425 DX News #675 10 April 2004 Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to: Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU) Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org) >>> MAINTENANCE AT 425 DX NEWS <<< Extraordinary maintenance at 425DXN is still in progress and hopefully it will finish early next week. When the new sofware works at full capacity, we will be able to offer better services, but for the time being the web site, the mailing lists, etc. are down. Please note that messages sent to i1jqj@425dxn.org may be undeliverable for a few days. The 425 DX News monthly edition (March issue) has been prepared regularly by Maurizio Bertolino (I1-21171/IZ1CRR). It includes the full results of the 425DXN "DXpedition of the Year" survey, with a picture of the Trophy itself (which will be presented to the ST0RY team at Friedrichshafen in late June) and the voters' listing. The monthly edition will be available for free downloading at http://www.425dxn.org/monthly/ when the web site is again up and running. Thank you for your patience! 7Q - 7Q7MM will be the callsign to be used by G4AXX, GU4CHY, G4EDG, G4JVG and M5RIC during their 18 April-1 May operation from Malawi [425DXN 670]. They will be active on 160-10 metres CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK, and possibly on 10 metres FM (subject to demand and propagation). Activity is likely to be limited on 18 and 19 April while the stations and antennas are being built. Plans are to have two high-power stations on the air as close to 24hrs/day as possible; a third station (100W) will be in use during peak hours of propagation. Regularly updated on-line logs will be available at http://www.malawi.digital-crocus.com. QSL via QSL via G3LQP either direct (Roger Brown, 262 Fir Tree Road, Epsom KT17 3NL, England) or through the bureau. [TNX G4JVG] 8Q - Pierre, HB9QQ will be active as 8Q7QQ from the Maldives (AS-013) on 13-27 April. He plans to operate on 30, 17 and 12 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX OPDX Bulletin] DL - Look for DL0IH to be active from Helgoland Island (EU-127, N-15 for the German Islands Award) and lighthouse (ARLHS FED-102) on 25 April. QSL via operator's instructions. [TNX VA3RJ] EA - Marc, ON5FP and Jose, ON4CJK will operate from Mouro Island (EU-142) on 23-25 July. Their activity will include at least one entry in the IOTA Contest. Callsigns and QSL routes will be announced later. [TNX ON5FP] ES - Vello, ES1QD and Oleg, ES1RA expect to operate from Muhu Island (EU-034) on 15-19 April. QSLs via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX The Daily DX] FO_mar - Hiro, JA0SC will be active from Nuku Hiva, Marquesas Islands (OC-027) on 13-18 April. He will collect his licence upon arrival at Papeete. Plans are to concentrate on the digital modes, especially on SSTV on 10-20 metres. QSL direct only via JA0SC. [TNX The Daily DX] HS - The Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST) has been granted permission to operate (also on the WARC bands) as HS72B until the end of the year to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen's 72nd birthday. The use of the this licence and this call-sign has to be strictly controlled by RAST, and will not be available for general use. The first event will be an operation from Koh Chang (AS-125), in about a week's time and will be followed by operations from the new club station HS0AC and for use by SEANET Control, and the SEANET convention in November. Details on the QSL route and on the Koh Chang operation will be announced soon. [TNX HS0ZDZ/G3NOM] JA - Look for JA1KJW/6, JJ1JGI/6 and others to operate SSB and CW from Tsushima (AS-036, JIIA AS-036-022) on 16-18 April. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR] JT - Baatar, JT1BG will operate as JV45D from 10 April to 10 May to celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the Dornod Radio Club. QSL via home call.Another special event station (JU45D) will be active from Choibalsan, Eastern Mongolia. [TNX The Daily DX] KH4 - Jeff, KA1GJ (V73GJ) expects to operate as KA1GJ/KH4 from Midway on 23-25 April. If the local club antennas are still up and operational, he will be active on on all bands that he can. Otherwise he will use a vertical antenna for 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20 metres. QSL via V73GJ (Jeff Parker, P.O. Box 1050, APO AP 96555, USA). [TNX OPDX Bulletin] KH6 - AH6NF and AH6RH will operate in their spare time (most likely during their evening and night hours) from the rare Kalawao County, Hawaii on 13-18 April. Planned frequencies are 7088, 14200, 21250 and 28495 kHz. [TNX QRZ-COM] LU - Bahia Blanca DX Group (www.geocities.com/bbdxgroup) members Osmar/LU8DWR, Carlos/LU7DSY, Carlos/LU4ETN, Gabriel/LU8EBJ, Dario/LU4DRH, Walter/LU5DRV, Hugo/LW9EVA, Gabriel/LW9EAG and Emmanuel/LU9ESD were unable to reach Wood Island as previously announced. They will operate as homecall/D on all bands and modes from Bermejo Island (SA-021) on 9-11 April. QSL via LU7DSY (Carlos Almiron, P.O. Box 709, 8000 Bahia Blanca, Argentina). [TNX LU9ESD] LU - Patrick, WD9EWK plans to "casual operate" as LU/WD9EWK from Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego (SA-008) for about six days approximately between 17 and 23 April. QSL via WD9EWK, direct or bureau. The web page for the trip can be found at http://lu.wd9ewk.net/ [TNX WD9EWK] SM - Leif, SM0FWW reports he will operate as SM0FWW/6 from Kloeveroen Island (EU-043) until 11 April. QSL via home call. T8 - Look for T88KJ (JA1KJW), T88JY (JA1JQY), T88MC (JA3MCA), T88PO (JI1FPO) and T88xx (JR1LVB) to be active from the Palau Islands (OC-009) from 29 April to 2 May. They plan to operate on the HF bands CW and SSB. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX JI6KVR] V8 & 9M - The dates for the Borneo IOTA DXpedition by Ian (9M2/G3TMA), Derek (G3KHZ) and Maury (IZ1CRR) [425DXN 670] are 23-27 April from Muara Besar (OC-184, Brunei) and 30 April - 4 May from Satang Besar (OC-165, East Malaysia). They plan to be QRV with two transceivers, beam, vertical and dipole antennas, both SSB and CW. The V8 and 9M8 callsigns will be announced later. QSL via G3KHZ, either direct (Derek Cox, 18 Station Road, Castle Bytham, Grantham, Lincs NG33 4SB, United Kingdom) or through the bureau. The web site for the expedition is at http://www.425dxn.org/dxped/borneo/ W - Mark, KB2MS/p will operate from Block Island (NA-031) on 12-13 April. QSL direct. [TNX The Daily DX] W - WA6LUT and K0NW have had to cancel their 30 April-2 May operation from St. Georges Reef (NA-184) [425DXN 671] because "coordination with the lighthouse administration is very difficult". They may try again next year. [TNX K0NW] YB - Stan, YB0AJR (OK1JR) will operate as YB0AJR/4 from Bangka Island (OC-144) on 9-12 April. Look for him on SSB (7055, 21260, 28560 kHz) and CW (7025, 21040, 28040 kHz). Stan expects some activity during the Japan International DX CW Contest. QSL via OK1JN. [TNX YB0AJR] ZK1_sc - Harald, LA5UF will operate as ZK1UFF from Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cooks on 11-16 April. QSL via home call. [TNX QRZ-DX] _____________________________________________________________________________ =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH ALBANIA DX CONVENTION ---> "Meet your ZA contact and help new ZA amateurs get operational. Share your views with them and enjoy amateur radio at its best. perate ZA and be part of a great fun weekend in this sunny Balkan country": the first Albania DX Convention will be held in Tirana on 19-20 June. Details will be available at www.za1a.com or from either Geni Mema, ZA1B (Albanian Amateur Radio Association's Foreign Liaison, genimema@atnet.com.al) and Martti Laine, OH2BH (oh2bh@sral.fi). CIA ---> Kresimir Juratovic, 9A7K reports that the Croatian Islands Award is now available also to activators. For further information please visit http://www.qsl.net/9a7k CIS DX SSB CONTEST ---> The Scottish-Russian ARS (srars@srars.org) sponsors the CIS DX SSB Contest, which will be held from 19 UTC on 10 April to 19 UTC on the 11th. The objective of the contest is to establish as many SSB contacts as possible between radio amateurs around the world and radio amateurs in the Commonwealth of Independent States. Rules can be downloaded at http://www.srars.org/cisdxc.doc DXCC NEWS ---> YI9MD (operation effective 17 February 2004) has been approved for DXCC credit. HOLYLAND CONTEST ---> This year's Holyland Contest will be held from 00.00 UTC through 23.59 UTC on 17 April. Further information can be found on the Israel Amateur Radio Club's website at http://www.iarc.org/ [TNX 4Z4KX] QSL AT0BI ---> The QSL route for the recent IOTA operation from Elephanta Island (AS-169) is: P.O. Box 6073, Bangalore 560060, India. Arasu, VU2UR advises that all envelopes be sealed