DX425 bulletin issue nr. 686

425 DX News #686
26 June 2004
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

3A     - Gerry/IZ1DSH, Giovanni/IK1WEG  and Riccardo/IZ1GDB  will operate  on
          10-40 metres CW and SSB  as 3A/homecall from  Monaco on 15-18  July.
          QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX IZ1DSH]
3D2    - Christian, EC3ADC (ex-7Q7DX) is  currently active on  17, 20 and  40
          metres as 3D2EA from Viti Levu (OC-016), Fiji. He will remain  there
          until September  at least.  QSL via  EB2AYV  (P.O. Box  6208,  48012
          Bilbao, Spain). [TNX 3D2EA]
9A     - Den, 9A3FO will be active (on 40, 30, 20, 17, 15 and 12 metres  only
          CW) as 9A3FO/p from Pag Island  (EU-170) on 1-10 July. QSL via  home
          call, direct or bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
9Y     - Look for 9Y4/KE9I, 9Y4/AJ9C and 9Y4/N9LAH to operate on 160-6 metres
          SSB, CW and digital modes from Tobago (SA-009) on 3-17 July. QSL via
          home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
ER     - Special station ER500S will be activated  from 26 June to 4 July  to
          commemorate the 500th  anniversary of  the death  of Moldavian  king
          Stefan the Great. QSL via ER1DA, either direct (Valery Metaxa,  P.O.
          Box 3000, Chisinau,  MD 2071,Moldova)  or through  the bureau.  [TNX
FO     - Alain, FO5RH is going to be  active (on 80-6 metres mostly CW,  with
          some SSB on 14260 kHz) from the Tuamotu Islands (French  Polynesia).
          He  plans  to  operate  from  different  locations  in  the  Tuamotu
          Archipelago (OC-066), and he also hopes to be able to go and operate
          from Reao (OC-238), Pukapuka (OC-062) and possibly Napuka  (OC-094).
          Further details  are  not  available so  far.  [TNX  F6AJA  and  Les
          Nouvelles DX]
FP     - A group  of operators  from the  British  Columbia DX  Club  (namely
          Dale/VE7SV;  Andy/VE7AHA;   Jason/VE7AG,   Lee/VE7CC,   Steve/VE7CT;
          Dave/VE7VR; Paul/VA7NT; Dick/N7RO; Ramon/XE1KK and Paul/VE7AVV) will
          be active as FP/VE7SV from Miquelon Island (NA-032) from 23  October
          to 2 November, CQ WW SSB Contest included. The operation will be  on
          160-6 metres CW and SSB (other  modes may be  added); the team  will
          have operational blocks of time set  aside specifically for JA,  VK,
          ZL and the Pacific - as well as for other areas where working FP  as
          a new one is particularly challenging.  QSL via N7RO, either  direct
          (Richard J. Moen, 2935 Plymouth Drive, Bellingham, WA 98225, USA) or
          through the  bureau. Please  note that  SWLs  are requested  to  QSL
          direct only.  Complete details  on the  DXpedition can  be found  at
          http://www.bcdxc.org/st_pierre_miquelon.htm [TNX VE7AVV]
I      - Alfredo, IK7JWX  and  others  will  operate  as  either  IU7I/p  and
          homecall/p from  Gallipoli  Island  (not  IOTA,  IIA  LE-010,  ARLHS
          ITA-270 and ITA-271) on 25 June and from Sant'Andrea Island (EU-091,
          IIA LE-001, MIA MI-100,  WLHA LH-0075, ARLHS  ITA-084) on the  26th.
          QSL IU7I/p via IK7JWX, others via home call. [TNX IK7JWX]
KP     - Carlos, WP4U will  be active from  Culebra Island  (NA-099) from  28
          June to 1 July. This is one of the five islands which count for  the
          Worked Puerto Rico Island Award (WPRI). QSL via home call. [TNX  The
          Daily DX]
LA     - Mario, DL5ME will operate (on 40,  30, 20, 17 and  15 metres CW  and
          SSB) as LA/DL5ME from Tromoy Island (EU-061) on 1-6 July. He will be
          joined by Guenter, DG3HWO, who will  operate a second station.  From
          14 UTC on 3 July until 14 UTC on the 4th they will be active operate
          on the VHF bands. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX DL5ME]
LA     - Jurrien, PA0JSE will operate holiday style (on 40-6 metres with  100
          watts, verticals  or  dipoles)  as  LA/PA0JSE  from  the  Vesteralen
          (EU-033) and Lofoten (EU-076)  islands on 14-28  July. QSL via  home
          call, direct or bureau. [TNX PA0JSE]
OJ0    - Seppo/OH1VR, Lasse/OH0RJ  and others  will be  active as  OJ0VR  and
          OJ0RJ from Market  Reef (EU-053) on  8-12 July. During  the IARU  HF
          World Championship they will sign OJ0U. [TNX The Daily DX]
OZ     - Axel, DL7VEA will operate (on 80-10 metres SSB and PSK31) as  OZ7VEA
          from the islands  of Fyn and  Langeland (EU-172) from  17 July to  6
          August. [TNX DL8AAM]
PA     - Bert, ON7BWB will be active as  PA/ON7BWB/P from Schouwen  Duiveland
          (EU-146) on 24-26 July,  IOTA Contest (on  all bands SSB)  included.
          QSL via home call. [TNX ON7BWB]
