425 DX News #714 8 January 2005 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA 3C - A station signing 3CAK (yes, this is the call - WFWL) is currently active from Malabo, Bioco Island (AF-010), Equatorial Guinea. Reportedly the operator (home call not given) expects to be there until April. QSL to Vladimir Arseniev, Gagarina St. 14A/1, Zelenogradsk 238530, Kaliningrad, Russia. [TNX IK2IQD] ES - Oleg/ES1RA and Vello/ES1QD will operate as ES1RA/0 and ES1QD/0 Muhu Island (EU-034) on 8-10 January. QSL ES1RA/0 to P.O. Box 806, 11702 Tallinn, Estonia; QSL ES1QD/0 to P.O. Box 3739, 10508 Tallinn, Estonia. [TNX ES1RA] I - The 7-9 January IO9TA operation from EU-166 [425DXN 712] has been cancelled because of bad sea conditions. [TNX IZ8CCW] KG4 - Jose, N4BAA and other two operators will be active from Guantanamo Bay (NA-015) on 15-22 January. Callsigns will be KG4SB (QSL via N4BAA), KG4AS (QSL via N4SIA) and KG4WV (QSL via W4WV). They will operate on 160-6 metres all modes. [TNX OPDX Bullettin] JA - Look for JL3CRS/6 to operate from a few AS-017 islands on 7-8 January. Islands mentioned include Henza (JIIA AS-017-010) or Ike (JIIA AS-017-01) on the 7th, Yagachi (JIIA AS-017-040) or Sesoko (JIIA AS-017-035) on the 8th and Okinawa Honto (JIIA AS-017-033) on 8 January at night. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR] JA - Look for JJ6FTT/6 and JK6RCO/6 to operate from Hime Island (AS-012, JIIA AS-012-013) on 9-10 January. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR] LU - A group of operators from Radio Club Argentino (LU4AA) will be active with two stations on 10-80 metres from Martin Garcia Island (SA-055) and Lighthouse (ARG-045). Look for LR4D (CW) and LR5D (SSB) from around 21 UTC on 13 January to around 15 UTC on the 16th. QSL via LU4AA, direct or bureau. [TNX LU3DW] LU - LU9DA, LU5EW, LU1DWW and others plan to operate (on 10, 15 and 20 metres SSB) as LU2DT from the lighthouse at Punta Mogotes in mid January. QSL via LU2DT (RC Mar del Plata, P.O. Box 664, B7600 Mar del Plata, Argentina). [TNX LU9DA] P2 - Jerry, P29ZAD will be active from Tabar Island (OC-099) on 18-27 January. He will operate during his spare time, probably around 21 and 8 UTC on +/- 14260 kHz. QSL direct to Jerry Walker, P.O. Box 264, Ukarumpa, EHP 444, Papua New Guinea. [TNX The Daily DX] ST - Dane, S57CQ/ST2T is still in Sudan and he is likely to be working there for the next three months. He plans to operate RTTY soon. QSL via S57DX, direct or bureau. [TNX S57DX] UA - Mike, UA0MF reports he will operate as UA0MF/9 from Ural area (RDA CB-54, GL MO04ew), near the border with European Russia, on 10-20 January. He will pay special attention to the low bands. VE - VE3JM and VE3EY will operate as VE2/homecall from Sept Iles, Quebec (Zone 2) on 13-19 January. Their main focus will be on the low bands. QSL via home calls. [TNX NG3K] VK0_mi - Dave, VK0MT is currently active from Macquarie Island (AN-005). Owing to his work commitments, he has time for amateur radio only during his evening hours. He operated for a few days from a small hut at Water Fall Bay, using a long wire and a vertical whip antenna, but once back to the main research station, he should have access to better antennas. Victor, ZK1CG gave Dave times and frequencies for some nets - the Southern-Cross DX Net (14239 kHz at 11 UTC), the W7PHO Net (14245 kHz at 14 UTC), the ANZA Net (14183 kHz at 05.15 UTC), the 247 Net (14247 kHz at 21 UTC). Dave will be stationed on "Macca" until the end of March, and he plans to be active on SSB, PSK and some CW (QRS) on 2-160 metres. QSL via JE1LET (direct only). Full information on Macquarie Island can be found on the Australian Antartic Division's web site at http://www.aad.gov.au/default.asp?casid=7151 [TNX JE1LET and ZK1CG] VP8_sg - Lars, DL9LB is sailing from the Falkland Islands to South Georgia (AN-007) aboard the RRS James Clark Ross. He should get to Husvik around 11-15 January and he expects the remain there for about 6 weeks. Owing