425 DX News #676 17 April 2004 Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) A4 - A group of operators is currently active as A43HI from the Al Halaniyat Islands (AS-010). On 15 April they reported they would be there for "another three or four days". QSL via A47RS. [TNX A47RS] 5N - Vlado, ZS6MG will be on a business trip to Nigeria on 20-30 April and will try to be active as 5N0DKV/6 on the HF bands and 6 metres. Operations will depend on a day to day business activities and most likely will be after 16 UTC. [TNX ZS6MG] 6Y - Look for Riccardo, 6Y5/IZ5EBL and Rossella, 6Y5/IZ5BRO to be active from Jamaica (NA-097) until 19 April. They operate on 10-40 metres SSB, CW and PSK31. QSL via home calls. [TNX IZ5EBL] 9L - Massimo, 9L1MS was unable to reach Sherbro Island (AF-056) on 10 April, but he will try again later in the year. He has also plans to return to Banana (AF-037), but please note that owing to his hectic working schedule, he canot give any advance information until a few hours before he actually leaves. CE - A group of operators from Radio Club Arica (namely CA1WJB, CE1BPY, CE1LYF, CE1LXT, CE1POT, CE1RQB, CE1VLY, CE2WUI and XQ1IDM) will be active (on 160-6 metres SSB, CW, RTTY and BPSK31) as 3G1E from the lighthouse Peninsula del Alacran (CHI-061) on 5-6 June. QSL via CE1FA. [TNX XQ1IDM] CO - Jose, CO3VK will is active as CO3VK/4 from La Juventud (NA-056) until 18 April. He is taking part in the "Festival de la Toronja" and operates (on 20 metres SSB, low power with a wire antenna) in his free time, typically on 20-24 UTC and and from 5 UTC until he goes to sleep. QSL via IZ8EBI. [TNX IZ8EBI] DL - Look for DL8RL, DL8DZL, DF3UFW and DL2DSL to be active from Usedom Island (EU-129, O-13 for the German Islands Award) on 23-30 April. They also plan to operate from Schlossinsel (O-31) and Grosser Wotig (O-35). QSl via bureau. [TNX VA3RJ] DU - 4F1OZ, 4F1FZ, 4F1EAA, 4F2XX, 4F2KWT and DY1PDO plan to operate (on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres CW and SSB) from Fuga Island (OC-092) on 24-26 April. [TNX The Daily DX] EU - Andrei, NP3D will be visiting his parents and friends in Minsk, Belarus on 17-27 April. He will operate as EW1AR on all modes and bands and will participate in the SP DX RTTY Contest SOAB LP. QSL via W3HNK. [TNX NP3D] GM - Members of the West of Scotland ARS and Scottish HAM Portal team will be active on all bands and modes as GB0SHP on 19-25 April to present new Scottish Ham Portal (http://www.scotham.net) on the air. QSL bureau or direct to P.O. Box 7469, Glasgow, G42 OYD, Scotland, UK. [TNX MM0DFV] HS - Arrangements are being made to use HS72B at the new HS0AC Club Station which is scheduled to start operations on 1 May and by HS0ZDZ for SEANET net control and 40m net control, in addition to the SEANET Convention in November 2004. HS72B [425DXN 675], which was already used from Koh Chang (AS-125) on 12-17 April, is a special callsign issued to the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen's 72nd birthday. The HS72B licence authorizes operations to take place also on the WARC bands. QSL for all HS72B activities until 31 December 2004 via E20NTS. [TNX HS0ZDZ/G3NOM] I - Special station IY5PIS will be activated from Coltano (Pisa) from 8 to 18 UTC on 24 April during the International Marconi Day (see "Good To Know"). QSL via IZ5DMC, direct or bureau. Information including pictures on this Marconi site (from where, in 1910, Marconi succeeded in sending the first radio message ever to reach Africa from Europe) can be found at http://www.gb4imd.co.uk/coltano,.htm [TNX IK5ZTT] I - Vesuvio DX Team operators IZ8DDG, IZ8DQH, IZ8FAV, IZ8FDH, IW8DON and IZ7ATL will operate (on HF, 6 and 2 metres SSB and CW) as IC8/homecall from Procida Island (EU-031, IIA NA-002) on 24-25 April. QSL via home call. [TNX IZ8DDG] I - Special call IR0HM will be aired on all bands and modes on 3-7 May and during the Ham Meeting that will take place at Cassino on the 8-9th. QSL via I7YKN (Nuccio Meoli, P.O. Box 66, 73010 Porto Cesareo - LE, Italy). [TNX I7YKN] I - Andrea, IZ0EHO will operate on SSB and digital modes as IB0/IZ0EHO from Ponza (EU-045, IIA LT-001) on 14-28 June. QSL via home call. [TNX IZ0EHO] JA - Look for JL2LRO/6 to operate (on 6-15 metres SSB) from Miyako Island (AS-079, JIIA-079-005) on 17-19 April. QSL via home call. [TNX JI6KVR] JA - Joe, JA4PXE and Kou, JH4WXV expect to be active (on 160-6 metres CW and SSB) as JA4PXE/6 and JH4WXV/6 from Uji Island (AS-067, JIIA-067-009) from about 21 UTC on 28 April until about 15 UTC on 1 May. The operation will depend on weather conditions. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX JE2QYZ] JT - Three special event calls - namely JU45D and JV45D (from Ulaanbaatar) and JT45D (from Choibalsan, Eastern Mongolia) - will be aired until 15 May to celebrate the 45th anniversary of Dornod Radio Club (JT2KAA), the second amateur radio club in Mongolia. QSL via JT2AN (P.O.Box 94, Dornod, Mongolia). [TNX JT1CD] KL - Scott, K7ZO will be active as K7ZO/KL7 from Adak Island (NA-039) on 16-20 May. He expects to operate mostly on 20 metres SSB using 100W into a vertical or dipole antennas. QSL via home call. [TNX K7ZO] OX - Frank, DL2SWW and Ric, DL2VFR will be leaving Germany on 22 April, with Maniitsoq Island (NA-220) as their final destination for a 12-day operation [425DXN 661]. They have added RTTY (expect activity on 20 metres) to SSB and CW; as for 160 metres, they say that "if there is a chance, we are prepared... But don't expect it!". QSL OX/DL2SWW and OX/DL2VFR via home calls, direct or bureau. The web page for the expedition is at http://www.iota-expedition.com [TNX DL2VFR] SM - SM7DAY, SM7NGH and others will operate on most bands CW and SSB from Ven Island (EU-137) on 19-21 April. QSl via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX SM7NGH] SP - Special event station SP0EURO will be active on all bands and modes from 28 April to 3 May to celebrate the accession of Poland to the European Union. QSL via SP9PKZ. [TNX SP9GKM] SV5 - Ermanno, IK2WZD will be active on all bands and modes as SV0XAN/5 from Lipsi (Leipsoi), Dodecanese (EU-001) from 1 May until the end of October. QSL via home call. [TNX IK2WZD] T30 - Dave, K3LP (one of the T33C team members) expects to operate as T30LP from Tarawa, Western Kiribati on 19-23 April [TNX The Daily DX] TK - Romek, SQ5RK reports he will participate in the SP DX RTTY Contest on 24-25 April as TK/SQ5RK from Corsica. QSL via home call, bureau or direct. V4 - Larry, KJ4UY (V47UY) will operate (SSB with some RTTY, PSK and slow CW) from Nevis on 23-30 April. Look for him on 10-20 metres in the daytime and 160-40 metres at night. He will monitor 6 metres all the time. QSL via home call (US stations direct only, others either direct or through the bureau). [TNX The Daily DX] V8 & 9M - The callsigns to be used by Ian (9M2/G3TMA), Derek (G3KHZ) and Maury (IZ1CRR) during their forthcoming