425 DX News #692 7 August 2004 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 3DA - Dave, K4SV (7P8DA) and Neil, VA7DX (7P8NK) have cancelled their 7-11 August operation from Swaziland [425DXN 680]. They will stay in Lesotho until 9 August and will then move directly to Mozambique. [TNX The Daily DX] 9A - Kresimir/9A7K, Branko/9A6BND and Damir/9A3LM have been active from a fes Croatian lighthouses and islands (see http://www.twlhf.com for the list) since 3 August. Their activity will continue until 10 August. QSL 9A0LH via 9A7K, others via home call. [TNX M3ZYZ] 9A - Lada, OK1LO will be active as 9A5LO from Pasman Island (EU-170) until 15 August. [TNX IT9DAA] EI - Hal, KC8FS will operate SSB and CW as EI/KC8FS/p from Ireland on 13-23 August. He plans to be active from Clifden, the site of Marconi's wireless station used during the early 20th century and the Aran Islands (EU-006). Hal has also received permission to operate from the Mizen Head Signal Station (IRE 053) on 21 August during the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX KC8FS] ES - Yaro, ES8AS reports that the following 18 special ES1924 callsigns will be aired through 31 August to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the birth of amateur radio in Estonia (5 August 1924): QTH CALL COORDINATOR ----------------------------------------------------- Tallinn ES1924J Jaak Meier, ES1FB Harju county ES1924U Arvo Saluri, ES1QV Laane county ES1924H Kuido Lehtmets, ES3AT Rapla county ES1924F Mart Osmin, ES3BM Jarva county ES1924D Ants Juriorg, ES3HZ Laane-Viru county ES1924B Ilmar Reimann, ES4RC Ida-Viru county ES1924I Anatoli Murasov, ES4RD Jogeva county ES1924G Tonno Vahk, ES5TV Tartu ES1924Q Toomas Soomets, ES5RY Tartu county ES1924T Ulo Laumets, ES5LY Polva county ES1924L Aadu Jogiaas, ES6PZ Valga county ES1924V Ants Randmaa, ES6RQ Voru county ES1924W Andres Puusep, ES6PA Viljandi county ES1924X Hellar Luik, ES7FU Parnu county ES1924P Ako Pohako, ES8AY Saare county ES1924M Vello Priimann, ES1QD Hiiu county ES1924Z Ivo Kibuspuu, ES0NW ERAU ES1924ES Tonu Elhi, ES1D F - Sebastien, F8DQZ will be active as F8DQZ/p from Vierge Island (EU-105, DIFM MA-020) starting around 12 UTC on 9 August for three days. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX F8DQZ] F - Franck, F4AJQ will be active as F4AJQ/p from Noirmoutier Island (EU-064) between 14 and 28 August. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL] GM - Members of the West of Scotland ARS (GM4AGG) and Scottish-Russian ARS (MM0DGR) will be active on all HF bands (CW, SSB and digital modes) as GB8RU on 7-15 August, before and during the Scottish-Russian Marathon 2004 (see SRM 2004 below). QSL via bureau or direct to P.O. Box 7469, Glasgow, G42 0YD, Scotland, UK. [TNX MM0DFV] GM - Luigi, IK2UVR reports he will operate on 20 metres SSB as MM/IK2UVR/p from Great Cumbrae (EU-123) on 9 or 11 August. HL - A large group of operators from the Gwangju DX Club (6L0NJ) are active on all bands and modes as 6L0NJ/4 from Oenaro Island (AS-060) until 8 August. QSL via DS4AEN. Logs will be available at http://www.dx.or.kr/ [TNX DS4DLK] HL - Look for HL0U/4 to be active on 10-40 metres SSB and CW from Sonyu Island (AS-148) on 11-15 August. QSL via HL0U, direct or bureau. [TNX HL0U] I - Filippo, I4TDK reports he will operate as IB0/I4TDK from Ponza Island (EU-045, IIA LT-001) on 11-19 August. QSl via bureau. I - Alberto, IT9MRM will be active from Isola delle Palme (EU-025, IIA SR-010) on 18-20 August. He plans to operate on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres SSB between 6 and 22 UTC. [TNX IT9MRM] I - Look for Francesco, IF9/I5RDF to operate from Marettimo Island (EU-054, IIA TP-010) from 21 August to 10 September. [TNX I5RFD] OZ - Palle, OZ5MJ and Jakob, OZ7AEI will operate from two lighthouses (namely Enebaer Odde/DEN-061 and Bogense/DEN-215) on Fyn Island (EU-172, FY-001 for the Danish Islands Award) on 14 August. Look for them on 40 and 20 metres SSB starting around 8.30 UTC. [TNX OZ7AEI] OZ - Rick, DL2VFR will operate mostly CW as OZ/DL2VFR from Bornholm Island (EU-030) on 15-27 August. He will be joined by DL2SWW for the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (21-22 August). QSL via bureau. [TNX DL2VFR] PY_ssh - Roberto, PT2GTI expects to operate from the Brazilian "Comandante Ferraz" Station on King George Island, South Shetlands (AN-010) for 5-6 days in early November. [TNX F5NOD] ST - Paul, ST2PN is now active in his limited his spare time from Khartoum, Sudan. Paul works for the UN World Food Programme and is often in Darfur, where radio operations are not allowed. QSL direct to PA7FM (bureau is not possible for the time being). Dennis, PA7FM (http://www.pa7fm.nl) also reports that the ST2DX cards have been printed; direct requests received so far will be processed in a few days' time. SV - Giannis, SV1AGU is a member of the International Pharmacists Ham Group (http://www.malpensa.it/iphg) and is active as SY2004PHG now through the end of the Olympic Games. [TNX IK2UVR] SV5 - Wojtek, SP5MXZ will be operate (mostly on 20 metres SSB and CW) as either SV5/SP5MXZ or J42004/SP5MXZ. from Rhodes (EU-001) on 8-20 August. He will try to be active during the WAE CW. QSL via home call. [TNX SP5MXZ] UA - The RK3DZJ Expedition Group will operate as RK3DZJ/1 (QSL via RA3DEJ) and R3ARS/1 (QSL via RA3AKF) from IOTA EU-147 and EU-066 for 7-10 days starting around 8 August. [TNX RA3DKG] UA - Special event station UE0LBP will be activated on 10-20 August for the second International Bikers Festival in Kozina. QSL to Dmitry Lakhtionov, P.O. Box 119, Nakhodka-6, 692906, Russia. [TNX UA0LQJ] UA - RW6CT, RA6AU, RA6AX, UA6LGR and UA6MF plan to operate on 40-10 metres CW and SSB as either UE6WTI/p (QSL via UA6MF) and homecalls/6 from Tyuleniy Island (not IOTA, RRA RR-18-01) and lighthouse on 13-16 August. [TNX UA6MF] VK - Johan, PA3EXX/VK4WWI reports that prior to his 8-12 November activity from Marion Reef (OC-???) [425DXN 680], he will operate from three Australian Most Wanted IOTA groups. Look for VK4WWI/8 from Elcho Island (OC-185) on 30-31 October, VK4WWI/8 from North Island (OC-198) on 1-2 November and VK4WWI from Sweers Island (OC-227) on 3-4 November. QSL via PA3EXX. VP5 - Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV will operate as VP5/K7BV from the VP5JM station (http://www.vp5jm.com/) on Providenciales (NA-002) on 9-16 August. He will concentrate on 6 and 2 metre WSJT work during the Perseid Meteor shower that peaks around 12 August, but HF will get plenty of attention as well. QSL to K7BV. Further information at see http://www.qth.com/k7bv/turks [TNX K7BV] YI - Ryszard, SP8HKT/YI9KT will remain in Iraq for the next five months. He runs 100 watts into a vertical antenna, and operates on 40-10 metres mostly CW, with some SSB upon request. Look for him between 7.30-9.30 UTC and 16.30-20.30 UTC. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX SP2OVN] YJ - Clark, N5XX is now in Vanuatu for two months and will operate mostly CW on 20, 30 and 40 metres as YJ0XX. He is currently at Port Vila (Efate) and plans are to visit other islands in the New Hebrides (OC-035). QSL via W6YOO. [TNX The Daily DX] BALTIC TOUR ---> Alberto, IZ0FMA reports that the next stops during his current Finnish tour will be as OH6/IZ0FKE from Bjorko Island (EU-101) on 8-10 August, as OH1/IZ0FKE from Parainen-Pargas Island (EU-096) on 11-13 August and as OH0/IZ0FKE from Finstrom, Aland Islands (EU-002) on 14-18 August. QSL via IZ0FMA, direct or bureau. MMS pictures live update at http://www.iz0fke.com _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA AVES ISLAND ---> The YV0D team became active around 21.50 UTC on 1 August and closed down around 10.45 UTC on the 4th, much earlier than the expected QRT date (6 August), because of a tropical storm approaching the island. The team left Aves a few hours later. DX SPOTS ---> Rod Elliott, VE3IRF has collected the DX spots from the OH2AQ Web Cluster since January 1997. The collection - from January 1997 up to July 2004 - is available at http://www.425dxn.org/dxspots/. MIA ---> Thanks to Maurice, F5NQL the rules for the Mediterranean Islands Award are now available in French language. For full information on this award, please visit http://www.mdxc.org/mia or e-mail mdxc@mdxc.org. [TNX IZ8CCW] NOT THE MANAGER ---> Although compiled by a known and reliable source of information for Spain, the list of stations managed by Pepe, EA5KB (published in 425DXN 691) contains several mistakes. Please take note of the following corrections: * EA5OL states he is the QSL manager for CO2CI, HK6PSG, XE2AC, XE2AUB and UA0FDX (up to 2003 only). * The current and only QSL route for UA0FDX is Victor Komzuk, P.O. Box 29, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 7, 693007, Russia (or via the bureau). * The current and only QSL route for LU8XW (Radio Club Ushuaia, http://www.geocities.com/rcushu) is via WD9EWK (Patrick Stoddard, 6938 W. Palo Verde Drive Glendale, AZ 85303-4405, USA). LU8XW is grateful to EA5KB for handling QSL cards received by the previous QSL manager (EA5BD), who passed away last year. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our readers and the various parties concerned. [TNX EA5OL, VE3XB, LU6XV] OC-052 ---> The pilot stations for the 18-20 September operation from Hereheretue (OC-052) by IT9YRE, I1SNW and IT9EJW [425DXN 691] will be Silvano/KB5GL (North America, South America and Oceania) and Gaetano/IT9GAI (Europe, Asia and Africa). [TNX IT9YRE] PIRATE ---> Per, LA7DFA is no loger active from Jan Mayen. His call (JX7DFA) has been pirated recently on 20, 40 and 80 metres SSB. [TNX OZ8ABE] PIRATES ---> Recently Laurent, F8BBL and Wolfgang, DL8USA were both pirated on the PacketCluster. Wolfgang's call was also used for intentional