DX425 bulletin issue nr. 696

425 DX News #696 

4 September 2004 
Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH

    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
    Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
    (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 
3DA    - John, G4IRN has cancelled his 3-12 September operation from  Lesotho
          [425DXN 695].  He will  go  and operate  mainly  CW as  3DA0RN  from
          Swaziland over the same dates. QSL  via home call, direct or  bureau
          (e-mail   requests    for   bureau    cards   can    be   sent    to
          g4irn@ntlworld.com).  Please   visit  http://www.qsl.net/g4irn  for
          further information and on-line logs. [TNX G4IRN]
3Y0_pi - 3Y0X, the third ever DXpedition to  Peter I Island, will be  brought
          on the air by a  multi.national team of  21 operators (namely  F2JD,
          HB9AHL, HB9BHW, K0IR,  K4UEE, K3NA, K4SV,  K5AB, K9SG, LA6VM,  N2WB,
          N4GRN, N6OX,  NK7C,  NP4IW, OH2BH,  OH2PM,  PA5M, UA3AB,  VK4GL  and
          W0RUN). They plan to operate for  two full weeks with nine  stations
          24 hours a day. The voyage to  Peter I will start from Punta  Arenas
          on 14 January and will take  6-7 days. The  exact landing date  will
          depend on weather. Contributions can be sent to K4UEE, F2JD,  JA1ELY
          and ZL2AL (details on http://www.peterone.com),  but another way  to
          help out is to purchase a souvenir of the DXpedition at the Peter  I
          Store (www.cafepress.com/peter1store).
9A     - 9A/OE1CIQ, 9A/OE8YDQ and  9A/OE6CAG will be  active from Krk  Island
          (EU-136, CI-046, MC-185) on 7-11 September.  They might also go  and
          operate from Plavnik Mali (EU-136, CI-225, MC-225), Kormati (EU-136,
          CI-178, MC-165) and Cres (EU-136, CI-012, MC-056). [TNX IT9DAA & MIA
9K     - A group of operators from the Kuwait Amateur Radio Society plans  to
          operate as 9K2F from Failaka Island (AS-118) for 3-4 days at the end
          of the month. [TNX W3UR]
BY     - BA1RB will operate  on 10-20 metres  (WARC bands included,  possibly
          with some 160 and 80m as well as PSK31 and RTTY) as BA1RB/3 from the
          Hebei/Tianjin Province Group  (AS-134) on 18-20  September. QSL  Via
          EA7FTR. [TNX EA7FTR]
CE     - Mario/CE6NE,  Marco/CE6TBN,  Mike/K9AJ  and  Lucas/LU1FAM  plan   to
          operate from the  Rennell Islands (Ultima  Esperanza Province  South
          Group, SA-???)  on  14-17  February  2005.  Further  information  is
          expected in due course. [TNX CE6NE]
DL     - Helmut, DL7VOX will operate mainly CW as DL7VOX/P from Usedom Island
          (EU-129) on 4-18  September. QSL via  home call,  direct or  bureau.
          [TNX DL7VOX]
EA6    - Christian, DL6KAC reports he will be active again as EA6/DL6KAC from
          Mallorca (DIE E-021), Balearic Islands  (EU-004) on 6-28  September.
          QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
F      - F0DIA, F5RRS, F5SDT, F8NZQ, F5TIL and F4BAH will be again active  as
          TM8MB from Aiguille du  Midi (3842m a.s.l.,  Mont Blanc) during  the
          European IARU  VHF Contest  on 4-5  September. QSL  via F0DIA.  [TNX
FK     - Mike, KM9D and Jan, KF4TUG have  left Noumea (OC-032) and expect  to
          be active soon  from the  rare D'Entrecasteaux  Reefs (OC-058),  New
          Caledonia. QSL FK/KM9D and FK/KF4TUG via OM2SA. [TNX The Daily DX]
FO     - The operation from Hereheretue (OC-058) is  confirmed to take  place
          on  18-20  September  [425DXN  692].  The  operators  (Nando/IT9YRE,
          Claudio/I1SNW and Alfio/IT9EJW) will  concentrate on working  Europe
          between 6.30 and 12.30 UTC on 20 metres. QSL direct via home  calls.
