DX425 bulletin issue nr. 708

425 DX News #708 
    November 2004 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
    Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
    (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 
      Apologies for the late delivery of this week's issue  of 425 DX News,  which
has been delayed owing to a hacker attack suffered by your Editors' computer.
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
8R     - Olli, EA4BQ/OH0XX is active as 8R1RPN from Guyana until 30 November.
          He will participate in  the CQ WW  DX Contest as  8R1K. QSL to  Olli
          Rissanen, Calle Ciguela  331, 28729 Venturada,  Madrid, Spain.  [TNX
BV     - Hack/JL1EEE, Iku/JL1WQO, Tad/JL1ANP and Ayumi/JH7BZR will operate as
          BW2/homecall from Taiwan on  2-6 December. They  plan to operate  on
          160-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY and to be active during the ARRL  160
          Meter Contest. "We are not serious  DXers or Top Band  specialists",
          Ayumi, JH7BZR says, "but we would  like to work as many stations  as
          possible on 160m. Please be  patient with us".  QSL via home  calls,
          direct or bureau. [TNX JH7BZR]
F      - A couple  of  special stations  will  be activated  for  the  French
          Telethon for research against genetic diseases.  Look for TM8TLN  on
          3-4  December  and  TM6TLT  on  1-8  December.  QSL  via  operators'
          instructions. [TNX F5NQL]
HI     - Mike, GW3UOF  plans  to operate  as  HI8/GW3UOF from  the  Dominican
          Republic between 28 November and 12 December. [TNX The Daily DX]
I_ant  - Mario, I0QHM  became active  as I0QHM/IA0PS  from Antarctica  on  19
          November and as I0QHM/KC4 on  the 21st. This  is the first  activity
          for the 2004/05  season from the  Italian "Mario Zucchelli"  station
          (formerly known as Baia Terra Nova,  I-01 for the Antarctica  Award)
          at Terra Nova  Bay, Victoria Land.  Mario is expected  to remain  in
          Antarctica until around mid-February. He can be found around 18.30 -
          19.15 UTC  on 14180 kHz.  The holder of  IA0PS is  Antarctic veteran
          Filippo Corbelli, IK0AIH,  who does  not participate  in the current
          expedition.    More   info   about   the   Italian   Expedition   at
          http://www.italiantartide.it/spedizioni/xx/ [TNX IZ8CGS]
OE     - Jun, JH4RHF and his friends from Germany will participate in the  CQ
          WW DX  CW Contest  as 4U1VIC  (Multi-Single). 4U1VIC  is a  separate
          multiplier for the contest, but  it is not  a separate DXCC  Entity.
          QSL via 4U1VIC, direct or through the OE bureau. [TNX JH4RHF]
P4     - K6KO and K6TA  will operate as  P40K and P40TA  from Aruba  (SA-036)
          from 30 November to 21 December.  They will participate in the  ARRL
          10 Meter (as P40K) and 160  Meter (as P40TA) Contests. QSL both  via
          WM6A. [TNX NG3K]
PY0_spp- Joca, PS7JN reports he will operate again from St. Peter & St.  Paul
          Rocks (SA-014)  from 25  November until  10  December. He  plans  to
          operate on all bands and modes during his spare time as  PY0S/PS7JN,
          ZW0S or PY0SA.
PY     - ZY7LH will  be aired  from Gameleira  Lighthouse (DFB  RN-05,  ARLHS
          BRA-133) on 3-5 December. QSL via PS7AA. [TNX PS7AB]
S9     - The Finnish team  on Sao Tome  [425DXN 707] will  be active as  S9BB
          until 3 December. During the CQ  WW DX CW Contest they will  operate
          as S9A,  and  they  are grateful  to  the  licensing  authority  for
          releasing this first 1x1 callsign. The group has decided to put only
          one station into the contest for all bands, while the other  station
          will be active on 30 and  17 metres during the contest period.  QSLs
          via OH2TA. [TNX OH2BN]
ST     - Hugo, LA5YJ is now in Khartoum,  Sudan and is going  to apply for  a
          licence (requested call will be ST7YJ).  QSL via LA4YW (please  note
          that Hugo still handles  9N7YJ, XU7ACW, MI0YJR  and his home  call).