QRM on 40 metres during the YV0D operation. PSK31 CONTEST ---> The Unio de Radioaficionats de Barcelona i Baix Llobregat (EA3MM) organizes the first edition of the EA3MM PSK31 Contest, to be held from 00.00 UTC to 23.59 UTC on 19 September (24 hours). Full rules are available from the radio club Secretary, Jordi Quintero, EA3GCV (ea3gcv@castelldefels.net). [TNX EA3GCV] QSL 3B9C ---> All QSL requests, both direct and via the form on the expeditions' web page, have been dealt with as of end-July. Those with sufficient postage have been mailed direct, by air or surface as appropriate. Others, including the e-requests, will be sent through the bureau system. Over 48,000 QSOs have been confirmed so far, of which almost 37,000 were direct. If you are still waiting for a direct card, please allow a further two weeks before reapplying, to allow for possible delays in the postal system. [TNX G3XTT] QSL 4J9RI ---> Effective 31 July 2004 the new QSL manager for Rashad is DL7EDH (Alexander Spielmann, Hubertus Str. 5, D-85095 Denkendorf, Germany), who can confirm also past QSOs. Also please note that Rashad's address in Turkey is no longer valid. [TNX 4J9RI] QSL VIA KG6D ---> Kevin Gehrke, KG6D (P.O. Box 2561, Manteca, CA 95336, USA) reports he is the new QSL manager for Solofo Randrenjason, 5R8ET and Marvin "Chip" Crockett, P29CC. QSL VIA SM1TDE ---> Please note that effective 10 AUgust, the new address for Eric, SM1TDE will be: Eric Wennstrom, Tradgardsgatan 249, SE - 621 54 Visby, Sweden. [TNX SM1TDE] SEANET CONTEST ---> The 2004 SEANET Contest takes place from 12.00 UTC on 21 August to 12.00 UTC on the 22nd. This contest is associated with the 32nd Annual SEANET Convention to be held in Bangkok, Thailand, on 19-21 November. Full rules are available at http://www.seanet2004.com [TNX HS0ZDZ/G3NOM] SRM 2004 ---> The Scottish-Russian ARS sponsors the Scottish-Russian Marathon as well as several SRM awards to encourage activity by all radio amateurs worldwide to contact areas of Scotland and Russia. This year the Marathon will start at 00.00 UTC on 9 August and last until 24.00 UTC on the 15th. Details can be found at http://www.srars.org/srmee.html and http://www.scotham.net [TNX MM0DGR] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA CS7T: The Berlenga Island (EU-040) DXpedition web site is now complete with on-line logs, photos, AVI videos and stories. Give a look to http://www.qsl.net/ct1eeb/cs7t [TNX CT1EEB] EU-099: Bill, ON9CGB reports that the new website for the recent activity by the Minkieboys from EU-099 can be found at http://users.telenet.be/Harvey/MINKIES%20REEF/ LOGS: On-line logs for Joel's (F5PAC) recent activity as 4S7PAG (AS-171) are now available at http://www.qsl.net/f5pac/4s/index.html#log [TNX HB9EAA] LOGS: On-line logs and pictures for the recent OD5RMK operation from Ramkin Island (AS-108), as well as for OD5/I1HJT, OD5/I1NVU and OD5/IK1QBT, can be found at http://www.qsl.net/ik1qbt/ramkin_index.htm. QSL via I1HJT. [TNX I1HJT and IK1QBT] POSTAL RATES: The new address for Foreign Postage Rates, a tool to help DXers determine how much postage is needed for returns QSLs, is http://www.k4hb.com/postage.html [TNX K4HB] RI0CM: Pictures of the recent operation from the Malminskiye Islands (AS-172) are now available on the Mediterraneo DX Club's new web site at http://www.mdxc.org/ri0cm/photos_cm.asp. On-line logs include some 1000 QSOs out of 1300, the others will follow in the next few days. [TNX IZ8CCW] QSL GALLERIES: An impressive collection of 1900+ QSL cards is available on Les Nouvelle DX's web site. Six different galleries include cards for each of the 58 deleted DXCC entities (350+ QSLs), obsolete prefixes (700+ QSLs), Antarctic bases (250 QSLs) & TAAF (Terres Australes and Antarctiques Francaises, 180+ QSLs), pre-1945 countries (200+ QSLs) and French Departments. Several cards are still needed and your participation is welcome - please visit http://LesNouvellesDX.free.fr and send send your comments to LesNouvellesDX@free.fr [TNX F6AJA] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 4O6100BB YT6A EN60W UT7WZ SN50BPN SP9PGB 4S7PAG F5PAC EW6GF DL8KAC SV0XAO DJ5JH 5C5MC bureau FO5RN F5NQL SV8/M0DOV 4Z4DX 5Z4DZ PC1A G3RCV/P G4DFI SY2004A SV1DZB 6W4RK F5NPS GB5FI GW0ANA T94OM K2PF 7P8DA K4YL HE5IBC HB9MM TA3/LZ4SA LZ2HM 7P8NK K4YL HI3/KB2MS KB2MS TA4ZT DK1AR 8J7MW JA7BZU HI3NR KB2MS TF8/LX9EG/P LX1NO 8S9M SM0NJO HS0ZCW K4VUD TM4Z F4DXW 9A/Z32FD DJ0LZ IA5/IK0YUJ/P IK0YUJ TM5JIM F6DJB 9A1V/P 9A4RV II2KK IK2AQZ TM5RDL F5SJB 9A2004YC 9A5AEI IM0A IS0BMU UB40FSU UA0FZ 9A425KA 9A6Z IQ3AZ/P IV3WMI UE0QCA RK0Q 9A5DJ/P OK1DJG IR8SRT IZ8EDJ UE0YAB/P RA0WA 9A6NL HA6NL IY6GM I6GFX UE4HDA RW4HB 9H3RH OE1ZKC J42004ZFG DL6ZFG UE4HFC RW4HO 9N1HA N5VL J48DOV 4Z4DX UE9XVA UA9XC BI5D BA4RD K8F W8BRS UN100KTZ UN7BN BW0WSM BX4AN LZ120AK LZ2VP UU7J/P W1TE BW9W BV2KI MD4K G3NKC UW0G US0ZZ BZ4DHI pirate MM0CWJ/P WA3RHW V8FDX JM1LJS C50I EA3BT MM0XAU DJ6AU VE3WCR VE3JDF C56BT EA3BT N9L W5AZN VQ9WM WB4NCW C56WL EA3BT NB6A/KH2 JE1RXJ VY0/KD6WW KD6WW CN8YR K4KU OD5RMK I1HJT YI1RM DJ0LZ CO6LPB EA7FTR OH/SM0W SM0WKA YN6KNA EA1MR CO6XN N3ZOM OH0Z OH5DX YT6100T YT6A CS7T CT1ILT P29KPH N5FTR YV0D KB6NAN E20HHK/P E21EIC RI0BDI RA3XR Z32ID DJ0LZ E20KIR HS1OMT RI1NU RN1NU ZB2X OH2KI EJ4F EI4GK SK6M SM6DYK ZB300FK ZB2FK EL2DX K8SJP SM3S SM3GSK ZB300IF ZB2IF EM0U/p UT3UZ SM7CRW W3HNK ZC4CW G3AB EM2B/P UX0BB SN0CHJ SP3BVA ZX5PGA PY5PDC _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA AT0BI P.O. Box 6073, Bangalore 560060, India CT1ILT Filipe Monteiro Lopes, Rua Manuel Jose da Silva-Espinheira, 3720-537 Sao Martinho da Gandara, Portugal DJ0LZ Ace Jevremov, P.O. Box 14, D-82378 Peissenberg, Germany DL4AO Heinz Habisch, Nelkenweg 8, D-27299 Langwedel, Germany F5GTW Claude Touyeras, 23 rue des Chardonnerets, Cite de la Diete, 86130 Jaunay Clan, France F5PAC Joel Sutterlin, 1 Rue du Rossberg, 68310 Wittelsheim, France F6DJB Claude Bonne, Garderes 3 Vallees, 32230 Monlezun, France IK0YUJ Riccardo Bruzzichini, P.O. Box 59, 06012 Citta' di Castello - PG, Italy JE1RXJ Takeshi Goto, 15-11 Saiwai, Hiratsuka-City, 254-0804 Japan K4YL Stephen M. Grose, P.O. Box 183, Flat Rock, NC 28731-0183, USA KB6NAN Dianna R. Killeen, P.O. Box 911, Pescadero, CA 94060-0911, USA UT3UZ P.O. Box 240, Kiev-232, 02232 Ukraine W9IMS Indianapolis Motor Speedway ARC, P.O. Box 18495, Indianapolis, IN 46218-0495, USA YT6A Ranko Boca, Nikole Ljubibratica 78, Herceg Novi 85340, Montenegro, Serbia and Montenegro ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************