DX425 bulletin issue nr. 687

425 DX News #687
03 July 2004
Edited by I1JQJ& IK1ADH
Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

3D2     - Norm, W1BYH will  operate (on  10-40 metres  CW, SSB  and RTTY)  as
           3D2BY from Viti Levu (OC-016), Fiji  Islands on 5-14 July. QSL  via
           home call. [TNX W1BYH]
3D2     - Christian, 3D2EA [425DXN 686] will be active as 3D2EA/p from  Vanua
           Balavu (OC-095) between 7 and 14 July (depending on boat schedule).
           He plans to operate on 40, 20, 17, 12 and 10 metres. [TNX 3D2EA]
5W      - Ted, K8AQM and David, K8AA will operate (on 160-10 metres CW,  SSB,
           RTTY and PSK) as 5W0TR and 5W0DL from Samoa (OC-097) on 7-21  July.
           They plan to  participate in  the IARU  HF Championship,  hopefully
           with a special call (maybe 5W0XX). QSLs via K8AA. [TNX NG3K]
9A      - Franz, DL3PS and Zik,  DL/VE3ZIK (4N1DX) will  be active (on  10-40
           metres plus 6 metres) as 9A/VE3ZIK  and 9A/DL3PS from Bilice  (grid
           JN73) on 4-31  July. They  also plans  to participate  in the  IOTA
           Contest (QTH to be decided) and  to operate (probably as  YU6/DL3PS
           and 4N1DX/6) from YT6A during one  weekend. QSL for all  activities
           via DL3PS, direct or bureau. [TNX DL/VE3ZIK]
9A      - Gianfranco,  I6GFX  will  operate  as  9A/I6GFX  from  Hvar  Island
           (EU-016, IOCA CI-028) on 5-10 July. He will also be active for  one
           day from the lighthouse (WLH-1056, ARLHS CRO-135) on Scedro  Island
           (EU-016, IOCA CI-127). QSL  via home call,  direct or bureau.  Logs
           will be  available  at  http://www.gianfrancogervasi.it/search.html
           [TNX I6GFX]
9A      - Alessandro, IK4ALM and  Sergio, IZ4BBF plan  to operate  on SSB  as
           9A/homecall/p from the  Brijuni Islands  (EU-110) between  6 and  9
           July. QSL via home calls. [TNX IK4ALM]
9Y      - KE9I, AJ9C and  N9LAH will  operate (on  160-6 metres  SSB, CW  and
           digital modes) as 9Y4/homecall from Tobago  (SA-009) on 3-17  July.
           QSL via home calls. They plan to particpate in the IARU Contest  as
           9Y4ZC (QSL for this operation only via AJ9C). [TNX The Daily DX]
CT      - Jose, CT1EHX  will be  active as  CQ7M on  9-11 July  for the  22rd
           International Motorcycle Meeting at Faro. QSL via home call, direct
           or bureau. [TNX CT1END]
EK      - EK6GB and EK7DX plan to operate on all bands and modes as EK0W from
           Spitak Pass (2300m a.s.l.) on 3-4 July. [TNX EK7DX]
F       - Special station TM5RDL will be  aired on all  bands and modes  from
           Lons-le-Saunier,  hometown  of  Rouget  De  Lisle  (author  of  "La
           Marseillaise", the French national anthem), on 14-25 July. QSL  via
           operator's instructions. [TNX F5SJB]
GM      - Ken/MM0KAL, Hans/MM0XAU  and  Peter/MM5PSL will  operate  from  the
           Shetland Islands (EU-012) as follows: on 16-18 August from  Bressay
           Lighthouse (ARLHS SCO-021) on Bressay Island,  on 21-22 August  for
           the  International  Lighthouse/Lightship  Weekend  as  GB2ELH  from
           Eshaness Lighthouse (ARLHS SCO-075)  on Mainland Shetland,  between
           13 and 23  August from Sumburgh  Head (ARLHS  SCO-232) on  Mainland
           Shetland and  hopefully  from other  lighthouses.  QSL  GB2ELH  and
           MM5PSL via WA7OBH  direct, QSL MM0KAL  via WA8REI,  QSL MM0XAU  via
           DJ6AU. [TNX MM5PSL]
HK0_sa  - Pedro, HK3JJH expects  to be  active for  a few  hours from  either
