DX425 bulletin issue nr. 707

425 DX News #707 
    November 2004 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
    Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
    (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 
                         >>> 425 DX NEWS * MAILING LIST PROBLEMS > VU4NRO AND VU4RBI * ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS   A  very  nice  map  of  Antarctica,  published  by  the
Australian Antarctic Division,  can  be seen  on the  Mediterraneo DX Club's
web site (www.mdxc.org/antarctica). Antarctica  Award  Manager  IZ8CGS says
that it will be sent as a free to those who request the Antarctica Award.
HS72B --->  The HS72B  CQWW &  Special DX  Operation  [425DXN 706]  team  has
already received very generous  donations, but still  needs help to  complete
this project and  bring the RAST  club station  on line  with permanent  full
performance stations.  Some  ten days  ago  Ray Gerrard,  G3NOM/HS0ZDZ  (RAST
international Vice  President  and  station  manager  for  HS0AC  and  HS72B)
suffered a severe heart attack. He  is still hospitalized, and  unfortunately
his conditions are far from being  encouraging, but the project goes on:  "we
need you best wishes & prayers for Ray and your economic support for the club
station he spent so much time building for RAST", Robin, WA6CDR says. "Please
send any funds you can to WA6CDR for NA, or DL3DXX for EU, or to HS0AC (RAST)
for AS, QRZ addresses good. We will personally acknowledge each donation when
we return in mid December". Anyone  who would like to  send their wishes  for
Ray's recovery may send a message to dx@thai.com [TNX WA6CDR]
NOT THE MANAGER ---> Francisco, EA7FTR reports that "a station in the CQWW DX
SSB Contest, LQ5H, stated to QSL via EA7FTR. He states this is incorrect, and
he is NOT the QSL Manager". [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
NOT THE MANAGER ---> Ken, K4ZW  says he is receiving  bureau cards for  JT1CO
and other JT stations for which he is not the QSL manager.
NOT THE  MANAGER --->  Patrice, F6JOB  is receiving  cards for  F6EPY's  past
DXpeditions (YJ0APY,  ZK1EPY, 5W0DA),  but  he is  not  the QSL  manager  for
Dominique. The current QSL route for these activities (2001 and 2002) is  via
F6COW. Please note  that Dominique is  going to operate  again as ZK1EPY  and
then as FO/ZK1EPY [425DXN 705]; the QSL route for the 2004 operations is  via
home call. [TNX F5NQL]
QSL BX3AC ---> With immediate effect,  Phil Whitchurch, G3SWH is the new  QSL
manager for Bill  Luo, BX3AC. Cards  will be accepted  and replied to  either
direct or via the RSGB bureau. E-mail  requests for bureau cards can be  sent
to phil@g3swh.demon.co.uk [TNX K1XN and The Golist]
T33C VIDEO ---> The T33C (Banaba 2004) video package includes a DVD record of
the expedition (including details of the radio operation and scenes of Banaba
and its people) and a second disc containing still photographs of Banaba  and
many of the Powerpoint slides that were shown in June at Friedrichshafen. All
proceeds will go toward paying  off the expenses  of the expedition.  On-line
ordering details  are  at  http://www.dx-pedition.de/banaba2004/order_dvd.htm
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
LOGS      Online  logs   for   FK/IK6CAC  and   YJ0ACC   are   available   at
           http://www.ik6cac.com. E-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent
           to ik6cac@amsat.org  [TNX IK6CAC]
LOGS:     Online logs for  contacts made with  NP3U during the  CQ WW DX  SSB
           Contest 2004 are available at www.hamlogsonline.com. QSL via  WP4U,
           direct or bureau. [TNX WP4U]
OC-052:   The listings of QSL cards received by IT9YRE, I1SNW and IT9EJW  for
           their recent operation from Hereheretue Atoll (OC-052) can be found
           at http://www.printed.it/oc052.html. Nando,  IT9YRE  will  not  be
           reachable from 22 November through 25  December, so please  refrain
           from e-mailing him. [TNX IT9YRE]
SOFTWARE: The new  software  for the  W.A.I.S.  Award  (the  Italian  Squares
           Award), written by IK3QAR, is  now downloadable at  www.aribusto.it 
           [TNX IK2UVR]
TX9:      The  TX9   (Chesterfield  2004)   statistics   can  be   found   at
           http://www.df3cb.com/chesterfield/news.html. On-line   logs   were
           available for a few days only:  "We got a handful of reports  about
           bands logged wrong in the  online log search",  the team says.  "We
           have identified the errors,  will fix them,  however we decided  to
           close the online log search and not to re-open it again".
QSLs received direct or through managers:  3B8/DL3LBP, 3D2VB, 3DA0RN,  4K3ZZZ
(EU-082), 4K9W, 4L/DL7FER,  5T5SN, 5U7JB, 5W0VB,  7P8DA, 7P8ZZ, 8R1Z,  9J2KC,
9L1JT, 9V1UV, A22/JA4ATV, A25LJ, A35RK, A35VB,  A45WD, A61AJ, AA4V  (NA-110),
AD6YS/7 (NA-065), AT0RI (AS-173), AY1ZA (AN-008,  AA LU-14), BI7DX  (AS-139),
C21DL, C50I  (AF-060),  CE0YEH, CT9M  (AF-046),  D2PFN,  D4B,  ES1QD,  EZ8BO,
F5VHQ/P (EU-095),  F8DQZ/P (EU-105),  FK/AC4LN, FK/KM9D  (OC-058),  FO/AC4LN,
FO/F6CTL  (OC-131),  FP5BZ,  FW/AC4LN,  FW7AQR,  H40VB,  H44V,  H44VV,  H44W,
KD6WW/VY0 (NA-130), KG4GJ, KH0/AC4LN,  KH9/K7ASU, KN5G/P (NA-143),  LA/DM2AUJ
(EU-076), M8C  (EU-011),  N1DX  (NA-137),  OC3I  (SA-074),  OD5RMK  (AS-108),
P29KPH, P29SX, P29VVB,  P29XF (OC-240), PJ4/N2WB,  R1MVI, R1Z, R2MWO,  RI0IMA
(AS-170), RI9KM, SV0XAI/9,  T20VB, T30VB,  T88VV, TO6M,  TT8KR, TT8PK,  TZ6M,
V31LZ, V31MD,  V51/DL5XL,  V63MB, V73NS  (OC-028),  V73VV,  V85PB,  VE7IG/VE1
(NA-010), VE8RCS, VK4LV  (OC-137), VQ9LA,  VU2TS, VY2ZM,  XF4IH, YA7X,  YB9BU
(OC-022), YC9YKI (OC-147), YE8V (OC-157), YJ0VB,  YJ0XX, YK1BA, Z38Z,  ZB2FX,
              425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org
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