DX425 bulletin issue nr. 684

425 DX News #684
12 June 2004
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

3D2    - Laurence, KL1X/5 (GM4DMA) will be active on HF and 6 metres as 3D2KL
          from Viti Levu and  Vanua Levu (OC-016),  and possibly other  Fijian
          islands, from  around 21  June till  9 July.  He  is working  for  a
          voluntary organization and  time for amateur  radio may be  limited.
          Updates    on     the    expedition     will    be     posted     at
          http://myweb.cableone.net/flow [TNX KL1X/5]
4S     - Ron, 6Y5/4S7RO has been in Jamaica since September 2000, but will be
          back to Sri Lanka for a few months. He expects to be operational  as
          4S7RO starting on 15 June. Ron  will operate mostly CW and SSB,  but
          he will  also  try to  be  active on  PSK31.  QSL 4S7RO  via  DJ9ZB;
          6Y5/4S7RO via G0IAS. [TNX 6Y5/4S7RO]
9M2    - Ian, 9M2/G3TMA  and Mirek,  9M8DX/2 will  operate from  Pulau  Ketam
          (AS-074) during the weekend. They  will arrive on  the island on  12
          June after 7 UTC and leave on the 14th  around 1 UTC. It will be  an
          ultra  light  type  operation  with  100  watts  transceivers.   See
          www.qrz.com for the QSL routes. [TNX 9M8DX/2]
GM     - Tim, M0AFJ  will  operate as  MM0AFJ/P  from the  Island  of  Harris
          (EU-010) from 27  June to 2  July. He plans  to be  active on  10-80
          metres CW and SSB, plus 6  metres if conditions allow. QSL via  home
          call. Skeds are accepted at m0afj@tiscali.co.uk [TNX M0AFJ]
HB0    - Klaus, DL7NS will be active on CW as HB0/DL7NS from Lichtenstein  on
          14-25 June. QSL via bureau to DL7NS. [TNX NG3K]
HB0    - Giovanni, IZ2DPX and Flavio, IW2NEF will operate as HB0/IZ2DPX/P and
          HB0/IW2NEF/P from Liechtenstein on 3-4 July. They will operate on  2
          metres from JN47SB and on 6, 10, 12,  17, 15, 20 and 40 metres  from
          JN47TC. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX IZ2DPX]
I      - The Mediterranean Islands  Award (http://www.mdxc.org/mia)  Bulletin
          reports that IU7I/p  will be activated  from Isola  Grande di  Porto
          Cesareo (EU-091, IIA LE-002, MIA  MI-040) on 20  June and again  for
          the IOTA Contest, and from Sant'Andrea  Island (EU-091, IIA  LE-001,
          MIA MI-100) on 26-27 June.  QSL via IK7JWX,  direct or bureau.  [TNX
KP     - Carlos, WP4U  will  operate  next  to  the  Punta  Mulas  Lighthouse
          (PUR-015) on Vieques Island (NA-099) on  14-18 June. This Island  is
          valid for the WPRI (Work  Puerto Rico Islands)  Award. QSL via  home
          call. [TNX The Daily DX]
SP     - Special call  3Z0BLY is  active on  all  bands from  the  Battleship
          museum ORP  Blyskawica (Gdynia,  Poland) through  31 July.  QSL  via
          bureau to SP2PMW. [TNX SQ2HFH]
ST     - Dane, S57CQ is now working for the UN WFP in Khartoum, Sudan for the
          next three months. Look for him  to operate as ST2T  as soon as  his
          worload permits. He will use a  log periodic on  30-10 metres and  a
          multiband dipole for the low bands. QSL via S57DX. [TNX S57DX]
TK     - Serge, F6AUS will be active as  TK/F6AUS from Corsica (EU-014)  from
          22 June to 23 July. He plans to operate also from EU-164 for one  or
          two weekends and from EU-100 for a few  days. When he is not on  the
          main island, Serge  will sign TK/F6AUS/p.  QSL via  home call.  [TNX
VP2E   - Jim, WB2REM will be active again  as VP2EREM from Anguilla  (NA-022)
          on 17-27 June. He plans to  operate on 40, 20, 15  and 10 metres  CW
          and SSB. QSL via WB2REM. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
UA     - Nikolai/UA9KM, Serge/UA9KB, Andy/RA9KM, Mike/UA9KGH/1, Boris/UA9LAC,
          Tim/RV6LFE, Valery/UT7CR  and Mike/UT9IO  will operate  as  RK9KWK/p
          from Litke Island (RR-06-02, RDA YN-14) in the Marresalskiye  Koshki
          Islsands (AS-089) from  22 June to  1 July. They  plan to be  active
          with three  stations on  10-80 metres  SSB and  CW. QSL  via  UA4RC,
          direct or bureau. [TNX UA9KM]
UR     - Look for Sergey, UT2FA/p to activate three Ukrainian lighthouses  on
          12 and  13 June.  He plans  to  activate both  Ochakova  lighthouses
          (UKR-036/ULA-039 and UKR-037/ULA-040)  one day  and the  Victorovsku
          peredny lighthouse (UKR-040, ULA-037) the other day. QSL via  UT2FA.
          [TNX VA3RJ]
W      - Peter, W1DAD and Jeanne, K1MOM will operate as K1D until 20 June  to
          celebrate Kid's Day (19 June) and  Amateur Radio Awareness. QSL  via
          W1DAD, direct or bureau. [TNX W1DAD]
W      - W2NDP, N4WBJ and  N4DLW will operate  as homecall/4 from  Gasparilla
          Island (NA-069) on 13 June. It will be a reconnaissance trip in view
          of the  upcoming IOTA  Contest.QSL direct  to home  calls. [TNX  The
          Daily DX]
YA     - Daniel, DL5SE will be active as  YA0Y from Kabul, Afghanistan  until
          September. He operates with 100 watts  into a ground plane. QSL  via
          DL5SE. [TNX DL2JRM]
YB     - Dudy, YB0DPO and several other YB0 and YB1 operators will be  active
          on 80-10 metres with three stations (one for SSB, one for CW and one
          for RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV)  as YE1P from  Peucang Island (OC-237)  on
          21-25 July,  IOTA Contest  included. QSL  via YB1TC,  either  direct
          (Soekardi, P.O. Box  151 BSD, Serpong  15330, Indonesia) or  through
          the  bureau.  Full  details,  including  logs,   can  be  found   at
          http://www.peucang.org [TNX YB0DPO]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