SM     - Kent, SM0ELV will operate as SM0ELV/5 from the island of Lilla Olson
          (EU-177) on 23-25 July, IOTA Contest  included. He plans to  operate
          on 10-80 metres CW, SSB and possibly digital modes, as well as on  6
          metres (JO88). [TNX SM0ELV]
SV9    - A multi-operator team will participate in the IOTA Contest as  J49LH
          from Akra Sidheros lighthouse (ARLHS  CRE-010), Crete (EU-015).  QSL
          to the  Radio Amateur  Society of  Crete  (P.O. Box  1390,  Iraklion
          71110, Crete, Greece). [TNX SV9ANJ]
TK     - OK1FKL, OK1PGS, OK1JFH, OK1TIC and possibly OK1MCS will be active as
          TK/OK5DX/p from Cap Corse (JN42QX), Corsica from 24 June to 5  July.
          They will focus on the July  VHF/UHF Contest, but they will  operate
          also on the HF bands. No  activity on 6 metres. Further  information
          at http://www.qsl.net/ok1ofm [TNX F5NQL[
UA     - The operators from Litke Island (AS-089) [425DXN 684] are now active
          as RI9KM (and not RK9KWK/p as previously announced). [TNX UA9KM]
UA     - RL3AA, UA3DX, UA6CW,  RK6CZ, RW6HJV  left on  23 June  for a  2-week
          expedition to the  Sea of  Okhotsk. Depending  on local  conditions,
          they will operate as RI0IMA from 25 June to 5 July with two or three
          stations equipped with  beams and amplifiers.  Their main target  is
          Matykil' Island in  Shelikhova Bay (AS-???),  but during the  second
          weekend they might  be active also   from Novaya   Inya (whose  IOTA
          status is still to be verified)  in the Sea  of Okhotsk Coast  North
          group (AS-???). QSL  via UA3DX. [TNX G3ZAY and UA6CW]
UA     - RA3NAN, RZ3EC, RZ0OA, RW0OO and RN0CT will operate as RI0CM from the
          Malminskiye Islands  (Sea  of Okhotsk  Coast  North  group,  AS-???)
          starting on 15 July  for at least  one week. They  plan to have  two
          stations with amplifiers. QSL via RZ3EC (Russian stations only)  and
          IZ8CCW (rest of the world). Further information will be available at
          http://www.mdxc.org/ri0cm; donations  to help  cover costs  will  be
          gratefully received (please contact Andy, RZ3EM at rz3em@yandex.ru).
          [TNX IZ8CCW]
V4     - Andrei, NC2N/EW1AR (ex NP3D) will operate (on all bands RTTY, CW and
          SSB) as  NC2N/V44 from  Nevis Island  (NA-104)  on 5-12  July,  IARU
          Contest included.  QSL  via  W3HNK.  Andrei  says  he  devotes  this
          expedition "to the  60th anniversary of  the liberation  of my  home
          country, Belarus"  during  World War  II.  Special  awards  will  be
          available for  those  who  will  work  him  on  six  more  different
          band/modes (send application and 2 USD direct to NC2N); for eight or
          more band/modes the  award will be  free of  charge. Special  prizes
          will be sent  to the five  stations with the  most band/modes.  [TNX
VE     - Carl, VE3ZCO will  be operating as  VY0CQ from  the Canadian  Arctic
          from 30 June to 25  August. Carl and  his colleagues are  geologists
          and research is the first priority at their camp (location shown  at
          http://www.vy0cq.ca). Amateur radio operations will be restricted to
          free time when not working; it  is anticipated that 20m will be  the
          band of  choice. QSL  to VY0CQ  (Carl Ozyer,  1086 Dalhousie  Drive,
          London, ON N6K  1M7, Canada). If  you choose to  QSL direct,  please
          enclose a SAE and 2 USD or 1 IRC to cover postage. [TNX VY0CQ]
W      - Paul, N3LLT will be active on 20 metres SSB as N3LLT/p from  various
          islands in the North Carolina State  East Group (NA-067) between  26
          June and 2 July. Days, times  and islands will  vary, but will  most
          likely be in the late evening  (1-4 UTC). QSL via home call,  direct
          or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
W      - Rick, KV4DJ will be  active (on 20  and 40 metres  CW and SSB)  from
          Hatteras Island (NA-067) from 26 June to  2 July. He may also get  a
          chance to activate Cape Hatteras Lighthouse (USA-561) once or  twice
          during the week. This will be  a family vacation, but Rick will  try
          to get on  the air as  often as possible,  even low  power from  the
          beach. QSL via home call. [TNX KV4DJ]
W      - K7BV, NW5E, KC4PX,  N4IS and  W5OZI will  operate as  K4T from  Fort
          Jefferson State Park in the Dry Tortugas (NA-079) from 27 June to  1
          July. QSL via KC4PX. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
YU     - Rodja, YZ1AA is active as YZ80A to celebrate the 80th anniversary of
          the first amateur radio activity  by radio club YU1AFS. QSL via home
          call. [TNX 4N1DX]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