          [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
TN     - Baldur, DJ6SI will be active as TN6X from Congo on 4-12 December. He
          plans to operate on 10-160 metres  CW only. QSL via home call.  [TNX
          The Daily DX]
VE     - Wade, VE9WGS will operate as  VC9COAL between 1  and 31 December  to
          commemorate the  100th  anniversary of  the  naming  of  Minto,  New
          Brunswick for the arrival of  the railroad in  1904. QSL via  VE9WGS
          (Wade Gordon  Smith, 96  Immigrant Rd,  NB  E4A 1B7,  Canada).  [TNX
VK9_nor- Mike, K9NW is active as VK9NW from Norfolk Island (OC-005) until  30
          November, CQ WW  DX CW  Contest included.  QSL via  home call.  [TNX
VP2M   - Mike/N9NS (VP2MNS),  Pete/N0FW  (VP2MW), Charlie/W6KK  (VP2MKK)  and
          John/N7CQQ (requested call VP2MQQ) will be active on all bands  from
          Montserrat (NA-103) on 2-13 December. They  will participate in  the
          ARRL 160 Meter CW Contest (3-5  December) and in  the ARRL 10  Meter
          Contest (11-12 December) Contest as  VP2MW. Information and  on-line
          logs will be available at http://www.wb8xx.com/vp2m. QSL for all via
          W8QID. [TNX The Daily DX]
VP8_fal- Juergen, DJ2VO will operate (on 10-80 metres CW only, callsign to be
          issued upon  arrival) from  the Falkland  Islands (SA-002)  from  30
          November until 10 December. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
VR     - Yoshi, VR2JN reports he will participate in the CQ WW DX CW  Contest
          as VR2JN/P from Hong Kong Island (AS-006). QSL via JN4ASA.
VU_ant - Arasu, VU2UR  reports  that VU3BPZ  is  leaving on  2  December  and
          expects to arrive at Maitri Base  (VU-02 for the Antarctica  Award),
          Antarctica  (AN-016)  on  the  22nd. This  will  be  the 24th Indian
          Scientific  Expediton  to  Antarctica  (http://www.ncaor.org/). [TNX
VU4    - Charles Harpole, K4VUD provides some  additional information on  the
          3-31 December VU4RBI and VU4NRO DXpedition  to the Andamans  [425DXN
          707]. The QTH will be Port Blair, South Andaman Island (AS-001), and
          plans are  to have  two  stations active;  so  far, no  linears  are
          available. Band and modes will be decided on-site based on the usual
          limits (antennas,  hotel  permits, electricity,  propagation,  other
          gear, etc.).  There  will  be no  foreign  pilot  station  for  this
          operation; the only possibility is VU2MY  at the National  Institute
          of Amateur Radio (niarvu4@gmail.com). Last  but not least,  remember
          that  donations  can be  mailed to either the NIAR or K4VUD (Charles
          Harpole,  3100 N. Hwy. 426, Geneva, FL 32732, USA),  who will bundle
          them and wire the total to the NIAR.
YB     - Stan, YB0AJR (OK1JR) reports he will participate in the CQ WW DX  CW
          Contest as YE0X on 80 metres from Java (OC-021). QSL via OK1JN.
