425 DX News #678 1 May 2004 Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) 3V - Giovanni, I5JHW reports he will participate in the ARI International DX Contest (1-2 May) as either 3V8BB or TS0BB from Tunisia. QSL for this operation via I5JHW. BY - A group of operators from the Jiangsu DX Club will be active as BI4Q from Cheniu Shan Island (AS-135) on 1-3 May. They will operate SSB and CW on 10-40 metres with yagis and power amplifiers. QSL via BG4RQP. [TNX BD5RV] BY - Harry, OH6YF is in Beijing, China and says he will try to be back on the air next week. Last weekend he operated from BY1PK. CX - The Centro Radioaficionados de Rocha (Uruguay), CX1TA will operate from the lighthouse at Cape Polonio (ARLHS URU-05) from 30 April to 2 May. QSL via CX1TA. [TNX CX2TG] EI - Daniel, EJ9FHB will be active from Inishtrahull Island (EU-121) starting on 2 May for one week. [TNX DL8AAM] FO - Yves, F6CTL will be touring French Polynesia in May and plans to operate (on 10-40 metres with a vertical and long wires) from a number of atolls in three different island groups. [TNX La Gazette du DX] HL - DS4NYE and others will operate as D70LW from Soak Island (AS-060) from 30 April to 2 May. QSL route TBA. [TNX JI6KVR] I - IZ8CCW and others will participate in the ARI International DX Contest as IQ8CS. QSL via bureau or direct to IZ8BGY. [TNX IZ8CCW] JA - Takeshi, JI3DST will operate as JI3DST/6 from Miyako Island (AS-079) [425DXN 677] until around 00 UTC on 9 May. Look for him on 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 metres SSB, RTTY and SSTV, plus some CW (on request) and FM on 10, 6 and 2 metres. QSL via home call, preferably through the JARL bureau. [TNX JI3DST] JA - Look for Taka, JR3TVH/6 and his wife Natsu, JJ3NAW/6 to operate from Miyako Island (AS-079, JIIA-079-005) from around 7 UTC on 29 April to around 00 UTC on 3 May. They plan to be active on 160-6 metres (beacon on 50135 kHz) CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX JR3TVH] KH2 - Nao, JK1FNL will be active as NA8O/KH2 from Guam (OC-026) on 5-9 May. QSL via JK1FNL. [TNX JJ1BDX] OY - Kevin, ON5DRE and Erwin, ON4QJ will be active from the Faroe Islands (EU-018) on 3-13 May. They plan to operate on 160-2 metres, with an emphasis on 80, 40, 17 and 2m. [TNX ON5DRE] SP - Special event station HF3UE will be active on 80-2 metres all modes on 1-16 May to celebrate the accession of Poland to the European Union. QSL via SP3RNZ (Greg Dobrychlop, P.O.Box 85, 62510 Konin, Poland). [TNX SP3RNZ] SV - Mike, GW3UOF plans to operate as SV8/GW3UOF from Corfu Island (EU-052) on 3-17 May. [TNX The Daily DX] SV - SV1JCZ, SV1GE, SV1RP, SV2BFN, SV2DGH, SV2DXA and SV2FWV will operate as SY8DX from Amoliani Island (EU-174) on 19-26 May. QSL via SV2DGH. Further information at http://www.qsl.net/sv2dgh/sy8dx [TNX SV2DGH] TA - Look for TA1ED/0 and TA3FB/0 to operate from Karaada (AS-098) on 14-16 May. They plan to be active on 10-80 metres SSB. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX TA1ED] UR - Special call EO59QWW wil be aired on all bands from Ukraie on 5-9 May to celebrate the 59th anniversary of the end of WWII. QSL via UY5ZZ (Vladimir F. Latyshenko, P.O. Box 4850, Zaporozhye 69118, Ukraine). [TNX UY5ZZ] V3 - Beto/CX3AN, Mario/CX4CR and Carlos/LU2NI will be active from Belize on 4-14 May. They plan to operate on 160-6 metres SSB, CW and possibly digital modes. An effort will be made to operate from one of the islands in the NA-180 IOTA group. Callsign(s) not announced, but QSL via LU2NI. [TNX LU2NI] VE - Len, VE9MY and Linda, VE9GLF plan to operate