Borneo IOTA DXpedition [425DXN 675] are V8PMB from Pulau Muara Besar (OC-184, 22-27 April) and 9M8PSB from Pulau Satang Besar ((OC-165, 30 April - 4 May). QSL via G3KHZ, direct or bureau. VK - Wally/VK6YS, Dan/VK8AN, Bruce/KD6WW and Ron/VK8NRI are still on track for Viney Island, Bonaparte Archipelago (OC-???) from 23/24 April for 4-5 days and also for Long Island (OC-071) from 27/28 April to 2 May [425DXN 670]. They will be signing VK6AN from Viney and VK6LI from Long Island. Owing to the limited availability of transport, they will have two transceivers and vertical antennas, with the possibility of a tribander for 10, 15 and 20m. Plans are to operate CW, SSB and PSK31 and to work "very hard at making as many NA and EU operators as happy as we can". QSL for both operations direct to VK4AAR (Alan Roocroft, P.O. Box 421, Gatton, QLD 4343, Australia). [TNX VK6YS] VP8_sg - Mike, GM0HCQ (VP8CMH/MM from the RRS "James Clark Ross") expects to be be able to operate as VP8SGK from South Georgia "at some stage" between 15 and 19 April. Operating times will most likely be from 20.00 UTC to 00.00 UTC, initially on 14018 kHz. If he can get ashore earlier in the day then he may well try to work on 10 or 12 metres. On 19 April the ship will depart South Georgia for the Falkland Islands, arriving on the 23rd. This will the final call into the Falklands before the ship heads back to the UK. VP8CMH/MM will then be QRT until the next Antarctic summer. QSL via GM0HCQ, either direct (Mike Gloistein, 27 Stormont Way, Scone, Perthshire PH2 6SP, Scotland) or through the RSGB bureau. [TNX http://www.gm0hcq.com/] W - Rob, N3RW will operate from Anacapa Island (NA-144) in July. He will arrive on the island at about 16 UTC on 14 July and will leave at about 23 UTC on the 16th. Main operations will be on 15 and 20 metres SSB; he will also use 17m and 30m as conditions allow. Rob will be joined by Jack, KG6RWI for this activity. QSL via home call. ZL - The Wairarapa Branch (Branch 46) of NZART will be operating the special callsign ZM6CL until the end of May to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the main Wairarapa town of Masterton. Tony, ZL2AGY and other club members will operate the call over the period from their home stations. QSL via bureau. [TNX ZL2AGY] PACIFIC TRIP ---> Gerard, ON4AXU (ex PA3AXU) reports he will be active from French Polynesia, the Marquesas and the Austral Islands in May-June as follows: Dates Island IOTA DXCC Call ------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-16 May Tahiti OC-067 French Polynesia FO/ON4AXU 17-23 May Tubuai OC-152 Austral FO/ON4AXU/A 26-27 May Moorea OC-046 French Polynesia FO/ON4AXU 28-29 May Huahine OC-067 French Polynesia FO/ON4AXU 30-31 May Raiatea OC-067 French Polynesia FO/ON4AXU 3-13 June Hiva Oa OC-027 Marquesas FO/ON4AXU/M 14-15 June Tahiti OC-067 French Polynesia FO/ON4AXU QSL via home call (Gerard Dijkers, Hobosstraat 28, B-3900 Overpelt, Belgium). The web page for the trip is at http://www.qsl.net/on4axu/on4axu1/2004.htm _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH ANTARCTIC BASES ---> WABA Directory 2003 is the official source of information for the IOTA Programme on Antarctic Base stations. It acts as an extension of the IOTA Directory, providing the IOTA reference number as well as a wealth of detailed historical information on each base. The Directory is downloadable from the 425 DX News website at http://www.425dxn.org [TNX G3KMA] ARI DX