CQ WW DX CW CONTEST ---> The following stations have announced their
participation in this year's event (27-28 November):
ZONE   CALL          CATEGORY     DXCC                 QSL VIA
02     VO2AAA        M/S or M/2   Canada               K8DD/VE3RDD
05     VP9I          M/2          Bermuda              KQ1F
07     V31RM         M/2          Belize               KN5H
08     8P5A          SOAB HP      Barbados             NN1N
08     C6AKQ         SOSB 40m LP  Bahamas              N4BP
08     C6AQQ                      Bahamas              ND3F
08     C6ATP         SOSB 80m     Bahamas              OK1TD
08     C6AWS         SOAB LP      Bahamas              W6SJ
08     CO8LY         SOSB 15m LP  Cuba                 EA7ADH
08     CO8TW         SOSB 20m LP  Cuba                 IZ8CCW
08     J7OJ                       Dominica             KU9C
08     J79A          SO?/LP       Dominica             K7GK
08     TO4A          SOAB         Martinique           VE3HO
08     V26K          SOAB LP      Antigua & Barbuda    AA3B
08     VP2MLA                     Montserrat           LA9VDA
08     VP2MZM                     Montserrat           K2DM
08     VP5W          M/2          Turks and Caicos     W7TSQ
08     WP2Z          M/?          US Virgin Islands    KU9C
08     WP3F          SOAB         Puerto Rico          DK8ZB
09     8R1K                       Guyana               EA4BQ
09     9Y4ZC         SOAB HP      Trinidad & Tobago    DL6FBL
09     P40L          M/S          Aruba                K5WW
09     P40W                       Aruba                N2MM
10     CP6CW         M/S          Bolivia              W0ZR
10     HC8N          M/2          Galapagos Is         W5UE
12     XQ4ZW         SOAB LP      Chile
13     CW2A       SOSB 10 or 15m  Uruguay              SM4DHF
13     VP8WWW                     Falkland Islands     W5PF
14     CT7B          SOAB         Portugal             CT1ILT
14     EI/SP4Z       SOAB LP      Ireland              SP4Z
14     GJ2A          M/S          Jersey               K2WR
14     LX/G3VQO      SOAB LP      Luxembourg           G3VQO
14     LX7I          M/S          Luxembourg           LX2AJ
14     MJ0ASP        SOSB 15m     Jersey               F5SHQ
14     TM6X                       France
15     4U1VIC        M/S          Austria              4U1VIC
15     OH0B          SOSB 40m     Aland Islands        OH2BH
15     OH0I          SOAB HP      Aland Islands        OH3BHL
15     OH0Z          SOAB HP      Aland Islands        OH5DX
17     EY8MM    SOSB 20m or SOAB  Tajikistan           K1BV
20     P3J           SOAB         Cyprus               5B4AHJ
21     4K7Z          M/S          Azerbaijan           UA3FDX
21     9K2HN         SOSB 40m     Kuwait               9K2HN
22     8Q7DV         M/S          Maldives             UA9CLB
22     9N7BCC        M/?          Nepal                DK7YY
22     AT0B          SO LP        India                VK2BNG
24     BV0J          M/2          Taiwan               BW0IR
24     VR2JN/P                    Hong Kong            JN4ASA
26     HS72B         M/M          Thailand             E20NTS
26     XU7ADE        SOSB LP      Cambodia             E21EIC
26     XU7ADF        SOSB         Cambodia             AA4XR
26     XU7ADI        SO LP        Cambodia             SM5GMZ
27     AH2R          M/S          Guam                 JH7QXJ
27     WH2A          SOSB 15m     Guam                 KG6DX
28     9M6NA         SOAB HP      East Malaysia        JE1JKL
28     YE0X          SOSB 80m HP  Indonesia            OK1JN
29     VK9AA         SOAB         Cocos/Keeling        DL8YR
29     VK9XG                      Christmas            W0YG
32     3D2XA         M/M          Fiji                 WA4WTG
32     VK9NW         SOAB LP      Norfolk Island       K9NW
32     ZK1DRA        SOAB LP      South Cook Islands   W7DRA
32     ZL6QH         M/M          New Zealand          ZL2AOH
32     ZM1A          M/M          New Zealand          ZL1AMO
33     3V8SF/p       SOSB 20m     Tunisia
33     EA8/LY1DF     SOAB or SOSB Canary Islands       LY1DF
