DX425 bulletin issue nr. 679

425 DX News #679
8 May 2004
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

CT3   - Antonio/CT1EPV, Luis/CT1AGF,  Hermann/CT3FN  (HB9CRV),  Jose/CT3MD,
         Toni/HB9EBV and maybe Juergen/DJ2VO will be active as CT9P from the
         lighthouse (LH  0830, FMA01)  on Ilheu  de Cima  (AF-014) on  16-19
         July. They will  operate on 10-40  metres CW, SSB,  RTTY and  PSK31
         with two stations. QSL to Kim Larson via N3SL. [TNX CT1END]
CT3   - Luis/CT1AGF, Antonio/CT1EPV,  Luis/CT3EE,  Hermann/CT3FN  (HB9CRV),
         Jose/CT3MD,    Juergen/DJ2VO,    Derek/G3KHZ,    Toni/HB9EBV    and
         Rejean/VA2AM will participate in the IOTA  Contest (24-25 July)  as
         CT9X from Porto Santo (AF-014).  QSL to Kim  Larson via N3SL.  [TNX
DL    - Only one out of the five  announced operations from German  islands
         [425DXN 677] will take place actually.  Look for Norby,  DL/LX9EG/p
         to operate from  Neuwerk Island  (EU-127) and  lighthouse on  20-23
         May. Norby says there will be an emphasis on working stations  from
         outside Europe; during local night hours  operations will be on  CW
EA6   - Peter, DL8YR will be active on all bands CW, SSB and maybe RTTY  as
         EA6/DL8YR/p from Mallorca, Balearic Islands (EU-004) on 12-26  May.
         QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX DL8YR]
EA8   - Look for Steve, EA8/G0SGB/p to be  active from various  lighthouses
         on Lanzarote Island (DIE S-007),  Canary Islands (AF-004)  starting
         on 10 May for two weeks. QSL via home call. [TNX VA3RJ]
ER    - Special event station ER9V will be active until 9 May from  Moldova
         to celebrate the 59th anniversary of the end of World War II.  Look
         also for ER0ITU  to be aired  on 13-17 May  to celebrate the  World
         Telecommunications Day. QSLs via ER1DA, direct (Valery Metaxa, P.O.
         Box 3000, Chisinau, MD 2071, Moldova)  or through the bureau.  [TNX
F     - Special event station TM8MAI will  be active on  8-9 May (from  the
         Maginot Line) and again on  the 16th (from  Mai Lorrain d'Ugny)  to
         celebrate the end of Wordl War  II. QSL via F6KWP. [TNX La  Gazette
         du DX]
F     - Leon, ON4ZD will be active as  F/ON4ZD/p from Fort Boyard  (EU-032,
         DIFM AT-026) from around 10 UTC on 14  May to around 13 UTC on  the
         15th. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX ON4ZD]
F     - Francois, F5JNE will be active on  20 and 40 metres SSB as  F5JNE/p
         from Belle Ile en Mer (EU-048,  DIFM AT-015) on 15-25 May. QSL  via
         home call, direct or bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
F     - The South Flanders  DX Activity  Group will  operate as  F/ON6JUN/P
         (http://www.qsl.net/on6jun) on  4-7 June  to commemorate  the  60th
         anniversary of D-Day. QSL via ON5SD. [TNX ON4LBV]
F     - Bordeaux DX  Group members  F2VX, F5OZF,  F5RXL, F5SSG,  F6EXV  and
         F8BBL will operate (on 40-10 metres CW and SSB) as TM7BDX from  the
         lighthouse (WLH 271) on Cordouan Island (EU-159) for about 8  hours
         on 12 June. QSL via F8BBL, bureau or direct. [TNX F8BBL]
G     - A group of  CVRS (Cray Valley  Radio Society,  http://www.cvrs.org)
         members (namely G0VJG, M3CVN, G4BUO, G0FDZ, 2E0ATY and G7GLW)  will
         operate on all bands SSB  and CW as  either G3RCV/p or  homecalls/p
         from St Mary's, Isles of Scilly  (EU-011) on 21-25 July,  including
         an entry  in the  IOTA Contest  as M8C.  QSL via  G4DFI, bureau  or
         direct. [TNX G0VJG]
GM    - Look for Jeff, G3LWM to  operate as GM0PNS  from Pabay (EU-008)  on
         9-14 May. He  will be QRV  mainly on 20  and 40  metres during  his
         limited spare time. [TNX GM3VLB]
GM    - Andre, GM3VLB and Alex, GM0DHZ will  operate from three islands  in
