DX425 bulletin issue nr. 703

425 DX News #703 
23 October 2004 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH



    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
    Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
    (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 
        3B8    - Mart, DL6UAA plans to operate as  3B8MM [425DXN 693] from  Mauritius
           until 16 November at least. He in unlikely to operate on 160 metres,
           as there is not enough space at  the main QTH and /p activities  are
           not allowed. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
5B     - Laci/HA6NL, Zsolt/HA6PS, Tibor/HA6ZV and  Al/HA7JJS will operate  as
           5B/homecall from Limasol,  Cyprus (AS-004) on  2-9 November.  During
           the HA-QRP  Contest (http://www.radiovilag.hu/haqrp.htm)  they  will
           operate as 5B/HA5RT/QRP  on 80 metres  with 10 watts.  QSL via  home
           calls; QSL 5B/HA5RT/QRP via HA6NL. [TNX HA0HW]
5Z     - Miki, 5Z4YT1CS (YT1CS) [425DXN 701] will operate as 5Z4YT1CS/M  from
           Lamu Island (AF-040) on 4-11 November. He plans to operate on  80-10
           metres SSB, using  100 watts, an  inverted "V"  for 40  and 80m  and
           verticals for the  higher bands. QSL  via YT1CS,  direct or  bureau.
           [TNX YZ1SG]
9L     - Ivo, 9A3A is  active (on 160-10  metres with  100 watts  and a  long
           wire) as 9L1ADA from  Freetown, Sierra Leone  until 1 November.  QSL
           requests should  be sent  to Ivo's  current  address is  Italy:  Ivo
           Pezer, c/o UNLB, Via U.  Maddalena 54, 72011  Brindisi - BR,  Italy.
           [TNX NG3K]
9N     - Bavarian Contest Club (http://www.bavarian-contest-club.de/) members
           Rudolf/DJ3WE, Falk/DK7YY, Ben/DL6RAI and Roberto/IV3IYH will operate
           from Nepal either  as 9N7BCC  (requested call)  and with  individual
           callsigns from  16 November  to  5 December,  CQ  WW DX  CW  Contest
           included. They  will have  three stations  active on  160-15  metres
           (possibly on 10 metres as well) and plans are to concentrate on  the
           low and the WARC bands outside the contest. There will also be  RTTY
           activities. Their QTH will be located  at the most elevated spot  in
           the Kathmandu  valley. QSL  9N7BCC via  DK7YY;  the QSL  routes  for
           individual calls will  be announced in  due course. This  operation,
           which is entirely financed by the  participants, will celebrate  the
           20th anniversary of  the club and  will be in  memoriam of its  long
           time member Sepp Rindfleisch, DJ7CY. [TNX DJ3WE]
9V     - Enno, PF5X will  be in Singapore  for about  three years  and on  21
           October he received his 9V1CW licence. He plans to operate mainly CW
           on 80-10 metres  and to concentrate  on 30  and 17  metres. QSL  via
           PA0KHS, bureau or direct (for airmail return to non-EU destinations,
           please enclose 2US$/Euro, otherwise 1 US$/Euro). [TNX PF5X]
9Y     - Frank, DL2CC and  Stefan, DK1MM  will operate  as 9Y4/homecall  from
           Tobago (SA-009) from 27 October to 2 November. They will participate
           in the CQ WW  DX SSB Contest  as 9Y4ZC (QSL  for this operation  via
           DK1MM). [TNX DK1MM]
C5     - Jef, ON4ACA  will be  in The  Gambia for  two weeks  starting on  27
           October. He  plans  to operate  (callsign  not known)  SSB  and  CW,
           possibly also on 80 and 160 metres, and to take part in the CQ WW DX
           SSB Contest (SOSB 20 metres). QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
C6     - K8FL, K8LEE and W8GEX will operate from Eleuthera (NA-001),  Bahamas
