425 DX News #693 14 August 2004 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) The latest 425 DX News monthly edition (July issues), edited by Maurizio Bertolino (I1-21171/IZ1CRR), is now available for free downloading in either.pdf or .doc formats at http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/. 3B8 - Mart, DL6UAA/3B8MM will be back to Mauritius for several weeks between October and November. He might also operate from Rodrigues Island (3B9MM), if there is still demand. Please visit http://www.dl6uaa.com and let him know if you still need 3B9. [TNX DL6UAA] 4X - Look for Dov, 4Z4DX to be active from Jaffa Lighthouse (ARLHS ISR-005) on 20-22 August. QSL via home call. [TNX 4Z4DX] 7P - K4SV (7P8DA) and VA7DX (7P8NK) have decided to stay the entire time in Lesotho [425DXN 692] and will continue to operate as much as they can, with a special effort on the low bands, until 16 August in the morning. Please see www.k4sv.com for details. [TNX QRZ-DX] 7Q - Harry, G0JMU will be active again as 7Q7HB from Malawi for at least six weeks starting on 11 August. QSL direct only via G0IAS. [TNX G0IAS] 7Q - Ely, IN3VZE will be active once more as 7Q7CE from Malawi on 9-23 September. He plans to operate SSB on 10-160 metres. QSL via home call, direct (Ely Camin, Corso 3 Novembre 136/2, 38100 Trento - TN, Italy) or bureau. [TNX IN3VZE] 8Q - Jan, DL7JAN and Andreas, DL3GA will be active as 8Q7JF and 8Q7GA from Kandooma, Maldives (AS-013) from 26 August to 7 September. They plan to operate on 10-80 metres CW, SSB and RTTY (possibly on PSK31 as well). QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX DL7JAN] 9A - Zoran, 9A2CY reports he will operate as 9A2CY/P from Cres Island (EU-136) from 13 August to 1 September. He also plans to visit and operate from other islands located in the same IOTA group (Galijola, Trstenik and Zeca). 9H - The Gozo Amateur Radio Society will take part in the ILLW as 9H4GRS/P from Jordan's Lighthouse (ARLHS MLT-03) on 22 August. [TNX 9H5JO] CT - Jose Luis, CT2GZB and Victor, CT1GPX will operate as CQ0RLH (SSB) and CT1GPX/LH (CW) from the lighthouse at Cabo Raso (ARLHS POR-011, FES 04) on 22 August. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX CT1END] CU - Look for CU6/CU3AA and CU6/CU3EJ to operate SSB and CW from two lighthouses on Pico Island (EU-175), namely Ponta da Ilha (AZO-013, FAZ-016) and Sao Mateus (AZO-024, FAZ-019), on 21-22 August. QSL via home calls. [TNX CU3AA] CX - The Centro Radioaficionados de Rocha (CX1TA) will participate in the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (ILLW, 21-22 August) from the Lighthouse at Cabo Santa Maria (ARLHS URU-004). QSL to CX1TA, P.O. Box 29, 27000 Rocha, Uruguay. [TNX CX2TG] EA8 - Look for ED8LGP to be aired on all bands from the Barlovento Lighthouse (ARLHS CAI-029, FEA D-2846) on La Palma (AF-004) during the ILLW. QSL via EA8RCP, direct or bureau. [TNX EA8NQ] F - During the ILLW the F6KUM ARS team will be active from Cap de l'Ailly Lighthouse (ARLHS FRA-012, PB 009), while Jean/F5IRC will operate from Antifer lighthouse (ARLHS FRA-220, PB 050). [TNX F5NQL] F - Special station TM5BDM will be active on 4-5 September to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the first Battle of the Marne during World War I. QSL via F5ASD, direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL] F - Special event station TM8CDX will be active on 4-18 September for the annual Clipperton DX Club Convention, to be held at Malataverne on 18 September (see http://www.cdxc/ for information on this event). QSL via F5CQ. [TNX F5NQL] F - Francis, F6HKS will be active as F6HKS/p from Leucate Lighthouse (PB-147, ARLHS FRA-230) on 20-22 August. He will operate 80, 40, 30, 20 and 15 metres CW with some SSB. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL] GM - The Scottish Ham Portal (http://www.scotham.net) provides a detailed (with pictures and historical information) list of stations that will be activated during the ILLW: Call QTH ARLHS QSL VIA -------------------------------------------------------------- GB2DL Dunollie Lighthouse SCO-064 MM1AVR GB2ELH Eshaness Lighthouse (EU-012) SCO-075 WA7OBH GB2GNL Girdle Ness Lighthouse SCO-089 GM4JLZ GB2LBN Barns Ness Lighthouse SCO-015 GM4UYZ GB2LT Turnberry Lighthouse SCO-248 GM0JHF GB2MSL Kinnaird Head Old Lighthouse SCO-113 GM1JNS GB2NCL North Carr Lightvessel SCO-151 GM3NHQ GB2RRL Rubha Reigh Rua Reidh Lighthouse SCO-191 GM4CHX GB2SHL Stoer Head Lighthouse SCO-226 GM8UPI GM3TKV/p Kingston Beacon SCO-new GM3TKV MM0MWW Hoxa Head Lighthouse (EU-009) SCO-103 MM0EAX MM1HMV Toward Point Lighthouse SCO-245 MM1HMV MM3STM Ardrossan Pier Head SCO-317 MM3STM GM - Nigel, 2M0NJW and David, GM4RQI plan to operate (on 20, 30, 40 and 80 metres CW and SSB) from St. Kilda (EU-059) on 22-25 August. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] GW - The Barry Amateur Radio Society will operate as GB5FI from Flatholm Island (EU-124) from 27 August to 1 September inclusive. QSL via GW0ANA, direct or bureau. [TNX GW0ANA] HA - Special event station HG8SDS (http://www.qsl.net/hg8sds) will be activated again on 16-21 August by Veszto Radio Club from Veszto-Magor during the "Sarret Days". QSL via HA8PH. [TNX HA8IC] HH - Florida DXpedition Group member Jan Heise, K4QD will be active as HH4/K4QD on most bands SSB and CW from Haiti (NA-096) on 16-27 August. He is travelling to the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission where he will operate as time permits. Jan will leave a six meter station monitoring 50.125 MHz for openings and activity while working on other projects. QSL via K4QD, direct or bureau. [TNX K4QD] HL - DS1NPP, DS4NMJ, DS5EVU, DS5LRJ and 6K5TET will be active as D88DX from Sonanji Island (AS-080) on 13-16 August. They will operate on 80-10 metres CW and SSB. QSL via DS3FGV. For further information please visit http://www.59dx.com/ [TNX DS5EVU and JI6KVR] HP - The Panama Canal Amateur Radio Association (PCARA) will operate SSB, CW and PSK31 as HP2L from Gamboa Lighthouse in the Panama Canal (ARLHS PAN-027) during the ILLW. QSL via HP1IBF. [TNX HP1AC] HS - E20HHK/p is active from Samui Island (AS-101). QSL via E21EIC. I - Look for IT9GL to be aired from Isolotto Colombaia (EU-025, IIA TP-017) until 16 August. QSL direct to P.O. Box 200, 91100 Trapani - TP [TNX IT9JLG] I - Maurizio, IK2MLR reports he will be active on 10-40 metres SSB with some QRS CW as IG9/homecall from Linosa (AF-019, IIA AG-003) on 16-30 August. I - Look for Fabrizio, IA5/IK5WOB (CW) and Carlo, IA5/IK5FTL (SSB) to operate from Isola d'Elba (EU-028, IIA LI-001) on 21-29 August. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX IK5WOB] I - IQ7AF will be aired on 4-5 September during the amateur radio meeting organized by ARI Lecce (http://www.arilecce.it) [TNX Salento DX Team] LU - Look for LT7W to be aired by Grupo Titan (http://www.lt7w.tk) from Golfo Nuevo Lighthouse (ARLHS ARG-038), Patagonia during the ILLW. QSL direct to P.O. Box 4, 9120 Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina. [TNX LU4WG and LU5WW] LU - The Bahia Blanca DX Group (http://www.grupodxbb.com.ar/) will take part in the ILLW from three different lighthouses in Buenos Aires province. Expect activity as homecall/D from Recalada Lighthouse (ARG-009, operators LU4DRH, LU5DEM, LU6DRD, LU5DRV, LU6EPR, LU7EVP, LU8EBK and LU8EHQ), El Rincon Lighthouse (ARG-036, operators LU4ETN, LU8EBJ, LU9ESD, LW3DKC, LW8DMK and LW9EVA) and Segunda Barranca Lighthouse (ARG-067, operators