DX425 bulletin issue nr. 691

425 DX News #691 

31 July 2004 
Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH

    Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: 
    Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information 
    (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
    Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
    (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 
                            >>> KURE ATOLL 2004  Chris, KG6AR  reports that effective 27  July, he is  no
longer the QSL manager for  EM3J, EO10J, EO55JM,  EO56JM, EO57JM, EO58JM  and
UU2JZ. [TNX K1XN and The Golist]
OPERATOR NEEDED (VP5X) ---> The VP5X contest group will participate in the CQ
WW DX SSB Contest from North Caicos Island and they are sponsoring again  one
young amateur radio  operator (21 or  under) to receive  an all expense  paid
trip to join the team. Young operators worldwide can apply for the Young  Ham
Contest Program  by sending  a  500+ word  essay  describing how  he/she  got
started in  amateur radio,  naming his/her  Elmer  (mentor) and  telling  why
he/she should be  selected for this  year's contest  operation. Please  visit
http://www.vp5x.com/contests.htm for complete information. [TNX N0VD]
QSL CS0RCL/P ---> Toze, CT1GFK reports  that the first  direct cards for  the
11-13 June operation from  Pessegueiro Island (EU-167)  [425DXN 683] will  be
mailed on Monday. Check http://www.qsl.net/ct1gfk/cs0rcl.htm for on-line logs
and further details.
QSL TO4E &  TO4WW ---> Some  13,200 direct  requests have  been received  and
Didier, F5OGL is currently processing them in his spare time. It takes  time,
as the QSL cards are handwritten, so please be patient and do not send second
requests. [TNX F5OGL]
QSL VIA  EA5KB --->  EA5KB (Jose  F. Ardid  Arlandis,  P.O. Box  5013,  46080
Valencia, Spain) is the QSL manager for the following stations:
3W5KVR     CO2VQ       CV1Z        HI8CNT      LU2HC       UN0F
6J1YYD     CO3JR       CV5Y        HJ0KPG      LU2HI       UN3F
7X3WDK     CO3ME       CW0Z        HJ1RRL      LU2HNP      UN7DA
9G1OH      CO6BR       CW1OO       HJ3ISB      LU2QX       UN7JJ
AY1ECZ     CO6FU       CW4A        HK1AA       LU3DFJ      UQ1D
AY1QS      CO6HF       CX/LU2FA    HK1JKL      LU3HV       UX5VL
AY4DX      CO6RD       CX1CCC      HK1RRL      LU3OE       XE1YYD
AY5DT      CO6TH       CX1JJ       HK3TU       LU4DX       XE2AC
AY9RBI     CO6TY       CX1JK       HK3WPC      LU5DT       XE2AUB
CE2GLR     CO6YY       CX1UA       HK6DOS      LU5EUL      XE2KB
CE2LZR     CO8CH       CX1UI       HK6ISX      LU5MDV      XV3C
CE2SQE     CO8CY       CX2AM       HK6KKK      LU6DAT      YB1HDF
CE5CSV     CO8EJ       CX2AQ       HK6PSG      LU7FJ       YB1HLF
CM2FN      CO8OT       CX2PI       HK70DOS     LU7YS       YC1DYY
CM6QN      CO8OY       CX2SA       HK70RQS     LU8XW       YC1HDF
CM6YD      CO8PN       CX2TG       HK8JEH      LU9HWM      YC7TO
CM8WAL     CO8UN       CX2UI       HK8RQS      LU9RBI      YC9NBR
CO2AJ      CO8WAL      CX3ACS      HP1AC       LW2DFH      YE1T
CO2AV      CO8XI       CX3ET       L44DX       LW5DQ       YF1T
CO2CI      CP4AY       CX3UG       L55DR       LW5DR       YS1MF
CO2CL      CP4BT       CX3VB       LU/CX2AM    OA6CY       YV4DDK
CO2CR      CP4IC       CX4NF       LU1DAF      PT8ZCB      YV5SSB
CO2FN      CU5AM       CX4UY       LU1ECZ      TG9AAK      YV6AZC
CO2FU      CU5AOA      CX5AO       LU1HI       TG9AMD      ZP3CTW
CO2GL      CV0OEA      CX5UR       LU1HK       TI3M        ZP6GBA
CO2GP      CV0Z        CX7OV       LU1QS       TI3TLS      ZP6VLA
CO2SX      CV1F        HC3AP       LU2DAL      TZ6BAX
CO2UG      CV1T        HC5CR       LU2FA       UA0FDX
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA
LOTW:   Toni, EA5RM reports that the logs for either S05X and TZ6RD have been
         uploaded to Logbook Of The World.
MDXC:   The web site for the Mediterraneo DX Club (www.mdxc.org) is currently
         off-line as it is under reconstruction.

QSLs received direct or through managers:  3A2MD, 3B8MM, 3B9C, 3B9FR,  3B9MM,
3D2ZF, 3XDQZ/P (AF-096),  4S7EA, 4U1ITU, 5T0EU,  5V7C, 5V7RF, 5W0UU,  7J2YAF,
7X4AN, 8Q7QQ, 8R1AK, 9A/S52DG/p (EU-136), 9L1MS/P (AF-037), 9M8PSB  (OC-165),
9Y4ZC, A61AJ, AC8W/C6A (NA-080), AP2NK, C56TA, CV5D, CX0B, D2/UR5TY,  DK1IP/p
(EU-042), EP4SP,  ET3TK, EX2M,  EZ4XX,  F5TLN/TU8, FG/DL2AWG,  FK8HC,  FM5WD,
R1FJ, RI0ZKR (AS-095), RK4FF, S79DF, S9SS, SU9BN, SX8K (EU-113), T2T,  T30WB,
T30ZF, T32WW,  T33C,  TG/OH3JF, TJ3G,  TO4E,  TO4WW, UA0IA/0,  V31RG,  V44NK,
V63TXF, V73GJ,  V8JIM, V8PMB  (OC-184),  VE7/F5IDM (NA-091),  VK9CQ,  VR2XMT,
          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org
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