425 DX News #704 30 October 2004 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 6O - Silvano/I2YSB, Andrea/IK1PMR, Marcello/IK2DIA, Adriano/IK2GNW, Beppe/IK2WXV and Riccardo/IZ5BRW will operate with two stations on 160-6 metres as 6O0G (SSB) and 6O0CW (CW and RTTY) from Somalia on 3-17 February. QSL 6O0G via IK2GNW (direct) or M5AAV (bureau); QSL 6O0CW via I2YSB (direct) or M5AAV (bureau). Further information at http://www.i2ysb.com/6o/. "One of the main aims of this DXpedition", Silvano (I2YSB) says, "is to bring ham equipment to the Somali radio amateurs, fostering in a concrete way the development of amateur radio in the country. To this end, we shall donate yagi antennas, verticals, dipoles, HF and VHF/UHF tranceivers, power supplies, a laptop, coax and accessories for the operation of one or two stations at the local radio club. We are investing all our efforts to make such a difficult and exotic country regularly active on the bands, so as to provide all hams worldwide a better possibility to get a rare new one. Donations towards the expenses of the DXpedition and helping in the procurement of the equipment to be donated are highly welcome". Please contact I2YSB (Silvano Borsa, P.O. Box 45, 27036 Mortara - PV, Italy; e-mail i2ysb@i2ysb.com) if you are willing to donate. [TNX I2YSB] BY - David, BA4DW will operate as BA4DW/4 from Changdao (AS-146) on 3-8 November. QSL via home call (David Y. J. Zhou, P.O. Box 040-088, Shanghai, 200040, China). [TNX BA4DW] F - Special station TM8RIM is active until 3 November from the Charleville-Mezieres area to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of French poet Arthur Raimbaud. QSL via F0EHB. [TNX F5NQL] FG - Mike, K9NW is active as FG/K9NW from Guadeloupe (NA-102) until 1 November. He will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest most likely as a SOAB entry. QSL via home call. [TNX K9NW] FH - Gerard, F6BEG will be active as FH/F6BEG from Mayotte (AF-027) on 1-12 November. Expect activity on 20, 15 and 10 metres CW and SSB, generally from 4 to 12 UTC. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ] I - Several Strange Radio Team (http://www.strangeradioteam.org) members - namely HB9DRH, I6YOT, I7OCD,I7YKN, IK8FXX, IK8LIU, IK8MRA, IK8WCQ, IK8WEJ, IK8YTG, IV3ZXQ, IW6MKI, IW8EQS, IZ1EGT, IZ7AUH, IZ7DOK, IZ7FLP, IZ8EDJ, IZ8EQF, IZ8FZK, LU6FIA will operate as IR8C during the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. QSL via IZ8EDJ. [TNX IZ8EDJ] JA - JO1DPQ is expected to operate from Miyake Island (AS-008, JIIA AS-008-006) until 5 November. QSL via home call. [TNX JI6KVR] JW - Erik, LA2VOA is active (on 80-10 metres mainly SSB) as JW2VOA from Bear Island (EU-027), Svalbard until 25 November. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ] KC4_ant- The OPDX Bulletin reports that Chris, N3SIG will be at McMurdo Station (K-09 for the Antarctica Award) on Ross Island (AN-001), Antarctica from early November until 5 March. The antennas at the ham shack were destroyed and Chris will construct a dipole. He plans to operate as KC4/N3SIG mainly on 14243 kHz. KH6 - Currently Max, KH6ZM is concentrating on the low bands and is particularly interested in working Europe on 80 and 160 metres (1820-1835 kHz). Band openings are about 10 minutes long. QSL via I0MWI (who has processed all of the direct requests received so far for QSOs made up to 13 October). [TNX I0MWI] LY - Ben, OZ5AAH will operate SSB and CW as LY/OZ5IPA from Lithauania on 3-8 November. He will also participate in the International Police Association (IPA) Contest on 6-7 November (http://ipa-rc.de). QSL direct to OZ5AAH; visit http://www.iparc.dk/ for skeds. [TNX OZ5AAH] PJ4 - Danny, T93M is active as PJ4/T93M from Bonaire (SA-006) until 2 November. He will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as PJ4J. QSL via DJ2MX. [TNX DJ2MX] PY_ssh - Lunkes, PT2HF (Antarctic Award Checkpoint for Brazil) and Stuckert, PT2GTI were due to leave on 27 October onboard the Brazilian Navy ship "Ary Rongel" [425DXN 702]. They will operate as ZX0ECF and ZX0GTI respectively from the Brazilian station "Comandante Ferraz" (AA PY-01) on King George Island, South Shetlands (AN-010), starting on 11-12 November until the 17-18th. Depending on local conditions, they will be active on 160-6 metres SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV. QSLs via PT2GTI. [TNX PY2HS and PS7AB] V6 - Reports from Japan indicate that Shoji, JA7HMZ (V63DX) will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as V6A (not V63B as previously announced, 425DXN 703). He will operate from Pohnpei (OC-010), Micronesia; before and after the contest (on 29 October and 1-3 November) he will concentrate on working Europe on 160 metres CW: look for him between 18.30 and 19.30 UTC on +/- 1828 kHz. QSL via JA7AO. [TNX JA7KAC and JA7ZP] VK - Johan, PA3EXX has changed again the itinerary of his IOTA trip [425DXN 702]. He will operate as VK4WWI/8 from North Island (OC-198) on 30-31 October and from the Bremer Islets (OC-185) on 1-2 November. His other two activities - from Sweers Island (OC-227, 3-4 November) and the unnumeberd Marion Reef (8-12 November) - are confirmed and still on schedule. [TNX PA3EXX] VP2E - Bill, W5SJ will operate as VP2EJ from Anguilla (NA-022) on 5-11 November. He will be active on 80-6 metres mostly CW, with a particular emphasis to be placed on 6m. QSL via W5FO. [TNX W5SJ] VP8_so - Mike, GM0HCQ (VP8CMH/mm from onboard the RRS "James Clark Ross") [425DXN 697] arrived at Signy Base (G-05 for the Antarctica Award) in in the South Orkneys (AN-008) 28 October. He plans to be active as VP8SIG in his spare time, but he does not anticipate operating before 30 October. Mike is aware of the contest scheduled for this weekend, and he will do his utmost to operate on the WARC bands. QSL via GM0HCQ, direct or bureau. Regular updates are posted at http://www.gm0hcq.com/jcr_update.htm W - Bob, N4BP and Nelson, NE4LS will operate as homecall/p from Garden Key (USI FL-013S), Dry Tortugas (NA-079) on 12-14 November. Activity will be QRP CW on 20 and 30 metres. QSL via home calls. [TNX VA3RJ] XE - Porfirio, XE1HPT and other operators from Mexico will be active on all the HF bands CW and SSB as 6F1IHF from Ixtapa Island (NA-183) on 6-13 February. QSL via XE1HPT (Porfirio Lomeli, P.O. Box 7177, Morelia, Mich 58262, Mexico). [TNX XE2AC] YA - Rene, DL2JRM is active again as