DX425 bulletin issue nr. 717

425 DX News #717 
    January 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org )
    Contributors are invited to send their DX information to  
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
    The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA        
      3D2_rot -  The Rotuma call for Charlie, HA8IB and Eli, HA9RE [425DXN 716]  has
           changed and they  will use 3D2RR  until 22 February.  3D2RE is  for
           operations from the Fiji Islands. QSL via HA8IB.
3V       - Mustapha, DL1BDF  reports that  the  following scout  stations  are
           allowed  to  use  special  callsigns  during  the  World   Handball
           Championship through 6 February:
           3V8ST = TS1WHC  20, 15, 12, 10m
           3V8CB = TS2WHC  80, 40, 17, 10m
           3V8SQ = TS3WHC  80, 40, 20, 10m
           3V8SF = TS4WHC  40, 17, 15, 10m
           3V8SM = TS5WHC  80, 40, 20, 10m
           3V8SJ = TS6WHC  20, 15, 10m
           3V8SS = TS7WHC  80, 20, 12, 10m
           QSL via the Tunisian QSL bureau. [TNX DJ7IK]
C5       - Alan, G3XAQ and Steve, G4EDG will be active as C56C from The Gambia
           between 28 January and 10 February.  The operation will be  CW-only
           on HF, using 100W rigs and wire aerials. QSL via G3SWH. [TNX G3XAQ]
C6       - Bill, K1CN and his wife Laurel,  N1EBL will operate again as  C6AMM
           and C6AWW from Harbour Island (NA-001),  Bahamas on 6-26  February.
           Expect activity on 40-6 metres SSB  (CW on request). QSL via  K1CN,
           direct or bureau. [TNX K1CN]
CY9      - Twelve operators  from  Canada and  the  US (namely  VA2DV,  VE1PZ,
           VE2TKH, VY2LI, VY2OX,  VY2RO, VY2SS, VE9GJ  and VE9WH; K9MU,  W1AIM
           and W1VE) plan to be active as CY9SS from St. Paul Island  (NA-094)
           between 7 June and 7 July. They expect to have two stations for the
           HF bands, 2  stations for 6  metres (one for  Europe only) and  one
           station for 2 metres. QSL direct to VY2SS; logs will be uploaded to
           LOTW. The web site for the expedition is at http://www.cy9ss.com
DU_spr   - DU1EV, DU1JXP, DU1MHX, 4F1OZ, 4F2KWT and 4F3BA plan to be active on
           160-6 metres as  DX0K from one  of the  Philippine Spratly  Islands
           (AS-051) from now through late April  at least. The first  operator
           will be 4F2KWT, the others will follow. QSL via 4F2KWT. [TNX DU1EV]
I        - Look for special station II1TPG (www.ii1tpg.it)  to be aired  again
           on 26-30 January,  3 February  and 10-19  March. This  will be  the
           official amateur radio station for the IX Paralympic Winter  Games,
           which will be hosted in Torino  in 2006. QSL via IZ1CCE, direct  or
           bureau. [TNX IZ1CCE]
I        - ARI Pomigliano (http://www.aripom.org/) will  operate as IU8GMM  on
           11-13 February for  the World Day  of the Sick.  QSL via bureau  to
I        - Alberto, IT9MRM will operate (from 7 to 16 UTC on SSB) as IY9MAR on
           8-10 March to  celebrate the  91st anniversary  of the  experiments
           carried out by Guglielmo  Marconi from the  ship "Regina Elena"  at
           Augusta (Siracusa). All of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically
           via the  bureau; direct  cards should  be sent  to IT9MRM  (Alberto
           Mattei, Via E.  Millo 20, 96011  Augusta - SR,  Italy). A web  page
           will be available at http://www.assoradiomarinai.tk [TNX IT9MRM]
I        - ARI Taranto (http://www.aritaranto.it) club  station IQ7TA will  be
           activated during  the Holy  Week on  24-27  March. Details  on  the
           relevant award are available from the Award Manager Leonardo Leone,
           IZ7EDQ (iz7edq@aritaranto.it). QSL via bureau. [TNX IZ7AUH]
