425 DX News #702 16 October 2004 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 6O - Joe, VA6JWT (6O0JT) has postponed his trip to Galkayo, in the Puntland autonomous area of Somalia [425DXN 701] until 21 October. [TNX The Daily DX] 6W - Albert, F5VHJ and Jacques, F6BEE will operate as 6W1RY and 6W1RW (the latter mostly on CW) from Senegal from 24 October to 1 November. QSL via home calls. Look for 6W1RY to participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest (SOAB). [TNX F5VHJ] A5 - A52CDX is the callsign for the operation that four Clipperton DX Club members will conduct from Thimphu and Jakar, Bhutan from 24 October to 11 November [425DXN 701]. QSL via F9DK. F - F6HDH and F6HKS will operate as homecall/P from Cap Bear Lighthouse (PB-148, ARLHS FRA-212) on 16-17 October. They will operate 40, 20 and 15 metres CW and SSB. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL] FP - Suggested frequencies for the 23 October-2 November FP/VE7SV operation from Miquelon Island (NA-032) [425DXN 686] are 1822, 3502, 7002, 10102, 14022, 18072, 21022, 24892, 28022 and 50102 kHz (CW); 1842, 3795, 7052, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24945, 28495 and 50102 kHz (SSB); 3570, 7035, 10137, 14085, 18100, 21085, 24920 and 28075 kHz (RTTY); 3580, 7037, 10140, 14071, 18100, 21071, 24920 and 28071 kHz (PSK31). The pilot for the expedition is Paul, VE7AVV (ve7avv@hotmail.com). QSL via N7RO, direct or bureau. Complete details can be found at http://www.bcdxc.org/st_pierre_miquelon.htm FR/G - Didier/F5OGL, Dany/F5CW, Freddy/F5IRO, Pascal/F5PTM and maybe others plan to operate from the Glorioso Islands (AF-011) for a couple of weeks is May 2005. Plans are subject to change, even at the very last moment, owing to the international situation, as all the operators are military personnel. QSL via F5CQ. Further information is expected in due course. [TNX LA Gazette du DX] FY - F4AJQ, F5AGB, F5CW, F5TVG, F5VHQ, F6AML, F8BJI, F9IE and OE3GCU will operate (on 160-6 metres CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31) as TO7C from Iles du Salut (SA-020, DIFO FY-008), French Guiana on 10-17 March. QSL via F9IE, either direct (Bernard Chereau, P.O. Box 211, 85330 Noirmoutier en l'Ile, France) or through the bureau. The web site for the operation is at http://to7c.free.fr/ [TNX F5NQL] G - Look for M0GAR/P to be active from Lindisfarne Island (EU-120) from 10 to 16 UTC on 17 October. QSL via M0GAR. [TNX VA3RJ] I - Operators from ARI Scandicci (www.ariscandicci.it) will beactive as IQ5BL/P during the annual Ham Fair on 14-17 October. This operation will count as B962 for Italian Towns Award (www.aripompei.it). QSL via bureau. [TNX IZ5FSA] I - IU0SRT, IU3SRT, IU6SRT, IU7SRT, IO8SRT and IR8SRT are the special calls to be aired during the Strange Radio Team event on 22-24 October [425DXN 697]. The special event station will be II8SRT. Information is available at http://www.strangeradioteam.com or from the Event Manager Marco De Carlo, IZ7DOK (iz7dok@libero.it) [TNX IZ8EDJ] JA - Look for JA5BEX/SO2005 to operate from Megishima (AS-076) on 16-17 October. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. SO2005 celebrates the Special Olympics World Winter Games that will be held in Nagano in February-March 2005. [TNX JI6KVR] KC4_ant- The Daily DX reports that Nick, NH6ON will be back to Antarctica between 6 November and 15 December for his annual communications engineering trip. He hopes to operate from KC4AAA at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole station (K-08 for the Antarctica Award). KH8 - Lee, KH6BZF will be active in his spare time as WH8/KH6BZF from American Samoa (OC-045) on 22-28 October. He plans to operate on 15-80 metres, plus 12 amd 10 metres depending on conditions. QSL direct only to KH6BZF. [TNX The Daily DX] P4 - Mike, OK2PBM is active as P40H from Aruba (SA-036) until 21 October. Typically he can be found on 14020 kHz at 16-18 UTC and on 30 and 40 metres CW starting aorund 21 UTC. PY_ssh - ZW0CF and ZX0GTI are the calls to be used in November [425DXN 692] from the Brazilian station "Comandante Ferraz" (PY-01 for the Antarctica Award) on King George Island, South Shetlands (AN-010). The activity is expected to take place on 160-6 metres SSB, RTTY, PSK31, CW and SSTV from 11 to 19 November. PT2DX/MM might be aired from the "Ary Rongel" during the voyage; weather permitting, there might be also some activity from Elephant Island (AN-010) on 7-8 November. QSL via PT2GTI. [TNX PT2HF] TX_ci - The voyage to the Chesterfield Islands started from Noumea around 3 UTC on 11 October and the German team of operators became active on the 14th. TX9 is the special (and full!) call being used. QSL via DL5NAM (SSB and RTTY) and DL4XS (CW and 6m). The web site for the DXpedition is at www.df3cb.com/chesterfield VE - Look for VA3YDX, VE3GKW and VE3/ER1MF to be active (on 80, 40, 20 and 15 metres SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK) on 22-25 October from the following Canadian islands: Manitoulin (CISA ON-001), Barrie (CISA ON-015), Great Clotche (CISA ON-016), Little Clotche (CISA new), Birch (CISA ON-017), Parry (CISA ON-029) and Goat (CISA ON-072). If conditions permit, they will also try to operate from other "new" islands. QSL via home calls. [TNX VA3YDX] VE - Jeffrey, VE3JFF will operate as VC3W between 23 October and 23 December to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the opening of the first Welland Canal (29 November 1829). He plans to operate from a couple of islands located in the the old and current canals: The Island (CIsA ON-110, Not IOTA) on 13 November starting at 17 UTC, and Merritt (CIsA ON-109, not IOTA) on 14 November starting at 17 UTC. QSL via VE3JFF (Jeffrey Hetherington, 139 Elizabeth Street West, Welland, ON L3C 4M3, Canada). [TNX VA3RJ] VK - VK4WRE is the callsign issued to Paul, G0WRE [425DXN 697] for his current activity from Magnetic Island (OC-171), which is now expected to continue until 17 October. QSL via G0WRE (all QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the RSGB bureau). [TNX G4NXG] VK - Johan, PA3EXX has changed the itinerary of his IOTA trip [425DXN 692], and will now operate as VK4WWI/8 from the Bremer Islets (OC-185, 30-31 October) and Centre Island (OC-198, 1-2 November). These islands are easier to travel to and he will have more time to operate. His other two activities - from Sweers Island (OC-227, 3-4 November) and the unnumeberd Marion Reef (8-12 November) - are confirmed. He will operate SSB and CW (on OC-185 he will concentrate on CW and the WARC bands because of the concurrent CQ WW DX SSB Contest). QSL via home call. [TNX PA3EXX] W - KA3UNQ and N2US will operate (on +/- 14270 and 7270 kHz) as N3L from Maryland's Hooper Strait Lighthouse (ARLHS USA-378) from 14 to 22 UTC on 16 October, celebrating the 125th anniversary of the first lighting. QSL direct to KA3UNQ. [TNX N2US] W - N8YC, KG8AP, K4BRI and maybe others plan to be active as K8SCH from Santa Rosa Island (NA-142, USI FL-003S) on 25-29 October. The dates are tentative, so if there are any changes it will be plus or minus one or two weeks at the most. QSL via K8SCH. [TNX VA3RJ] YI - YI9KT (SP8HKT) and YI9GT (SP3GTS) are both located at the Polish base near Al-Chilla. They operate in their spare time and will be stationed in Iraq until February 2005. YI9KT plans to operate on 160 metres CW this weekend. QSL card requests will be processed when the operators return home. [TNX SP7DRV] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA CALL FOR SUPPORT (ANDAMAN ISLANDS) ---> Manoj "Miku" Agarwal, VU2WAP and Mrs. Bharathi