33     EA8AH         SOSB 80m     Canary Islands
33     EA8EA         SOSB 20m     Canary Islands       OH2MM
33     EA8EW         SOSB 15m     Canary Islands       OH1MA
33     EA8ZS         SOAB HP      Canary Islands       EA8ZS
33     IG9A          SOSB 160m    (African) Italy      IT9GSF
33     IH9P          SOSB 15M     (African) Italy      OK1MG
33     CN2R          SOSB 80m     Morocco              W7EJ
33     CN2KM         SOSB 20m     Morocco              SM2EKM
33     CT9L                       Madeira              DJ6QT
34     SU8BHI                     Egypt                HA3JB
34     SU9NC         SOAB LP      Egypt                OM2SA
35     5U5Z          M/M          Niger                G3SXW
35     6W1RW         SOAB HP      Senegal              F6BEE
35     6W7RV         SO LP        Senegal              F8CMT
35     9G5ZS         SOAB LP      Ghana                ZS6EGB
35     D4B           SOAB HP      Cape Verde           K1BV
36     S9A                        Sao Tome & Principe  OH2TA
37     C91F          M/S          Mozambique           AA4NN
38     7P8ZZ         SO           Lesotho              ZS6WPX
38     V51/DL5XL     SOAB HP      Namibia              DL5XL
38     ZS4TX         SOAB HP      South Africa         ZS4TX
40     JW5E          M/S          Svalbard             JW5NM
40     TF3CW         SOAB HP      Iceland              LX1NO
Do not forget to give a  look to the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqc2004.html - good contest to  you
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

      AA PY-05 ---> Antarctica Award Manager  Gianni Marruccella, IZ8CGS  reports
that a new reference number (PY-05) has been issued to the Brazilian refuge
"Emilio Goeldi"  on Elephant Island,  South Shetlands  following the recent
brief activity by  Lunkes, PT2HF (Antarctica Award  Checkpoint  for Brazil)
and Stuckert, PT2GTI. They stopped about half a day only on Elephant Island
(AN-010) during  the voyage to  King George Island [425DXN 702],  where the
main   Brazilian   scientific  station   ("Comandante  Ferraz",   AA PY-01;
http://www.secirm.mar.mil.br/ferraz/iferraz2.htm) is located.  Bad weather
conditions affected  the operations  from  Ferraz base,  where the antennas
suffered from strong winds. PT2GTI says that a new activity from Antarctica
might take place in February.
C.A.O.S.A. --->  The  Scottish-Russian ARS  sponsors  the  Council  Areas  of
Scotland Award (CAOSA) for working amateur  radio stations in the 32  council
areas of Scotland. Enquiries should be  sent to the  Award Manager by  e-mail
(srars@srars.org) or at  the address:  Scottish-Russian ARS,  P.O. Box  7469,
Glasgow,  G42   0YD,   Scotland,  UK.   The   rules   are   downloadable   at
http://www.srars.org/webdocs/caosa.pdf [TNX MM0DFV]
CE0ZIS ---> The new address for Eliazar is P.O. Box 157, Los Andes, Chile. He
now lives on mainland Chile [425DXN 700], but, according to CE6TBN, he should
be back to Juan Fernandez next week for about ten days. [TNX CE6TBN]
MDXC MEMBERS TROPHY ---> The Mediterraneo  DX Club's worldwide membership  is
growing. To celebrate the 200th member mark the club organizes the first MDXC
Members Trophy, which will take  place on 4-6  February 2005. Information  on
the event can be found at www.mdxc.org/trohpy2005.asp [TNX IZ8CCW]
QSL MANAGER SURVEY ---> The "Golist,  QSL Manager List"  (http://golist.net/)
conducts an annual survey (over 2500 participants last year) to determine the
Top 5 QSL  Managers for the  year, based  upon nominations  from DXers  world
wide. DXers around the world are asked to submit the call signs of their  Top
5 QSL managers  for 2004,  based solely  upon their  opinion of  how the  QSL
manager responded  to  their QSL  requests.  Please send  the  list  of  your
nominees to golist@golist.net (nominations are accepted from 1 December  2004
through 1 February 2005). [TNX K1XN and The Golist]
QSL SV2DGH ---> Chris  reports that the  address given in  425DXN #632 is  no
longer valid. His current address is: Christos Sfyris, P.O. Box 4200, Smyrnis
5, 57019 Ano Perea, Thessaloniki, Greece.