CONTEST ---> The A.R.I. International DX Contest, sponsored by the Italian amateur radio IARU Society, is open to either licenced amateurs and SWLs. This year's event will take place from 20 UTC on 1 May to 19.59 UTC on the 2nd. Full rules and information, including a brand new software downloadable for free, are available at http://www.qsl.net/contest_ari DXCC NEWS ---> The recent C56JJ operation by Jan, PA4JJ (formerly known as PA9JJ) has been approved for DXCC credit. INTERNATIONAL MARCONI DAY ---> Organised by the Cornish Radio Amateur Club, G4CRC/GB4IMD (http://www.cornishradioamateurclub.org.uk) the International Marconi Day (IMD) is a 24-hour amateur radio event held annually to celebrate the birth of Guglielmo Marconi (25 April 1874). It is not a contest, but an opportunity for amateurs around the world to make contacts with historic Marconi sites using HF communications techniques. Details, including information on the relevant Award Certificates and the listing of participating station in this year's event (to be held on 24 April), can be found at http://www.gb4imd.co.uk/index.htm IOTA DIRECTORY ---> The 40th Anniversary Edition of the IOTA Directory will be published around 19 April and will be available from RSGB HQ shortly afterwards (see www.rsgb.org/shop/ or telephone Sales at +44 (0)1707 659015). Larger than ever with 136 pages, this anniversary edition features an historical review, much of which has never previously been published as well as Geoff Watts' original IOTA list of 1964, fascinating for what it includes as wellas for what it omits. It includes all you have come to expect of the Directory - the latest IOTA island listings, DXpedition stories, the Most Wanted List, and articles on how to get started in IOTA. Readers, who have been active on the bands for several years and want help in identifying operations that count, will find the listing of operations accepted for credit quite invaluable. This list was first introduced in the 2002 Directory and is now updated and expanded to cover the 650 rarest IOTA groups. Using it could save you hours in preparing your application. And for the first time the Directory includes the current year's Honour Roll and other performance listings. [TNX G3KMA] NEW BOOK ---> Ward Silver, N0AX is the author of "Ham Radio for Dummies" (ISDN 0-7645-5987-7), written for new licencees who have the "What do I do now?" feeling after passing the exam and for prospective hams to understand what amateur radio has to offer and how to participate. Ward's goal in writing this 384-page book packed with explanations, tables, graphics, photos and links to on-line resources was "to produce the book I wish I'd had when I was just starting out - a Desktop Elmer, so to speak". If you're interested, just enter the title into a Web search engine and find your favorite bookseller. NEW IOTA CERTIFICATES ---> The new Directory announces the addition of three new certificates to the programme's current range, for contacting 800, 900 and 1000 IOTA groups. These will be of the same design as other certificates in the 100 series. The 1000 Islands certificate will be sent free of charge to each member reaching that level whether or not the 1000 Islands Trophy is requested. The 800 and 900 Islands certificates will be charged for on the same basis as other certificates. To ensure fairness of treatment in the issue of low number 800 and 900 Islands certificates, a period of several weeks