-6   March   expedition   is   at
http://www.swains-island.org/.  The ARRL's position on the matter is explained
in details at http://www.arrl.org/announce/American-Samoa/ 
NOT THE MANAGER ---> Jeremy, F8DBN  is receiving cards for  FG5FR, but he  is
not the QSL manager for this station. [TNX La Gazette du DX]
QSL 9Q0AR ---> The QSL route "via  SM5BFJ" [425DXN 720] is for contacts  made
with Gus, SM0BIC (and not with SM5BFJ: apologies for the misprint). Gus is in
the Democratic Republic of Congo until the end of the year and expects to  be
licenced to operate as 9Q1D (QSL via SM5BFJ). [TNX The Daily DX]
QSL MANAGER  OFFERED  ---> Peppe  Gerace,  IZ8EBI is  willing  to  offer  his
services to other stations. Information can be found at www.qrz.com 
QSL VIA IK2QPR ---> Paolo provides  the up-to-date list  of the stations  for
which he is the current QSL manager:
4L0DX           EX8NP          UI8OAA         UN0N (d)
EK1700GM        EX8QB          UK7PBH         UN1O
EK3GM (a)       EX8QF          UK8GH          UN2O
EK8WB (b)       FO/IK2QPR      UK8ICO         UN7FW
EO2CWO          II2R           UK8IZ          UN7JX
EU6MM           LU1QS          UK8OM          UN7OD
EW6GB           RC4/UC1WWO     UL0OB          UN7OP
EW6WW           RF6FU          UL7JGJ         UN7PJQ
EX2FU           RI1OA          UL7NAN         UN9PQ
EX2U            RL2O           UL7OAO         UO100OIL
EX5T            UA0YAY         UL7OB          UP50O
EX7MA           UC1WWO         UL7PJQ         V25PR
EX7MK           UC2WO          UM8DX          VP5/IK2QPR
EX8DX           UF6FFL         UM8MU
EX8MLE (c)      UI8IZ          UM8OM
EX8NK           UI8NH          UM8QB
(a) till 20 May 2002           (c) till 1 April 2002
(b) till 1 May 1999            (d) till 2 February 2001
QSL VIA IT9DAA  ----> Corrado, IT9DAA  is the QSL  manager for the  following
stations, which  participated  in the  MDXC  Members Trophy  (4-6  February):
VU2RBI HONOURED  ---> QRZ-DX  reports that  Bharathi, VU2RBI  has been  named
recipient of  the  2nd  Annual  Lynch Memorial  Award,  given  by  the  Tokyo
International Amateur Radio Association:  "Bharathi Prasad, VU2RBI,  recently
became famous in the ham world for her DXpedition to Andaman Island after  14
years of wrangling with Indian bureaucrats.   Shortly after that, she  became
widely known outside the amateur radio community in India and abroad for  her
heroic work on-air in the aftermath of the Indian Ocean Tsunami."
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

      EU-130:            A video of  the IOTA  Contest 2004  IQ3GO/p operation  from
                   Isola del Campo (EU-130, IIA GO-029) by the Eastern Contest
                   Team can be found at http://www.arigorizia.org/ (follow the
                   ECT link on the left). [TNX IV3IFN]
OL0ANT:            A photo gallery  for Jarda/OK1FOW's activity  as as  OL0ANT
                   from   Eco   Base    (AA   OK-01)   can    be   found    at
                   www.mdxc.org/antarctica/ol0ant  [TNX IZ8CGS]
R1ANF:             The club station at Bellingshausen (AA UA-04)on King George
                   Island, South Shetlands,  now has  a web  page  with a nice
                   photo  gallery  at  http://www.alfaradio.ca/r1anf.php 
                         [TNX DL5EBE]
YO DX HF CONTEST:  The results  of the  2004 event  are now  available on  the
                   Romanian   Amateur   Radio   Federation's   web   site   at
                   http://www.hamradio.ro/contests/yodxhf2004/  [TNX N2YO]
QSLs received  direct  or through  managers:  3B8CF, 3D2AG/P,  3D2DD,  3W22S,
4L1MA, 5T0EU, 5T5SN, 5Z4DZ, 6O0X, 7Q7MM, 8Q7DV, 9G5OO, 9K2RR, 9N1SXW,  A61AJ,
A61AV/P (AS-124), A61Q/P (AS-021), C6ANI, C91CG, C91Z, D4B, DU9/N0NM,  EL2PM,
RD3A, RL3A, RZ9OO/0 (AS-005), S79RJ, S9SS,  SV2ASP/A, T32CK, T88VV  (OC-009),
TA3FB/P (AS-098),  TO0O, TR8CR,  TU2CI, TX9  (OC-176), TZ6JA,  V47KP,  V51XG,
V63WB (OC-012  & OC-059),  VK9LA, VP2E,  VP2ENK, VP8CWI  (SA-002),  VP9/W6PH,
YV5ANF/1 (SA-089), Z36W, ZC4LI, ZD7T, ZD7ZA, ZD8JA.
                       425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org 
                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org 
                 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:   http://www.425dxn.org/monthly 
                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org) 
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                                 MAILING LIST
                    Please visit the "Mailing List" page at
        and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                   or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                   Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org) 
                            Direttore Responsabile
                            Giovanni Leone, IK8MRA
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 060028
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia