425 DX News #698 18 September 2004 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 7X - 7W0AD is the callsign issued to the group of Spanish operators for their 2-9 October activity form ALgeria [425DXN 698]. QSL via EA4URE. [TNX EA5KY] EA - Jose Manuel, EA4AAA will operate as EA4AAA/EA5/m from the lighthouse at Cabo de Huertas (ARLHS SPA-016, E-0166 for the Spanish lighthouses award) on 18 September starting around 15 UTC. All of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. [TNX GM3VLB] EL - EL2PM is the callsign issued to Pat, EI5IF [425DXN 682]. He will remain in Liberia for another three months. [TNX F5NQL] FO - Unfavourable weather conditions caused Nando/IT9YRE, Claudio/I1SNW and Alfio/IT9EJW to put off their departure for Hereheretue (OC-052) until 17 September at 6 a.m. Tahiti time. The voyage will take about 48 hours and now they expect to arrive around 15 UTC on 19 September. [TNX KB5GL] HB0 - Andy, LY2BVB will operate (on 80, 40, 20 and 15 metres CW and SSB) as HB0/LY2BVB from Liechtenstein on 20-23 September. QSL via bureau to LY2BVB. [TNX HA0HW] I - Gianni, IZ8CGS will be active from Lampedusa Island (AF-019, IIA AG-001, MIA MI-126) on 23-26 September. QSl via IK8VRN. [TNX IZ8CGS] I - IY4FGM, the station at the Guglielmo Marconi Foundation at Pontecchio, will be activated during the Italian HF-DX Convention next weekend (www.ari-bo.it). QSL via IK4UPU. JA - Look for JQ6GXP/6 to operate from Kami-Koshiki Island (AS-037, JIIA AS-037-003) from around 8 UTC on 18 September until 23 UTC on the 19th. He will the go and operate from Shimo-Koshiki (AS-037, JIIA AS-037-007) until 21 September. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR] JA - Steve, K7USJ will be active (on 40-6 metres CW and SSB, as well as FM on 29.300 MHz) as 7J1AIL/JR6 from Iriomote, Yaeyama Islands (AS-024) from 29 September through 2 October. QSL via K7USJ (direct) or 7J1AIL (direct or bureau). [TNX K7USJ] JW - LA7QI (JW7QI) and LA8AW (JW8AW) will be active from Spitsbergen (EU-026) until 20 September. QSL via home calls. They will participate in the Scandinavian Activty Contest CW as JW8D (QSL via LA7QI). S7 - Marco/HB9OCR, Piera/HB3YIY and possibly others will operate (on the HF bands SSB, 80 metres excluded) as S79MH from Praslin Island (AF-024), Seychelles from 24 October to 6 November, CQ WW DX SSB Contest included. QSL via HB9OCR. [TNX HB9OCR] SM - The SI9AM station (http://www.qsl.net/si9am) will be activated will be activated during the SAC CW (18-19 September, by SM3EAE, SM3FJF and probably other SM3s) and SSB (25-26 September, by DF6JC and DL1EJS). QSL via SM3CVM, direct or bureau. [TNX SM3CVM] TA - Berkin, TA3J will operate as TC2K4J from 24 September to 2 November. This special activity will commemorate forty silent-key operators from Turkey. QSL via TA3YJ, direct (no green stamps, please) or bureau. Further information can be found at http://www.geocities.com/tc2k4j/. [TNX TA3YJ] TR - The Daily DX reports that Dimitri, F5SWB is going to spend two months in Gabon and plans to operate as TR8DF on all bands CW during his spare time. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. UA - Victor, RV3YR and other operators from the Fifth Ocean Flight ARC and the Brjanskij Radio Club are active as UE3YGA and UE3YGA/p from various Russian Districts in Brjansk region until 20 September. QSL via RV3YR (Victor Borodin, P.O. Box 1, Bryansk-27, 241027 Russia). [TNX RV3YR] W - Chuck, ND7K will be active (mostly on 20 metres SSB and CW, with some 40m) as ND7K/P from Bailey Island (NA-137) from 18 UTC on 19 September to 16 UTC on the 20th. This will his last visit to the island this year. [TNX www.islandchaser.com] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA AUSTRALIAN POSTAL RATES ---> "All DXers should be aware that Australian postal rates increased by 10% starting 6th September 2004", Alan Roocroft, VK4AAR reports. "Please make allowances for this when enclosing reply postage. Also, it is not a good idea to attach Australian stamps to your SAE because 95% of DXers get the wrong series of stamps and the wrong value. Please let us do it ourselves. We know the system best and it is different to most countries". CDXC ---> At the recent annual general meeting of Chiltern DX Club, The UK DX Foundation (www.cdxc.org.uk), the following committee was elected: Neville Cheadle/G3NUG (President), John Butcher/G3LAS (Chairman), Peter Hart/G3SJX (Secretary), Nigel Cawthorne/G3TXF (Treasurer), Martyn Phillips/G3RFX (Digest Editor), Jim Kellaway/G3RTE, David Gould/G3UEG, Mark Haynes/M0DXR (Committee members). CDXC has recently made an Award of Merit to the 3B9C team. The Award of Merit programme enables CDXC, on behalf of the UK amateur community, to give recognition to deserving amateurs "For outstanding and unselfish contributions to the field of HF amateur radio and DXing". Recent winners are: 2001 D68C Comoro Islands, 1999 ZL9CI Campbell Island, 1998 9M0C Spratly Island and 1997 VK0IR Heard Island DXpeditions. [TNX G3XTT] DX MAGAZINE MOST WANTED SURVEY ---> The DX Magazine's annual Most Wanted Survey is being conducted now through 31 October. The survey form is available at http://www.dxpub.com/dx_survey2004.html and the overall results will be published in early 2005. [TNX N4AA] DXCC NEWS ---> The following operations have been approved for DXCC credit: 4W4JEG Timor-Leste 7 October 2003 - 30 June 2004 T6RF Afghanistan 1 July - 31 August 2004 TT8KR Chad 7-14 September 2004. EUCW CONTEST ---> The first contest organized by the Club Francophone Telegraphiste will take place on 11 November from 5 to 15 UTC. Full information is available at http://www.on5cft.be.tf/ [TNX F5NQL] EU SPRINT CONTESTS ---> The two Autumn events will be held on 20, 40 and 80 metres only from 15.00 UTC until 18.59 UTC on 2 October (Autumn SSB, managed by I2UIY) and 9 October (Autumn CW, managed by OK2FD) Full details (free software included) can be found at http://www.qsl.net/eusprint GM SPECIAL CONTEST CALLS ---> Jurij, MM0DFV (http://www.scotham.net) provides the list of the current special contest callsigns (with their relevant QSL route) used by Scottish amateur radio clubs: GM0B MM0BHX GM4V MM0FVC GM7V M0CMK GM0F M0CMK GM5A GM3YTS GM8W GM4XZZ GM0G MM0SLB GM5C GM0DEQ MM0Q MM0BQI GM2T GM4UYZ GM5V GM3UTQ MM2R MM1AUF GM2Z MM0DFV GM7M MM0ERK MM7I GM3GBZ GM3W GM3JKS GM7R MM1AUF NCDXF ---> At its Board of Directors meeting on 11 September, the Northern California DX Foundation re-elected the following officers and directors: Len Geraldi/K6ANP (President), Al Burnham/K6RIM (Vice President), Tom McShane/NW6P (Secretary), Bruce Butler/W6OSP (Trasurer), Rusty Epps/W6OAT, Dave Pugatch/KI6WF, Chuck Ternes/N6OJ, Glenn Vinson/W6OTC, Steve Merchant/K6AW, Ken Anderson/K6TA and Tim Totten/N4GN (Directors). Information pertaining to the Northern California DX Foundation is available at http://www.ncdxf.org/ [TNX K6RIM] QSL 8J1RL ---> The QSL cards for contacts made with Syowa Station (AN-015, JA-02 for the Antarctica Award) from February 2004 to January 2005 will be forwarded to JARL Bureau in April 2005 after the operators return to Japan. On-line logs at http://www.jarl.or.jp/English/4_Library/A-4-7_8j1rl/frame.htm QSL VIA IZ8CCW ---> Antonio is the QSL manager for the following stations: 5B/IT9SSI (AS-004 and AS-120), 5B/IZ8CCW (AS-004 and AS-120), 8A3M (OC-250), CO8TW (NA-015), CU3X (AF-014), ED8MDC (AF-004), H40AT (OC-065), H44AT (OC-149), IB0DX (EU-045), IB0MDC (EU-045), IC8/IZ8CCW (EU-031), ID8/IZ8CCW (EU-144), II8CS, II8MDC, IL7M (EU-050), IO8MDC (EU-144), IQ8ARI, IQ8BP, IQ8CS, IQ8MDC, IR1MDC, IR2MDC, IR5MDC, IR6MDC, IR8CS, IR8M, IR8MDC, IR9MDC, IT9/IZ8CCW (EU-025), IU8MDC, IU8W, J3/F4TVY (NA-024), J6/F4TVY (NA-108), J79TUY (NA-101), KB5GL/5 (NA-089, Apr 03), RI0CM (AS-172), UN8GDR, UN8GF, UN8GU, UP7GMDC, V8AQZ (OC-088), VU2DPM (AS-153, Jan 02), VU2HFR (AS-153, Jan 02), VU2JSH (AS-153, Jan 02), VU2KFR (AS-153, Jan 02), VU2SKD (AS-153, Jan 02), YB3ZES (OC-021), YB3ZES/P (OC-237), YB3ZMI (OC-237), YC0IEM (OC-021), YC0IEM/7 (OC-088), YC0IEM/9 (OC-022), YC0IEM/P (OC-145 and OC-148), YC0LND (OC-021), YC0UTC (OC-021), YC3BDJ (OC-021), YC3DIK (OC-021), YC3DIK/P (OC-237), YC3IZK (OC-021), YC3MM, YC3MM/5 (OC-075 and OC-245), YC3MM/P (OC-197 and OC-237), YC3OX (OC-021), YC7SKM (OC-088), YC9MB (OC-151), YC9MT (OC-151), YE3M (OC-021), YE5A (OC-262), YE5X (OC-075), YE5XMD (OC-075) and Z38M. Antonio will attend the HF-DX Convention in Bologna next weekend those who need one or more cards are invited to get in touch with him (iz8ccw@mdxc.org). [TNX IZ8CCW] QSL VIA VK4AAR ---> Alan is the QSL manager for the following stations: 9V0A, 9V1DX, C21RH,KH2VM, P29RH, V63PD, VI0ANARE, VK0MM, VK6AN (OC-266), VK6BM (OC-234), VK6BSI (OC-243), VK6LI (OC-071), VK8AN, VK8AN/6 (OC-154), VK8AN/8 (OC-229), VK8AV/3 (OC-136), VK8DP, VK8MI (OC-173), VK8RH, VK8XC, VU3RSB, YJ8AA, ZK2JJ, ZK2PJ. QSL direct only to Alan Roocroft, P.O. Box 421, Gatton 4343, Australia. UKRAINIAN DX CONTEST ---> Sponsored by the Ukrainian Contest Club (UCC) and the Ukrainian Amateur Radio League (UARL), it will take place on 160-10 metres (WARC bands excluded) CW, SSB and RTTY, from 12 UTC on 6 November through 12 UTC on the 7th. Full rules are available at http://urcc.com.ua/ [TNX F5NQL] + SILENT KEY + Captain Lee E. Reisenweber, K3RGD/VP2VE passed away on 21 February at the San Juan VA Medical Center, San Juan, Puerto Rico. He is interred at Puerto Rico National Cemetery Bayamon. First licensed at the age of 12, Lee was president of the BVI Amateur Radio League. During the Vietnam War he served in the United States Marine Corps. Lee's family asks that anyone knowing Lee that have pictures or stories they can share to please send them to D. L. Borgman, 11111 NE 105th Avenue, Archer, Florida 32618, USA or email to dlb@borgmangroup.com _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA ANTARCTICA: A page of links to Antarctica related web sites has been added to the Antarctica Award page at www.mdxc.org/antarctica [TNX IZ8CGS] LOGS: On-line logs for IU1L's operations from La Lanterna (ARLHS ITA-177, WAIL LI-005) in the 2003 and 2004 International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekends are available at www.arigenova.it [TNX IZ1BZS] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3DA0RN G4IRN FO5RN F5NQL SV8/ON4BB ON4BB 3Z0AIR SP7L FP/NN9K NN9K SV8/ON5JE ON5JE 4J9RI DL7EDH FR1AN N5FTR SV8/ON5KH ON5KH 4K5D K2PF FY5FU F5JFU SV9/PG5M PG5M 4K6DI DL7EDH G6YB/P G3SWH SX2004A SV1CIB 4K9W DL6KVA GD4MR/P DL1CC SX2004PA SV3AQN 4L1GW LZ1OT GM4YXI N3SL SY1APG SV1BKN 4L1MA ON4RU GM6UW/P M0BLF TM0FP F4EEK 4N80RS 4N1RS HF0QF SP7IWA TM4V F5LHP 4X1UH W3HNK HF1PW SP1PBW TM5BDM F5ASD 6W4RK F5NPS HF20KST SP2ESH TM5HN F5UBH 7Q7CE IN3VZE HF60PW SP5KCR TM6OBG F6KSV 7Q7CT CT1ABE HK8RQS EA5KB TM6OLL F8KLY 7Q7RB IN3BHR HP1RIP EA7FTR TM6OSE F5LGQ 9A/VE3ZIK DL3PS HS0ZFA DJ4ER TM8CDX F5CQ 9G5OO DL4WK HZ1AN DJ9ZB TM8MB F0DIA 9H0VRZ PB9ZR IQ1IM/P I1ASU TT8FC EA4AHK 9H3AAG PA3BLS J42004Q G4OBK TT8FT F6GYV 9H3X PE1NGF J43J DJ5JH TT8KR K2PF 9H3YM PE1OFJ J73CCM SM0CCM TZ6M PA7FM 9L1BTB SP7BTB J79XBI SM0XBI UA9QFF W3HNK 9M6LSC JN1WTK JT100M UA9OBA UE0LPR UA0LQJ 9U6PM HB9DTM JW1CCA LA1CCA UE1RRC/P RA1QQ 9V1YC N5ID JY9QJ DL5MBY UE3DBP RA3ARS 9Y4ZC DL4MDO K7ASU/KH9 K7ASU UE3XEK RK3XXA A41KJ N5FTR K8C KB8UYZ UE3YMI/P RA3YA A71EM EA7FTR KG2DA/KH0 JA1GFD UE4PFF UA4PT AH6JN/4 K4AMI LA3SRK/P SM5SIC UE9XAK UA9XC AP2NK W3HNK LY7Z LY2TA UN7GKR RW6HS BA1RB/3 EA7FTR LZ1JY W0FS UN7PCZ DL8KAC C30CAN DF6EJ N1KU/KH0 JE1KUC V44KJ WB2TSL C4M W3HNK OG80AA OH8AA V63KZ JA0VSH C91EP SM0EPU OH0JWL DL5FF V63MP JG0PBJ CN8YR K4KU ON60P ON4RSX VE3QCWA VE3IQ CT1FMX W3HNK PA9MR VE3MR VP8SGB GM0HCQ D44TD CT1EKF R1MVI RA3AMG VP9BO W4ZGR D44TT K1BV R400T RN9HM VU3DJQ EA7FTR D4B K1BV R850D RA3DKE XQ6ET W8UVZ DU9/N0NM W4DR RA0FN UA9OR XU7TZG ON4AJV ED5AVW EA4YK RK3IWT/3 RV3IL YB0AZ W7TSQ ED6SDC EA1AUM RK3QWM/p RN3QO YI9GT SP9GTS ED7VEA EA7GRA RK6YYA/6 RV6YZ YI9JJC N5JJC EJ4GK EI4GK RW6AWT W3HNK YI9KT SP8HKT EM250V UR7VA RZ6LL/0 RW6HS YI9WRV W3HNK EO1WRP UT7WZ S21B KX7YT Z38C HA1RS EY8MM K1BV SF30A SM0AQD ZA/IK0OKY IW0BET FK/JM1YGG JM1YGG SP0DIG SP5CJQ ZB2FX G3RFX FK/KM9D OM2SA ST2T S57DX ZD8I G4LTI FK8AH W3HNK SV0XAN/5 IK2WZD ZK3DX EB2AYV FK8GX W3HNK SV0XAO DJ5JH ZX35O PT2OP _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA DL7EDH Alexander Spielmann, Hubertus Str. 5, D-85095 Denkendorf, Germany DL7VOX Helmut Radach, Riesaer Str. 93, D-12627 Berlin, Germany EO150JPO P.O. Box 330, Sevastopol 99057, Ukraine F4EEK Jean-Philippe Herbouille, 12 rue Francois Mauriac, 16100 Cognac, France G4LTI Mike Coverdale, 1a Halton Chase, Westhead, Ormskirk, Lancashire L40 6JR, England, UK IN3VZE Ely Camin, Corso 3 Novembre 136/2, 38100 Trento - TN, Italy IQ1CM Sezione A.R.I., P.O. Box 21, 13900 Biella - BI, Italy IQ5LU Sezione A.R.I., P.O. Box 303, 55100 Lucca - LU, Italy JA0VSH Kazuhide Maruyama, 1-25-49, Irima-cho, Chofu, Tokyo 182-0004, Japan JA4GXS Kenji Sasaki, 2-15 Ishikannon-cho, Yamaguchi, 753-0038 Japan JG0PBJ Miyuki Maruyama, 1-25-49, Irima-cho, Chofu, Tokyo 182-0004, Japan JM1YGG Mitsubishi Electric Tokyo Amateur Radio Club, 2-1-1 Marunouchi, Tokyo, 100-8310 Japan M0BLF Dominic Smith, Harrowstones, Harrowbeer Lane, Yelverton, Devon, PL20 6EA, England, UK NN9K Peter Beedlow, 741 Greenway Ave, Colona, IL 61241-9337, USA PG5M Gerben A. Menting, Waezenburglaan 104, 9351 HG Leek, The Netherlands RA3AMG Denis Skobelkin, A.k. 698, LV-1010 Riga, Latvia S57DX Slavko Celarc, Ob Igriscu 8, 1360 Vrhnika, Slovenia TT8FT Francois Theveneau, Celtel Tchad, BP 5665, Ndjamena, Chad UA9OR Viacheslav Davidenko, P.O. Box 222, Novosibirsk-34, 630034, Russia UR7GG Victor Tkachenko, P.O.Box 73, Kherson 73000, Ukraine UT7WZ Miroslav Lupiy, P.O.Box 94, Lviv 79000, Ukraine ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************