425 DX News #680 15 May 2004 Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) >>> 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE <<< The 425 DX News monthly edition (April issue), edited by Maurizio Bertolino (I1-21171/IZ1CRR), is now available for free downloading in either.pdf or doc formats at http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/. 9L - Look for Massimo, 9L1MS to operate again as 9L1MS/p from Banana Island (AF-037) on 15 May. He expects to remain on the island indicatively from 11 to 17 UTC. [TNX 9L1MS] EA - Special event call AO0FL will be aired from Spain on 21-30 May for the the wedding of Prince Felipe and Dona Letizia Ortiz. QSL via EA4RCU. [TNX F5NQL] EA8 - Brian, GM4XQJ will operate as EA8/GM4XQJ/p from Fuerteventura (AF-004) until 25 May. This is a QRP CW activity with dipoles for 20 and 40 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX GM4XQJ] EA8 - Antonio, EA8AKN reports that the Gran Canaria DX Group will operate for the very first time from Roques del Confital (AF-004, DIE S-348) on 16 May. They will be active as ED8GCR; QSL via EA8AKN. EI - John, EI4GK plans to operate (on 0-80 metres SSB) as EJ4GK/p from Great Blasket Island (EU-007). Depending on weather conditions he hopes to be on the air from 19 May to the 21st or the 22nd. [TNX EI4GK] ES - Vello, ES1QD will be active again as either ES1QD/0 and ES0QD from Muhu Island (EU-034) in 21-24 May. He plans to operate CW and SSB on 30, 20 and 17 metres. [TNX JI6KVR] F - Fabrice/F5NBQ, Eric/F5LOW, Christian/F2EJ, Christian/F1SDQ, Jean-Philippe/F4EEK, Laurent/F5MNK and Jacky/F5OIU will be active as TM1X from Aix Island (EU-032, DIFM AT-023) on 15-20 May. They will operate on 80-10 metres CW and SSB (possibly RTTY and PSK31 as well) with two stations. QSL via F4EEK, direct (Jean-Philippe Herbouille, 12 rue Francois Mauriac, 16100 Cognac, France) or bureau. [TNX F5UJK] G - Nigel, 2E0NJW reports he will be active from St Mary's, Isles of Scilly (EU-011) between 31 May and 5 June. HL - Song/DS3EXX, Choi/DS1GBL, Choi/HL1MXR, Oh/HL1AKX, Jeon/HL0U, Yoo/DS5XVX, Kim/DS5YQQ, Kim/HL1IUV and Yoon/HL1KYX will operate as D77A from Tok Island (AS-045) on 20-23 May. They plan to operate on 160-6 metres SSB, CW, PSK31, SSTV and RTTY with two stations. Suggested frequencies, as well as other information, are available at http://www.d77a.com. QSL via DS3EXX, bureau or direct. [TNX HL0U] I - Tony/IK8UHA, Tony/IK8VRH and Ciro/IW8EZU will operate (on 40, 20, 17 and 6 metres SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK31) as IR8DX/p from La Nave (EU-031, IIA NA-035) on 22-23 May. QSL via IK8VRH. [TNX IK8VRH] I - IT9AAK, IT9EJW, IT9GAC, IT9TPJ, IT9VKY, IW9BCW, IW9BDV and IW9FY will operate as IF9RGE from Favignana Island (EU-054, IIA TP-011, MIA MI-025) between 29 May and 2 June. They plan to operate on HF (CW and SSB), 6 and 2 metres and to be active during the CQ WPX CW Contest. QSL via IT9EJW either direct (Alfio Bonanno, P.O. Box 18, 95028 Valverde - CT, Italy) or through the bureau. Further information at http://www.rgetna.org [TNX IT9EJW] I - ARI Ostia (www.ariostia.it) and Alitalia ARC will operate field day stations IQ0OS and IR0AZI on 5-6 June. They expect to be active on HF, 6 metres and VHF-UHF. [TNX I0EKY] IS0 - Luigi, IZ5FKK will operate on the HF bands (SSB, RTTY and PSK31) 6 and 2 metres as IM0/IZ5FKK from Maddalena Island (EU-041, IIA SS-001) on 5-15 July. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX IK5FKK] J7 - Seth, SM0XBI and Leif, SM0FWW will be active from Dominica (NA-101) on 17-28 May. Plans are to operate SSB, CW and maybe RTTY/PSK; requested calls are J79XBI and J79FWW. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX SM0FWW] KH2 - Dick, JF1JPC will operate as KH2/JF1JPC from Guam (OC-026) on 15-16 May. Expect activity on 80-12 metres SSB, CW and above all PSK31. QSL via home call. [TNX JF1JPC] OE - Lee, K1NT will be QRV as OE/K1NT from Austria on 20-25 May. On the 23rd, from 12 to 19 UTC, he will operate CW with an emphasis on the WARC bands from the Vienna International Centre station (4U1VIC). QSL via K1NT. [TNX K1NT] P4 - Tony, N2KI will be active as P40KI from Aruba (SA-036) on 20-26 May. He plans to operate mainly RTTY and SSB on as many bands as possible. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] PY - PT2ADM reports he will be active as ZW10AS until 31 May. This special call is in memory of F1 pilot Ayrton Senna, who died in 1994. QSL via home call. SP - Special event station SNOLED will be active on all bands CW, SSB and FM from Lednica on 28-30 May for the VIII Meeting of the Youth Organization. QSL via SP3POH (bureau) or SP3OL (direct). [TNX SP3OL] SV - Look for SV8/OK1AMM/p and SV8/OK2BOB/p to be active (on 160-10 metres CW and SSB) from Kerkyra (Corfu) Island (EU-O52) on 14-23 May. [TNX OK2BOB] SV - Hellmuth, DF7XE will be active (on 10-80 metres SSB and CW) from Thassos Island (EU-174) on 14-26 May. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX] SV5 - Goran, SM0CMH willl be active as SV5/SM8C from Kalymnos, Dodecanese (EU-001) from 22 May to 5 June. He will operate CW on 10-80 metres (hopefully also on 160 metres). QSL via SM0CMH, direct or bureau. [TNX SM0CMH] TA - Mike, DF8AN will be in Turkey until 17 May and will operate mainly CW on 20 and 40 metres from four different lighthouses: as TA1/DF8AN/LGT from Ahirkapi (TUR-056) and Rumeli Burnu (TUR-060) and as TA2/DF8AN/LGT from Kizkulesi (TUR-038) and Haydarpasa (TUR-024). QSL via DF8AN, direct (Michael Noertemann, Neustadt 18, D-37154 Northeim, Germany) or bureau. [TNX DF8AN] TU - Gianni, IN3ASW and Franco, IN3DYG will be active as TU2WL from Aboisso, Cote d'Ivoire from 20 May to 1 June. They plan to operate SSB and possibily PSK31 and RTTY. QSl via IN3ASW (Gianni Fattore, Gianni Fattore, Via del Sera' 4, 38051 Borgo Valsugana- TN, Italy). [TNX IN3ASW] UA - Serge, RA3XR and Nick, UA3YH will join a scientific expedition to Dikson Island (AS-005, RR-06-09) from 15 June to 15 September and will operate as RA3XR/0 and UA3YH/0 (or with a special call they hope to get). QSL via home calls, bureau or direct. The web page for the operation is at http://dx.obninsk.org/dikson_en.htm [TNX RA3XR] UR - Special call EO60FO will be aired from the Odessa region of Ukraine until 27 August to celebrate the liberation of Odessa region back in 1944. QSL via bureau. [TNX UT5RP] VK - Johan, PA3EXX will operate as VK4WWI/P from Marion Reef in the Coral Sea Islands Territory North Group (OC-???) on 8-12 November. QSL via PA3EXX. Further information will be available at http://home.tiscali.nl/~su042021/ [TNX PA3EXX] VP8_sg - Amateur radio operator Alex Cottle is currently wintering at the British Antarctic Survey's base on Bird Island, South Georgia (AN-007) and is keen to be active as