JA       - Yoshiro, JA1AMP will operate  (on 80-10 metres  CW, SSB, RTTY,  PSK
           and MFSK) as JA1AMP/6 from Yoron Island (Amami Islands, AS-023)  on
           20-21 March. QSL via bureau  to JA1AMP, or  direct to JL3SIK.  [TNX
KC4_ant  - Chris Post, N3SIG reports he will be on the air  for the  last time
           this night as KC4/N3SIG [425DXN 707] from McMurdo Station (K-09 for
           the Antarctica Award) on Ross Island (AN-001), Antarctica."Look for
           me today, my Saturday, your Friday on the East Coast US starting at
           7PM Eastern time or 1300 Local Antarctica Time. You will find me on
           14.243 USB, and I might try 15M is the bands are open."
KH0      - Takashi, JF1MIA  and Shun,  JH7IMX will  operate from  the  Mariana
           Islands (OC-086) until 31 January. Takashi will participate in  the
           CQ WW 160  Meter CW Contest  as KH0A,  while Shun  will be  singing
           K7WD/KH0 during the UK DX  RTTY Contest. QSL  via home calls.  [TNX
KH5      - Bev, AH6NF expects to operate (10-40  metres SSB with some PSK)  in
           her spare time from  Palmyra Atoll (OC-085)  on 3-18 February.  QSL
           via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
OA       - DL3ALF, DL5YWM, DL1NL and DL2JRM will operate CW and SSB from Lima,
           Peru on 5-19  February. A  side trip  to an  IOTA group  (possibily
           SA-073) is being taken into consideration. [TNX DL2JRM]
OE       - Austrian amateur radio  operators are  allowed to  use the  special
           prefix OE50 through 31 December to  celebrate the 50th  anniversary
           of the  State Treaty  that on  15  May 1955  established  political
           autonomy for the Austrian Republic. [TNX OE8KDK]
OH0      - Look for OH0W to be aired from Kumlinge, Aland Islands (EU-002)  on
           9-15 February. The main target will be a Multioperator entry in the
           CQ WW WPX RTTY Contest (12-13 February). QSL via bureau to  OH3LQK.
           [TNX OH3LQK]
P4       - Andy, K2LE  will  operate as  P40LE  from Aruba  (SA-036)  on  1-26
           February. He plans to concentrate on the WARC bands. [TNX The Daily
PJ7      - Look for Ron, PJ7/ND5S and Sue,  PJ7/KF5LG will operate (on  160-10
           metres CW, RTTY and SSB)  from Dutch St.  Maarten (NA-105) on  6-26
           February. Ron will be active for  both the CQ/RJ  RTTY WPX and  the
           ARRL  DX  CW  Contests.  The  web  site  for  more  details  is  at
           http://www.qsl.net/nd5s/ [TNX ND5S]
PY       - The  Avellaneda  Radio   Club  will  operate   as  PP5/LU7EO   from
           Florianopolis, Santa Caterina  (SA-026) from 25  January through  2
           February. Activity is expected  to take place  mostly on 40  metres
           SSB, from 22 to 2 UTC.  QSL direct to  Avellaneda Radio Club,  P.O.