           NA-132 (Bajo Nuevo  and Serranilla Bank  Cays) and NA-133  (Serrana
           Bank and Roncador Cays) between  4 and 6  July. Look for  HK3JJH/0A
           (from NA-132) and HK3JJH/0B (from NA-133)  on or around 14260  kHz.
           Pedro is  being  offered a  lift  by a  Colombian  Navy  ship  that
           provides replacement  for  the  military  bases  stationed  on  the
           islands, and the length of his  operations will depend entirely  on
           what the Navy guys decide to do. QSL direct only to HK3JJH.  Please
           note that as  far as  DXCC is  concerned, these  two island  groups
           count as San Andres. [TNX HK3JJH and W9DC]
HR      - Mark, W4CK will be back in  Tegucigalpa, Honduras on 8-15 July.  He
           plans to be QRV as  HR1/W4CK (CW only)  and to to  make a push  for
           WARC bands if there is interest. [TNX NG3K]
I       - Marco,  IZ6ASI  and  Stefano,IK6VGO  will   be  active  from   Fano
           Lighthouse (WAIL MA-005, ARLHS ITA-065) on 17-18 July. [TNX IZ6ASI] 
LA & SM - DK8DY and DK8GH, as well  as PP5ASN, will  operate as either  LG5LG
           and SJ9WL from the Morokulien station on the border between  Norway
           and Sweden from  27 July and  9-10 August. QSL  for both calls  via
           SM5DJZ. [TNX DK8DB and PS7AB]
OA      - Look for  Bonnie, OA9/KQ6XA  to be  active between  2 July  and  25
           August from the Andes mountains in  the Amazonas area of Peru.  The
           amateur radio  operation is  in conjunction  with an  international
           expedition  of  speleologists  to  survey   and  map  the   deepest
           previously unexplored vertical  caves in  the southern  hemisphere.
           Bonnie will  use a  20W transmitter  and battery  power charged  by
           solar; OA9/KQ6XA  will not  call CQ,  but instead  will listen  for
           calls on  the following  frequencies: 18157.5  kHz (16.30  UTC  and
           22.30 UTC), 18157.5 kHz USB and 18158.2 kHz CW (00.30 UTC),  7087.5
           kHz LSB and 7087.0 kHz CW (01.00 UTC). QSY frequency for CW will be
           18095.0 kHz; 21437.5 kHz USB as  needed; 10117.5 kHz CW as  needed.
           QSL via KQ6XA. [TNX VA3RJ]
OD      - Alfeo/I1HJT,  Tony/IK1QBT  and  Claudio/I1NVU  will  be  active  as
           OD5/homecall/P  starting  on  24  July.  They  will  be  joined  by
           Naim/OD5LN and will  participate in  the IOTA  Contest from  Ramkin
           Island (AS-108). They will  have two stations  active on all  bands
           (160 metres excluded) SSB and CW, with at least one power amplifier
           and verticals. Expect activity from the island until 26 July in the
           local afternoon, then  operations will continue  from the  mainland
           until the 29th. QSL via I1HJT. [TNX I1HJT]
OH      - Teemu, SM0WKA  will  operate  as  OH/SM0WKA  from  Bergrund  Island
           (EU-101) on 10-27 July. He will participate in the IOTA Contest  as
           OH/SM0W. QSLs via SM0WKA. [TNX The Daily DX]
OH0     - Look for  OH0/DC7VS, OH0/DC7ER  and OH0/DL7NJ  to operate  "holiday
           style" on SSB, CW, SSTV and  PSK31 from the Aland Islands  (EU-002)
           on 10-24 July.  QSL via home  calls through the  DARC bureau.  [TNX
OJ0     - Thirty-five years ago  a party put  OJ0DX on  the air  for a  first
           major activity from Market Reef. Lars, OH0RJ, one of the members of
           the original party, has  now invited the  original team with  their
           friends to  share the  spirit of  the initial  discovery of  Market
           Reef. The total party of thirty operators (including OH0NA,  OH1XX,