VP8SGB. Alex operates SSB only, he has little experience of amateur radio operations and no experience at all of pile-ups, so please be patient with him. Alex is likely to operate after 18 UTC, presumably starting on 20 metres. QSL via GM0HCQ. Further information will be posted on Mike's web site (http://www.gm0hcq.com) once he is back home in early June. [TNX GM0HCQ] YI - James, KC4MC is on a 6-month deployment to Iraq and will be active as YI9MC as time permits. QSL via N2OO. [TNX N2OO] YO - Jean-Michel Duthilleul, F6AJA, Editor of "Les Nouvelles DX" (http://LesNouvellesDX.free.fr), reports he will once again be active in his free time as YO/F6AJA from the QTH of Silviu, YO8FZ in Suceava, Romania on 24-30 May. QSL via F6AJA. AFRICA TRIPLE HOP ---> Dave Anderson, K4SV and Neil King, VA7DX return to Africa in late July and will be QRV follows: * from Lesotho as 7P8DA (Dave) and 7P8NK (Neil) on 29 July - 6 August; * from Swaziland as 3DA0SV (Dave) and 3DA0WC (Neil) on 7-11 August; * from Mozambique (callsigns TBA) on 12-17 August. CW, SSB, RTTY and other digital mode operation is planned on 10-160 metres, subject to daily propagation conditions, with focus on the low bands at night. Special effort will be made to work the general portion of the bands. Verticals will be used on 160 to 30 metress with 4 element A4S and WARC beams for the higher bands. The QSL manager for the entire operation will be K4YL (Stephen M. Grose, P.O. Box 183, Flat Rock, NC 28731-0183, USA). Information on how to QSL and daily online logs will be available at http://www.K4SV.com [TNX K4SV] ____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA 10M CONTEST ---> The second edition of the 10 Meter Italian Contest, sponsored by the Mediterraneo DX Club (http://www.mdxc.org/contestitalia), will be held on 15-16 May. Participation is limited to Italian amateurs only. EUCW 160M CONTEST ---> The results for the 2004 event are now available at http://perso.club-internet.fr/jacar/resultats/res_04_f.html. Next year the contest will be held on 8 January (20-23 UTC) and 9 January (4-7 UTC). [TNX F5NQL] EU PSK DX CONTEST 2004 ---> The Scottish-Russian ARS invites the radio amateurs all over the world to participate in the first European Digital DX Contest to be held from 12 UTC on 22 May to 12 UTC on the 23rd. The objective of the contest is to establish as many contacts as possible between radio amateurs around the world and radio amateurs in Europe using the BPSK31 mode on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. Full information is available at http://www.srars.org/eudxpsk.htm [TNX MM0DFV] J42004 ---> This is the special prefix that foreign amateur radio operators visiting Greece from 1 AUGUST to 15 SEPTEMBER (not November, as reported in 425DXN #679) can use to celebrate the Olympic Games. Official information on procedures and formalities can be found on RAAG's (Radio Amateur Association of Greece) web site at http://www.raag.org/index-en.html QSL AS-067 ---> Those who want a QSL card for JA4PXE/6 and JH4WXV/6, who operated from Uji Island (AS-067) a couple of weeks ago, are invited to send their requests now. For questions please e-mail to ja4pxe@jarl.com or jh4wxv@jarl.com [TNX JI6KVR] QSL HF0QF ---> Wanda, SP7IWA has received the HF0QF cards from the printer and has started processing direct requests received so far. The QSL cards for HF0POL operated by