QSL TO5M ---> Please  note that the  QSL route for  either FR/F6BUM and  TO5M
(Reunion Island) is via F6CXJ. Do not send your requests to Jack, F6BUM.
QSL VK9LA & VK9LW ---> Bill Horner, VK4FW reports that the QSL cards for  the
recent activity from Lord Howe are at the  printers and should be ready in  a
week or so.  QSLling will begin  immediately and cards  will be mailed  daily
until all requests  are out. Please  do not affix  VK stamps  on your  return
envelope, Bill says, "as most times the amounts are incorrect".
+ SILENT KEY + Luis, CT4NH reports  that old timer and well known  Portuguese
DXer Francisco Felizardo, CT1ALF passed away on 25 November.
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

      IOTA CONTEST: The  results   of   this  year's   event   can  be   found   at
VK4WWI:       Johan, PA3EXX/VK4WWI reports that pictures and on-line logs for
               his    recent    IOTA     operations    are    available     at
               http://home.quicknet.nl/mw/prive/willemsen/  or
               http://home.tiscali.nl/~su042021/ .
               Poor propagation conditions affected his activity and he logged
               a total  of  about  3300 QSOs.  Direct  QSL  requests  will  be
               processed during the coming weeks, in time for the IOTA  Honour
               Roll annaul update deadline.
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2EE       WA4WTG      FH/F6AIG    F6AIG       TM6OLM      F6KFO
3D2KW       WA4WTG      FK8GJ       F6CXJ       TM6OSA      F6GXL
3D2NA       JK1FNL      HI3/JA6WFM  JA6VU       TM6OST      F5PWH
3D2OK       WA4WTG      HI9CF       DL4NCF      TR8FC       F8BUZ
3D2SS       WA4WTG      HI9NY       DL4NYL      TU5KC       F5TLN
3D2TS       WA4WTG      HR1FJC      EA7FTR      UE3QRP/3    RV3GM
3D2XA       WA4WTG      HS72B       E20NTS      V5/G3RWF    G3RWF
3DA0CG      W4GMY       J75KG       KU9C        V63ME       7N1RTO
3DA0NN      AA4NN       J79RV       WA9IRV      V73B        JH3QFL
3E1A        DL6MYL      J79VV       VE4VV       V73EY       JA1ELY
5H9KR       KF9TC       J79WI       WI9WI       V73IF       JA6WIF
5R8DF       JK1PLZ      JI1NJC/TF   JI1NJC      V73WJ       JA6WJL
5U7MF       KC7V        JR2KDN/TF   JR2KDN      VI3BML      VK3BML
5U7WP       G4BWP       KD6WW/VY0   KD6WW       VK3APX      AI5P
6O0W        DL1QW       KH0AC       K7ZA        VK9AA       DL8YR
6O0X        DJ6SI       KH0R        JE6DND      VK9XG       W0YG
6W7RV       F8CMT       KH2WX       JH2ABL      VP2ENK      DJ8NK
7Q7MT       NU5O        KK6WW/KH0   JA6EGL      VP2ETL      DL2RUM
7X5JF       DJ8QP       LU7AEA      LU7ADC      VP2MLA      LA9VDA
8J1AGE   JA bureau      N1VF/KH0    JL3SIK      VP2VVV      K9VV
9A30Z       9A2DM       N3FW/KH2    JA2VFW      VP8DXL      W5PF
