DX425 bulletin issue nr. 681

425 DX News #681
22 May 2004
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

9L     - The station spotted on 20 metres in the UTC afternoon of 16 May  was
          not the genuine  Massimo, 9L1MS, as  rough seas  prevented him  from
          reaching  Banana  Island  (AF-037).  Weather  permitting,  his  next
          attempt will be on  23 May (Sunday),  again indicatively between  11
          and 17 UTC. [TNX 9L1MS]
CT     - Amateur radio operators from Portugal, the  Azores and Madeira   may
          use the following special prefixes  from 12 June  and 4 July  during
          the Football (soccer) European Championships (EURO 2004):
          CT1 = CQ14      CU0 = CU04      CU5 = CU54
          CT2 = CQ24      CU1 = CU14      CU6 = CU64
          CT4 = CQ44      CU2 = CU24      CU7 = CU74
          CT5 = CQ54      CU3 = CU34      CU8 = CU84
          CT3 = CS94      CU4 = CU44      CU9 = CU94
          The    official    REP    (Rede    dos    Emissores     Portugueses,
          http://www.rep.pt/) station  will be  CS2004REP.  Information on the
          EURO 2004 award  will be published  in the next issue of the 425  DX
          News Magazine. [TNX CT1END]
F      - Members of the  Castres DX Gang  will be active  as homecall/p  from
          Fort Brescou (EU-148) on 27-31  May, including an  entry as TM5B  in
          the CQ WPX CW Contest. QSL via F5XX. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
FT     - French previously VHF-only  licensees (those with  1 or  4 in  their
          prefix: F1  &  F4, TK1  &  TK4, etc)  have  been  granted  HF  bands
          privileges and are allowed to operate on all modes except A1A,  A2A,
          F1A and F2A. Do not  be surprised if  Sebastien, FT1ZL on  Amsterdam
          Island (AF-002) becomes active on 10,  12, 15, 17 and 20 metres  SSB
          in  the  near   future.  Suggested   frequencies  are   28485/28495,
          24974/24954, 21271/21191, 18148/18138 and 14274/14195 kHz. Plase  be
          patient with  Sebastien,  as he  has  no experience  at  all  of  HF
          pile-ups. [TNX The Daily DX]
G      - The Chippenham & District Amateur Radio Club will be active as GB2LI
          from Lundy Island (EU-120) on 21-28 September. They plan to  operate
          CW and SBB  on all the  HF bands, plus  possibly 6 and  2 metres  as
          well. QSL via G3YBT. [TNX G3YBT]
I      - Alex, IK4ALM and Robby, IK4XCL plan to operate SSB and CW from Isola
          Canarin (not IOTA, IIA RO-018) on 22 May. [TNX IK4ALM]
I      - IT9MRM/n will be active on 25-27 May (from 9 to 17 UTC on 10, 15, 20
          and 40 metres  mainly SSB) from  the former  Navy station  Palombara
          (IGJ), at the Italian Navy Telecommunication Centre in Augusta. [TNX
I      - Alberto, IT9MRM  plans to  operate  as IH9/IT9MRM  from  Pantelleria
          (AF-018, IIA  TP-001) during  his spare  time  on 8-9  June.  Expect
          activity on  10 and  15 metres  SSB. QSL  via home  call, direct  or
          bureau.        Logs        will        be        available        at
          http://www.qsl.net/it9mrm/index.html [TNX IT9MRM]
I      - Mauro, IW1RHG  and several  other operators  will be  active on  all
          bands and modes as  IR1PL from Portofino  Lighthouse on 18-19  June.
          Further information will be available at http://home.tele2.it/iw1rhg
          [TNX IW1RHG]
IS0    - IS0SDX/n and IS0IGV/n will be active on 24-27 May (from 7 to 18  UTC
          on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres CW) celebrating the 61st anniversary  of
          the Italian Navy  Telecommunication Centre in  Cagliari. All of  the
          QSOs will be confirmed automatically via bureau. [TNX I1ZB]
JA     - Kenji, JA4GXS will  operate as  JA4GXS/4 from  Saba Island  (AS-117,
          JIIA-AS-117-???) on  22  May. Expect  activity  on or  around  7055,
          10177, 14260 and 21260 kHz. QSL via home call, direct (Kenji Sasaki,
          2-15 Ishikannon-cho,  Yamaguchi  753-0038, Japan)  or  bureau.  [TNX
OJ0    - Look for Seppo, OH1VR to operate  on all bands CW  and SSB as  OJ0VR
          from Market Reef (EU-053) on 24-27  May. QSL direct to OH1VR  (Seppo
          Sisatto, Ojakatu 3 A 18, 33100 Tampere, Finland). [TNX NG3K]
OH0    - Ari, OH5DX will operate  on all bands  CW and SSB  as OH0Z from  the
          Aland Islands (EU-002)  from 28 May  to 4 June,  including a  single
          band entry in the  CQ WPX CW  Contest. QSL via  home call. [TNX  The
          Daily DX]
SV9    - Ben, OZ5AAH  will  be active  as  SV9/OZ5IPA from  Rethymnon,  Crete
          (EU-015) from 26  May to 3  June. QSL  direct to  home call  (Preben
          Jakobsen, 25 Gjethusparken,  DK-3300 Frederiksvaerk, Denmark).  [TNX
VE     - Skip, KJ6Y will  be active  in spare  time as  VY2/KJ6Y from  Prince
          Edward Island (NA-029)  on 24-30 May.  QSL via home  call. [TNX  The
          Daily DX]
VE     - Mike/AD5A and Michael/AB5EB will operate as homecall/VO2 from Battle
          Island (NA-044)  on 19-21  June. They  will have  two stations  with
          amplifiers and verticals and will be  active on 10-80 metres CW  and
          SSB. QSL via N6AWD. [TNX The Daily DX]
VE     - Francois, VA2RC will operate (on 10,  15, 20, 40, 80 metres SSB  and
          RTTY) as VO2/VA2RC from Labrador City (Zone 2) on 31 July (12-6 UTC)
          and  1  August  (12-4  UTC).  QSL  via  bureau  to  VA2RC.   Further
          information at http://www.qsl.net/va2rc [TNX VA2RC]
VP5    - David, W5AO and Kirk, K4RO will operate on 160-10 metres as VP5/W5AO
          and VP5/K4RO (QSL via home calls) from  26 May to 1 June. They  will
          participate in the CQ WPX CW  Contest as VQ5V (QSL  to P.O. Box  88,
          Morris, OK 74445-0088, USA) in the Multi/Single category. [TNX NG3K]
W      - Look for Howie, K1VSJ to be  active from Martha's Vineyard  (NA-046)
          from 28 May to 1 June. [TNX The Daily DX]
W      - During the last week in May, the entire month of June and the  first
          week in July Tom Pendarvis (W0MTP)  and Perry Ballinger (W8AU)  will
          operate as WW2LST/MM and W2T (when in the Boston harbour and in  the
          Washington, DC area) from the USS LST-325 (a landing ship for  tanks
          and troops that participated in the WW2 invasions of Sicily, Salerno
          and Normandy) while cruising along the Eastern Seaboard from  Mobile
          to Boston and Gloucester, MA and Alexandria, VA. They plan to be QRV
          daily at 15 UTC on 14310, 17 UTC on 14300,  2 UTC on 7210, 3 UTC  on
          3910 kHz +/- QRM. QSL  direct to AF2HD  (Bob Wilder, 6032  Idlemoore
          Court, Theodore, AL 36582-4117, USA). [TNX DL8AAM]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

10M CONTEST  --->  The  second  edition of  the  10  Meter  Italian  Contest,
sponsored by the Mediterraneo DX Club (http://www.mdxc.org/), will be held on
22-23 May. Participation is limited to Italian amateurs only.

CQ HALL OF FAME --->  The CQ Amateur  Radio Hall of  Fame was established  in
January 2001  to  recognize  individuals  -  radio  amateurs  or  not  -  who
significantly affected the course of Amateur Radio and radio amateurs who, in
the course of  their professional lives,  had a significant  impact on  their
professions or on world affairs.  This year's inductees  into the CQ  Amateur
Radio Hall of Fame are:
Jack Burchfield, K4JU                Atilano Oms, PY5EG
Ned Carman, W0ZSW (SK)               Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF
John Clarricoats, G6CL (SK)          Miguel Pluvinet Grau, EA3DUJ (SK)
Bob Heil, K9EID                      Ulrich Rohde, KA2WEU/DJ2LR
Tom Kneitel, K2AES                   Jerry Sevick, W2FMI
Hrane Milosevic, YT1AD               Bob Shrader, W6BNB
David Nurse, W8GCD (SK)              Oswald G. "Mike" Villard Jr, W6QYT (SK)
Sister Alverna O'Laughlin, WA0SGJ
The CQ Contest  Hall of Fame  was established  in 1986  to recognize  Amateur
Radio operators who have made major contributions to contesting. This  year's
inductees into the CQ Contest Hall of Fame are Steve Bolia, N8BJQ and  Robert
H. "Trey" Garlough, N5KO/HC8N. There were no nominations this year for the DX
Hall of Fame, established in 1967 to recognize major contributions by DXers.

