425 DX News #690 24 July 2004 Edited by I1JQJ &IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) >>> AVES ISLAND 2004 > IOTA CONTEST - LATEST ADDITIONS & CORRECTIONS > 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE Joel, F5PAC became active as expected from the Sri Lanka' Coastal Islands group (AS-171). QSL via home call, either direct (Joel Sutterlin, 1 Rue du Rossberg, 68310 Wittelsheim, France) or through the bureau. The web page for the operation is at www.qsl.net/f5pac/4s7.htm 6O0A ---> Sam Voron, VK2BVS (6O0A) [425DXN 636] has been back in Galkayo, Central Somalia for a while and will be there until 30 September. He has established two club stations (the first at the Radio Galkayo ARC and the second at the Radio Daljir ARC) which are being used for amateur radio radio training courses. Those stations are also available for the use of foreigners and details on getting the Somalia Visitors ham radio license can be found at http://www.radiogalkayo.com/banner/radio_school3.php. As for getting a QSL card from 6O0A, this is a "QSO only" station and Sam is not interesting in QSLling: "I am leaving the QSLing for the hams who may mount future dxpeditions or when the locals can do it", he says. BARENTS SEA ISLANDS ---> Albert, RA1QHJ reports that the islands activated by Nick, RA1QQ/1 and Dmitrij, RW1ZZ/P (QSL for both via RA1QQ) during their recent trip [425DXN 685] were: Voron'i Ludki (EU-082, RRC-0319, WLH - new one) 2-4 July Kil'din (EU-082, RRC-0303, WLH - 1196) 5-7 July Bolshoj Gryaznyj (RRC-0318) 11-12 July Kharlov (EU-161, RRC-0302, WLH - 0640) 13-15 July PIRATE ---> Vit, EZ8CW says that EZ4XX (quite active in contests) is a pirate station. QSL AY1ZA ---> The QSL cards, donated by 425 DX News and the Mediterraneo DX Club for Horacio's, LU4DXU, operation from the South Orkney Islands, can be viewed at http://www.mdxc.org/ay1za.asp [TNX IZ8CCW] QSL II7ANT ---> Frank, IZ7AUH reports that direct cards for this special event station, which was active during the Antarctica Activity Week (22-28 February), are being mailed. Direct requests without return postage will be processed via the bureau. T.W.L.H.F. ---> The World Lighthouse Foundation has just been formed by several amateur radio from across the world. It is also open to SWLs and anyone unlicenced who just wishes to share their interest in lighthouses with other like minded people. The website is at http://www.twlhf.com/ [TNX M3ZYZ] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 4K9W DL6KVA HI8/JA6WFM JA6VU TC4JAM TA2DS 4L1MA ON4RU HS0ZDG K4YT TM5RDL F5MID 4L4MM F5VHH II8PC IZ8DPO TM5STJ F8KFZ 4M0A pirate IQ8LR IZ8GBH TM6SLO F9CH 4O6100BB YT6A IU7HQ I2MQP TM8N F8DVD 4X6UO WB3CQN JD1BLQ JA2KCT TM9ES F5GTW 5W0DL K8AA JD1BLR JA0FOX UA0AZ W3HNK 5W0TR K8AA K1USN K1RV UA0LMO/p UA0LMO 6W8CK DH7WW KG8RP/KH0 7K4QOK UA0ZDA/6 UA6HPR 6Y5CR N1QAE LU1ECZ EA5KB UE0ARD/0 RX0AT 7S3I SM5VFE LX8LGS LX2AJ UE1RDA/3 RA3NZ 7S5A SM4DDS LZ120AK LZ2VP UE1WPS UA1WA 8S0HRA bureau LZ1BJ/1 LZ1BJ UE3EDA/1 RZ3EC 9A2004YC 9A5AEI LZ1JB/1 LZ1JB UE3OFF RA3QSY 9A6DR W3HC LZ1KSL LZ4BU UE3WSS RW3WWW 9G5OO DL4WK MJ0DLQ/P ON4ON UE4HAK RW4HO 9H3OE OE5CMN OA4BQE EA4BQ UE4HFC RW4HO 9M6A N2OO OD5PL HB9CRV UE9FDA/9 RV9FQ A35DX EB2AYV OH0PM OH2PM UN7MO EA7FTR A35EA EB2AYV OK8FCS DL4FCS UR4PWC/p UT5PW A45WD YO9HP OZ7VEA DL7VEA US4IXQ WB7QXU AT4HQD VU2RCR P40HQ I2MQP UZ1P/p UT5PW CN2DX HB9HLM P49V AI6V V31LZ LZ3RZ CN8KD EA5XX PJ2/KY1V W2GB V31MX K0BCN CO2TK F5CWU PJ4ADC AA2GX VO2/K2FRD K2FRD CT3FN/P HB9CRV RI0CM IZ8CCW (a) VP2MDD M0AEP CT9P N3SL RI0CM RZ3EC (b) VU3DJQ EA7FTR ED6MPC EA6ZX RI0MC UA0LCZ YB0DPO K3AIR EM1HO I2PJA RI1CGG RN1AW YB0ECT K3AIR ER0/RW3AH UA3DX RZ3BY UA3DX YC7SKM IZ8CCW ES1RA/0 ES1RA SG1RK SK1BL YE1P YB1TC EV60GR RV3AR SI9AM SM3CVM YN4SU TI4SU FO5RH F2HE SO6Y/2 SP6M YU0HST YU1AST FO5RN F5NQL SV0XAN/5 IK2WZD YW6C W4SO FP5EJ K2RW SV0XAO DJ5JH ZX5PGA PY5PDC G3RCV/p G4DFI SX2004PA SV3AQN ZX7XX PY7XC GB6LOG G0SWY SX8J SV1BKN ZX8M PT7BI GU4YWY/M G4YWY T88AY JA7AYE ZY1NE PY1NE HA670D HA6ZQ TA3CQ DJ1EAO ZY6GK PY7GK (a) rest of the world (b) Russian stations only ____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA 9M6TW James Gatidis, P.O. Box 20469, 88761 Luyang, Sabah, Malaysia DL5ME P.O. Box 35 11 27, 39034 Magdeburg, Germany ES1RA Oleg Mir, P.O. Box 806, 11702 Tallinn, Estonia F5CWU Flo Moudar, 25 Rue du Castel Salis, 37100 Tours, France GM3VLB Andre Saunders, 6 Douglas Crescent, Kelso, TD5 8BB, Scotland, UK IK1TTD P.O. Box 32, 18018 Arma di Taggia - IM, Italy K1RV Harold Pugh, 78 Temple St., Abington, MA 02351, USA K2FRD Fred Stevens, 263 Keach Rd, Guilford, NY 13780, USA PT7BI Daniel, P.O.Box 3230, Fortaleza 60431-970, Ceara, Brazil RA3QSY Igor Makeev, P.O.Box 2, Voronezh, 394010, Russia RN1AW Victor Tsarevsky, P.O. Box 114, Pushkin-8, 196608, Russia SK1BL Gotlands Radioamatoerklubb, Gyle Ala, SE-62023 Romakloster, Sweden UT5PW Svyatoslav J. Gunko, P.O. Box 6, Novovolynsk-5, 45405, Ukraine YT80HQ Savez radioamatera Srbije, Trg republike 3/6, 11000 Beograd, Serbia & Montenegro ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to 425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************