           from 26 October to 1 November. They will participate in the CQ WW DX
           SSB Contest as C6DX. [TNX K1XN and The Golist]
C9     - Andre, ZS6WPX will operate as C91Z (mostly on SSB, with some CW  and
           RTTY) from Mozambique from 28 October to 1 November, while his  wife
           Magda will be active as C91Y (mostly on SSB). Andre will participate
           in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest.  QSL direct only via ZS6WPX. [TNX  OPDX
D4     - Alberto, IV3TAN will  participate in  the CQ  WW DX  SSB Contest  as
           D44TD (SOSB 20m).  Before the  contest Andrea,  IV3SKB will  operate
           RTTY and CW. QSL via CT1EKF. [TNX IV3SKB]
FM     - Laurent, F5MUX  will participate  in the  CQ WW  DX SSB  Contest  as
           FM5BH. He will  operate as TO7X  [425DXN 701] before  and after  the
           contest, between 26 October and 5 November. [TNX F5NQL]
GM     - GB0SK is the call issued to the Grantham ARC for their 2-6 May  2005
           opeation from St. Kilda (EU-059)  [425DXN 701]. On  1 May they  will
           operate as GM0GRC/P from Great Bernera (EU-010). [TNX G0RCI]
HB0    - Christian, DL6KAC will operate as  HB0/DL6KAC from Liechtenstein  on
           25-29 October, and will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest with
           the HB0/HB9AON  Multi-Multi team.  They  will have  monobanders  for
           40-10m and dipoles for 160 and 80 metres. [TNX DL6KAC]
I      - The Tikirriki Contest  Club will  participate in  the CQ  WW DX  SSB
           Contest  as  IH9P  (http://www.ih9p.com)  from  Pantelleria   Island
           (African Italy,  AF-018, IIA  TP-01) as  a Multi/Single  entry.  The
           operators (I2IFT,  I2PJA,  I8QLS, IK2ANI,  IK2CIO,  IK2HKT,  IK2RZP,
           IK7JWY, IK8ETA, IN3QGY,  IN3ZNR, IT9BLB, IT9WPO,  IT9ZMX, OL5Y,  and
           W1NA) will start  arriving on 24  October; expect some  homecall/IH9
           activity on  CW and  RTTY before  the contest.  QSL via  KR7X.  [TNX
JW     - Ole, LA4SNA is active as JW4SNA from Hopen island (EU-063) until  24
           November. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
KH2    - Aki, JI3ERV/NH2C; Toshi, JR7OMD/WI3O;  Kaz, JG3RPL/N1BJ and  Nozomu,
           JE8KKX/AH2K will participate  in the CQ  WW DX SSB  Contest as  AH2R
           (Multi-Two) from Guam  (OC-026). QSL via  JH7QXJ, direct or  bureau.
           [TNX JI3ERV]
KP2    - W3FV, K2TW  and N2TK  will operate  as  homecall/KP2 (QSL  via  home
           calls) from St. Croix, US Virgin Islands (NA-106) from 27 October to
           3 November, including a Multi-Two entry in the CQ WW DX SSB  Contest
           as WP2Z (QSL via KU9C). [TNX K1XN and The Golist]
PJ2    - Andy, DL5CW  will  operate  mainly  CW  as  PJ2/DL5CW  from  Curacao
           (SA-006) on 1-15 November. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX
SP     - Juergen, DL5CE, and Dieter, DL7VAF will be active (on 160-10  metres
           SSB, RTTY and  PSK31) as SO1CE  and SO1VAF  respectively from  Wolin
           Island (EU-132)  on 23-24  October. QSL  via home  calls, direct  or
           bureau, [TNX VA3RJ]
T2     - Ulli, DL2AH [425DXN 700] is currently active as 3D2AH from the  Fiji
           Islands and will  be going to  Tuvalu next  week. His  call will  be
           T20AH. QSL via DL2AH, direct or bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
V4     - Andrei, EW1AR will be active  (on all bands  CW, SSB and  especially
           RTTY) as V44/EW1AR and NC2N/V44 from Nevis (NA-104) from 25  October
           to 1 November. QSL via W3HNK.  He will participate in  the CQ WW  DX
           SSB Contest as V49A (QSL via  V44NK) on 160 metres (QRP). Look  also
           for Boris, UU5SY  to operate as  UU5SY/V44 during  the same  period,