CE9/R1ANF ---> Dominik, DL5EBE reports that Oleg, UA1PBA (R1ANF) operated  as
CE9/R1ANF  from  the  Chilean  station  [see 425DXN #661] on  Ardley  Island,
South  Shetlands  (AN-010), on 15 May.  Originally established  by the former
German Democratic Republic, this small Antarctic station was first taken over
by the  Alfred Wegener Institute  for  Polar and Marine  Reasearch, and  then
transferred to Chile in February 1997.

NOT THE MANAGER ---> Bill, K8ZBY says he is still receiving cards for  9K2FM,
but he is not and has never been the QSL manager for this station.

QSL 3B8GL ---> Mart, DL6UAA (aka 3B8MM)  has known 3B8GL and 3B8GL in  person
for ten years and advises not to QSL 3B8GL via UR5VHB. Ashvin's QSL cards are
managed by his father (3B8CF) and he never sent his logs to UR5VHB.

QSL P40L ---> Gert, K5WW reports that effective immediately he is the new QSL
manager for QSOs made with P40L in 2003, 2004, etc.

QSL VIA EA4BQ ---> Olli, EA4BQ  (aka OH0XX) participated in  both the CQ  WPX
contests this  year -  as ED8EW  (SSB) and  OC4WW (CW).  QSL for  both  these
activities should  go to  Olli  Rissanen, Calle  Ciguela  331, Los  Cotos  de
Monterrey, 28729 Venturada, Madrid, Spain. [TNX EA4BQ]

T33C AT  FRIEDRICHSHAFEN --->  A lecture  & slide-show  on T33C  (April  2004
DXpedition to Banaba) will be held  on 25 June in the Konferenzzentrum  (Room
Oesterreich) at 16.00. Visitors will be able to collect their QSL cards on 26
June at booth  437 (Hall A1),  from 10.30 to  12.00 and again  from 13.30  to
16.00. [TNX DF2SS]

WLH CONTEST ---> The first edition of the Worldwide World Lighthouses Contest
will be held from 6 UTC on 3 July to 12 UTC on the 4th. Complete details  are
available at http://www.wlh-award.com/ [TNX F5NQL]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

3XDQZ:        Pictures of Sebastien's (F8DQZ) April operation from  Alcatrack
               Island (AF-096) can be found at www.mdxc.org/3xdqz [TNX IZ8CCW]
DAYTON 2004:  Tom  Roscoe,   K8CX  has   posted  the   2004  Dayton   Gallery
               http://hamgallery.com/dayton2004/. The Gallery  has 174  photos
               (146  taken  by  Tom,  the  rest  come  from  W4MYA)  from  the
               Contesters Dinner, Top Band Dinner, DX Dinner and Crowne  Plaza
               Hospitality Suites. [TNX K8CX]
QSL DB:       Boye Christensen,  OZ7C  has updated   his  QSL  DBase   (which
               now contains 354,325 unique records) for   Packet Cluster.  The
               package can be  downloaded at http://www.qsl.net/oz7c/qsl  [TNX