         Inner Hebrides (EU-008) as follows: 17-19 May from Coll, 19-21  May
         from Tiree, 21-23 May from Gunna, 23-24 May agains from Tiree. Full
         details on  the islands  and the  Scottish Islands  Award  (SCOTIA)
         programme are  available  at http://www.gm3vlb.com. QSL  via  home
         calls. [TNX GM3VLB]
HI   -  Dave, G4WFQ will be active (on 80-10 metres CW, with some RTTY  and
         SSB) as G4WFQ/HI9  from the  Dominican Republic  (NA-096) on  12-24
         June. QSL via G3SWH. [TNX G4WFQ]
HK     - Pablo, HK8RQS  has  been  active  as  HK8RQS/p  from  Morro  Island
         (SA-081), length of stay unknown. QSL via EA5KB.
I     - Special event station IR7MD will be activated by ARI Bari on 30 May
         to celebrate the  1000th anniversary of  Guglielmo Marconi's  first
         contact   between   Bari   (Italy)   and   Bar   (Montenegro).    A
         QSL-certificate  will   be   issued  upon   request   (details   at
           http://utenti.lycos.it/aribari/). [TNX IK7XNF]
I     - ARI Versilia will  activate special  event station  II5MD on  11-13
         June for the  "Meucci Day", celebrating  telephone pioneer  Antonio
         Meucci. [TNX IK5ZPZ]
JA    - Aru/JA0KNM,  Jun/JJ1EQW   and   Kai/JE3NJZ  will   be   active   as
         homecall/JR6  from  Yonaguni  (AS-024,  the  westernmost   Japanese
         island) on 4-7 June. They plan  to operate on 40-2 metres CW,  SSB,
         AM (6m),  and RTTY.  QSL via  home calls,  direct or  bureau.  [TNX
JW    - Look for  JW5LJA (LA5LJA)  and JW7FJA  (LA7FJA) to  be active  from
         Spitsbergen (EU-026) from 28 May to  1 June. During  the CQ WPX  CW
         Contest they  will  sign JW3R.  QSL  via LA5LJA,  LA7FJA  and  LA3R
         respectively, bureau or direct (see www.qrz.com). [TNX LA7FJA]
KH2   - Haru, JA1XGI will be active (on 40, 30, 20, 15 and 10 metres,  also
         on digital modes) as W8XGI/KH2 from Guam (OC-026) on 27-31 May. QSL
         via home call. [TNX JA1XGI]
LA & SM- Rosel, DL3KWR and Hardy, DL3KWF will operate mostly CW on all bands
         as SJ9WL  and  LG5LG from  the  Morokulien station  on  the  border
         between Sweden and Norway from 24 May to 2 June, CQ WPX CW  Contest
         included. QSL for both calls via SM5DJZ. [TNX DL3KWF]
LU    - Alberto/LU1DZ,  Hector/LU6UO   and  Fernando/LW2DX   will   operate
         mostly CW as  homecall/Q from  Fortin El  Patria, in  the San  Luis
         Province of Argentina, on 20-24 May. The operation is sponsored  by
         the Grupo Argentino de CW (GACW). QSL LU1DZ/Q via EA3RE, others via
         home calls. [TNX LW2DX]
LY    - Vilmantas, LY3BY reports that the following special event  stations
         will be active in May  to celebrate the  accession of Lithuania  to
         the European Union:
         LY2004E  QSL via  LY3BY  (direct or bureau)
         LY2004U  QSL via  LY1FW  (direct or bureau)
         LY2004R  QSL via  LY2ZZ  (direct or bureau)
         LY2004O  QSL via  LY2UF  (direct or bureau)
         LY2004P  QSL via  LY1XA  (direct or bureau)
         LY2004A  QSL via  LY1CM  (direct or bureau)
OE    - Special event station OE80XRW  will be activated  on all bands  and
         modes  from  1  June  to  31  December  to  commemorate  the   80th
         anniversary of the  broadcasting service from  Austria, started  by
         RAVAG on 25  October 1924. The  web page  for the  operation is  at
         http://www.qsl.at/oe80/ [TNX OE1WHC]
OJ0   - SM5AJV, SM0GNS, SM5HJZ and SM0HPL will participate in the CQ WW WPX
         CW Contest (29-30  May) as  OJ0SM (Multi-Single)  from Market  Reef
         (EU-053). QSL via SM5HJZ. [TNX NG3K]
OX    - Amateur radio  stations  from Greenland  can  use the  the  special
         prefix OX25  followed by  their own  suffix from  1 to  30 June  to
         celebrate the 25th anniversary of home rule/goverment in Greenland.