mobile from some of the Quebec CISA islands in the Montreal area for for two weeks starting on 2 May. QSL via home calls. direct or bureau [TNX www.islandchaser.com] VQ9 - Larry, VQ9LA will leave Diego Garcia (AF-006) in December. He will go on vacation in June-July, but starting in August he "will really try and make a lot of contacts on the lower bands for everyone to put VQ9 in their logs". He plans to operate on 30-160 metres CW and SSB. QSL route at www.qrz.com [TNX G4IUF] W - Look for K6AA/P to be aired from Catalina Island (NA-066) from 3 UTC on 8 May until 13 UTC on the 10th. Eight operators with three stations will be active on 10-80 metres mostly SSB with some CW and digital modes. QSL via K6AA's address given at www.qrz.com [TNX The Daily DX] XU - Jaak, ES1FB and Oleg, ES1RA will operate as XU7ACE (QSL via ES1FB) and XU7ARA (QSL via ES1RA) from Cambodia on 7-19 May. They plan to go on a two-day side trip to Koh Pos (AS-133) and be active as XU7ACV (QSL via ES1FB). [TNX NG3K] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA 425DXN CLUSTER ---> The 425 DX News PacketCluster 425ZNW can be reached at http://www.ari-r1.it (web interface IK1ZNW-6 or IK1ZNW-9) or through telnet://dx.ik1znw.org:8000 EUROPEAN UNION SP AWARD ---> Sponsored by the Polski Zwiazek Krotkofalowcow (PZK), this award is available to either licenced amateurs and SWLs for confirmed QSOs made on or after 1 January 2004 with stations located in the 25 European Union member states. For further information please contact the Awards Manager PZK, SP6BOW (sp6bow@poczta.onet.pl) LIGHTHOUSES ---> Alfredo, IK7JWX provides the list of lighthouses he has operated from so far in 2004 (QSL via home call, direct or bureau): Day/Month Call Lighthouse WAIL ARLHS ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3/1 IR7LH/p Monumento al Marinaio d'Italia PU-008 ITA-107 3/1 IR7LH/p Brindisi/Casale PU-015 ITA-069 4/1 IR7LH/p Punta Torre Canne PU-009 ITA-150 17/1 IR7LH/p Capo Santa Maria di Leuca PU-004 ITA-039 14/2 IR7LH/p Capo San Vito PU-001 ITA-040 14/2 IR7LH/p Porto Industriale Interno PU-002 ITA-117 29/2 IR7LH/p Diga di Forte a Mare - ITA-187 20/3 IR7LH/p Porto Cesareo Rear - ITA-238 3/4 IR7LH/p La Punta Crauli (Otranto) - ITA-264 4/4 IR7LH/p Diga di Cista Morena - ITA-188 10/4 IR7LH/p Molo San Nicola (Otranto) - ITA-265 11/4 IQ7AF/p Punta San Cataldo di Lecce PU-007 ITA-142 24-25/4 IR7LH/p Torre San Giovanni (Ugento) PU-003 ITA-171 QSL 8J1RL ---> The cards for contacts made with Syowa Station on East Ongul Island (AN-015) between February 2004 and January 2005 will be forwarded to JARL Bureau in April 2005 after the operators return to Japan. Logs can be found at http://www.jarl.or.jp/English/4_Library/A-4-7_8j1rl/frame.htm [TNX 8J1RL] QSL 9M8PSB ---> Please note that there is change in the QSL route for the current 9M8PSB operation from Satang Besar (OC-165) [425DXN 676]. The new QSL manager will be IZ1CRR, either direct (Maurizio Bertolino, P.O. Box 2, 12022 Busca - CN, Italy) or through the bureau. [TNX IZ1CRR] QSL VIA S57DX ---> Slavko reports that direct requests for YI/S57CQ, YI9T and A52CQ are processed the same day he receives them. At all events, all QSOs are being confirmed through the bureau. QSL VIA SM1TDE ---> Cards for 5H3/SM1TDE and HN0Z are being printed and incoming cards will be replied to as soon as possible. QSL requests for YI9ZF are processed the same day Eric receives them. The first batch of bureau cards were mailed a few days ago. [TNX SM1TDE] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA LOGS: On-line logs for 