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2XX       N5XX  (a)   F/PA6JUN    PB0AJN      PJ4U        YL2KL
3D2XX       W6YOO (b)   FK8GJ       F6CXJ       PW3A        PY3CQ
3G1E        CE1FA       FO/ON4AXU   ON4AXU      R200MIG     RV3LZ
4X6HP       EA7FTR      GB60DDL     G0VIX       S5048AL     S58AL
5K1X        EA7FTR      GB6JUN      G0OOO       S5049N      S59N
5N6EAM/7    IK2IQD      GI1A        UT5SI       SI9AM       SM3CVM
5N9NDP      IK5JAN      GM7CXM/C6A  EA5ON       SJ9WL       SM5DJZ
5Z4IA       N3CLO       GX3WRS/P    M3ZYZ       SN0KAL      SP3PKL
5Z4IC       MW0AIE      HA2YNG      HG2EBJ      SN0R        SP2QCR
6W7RV       F4AHV       HF2EU       SP2EB       SO8FH       PA0F
6Y4OJ       WC4E        HG3M        HA3MY       ST2DX       PA7FM
8R40USA     8R1AK       HG3UHU      HA3MQ       SU9BN       EA7FTR
9A/N0MX     DJ2MX       HI3TEJ      ON4IQ       SV0XAN/5    IK2WZD
9H3BC       DF6MS       HK1HHX      EA7FTR      TJ3SL       F5PSA
9H3DX       DF2UU       HN0Z        SM1TDE      TM6ACO      F6KFI
9H3MM       DF4SA       HS0ZCW      K4VUD       TM6BMC      F5IL
9K2/M0AYL   G4OHX       IG9/IV3NVN  N1IBM       TM6J        F6KCZ
9M6A        N2OO        IG9B        N1IBM       TM6JDD      F8KFE
9M8DX       DL4DBR      IH9/IT9MRM  IT9MRM      TM6JUN      F5RJM
9V1GO       OK1DOT      II5LDV      I5NZR       TM6O        F5SDH
A45WD       YO9HP       IO1PDT      IZ1CCE      TM6OGM      F5NLX
A61AR       UA6MF       IR7MD       IK7XNF      TM6OVS      F5RPB
AM4UCM      EA4GU       IS0/S52A    S59AA       TM6SME      F6IPS
BW0CW       BV2KI       IU3AC       IK3GES      TM6VER      F8IQS
BY6DX       BA4EG       J42T        SV2BFN      TM7BDX      F8BBL
CE2LZR      EA5KB       J47DX       HA4DX       TM7HAM      F6KWP
CE9/R1ANF   RK1PWA      J47HW       HA0HW       TM7OAA      F6KAT
CN8YZ       EA7FTR      J47XG       HA4XG       TM8SOE      F8KKV
CO2CI       WD4OIN      J49PM       HB9IQB      TM9GS       F8KKV
CO6XN       N3ZOM       JW/CT1BWW   CT1BWW      TM9R        F6IRA
CO8TW       IZ8CCW      JW1CCA      LA1CCA      TU8/F5LPY   F5LPY
CO8ZZ       DK1WI       JW3R        LA3R        UE1RDA      UA1RJ
CQ24FUH     CT2FUH      JW7FJA      LA7FJA      UE1RDA/1    UA1RJ
CS0RCL/p    CS0RCL  (a) JY9QJ       DL5MBY      UE1RDA/A    UA1RJ
CS0RCL/p    CT1GFK  (b) KH6BB       K1ER        UE1RDA/P    UA1RJ
CS2004REP   CT1REP      KH6ZM       I0MWI       UE1SSD      UA1RJ
CS5E        CT1CSY      KL7J        N3SL        UN7QX       W7BO
CS6T        CT1ILT      KP3A        W3HNK       V51KC       WD4AWO
D2BB        W3HNK       LG5LG       SM5DJZ      V85SS       JA4ENL
D2PFN       KK5DO       LU5FF       EA7JX       VK4FW/p     VK4FW
D44TT       K1BV        LW2DFH      EA5KB       VP6TC       K6RPF
D4B         K1BV        LZ2TU       WB2RAJ      VP9/W9AEB   WF9V
D80HQ/3     DS1KVP      MD3VPE/P    M3VPE       W2T         AF2HD
E20HHK/P    E21EIC      NJ2BB       KB2BRR      W5D         W5GAD
ED1VIC      EA1YS       OD5UJ       YO3FRI      WP2Z        KU9C
ED2TER      EA2BIB      OE#XRC/90KK OE4RGC      WW2DDM      K4BSF
ED4CLA      EA4AFY      OE2XCW/90KK OE4RGC      XR2F        NK4U
ED4PSV      EA4EGA      OE2XRM/90KK OE4RGC      YB0ECT      K5ZE
ED4RCP      EA4RKF      OE5XAM/90KK OE4RGC      YB1HDF      EA5KB
ED5CPX/P    EA5FER      OE5XCL/90KK OE4RGC      YI3SRA      IZ8EDJ
ED5MUC      EA5URM      OE7XBH/90KK OE4RGC      YI9KT       SP8HKT
ED5RCV      EA5ADD      OH0B        OH2BH       YI9WRV      W3HNK
ED6FSS      EA6ZX       OH0Z        OH5DX       YT200S      4N1RS (SSB)
ED7FPR      EA7BNL      OH9A        OH1NOA      YT200S      YU1AB (CW)
ED7MCE      EA7CFU      OJ0SM       SM5HJZ      YT200S      YZ1DZ (RTTY)
ED7MMC      EA7AYS      OL7D        OK1TD       YV5SSB      EA5KB
ED7SRS      EA7URC      OL7R        OK1XUV      YZ200A      YZ1AA
EG#FAS      EA4FAS      OM500KM     OM2FY       Z32AF       N8RKA
EG4UCM      EA4GU       OZ0MS       DH8BQA      Z33F        IZ8FWN
EG4UPU      EA4GU       OZ1RDP      DL9BCP      ZD8JA       N1ZZZ
EG7DFA      EA7GRA      P29YS       VK6YS       ZF2BI       K4BI
EM1HO       I2PJA       P4/LY2CY    LY2CY       ZP9XB       PP5BI
EM3H        UR3HC       P4/LY2TA    LY2TA       ZS10JUN     ZS6AMX
EN35F       UX0FF       P40O        LY2TA       ZT6T        ZS6MG
ET3TK       OK1CU       P40X        LY2TA       ZW7AA       PS7KC
F/ON6JUN/P  ON5SD       P49MR       VE3MR       ZX7AA       PS7KC