         [TNX OZ8ABE]
OZ    - DF2EA, DH8BQA, DL1EJA,  DL2BZE, DL3BQA and  DL5YYM will operate  as
         OZ0MS from Bornholm  Island (EU-030) on  10-22 June.  They will  be
         active on 10-80 metres  CW and SSB,  as well as  on VHF (6/2m)  and
         UHF/SHF (70/23cm). The group will also operate as OZ/homecall  from
         a few lighthouses on the island. All QSLs via DH8BQA. The web  page
         for the operation is at http://www.necg.de/bornholm [TNX DH8BQA]
PY    - Special event station ZW1I will be active until 31 May to celebrate
         the 437th  anniversary of  the town  of Itaborai.  QSL via  PY1AMF,
         bureau or direct. [TNX PY1NEZ]
SM    - Martin,  SM0DTK  will  operate  as  SM0DTK/1  from  Gotland  Island
         (EU-020) on  14-23 May.  Skeds are  accepted at  sm0dtk@passagen.se
         [TNX SM0DTK]
SV     - Nine multi-operator  special event  stations -  namely SX9A,  SX8A,
         SX7A, SX6A, SX5A,  SX4A, SX3A, SX2A  and SX1A -  will be  activated
         from Greece from  6 May to  13 August for  the "2004 Olympic  Games
         Countdown On The Air" programme, sponsored  by the Northern  Greece
         Contest Team.  All  of the  QSOs  will be  confirmed  automatically
         through  the  bureau.  The  full   Countdown  calendar  and   other
         information can be found at http://www.qsl.net/sv2ngct/sx.htm [TNX
SV    - Tomi/HA4DX,  Laci/HA0HW  and  Geza/HA4XG   have  been  issued   the
         following calls  to be  used during  a  number of  operations  from
         J45DX, J45HW and J45XG (Dodecanese),
         J47DX, J47HW and J47XG (Thraki),
         J49DX, J49HW and J49XG (Crete),
         J48DX, J48HW and J48XG (other islands).
         Their first activities  will take  place from  Thassos (EU-174)  on
         21-27 May and from Thraki on 28-31 May, CQ WPX CW Contest included.
         They plan to have three stations and to operate on all bands CW and
         SSB, with  some RTTY  and  PSK31. QSL  via  home calls,  bureau  or
         direct. [TNX HA0HW]
SV    - Greek amateur radio  operators can use  special prefixes SX2004  or
         SY2004 from 1 June to  15 November to  celebrate the Olympic  Games
         that will take place in Athens (http://www.athens2004.com). Foreign
         amateur radio  operators  visiting  Greece  from  1  August  to  15
         November are allowed to use special  prefix J42004. Operators  from
         Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Switzerland, USA or CEPT countries  need
         not to  submit any  papers for  a licence.  Others must  submit  an
         application to  the  Greek  Ministry  of  Telecommunications.  [TNX
UR    - Special calls EO59JS, EO59JM and EO59G  will be aired from  Ukraine
         until 9 May to celebrate the  59th anniversary of the end of  World
         War II. QSL  EO59JS direct to  KD5RBU (e-mail  requests for  bureau
         cards are welcome at uu9cw@mail.ru); QSL EO59JM via K2PF; QSL EO59G
         via UR5GAR, direct or bureau (e-mail requests for bureau cards  are
         welcome at ur3gm@tlc.kherson.ua). [TNX UT5JDS, K2PF and UR3GM]
UR     - Special call EO60FO will be aired from the Odessa region of Ukraine
         from 8 May to 27 August to celebrate  the end of Wordl War II.  QSL
         via bureau. [TNX UT5RP]
V6    - Sho, JA7HMZ will be active (on  40-10 metres CW  and SSB) as  V63DX
         from Pohnpei (OC-010), Micronesia on 24-27 May. QSL via home  call.
         [TNX NG3K]
VE     - Look for Christian, KH6/F5IDM to be  active on 15 and 20 metres  as
         VE7/F5IDM from Quadra Island (NA-091, CIsA  BC-006) and Cape  Mudge
         Lighthouse (ARLHS CAN-100)  on 11-12  May. QSL  via KH6/F5IDM  (see
         www.qrz.com). [TN VA3RJ]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                         Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA

DXCC NEWS ---> DXCC Manager Bill Moore, NC1L reports the following operations
ahve been approved for DXCC credit:
9Q0AR     1 January - 31 March 2004   Democratic Republic of Congo
9Q1KS     1 January - 31 March 2004   Democratic Republic of Congo
9U5M      4 February - 17 March 2004  Burundi
HH2SJR    from 1 January 1998         Haiti
TT8XZ     4-19 December 2003          Chad
XF4IH     3-20 March 2004             Revillagigedo
YI/N3YPI  from 22 August 2003         Iraq
YI/AB8DY  from 2 July 2003            Iraq

EURA ---> The "European Union Regions Award", sponsored by ARI Busto  Arsizio
and available to either licensed amateurs and SWLs, has been updated with  48
new regions resulting from the accession of 10 new countries to the  European
Union.  The   EURA  software   is  downloadable   at   http://www.ik6cac.com;
information on the Award is available  at http://www.aribusto.it or from  the
Award Manager (Pier Luigi Anzini, IK2UVR: e-mail ik2uvr@malpensa.it).

EUROPEAN CASTLES DAY ---> The third edition of the European Castles Day  will
take place on 16 May between 6 and  16 UTC. Several stations are expected  to
operate from  fortresses and  castles in  France, Belgium,  Italy, Spain  and
Portugal. Information  about  castles  awards  programmes  can  be  found  on
Jean-Pierre's (F6FNA) web  site at http://perso.club-internet.fr/f6fna/ [TNX

NEWS FROM ALBANIA ---> Many noticed ZA/OH2BH and ZA/OH2PM signals bouncing in
from   Albania    last    week   (four    pictures    can   be    found    at
http://www.n4gn.com/za/). Indeed,  some 6000  QSOs were  made -  not only  to
please the Deserving but also to remind us about our shared responsibility to
help those in need.
This time, five stations were fully equipped:  ZA1BH, ZA1BS, ZA1DC, ZA1DJ and
ZA1S. These callsigns  were launched into  the battle and  these fine  people
made their first radio contact to the world.
Radio equipment was donated by W3UR,  K9MM, G3TXF, EA2NO and OH2PM, but  many
more recently licensed ZA hams are still in need of any gear to bring more ZA
signals to the bands and make the Albanians welcome to this great passion  of
You are welcome to join this undertaking by making your old gear active  from
Albania.   Your   contacts    are   K7JA   <c.margelli@vxstdusa.com>,    N7NG
<n7ng@arrl.org> and  K9LA  <k9la@arrl.net>. Or  just  meet  personally  ZA1B,
OH2BH, OH2PM,  G3LQP and  the above  U.S persons  in Dayton  to present  your
desire for support. [TNX N4GN]