           including a SOSB (10m) entry  in the contest.  QSL via KC2FVN.  [TNX
V6     - Lanny, W5BOS [425DXN 694] was  stuck on Weno  (Chuuk Islands) for  a
           while because of rough seas. He eventually became active as V6O from
           Pulap (OC-155) on 21 October. QSL via N6AWD.
V6     - Sho, JA7HMZ will operate as V63DX from Pohnpei (OC-010),  Micronesia
           from 29 October to 3 November. He  will participate in the CQ WW  DX
           SSB Contest as V63B (SOAB). QSLs via home call. [TNX NG3K]
VE     - Ron, VE3AT will operate as VC3L  between 29 October and 29  November
           to commemorate  the  25th anniversary  of  the inauguration  of  the
           largest power  generating  project in  Canada.  QSL via  VE3AT  (Ron
           Vander, 9 Jopling Avenue South, Islington, ON M9B 3P4, Canada).  TNX
VE     - VE3DZ, VE3FWA, VE2QIP and possibly VE2XAA will take part in CQ WW DX
           SSB Contest as VE2IM  (Multi-Single) from Zone  2. Before and  after
           the contest they will operate as homecall/2. [TNX VE3DZ]
VE     - AC8W (VA3ACW), K8DD (VE3RDD) and K8MM will participate in the CQ  WW
           DX CW Contest  as VO2AAA from  Labrador City  (Zone 2).  It will  be
           either a Multi-Single or, if they can get one or two more operators,
           a Multi-Two entry. QSL via K8DD (VE3RDD). [TNX K8DD]
VK     - Carsten, DL2CS will be active as VK5OI from Brampton Island (OC-160)
           between 29  October and  2 November.  He will  operate QRP  on  40-6
           metres SSB and digital modes. QSL via DL2CS, direct or bureau.  [TNX
VK9_xms- David, VK2CZ will  operate as VK9XD  from Christmas Island  (OC-002)
           from 25 October to 4 November, including  a SOAB entry in the CQ  WW
           SSB DX Contest. [TNX The Daily DX]
VP9    - Steve, W4DTA will be active as W4DTA/VP9 from Bermuda (NA-005)  from
           27 October to 1 November. QSL via home call. He will participate  in
           the  CQ  WW  DX  SSB  Contest  as  W4OV/VP9  (QSL  via  W4OV)  as  a
           multi-operator entry. [TNX YV5ENI]
W      - Rich, K6YR and  Ed, K6SHU  plan to  operate from  Santa Cruz  Island
           (NA-144, USI CA-012S) during the  W/VE Islands QSO  Party on   23-24
           October. QSL via qrz.com. [TNX The Daily DX]
XX9   -  A joint team of 34 operators  from China, Hong  Kong and Macao  will
           participate the  CQ WW  DX SSB  Contest as  XX9C (Multi-Multi)  from
           Taipa Island (AS-075), Macao. QSL via  XX9BB. The home page for  the
           activity is at http://www.arm.org.mo/xx9c/ [TNX VR2ZST]
YB     - Hotang, YC0IEM is currently active as YC0IEM/7 from Borneo (OC-088).
           He operates from the QTH of  Cleo, YC7SKM. QSL for both via  IZ8CCW,
           direct or bureau. [TNX IZ8CCW]
ZA     - Martti, OH2BH and Pertti, OH2PM will be in Albania on 26-31 October,
           finalizing   Project   Goodwill   Albania   (www.za1a.com)   related
           activities with the hopes to bring  a number of new students on  the
           air. They  will  be accompanied  by  the IARU  folks  assisting  the
           Albanian Telecom in  variety of regulatory  issues. Expect  ZA/OH2BH
           and ZA/OH2PM to  be active during  the CQ  WW DX  SSB Contest,  most
           likely in two single-band categories. QSL to their home calls.  [TNX
ZK1_sc - Ronnie, SM7DKF will be active as ZK1DKF from Rarotonga (OC-013) from
           28 October  to  1  November  and  from  Aitutaki  (OC-083)  on  2-13
           November.  QSL  direct  only  to  SM7DKF  (Ronnie  Nilsson,  Vaestra
           Haeggviksvaegen  12,   SE-236   32  Hoellviken,   Sweden).   Further
           information can be found at http://www.sm7dkf.se/index-info.htm [TNX

