DX425 bulletin issue nr. 674

425 DX News #674
3 April 2004
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH

Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:
Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information
(e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@I1YLM.IPIE.ITA.EU)
Maurizio Bertolino, I1-21171: 425 DX News Web Pages
(e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)

                          >>> PROBLEMS AT 425DXN <<<

Owing to a change of software, both the 425 DX News mailing list and web site
might have problems.  We apologize for  any inconvenience this  may cause our
assiduous readers and subscribers.

5B     - 5B/UA6LCW and 5B/RA6LUX will operate (on 10, 15, 20 and 40 metres CW
          and SSB) from Mount Trodos (nearly 2000m a.s.l.), Cyprus (AS-004) on
          3-5 April. QSL direct (see www.qrz.com).
5H     - JE3MAS (ex-5H1HK) is back to Tanzania for one year. He will  operate
          as 5H3HK using 100 watts to  a dipole and  a vertical antenna.  [TNX
FG     - ARI Salerno members Antonio, IK8SUT and Maurizio, IK8YTN will be FG/
          homecall from  Guadeloupe on 8-20 April.  QSL via home calls, direct
          or bureau. [TNX IZ8EDJ]
FO_mar - Hiro, JI1JKW and Ari, JI1WTF will operate as FO/JI1JKW and FO/JI1WTF
          from Hiva-oa (DIFO FO-021), Marquesas Islands (OC-027) from 28 April
          to 2 May. They plan to  be active on 160-6  metres (beacon on  50110
          kHz) SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL  via home calls,  direct or bureau.  [TNX
I      - Special event call II3T will be aired - and a number of ARI  Trieste
          (http://www.aritrieste.it/) members will  replace their current  IV3
          prefix with IO3 (India Oscar Three) - from 1 April until 4  November
          to celebrate  the 50th  anniversary of  the handover  of Trieste  to
          Italy. For information on the relevant  Award, please contact  Luigi
          Popovic, IV3KAS (iv3kas@iol.it). [TNX IV3LNQ]
I      - IR7LH/p  will  be  active  from the  lighthouse at  Molo San  Nicola
          (Otranto, ARLHS ITA-264, not WAIL)  and/or  Punta  Crauli  (Otranto,
          ARLHS ITA-265, not WAIL) on 3 April. This activity is also valid for
          the newly born I.T.A.-Italian Towns Award (http://www.aripompei.com)
          QSL via IK7JWX, bureau or direct. [TNX IK7JWX]
IS0    - Paul, DL6FBK, and Lui, DL6FBR will  operate on 10-80 metres (and  on
          160m, if  they can  have a  suitable antenna)  as IS0/homecall  from
          Sardinia on 21-29 April. QSLs via home calls, preferably through the
          DARC bureau. [TNX DL6FBR]
JA     - Look for JA1UNS/1, JI1PLF/1, 7N1GMK/1, 7L4PVR/1, 7N4VPS/1 to operate
          on 160-10  metres  CW,  SSB, RTTY  and  PSK31  from  Hachijo  Island
          (AS-043, JIIA-AS-043-003) on  23-26 April. QSL  to their home  calls
          direct or via the bureau. [TNX JI6KVR]
LU     - LU8ADX/D, LU8DCH, LW8EXF and LS7D (LU7DW)  will operate from  Martin
          Garcia Island (SA-055) on 3-5 April. They plan to be active on 160-6
          metres SSB, CW, PSK31 and RTTY. QSL via home calls. [TNX LU7DW]
PY0_spp- Joaquim, PS7JN (ZW0S)  expects to  return to  St. Peter  & St.  Paul
          Rocks   sometime   in   early   April.   His   web   page   is    at
          http://www.geocities.com/ps7jn/ [TNX The Daily DX]
T33    - The "Te Taobe" is expected to  leave Tarawa (T30) in the late  local
          afternoon on 2  April and to  arrive at Banaba  around 6 a.m.  local
          time on Sunday the 4th. Unloading  and landing operations will  take
          quite a while, but hopefully  the first stations  will be ready  for
          T33C to hit the airwaves in  the local evening hours. QSL via  F5CWU
          (Flo Moudar, 25 Rue du Castel  Salis, 37100 Tours, France). The  web
          site for the  operation is at  http://www.dx-pedition.de/banaba2004/
          [TNX La Gazette du DX]
UR     - UT9FJ, UT0FT, UR5FEL,  UX5HY, UR5FEO, UT2FA  and UX0FY from  Odessa,
          Ukraine will replace their prefix with EN60 (Echo November Six Zero)
          from 3 to 17 April. QSL via home calls. [TNX UT9FJ]
VE     - Fred,  K2FRD  has  announced  that  his  second  mini-DXpedition  to
          Labrador (Zone 2) will run from 1 June through 7 September. He  will
          be active again as  VO2/K2FRD; further information  can be found  at
          http://homepage.mac.com/k2frd/Labrador2004.htm [TNX K2FRD]
VK     - The VI5BR operation from the Baudin Rocks/Godfrey Islands  (OC-228),
          originally  scheduled  for  September  2003  [425DXN  644],  is  now
          expected to  take  place on  8-12  April  (weather  permitting)  The
          operators  will   be  Peter/VK3QI,   Keith/VK3FT,  Jack/VK3WWW   and
          Tony/VK3TZ. They plan to be QRV  on the usual IOTA frequencies  (SSB
          and CW) and to emphasize 30 and 40 metres (CW), 20, 17 and 15 metres
          (SSB) and long path openings  for Europe around  5-8 UTC. This  IOTA
          group was activated for the first  and so far only time by  VK4CAY/5
          (G3ZAY) back  in April  1999. QSL  via  VK3QI either  direct  (Peter
          Forbes, 53 Summerhill  Rd, Glen Iris,  Victoria 3146, Australia)  or
          through the VK3 QSL bureau. [TNX VK3QI]
VP8    - The  Daily  DX  reports  that  Mike,  GM0HCQ  (currently  active  as
          VP8CMH/MM from the "James Clark Ross") might operate as VP8SIG  from
          Signy Base, South Orkenys between 10 and 12 April and as VP8SGK from
          Bird Island station (South Georgia) between 14 and 19 April.
W      - W1AW (the Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial  station at ARRL  Headquarters)
          will be signing W1AW/90 from 3 April through 31 December to  reflect
          the 90th anniversary of the League's founding. Guest operators  will
          be encouraged to use as many modes as possible. Special QSLs will be
          available direct; all contacts with W1AW/90 will also be uploaded to
          Logbook of The World.
YI     - Laith Adhary, YI3SRA is currently active  on 10, 15,  20, 40 and  80
          metres (plus  2 and  6 metres)  SSB, CW  and  RTTY. QSL  via  IZ8EDJ
          (Oreste D'Anzilio, P.O.  Box 49,  84091, Battipaglia  - SA,  Italy).
          [TNX IZ8EDJ]
ZL7    - ZL7II is the callsign issued  to Franz, ZL2III  and Dom, DL5EBE  for
          their 7-14 April activity from Chatham Island [425DXN 673]. QSL  via
          DL5EBE. [TNX ZL2III]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