Prasad, VU2RBI (team leader of the 1987 expedition to the Andamans) are both trying to get a permission to go and operate from VU4. Please note that these are SEPARATE efforts, but there is NO competition between the two. They are asking the worldwide DX community to provide separate letters supporting their applications. Their addresses are: VU2WAP Manoj Agarwal, 44/1E Fairfield Layout Race Course Road, Bangalore 560001, India VU2RBI Mrs. Bharathi Prasad, Qtr. #1284, Type IV Special, Sector 12, R.K. Puram, New Delhi 110022, India Further information and suggestions can be given by Randy, WX5L (wx5l@charter.net, for VU2WAP) and Charly, K4VUD (k4vud@hotmail.com, for VU2RBI). DXCC NEWS ---> 9U6PM (not 9U5, 425DXN 701) has been approved for DXCC credit, effective 20 August 2004. MIA ---> Corrado, IT9DAA reports that owing to the autumn and winter season, the MIA Bulletin will no longer be published on a regular basis until the next spring. PIRATE ---> Pierre-Marie, HB9DTM/F6FNL reports that his last QSOs as 9U6PM from Burundi were made on 26 Septemper during the CQ/RJ WW DX RTTY Contest. Contacts after that date were made with someone who was pirating his call. QSL YI9ZF ---> Eric, SM1TDE has received the final log file from Kas, YI9ZF. The log (46,000+ QSOs in five months) is on line at www.qsl.net; all of the outstanding QSL requests have been processed. [TNX SM1TDE] QSL VIA HK3JJH ---> Pedro reminds island chasers that requests should be sent direct only to Pedro J. Allina, P.O. Box 81119, Bogota, Colombia. This includes cards for his operations of 4-6 July (NA-132 and NA-133) and 4-5 September from Margarita Island (YV7, SA-012). QSL VIA VE2DWA (LU7DW) ---> Claudio, LU7DW has moved to Canada and now is VE2DWA. He has all of the logs and QSL cards for his operations as AY7D, CX/LU7DW (SA-030 and SA-057), KP2/AD6RC (NA-106), L27DW, L47DW, L65W (SA-065), L99D, LS7D (home and SA-055), LU7DW, LU7DW/p (SA-055), LW0D, LW8EXF/p (SA-055), N1LU/7 (NA-065) and OH0/VE2DWA (EU-002). Cards can be requested either via the Canadian bureau or direct to Claudio Fernandez, 200 rue North, Apart 14, Gatineau, QC J9H 6Y9, Canada. [TNX VE2DWA/LU7DW] QSL VIA W8CNL ---> Raymond, W8CNL has uploaded all of the Kuwait logs of Bob, 9K2ZZ to LoTW. This covers all logs for 9K2ZZ, 9K9Z, 9K2ZZ/NLD and 9K2USA (operator Bob Furzer only) - a total of almost 300,000 QSOs. Raymond will still handle paper cards (direct only) for these calls, except 9K2USA (he has no cards for that one). [TNX W8CNL] S92BWW ---> Marq, CT1BWW reports that he had to cut short his S92BWW activity form Rolas Island (AF-023). He spent the second week on Sao Tome, where he he was not able to operate. _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA ANTARCTICA AWARD: Gianni, IZ8CGS reports that the Rules for the Antarctica Award are now available in French (thanks to F5NQL) and Croatian (thanks to 9A6AA) languages in the Download area on www.mdxc.org/antarctica GOLIST: Full details on the Golist, a most valuable source of QSL Manager routing information, and its various products and services can be found at http://golist.net/ LOGvrr: The updated manager files (by IV3EHH) for LOGvrr, as well as the programmes for the Italian Islands and Sezioni ARI awards, are now available at http://www.iv3ehh.it [TNX IV3EHH, iv3ehh@tin.it] LOGS: The log of GB0SM (EU-011) at www.qsl.net/g0pse/dxpeds.htm has been updated and includes the QSOs of this year's DX pedition (2-8 October). E-mail requests for bureau cards can be sent to either thomas.taylor@btinternet.com or g0pse@qsl.net [TNX G0PSE] LOGS: On line logs for HF0QF and HF0POL operated by Voytek, SP5QF are available at www.sp7iwa.republika.pl; current logs include QSOs made through 18 September and they will be updated as soon as Wanda, SP7IWA receives the new ones. HF0QF/HF0POL