will be allowed for members to apply through their checkpoints. At the end of that period the certificates will be issued, numbered in the order of the applicant's score on the central IOTA database. So, if you qualify and are interested, please apply before 1 August 2004 via your checkpoint. Certificates will be despatched in September. [TNX G3KMA] QSL 9U5M ---> Cards have arrived from the printer and Dennis, PA7FM is currently processing direct requests. "Still quite some direct requests arrive with unsufficient return postage or even without SAE", Dennis reports. These will be replied to via the bureau. QSL FM/T93M ---> Please note that the QSL manager for Danny's recent operation is DJ2MX (Mario Lovric, Kampenwandstrasse 13, D-81671 Muenchen, Germany). Cards sent to Danny's address is Sarajevo will be forwarded to Mario, but expect some delay in processing these requests. [TNX T93Y] QSL VIA DL7AFS ---> Babs, DL7AFS (Babs Linge, Eichwaldstrasse 86, 34123 Kassel, Germany) is the QSL manager for the follwing calls (most of logs are available at www.qsl.net/dl7afs): Call Year Call Year Call Year ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5X1DC 2003 H40T 2002 VK5APZ 1998 9A/DJ7ZG 2003 H44LB 2002 VK5AQA 1998 9A/DL7AFS 2003 H44ZG 2002 VK6LB 2001-now 9Y4/DJ7ZG 2003 HI9/DJ7ZG 2001 VK6ZG 2001-now 9Y4/DL7AFS 2003 HI9/DL7AFS 2001 VK9LB 2004 A35YL 2000 S79FAG 1999 VK9LL 2004 A35ZG 2000 S79YL 1999 VK9NB 2004 C50YL 1996 S79ZG 1999 VK9NG 2004 C53HP 1996 SP1/DJ7ZG 2003 YJ0AYL 2000 C98DC 2002 SP1/DL7AFS 2003 YJ0AZG 2000 C98DC 2001 V51/DJ7ZG 1991 Z2/DJ7ZG 1995 EA6/DJ7ZG 2000 V51/DL7AFS 1991 Z2/DL7AFS 1995 EA6/DL7AFS 2000 VK5AFS 1994 Z38Z 2003 EA9/DJ7ZG 2001 VK5AIO 1996 ZB2/DJ7ZG 2001 EA9/DL7AFS 2001 VK5AIP 1996 ZB2/DL7AFS 2001 QSL VIA UR5VHB ---> Vlad, UX2VZ says that the Ukrainian incoming QSL bureau is receving cards marked "via UR5VHB" (for 3B8AS, 3B8FQ, 3B8GL, 3B8FG, 3B8BD and UN9FQ) that they are unable to forward. Please note that back in November 2001 Andy, UR5VHB reported he had the logs for 3B8FQ, 3B8FG, 3B8GL and 3B8DB [425DXN 549], but cards had to be sent direct only. WELCOME IN EUROPE ---> ARI Roma sponsors the "Welcome in Europe Contest" to celebrate the accession of ten new countries to the European Uinion. The contest will be held from 00.00 UTC on 1 May to 24 UTC on the 2nd. Rules are available at http://web.tiscali.it/ariroma/contest/wieng.html [TNX IK0WRB] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** *** NEWS FROM THE WEB *** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH EU-133: An enjoyable article (and nice pictures) about the "Baltic Odyssey" to three EU-133 islands (namely Severnyj Virgin, Malyj Tyuters and Bolshoy Tyuters), activated in July 2003 by RL3AA, RN3AZ, UA3DX and RA3AUM, can be found at http://www.hamradio.ru/rrc/ARTICLES/ri1ca_e.htm YV ISLANDS: Beautiful pictures of operations from several Venezuelan islands can be found on the web site of Ray Radloff, DL2GG/YV5 (http://hfdx.com/frames_en.html). They include 4M1X (SA-089), YV30T (SA-044), YW1T (SA-066), YW5FC (SA-058), YW5LB (SA-037), YW5LF (SA-059), YW5M (SA-015), YW7C (SA-012), YW8D (SA-063) as well as YV0AA and YX0AI (Aves Island, NA-021). [TNX YV5ENI] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL INFO ******** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3B9C FSDXA (a) HR5/F2JD F6AJA T30PA PA2R 3B9C RSGB (b) HS72B E20NTS T30S YZ7AA 4L6VV UA6EZ II6CC IZ6FUQ T33C F5CWU 4N600A 4N1A II6IM IK6OFE T33CA