9J2SZ       SP8DIP      NH7IG/KH0   JA6KYU      VP8WFW      W5PF
9L1DX       EA4CEN      NP3U        WP4U        VP8WMJ      W5PF
9N1HA       N5VL        OD5/DJ5IW   DJ5IW       VP8WPF      W5PF
9N7BCC      DK7YY       OD5/DL2VDE  DL2VDE      VP8WWW      W5PF
9N7CQ       IK2ILH      OD5/DL4RDJ  DJ5CL       VP9/K1XM    KQ1F
9Y4/DL2CC   DL1SBF      P40J        WX4G        VP9/KQ1F    KQ1F
A61AD       N1DG        P40Q        K0DQ        VP9/W9AEB   WF9V
A71EM       EA7FTR      P40W        N2MM        VP9/WA1S    WA1S
BX3AC       G3SWH       PT7ZXU      CT1AHU      VQ9OG       W9ROG
C6AQQ       ND3F        R3ARS/p     RA3AKF      XR3APEC     CE3AA
C91CG       W4GMY       RK3DZJ/p    RV3DPM      XT2MF       KC7V
C91NN       AA4NN       RK3ZZB/p    RA3ZOM      XU7ADE      E21EIC
CN2R        W7EJ        S9BB        OH2TA       XU7ADF      AA4XR
CQ8HGL      CT2HGL      S9SS        N4JR        XU7ADI      SM5GMZ
EA2BRW/P    EA3DUF      SF30A       SM5AQD      YA/EA4FAS   EA4FAS
EA3DQU/P    EA3DUF      ST2PN       PA7FM       YA4Y        DL4VCR
ED3TCT      EA3EVR      SU8BHI      HA3JB       YI9MC       N2OO
ED4MAD      EA4RCU      SU9BN       EA7FTR      YW1F        W4SO
ED5MSV      EA5URR      SU9FL       WD9DZV      ZK1COW      F6COW
ED6FLM      EA6AEI      SU9GD       DJ2AVB      ZK1EPY      F6EPY
EM80Q       US4QWX      SU9NC       OM2SA       ZK1GNZ      F6GNZ
EN80WRA     UT7WZ       SX8P/2500   SV bureau   ZX0GTI      PT2GTI
ET3TK       OK1CU       T98DST      DL4ST       ZX7A        PS7TKS
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
AA4XR   Bruce E. Ault, 36421 SR 54 W, Zephyrhills, FL 33541, USA
CE3AA   Radio Club de Chile, P.O. Box 13630, Santiago, Chile
DL4VCR  Ruben Becker, Glockenstr 41a, 66787 Wadgassen, Germany
EU2MM   Vladimir N. Kovalev, Ul.Studenaya 9, 222620 Nesvizh, Belarus
F6COW   Michel Perrin, 28 blvd de Mesnildot, F-44560, Paimboeuf, France
F6EPY   Dominique Auprince, 4 allee de la Genestriere, F-91600 Savigny sur
         Orge, France
F6GNZ   Kar Radivoj, 50 rue de Jatteau, F-77550, Moissy Cramayel, France
JA1ELY  Toshikazu Kusano, P.O. Box 8, Kamata, Tokyo, 144-8691 Japan
JA6WIF  Nobutaka Nagaishi, P.O. Box 9, Omura, Nagasaki, 856-8691 Japan
JA6WJL  Yasumasa Maeda, P.O. Box 9, Omura, Nagasaki, 856-8691 Japan
JH3QFL  Takio Hata, 921-25 Rokujyo, Yasu, Shiga, 520-2412 Japan
LA9VDA  Trond Johannessen, Helgedalen 13, N-1528 Moss, Norway
LU7ADC  Oscar E. Perez, P.O. Box 97, C100WAA Ciudad de Buenos Aires,
PA7FM   Dennis Robbemond, Loggerhof 11, 3181NS Rozenburg, The Netherlands
V51LR   Hendrik P.J. Le Roux, P.O. Box 86427, Windhoek, Namibia
WD9DZV  Timothy M. Garrity, 5407 W. Rosedale Avenue, Chicago, IL 60646-6525,
              425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org
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