           Box 41, 1870 Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina. [TNX CT1END]
S9       - CT1APE, CT1FFU and CT2GLO will be active (on 160-6 metres SSB,  CW,
           RTTY and PSK31) as S92RI from  Rolas Island (AF-023), Sao Tome  and
           Principe, on 20-26 February. [TNX CT1EEB]
SP       - Marek, SP2Y will operate as SN2IARU between 24 January and 15 March
           to celebrate the 80th anniversary of IARU and the 75th  anniversary
           of PZK, the national IARU Society for Poland. QSL via SP2Y,  either
           direct  (Marek  Klonowski,  ul.  Staszica  58/20,  82-500  Kwidzyn,
           Poland) or bureau. [TNX SP2Y]
V5       - Janusz, SP6IXF and Przemek, SP7VC will  be active (requested  calls
           V51IXF and V51VC) from Namibia from  25 February to 11 March.  They
           plan to operate on all bands  and to participate in  the CQ WW  160
           Meter SSB and ARRL DX SSB contests. [TNX SP5UAF]
VE       - John, VE7JZ is currently active from Kaien Island (NA-061) until 30
           April. QSL direct to the address at www.wm7d.net [TNX VA3RJ]
VP2M     - Art, N2NB will be active as VP2MDY from Montserrat (NA-103) from 24
           February through  8 March.  Activity will  be  on all  bands  6-160
           metres, including PSK31. [TNX N2NB]
W        - The Naval Postgraduate School ARC (K6LY) will activate Point  Pinos
           Lighthouse (ARLHS USA-634) on 1-7 February  to celebrate the  150th
           anniversary of  the lighthouse.  Look for  special call  K6P to  be
           aired on +/- 7270, 14270, 21370 and 28370 kHz. QSL direct to  WC6DX
           (G.Costello, P.O. Box 1332, Monterey, CA 93942, USA). [TNX VA3RJ]
XV       - JA9BV and JA3DYU will be vacationing in Vietnam on 14-17 March  and
           they plan to  operate CW  (3515, 7014,  14040, 21040  KHz) and  SBB
           (3540, 7040, 14160, 21160 KHz) as  XV3BV and XV3DYU. After  Vietnam
           they will  be active  as BW2/JA9BV  and BX2/JA3DYU  from Taiwan  on
           18-23 March. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
CARIBBEAN TOUR ---> Larry/W1LR and Bill/W4WX will operate as V25LR and  V25WX
from Antigua (NA-100)  on 21-24 February,  and as VP2MHS  (Larry) and  VP2MHX
(Bill) from Montserrat (NA-103) from  24 February through  2 March. Look  for
them primarily on PSK-31 and RTTY  on 6, 10,  12, 15, 17  and 20 metres.  QSL
direct only to home calls. [TNX W4WX]
CQ WW 160M CW ---> The following stations have announced their participation
in this year's contest (29-30 January):
3D2_r - Charlie, HA8IB and Eli, HA9RE as 3D2RE/R from Rotuma. QSL via HA8IB.
CO    - Raul, CO8ZZ as Single Operator Low Power from Cuba. QSL via DK1WI.
CT3   - HA5JI, HA5SX, VE3NZ and VE3NE as CT9M from Madeira.
CT3   - OK Team as CT9C.QSL via OK5DX
CT3   - OH2PM as CQ3A.
D4    - Al, 4L5A as D4B from Cape Verde. QSL via K1BV.
EY    - Nodir, EY8MM from Tajikistan. QSL via K1BV.
FM    - Thomas, KC0W as TO0O from Martinique. QSL direct to home call.
GD    - G3NKC G4XUM and M0BEW as MD4K from the Isle of Man. QSL via G3NKC.
GJ    - Richard, K2WR as either GJ2A or MJ0AWR from Jersey. QSL via K2WR.
I     - IK2HKT as IH9GPI from Pantelleria (African Italya). QSL via bureau.
KH0   - Takashi, JF1MIA as KH0A from the Mariana Islands. QSL via home call.
KP2   - John, G4RCG  as KP2ZZ  from St.  Croix, US  Virgin Islands.  QSL  via
OH0   - OH1JT, OH3WW, OH5DX, and OH7JR  as OH0Z from  the Aland Islands.  QSL
         via OH5DX.
VE    - Yuri, VE3DZ as VE2IM from Zone 2.
VE    - Paul, N4PN and Jeff, K1ZM as VY2ZM from Prince Edward Island.
