DX425 bulletin issue nr. 712

425 DX News #712 
    December 2004 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
    Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
    (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
                     *        TO ALL OUR READERS        *
                     * WARMEST THOUGHTS AND BEST WISHES *
                     *     FOR A WONDERFUL  HOLIDAY     *
                     *    AND A  VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR    *
                              >>> OUR FRIENDS  The Lockyer Valley  Radio & Electronics  Club are pleased  to
announce that QSL cards for  the IOTA operation  from Fraser Island  (OC-142)
have at long last been sent out. If you  are curious as to whether your  card
was  received   and   answered,  please   visit   the  club   web   site   at
http://www.lvrclub.org  and follow the link. QSL direct only to P.O. Box  101,
Laidley, QLD 4341, Australia. [TNX VK4CEJ]
QSL VK9LA &  VK9LW --->  Bill, VK4FW,  reports that  he is  half way  through
answering cards received. All cards are being done on a "as received by date"
basis. Statistics on the operation are available at http://www.odxg.org. 
QSL VQ9M ---> The logbook for operations  in 2002 has been uploaded to  LOTW.
Direct requests (no IRCs please) may still be mailed to WB7OJV. [TNX WB7OJV]
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
      6 METRES:  Matt, OZ6OM collects  information on  6m operations  and makes  it
            available at http://www.qsl.net/oz6om/dxnews.html
AA SCORES: The  Antarctica   Award  Score   tables  are   now  available   at
            www.mdxc.org/antarctica/award.asp. They  include   the  first   2
            Certificates of Excellence, 7 Honour Rolls, 31 Basic Awards and  3
            Operator Certificates issued so far. [TNX IZ8CGS]
CONTEST:   An excellent source of information is the  Contest Service  by Jan
            Eric Rehn, SM3CER (http://www.sk3bg.se/contest/)
LOGS:      On-line logs and  pictures of A52CDX  (October-November 2004)  are
            available at http://www.tuduri.net/f5lmj/Bhoutan2004/a52cdx-en.htm
            [TNX F5LMJ]
LOGS:      A collection of log searches for  Antarctic stations can be  found
            at http://www.mdxc.org/antarctica/log.htm [TNX IZ8CGS]
QSL DB:    Boye Christensen,  OZ7C  has updated  his  QSL  DBase  (which  now
            contains 359,106 unique records) for  Packet Cluster. The  package
            can be  downloaded  at http://www.qsl.net/oz7c/qsl. A  web  based
            search  machine  can  be  found  at  www.qsl.dk/oz7c [TNX   OZ7C,
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3Z60LOK     SP5KCR      I0QHN/KC4   IK8OZZ      SU9BN       EA7FTR
4S7VK       DJ9ZB       IY4W        I4LEC       SU9FL       WD9DZV
4X0MS       4Z4BS       K6B         KM6HB       T42D        K8SIX
5B/KI0BP    UA6MF       KD4VMM/KC4  KD4VMM      T49C        K8SIX
5R8FL       G3SWH       KH0PR       JJ8DEN      TA2ZF       UT2UB
5R8GZ       G3SWH       L25FF       EA7JX       TG9NX       N4FKZ
8J1RL       bureau      L45FF       EA7JX       TI4CF       W3HNK
9G5ZS       ZS6EGB      L59EOC      EA7JX       TR8CA       F6CBC
9J2BO       G3TEV       L73F        EA7JX       TR8FC       F8BUZ
9M2TO       JA0DMV      LP0H        EA7FTR      TT8SK       F6CIS
9V1YC       N5ID        LQ0F        EA7JX       UN8GF       IZ8CCW
A61Q/p      ON5NT       LR2F        LU2FA       V31LZ       LZ3RZ
AY5FF       EA7JX       LU5FF       EA7JX       V51KC       IZ8EDJ
CL9C        K8SIX       LW9EOC      EA7JX       V51WM       DJ7KP
CO2OJ       K8SIX       M0SDX       UT2UB       VK2IAY/4    G0IUH
CO3JO       EA7JX       OH9SCL      OH9UV       VK3FY       EA7JX
CO8LY       EA7ADH      OL0ANT      OK1FOW      VK3FY/DU8   EA7JX
CT3AS       DJ8FW       ON60M       ON4AYL      XF3CC       XF3RCC
CV5D        CX2ABC      OY3QN       OZ1ACB      XF3T        XE1KK
CX2AQ       EA5KB       P4/K9UK     WF9V        YA/EA4FAS   EA4FAS
D2U         EA7JX       P4/WG9J     WF9V        YA5Y        DL5SE
ED1NDC      EA1FFE      P40K        WM6A        YA7X        DL1JJI
ED1PFA      EA1URG      P40TA       WM6A        YB1HDF      EA5KB
EF8TDX      EC8AUA      P40TP       WF9V        YN9HAU      EA7JX
EM1HO       I2PJA       P40WW       WF9V        YV1DIG      EA7JX
EM5U        UT2UB       P40ZZ       WF9V        YW1D        EA7JX
EY8CQ       DJ1MM       PC100H      PA1HR       YW6P        EA7JX
FO/F6COW    F6COW       PJ2T        N9AG        YX1DIG      EA7JX
FO/F6EPY    F6EPY       PJ4Z        K4BAI       ZC4LI       G0LII
FO/F6GNZ    F6GNZ       PT2ZAW      OK1FWQ      ZD7ZA       G3ZAY
G1W         UT2UB       PY0FT       JA1ELY      ZD8ZA       G3ZAY
HF100PG     SP2PZH      R1ANN       RZ3DJ       ZF2AH       W6VNR
HG05HNY     HG4I        ST2YJ       LA4YW       ZK1GND      VK2GND
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
DL5SE   Daniel Schirmer, Mittelweg 3, D-09573 Erdmannsdorf, Germany
F6COW   Michel Perrin, 28 blvd de Mesnildot, F-44560, Paimboeuf, France
F6EPY   Dominique Auprince, 4 allee de la Genestriere, F-91600 Savigny sur
         Orge, France
F6GNZ   Kar Radivoj, 50 rue de Jatteau, F77550, Moissy Cramayel, France
KD4VMM  Brent A. Evers, 5211 Al Jones Drive, Shady Side, MD 20764, USA
LU4FPZ  Sebastian Pablo Rubio, 1 de Mayo 2128, Rosario SF 2000, Argentina
OK1FOW  Jaroslav Jirus, Angolska 609, CZ - 160 00 Praha 6, Czech Republic
ON5NT   Ghis Penny, P.O. Box 93, BE-9700 Oudenaarde, Belgium
TO7DSR  Radio Club A.C.R.A Guadeloupe, BP 126 Messagerie Pointe-A-Pitre
         Cedex, 97110 Guadeloupe
TZ6JA   Makoto Obara, P.O. Box 59, Tama, Tokyo 206-8691, Japan
UT2UB   Andrej Lyakin, P.O. Box 99, Kyiv-10, 01010 Ukraine
WD9DZV  Timothy M. Garrity, 5407 W. Rosedale Ave., Chicago, IL 60646-6525,
              425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org
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