to his limited spare time, Lars says, he will be able to spend only 30 minutes a day on the amateur radio bands. Look for VP8DIF around the IOTA frequencies. QSL via DB3LSP. [TNX DL9BL] VU - Arasu, VU2UR reports that Sagar Island (AS-153) will be activated on the HF bands on 10-16 January. The Calcutta VHF Amateur Radio Society (http://www.calcuttahams.com) has participated in the annual Ganga Sagar Mela festival for years now. They operate upon request from the district administration to assist them in maintaining an emergency communication network and handling missing persons traffic. Activity on the HF bands (look around the usual IOTA frequencies - 14260, 21260 etc.) will take place during the operators' spare time. XU - Peter, NO2R will operate as XU7ACY from the DX Shack in Sihanoukville, Cambodia on 9-21 January. He will concentrate on 40, 80 and 160 metres. QSL via K2NJ. [TNX The Daily DX] YB9 - Stan, YB0AJR (OK1JR) will operate as YB0AJR/9 Gili Air Island (claimed to count for OC-150) on 8-12 January. He will concentrate on 40, 30, 20 and 15 metres CW, and will try to be active also during the ARRL RTTY Roundup. QSL via OK1JN. [TNX YB0AJR] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS ---> Bharathi, VU2RBI has returned to Delhi, as planned, but several more Indian amateur radio volunteers have joined the existing team to activate stations for emergency traffic (main frequencies 14190 kHz and 7090-7095 kHz) on the tsunami hit islands. The Daily DX reports that on 29 December all Indian amateur radio stations were authorized to operate in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands to "assist the Civil Authorities in handling the messages pertaining to the disaster", and currently there are some 25-30 hams operating in various parts of the archipelago. A few interesting local and international press reports on the active involvement of amateur radio operators in the tsunami disaster can be found at http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2005/01/04/2/?nc=1 As for the VU4RBI/VU4NRO DXpedition, Charles/K4VUD reports that the log books "are safely now in Hydrabad at NIAR". Charles spoke directly with Suri, VU2MY (Director of NIAR), who stated that QSL cards are "arriving at NIAR in Hydrabad with all kinds of contents (green stamps, etc.) in good order". A list of QSL cards received will be posted on the NIAR website (www.niar.org) as soon as they have personnel to do this job, and there also plans to put the logs on-line. F5VHH ---> Once again F5VHH is participating in the Paris-Dakar Rally and has been active as CN/F5VHH. Please note that Morocco - as well as other African countries he has operated from - does not issue portable or mobile calls. "None of these operations count and will ever count for DXCC", Maurice/F5NQL says. OPERATORS NEEDED ---> Charles "Frosty" Frost, K5LBU (www.dxsafari.com) is putting together a team to operate from Swaziland for ten days in July, IARU contest (9-10 July) included. He hopes to have 3 CW operators and 3 SSB operators make the trip. If interested, please contact Frosty at frosty1@pdq.net [TNX K5LBU] QSL HC8N ---> You can check on the status of your HC8N (http://hc8n.info/) QSL request on W5UE's page at http://www.datasync.com/~w5ue/qsl-w5ue.html. HC8N also also participates in the ARRL Logbook of the World initiative. Direct cards should be sent to Randy Becnel, P.O. Box 170, Kiln, MS 39556-0170, USA. QSL MANAGER SURVEY ---> January is the last month to nominate your 5 choices for The Top 5 QSL Managers for 2004 [425DXN 708]. The annual survey is conducted by the "Golist, QSL Manager List" (http://golist.net/); DXers around the world are asked to submit the list of their nominees based solely upon their opinion of how the QSL manager responded to their QSL requests. Nominations should be sent to golist@golist.net (put TOP 5 NOMINATIONS in the subject line), [TNX K1XN and The Golist] QSL XF3T ---> Please note that the correct manager for this station, which was recently active from NA-200, is neither XE1KK (as reported by mistake in 425DXN 712) nor W1NK, but N1NK (as reported in 425DXN 711). QSL VIA S57DX ---> Slavko, S57DX says he has no backlog for any of S57CQ's operations. These include 9A/S57CQ, T9/S57CQ, 5B/S57CQ, YI/S57CQ, YI9T and A52CQ (all of the QSOs have been confirmed direct or via the bureau) as well as ST2T (direct requests are processed on a daily basis). QSL VIA UA0LCZ ---> Vlado, UA0LCZ (Vlado Miroshnichenco, P.O. Box 41-21, Vladivostok, 690041, Russia) says that direct requests for RI0MC (Chishachev Island, 20-26 July 2004) and RI0MR (Popova Island, July 2003) are being processed and mailed. [TNX UA0MF and UA0LCZ] VUCC/R ---> The Central States VHF Society is sponsoring the new VUCC/R(over) award. Its purpose is to recognize the contribution of rover station operators to the world of grid hunting. Rovers are folks operating while mobile in motion or temporarily parked to give out grids to fixed stations. Contacts made on 1 January 1983 or later qualify. Rules and contact information are available on the CSVHFS website at www.csvhfs.org. [TNX PY2ZX] + SILENT KEY + Gerben, PG5M reports that Geert Heemstra, PA0GIN passed away on 23 December. A long time radio amateur and a great CW enthusiast, he was the inspiration for many aspirant ham radio operators and the driving force behind many activities, contest station PA0GN (later PI4GN) included. Gerben himself was one of the many people who received a CW training from Geert, who later acted as his QSL manager (for PA0GAM/ST2, etc.). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA QSL GALLERIES: An impressive collection of 2100+ QSL cards is available on Les Nouvelle DX's web site. Six different galleries include cards for each of the 58 deleted DXCC entities (400+ QSLs), obsolete prefixes (800+ QSLs), Antarctic bases (300+ QSLs) & TAAF (Terres Australes and Antarctiques Francaises, 190 QSLs), pre-1945 countries (200+ QSLs) and French Departments. Several cards are still needed and your participation is welcome - please visit http://LesNouvellesDX.free.fr and send send your comments to LesNouvellesDX@free.fr [TNX F6AJA] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3D2EG KE6EHD EZ8CW RU4SS PJ7/AA4V AA4V 3D2FF DL4RDJ FK/JA1KAJ JA1KAJ RU3HD/ANT RZ3DJ 3D2TJ K6JAT FR5/DK4CD DK4CD ST2T S57DX 3Z75GFI SP9GFI GB6BOB G0SWY T6KBLRM DL2JRM 3Z75Z SP8AJC HC1AJQ EA7FTR T6RM DL2JRM 4J9RI DL7EDH HF70PRT SP2PI TM7VM F5UJZ 4L1MA ON4RU HF75PZK SP3IQ TR8CA F6CBC 4L6AM 4Z5CU HF7IARU SP7LFT TT8FT F6GYV 4N35CW YU1BM HF9IARU SQ9ACH UE1QSK UA1RJ 5H3AA K6EID HS0ZCW K4VUD UE1RDM UA1RJ 5H9PD W8FV HS0ZDJ W2YR UE3SSM UA3SDY 5T5DY F6GDC HV0A IK0FVC V47UY KJ4UY 5V7PK F4EGS HZ1IK DK7YY V51KC IZ8EDJ 6W8CK DH7WW I0QHM/KC4 IK8OZZ V73VE JF1OCQ 6Y5/KN5G KN5G J20FH F5PRU VK6ASG G3ASG 9K2/JR0NMR JR0NMR JA6WFM/HI3 JA6VU VP8DIA GM3EIY 9K2MU WA4JTK K1ZT/KH6 JE1SPY XF3T N1NK 9L1BTB SP7BTB KF2HC/KP2 KF2HC XQ6ET W8UVZ A35RK W7TSQ OD5UT K3IRV XU7AAA XW2A A61R EA7FTR OO4UN ON4UN YB5/9V1GO OK1DOT C21HC DL9HCU OO5UR ON5UR YI9VCQ KA5VCQ CN2JD F5BTK OO6UR ON6UR YI9WRV W3HNK CN8PD F8IXZ OO7XT ON7XT YJ0AKA JA1KAJ CN8SG EA7FTR OY1OF ON5UR YU35ZZ YU1ZZ CO7EH AD4C OY4TN ON5UR ZB2/DL4WK DL4WK CW5R CX2ABC P4/W6LD K5WW ZB2/DL7UFR DL7UFR EM1HO I2PJA P40X W0YK ZB2/DL7VEE DL7VEE ET3AA qrz.com PA60SHB PI4SHB ZD7ZA G3ZAY ET3BN DL1JRC PA6EU PA7DA ZD8ZA G3ZAY EY8/F5NHJ F5NHJ PJ5NA K1NA ZF2PD N2LM ***************************************************************************** =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA CX2ABC P.O. Box 950, 11000 Montevideo, Uruguay G0SWY M. I. Humphrey, 4 Bluebell Road, Bassett, Southampton, Hampshire SO16 3LQ, England, UK RZ3DJ Dmitry Tsyplakov, P.O. Box 5/3, Pushkino - 5, 141205, Russia S57DX Slavko Celarc, Ob Igriscu 8, 1360 Vrhnika, Slovenia SQ9FMU Robert Prorok, P.O. Box 113, 41-800 Zabrze, Poland UA1RJ Yuri G. Sinitso, P.O. Box 10, Vologda 160000, Russia ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************