LU1EUU, LU7AC, LU7DSY, LU8DWR and LW8EAG). QSL for all via LU7DSY (P.O. Box 709, 8000 Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina). [TNX LU8DWR] OH - YL2FB, YL2CI, YL2GQG and YL1ZF will operate (on all HF bands CW, SSB and RTTY, VHF/UHF operation on 6m, 2m and 70cm is planned as well) as OH/YL2FB from an island in the Etela-Suomi (Uusimaa) Province group (EU-097) on 15-19 August. Weather permitting, they will participate in the ILLW from Soderskar lighthouse (ARLHS FIN-057). QSL via YL2FB. [TNX YL1ZF] PA - Cees, PA3FXO and others will participate in the ILLW as PI4LDN from the lighthouse at Noordwijk, The Netherlands. QSL via bureau to PA7DA. [TNX PA3FXO] PY - ZX35O is the special call Daniel, PT2OP will be using from 18 August to 16 September to celebrate his 35th anniversary on the amateur radio bands. QSL via PT2OP, direct or bureau. [TNX PS7AB] SV - Stavros, M0BBB/5B4AFM will operate as J42004A from from Skopelos (EU-072) and Athens from 17 August to 1 September. QSL via M0BBB, direct or bureau. [TNX NG3K] SV - ON4BB, ON5JE and ON5KH will operate as SV8/homecall from the Kyklades (EU-067). On 8-18 September they will be on Naxos (MIA MG-075), while on 19-21 September they will operate from Mykonos (MIA MG-074). QSL home calls, preferably through the bureau. [TNX ON4BB] SV5 - Wojtek, SP5MXZ is active (on 20 metres CW and SSB) as SV5/SP5MXZ from Rhodes (EU-001) until 20 August. During the weekend he will operate as SX5A (special call of the local club station) and nezt week he will use J42004/SP5MXZ. QSL via home call. [TNX SP5XSD] T9 - Babs/DL7AFS, Lot/DJ7ZG and Chris/Z31GX will be active on 160-6 metres CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31 as T98LBC on 2-12 September. Before going to Bosnia & Hercegovina, Babs and Lot expect to operate for a few days as Z38Z from Macedonia. QSLs via DL7AFS. Further information at www.qsl.net/dl7afs [TNX DJ7ZG] UR - Look for Andy, UT/RZ3EM and Serge, UT2FA to operate from a few Ukrainian lighthouses (ARLHS UKR-036/037/045 and, possibly, UKR-054/055/056) on 14-15 August. [TNX RV3ACA] UR - Look for UU9JWM/P to be aired from Khersonesskiy Lighthouse (ARLHS UKR-022, ULA 021) during the ILLW. QSL via bureau or direct to UT5JAJ (P.O. Box 72, Sevastopol - 55, 99055 Ukraine). [TNX UT5JAJ] VK - The official list of stations that are expected to take part in this year's ILLW (http://illw.net/2004_list.htm) includes VK9MI, which is announced to be active from Montague Island (OC-223, an IOTA group activated for the first and only time by VK2IOM back in September 1997). QSL via bureau or direct to P.O. Box 22, Bodalla, NSW 2545, Australia. W - Look for Chuck, ND7K to operate on 20 metres SSB and CW and 40 metres CW from Bailey Island (NA-137) on 15-16 August. QSL to either P.O. Box 347, East Boothbay, ME 04544, USA or his CBA. [TNX The Daily DX] W - Eagle Harbor Lighthouse (USA-253) will be active during the ILLW using the special 1x1 call K8E. Modes of operation include HF/VHF, CW/SSB, FM Satellite and possible HF digital. Collectors of ARLHS numbers can get credit for three upon request: Eagle Harbor Lighthouse USA-253, Front Range Light USA-254 and Rear Range Light USA-255. QSL via buro or direct to N8MR. The web page is at http://www.kc8nah.com/Interests/illw04.htm [TNX N8MR] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA ANTARCTICA AWARD ---> The Mediterraneo DX Club announces that the newly born Antarctica Award will be presented during the amateur radio meeting to be held in Lecce on 4-5 September. The first certificate will be awarded to Filippo Corbelli, IK0AIH (the first time operator from Concordia Base at Dome C) during the XX Italian HF-DX Convention (Bologna, 25-26 September). Rules and full information on this award will be available