QSL MANAGER  OFFERED --->  Petr, OK1DOT  (the current  QSL manager  for  Bob,
9V1GO) is willing to offer his services to a station in need. Please  contact
Petr at petr.gustab@seznam.cz; his web  page is at  http://www.qrz.com/ok1dot

QSL JA6GXK/6 ---> Masa, JA6GXK/6 went  QRT from Danjo  Island (AS-056) on  30
January 2002 and logs will be  closed in March 2005. Those  who still need  a
QSL card should send their request  as soon as possible (see www.qrz.com  for
the address). [TNX JI6KVR]

QSL  T33CF  --->  Claudia,  K2LEO  initially  joined  the  T33C  team  as  an
accompanying YL, then she obtained  her T33CF callsign  and, once on  Banaba,
she was  invited to  operate SSB  for a  few hours  (on different  dates)  to
satisfy the many requests for a YL  operator QSO. Claudia holds a US  General
class license, but this was  her very first  pile-up experience (assisted  by
IK1PMR) and, to  the best  of the  team's knowledge,  hers was  the first  YL
operation from Banaba.  Claudia also  operated as  3D2CF from  Fiji. QSL  via
IK1PMR.   Further    information    and    pictures    are    available    at
http://www.ik1pmr.com/k2leo/ [TNX IK1PMR]

QSL V31RG  --->  Robin/K4VU and  Lori/K0LAA  have  returned  stateside  after
getting married and making 4300 QSOs (mostly with Europe and Japan) as V31RG.
QSL to K4VU. Cards are expected to go out in mid-May.

QSL VIA IK1PMR ---> Andrea, IK1PMR (one of the T33C team members) was  active
as 3D2MR from Fiji  (before and after  T33C), focusing on  Europe with a  low
power CW setup, and as T30MR from Western Kiribati (before T33C). On 16 April
he also operated CW briefly from  Banaba with his personal callsign  (T33MR).
QSL 3D2MR, T30MR  and T33MR via  IK1PMR; logs and  pictures are available  at
http://www.ik1pmr.com/ [TNX IK1PMR]

VIDEO ---> A 38-minute  documentary film "Kilimanjaro.  The first height"  on
the Russian Robinson Club's mountain DXpedition in December 2003 [425DXN 656]
is now available (VHS or DVD). For further information please contact  UA9OBA

WWYC ---> The  "World Wide Young  Contesters" will  hold an  open meeting  in
Croatia    on     21-25     July.     Details     can     be     found     at
http://www.wwyc.net/meeting2004/ [TNX LA6FJA]

QSLs received direct or through managers: 1A0KM, 3B8CF, 3D2CI, 3DA0SV, 4J6ZZ,
4M9YY, 4U1ITU, 4U1UN,  4W2KDN, 5B4AGC,  5H3RK, 5N6NDP,  5U7JB, 5V7BR,  5W0MW,
7P8DA, 8P2K, 8P6SH, 8Q7QQ,  8Q7VV, 8R1K, 8R1RPN,  9A6R, 9H4DX, 9M2TO,  9N7WE,
9Q0AR, 9U5M, 9V1YC, A35RE, A45WD, A52A,  A52CQ, A71BX, AT0BI (AS-169),  BQ9P,
(AF-019), IQ2VA, IQ7AF, IR7LH, IR8C, J37LR, J75KG, J7OJ, J88DR,  JD1YBJ, K1B,
KH0AC,  KH2UZ,  KH7X,  KL7R, OM7M, PZ1AP,  RD3A, RW2F,  S79CQ, ST2NH,  SU9ZZ,
SV2ASP/A,  T30M,  T77C,  TJ3G,  TO4E, TO4WW,  TO7T, UK/JI2MED, V26DX,  V63ZT,
V73T,  VK7KPB  (OC-195), VP51V,  VP9/G3TXF, VQ9LA, VR2BG, VR2UW, XF1K, XQ6ET,

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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