Voytek, SP5QF/HF0QF will be printed later this year. [TNX SP7IWA] QSL ON8CE ---> The QSL manager for this call (including /P or /A), which will be used during the European Castels Day (16 May), is Daniel, ON7VZ. [TNX ON7VZ] QSL TL8DV ---> Dave, TL8DV has left Africa and is back to the US. Cards for TL8DV (as well as for TL8ALD and DU1/W1DV) should be sent to W1DV, either direct (David A. Vittum, 5 Resthaven Drive, Phelps, NY 14532, USA) or through the bureau. [TNX The Daily DX] QSL MANAGER OFFERED ---> Alan Roocroft, VK4AAR has room for several more stations on his list. Those interested in using his QSL Manager services (from Zimbabwe, now that they have no bureau, or any other part of the world) can e-mail Alan at almee@dodo.com.au. Currently Alan is the QSL manager for 9V0A, 9V1DX, C21RH, KH2VM, P29RH, V63PD, VI0ANARE, VK0MM, VK6AN (OC-266), VK6BM (OC-234), VK6BSI (OC-243), VK6LI (Pasco Island, OC-071), VK8AN, VK8AN/6 (OC-154), VK8AN/8 (OC-229), VK8AV/3 (OC-136), VK8DP, VK8MI (OC-173), VK8RH, VK8XC, VU3RSB, YJ8AA, ZK2JJ and ZK2PJ. QSL VIA SM1TDE ---> Eric, SM1TDE says he has cleared the backlog for HN0Z (WPX SSB Contest opeation by YI9ZF) and 5H3/SM1TDE. New requests are now processed on a daily basis. UKRAINIAN DX DIGI CONTEST ---> This year this new annual event will be held on 26-27 June. Rules can be found at http://www.qsl.net/ur5fav/udrpc [TNX UR5FAV] ZIMBABWE QSL BUREAU ---> Don, G3BJ reports that on 3 May the Zimbabwe Amateur Radio Society decided to close their QSL Bureau because of the excessive cost. ____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA BORNEO 2004: Statistics and several pictures of the recent V8PMB (OC-184) and 9M8PSB (OC-165) are now available at http://www.425dxn/org LOGS: Logs for the recent 7Q7MM operation are now available at http://www.malawi.digital-crocus.com/log.php LOGS: All of the logs (95,481 QSOs) for each of the callsigns used during the "Project Goodwill Albania 2003" are now available at http://www.za1a.com ____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3B8/DL3LBP DL3LBP EV6ZK EU6MM RP4U RK4UWA 3D2AZ JA2AZX FK/JF1UIO JF1UIO RP6ADK RK6AWY 3D2CF IK1PMR H44TJ VK3BCN RP9XPO RA9XF 3D2FO JR2FOR HA2004EU HA5X S5040A S50A 3D2IC JA2AIC HA200CVM HA0NAR S5040R S50R 3D2MI JJ2KYT HF3UE SP3RNZ S5041U S51U 3D2MR IK1PMR HF650D SP1AEN S5042LW S52LW 3D2NK JA2AAU HF85AMU SP3PKL S5043F S54F 3D2NN AA4NN HG56VEK HA1SR S5043S S53S 4L1FX DJ1CW HK8RQS/P EA5KB S5044E S54E 4Z8AS WB4FSV HS0ZEO OE1GZA S5045A S55A 5B/UA6LCW UA6LCW HS72B E20NTS S5047W S57W 5H3EE DL4SM HZ1AB K8PYD S5048A S58A 5W1RA KB7KET HZ1MD PA2V SN4EU SP2QCU 6W8CK DH7WW IQ8CS IZ8BGY SN6EU SP6PCM 8Q7WP JA1WPX IR0HM I7YKN SV0XAN/5 IK2WZD 8S7VEN SM6XMY J79WG DL2AWG T30MR IK1PMR 9A0CI/LH DE0MST JD1BLK JM1LJS T33CF IK1PMR 9A0EU 9A5CY JM1LJS/JD1 JM1LJS T33MR IK1PMR 9H1RV 9H1XE JO2JDJ/JD1 JO2JDJ T49C K8SIX 9J2HK JP1RZS JY4NE K3IRV TA2ZF UT2UB 9M8PSB IZ1CRR KG4PC N0VPC TA3DD K3PD 9V1GO OK1DOT LY2004A LY1CM TM8MAI F6KWP BI4Q BG4RQP LY2004E LY3BY TP7CE F5LGF C4EU 5B4AGC LY2004O LY2UF TU2OJ F5IPJ CL9C K8SIX LY2004P LY1XA TU5KG F4EFI CO2OJ K8SIX LY2004R LY2ZZ UE1NFF RN1NU CT7Z CT2GVG LY2004U LY1FW UE4NNU/P UA4NU CU3E CU3CY LZ04KM LZ1BFR UE6YFF RA6YJ D2PFN KK5DO M0SDX UT2UB UE6YYW UA6YW D2U EA7JX NA8O/KH2 JK1FNL UE9XXX RV9XX D44TD CT1EKF OL0EU OK1DJG UM9M UK8AR D71CW DS3EXX OM/HA5RT/P HA6NL UP59BF UN7BF ED2TER EA2BIB OY9OY ON5UR V31AY LU2NI ED3MEB EA3GIS