DLI --->  The  Italian  Lakes  Award (DLI  -  Diploma  dei  Laghi  Italiani),
sponsored by ARI Ivrea, is  available to either  licensed amateurs and  SWLs.
The certificate is free  of charge and  participation is managed  exclusively
on-line.       For       further        information       please        visit
http://www.ari-ivrea.it/html/regol_en.htm or e-mail the Award Manager,  Bruno
Giacometti (I1ABT), at i1abt@ari-r1.it

DXCC NEWS ---> The 23 February-10 March 2004 XZ1DA and XZ6ST operations  from
Myanmar have been approved for DXCC credit.

NOT THE MANAGER  ---> Maurice, F5NQL  is receiving QSL  cards for the  recent
5V7C operation from Togo. Please note that  the correct QSL route is and  has
always been via F5TVG (Franck  Savoldi, P.O. Box  92, 94223 Charenton  Cedex,

QSL DL CLUB STATIONS ---> The DARC QSL Bureau does not forward any cards  for
German club station callsigns (DA0, DL0,  DF0...). The QSLs are forwarded  to
the club  station's responsible  operator holding  that club  callsign.  [TNX

QSL 3B9FR  --->  The DXCC  Branch  recently received  a  letter  from  Robert
Felicite, 3B9FR indicating that he has not sent any logs to F6FNU since 1999.
The DXCC  Branch  will  no longer  issue  3B9FR  credit  for  F6FNU-confirmed
contacts made after  1999. Requests for  QSL cards for  3B9FR should be  sent
direct to:  Robert  Felicite, P.O.  Box  31,  Citronelle,  Rodriguez  Island,
Republic of Mauritius, Indian Ocean. [TNX Bill Moore, NC1L]

QSL IQ8PD ---> Members of ARI  Pomigliano d'Arco participated  in the CQ  WPX
SSB Contest using  their club callsign.  QSL via bureau  or direct  to ARI  -
Sezione di Pomigliano D'Arco, Viale Impero  1, 80038 Pomigliano D'Arco -  NA,
Italy. [TNX IK8VRN]

QSL Z21KF  ---> Graham,  M5AAV  (http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/m5aav/qsl.htm)
reports he  now handles  all cards  for Z21KF.  No cards  should be  sent  to
Zimbabwe for Maurice due to "postal problems".