VP2V  - Curt, W3HQ as VP2V/W3HQ from the British Virgin Islands (NA-023). QSL
         via VK4AAR (direct only).
VP9   - Jon, N0JK as VP9/N0JK from Bermuda.
YA    - YA5Y from Afghanistan (SOLP). QSL via bureau to DL5SE.
YB    - Stan, YB0AJR (OK1JR) as YE0X from Jawa, Indonesia. QSL via bureau.
Do not forget to give a  look to the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cq160c2005.html 
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
      DXCC NEWS  --->  The  R1MVI operation  from  Malyj  Vysotskij  Island  (10-13
September) has been aprroved for DXCC credit.
MDXC MEMBERS TROPHY ---> The Mediterraneo  DX Club's worldwide membership  is
growing. To celebrate the 200th member mark the club organizes the first MDXC
Members Trophy,  which will  take place  on 4-6  February 2005.  The MDXC  HQ
station IR8M plus several special event stations are expected to  participate
in the event: 9A0MDC (op. 9A6AA), ED3MDC (op. EA3GHZ), ED4MDC (ops. EA4TD and
EC4AEW), ED8MDC  (op. EA8AKN),  HG05MDC (ops.  HA1RW, HA9PP,  HA3JB),  II8MDC
(ops. IK7JWX and IZ7CDE), IR9MDC (op.  IT9EJW), IU1MDC (ops. IK1NLZ,  IK1XPK,
IK1JJB, IK1RLI), UE3EMC (ops. RZ3EC and RZ3EM), UP7GU (op. UN7GU), UP7GF (op.
UN7GF) and  Z37M  (op. Z33F).  Information  on the  event  can  be  found  at
http://www.mdxc.org/trophy2005.asp [TNX IZ8CCW]
NOT THE MANAGER ---> Please note that Steve, G0UIH is not and has never  been
the QSL manager for XW3DT. Cards should be sent to Alexey Sinchukov, P.O. Box
T511, Vientiane, Laos.
QSL 9K2/DB1JAW ---> Mike (http://db1jaw.de) says  that the QSL route for  his
December 2004  activity from  the desert  between Kuwait-City  and the  Iraqi
border is direct only (Mike Weiler, Stormstr. 126, 47445 Moers, Germany)  and
that "return postage is not required".
QSL VP5/N0VD ---> "I  have answered all  direct requests for  my VP5 trip  in
October/Noveber 2004",  Kelly/N0VD says.  "Buro cards  are just  starting  to
trickle in and those will be returned via the buro as time permits".
QSL  XF3/XE3RKK  --->  Ray,  N6VR  has   retrieved  the  logs  for   Adolfo's
(XE3RKK/KN6OU) operations from  NA-153 and NA-200  back in 1994.  He has  the
logs for  XF3/XE3RKK from  Banco Chinchorro  (NA-200, 29-30  October and  5-6
November 1994) and  XF3/XE3RKK from Desterrada  Island (NA-153, 8-9  November
1994). If you still need them  please send your direct  request to N6VR.  Ray
also has about 25 QSLs  and some SASEs  that have not  been answered, and  he
hopes to  reply  to  these  over  the  next  several  weeks.  [TNX  N6VR  and
QSL VIA  RX3RC --->  Roman, RX3RC  reports  he is  the  new QSL  manager  for
Vladimir, UN7EX and  his special  callsisgns (UO1E,  UP57EX, UP58EX,  UP59EX,
UO60SB, UP2003ZO, UQ1EDX, UP100RAEM, UN180E). QSL  direct (Roman A.  Novikov,
P.O.Box 21, 392000 Tambov, Russia) ot via the bureau.
V25PR ---> Paolo, IK2QPR operated as V25PR from Renvil/V21RW's QTH on Antigua
from 17 to 22 January (around 1300 QSOs). QSL via home call (Paolo Fava,  Via
Bertani 8, 46100 Mantova - MN, Italy).