           OH0RJ, OH0XX, OH1MA,  OH1NM, OH1NOR, OH1RX,  OH1TV, OH1TX,  OH2BAA,
           OH2BAD, OH2BC,  OH2BR, OH2KH,  OH2MM, OH2PM,  OH2QV, OH2TA,  OH2WC,
           OH3UU, OH4NS, OH5NE, OH5NQ,  ES1AR and OH2BH  & OH2KK, the  initial
           discoverers of  Market  Reef) will  operate  as  OJ0J  through  the
           weekend. QSL OH0S and OJ0J via  OH0RJ (Lars Nikko, Matrosgatan  5L,
           22100 Mariehamn, Aland Islands, Finland). QSL mailing will be  from
           Aland  Islands  using  a  new  set  of  local  postage  stamps   in
           commemoration of the  20th anniversary  of the  initial release  of
           distinctive OH0 stamps. [TNX OH2BN]
SM      - SM6CTQ, SM6BGA, SM6DYK, SM6FKF, SM6LJU and SM6MCW will  participate
           in the IOTA Contest as  SC6AG from Tjorn  Island (EU-043). QSL  via
SP      - Rolf, DL6ZFG  will  be active  as  SP1/DL6ZFG/p from  Wolin  Island
           (EU-132, SZ-02 for the Polish Islands Award) on 9-11 July. He might
           also operate briefly from Karsibor (EU-132, SPIA SZ-03) during that
           time frame. [TNX DL6ZFG]
UA      - Yuri, UA0LMO  will operate  CW, RTTY  and  PSK31 as  UA0LMO/P  from
           Bryusa Lighthouse (ARLHS ASR-018, RLHA RLA-016) on 16-18 July.  QSL
           via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX UA0LMO]
VE      - Look for Art, W3KHZ to  operate again as  VY2MM from Prince  Edward
           Island (NA-029) for  the summer starting  around 10  July. QSL  via
           W3KHZ. [TNX The Daily DX]
VE      - Bruce, KD6WW reports he will operate  (mostly CW with some SSB)  as
           VY0/KD6WW from NA-174 on 27-28 July and from NA-130 from 29 July to
           2 August. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
W       - N1DX, W0NO, K0BJ and K1TWF will participate in the IOTA Contest  as
           N1DX (QSL  via home  call, direct  or  bureau) from  Bailey  Island
           (NA-137). W0NO should  start SSB activity  on 18  July, while  K0BJ
           should be active (mostly on CW) from the 21st. QSL via home  calls.
           [TNX The Daily DX]
W       - The Old Barney Amateur Radio Club (N2OB, http://www.obarc.org) will
           be operating  from the  Barnegat  Lighthouse (ARLHS  USA-039,  IOTA
           NA-111, USI NJ-001S) on 7 August (rain date is 8 August). Operation
           will be primarily on 20 and 40 metres  SSB from about 13 UTC to  22
           UTC. QSL via N2OB.
           They will also be active as W2T from the Tucker's Island Lighthouse
           (ARLHS USA-911) on 21-22  August. QSL via  N2OO (Bob Schenck,  P.O.
           Box 345, Tuckerton, NJ 08087, USA). [TNX N2OO]
YO      - Special event  station  YR500S will  be  activated in  July  to  to
           commemorate the 500th  anniversary of the  death of Moldavian  king
           Stefan the Great. QSL via YO8KGA (http://www.qsl.net/yo8kga).  [TNX
YV      - The Association of  Radioamateurs of Venezuela  and the Caracas  DX
           Group are expected to operate as YW6C from Chimana Island  (SA-090)
           on 14-18 July. QSL via W4SO (maild drop). [TNX The Daily DX]
ZL      - The new contest  callsign ZL1V  will be  aired for  the first  time
           during the  IARU Contest  (10-11 July),  operating from  the  ZL6QH
           contest station. Weather permitting, Chris, ZL1CT and Franz, ZL2III
           will participate in  the IOTA Contest  as ZL1V/p  from Mana  Island
           (OC-201). On 40  metres SSB to  Europe, they  will transmit  around
           7190 kHz and listen below 7100 kHz. QSL via N3SL. [TNX ZL1CT] 