          [TNX I1SNW]
GM     - The Orkney Wireless Museum will be  on the air as GB2OWM during  the
          Orkney Science Festival (http://www.osf.org.uk) until 11  September.
          Probable operating times will be weekdays and Sundays between  14.30
          and 16.30 and on Saturdays from 10 to 12.30. [TNX MM0DFV]
GM     - Andre, GM3VLB plans to operate from Skye (EU-008) and several  other
          islands in the  Inner Hebrides -  namely S.  Rona, Scalpay,  Longay,
          Staffin, Flodigarry, Wiay, Soay and  Crowlin - for  up to two  weeks
          starting on 4 September. All the  operations are weather  dependent.
          QSL direct only via home call. [TNX GM3VLB]
GM     - Marian/GM0OYU,  Stuart/GM4WMM  and  Derek/GM0EEY  will  operate   as
          GB150NRL will be active from the lighthouse (ARLHS SCO-155) on North
          Ronaldsay, Orkney Islands  (EU-009) on 4-5  September. This  special
          event station is to celebrate 150 years since the first lighting  of
          the lighthouse on 1 September 1854. [TNX MM0DFV]
I      - ARI Imperia members  Giuseppe, I1WXY  and Gabriele,  IK1NEG will  be
          active (mainly on 40 and 20  metres) as IQ1IM/P from Porto  Maurizio
          Lighthouse (WAIL  LI-002, ARLHS  ITA-118) on  4 September,  starting
          around 6  UTC. All  QSOs will  be  confirmed automatically  via  the
          bureau, direct cards should be sent to I1ASU. [TNX IK1AWV]
I      - Stefano, IK5PWQ will operate (on 40, 30 and 20 metres CW and SSB) as
          IP1/IK5PWQ from  Palmaria  Island (not  IOTA,  IIA SP-001)  on  6-12
          September. He will also try to  operate (on 20  metres only, CW  and
          SSB) from Tinetto Island (EU-083, SP-003)  for one or two days.  QSL
          via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX IK5PWQ]
I      - Look for Alberto, IT9MRM to be active (on 40, 20 and 15 metres  SSB)
          as follows:
          * on  7  September  (8-17 UTC)  as  IF9/IT9MRM  from  Punta  Sottile
          Lighthouse (WAIL SI-024, ARLHS ITA-145) on Favignana Island (EU-054,
          IIA TP-011, MIA MI-025);
          * from 14 UTC on 14 September until 12 UTC on the 15th as  I8/IT9MRM
          from Capo Spartivento Lighthouse (WAIL CL-009, ARLHS ITA-043);
          * from 12 UTC on 27 September until 20 UTC on the 28th as IH9/IT9MRM
          from Pantelleria Island (AF-018, IIA TP-001, MIA MI-124).
          QSL via home call, direct  (Alberto Mattei, Via  E. Millo 20,  96011
          Augusta  -  SR,  Italy)  or  bureau.  Logs  will  be  available   at
          http://www.mondoradiomania.tk [TNX IT9MRM]
JA     - JO1DPQ will operate from Miyake Island (AS-008) on 11-15  September.
          QSL via home call. [TNX JI6KVR]
JT     - JT100M is  the callsign  being used  until 13  September during  the
          Mongolian leg of the  Altay-Himalaya Transasian off-road  expedition
          [425DXN 694]. QSL via UA9OBA. [TNX RA0BA]
KH7K   - The DXpedition to  Kure Atoll [425DXN  691], originally planned  for
          mid to late October, has been  postponed. The Pacific DX Group  will
          continue to  work  towards going  at  the next  possible  window  of
          opportunity. This could be as  soon as late  winter or early  spring
          2005. They  ask  that all  groups  or people  who  have  contributed
          towards this  trip  or  are  thinking  of  contributing,  to  please
          continue to  support  them  as they  work  to  raise  the  necessary
          funding.    Regional    fundraisers    can    be    contacted     at
          funds-na-sa-kure@inix.com     (North      &     South      America),
          funds-eu-kure@inix.com  (Europe),  funds-ja-kure@inix.com   (Japan),
          funds-kure@inix.com (all other areas).  General inquiries should  be
          sent to pdxg-kure@inix.com [TNX KH7U]
LA     - Look for LA3SRK/P to be activated from Hitra Island (EU-036) between
          13 UTC on  4 September and  13 UTC on  the 5th during  the Region  1
          Field Day. Five stations will operate  CW (1830, 3530, 7030,  14030,
          21030, 28030 kHz), SSB (1850, 3750, 7050, 14250, 21250, 28450  kHz),
          PSK (3580,  7040, 14070,  21070, 28120  kHz) and  RTTY (3585,  7035,
          14080, 21080, 28080 kHz). QSL via SM5SIC. [TNX SM5SIC]
OH0    - Look for Oleg, OH0/ES1RA/P and Jaak,  OH0/ES1FB/P to be active  from
          the Aland Islands (EU-002)  on 7-10 September.  QSl via home  calls.
          [TNX ES1RA]
OJ0    - The World  Wide Young  Contesters' 23-26  September OJ0YC  operation
          from Market  Reef [425DXN  685] has  been postponed  until the  IOTA
          Contest 2005. [TNX OH6GDX]
PA     - Look for  Rolf, PA/DH8KV  to be  active from  Texel Island  (EU-038)
          until 24 September. [TNX DXNL]
PA     - Kees, PA3EEQ and Age, PA0XAW will be active (on 40, 20 and maybe  80
          metres  CW  and  SSB)  from  the   lighthouse  (ARLHS  NET-021)   on
          Schiermonnikoog Island (EU-038) on 11 September. QSL to home  calls,
          direct or bureau. Information on the  Dutch Lighthouse Award can  be
          found at http://www.qsl.net/PI4ALK. [TNX PA0XAW]
R1_mv  - The R1MVI operation  from Malyj Vysotsky  (EU-117) [425DXN 695]  has
          been rescheduled to take place on  10-12 September. QSL via  RA3AMG,
          who recommends to  use his  Latvian address  (Denis Skobelkin,  A.k.
          698, LV-1010 Riga, Latvia). [TNX The Daily DX]
SV9    - Phil, G4OBK will operate as J42004Q from Akrotiri, Crete (EU-015) on
          8-15 September, then he will revert  to SV9/G4OBK. He expects to  be
          active on RTTY and CW, and maybe a little PSK31 and SSB as well,  on
          10-30 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau [TNX G4OBK]
TK     - Christophe, F4DZY will be active as  TK/F4DZY from Corsica  (EU-014)
          on 8-22 September. He will operate mainly SSB during his spare time.
          QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
TT     - Francois, F6GYV is now active in  his spare time (mainly during  the
          local evening hours  and on  Sundays) from  Chad as  TT8FT. QSL  via
          F6GYV (bureau) or direct to TT8FT (Francois Theveneau, Celtel Tchad,
          BP 5665, Ndjamena, Chad). [TNX F5NQL]
TT     - Robert, S53R left for Chad on 2 September. He will remain there  for
          about ten days and he plans to  operate as either TT8RK or TT8KR  in
          his limited spare time. QSL via K2PF. [TNX ON5NT]
TX0    - The operators for the DXpedition to the Chesterfiled Islands [425DXN
          688]  will  be  Jan/DJ8NK,  Dieter/DJ9ON,  Heye/DJ9RR,   Hawa/DK9KX,
          Dieter/DL3KDV, Chris/DL5NAM,  and  Hans/  DL6JGN.  They  will  leave
          Germany on 8 October and expect to  be QRV (on 160-6 metres CW,  SSB
          and RTTY) on the 15th or the 16th for eight days. The callsign  will
          not be made public before the operation starts. QSL via DL5NAM  (for
          SSB and RTTY)  or DL4XS (for  CW and  6 metres),  direct or  bureau.
          Details   on    their   QSLling    policy    can   be    found    at
          http://www.df3cb.com/chesterfield/;  contributions   are    welcome
          (please contact Chris, DL5NAM at dl5nam@arrl.net).
TZ     - Michael, PA5M went QRT from Niger  (5U7DX) and is now active in  his
          spare time as TZ6M from Mali  until 16 September  at least. QSL  via
          PA7FM. On-line logs  can be found  as usual on  http://www.pa7fm.nl.
          [TNX PA7FM and ON5NT]
UA     - RA1QQ, RA1QY, RA1QCZ and RA1QGO plan to operate as UE1RRC/P from  an
          island (new one  for the RRC  programme) located  in the  Rybisnskoe
          basin on 3-6 September. QSL via RA1QQ. [TNX RA1QHJ]
UA     - Special station UE0LPR will be activated  on 3-23 September for  the
          "Pak Rim  Challenger 2004"  sailing regatta.  QSL via  UA0LQJ.  [TNX
UA     - SRR  (Soyuz  Radiolyubitelej   Rossii)  is   celebrating  the   10th
          anniversary of  IARU membership.  Thanks to  the effort  of  UA0ANW,
          UA9AM, UA9PC, RN6BY,  RU6AX, RW3QC, UA4CC,  RX3RZ, RZ3TX and  RW1AC,
          ten club  stations  will operate  under  special callsigns  on  4-13
          September: R1SRR (by  RU1A), R2SRR (by  RZ3TXB), R3SRR (by  RK3RWA),
          R4SRR (by RK4CWA), R5SRR (by RK3QWA),  R6SRR (by RZ6AZZ), R7SRR  (by
          RK6AWJ), R8SRR (by RZ9OZO), R9SRR (by RZ9AWO) and R0SRR (by RK0AXX).
          Some of them will take part in the AA SSB and WAE SSB contests.  The
          QSL route  for all  stations is  via the  SRR bureau  (P.O. Box  88,
          Moscow, 119311, Russia). [TNX RZ3AA]
V6     - Kazuhide Maruyama, JA0VSH and his wife  Miyuki, JG0PBJ will  operate
          as V63KZ and V63MP from Micronesia on 17-26 September. They plan  to
          be active on 160-10 metres SSB and CW. QSL via home calls, direct or
          bureau. Please note that their new  address is: 1-25-49,  Irima-cho,
          Chofu, Tokyo 182-0004, Japan. [TNX JA0VSH]
VP8_sg - One of the staff at the British Antarctic Survey Base of Bird Island
          (South Georgia, AN-007) is active as  VP8SGB. He generally  operates
          (SSB only,  usually on  20  metres) for  about  an hour,  most  days
          sometime between 17.30 and 20.00,  and for about  an hour on  Sunday
          mornings  between  10.00   and  12.00.  QSL   via  GM0HCQ.   Further
          information will be posted at http://www.gm0hcq.com [TNX GM0HCQ]
W      - The ARRL  is  celebrating the  135th  birthday  anniversary  of  the
          League's co-founder  and first  president Hiram  Percy Maxim,  W1AW.