K6SRZ 4S7VK DJ9ZB IO3AJZ IV3AJZ T33I YT1AD 5B/RA6LUX qrz.com IO3BKO IV3BKO T33IC DF2IC 5B/UA6LCW qrz.com IO3CJT IV3CJT T33LP K3LP 5B4AHH RA3AMG IO3CMW IV3CMW T33MR IK1PMR 5H3/SM1TDE SM1TDE IO3DDM IV3DDM T33ND K6ND 5W0KE DL2MDZ IO3DYS IV3DYS T33OA DL5OAB 5W0SS DL2MDZ IO3EAD IV3EAD T33PA PA2R 5Z4DZ PC1A IO3GTO IV3GTO T33S YZ7AA 8Q7QQ HB9QQ IO3HLS IV3HLS T48K DK1WI 8R1K EA4BQ IO3IBZ IV3IBZ TF3W TF3IRA 8R1RPN EA4BQ IO3IIM IV3IIM TJ3MC F6BUM 9N7PR W4PRO IO3KAS IV3KAS TM6ILE F5SGI 9V1DX VK4AAR IO3KSE IV3KSE TO7HAM FM5AN C21DL DJ2EH IO3LNQ IV3LNQ UP9L RW6HS C21YL DJ2EH IO3MIE IV3MIE V31RG K4VU CO8DRG DK1WI IO3MPW IV3MPW V63ZF DK2ZF CO8KA DL4ALI IO3OQR IV3OQR VI5BR VK3QI CO8ZZ DK1WI IO3TPW IV3TPW VP2EYC DJ6YC CP6XE IK6SNR IO3TRK IV3TRK VP8DIJ G6ZRL CT8ITZ CT2ITZ IO3YAO IV3YAO VQ9CJ N5JED D2PFN KK5DO JA1APM/6 JL3SIK VU3LCA CT1CTZ ED1SDB EA1DJV JW/F8DVD F8DVD XV3AA JA6UHG ED1SSV EA1URV KH8/DF2SS DL2MDZ YB0AJR/4 OK1JR ED5SSC EA5DDK KH8/DL1VKE DL2MDZ YB0ARA/9 N2AU ED6CDB EA6ZX LS7D LU7DW YI1AK AD5W ED6FAG EA6ZX LU4DRH/D LU7DSY YI1DZ WA4JTK ED6PMT EA6SB LU4ETN/D LU7DSY YI1UNH WA3HUP ED7URF EA7PY LU5DRV/D LU7DSY YI3SRA IZ8EDJ ED8EW EA4BQ LU5FII WD9EWK YI9YMA K7YMA EL2AB IK0PHY LU7DSY/D LU7DSY YI9ZF SM1TDE EN60FA UT2FA LU8DWR/D LU7DSY YK1BA N5FF EN60FEL UR5FEL LU8EBJ/D LU7DSY YK2A pirate EN60FEO UR5FEO LU9ESD/D LU7DSY YK2MM pirate EN60FHY UX5HY LW9EAG/D LU7DSY YU0HST YU1AST EN60FJ UT9FJ LW9EVA/D LU7DSY YV5SSB EA5KB EN60FT UT0FT MM0MWW MM0EAX Z21FO K3PD EN60FY UX0FY OY4TN ON5UR Z21KF M5AAV EP4HR I2MQP PA9MR VE3MR ZD8I G4LTI ER60ZON UR4ZXK RK3DZD/P RD3DT ZK1HCU DL9HCU FO/JA0SC JA0SC SN4EU SP2QCU ZK1UFF LA5UF FP5BZ F5TJP SO5O SP5KVW ZL7II DL5EBE GB0MPA GW0ANA T30MR IK1PMR ZS10RSA KK3S HF0POL SP7IWA T30ND K6ND ZS8MI ZS6M (a) direct (b) bureau ___________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* ADDRESSES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH AT0BI P.O. Box 6073, Bangalore 560060, India DJ2EH Dieter Hornburger, Grabengasse 7, D-96185 Schoenbrunn, Germany DL2MDZ Rainer Kuhnberger, Hofer Str. 54, 95233 Helmbrechts, Germany DL4ALI Steffen Doepping, Wiesengasse 16, 99867 Gotha, Germany DL5EBE Dominik Weiel, Johannes-Meyer-Str. 13, D-49808 Lingen, Germany E20NTS Supote Saripan, P.O. Box 5, Klongtanon, Bangkok, 10222, Thailand EA4BQ Olli Rissanen, Calle Ciguela 331, 28729 Venturada, Madrid, Spain EA5KB Jose F. Ardid Arlandis, P.O. Box 5013, 46080 Valencia, Spain ES1QD P.O. Box 3739, Tallinn 10508, Estonia F4EGS Philippe Koch, 14 rue du 8 mai, 37320 Esvres, France F5CWU Flo Moudar, 25 Rue du Castel Salis, 37100 Tours, France F8DVD Francois Bergez, 6 Rue de la Liberte, 71000 Macon, France F9IE P.O. Box 211, 85330 Noirmoutier en l'Ile, France FSDXA P.O. Box 73, Church Stretton, SY6 6WF, UK IQ8PD ARI - Sezione di Pomigliano D'Arco, Viale Impero 1, 80038 Pomigliano D'Arco - NA, Italy IZ8EDJ Oreste D'Anzilio, P.O. Box 49, 84091, Battipaglia - SA, Italy JL3SIK Yoshiro Nishimura, Takemidai 4-2-6, Suita City, Osaka 565-0863, Japan LU7DSY Carlos Almiron, P.O. Box 709, 8000 Bahia Blanca, Argentina SM1TDE Eric Wennstrom, P.O. Box 94, SE-62016 Ljugarn, Sweden SP5KVW P.O. Box 56, 07-410 Ostroleka, Poland TF3IRA P.O. Box 1058, IS-121 Reykjavik, Iceland VK3QI Peter Forbes, 53 Summerhill Rd, Glen Iris, Victoria 3146, Australia ZS6M Bernardus Roode, P.O. Box 158, Kempton Park 1620, South Africa ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to mailto:425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************