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

4U1UN ---> Dmitri, N2OW/RA9USU operated from the United Nations  Headquarters station on 26 June. QSL via HB9BOU, direct or bureau.

II1D CERTIFICATE ---> It is available to either licensed amateurs and SWL for at least  three contacts  made in  2003 with  II1D (http://www.ii1d.it),  the
special  station  celebrating  the  European  Year   of  the  Disabled.   The
certificate is free of charge, but return postage is required. Please contact Carlo Sobrito, IZ1CCE (iz1cce@tin.it) for further information. [TNX IZ1CCE]

LINGA ISLAND ---> IOSA Manager Charles Wilson, GM4UZY reports the  following: "During his  tour of  the Shetland  Islands Peter,  GM3OFT operated  from  an island named Linga SH27 in the IOSA directory. By mistake Peter gave out  the number SH26 on the air for this island.  This was just a numerical error  and the QSL cards that Peter will send out will have the correct number on  them. QSOs with GM3OFT from this island are valid for any IOSA award".

MUSEUM SHIPS  WEEKEND  EVENT --->  Sponsored  by the  USS  Salem  Radio  Club (K1USN), the 8th edition of this annual event will take place from 00.01  UTC on 17 July through 23.59 UTC on the 18th. The list of participating ships, as well as information on the relevant award and "Radioman" medals, can be found at http://www.qsl.net/k1usn/event.html

NLLW ---> This year's National Lighthouse-Lightship Weekend, sponsored by the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society (http://arlhs.com/), will be held from 00.01 UTC on 7 August through 23.59 UTC  on the 8th. Full information is  available either  at  http://arlhs.com/NLLW-2004-guidelines.html  or  from  Jim,  K2JXW (K2JXW@arrl.net).

QSL VIA OH3OJ ---> Jukka, OH3OJ is currently processing direct cards received for TG7/OH3JF and HR5/OH3JF (February-March). All of the remaining QSOs  will be confirmed  automatically via  the bureau  in August.  Both operations  are accepted for DXCC credit. [TNX OH3OJ] _____________________________________________________________________________
                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

G4WFQ/HI9:  Logs and  pictures of  Dave's 12-24  activity from  Las  Terrenas
             (NA-096) are  now on  line at  http://www.g4wfq.btinternet.co.uk.
             QSL via G3SWH. [TNX G4WFQ]
JW/CT1BWW:  Logs and pictures of Marq's  recent JW/CT1BWW Svalbard  operation
             are  available  at  http://www.qsl.net/ok8bww/new_page_6.htm  and
             http://www.geocities.com/OK8BWW/Photos.htm   respectively.   [TNX
QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B9C, 3D2VB (OC-060), 3DA0AX,  4G2F (OC-092),
 4U1UN, 5T0EU, 5V7C, 5Z4DZ, 7P8DA, 9G1UW, 9V1GO, 9V1JA, A45WD, A51B, A52PRO, A61AJ,
 A71BX,  AP2IA, BC1DCG, BV2A,  C31BO, C56/G0VUH, CP4BT,  CX1SI, E31AA, EK3GM, EK3SA, 
 (NA-001), GM0DHZ (EU-008),  H44VV, HC1AJQ,  HC8N,
HI8RV,  HK0GU/1  (SA-078),   HP1IBF,  J20DA,   J6/WA1T,  JY9QJ,   KE6TNN/YI0,
KH2/JF1JPC, LU8XW/X (SA-049), OX/DL2SWW (NA-220), OX/DL2VFR (NA-220),  P29VVB
 (OC-034 and  OC-258),  PJ2/G0CKP,  PJ7/W8EB,  PY7XC/P,  PZ5RA,  R1FJ,  SM3CWE 
(EU-087), SU1SK,  T32KV, T33C,  T88JY, TJ1GA,  TJ3MC/P, TO4E,  TO4WW,  TU2WL, 
TZ/F5VHH, UA2FCC, UK8OAR, UU0JM, UU7J, V25J, V26ZP, V31FG/P (NA-073),  V44KP,
 V8JIM, VB5C, VK6AN (OC-266), VK6LI (OC-071),  VE8AE/VY0,  VQ9JC, VQ9X, XE1UN,
 XF1/F5TYY/XF3 (NA-135),  XF4IH,  XU7ARA,  XV1X,  XV9DT, XW1FAN, YI9ZF, YJ0VB,
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                 425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES:   http://list.425dxn.org
                 425 DX NEWS DX CLUSTER: telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000
                425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
       edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
             Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                         in part or full provided that
                "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit
           Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
                  Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ (i1jqj@425dxn.org)
                       The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays
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                            Direttore Responsabile
                            Giovanni Leone, IK8MRA
                Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 060028
                       Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                 Roma, Italia
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM

425 DX News Editor
E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org