VP8ROT & VP8ADE ---> Mike, VP8CMH/GM0HCQ  did operate shortly as VP8ROT  from
Rothera (AA G-07)  on Adelaide Island  (AN-001), Antarctica  for about  three
hours in the UTC night between 25 and 26 January. The "James Clark Ross"  has
now departed and Mike will not get the chance to go ashore and operate  again
this season. "I am not sure when I will be  back to the base", he says,  "but
it may not be until December 2006". QSL VP8ROT via GM0HCQ. Mike also  reports
that the beacon VP8ADE (28285 khz) is also QRV.
+ SILENT KEYS  + We  have been  informed recently  of the  passings of  Marko
Pavlic (9A7C/9A2PM), Ugo Cartia (I0CUT, of  1A0KM, HV0A and HV4NAC fame)  and
Victor Ardynsky (YL2BI).
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
DLI:     The DLI  Software, made  by Gabriele  Antonielli (I5-1990),  can  be
          dowloaded at www.logswl.com. The Italian Lakes Award (DLI -  Diploma
          dei Laghi Italiani), sponsored by ARI Ivrea, is available to  either
          licensed amateurs and SWLs.  The certificate is  free of charge  and
          participation  is   managed   exclusively   on-line.   For   further
          information please  visit  http://www.ari-ivrea.it/html/regol_en.htm 
          or  e-mail  the   Award  Manager,  Bruno   Giacometti  (I1ABT),   at
LOGS:    On-line logs for S9SS can be found at  http://lea.hamradio.si/~s50u .
          S9SS (formerly  known  as S92SS)  is  Charles Lewis,  the  Voice  of
          America Site Supervisor on Sao Tome.
TSUNAMI: On 2 January Alain, F6BFH was interviewed by the TV News on the help
          provided by amateur  radio operators during  the tsunami  emergency.
          The interview can be seen at  http://videos.tf1.fr/video/archivesJT/ 
          and click on "Les radio-amateurs creent  une chaine de  solidarite".
          [TNX Clipperton DX Club]
QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B8CF, 3B8MM, 3D2XA, 4U1ITU, 4X4WN,
5H1BP, 5K5Z, 5U5Z, 5Z4DZ, 6W7RV, 9J2BO, 9N7CQ, 9U6PM, A35RK, A43DI  (AS-112),
A43HI (AS-010), A61AR,  A92GR (AS-002),  BO0K (AS-102),  BX5AA, C91CG,  C91Z,
(OC-052), FO5PS, FW7AQR, HC1AJQ, HK3JJH/0B (NA-133), J75J,  JH7DNO, KD6WW/VY0
(NA-196 and  NA-130), LX5A,  LX7I, MW5A,  OH0M, P29VVB  (OC-008 and  OC-025),
PJ2/WB9Z, PJ7/K7ZUM (NA-105), RX3BP/9 (AS-109), S79MH, S9SS, SV2ASP/A,  T30T,
T77C, T94FC,  TF4M, TJ3FR,  TJ3SP, TK/IK2JYT  (EU-164), TN6X,  TR8CR,  TZ6JA,
UK8OAR, V31RR, V47KP,  V73GE, V73NS  (OC-028), V73WJ,  V85SS, VP2EJ,  VP2ENK,
YA/DL2JRM, YW1A,  YW6C (SA-090),  Z31PK, ZA/IK2DUW,  ZB0/DJ7TO, ZC4LI,  ZD7F,
                       425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org 
                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org 
                 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:   http://www.425dxn.org/monthly 
                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org) 
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
                                 MAILING LIST
                    Please visit the "Mailing List" page at
        and follow the step by step subscribe/unsubscribe instructions
                   or contact the Mailing List Administrator
                   Stefano Turci, IK4WMH (ik4wmh@425dxn.org) 
                            Direttore Responsabile
                            Giovanni Leone, IK8MRA
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 060028
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia