DX425 bulletin issue nr. 695

425 DX News #695 

28 August 2004 
Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH

    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
    Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
    (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 
3A     - Patrice, F5RBB  will  operate as  3A/homecall  from Monaco  from  30
          August to  6 September.  Expect activity  on 40,  20, 15,  10 and  6
          metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX F5RBB]
3D2    - Mark, KM6HB will operate as 3D2HB from Viti Levu (OC-016), Fiji from
          30 August to 7 September. He plans to be QRV on 40-6 metres with 100
          watts and a vertical, and to emphasize 30 metres RTTY. QSL via  home
          call, direct or bureau. [TNX KM6HB]
3D2    - Nob, JA7OV and Hiro, JA7AQR will  be active as 3D2TY and 3D2YT  from
          Fiji for  one  or two  days  before and  after  their  9-15  October
          operation from Wallis  Island (see FW  below). QSL  via home  calls,
          direct or bureau.
7P     - John, G4IRN will be active as 7P8RN from Lesotho on 3-12  September.
          He will be QRV on 160-10 metres mainly CW. QSL via G4IRN, direct  or
          bureau. On-line logs will  be available at  http://www.qsl.net/g4irn
          after the event. [TNX NG3K]
7Q     - Harry, 7Q7HB  (G0JMU) now  plans to  remain in  Malawi [425DXN  693]
          until towards the end of November. QSL direct only  via  G0IAS. [TNX
9U     - Pierre-Marie, HB9DTM  (F6FNL) expects  to be  active as  9U6PM  from
          Burundi until February. He operates SSB only for the time being, but
          he will try to get his  keyer and an RTTY  interface from home.  QSL
          via HB9DTM (Pierre-Marie Calvet, Rue de Vermont 22, CH-1202  Geneve,
          Switzerland). [TNX The Daily DX]
F      - Look for F5JOT/p and F5LGQ/p to operate  SSB and CW on the HF  bands
          from the lighthouse (WLH  271) on Cordouan  Island (EU-159) from  28
          August in their afternoon to the local morning of the 29th. QSL  via
          home calls. [TNX F5JOT]
FR     - Jack, F6BUM will  operate from Reunion  Island (AF-016)  as TO5M  on
          23-31 October and as FR/F6BUM on 1-15 November. On 16-20 November he
          will go and operate  as 3B8/F6BUM from  Mauritius (AF-049). QSL  via
          F6CXJ. [TNX F6BUM]
FW     - Nob, JA7OV and Hiro, JA7AQR  will operate as  FW7OV and FW7AQR  from
          Wallis Island (OC-054) on 9-15 October. They plan to be QRV on 10-40
          metres SSB and RTTY (no CW) running 100 watts into a a 2-element for
          15 metres and multiband dipoles. QSL via home calls, direct  (JA7OV:
          Yoshinobu Takahashi, 4-9-36 Emata, Yamagata, 990-0861 Japan; JA7AQR:
          Yoshihiro Tanaka, 1-10-6  Minamihara, Yamagata,  990-2413 Japan)  or
          bureau. [TNX JA1ELY]
FK     - Eleven operators  from the  Mitsubishi Electric  Tokyo ARC  (JM1YGG)
          will be active on 10-80 metres  CW, SSB and  FM as either  FK/JM1YGG
          and FK/homecall from New Caledonia on 16-19 September. The operators
          will be  JA1BAB, JA1IWP,  JA1RNO,  JA1RTG, JR1KHM,  JI1EOP,  JJ1EWN,
          JK1EBA, JA3RAF, JR3OET and JF3IPR. QSL via JM1YGG direct (Mitsubishi
          Electric Tokyo Amateur Radio Club, 2-1-1 Marunouchi, Tokyo, 100-8310
          Japan) or bureau. [TNX JA1ELY]
GM     - G3ZAY, M0BLF, M0TDG, M0NKI and M3OXY  plan to be QRV from the  Outer
          Hebrides (EU-010) on 6-10 September. There will also be a number  of
          brief  Summits  on  the  Air  (SOTA)   activations  in  Harris   and
          North/South Uist. QSL via home calls. Weather permitting, they  also
          plan to operate,  during daylight hours  only, as  GM6UW/P from  the
          Monach Islands (EU-111) on either  the 6th or  7th. QSL GM6UW/P  via
          M0BLF   (bureau   cards    can   be   requested    by   e-mail    to
          M0BLF@domsmith.co.uk  or  at  http://www.domsmith.co.uk/hebrides04).
          [TNX G3ZAY]
I      - Look for  Claudio,  IK1XPK/6  to  operate  from  Monte  San  Bartolo
          Lighthouse (WAIL MAR-06, ARLHS ITA-106) on 28 August. [TNX IK1NLZ]
JA     - Tet, JF0JYR  informs that  special event  station 8N0SON  (requested
          call) will  be  aired  from  Nagano  and  other  locations  in  that
          Prefecture from 1 December to  5 March 2004,  before and during  the
          Special Olympics  World  Winter Games.  QSL  via JF0JYR,  direct  or
          bureau. Founded by Eunice Kennedy Shriver  in 1968 with the  support
          of the Joseph  P. Kennedy, Jr.  Foundation, Special  Olympics is  an
          international organization dedicated to empowering individuals  with
          intellectual disabilities to become  physically fit, productive  and
          respected  members   of   society  through   sports   training   and
          competition. The first  Special Olympics  World Games  were held  in
          Chicago in July 1968;  next year the  Special Olympics World  Winter
          Games will be  held in Nagano,  Japan from 26  February to 5  March.
          Detailed information on Special Olympics and the Nagano event can be
          found at http://www.2005sowwg.com/.
J7     - Lars, SM0CCM and Seth, SM0XBI  will be active  as J73CCM and  J79XBI
          from Dominica  (NA-101) from  8 September  to 1  October. They  will
          operate on 160-6 metres CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via home calls, either
          direct (please note that 1 USD does not cover postage from Sweden to
          any other country) or preferably through the bureau. [TNX SM0CCM]
KL     - Special event station KL7AA will be activated from the Alaska  State
          Fair until 6 September. QSL direct  only to AC7DX (please include  a
          business envelope for certificate). [TNX AC7DX]
LU_ant - LU1ZD from General San Martin base (LU-11 for the  Antarctic Award),
          located on  Barry Island (AN-016)  in Marguerite Bay  and LU4ZS from
          Vicecomodoro Gustavo A. Marambio (LU-03),  located on Seymour Island
          (AN-013), are used to showing up on the Antarctic Net  controlled by
          LU4DXU starting at 19 UTC on 14290 kHz during the weekends.
          The might be joined by LU1ZI from Teniente Jubany Station (LU-15) on
          King George Island, South Shetlands (AN-010). [TNX LU4DXU]
ON     - Zelzate UBA-ZLZ members will be active as ON60Z from 1 September  to
          30 November to celebrate the 60th  anniversary of the liberation  of
          that region during World War II. QSL via ON7ZT.
OY     - Tom, DL2RMC  and  Heiko, DL1RTL  will  operate on  160-6  metres  as
          OY/homecalls from the  Faroe Islands (EU-018)  from 30  August to  9
          September.   QSL   via   home   calls.   Further   information    at
          http://www.qsl.net/dl2rmc [TNX NG3K]
R1_mv  - The R1MVI  operation from  Malyj Vysotsky  [425DXN 694],  originally
          planned to take place on 27-29  August, has been postponed owing  to
          "technical reasons". The new dates will be announced in the  future.
          [TNX RA3AMG]
T8     - Aki, JA1KAJ will operate (on 80-6 metres SSB, CW and RTTY) as  T88QQ
          from Koror, Palau Islands  (OC-009) from 29  October to 3  November,
          including an entry in the CQ WW  DX SSB Contest. QSL via home  call.
          [TNX JA1KAJ]
TA     - Thierry, F5SNY and Christian, F8BOD are in Turkey until 10 September
          and will  try to  operate from  a few  IOTA island  groups  (AS-115,
          AS-123 and AS-098). [TNX F6AJA and Les Nouvelles DX]
TK     - Terry, M0CLH will be active as  TK/M0CLH/P from Corsica (EU-014)  on
          6-18 September. It will be a  holiday-style operation using QRP  and
          dipoles for 20, 17, 15 and 12  metres. QSL via home call, direct  or
          bureau. [TNX M0CLH]
TK     - Vasek, DL4FF reports he will be active (on 160-10 metres CW and SSB)
          as TK/DL4FF from Corsica (EU-014) from 6 September to 1 October.