          ARRL Life members,  elected and appointed  volunteers and  officials
          can append /135 to their callsigns  during the event, which  started
          at 00.00 UTC on 2 September and will end at 24 UTC on the 12th. [TNX
          OPDX Bulletin]
SOUTH AMERICA TRIP ---> Francisco, EA7FTR reports that Antonio, EA9CP will be
touring South America in September-October as follows (QSLs via EA7FTR):
9-15 Sep         OA4/EA9CP             Punta Hermosa, Peru
17-21 Sep        HC4CB and HC4/EA9CP   Isla Cojimies (SA-056), Ecuador
22 Sep - 2 Oct   HC8/EA9CP or HC8CB    Isla San Cristobal, Galapagos (SA-004)
3 Oct            HC1/EA9CP or HC1CB    Quito, Ecuador
4-11 Oct         TI2/EA9CP             San Jose, Costa Rica
11-13 Oct        HK0/EA9CP             Isla San Andres (NA-033)
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
             >>> DXCC - THE DEATH OF THE ANNUAL LIST DEADLINE  The Scottish-Russian ARS (srars@srars.org)  sponsors
the CIS DX RTTY Contest, which will be held from 12 UTC on 11 September to 12
UTC on the 12th. The objective  of the contest is to  establish as many  RTTY
contacts as  possible  between radio  amateurs  around the  world  and  radio
amateurs in  the Commonwealth  of  Independent States  (Armenia,  Azerbaijan,
Belarus,  Georgia,  Kazakhstan,  Kyrgyzstan.  Moldova,  Russia,   Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, Ukraine  and  Uzbekistan). Full  information  can be  found  at
http://www.srars.org/cisdxc.htm [TNX MM0DFV]
RDA ---> The  Russian Districs  Award (RDA),  sponsored by  the Tambov  Award
Group, is  available  to either  licenced  amateurs and  SWLs  for  confirmed
contacts made with the various districts  of the Russian Federation after  12
June 1991. Full information can be found at http://rdaward.org/rda_eng.htm
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
AS-108:    Story and  pictures of  the recent  OD5RMK operation  from  Ramkin
            Island can be found at  http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~iota/newpage85.htm.
            [TNX JI6KVR]
WIN-TEST:  Olivier, F5MZN and Laurent, F6FVY report that the English  version
            of Win-Test (a  shareware logging software  that supports all  the
            major events and  several other contests)  is now downloadable  at
            www.win-test.com [TNX F6FVY]
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2HB       KM6HB       ES1924M     ES1QD       SV0LR       HB9LDR
3W9HRN      DL1HRN      FK8GM       WB2RAJ      SV5/SM8C    SM0CMH
3Z0AIR      SP7L        FR1AN       N5FTR       SY2004CJU   SV3CJU
5B4ABP      OE2GEN      GB4IOM      M1LCR       SY2004GWY   SV2GWY
5N6EAM/7    IK2IQD      GB5FI       GW0ANA      SY2004MNL   SV1BUU
5N9NDP      IK5JAN      GB6LOP      G0SWY       T45LH       CO2FRC
5R8FU       SM5DJZ      HF0QF       SP7IWA      T94OM       K2PF
5R8GZ       G3SWH       HF1PW       SP1PBW      T98LBC      DL7AFS
5U7B        I2YSB       HF20IL      SP8AJC      TI2VW       EA7FTR
5U7DX       PA7FM       HF60MPW     SP5FKW      TM1ALF      F8BMN
5U7JB       ON5NT       HF60PW      SP5KCR      TM4V        F5LHP
5V7BR       F5RUQ       HH4/K4QD    K4QD        TM5BDM      F5ASD
5X1GS       WB2YQH      HK1XX       EA7FTR      TM5JIM      F6DJB
5Z4DZ       PC1A        HS0ZFA      DJ4ER       TM5LAF      F6KQJ
7Q7HB       G0IAS       HS72B       E20NTS      TM5PSM      F8DNX
7S6LH       SK6QW       IO3IIM      IV3IIM      TM6OD       F5IDB
8P6ET       KU9C        JT1FDB      DL2ECW      TM6OR       F5KAR
8Q7GA       DL3GA       JW5E        LA5NM       TT8FC       EA4AHK
8Q7JF       DL7JAN      JY9QJ       DL5MBY      UE3RII      UA3RA
9A5LO/P     OK1LO       K3GV/VY2    K3GV        UE9OWM/9    UA9OBA
9J2BO       G3TEV       KG4JC       ND9M        UN100KTZ    UN7BN
9U6PM       HB9DTM      KL7AA       AC7DX       UU8AA       G3SWH
9V1GO       OK1DOT      LU4ZS       LU4DXU      V31LZ       LZ3RZ
9V1YC       N5ID        MM0MWW/P    MM0EAX      V47UY       KJ4UY
9Y4SF       WA4JTK      OD5/9K2MU   WA4JTK      VK7AED/5    K8LIZ
9Z4FT       PY4FZ       OD5QT       YO3FRI      VK7LL/5     AA8LL
A61Q        EA7FTR      OD5UH       EA7FTR      VP8LGT      VP8ON
A71EM       EA7FTR      OH0JWL      DL5FF       VQ9WM       WB4NCW
BV9A        BV4YB       OM10PGF     OM6TC       VY0CQ       VE3ZCO
CS0RCL      CT1GFK      ON430MD     ON5UY       VY2ZM       K1ZM
ED1SDC      EA1AUM      ON430MD     ON5UY       XQ3BRN      IZ6BRN
ED3RTA      EA3RCY      ON60P       ON4RSX      XQ4ZW       CE1VLY
ED7UU       EA7GV       ON60P       ON4RSX      XV2LC       VK6LC
ED8FLH      EA8AKN      ON60Z       ON7ZT       YA0Y        DL5SE
ED8LGP      EA8RCP      OY/DL1RTL   DL1RTL      YB7N        WB7B
ED8VBV      EA8LE       OY/DL2RMC   DL2RMC      YI9GT       SP3GTS
EI4TLH      EI8EM       PI4VPO      PA2CNR      YI9JJC      N5JJC
EM1HO       I2PJA       PJ2MI       W2CQ        YJ0AHZ      VK6HZ
EO13FA      UT2FA       R1ANF       RK1PWA      YJ0XX       W6YOO
EO13FY      UX0FY       R400T       RW9IM       Z38Z        DL7AFS
EO13ID      US7IGF      R850D       RA3DKE      ZB300D      ZB3D
EO13W       UT7WZ       RI0BDI      RA3XR       ZB300FK     ZB2FK
ER60EM      ER1DA       RI1CGT      RN1AW       ZB300FX     G3RFX
ES1924B     ES4BG       RK6YYA/6    RV6YZ       ZK3SA       JH7OHF
ES1924I     ES4RD       SU9BN       EA7FTR      ZV7AA       PS7CE
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
5B4AHJ  Alan Jubb, P.O. Box 61430, 8134 Kato Pafos, Cyprus
AT0RI   P.O. Box 6073, Bangalore 560060, India
CT1GFK  Antonio J. R. Guerreiro, Apartado 1111 - Zona Industrial, 8700-240
         Olhao, Portugal
DL2RMC  Thomas Hitzner, Anton-Moosmueller-Str. 1, 84571 Reischach, Germany
ER1DA   Valery Metaxa, P.O. Box 3000, Chisinau, MD 2071 Moldova
F5LHP   Michel Derudder, 47 rue de Dunkerque, 59143 Watt, France
F6KQJ   Radio Club du Velay, P.O. Box 41, 43700 Brives-Charensac, France
G4IRN   John Warburton, 31 Greenwood Road, Thames Ditton KT7 0DU, England, UK
GM0HCQ  Mike Gloistein, 27 Stormont Way, Scone, Perthshire PH2 6SP, Scotland,
HB9DTM  Pierre-Marie Calvet, Rue de Vermont 22, CH-1202 Geneve, Switzerland
I1UWF   Gianni Tosello, Strada alla Colla 14, 18038 Sanremo - IM, Italy
I2PJA   Antonio Petroncari, Via Enzo Togni 87, 27043 Broni - PV, Italy
II3T    ARI Trieste, P.O. Box 29, 34100 Trieste - TS, Italy
LU2DT   P.O. Box 664, 7600 Mar del Plata, Argentina
PS7CE   P.O. Box 251 ZC, 59010-970 Natal - RN, Brazil
SM5SIC  Goran Ingemar Backman, Uttervagen 6, 644 36 Torshalla, Sweden
          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org
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