YA7X from Afghanistan until 17 November. He operates on 160-10 metres SSB and CW. QSL via DL1JJI. ZK1_sc - Dave, W6AQ will operate as ZK1AQT from Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands until 4 November, CQ WW DX SSB Contest included. QSL via W6ORD. [TNX The Daily DX] CQ WW DX SSB CONTEST ---> The following stations have announced their participation in this year's event (30-31 October): ZONE CALL CATEGORY DXCC QSL VIA -------------------------------------------------------------- 02 VE2IM M/S Canada VE3DZ 05 FP/VE7SV M/2 St.Pierre & Miquelon N7RO 05 W4OV/VP9 M/? Bermuda W4OV 08 8P1A SOAB HP Barbados NN1N 08 C6AVV M/S Bahamas K1JB 08 C6DX Bahamas 08 CO8LY SOSB 15m LP Cuba EA7ADH 08 CO8TW SOSB 20m Lp Cuba IZ8CCW 08 FG/K9NW SOAB ? Guadeloupe K9NW 08 FM5BH SOAB HP Martinique 08 FM5FJ SOSB 15m Martinique KU9C 08 FS/AH8DX SOAB HP St. Martin 08 HI3CCP M/M Dominican Republic AD4Z 08 J37K Grenada AC8G 08 J75J Dominica KR4DA 08 KG4WW SOSB Guantanamo Bay KG4WW 08 KP3Z SO HP Puerto Rico WC4E 08 NP3U Puerto Rico WP4U 08 T48K M/S Cuba 08 V26B M/2 Antigua & Barbuda KA2AEV 08 V26DX M/? Antigua & Barbuda KU9C 08 V29NR SOSB (15m) Antigua & Barbuda YU1NR 08 UU5SY/V44 SOSB 10m Nevis & St. Kitts KC2FVN 08 V49A SOSB 160m QRP Nevis & St. Kitts V44NK 08 VP2E M/2 Anguilla N5AU 08 VP5T Turks & Caicos N2VW 08 VP5X M/S Turks & Caicos OH3RB or W2GB 08 WP2Z M/2 U.S. Virgin Islands KU9C 07 TI8M M/2 Costa Rica TI2KAC 09 FY5KE M/S French Guiana FY5KE 09 P40A SOSB 20m Aruba WD9DZV 09 P40W Aruba N2MM 09 P49Y Aruba AE6Y 09 PJ4J SOAB HP Netherlands Antilles DJ2MX 09 9Y4ZC M/S Trinidad & Tobago DK1MM 10 HC8L M/M Galapagos Islands W5UE 11 ZP0R SOAB Paraguay W3HNK 11 ZX7U Brazil CT1AHU 14 4U1ITU M/S ITU Geneva 4U1ITU 14 8S7A SOSB 15m Sweden W3HNK 14 CT7B SOAB Portugal CT1ILT 14 CU2Z Azores Islands DK7JQ 14 EA6/LY1DF SOAB or SOSB Balearic Islands LY1DF 14 GM2Z SOAB HP Scotland MM0DFV 14 GM3W Scotland W3LEO 14 HB0/HB9AON M/M Liechtenstein 14 MD4K M/2 or M/M Isle of Man G3NKC 14 MJ0ASP SOSB 20m Jersey F5SHQ 14 OZ5E M/S Denmark 15 9A1A M/M Croatia 9A1A 15 IR4B Italy IK4AUY 15 IR8C M/S Italy IZ8EDJ 15 IR8M Italy IZ8CCW 15 IS0A M/M Sardinia IS0MYN 15 OH0I M/S Aland Islands OH3BHL 15 OH0Z SOAB HP Aland Islands OH5DX 15 ZA/OH2BH SB Albania OH2BH 15 ZA/OH2PM SB Albania OH2PM 17 EX9A SOAB HP Kyrgyzstan UA3DPX 17 EY8MM SOSB 20m or SOAB Tajikistan K1BV 17 UP5G M/M Kazakhstan 20 4X0WV M/S Israel KC8FS 20 C4W SOAB HP Cyprus 20 J49Z M/S Crete IK8UND 20 SX5R SOAB LP Dodecanese SV5DKL 20 SY9Y M/S Crete SV9FBM 20 SZ1A M/S Greece bureau 21 4L6AM SOSB 20m Georgia 21 A61AJ SOAB U.A.E. K2UO (NA) or DJ2MX (others) 22 A52CDX Bhutan F9DK 23 JU1DX Mongolia JT1BV 23 UA0YAY Asiatic Russia IK2QPR 24 BV0J M/2 Taiwan BW0IR 24 XX9C M/M Macao XX9BB 26 HS8AC M/S Thailand E21EIC 26 XU7ACE SOAB LP Cambodia ES1RA 27 AH2R M/2 Guam JH7QXJ 27 T88QQ Palau JA1KAJ 27 V6A SOAB Micronesia JA7AO 28 YB0ECT SOSB 10m Indonesia K3AIR 29 VK6AA SOAB HP Australia 29 VK9XD SOAB HP Christmas Island VK2CZ 31 KH7X M/M Hawaii K2PF 31 T30T SOAB LP West Kiribati K7ZZ 32 ZK1AQT South Cook Islands W6ORD 33 IH9P M/S (African) Italy KR7X 33 CN2R SOAB HP Morocco W7EJ 33 CQ9K Madeira CT3EE 33 CT9L Madeira DJ6QT 33 CQ3T Madeira CT3KN 33 EA8ZS M/M Canary Islands OH1JT 35 5U7JB SOAB HP Niger ON5NT 35 D4B SOAB Cape Verde K1BV 35 D44TD SOSB 20m HP Cape Verde CT1EKF 35 6W1RY SOAB Senegal F5VHJ 35 C56ACA SOSB 20m The Gambia ON4ACA 37 C91Z SO HP Mozambique ZS6WPX 38 7P8Z SOAB HP Lesotho ZS4TX 38 V55V SO Namibia Z33AA 39 S79MH Seychelles HB9OCR 40 JW5E M/S Svalbard JW5NM 40 TF4CW SOSB 20m Iceland LX1NO Do not forget to give a look to the Announced Operations listing maintained by Bill, NG3K at http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqs2004.html - good contest to you all! _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA 40 METRES (UK) ---> Effective at 0100 UTC October 31, the radio amateurs in the British Isles gain access to 7100 to 7200 kHz. The segment is available on a secondary basis. The change is a result of actions taken during WorldRadiocommunication Conference 2003, where conferees agreed to move broadcasters out of 7100 to 7200 kHz in Regions 1 and 3 to make room for the Amateur Service. Great Britain is the first country to authorize access to the additional spectrum, although the WRC-03 change does not formally go into effect until 2009. INDEXA ---> The International DX Association election results for 2004-2005 are as follows: President - Judy Roush, AA7UC; Vice President - Ron Wright, ZL1AMO; Secretary/Treasurer - Bill Jennings, W4UNP. Directors are Richard Grant, W9RG (Chairman), ZL1AMO, Franz Langner, DJ9ZB and Nellie Saltiel de Lazard, XE1CI. The Executive Committee includes AA7UC, W4UNP and ZL1AMO. For more information contact Judy Roush, AA7UC (jroush@cybertrails.com) or visit http://www.indexa.org [TNX AA7UC] NEW CONTEST CALLS (SWEDEN) ---> A new series of contest calls has been released in Sweden. Expect SA+number+one-letter calls (for instance SA5D, issued to John, SM5DJZ) to be aired during the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. [TNX SM5DJZ] QSL IZ8BGY ---> Pino, IZ8BGY (Mediterraneo DX Club President) reports that the QSL cards for his island activities of 1997-99 (IZ8BGY/ID8 and IZ8BGY/p) should be sent to IK8WEJ, while the QSL route for 2000-02 is via IZ8CCW. QSL LU3XQO ---> Jorge Riga, LU3XQO from Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego reports that his new QSL manager is Patrick, WD9EWK (direct or bureau). Information on the stations whose QSLing Patrick takes care of can be found at http://qsl.wd9ewk.net/ QSL UA0SR ---> Serge, UA0SR reports that his new QSL manager is Joe, W3HNK, who has theogs from 1 January 2000 onwards. This information does not apply to Russian stations. QSL VIA HA1AG ---> Zoli, HA1AG reports he still has plenty of blank cards for T32NCC, E44/HA1AG, HG50HSC, 9A/HA1AG (EU-110), OH/PA1AG (EU-140) and PA/HA1AG (EU-038). QSL direct or bureau (e-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent to ha1ag@yahoo.com). + SILENT KEYS + We have received the sad news of the recent + passing of Umberto Marchesini (I8KUT), Dieter Stumpp (DL1SDN) and Albert Schlaffer, DL7MAT (founding member of the Bavarian DX Group and the Bavarian Contest Club). [TNX I8LEL, DK1RV, DL7MAE] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA RSGB HFC: A few pictures of the 22-24 October HF and IOTA Convention can be found at www.mdxc.org/iotaconvention [TNX IZ8CCW] S92BWW: Pictures and on-line logs for the recent operation from Rolas Island can be found at http://www.qsl.net/s92bww [TNX CT1BWW] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3B8MM DL6UAA GT0STH G4DIY TJ3SP DL7DF 4K9W DL6KVA HC8L W5UE TM8AKR F2WS 4U1WB KK4HD HI9CF DL4NCF TO5M F6CXJ 5B/ON9CIB RA3AUU J75WX W4WX TO7X F5MUX 5VZBB W2FUI J79AA W9AAZ TX9 DL4XS (a) 5Z4YT1CS YT1CS J79CM N1WON TX9 DL5NAM (b) 6W1RW F6BEE J79LR W1LR UA1ONY RZ3EC 6W1RY F5VHJ J79VL N5VL UK4YT K4YT 9A4PN N4PN JR6TYH/JD1 bureau UU5SY/V44 KC2FVN 9A5PC NF4A KH6BK/AH8 VE3HO V26A WB3DNA 9I40Z JL1NKC KH9/AH8H V73GT V26B KA2AEV 9V1CW PF5X KP4SQ KD8IW V26EM W2SN A52CDX F9DK N3L KA3UNQ V26G N2ED BO0K BV4YB NC2N/V44 W3HNK V26KEN N2KEN C56ACA ON4ACA NP4A W3HNK V26OC N3OC C91Y ZS6WPX P40A WD9DZV V26OX K3OX C91Z ZS6WPX P40H OK2BMT V26R KA2AEV CO6LPB EA7FTR PJ4/T93M DJ2MX V26SN W2SN CO6WD W0SA PT7ZKQ KQ0B V44/EW1AR W3HNK CT3AS DJ8FW R1ANF RK1PWA V6O N6AWD CV5D CX2ABC RK3EWA/P RZ3EC VA4MWA N0HJZ D2PFN KK5DO S79MH HB9OCR VK4WWI/8 PA3EXX D44TD CT1EKF S79RJ DJ7RJ VK9LA VK4FW D44TT K1BV S79SO DJ4SO VK9LW VK4FW EL2PM EI5IF SO1CE DL5CE VP5/KY1V OH3RB EL7X PA0WVV SO1VAF DL7VAF VP5/W2OF K2SB EO60C UT7CWW SU9NC OM2SA XU7ACE ES1FB ET3BN DL1JRC SV0XAI/9 LA4XFA YC0IEM/7 IZ8CCW EW1AR/V44 W3HNK T20AH 3D2AH YC7SKM IZ8CCW EY8MM K1BV T30T K7ZZ YI9AQ OM3XX FK/IK6CAC IK6CAC T88QQ JA1KAJ YI9QWO K5QWO FK/IV3FSG IK3GES TC2K4J TA3YJ ZD7F DL9GFB FP/VE7SV N7RO TG7I TG9ANF ZD7J DL7UVO FP5BZ F5TJP TG7M TG9ANF ZD7T DL3NRV FR/F6BUM F6CXJ TI8M TI2KAC ZD8I G4LTI FW7AQR JA7AQR TJ3FR DL7DF ZK1DKF SM7DKF (a) CW and 6m (b) SSB and RTTY ***************************************************************************** =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA 4U1ITU International Amateur Radio Club, P. O. Box 6, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland 9L1ADA Ivo Pezer, c/o UNLB, Via U. Maddalena 54, 72011 Brindisi - BR, Italy DL4XS Maike Voss, Friedrichsthal 21, 51688 Wipperfuerth, Germany DL5NAM Chris Sauvageot, Guttenburg 19, 91322 Graefenberg, Germany DL7DF Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, D-12621 Berlin, Germany EW7EW Vladislav N. Makushin, Ul. Batova D. 26 Kv. 81, 213807, G. Bobruysk, Mogilevskaya Obl., Belarus F5MUX P.O. Box 42, 29950 Benodet Cedex, France IZ0EGA Alessandro Colasanti, Via Lucio Lombardo Radice 18, 00143 Roma - RM, Italy JG3JKG Tadaaki Tanigawa, 2-53-402 Hata, Ikeda, 563-0021 Japan N6AWD Fred K. Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr., Bakersfield, CA 93309, USA N7RO Richard J. Moen, 2935 Plymouth Drive, Bellingham, WA 98225, USA SM7DKF Ronnie Nilsson, Vaestra Haeggviksvaegen 12, SE-236 32 Hoellviken, Sweden VA3YDX Igor Slakva, 105 La Rose Avenue, Apt.#803, Etobicoke, Ontario M9P 1A9, Canada [Igor.Slakva@smithsdetection.com] VE3GKW Boris Sidelnikov, 90 Cordova Avenue, Apt.#1009, Etobicoke, Ontario M9A 2H8, Canada VK4FW Bill Horner, P.O. Box 513, Nambour 4560, Australia WA5BON Robert Kenney, KBR, Victory Camp South, APO, AE 09342, USA WD9EWK Patrick Stoddard, 6938 W. Palo Verde Drive, Glendale, AZ 85303-4405, USA ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************