UA     - Victor/RN1AW and  Alex/RX1AW  plan  operate  from  Tolbukhin  Island
          (RRA-01-06) and  Lighthouse  (WLH-0700) on  28-29  August.  QSL  via
          RN1AW, direct or bureau. [TNX RN1AW]
UA_ant - Aleksej, UA1PAC will be wintering again  at the Russian base  Vostok
          (UA-10 for the Antarctica Award), Antarctica as responsible for  the
          running of the ionospheric  stations. He will  operate once more  on
          the amateur radio bands as R1ANC. QSL via DL5EBE. [TNX DL5EBE]
UR     - Victor, UR7GG operated  as UR7GG/p on  20-22 August from  Bolohrudyi
          Island (DN-01 for the Ukrainian Islands Award). His next  operations
          will take place from Velykyi Potiomkin (DN-02) on 27-29 August, from
          Malyi Potiomkin  (DN-04)  on  3-5  September  and  from  Karantynnyi
          (DN-03) on  10-12  September. QSL  via  home  call,  direct  (Victor
          Tkachenko, P.O.  Box 73,  Kherson 73000,  Ukraine) or  bureau.  [TNX
W      - The Kings County Repeater Association (KC2RA) & the Metropolitan 222
          ARS co-sponsor  the September  11th  Memorial Station  on  Governors
          Island (NA-026), NY. Expect activity on  11 September on +/-  28340,
          21340, 14250 and 7250 kHz from 15 to 20 UTC. [TNX W2SN]
W      - Tom, WA6WPG  will  operate as  WA6WPG/P  from Santa  Barbara  Island
          (NA-066, WLH-0258) on 25-26 September. Tom will use solar panels and
          two large batteries and he expects to be able to run 100 watts  both
          days on  80-10 metres  SSB and  CW. QSL  via  home call,  direct  or
          bureau. [TNX WA6WPG]
XX9    - Hiro, JA0SC has  been forced to  cancel his  24-31 August  operation
          from Macau. [TNX The Daily DX]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
RSGB HF  &  IOTA  CONVENTION --->  Owing  to  several  insoluble  operational
problems at the Europa Hotel,  there has been  a change in  the venue of  the
RSGB HFC 2004 HF & IOTA 40th Anniversary Convention (22-24 October), which is
now to be held at the  Gatwick Worth Hotel. The  early booking discount  (�10
per person) deadline  is 31 August.  The URL  for the  convention details  is
QSL FP/KT1J ---> Effective immediately, K1WY is no longer the QSL manager for
FP/KT1J. Cards should be sent to KT1J, direct or bureau. [TNX The Golist]
WRTC 2006 ---> The Organizing  Committee of the  fifth World Radiosport  Team
Championship, to  be held  in Florianopolis  in  July 2006,  includes  PP5JR,
Preliminary   rules    and   selection    criteria    can   be    found    at
http://www.wrtc2006.com (site under construction). [TNX PY5EG]
+ SILENT KEY + Denmark has  lost one of its great  DXers and contesters  with
the passing of Morten Frederiksen, OZ3W/OZ1FTE, on 16 July. First licensed in
1979, Morten was  only 46  years old.  Morten will  be remembered  by DX  and
contest operators around the world for his excellent operating skills in both
CW and  SSB,  his  strong  signals  on all  HF  bands  and  for  his  regular
participation in major contests. [TNX OZ8ABE]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
LOGS:   On-line   logs    for   7P8DA    and   7P8NK    are   available    at
QSLs received direct or  through managers: 3B9C,  3V8BB, 4U1UN, 5U7B,  5W0KE,
5W0SS, 5Z4DZ, 6W4RK, 7P8DA, 7Q7HB, 7Q7MM,  8J1RF (Dome Fuji Station,  JA-04),
8R1AK/P (SA-068),  9M2/G4ZFE,  9M6AAC,  9M8PSB  (OC-165),  9Y4/DL7DF,  A61AJ,
A71EM, A92GR, AT0BI (AS-169), C4M, C93FF,  CP4BT, CQ0T, CS6T, CS7T  (EU-040),
CT9M (AS-046),  D44BC, DL7DF/HI3,  EL2WW, EM1HO  (Vernadsky Station,  UR-01),
(OC-046), FO5RH, FP/KB9LIE, FS/N7DD, FS5UQ,  H40VB (OC-065), H44VV  (OC-158),
HP1/DJ7AA, HS72B,  HV0A, IC8OZM  (EU-031), J79FWW,  J85M, JW/CT1BWW,  K1VSJ/1
(NA-046), K4QCD/4  (NA-058), K4T,  KH2WW, KH8/DF2SS,  KH8/DL1VKE, KP3A,  LZ0A
(St. Kliment Ohridski Station, LZ-02), N2GC (NA-026), NA1SS, ND7K/p (NA-137),
OC4WW, OD5/OK1MU,  OH0I/OJ0,  OX/DL2VFR, OX3HX,  OZ/DL7UCX  (EU-172),  P29KM,
P40X, P43E, PZ5RA, R1FJ, S9SS, SM7CRW  (EU-137), ST2DX, SU9NC, T31MY,  T32ZA,
T33C, T77EB, TO4E, TO4WW, UA0AZ, UK8FF, UU7J/P (EU-180), V31AD, V31MX,  V63MB
(OC-078),  V73NS,  V85SS,  V8PMB   (OC-184),  VE1JS  (NA-127),   VE2/VE3EXP/P
(NA-077), VE2AWR/m (NA-128), VI5BR (OC-228), VP2MVU, VP5/K7BV, VP8/LZ2UU (St.
Kliment Ohridski  Station, LZ-02),  VP9/W6PH,  W6T, XF4IH,  XU7POS  (AS-133),
          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org
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