on www.mdxc.org as soon as the site reconstruction is finished. [TNX MDXC] DXCC NEWS ---> Effective immediately, the ARRL DXCC Branch will accept QSLs for operations taking place in Somalia (6O/T5). This includes the Somaliland (northwestern Somalia) and Puntland (northeastern Somalia) autonomous areas as well as the southern and central areas of Somalia. DXCC will accredit operations possessing written permission from any recognized authority that is acknowledged to be in control of a particular region. These QSLs will count for the Somali Democratic Republic (Somalia). QSLs for past operations will be accepted where proper documentation has been submitted. This is subject to change based on future developments in Somalia. IIA TP-019 ---> Momo, IT9GNG operated (first time activation) from Scoglio Mal Consiglio (EU-025, IIA TP-019) on 11 August. LIGHTHOUSES ---> Lighthouse enthusiasts may find this of interest: www.scenicreflections.com/free-international-lighthouses-screen-saver.htm OPERATIONS CANCELLED ---> Carl, N4AA (QRZ-DX) and Rolf, DL7VEE report that the following announced operations have been cancelled: 13-15 August 4U1VIC, by DK7YY, DJ9MH and DL7VEE [425DXN 691] 12-17 August C91DA & C91NK, by K4SV & VA7DX [425DXN 691] 10-14 August KG4DX, by W4WX [425DXN 691] PIRATE ---> "Whoever was active as TF8/LX9EG on 9 August was a pirate", says Norby, LX1NO. "I was sitting at home and I was listening to 'my' transmission...". QSL BORNEO 2004 ---> Derek, G3KHZ and Maury, IZ1CRR inform that all of the V8PMB (OC-184) and 9M8PSB (OC-165) direct requests received so far have been processed and mailed. QSL IR1CL ---> This station was active on 7 August from the lighthouse at Capo delle Mele (WAIL LI-003, ARLHS ITA-015). All of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. Direct cards should be sent to IK1AWV. [TNX IK1AWV] QSL VIA OK1MU ---> Pavel, OK1MU says he still has about 500 blank cards for his past activities as 5N0/OK1MU and 5N35/OK1MU. Cards can be sent either direct (Pavel Prihoda, Okruzni 331, Solnice 517 01, Czech Republic) ov via the bureau. _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA ITA: ARI Pompei sponsors the Italian Towns Award (I.T.A.); information on valid operations and pictures can be found at http://www.aripompei.it [TNX ARI POMPEI] LOGS: On-line logs for Marconian station IY6GM [425DXN 683] are available at http://antares.fastnet.it/enti/ari-an/search.html [TNX I6GFX] LOGS: The YV0D logs (18,447 QSOs from 21.49 UTC on 1 August to 10.10 UTC on the 4th) are now available at http://dx.qsl.net/logs/index.html (direct access from http://www.radioclubvenezelano.org). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B9C, 3D2VB, 3D2VB/R, 3XDQZ/P (AF-096), 4U1UN, 4W3CW, 4Z9DBI, 5T0EU, 5W1SA, 6Y8Z, 7Q7MM, 9L1MS, 9M8PSB (OC-165), 9U5D, 9Y4/DJ7ZG, A35VB, C6AGN, CO2OJ, CS0RCL/P (EU-167), CU8/DJ6SI (EU-089), EL2WW, ET3TK, EU3AR, F5LPY/TU8, FG1GW, FK/AC4LN (OC-079), FK8GX, FM5WD, FO/AC4LN/A, FO/AC4LN/M, FO/F6CTL (OC-114), FO/ON4AXU/A, FP/K9OT, G4IUF/HC8, GH8KGC/P (EU-099), GM3OFT/P (EU-012), H40VB (OC-065), H44VV, HK0GU (NA-049), HK0GU/1 (SA-078), HK3JJH/0B (NA-133), HL2UOK (AS-105), IA0PS, IV3LZQ/P (EU-130), J79KV, JA6WFM/HI8, JH4WXV/6 (AS-067), K1FWE/1 (NA-217), KB5IQJ/p (NA-092), KC4/IK0AIH, KU8E/p (NA-085), N2MUN (NA-026), ND7K (NA-137), OA4WW, P29KM, P29VVB (OC-258), P4/W1XP, R1FJ, RK1PWA/p (EU-086), S9SS, SV1CEI/8 (EU-067), SV8/IK0REH/P (EU-052), T20VB, T48RAC, T88VV, TG7/OH3JF, TJ3MC/P (AF-095), TO4E, TO4WW, V31RG, V63MB, V8PMB (OC-184), VE2/VE3EXY/P (NA-077), VK6AN (OC-266), VY2ZM, WA4JA/p (NA-142), WB8YJF/4 (NA-067), XF4IH, XW1IC, XZ7A, YI9L, YI9ZF, YJ0VB, YM0KA (AS-099), ZB3B, ZD7VC, ZK1/AC4LN. ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************