R3ARS/3 RA3AKF V31CE LU2NI ED3TCT EA3EVR RP1COP RN1CX V31NL LU2NI ED4RXG EA4EGA RP1N RK1NWA VR2CMX JN4ASA ED7URR EA7DA RP3AIW RZ3AXG XU7ACE ES1FB EM5U UT2UB RP3DPR RU3DI XU7ACV ES1FB EO59G UR5GAR RP3MGB RK3MWI XU7ARA ES1RA EO59I UR6IM RP3POT RK3PWJ YB0A W3HNK EO59IS US7IGF RP3QQP UA3OO YC3MM IZ8CCW EO59JK W1TE RP3WTW RW3WWW YI9CG pirate EO59JM K2PF RP3XMV UA3XAC YM2ZF UT2UB EO59JS KD5RBU RP3YGA RV3YR YZ200A YZ1AA EO59QWW UY5ZZ RP3ZES RK3ZWK Z22JE K3PD ER0ITU ER1DA RP3ZKB RK3ZZ ZD8I G4LTI ER9V ER1DA RP3ZOR RK3ZZM ZY10AS PY2KQ QSL VIA RW6HS ---> Vasilij, RW6HS (http://www.rw6hs.narod.ru) reports he is the QSL manager for the following stations: 3B8FQ EX8NR RA0LGG UA9ZBN UK8IWT UN7BL 3DA0BL EX8NV RA1WL UE6ADI UK8LBB UN7BU 4K2BY EX8NX RA1WP UI8IAW UK8LBZ UN7ECA 4K2OX EX8VAB RA9HM UI9B/RB3MO UK8LC UN7EED 4K4BCU EX8VI RF6QAI UI9BWO UK8LWA UN7GDL 4K4CDE EY7AF RI3B UJ3I UK8OAU UN7GDV 4K4CDE/UL7B EY8VV RI8BDN UK50A-Z UK8QQ UN7GHG 4K6CM EZ5AR RN2FF UK7AV UK8VA UN7GN 4L1FP EZ6DB RU0LX/mm UK7AW UK8ZAB UN7GZ 4L1QX EZ6DK RV0AM UK8ABT UK8ZAG UN7IG 4L1RK EZ6DM RW0BM UK8AIE UK8ZAH UN7MM 4L1UN EZ7AD RW0LIA UK8AJ UK8ZAV UN7QF 4L4KA EZ7AI RW0LOG UK8BEG UK8ZC UN7SK 4L6FU EZ7AL RW9AY UK8BEP UK8ZD UN7TO 4L6QQ EZ7AV RX3DQN UK8BN UK8ZK UN7TX 4Z5BZ EZ7AW RX6LMQ/0 UK8BQ UK8ZL UN8BG 4Z5FB EZ7V RX9CEV UK8BWO UK8ZR UN8BR 4Z5FL EZ8AI RZ9DX/0 UK8CAD UK8ZU UN8CK 4Z5FW FP5EK TA1AZ UK8CCD UK8ZX UN8LA 9H1ED GM0SDV UA0BC UK8CK UK9BB UN8LWZ 9H1GY GM0WRR UA0BCU UK8CWA UL7JW UN9LV CE2EZE JT1FDD UA0BD UK8DAN UL7OB UN9M CT3FF KP2J UA0I/UV3DDC UK8DAN UL7TX UO2000T DU1EIB KP3EM UA0LDY UK8FC UM4BWO UO2000TFN EK60SB LY2ER UA0LQJ UK8GA UM51BWO UO2000TO EK6DZ OD5EH UA0QBQ UK8GBO UM5BWO UO2000TS EK6LX OD5NO UA0Y/UA9YC UK8GDW UM8AWP UO2000TX ER2OG OD5SE UA2FBR UK8GI UM8IG UP9L ER5AL R0/UT1EO UA2FFM UK8GK UM8OM VK4SJP EX2F R1FJC UA2FGU UK8IAO UM9AA VR2EH EX7ML RA0BU/A UA3QJC/VR2 UK8ICP UN0GN YL2BI EX8A RA0BY UA6QL UK8ICQ UN2O YV5DEH EX8NC RA0CAH UA6QR UK8IG UN5J EX8NK RA0FAC UA9CDE UK8IT UN7AD EX8NP RA0FAN UA9CDE/UA0B UK8IWK UN7AO QSL direct only (2 IRC + SAE, no USD please) to Vasilij M. Kasyanenko, P.O. Box 0, G. Novopavlovsk, 357300 Stavropolskij kr, Russia. ____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA CT2GVG Nelson Fernandes, P.O. Box 32, 2846-999 Amora, Portugal DH7WW Ulrich Moeckel, Muldenstr. 1, 08304 Schoenheide, Germany ER1DA Valery Metaxa, P.O. Box 3000, Chisinau, MD 2071, Moldova I7YKN Nuccio Meoli, P.O. Box 66, 73010 Porto Cesareo - LE, Italy IZ1CRR Maurizio Bertolino, P.O. Box 2, 12022 Busca - CN, Italy JA1WPX Tadao Shimoichi, 4-12-8 Ebara Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 142-0063, Japan LZ1BFR P.O. Box 830, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria OK1DOT Petr Gustab, P.O. Box 52, Cesky Brod, 282 01 Czech Republic RN1CX Konstantin Lisovsky, P.O. Box 215/6, Sosnovy Bor, 188540, Russia RV3YR Victor Borodin, P.O. Box 1, Bryansk-27, 241027 Russia SP3RNZ Greg Dobrychlop, P.O.Box 85, 62510 Konin, Poland UA6LCW Serge Belikov, P.O. Box 504, Rostov-on-Don, 344002, Russia UR5GAR Andy Pulin, P.O. Box 23, Kherson 73022, Ukraine UT2UB Andrej Lyakin, P.O. Box 99, Kyiv-10, 01010 Ukraine UY5ZZ Vladimir F. Latyshenko, P.O. Box 4850, Zaporozhye 69118, Ukraine VK4FW Bill Horner, P.O. Box 513, Nambour, 4560, Australia ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to mailto:425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************