QSL CS2004REP ---> Bureau cards for  special event station CS2004REP  [425DXN
681] can  be requested  on-line at  http://www.rep.pt  (where logs  are  also
available). The ordinary QSL route is via CT1REP, by the bureau or direct  to
R.E.P. Award/Contest Manager, P.O. Box 483, 1112 Lisboa Codex, Portugal. [TNX

QSL J87AB ---> Carlos Fonseca, CT1GFQ  says he is  receiving cards for  J87AB
"from all over  the world", but  he is not  the QSL manager  for J87AB.  Mike
(ZL3AX, J87AB, G0GPX) is now settled in New Zealand and cards should be  sent
direct only to Mike Wise, 116A Charles St, Kaiapoi, New Zealand.

QSL VIA DK2ZF ---> Rolf reports  he has received the  3D2ZF, T30ZF and  V73ZF
cards from the printer; the the first batch of direct QSLs will be mailed  on
2 July.

UK DX CONTEST --->  The  Scottish-Russian ARS invites the radio amateurs  all
over the world to participate in  the UK DX CW Contest (to  be held on  25-26
June, from 14 UTC to 14  UTC) and in the UK  DX RTTY Contest  (to be held  on
10-11 July, from  12 UTC to  12 UTC).  The objective  of the  contests is  to
establish as  many contacts  as possible  between radio  amateurs around  the
world and radio amateurs in UK  on 160, 80,  40, 20, 15  and 10 metres.  Full
information  is  available  at  http://www.srars.org/ukdxc.htm  [TNX  MM0DFV,