ILLW ---> This year the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend, organised
and co-ordinated by Mike Dalrymple, GM4SUC,  will take place from from  00.01
UTC on  21 August  until 23.59  UTC on  the 22nd.  Full information  on  this
popular event can be  found at http://illw.net/index.html. If you decide  to
take   part   in   this   year's   event,   please   register   on-line    at
http://illw.net/2004.htm.  Announced    operations     are    listed     at

NOT THE  MANAGER --->  ON4ADN is  no longer  the  QSL manager  for  LX/ON6CK,
LX/ON6CK/P, ON50KTK,  ON6CK, OQ6CK,  OR3R and  OT2R. Cards  should be  routed
through ON6CK (UBA Kortrijk, Rijkswachtsstraat 1, B-8500 Kortrijk,  Belgium).

QSL MANAGER OFFERED  ---> Alan  Roocroft, VK4AAR  has room  for several  more
stations on his list. Those interested in using his QSL Manager services  can
contact him at almee2@dodo.com.au (correct e-mail address).

QSL VIA I2YSB ---> Silvano, I2YSB  (i2ysb@libero.it) reports that all  direct
requests received so far for ZK3SB and 5W0SB have been processed and  mailed.
Both the operations have been approved for DXCC credit.

QSL VIA  W6YOO --->  Harry, W6YOO  is the  new QSL  manager for  Clark,  N5XX
(N5XX/MM, XE/N5XX, FO/N5XX, ZK1XXX, ZK2XX, A35XX and ZL/N5XX). [TNX The Daily

XQ3BRN ---> This is the new  call issued to  Sergio, IZ6BRN (XQ3/IZ6BRN,  aka
VU3CUR, AP2WAP and  9N7RN). Soon he  will add a  6-element monobander for  10
metres to  his current  antennas (a  2-element for  12 and  17 metres  and  a
dipole). QSL direct to Sergio Curina,  Juan Bautista Pastene 3101,  Vitacura,
Santiago, Chile; bureau cards should be sent to IZ6BRN. [TNX XQ3BRN]

QSLs received direct  or through managers: 3B9FR,  3D2NN, 3D2YU, 4J0R, 4L1BR,
4L3Y, 4L6AM, 4S7CWG,  4U1UN, 5R8GZ, 5U7JB,  5U7WP, 5W0SB, 6D2YFM,  6W/SM0JHF,
6Y0A, 6Y0T, 7X2RO,  8Q7QQ, 8R1K, 8R1RPN,  9M6/PA0RRS, 9U5M, 9V1YC,  9Y4/DL8JS
(SA-009), A61AJ, BA4EG,BD5WW, BQ9P, C31BO, C4M,  C56JHF, C56R, C6AGN,  C6ANM,
D2PFN, D44AC, D4B, EY8MM, EZ8AQ,  FK8GJ, FO/OH6KN,  FY5KE, H40H,  H44H,  H6C,
HR1RMG/HR4 (NA-060), IR0ANT, J28VS, J79BK, J8DX,  JA6WFM/HI8,  JT1CO,  JY9NX,
P29VVB (OC-258), P3F,  P40G, P43JB, PI50Z,  PJ2MI, PJ4P,  PJ4T, PW0T,  PY0FF,
RW2F, SU9BN, SV2ASP/A, T20MW, T30NN, T30Z,  T32KV, T32N, T32ZA, T33RD,  T96Q,
TG9NX, TI2VW,  TI5/W7YAQ, TJ3G,  TO4E, TO4WW,  TR0B,TY5ZR, UA0QJG/0  (AS-029,
1994 QSO),  UY2UA, V31JP,  V31MD, V47UY,  V51AS, VP2E,  VP2VE, VP55W,  VP8LP,
VP9IB,  VQ9LA,  VR2MY,  VY1/N7FL  (NA-193),  W8DLI/WH0,  XF1/F6BFH  (NA-226),
(SA-066), YW5M (SA-015), Z37FAD, ZA/IK0OKY, ZA1A,  ZA1UT, ZB3C, ZC4CW,  ZF1A,

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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