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

        DXCC NEWS ---> Tony, IK1QBT reports that OD5RMK (IOTA Contest 2004  operation from 
        Ramkin Island), 
         as well as  OD5/I1HJT, OD5/I1NVU  and OD5/IK1QBT,  have been accepted for DXCC credit.
QSL 6O0JT ---> Joe, VA6JWT [425DXN 702] expected to arrive to Galkayo, 
        in the Puntland autonomous area of Somalia, on 21 October. He is new to HF, 
        but will operate as 6O0JT  in his  spare time  from the  local radio  club. 
        QSL  cards should be sent to Joe Talbot, VE6 Incoming Bureau, Box 1515, Gibbons, 
        Alberta T0A 1N0, Canada. [TNX The Daily DX]
QSL VIA PA7FM ---> Michael, PA5M went QRT from Benin on 17 October, four days
earlier  than  originally  planned,  and  is  currently  back  home  in   the
Netherlands. In the  last couple of  months he  operated as  5U7DX, TZ6M  and TY5M. 
        The  QSL manager  for all  is PA7FM  (Dennis Robbemond,  Loggerhof  11, 
        3181NS Rozenburg, The Netherlands). He reports that while there is no backlog for TZ6M, 
        the 5U7DX cards have not yet arrived from the printer and the  TY5M QSLs 
        have to printed. 
        Do  not forget that  1 USD does  not cover postage  for destinations  outside Europe;  
        direct  requests  without  sufficient  return postage will  be  answered  through  the 
        On-line  logs  for  all  of Michael's operations  (YI/PA5M, 9U5M,  ST2DX, 5U7DX,
        TZ6M and TY5M) 
        can  be found at http://www.pa7fm.nl [TNX PA7FM]
TX9 ---> The German team went QRT from the Chesterfield Islands around 19 UTC on 20 
        (a couple of days ealier than planned, owing to the schedule of
their     skipper).     On-line     logs     will     be     available     at
http://www.df3cb.com/chesterfield/. QSL for CW and 6m  QSOs via DL4XS  
        (Maike Voss, Friedrichsthal 21, 51688 Wipperfuerth, Germany);  QSL for SSB and  RTTY 
        QSOs via DL5NAM 
        (Chris Sauvageot, Guttenburg 19, 91322 Graefenberg, Germany). 

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

        ANTARCTICA AWARD:  Gianni, IZ8CGS reports that the  Rules for the  Antarctica
                     Award are now  available in  Japanese language (thanks  to
                     Yuki, JI6KVR,  who is also the AA Checkpoint for Japan) in
                     the Download area on www.mdxc.org/antarctica
WAEDC RTTY:        It  will   take  place   on  13-14   November  (rules   at
                     www.waedc.de) and Walter Dallmeier, DL4RCK has prepared  a
                     special  edition  of  RCKRtty  (freeware),  which  can  be
                     downloaded at www.rckrtty.de. [TNX DL4RCK]

        QSLs received direct  or through managers:  3A2MW, 3D2XX,  4K9W, 4S7RO,  
        4T0I (SA-052),5H3RK,  7P8NK,  7S2E,  8Q7RC,  9K2MU,  9V1UV,  9Y4/AJ9C  (SA-009),
A25/DJ6SI,  A61AJ,  A61R,  A7/G0MKT,  A71A,  A92GR,  AT0BI  (AS-169),   AT0RI
(AS-173), AY1ZA (AN-008; AA LU-14), C6AKA, CP6/DF9GR, D44TT, EA5KB/7(EU-152), 
        EK7DX,  EM1HO (AN-006; AA UR-01), EW6GF, EW8AM, EY8MM, EZ8BO, F5LGQ (EU-081), 
        FK/AC4LN (OC-079), FP/KB9LIE, FP/N9NK, H8A, HF0POL(AN-010; AA SP-01), HI3TEJ, 
        HO1A, HP1/DJ7AA, HP1AC,  J5X, J68GS,  J73CCM, KG4PC,  KH0/K7WD, KH2T, KP4USA, 
        MD4K,  ND7K/P (NA-137),  OA4DJW, OC31 (SA-074), OH0JWH, OJ0J, OY4TN (EU-018), 
        P43JB,  PT1G  (SA-029),  RI0IMA  (AS-170),  RI9KM  (AS-089), RK3DZJ/1 
        (EU-066 &  EU-147), RW2F, SK7AX,  T33C, T77EB,  TF8GX, TN3S, UE0ZZZ (AS-095), 
        UK8OAR, V51SG, VP2EN, XQ3BRN, XV2LC, XX9TST (AS-075), ZL7/G3TXF, ZP6T, ZS8MI.
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