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

LOGS:   On-line logs for FO/ON4AXU's recent operations from French Polynesia,
         the  Marquesas  and  the  Austral  Islands   are  now  available   at
         http://www.qsl.net/on4axu [TNX ON4AXU]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2AM       K1ER   (a)  GB8CC       G0SSC       TU2/F5PTM   F5PTM
3Z0BLY      SP2PMW      GH8KGC      G3OCA       UA0AZ       W3HNK
4N1A        YU1FJK (b)  HF110TG     SP9PTG      UE1AAA/P    UA1ANA
4N200A      4N1A        HG2004HUN   HA1CW       UE1NIV      UA1NDX
4N600A      4N1A        HG3UHU      HA3MQ       UE1SSD/3    UA1RJ
5B4AHI      RA3AMG      HL0C/4      HL0C        UE3EDA/3    RZ3EC
5H3EE       DL4SM       HS0ZCW      K4VUD       UE3MFU      RK3MWI
5V7AD       WG9J        IF9/IQ8BI   IZ8CLM      UE3SDA      RU3SD
6W7FZ       DK6ZZ       II5MD       IK5DND      UE4HFC/P    RW4HO
7Q7MT       NU5O        II7ANT      IZ7AUH      UE4LKW      UA4LCH
9M2TK       JA7IV       IR1CL       IK1AWV      UE4LPR      UA4LCH
A71EM       EA7FTR      IR1PL       IW1RHG      UE4NKI/P    RW4NW
CE0/AC3A    AC3A        JW7AT       LA7AT       UE6EWX      RW6HKF
CO2KK       W5WP        JW7XM       LA7XM       UT7UZZ/p    UT3UZ
CQ14HZE     DL8HCZ      KH0N        JA6CNL      V44KJ       WB2TSL
CQ44NH      CT4NH       KP2AA       K7JA        V85SS       JA4ENL
CS0RCL/P    CT1GFK      LX0SAR      DJ8VH       VE2/VE3EXY  VE3EXY
CS2004ARL   CT6ARL      LZ2TU       WB2RAJ      VO2/AB5EB   N6AWD
CS2004RVM   CT1RVM      M0SDX       UT2UB       VO2/AD5A    N6AWD
CS94EE      CT3EE       OD5UE       IZ8CCW      VP2E        N5AU
CS94MD      CT3MD       OD5UJ       YO3FRI      VP2EREM     WB2REM
CU34AA      CU3AA       ON77KTK     ON5GK       VU3JRA      DJ3KR
CU34EJ      CU3EJ       OZ0MS       DH8BQA      W4V         W4DAI
D90HE/5     DS2GOO      PJ2MI       W2CQ        WK3D/AH0    JF2MBF
ED1RAV      EA1EG       R3ARS/P     RA3AKF      XU7TZG      ON4AJV
ED1SEM      EA1AUM      RI9KM       UA4RC       YA0J        JG1OWV
ED3TCT      EA3EVR      RK6YYA      RV6YZ       YA0Y        DL5SE
ED4MAD      EA4RCU      S9SS        N4JR        YA1D        JG1OWV
ED6MPC      EA6ZX       SK0HS/5     SM0MPV      YI1AK       AD5W
ED6TDC      EA6SB       SN1LH       SP3VT       YI9KT       SP8HKT
ED7AAF      EA7BQC      SO1CC       DL1CC       YI9MC       N2OO
ED7MCM      EA7CFU      ST2DX       PA7FM       YI9MD       W6OAT
ED8GCR      EA8AKN      ST2T        S57DX       YI9WRV      W3HNK
EJ7NET      EI6FR       SV0XAO      DJ5JH       YM2ZF       UT2UB
EM5U        UT2UB       T44I        CO2WL       YT0T        YU1FJK (b)
EP4HR       I2MQP       TA2ZF       UT2UB       YU0HST      YU1AST
F5KAI/P     F8DKG       TM0GP       F5KCH       YZ1V        YU1AAV (b)
FM5WD       W3HNK       TM6OCH      F6KFW       ZA1DX       OH2BH
FO5RH       F2HE        TM7BDX      F8BBL       ZK1VVV      W7VV
G4WFQ/HI9   G3SWH       TM7OAA      F6KAT       ZP6CW       ZP6CU
GB2MOF      GM4UYZ      TT8FC       EA4AHK      ZX7AA       PS7KC

(a) 2004 activity       (b) in contest

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

CP4BT   Claus Braun, Casilla 26, Tupiza, Bolivia
CT1CSY  Carlos Cortes, P.O. Box 9, 1885-998 Moscavide, Portugal
CT4NH   Luis Sutil Teixeira, Rua Visconde Moreira de Rey 3, 2790-162
         Carnaxide, Portugal
CT6ARL  Associacao de Radioamadores do Distrito de Leiria, P.O. Box 296,
         2404-002 Leiria, Portugal
HL0C    Hanyang University Wave Research Club, C.P.O. Box 4397, Seoul
         100-643, Korea
JA6CNL  Northern Kyushu DX Club, P.O. Box 11, Yahata, Kitakyushu, 805-8691
N1TO    Ed Koerner, 1517 Dewitt Lane, Sebastian, FL 32958, USA
N6AWD   Fred K. Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr., Bakersfield, CA 93309, USA
RA3XR   Serge Konoplev, P.O. Box 5015, Obninsk-5, 249035 Russia
S57DX   Slavko Celarc, Ob Igriscu 8, 1360 Vrhnika, Slovenia
UA3YH   Nick Makarov, Blokhintzeva St 11-15, Obninsk, 249033 Russia
UT2UB   Andrej Lyakin, P.O. Box 99, Kyiv-10, 01010 Ukraine
UT3UZ   Alex Arbuzov, P.O. Box 240, Kiev-232, 02232 Ukraine
W9IMS   Indianapolis Motor Speedway ARC, P.O. Box 18495, Indianapolis, IN
         46218-0495, USA
WB2RAJ  Kash Kashdin, 4591 West Overlook Drive, Williamsville, NY 14221, USA

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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