operates from the Polish base "Arctowski" (SP-01 for the Antarctica Award) on King George Island, South Shetlands (AN-010). QSL via SP7IWA. Wanda is also the Antarctica Award checkpoint for Poland. [TNX SP7IWA] LOGS: On-line logs for the recent IG9/IZ8CGS activity from Lampedusa can be found at http://www.mdxc.org/logsearch1.asp (the log file name is IG9-IZ8CGS2004(. [TNX IZ8CGS] LOGS: On-line logs, as well as a photo gallery and QSO statistics, for the recent LX/PA6Z operation can be found at http://www.qsl.net/pa6z [TNX PA5R] LOGS: Pictures and on-line logs for EC3ADC's activities from the Pacific (3D2EA, 3D2EA/p, A35DX, T20DX, ZK3DX) can be found at http://www.mdxc.org/ec3adc/ [TNX IZ8CCW] _____________________________________________________________________________ =================================================================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3D2AH DL2AH EL2PM EI5IF SM5/AC4LN UA4WHX 3D2PX AI5P EM1HO I2PJA ST2ZA SM7WZA 3D2TY JA7OV FK8GM WB2RAJ T30KU DL2AH 3D2YT JA7AQR FR/PA3GIO PA3GIO T6EE KE6GFF 3Z60LOK SP5KCR FW7AQR JA7AQR TJ3FR DJ7DF 4E72LA DU7LA FW7OV JA7OV TJ3SL F5PSA 4L0CR DJ1CW HI9CF DL4NCF TJ3SP DL7DF 4L6AM 4Z5CU HJ6PRO EA5KB TM6MXP F5KFL 4Z0V 4Z4KX HK4SAN EA5KB TM8AKR F2WS 5N44EAM IK2IQD HS72B E20NTS TR8CF F8BUZ 5X4/KH9AE W5WP II0RAI IK0ZRR TR8DF F5SWB 5X4CM W5WP II9RAI IK0ZRR TY5M PA7FM 5Z4YT1CS YT1CS JW1EOA LA1EOA UN5A DL8KAC 7Q7HB G0IAS JW2VOA LA2VOA V63NS V73NS 7W0AD EA4URE JW6BKA LA6BKA VI6175WA VK6NE 9H3AP DL1CW JW7VW LA7VW VK9LA VK4FW 9K50KAC 9K2QA JW9LMA LA9LMA VK9LW VK4FW A35RK W7TSQ LU1ZI LU4DXU W4A W4HHH A45WD YO9HP OM80MMM OM8CA WH2V JF2VFN C93Q VK4VB P29SX G3SXW XT2PT N5DRV CF5xxx VA5xxx P29XF G3TXF YC9YKI YB9BU CG5xxx VE5xxx R1ANF RK1PWA YI9DM KF7DM CM2IZ EA1EAU R73SRR RV3ACA YJ0AX VK4TI CN2R W7EJ RA6QA RW6HS YS1RR W3HNK CO2KK W5WP RA6QAS RW6HS Z21HL G8VHB D85NSF DS3EXX RA6QD RW6HS Z21KF M5AAV DT04YL HL1OYF RK6QWA RW6HS ZB2CN DJ9WH EA9EU EA9AZ S79RJ DJ7RJ ZS6CCW OK1LL ED8FPC EA8URV S79SO DJ4SO ZY0K KQ0B ***************************************************************************** =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA DL4XS Maike Voss, Friedrichsthal 21, 51688 Wipperfuerth, Germany DL5NAM Chris Sauvageot, Guttenburg 19, 91322 Graefenberg, Germany DL7DF Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, D-12621 Berlin, Germany I2PJA Antonio Petroncari, Via Enzo Togni 87, I-27043 Broni, Pavia, Italy IF9ZWA Michele Rotolo, Via Cavasino 4, 91010 Marettimo - TP, Italy JA1SKY Steve Miyamoto, P.O. Box 30, Haneda Airport, Tokyo, 144-6591 Japan JA7AQR Yoshihiro Tanaka, 1-10-6 Minamihara, Yamagata, 990-2413 Japan JA7OV Yoshinobu Takahashi, 4-9-36 Emata, Yamagata, 990-0861 Japan KE6GEF John Kountz, 1065 Van Dyke Drive, Laguna Beach, CA 92651, USA KE6GFF John Kountz, 1065 Van Dyke Dr., Laguna Beach, CA 92651, USA PE1OPM Will Bakker, Molenstraat 33, 4641BA, Ossendrecht, The Netherlands SP7IWA Wanda Jakubowska, Ul.Dewonska 14/3, 25-637 Kielce, Poland UR3UN Sergei Petlevanny, ul. Slabinuka 35, Fastov - 5, 08505 Ukraine UR5UO George Muzyka, Kozhanka, Kiev - Fastov, 08550 Ukraine US5UL Yaroslav Gricenko, Kamp 4, ul., Borowaya, Kiev - Fastov, 08505 Ukraine V51AS Frank Steinhauser, P.O. Box 2516, Swakopmund, Namibia VK4FW Bill Horner, P.O. Box 513, Nambour 4560, Australia VK4TI Trent Sampson, P.O. Box 1647, Toowoomba, QLD 4350, Australia VK4VB Ralph Karhammar, 1306 34th Street NW, Washington, DC 20007-2801, USA VU2GSM G. Srikantha Murthy, Flat No 202, Chitramala Apartments, Jayanagar 1st Block East, Bangalore 560011, India W5WP W. David Paperman, 19266 Sims, Cleveland, TX 77328-6205, USA W8CNL Raymond H. McClure, 5 McKenzie Circle, North Augusta, SC 29841-4319, USA XW3DT Alexey Sinchukov, P.O. Box T511, Vientiane, Laos ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************