properly and sellotaped on the gummed joints to prevent tampering. [TNX VU2UR & G3KMA] QSL F9IE ---> Bernard, F9IE will be moving from Linas to Noirmoutier (EU-064) at the end of July. Direct QSL cards should be sent to: Bernard Chereau, B.P. 211, 85330 Noirmoutier en l'Ile, France. [TNX The Golist] QSL GX4NOK/P ---> All of the QSOs made by the North Wakefield Radio Club on their 17-18 April GX4NOK/P operation from Inner Farne (EU-109) [425DXN 657] will be confirmed via the bureau within one month. Direct cards should be sent to 2E0NJW (Nigel Wears, 25 Topcliffe Mews, Morley, Leeds, LS27 8UL, England). The web page for the operation is at http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/g4nok/iota.htm QSL KH6/I0TWA ---> Cards will be ready in 40 days at the earliest. Requests should be sent to I0MWI (direct or bureau). [TNX I0MWI] QSL VIA EA4BQ ---> The QSL route for ED8EW (CQ WPX SSB), 8R1RPN amd 8R1K is vi EA4BQ (aka OH0XX), whose current address is: Olli Rissanen, Calle Ciguela 331, 28729 Venturada, Madrid, Spain. [TNX EA4BQ] QSL VIA K4BAI ---> John, K4BAI has answered QSL cards for the late Bill Fisher, W4AN (KM9P and K4AAA) for years, and will continue doing so to the extent that he has the logs. Those who want one of Bill's cards are invited to contact John (k4bai@worldnett.att.net) and check whether he con confim the QSO(s). [TNX The Daily DX] QSL VIA OH3RB ---> Kari, OH3RB reports that the VP5X (CQ WW DX CW 2003), VP5/KY1V and VP5/OH3RB cards are ready and direct requests are being processed right now. Some delay might occur with VP5/KY1V cards as he has not received all logs yet. VISALIA 2004 ---> The 2004 International DX Convention (23-25 April) programme schedule is now available at http://www.scdxc.org/visalia [TNX N6DHZ] Z2 QSL BUREAU ---> The Daily DX reports that on 5 April the Zimbabwe Amateur Radio Society voted to close the local QSL Bureau. Outgoing Z2 cards that are presently on file in Zimbabwe will be returned to the local Z2 operators. + SILENT KEYS + The DX and Contest community mourns the loss of Janez "Ivan" Hren (S51ZY), George Graikos (SV1NA), Milton "Uncle Milty" Haines (W5QCB), Joseph Blahunka (W9RCJ), John Sklepkowyca (VE3IPR, the last editor of the Canadian DX newsletter "Long Skip") and Bill Fisher, W4AN (unexpectedly passed away at only 42 years of age, Bill - aka KM9P and K4AAA - was well known in the Internet amateur radio circles as his server supports the contesting reflectors and other services). [TNX QRZ-DX, S51RU, The Daily DX and XE1L] _____________________________________________________________________________ QSLs received direct or through managers: 3B8CF, 3C0V, 3G2D (SA-086), 3V8BB, 3W22S, 4U1UN, 4V200YH, 5H9PD, 5K0Z, 5N0HVC, 5N0W, 5T5U, 5U7JB, 6V6U, 6Y5WJ, 7X2ARA, 8P2K, 8P5A, 8P6SH, 8R1RPN, 9H1ZA, 9J2BO, 9M2/GM4YXI (AS-073), 9M2BZ, 9M2DW, 9N7WE, 9Q0AR, 9Y4/DL1HCM, 9Y4ZC, A35WE, BQ9P, C31LJ, CD1C, CE0Y/NH6YK, CM2IZ, CO8LY, CP1FF, CX1SI, D4B, DL4FCS, DS0DX/2 (AS-168), DS4CNB, E4/DF3EC, EM1U (AN-006), EP3SMH, ER1DA, ES1QD, ES5Q, EW3EW, EX2X, FG5FC, FK8GN, FM5AN, FM5FJ, FR5ZL, FY5KE, H74C (NA-013), HC8N, HH6/DL7CM, HK3AXY, HS0ZDJ, HZ1AB, ID9/IK2CHZ (EU-017), IR7LH, (WAIL PU-001, PU-005, PU-006, PU-008, PU-009, PU-015), J45JLN, J68AS, J6DX, J70J, J75KG, J79JRC, J7OJ, JW0HR, JY9QJ, KH7X, LY2ZZ, OA4SS, OX/SM0LQB, OY1CT, PJ7/AH8DX, PZ5A, R1ANF, R1ANF/P, S21AR, S9SS, T20MW, T2YL, T32KV, T32WW, T48K, TE75DLL, TF3CW, TJ7PG, TP7CE, TR8CA, TS7N, TY5ZR, TZ6RD, UA1PAL, UA9MA, UK8UC, UT7UC, V26DX, V73GJ, VO2AAA, VP5/K7BV, VP5K, VP6DB, VP8LP, VP9GE, VQ9CJ, VU2LX, VU2PHD, WP2Z, XF1K (NA-166), XQ6ET, XU7AAA, XU7ABF, XV9DT, XW0X, XZ7A, YA8G, YI9ZF, YJ0AMY, YL2GB, YR2I, Z24S, ZB2FK, ZB2JO, ZC4TS, ZD8A, ZD8R, ZD8Z, ZD9BV, ZF2BC, ZK1TLA, ZK3MW, ZM8CW, ZW8P (SA-060), ZX5T/1 (SA-029), ZY5X (SA-088). ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org ***************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS REFLECTOR SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe please send a message to mailto:425server@425dxn.org with either subscribe 425eng (for the English version) OR subscribe 425ita (for the Italian version) in the Subject (leave the body of the message blank) If you want to unsubscribe follow the same procedure and replace subscribe 425eng or subscribe 425ita with unsubscribe 425eng or unsubscribe 425ita respectively *****************************************************************************