QSL VIA  PA0RRS  ---> Richard  reports  that the  QSL  cards for  his  recent
9M6/PA0RRS and  9M2/PA0RRS activities  are expected  from  the printer  in  a
couple of weeks' time.

TJ3MC ---> Jack's (F6BUM) web site at http://www.f6bum.fr.st has been updated
with the QRG information about his activity from Cameroon, which will include
a two-day operation from an IOTA new one [425DXN 672]. Jack reports that  QSL
cards should be sent direct to him (see www.qrz.com) or to the URC (Union des
Radio-Clubs) QSL bureau (P.O. Box 25,  32800 Eauze, France), as  he is not  a
REF member.

+ SILENT KEY + IARUMS (http://iarums.com/) Region 1 and all its members mourn
the loss of Ron Roden, G4GKO, who passed away  on 28 March. Ron was the  IARU
Region 1 Monitoring System Coordinator for 12 years (1990-2002).

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

LOGS:          Logs for II0RAI/6  and 9A/I6GFX (Lastovo  and Mrcara  Islands,
                plus Struga Lighthouse) are available at
                http://www.gianfrancogervasi.it/search.html [TNX I6GFX]
QSL GALLERIES: A collection  of nearly  1900 QSL  cards is  available on  Les
                Nouvelle DX's web site. Six different galleries include  cards
                for each of the 58 deleted  DXCC entities, obsolete  prefixes,
                Antarctic bases  &  TAAF (Terres  Australes  and  Antarctiques
                Francaises),  pre-1945  countries   and  French   Departments.
                Several cards  are  still needed  and  your  participation  is
                welcome - please visit http://LesNouvellesDX.free.fr and  send
                send your comments to LesNouvellesDX@free.fr [TNX F6AJA]