(a) bureau   (b) direct

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

AF2HD      Bob Wilder, 6032 Idlemoore Court, Theodore, AL 36582-4117, USA
CE1FA      P.O. Box 71, Arica, Chile
CT1GFK     Antonio Jose Rebelo Guerreiro, P.O. Box 1111 - Zona Industrial,
            8700 240 Olhao, Portugal
DL2SWW     Frank Dreyer, Gartenweg 9, D-19069 Alt-Meteln, Germany
DL2VFR     Enrico Stumpf-Siering, OT Bindow Gruene Trift 19, D-15754
            Heidesee, Germany
EA4FAS     Radio Club de las FAS, C/ Avenida de Palacio s/n, PCMMT, 28048
            Madrid, Spain
EA7FTR     Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque - Huelva,
ET3AA      P.O. Box 60258, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
F5LPY      Bernard Jung, 294 rue Republique, 55120 Dombasle-en-Argonne,
I2PJA      Antonio Petroncari, Via Enzo Togni 87, I-27043 Broni - PV, Italy
IT9MRM     Alberto Mattei ,Via Enrico Millo 20, 96011 Augusta - SR, Italy
IZ1CCE     Carlo Sobrito, Via I Maggio 9, 10051 Avigliana - TO, Italy
KE6TNN/YI0 Gy Sgt. Joel Dunton, HMH 466 SQDRN GYSGT, UIC 41101, FPO AP
            96426-1101, USA
LU7EE      Arnoldo Jorge Corda, Calle 8 3465, Entre 500 y 501, 1897 Manuel B.
            Gonnet - BA, Argentina
OK1DOT     Petr Gustab, P.O.Box 52, Cesky Brod, 282 01 Czech Republic
ON4AXU     Gerard Dijkers, Hobosstraat 28, 3900 Overpelt, Belgium
PS7KC      P.O. Box 251, 59010-970 Natal - RN, Brazil
RK1PWA     Nick Shapkin, P.O.Box 73, 164744 Amderma, Arkhangelskaja, Russia
UX0FF      Nikolay Lavreka, P.O. Box 320, Izmail, 68609, Ukraine
VK4FW      Bill Horner, P.O. Box 513, Nambour, 4560, Australia
VQ5V       P.O. Box 88, Morris, OK 74445-0088, USA
W5GAD      Jefferson Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 73665, Metarie, LA 70033,
YZ1AA      Rodoljub Rankovic, P.O. Box 17, 11550 Lazarevac, Serbia and
ZS6MG      Vladimir Karamitrov, P.O. Box 1788, Bramley 2018, Gauteng, South

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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