5H3/SM1TDE (4183 QSO), HN0Z (WPX SSB 2004, 1905 QSO) and YI9ZF (30004 QSO from 15 January to 20 April) can be found at www.qsl.net [TNX SM1TDE] LOGS: On-line logs for II6CC's recent activity [425DXN 671] are now available at http://web.tiscali.it/stefanocatena/ii6cc.htm [TNX I6GFX] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3D2DM GM4FDM ET0U OK1LU T88LV JR1LVB 3D2FM F5CWU EW1AR W3HNK T88MC JA3MCA 3D2KQ DL4KQ EW6AF DL8KAC T88PO JI1FPO 3D2MM RK3AD EW6GF DL8KAC TF3IMD TF3VS 3D2MR IK1PMR EY8CQ DJ1MM TM5CJ F6KJX 3D2PA PA2R F/TU5KG F4EFI TM6KKA F6KKA 3W2TXR JA2TXR FG/DL2AWG DL2AWG TM9CAI F2KN 3W9HRN DL1HRN FO/JI1JKW JI1JKW UN5A DL8KAC 3XDQZ/P F8DQZ FO/JI1WTF JI1WTF UN7CC KI6Y 3Z8EU SP8MI FP5AH pirate UN7MO EA7FTR 4G2F 4F3XX GX4NOK/P 2E0NJW UN7QX W7BO 5N0DKV ZS6MG HF1EU SP1NQF UN9PQ IK2QPR 5N4BFD DJ9FH HF20RGV SP8AQA UO6P UN7PBY 6Y5/IZ5BRO IZ5BRO HK3WPC EA5KB V25J JA1ADT 6Y5/IZ5EBL IZ5EBL HK6DOS EA5KB V26AGO JA7AGO 7Q7MM G3LQP II3L IV3KAS V26ZP JA7ZP 8Q7BO M0BOX IY5PIS IZ5DMC V31RR WQ5W 8Q7QQ HB9QQ JT45D JT2AN V47UY KJ4UY 9M8PSB IZ1CRR KA1GJ/KH4 V73GJ V51LK DJ4LK 9V1GO OK1DOT KY4DX K4WW V63ZF DK2ZF 9V1YC N5ID OD5UR LZ1YE V8PMB G3KHZ A71MA K3PD OL0EU OK1DJG VK6AN VK4AAR AP2ARS JA1PBV OX/DL2SWW DL2SWW VK6LI VK4AAR CO3VK/4 IZ8EBI OX/DL2VFR DL2VFR VP8SGK GM0HCQ D90HN HL2ADO PA9MR VE3MR VP9BO W4ZGR E20HHK/P E21EIC R1ANF RK1PWA XU7ADI SM5GMZ EA6TS EA6AZ RK1PWA/P UA1PAC YA6Y DG3ACF ED1CL EA1URV S21B KX7YT YA8G LA4YW ED2EFA EC2AHS SN4EU SP2QCU YB1HDF EA5KB ED2ZZT EA2PK SP0EURO SP9PKZ YB7N WB7B ED3CDC EA3EJK ST2NH EA7FTR YC9MKF YB9BU ED3TCT EA3EVR ST2YL EA7FTR YC9MT IZ8CCW ED3URT EA3TE SZ6P SV1BJW YI1UNH WA3HUP ED4AIG EA4FAS T30C F5CWU YI3SRA IZ8EDJ ED4IF EA4TE T30CA K6SRZ YI6IB pirate ED5MUC EA5URM T30LP K3LP YI9MD W6OAT ED5SJF EA5URL T30NN AA4NN ZA/OH2BH OH2BH ED6TOV EA6SB T30TW GM4FDM ZA/OH2PM OH2PM ED7SBC EA7DQM T33CA K6SRZ ZD8JA N1ZZZ EK3GM DK6CW T33TW GM4FDM ZK1HCU DL9HCU EM1HO I2PJA T88JY JA1JQY ZS1CT ZS1ACH ES1RA/0 ES1RA T88KJ JA1KJW ZS8MI ZS6M ____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile IK8MRA 2E0NJW Nigel Wears, 25 Topcliffe Mews, Morley, Leeds, LS27 8UL, United Kingdom EP3SMH Sayyed Mohsen Hosseini, P.O. Box 441, 34815 Takestan, Iran F8DQZ Sebastien Lebrun, Rue des Ecoles, 49260 Antoigne, France G3KHZ Derek Cox, 18 Station Road, Castle Bytham, Grantham, Lincs NG33 4SB, United Kingdom G3LQP Roger Brown, 262 Fir Tree Road, Epsom KT17 3NL, England, UK GB0SHP P.O. Box 7469, Glasgow, G42 OYD, Scotland, UK GM0HCQ Mike Gloistein, 27 Stormont Way, Scone, Perthshire PH2 6SP, Scotland, UK JR3HPS Shigeru Kizaki, 130-91, Oneo, Hirono-Cho, Uji City, Kyoto, 611-0031, Japan JT2AN P.O. Box 94, Dornod, Mongolia K4WW Shelby Summerville, 6506 Lantana Court, Louisville, KY 40229-1544, USA RA2FBC Alex Kravchenko, P.O.Box 443, Kaliningrad, 236040 Russia SM5GMZ Pete Arninge, Publicera Publishing Inc, P.O. Box 6105, S-102 32 Stockholm, Sweden SP6BOW Augustyn Wawrzynek, P.O. Box 54, 85-613 Bydgoszcz 13, Poland UA1PAC Alan V. Kuz'menko, P.O. Box 88, Amderma, Nenets oblast, 166744 Russia V73GJ Jeff Parker, P.O. Box 1050, APO AP 96555, USA VK4AAR Alan Roocroft, P.O. Box 421, Gatton, QLD 4343, Australia Z32XA Ozren Spaskov, Sremski Front 24/7, Stip 2000, Macedonia Z32XX Dragan Davkovski, P.O. Box 2, Wetmore, KS 66550, USA ZM6CL Wairarapa NZART, P.O. Box 860, Masterton, New Zealand ZS1ACH Maurice Drinkwater, P.O. Box 4090, Old Oak, 7537, South Africa ZS3BLUE P.O. Box 180, Milnerton 7435, South Africa ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to mailto:425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************