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B9C        FSDXA  (a)  ED7CK       EA7HBC      SP0DIG      SP5CJQ
3B9C        RSGB   (b)  EK8WA       SP9ERV      SX1R        SV1XV
3D2AU       Z32AU       EM1HO       I2PJA       SX8K        SV1QN
3D2AY       YZ7AA       EN35F       UX0FF       SY3Y        SV3FUO
3D2DC       K5KV        EN60ZON     UR4ZXK      T30AD       RK3AD
3D2DM       GM4FDM      ER0FEL      UR5FEL      T30CA       K6SRZ
3D2FM       F5CWU       ER10ARM     ER1DA       T30LP       K5KV
3D2OA       DL5OAB      EY8MM       K1BV        T30RR       PA3EWP
3D2WP       PA3EWP      EZ8CW       RU4SS       T30WB       AK0A
3Z6V        SP6DVP      FM/T93M     DJ2MX       T30ZF       DK2ZF
3Z8Z        SP8AJC      FM5FJ       KU9C        T49C        K8SIX
5K1X        HK1HHX      GX6UT       G6UT        T88QQ       JA1KAJ
5T0EU       OR5EU       HB75A       HB9A        TJ3G        G3TXF
5T5SN       IZ1BZV      HC8L        W5UE        TO7HAM      FM5AN
5W0KE       DL2MDZ      HI3CCP      AD4Z        TO7T        F6HMQ
5W0SS       DL2MDZ      HK0GU       DL7VOG      TT8FC       EA4AHK
5W1VE       DL9HCU      HN0Z        SM1TDE      TT8PK       F4EGS
7S2E        SM2DMU      HR2RCH/3    HR2AHC      UA9CUA      W3HNK
9A50EZA     9A1EZA      HR5/F2JD    F6AJA       UN3F        EA5KB
9A80ABD     9A4A        II1D        IZ1CCE      V26CW       KM9M
9A80ADE     9A3KR       IO4T        IK4XCL      V26DX       KU9C
9A80Z       9A3KR       IQ0FM/p     IZ0EGC      V26JAT      K6JAT
9K9X        9K2HN       IR8D        I8IHD       V31JP       KA9WON
9M2RPN      G4ZFE       IS0/N2WB    N2OO        V73ZF       DK2ZF
9M6A        N2OO        IU9S        IT9BLB      V85NL       JA4ENL
9M6AAC      N2OO        J42T        SV2BFN      VC3E        VE3AT
9V1GO       OK1DOT      LO2F        AC7DX       VK6EWI      VK6NE
A52PRO      W4PRO       LU2XX       LU8XQB      VK9LU       JE2HCJ
AH0/N2IU    JP1JFG      LW9DA       AC7DX       VP8DGA      G0WJN
AN1COZ      EA1COZ      LX5A        LX1RQ       VP8DIJ      G6ZRL
AN8CAC      EA8CAC      LX7I        LX2AJ       VU3JRA      DJ3KR
AP2NK       W3HNK       LY4A        LY2FY       VY1JA       N3SL
BW3/JD1BKQ  JR3PZW      LY7A        LY2ZO       XT2PT       N5DRV
C56JJ       PA9JJ       LY9Y        LY2CY       XV3PWP      JO3PWP
CN2R        W7EJ        M8C         G4DFI       XX9TVR      VR2KW
CO8ZZ       DK1WI       MM0CWJ      WA3RHW      YA0J        JG1OWV
CQ3T        CT3KN       MSODGR/p    MMODFV      YA7X        DL1JJI
CQ9K        CS3MAD      MU2Z        M5RIC       YA8G        LA4YW
CS6T        CT1ILT      MU5RIC/P    M5RIC       YI3SRA      IZ8EDJ
CT3AS       DJ8FW       NQ4I        K4PK        YI9YMA      K7YMA
CW0B        CX5BW       OD5UU       LZ1YE       YS1EJ       W4GJ
D4B         K1BV        OL7R        OK1XUV      YU0HST      YU1AST
DA0WPX      DL1EK       P29KPH      N5FTR       YV5SSB      EA5KB
DU9/N0NM    W4DR        P40A        WD9DZV      YW4M        W4SO
ED2LAK      EA2RCA      P40Y        AE6Y        ZL6QH       ZL2AOH
ED3TCT      EA3EVR      PJ2T        N9AG        ZP1C        W3HNK
ED4MAJ      EA4HV       PJ4P        DF7ZS       ZP389E      ZP9EE
ED4REG      EA4EGA      R1ANF/VP8   RK1PWA      ZS9F        KK3S
ED5MUC      EA5URM      RM0A        UA0ANW      ZW2TV       PY2TV
ED5TEF      EA5ELT      S07V        DK2WV       ZX7U        CT1AHU

(a) direct  (b) bureau

                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH

9A1EZA  Radio Club "Ludbreg", P.O. Box 9, HR-42230 Ludbreg, Croatia
CT3EE   Jose Luis Camacho, P.O. Box 2608, E.C. Livramento, 9051-801 Funchal,
DL1JJI  Reinhardt Weiss, Rochsburger Str. 6, D-09322 Arnsdorf, Germany
ER1DA   Valery Metaxa, P.O. Box 3000, Chisinau, MD-2071, Moldova
FSDXA   P.O. Box 73, Church Stretton, SY6 6WF, United Kingdom
G3TXF   Nigel Cawthorne, Falcons, St. George's Avenue, Weybridge, Surrey KT13
         0BS, England, UK
I2PJA   Antonio Petroncari, Via E. Togni 87, I-27043 Broni - PV, Italy
IT9MRM  Alberto Mattei, Via Enrico Millo 20, 96011 Augusta - SR, Italy
IZ1BZV  Giorgio Tabilio, P.O. Box 95, 19100 La Spezia - SP, Italy
IZ1CCE  Carlo Sobrito Via I Maggio 9, 10051 Avigliana - TO
MMODFV  Jurij Phunkner, P.O. Box 7469, Glasgow, G42 OYD, Scotland, UK
OK1DOT  Petr Gustab, P.O.Box 52, Cesky Brod, 282 01 Czech Republic
P43E    Emily Thiel, P.O.Box 614, Aruba
RA2FV   Anatoly I. Maradulin, Rybnoe D.4 KV.5, 238590, G. Pionerskiy,
         Kaliningradskaya Obl., Russia
SP6DVP  Krzysztof Bieniewski, P.O. Box 2210, PL 45-246 Opole 15, Poland
UX0FF   Nikolay Lavreka, P.O. Box 320, Izmail, 68609, Ukraine
VP51V   P.O. Box 88, Morris, OK 74445-0088, USA
Z21HL   Alan Taylor, 14 Esperanza Flats, Hume Park, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

          425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org


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